Think what just happened in the last few days,

Senate passed a bill to establish "counter-propaganda" agency

Obama pushing for an investigation about Russian hacking to be done before Trump is inaugurated.

"Secret CIA assessment says Russia was trying to help Trump win White House"

Don't forget we are being jammed right now

Something fucking big is going on

Other urls found in this thread:


wew lad

tonight is gunna be good

Those incompetent asswipes couldn't kill Castro after dozens of attempts. They think they're going to knock over the incoming Trump presidency? They know we know where their headquarters is, right? The only good thing any of those useless fucks has ever done in their lifetimes is poison niggers with cocaine, and the CIA World Factbook.

Oh holy shit

Way to start a bloody civil war. Also should civil war start, Russia will get involved, this time for real.

Nice digits.

Realistically, if the CIA did attempt a coup, how would we stop them?

webm slightly related


All the kikes seem to be in Trump's administration. I think they're perfectly fine with him.

not cave-in to their shitty 1950's tier spy-op.

That's it really, there's nothing else they can do without starting civil-war 2: Electric Boogaloo

probably only thing keeping him alive

Did you read Trump's response? They are trying to affect the electors right before they vote.

Who on earth would fight for Trump after what he's angling to put into his cabinet? Committed zionists?

Trump is a figurehead. When all hell breaks loose, local warlords become the leaders.

Holla Forums wouldn't do shit, however the US already has a large number of democracy fanatics that are anticipating the collapse of democracy in the US any day. These people won't fuck around and you will see all non-democrat majority areas breaking off from the dictatorial government in the matter of days. I doubt the military will be very supportive of it either, so expect to see the rebels packing more heat and more experienced soldiers than the loyalists with soldiers and officers defecting to the rebel side en masse, taking their expensive toys and expertice with them. This rebbelion will not be like afghanistan with sporadic guerilla fighting, this will be all out civil war with both sides having a competent military force with access to all the gear that the modern american military has at the moment, including tanks, helicopters and jets. Expect the navy to rebell as well. If any of the 6 aircraft carriers falls into rebel hands I expect the government to be in deep deep shit.

Figurehead for who, though?

Good people goy. Leave it to us to make sure everything is run correctly.

Just capture a nuke base and off NYC, SF, LA, and CHI, and you'll get rid of the bulk of the nations leftists. Send whatever you have left to Israel.

For all of the various factions of the right to unite behind. Trump isn't the final step, he's just the beginning.

Good fucking times †bh

Deep State faction compromising most of the FBI and sub-General military. Nobody hates Congressional incompetence giving them shit weapons that don't work like a Colonel, while at the level of General, it's generally just social climbers who want to insinuate themselves into cash-flush lobbies once they retire. Qaddafi rose to power in exactly such a situation, in fact he kept the title of Colonel throughout his rule.

You mean like zionist retards and nigger lovers who never shut up about tax cuts? What kind of sucker would ever consider getting himself involved with these morons? Make sure you get paid upfront if you're going to do something dumb like actually go out and fight with these mouth breathers.

So the same agency that's been gas lighting and framing up the White race for the last 50 years?
So Mattis and Flynn aren't part of it? They're social climbers?

I doubt any side will want to use nukes on american soil. My expectation would be that the government will use bioweapons, such a genetically engineered plague to counter the rebelion. They will herd their supporters to secure cities and let the countryside get ravaged by disease and famine. They have no chance of winning in a conventional war against the rebels.


Don't forget the DHS was caught doing unsanctioned penetration testing. What if they're preparing a false flag to frame Russia as hacking the election?

Don't forget about the all of the militias who would be McVeighing it up, hitting lefty soft targets, if Trump ordered a rebellion.

Would you fight in the civil war? And if so, what side?

As long as I'm able to keep what I loot from leftists, I don't care.

No. This country and the people in it aren't worth fighting over.
You're just what they're looking for.

All it would take is one mutation and things would go horribly wrong.

Okay. Just don't get in the way then, alright?

Fuck off larpkiddie. I'm sorry you got bullied in school but no one wants to commit suicide with you.

Most, most. I'm generalizing. And yeah I guess it's more fair to say that organizations like the FBI and CIA have factions with differing agendas and methods. Your average FBI field office, I would guess, is perpetually in need of making work for itself to justify next year's budget increase.

Should be pray to the big guy to save us?

1. VLR
2. Devil Survivor Overclocked
3. EOU2
5. MH4U


im sorry but is it happening?

who has that joker jpg about things going according to plan?

Sounds like something that doesn't benefit the common person at all.
Probably a better target for summary execution than a holdover authority figure to rally a rump state around.


Calm down, son.

Obviously we need to keep an eye on these fuckos, but I honestly think this is just more kvetching of the same sort that we've seen since Day 0. "Trump will never win a state!" copypasta here.

The gov would be in control of the vaccine., Cities would be for the most part safe and getting food supplied from africa/south america.
Also plague is not the only thing that will be used. Swarms of genetically engineered incects will annihilate food production in rebel held areas and spread said plague.
The navy will decide this war. If they stay loyal to the gov the cities will be safe and get their supplies from overseas 3rd world shitholes. If the navy defects, then the government will be cut off from the world and 100% fucked as they starve to death in the cities. However, while being a crucial factor, the navy may just become a non-factor if the rebels are quick enough and secure major population centers before the gov can react or if the gov doesn't react properly. The problem here is that the rebels here are on the defensive and it will take them time to organize. If they organize their military and take out the nigger and spic nests before the gov can turn them into concentration camps, rebels win. I'm also afraid of rebels starting internal conflicts and fighting each other as much if not more than they fight the gov, which has been the case with any rebel vs gov war scanario ever.

Both sides will need to be absolutely genocidal against each other to ensure victory. The gov will need to go all out 1984 and kill all but the best goyim, and the rebels will need to go all out 3rd reich and kill all niggers and spics, as they pose an immense danger, being some 80-90% supportive of the multi-culti gov. A major fraction point with the rebels will be the minorities, and it's possible that an internal conflict on the topic might arise on the rebel side, as the racists and non-racists will fight over how to deal with niggers and spics.

maybe, we are being raided to shit, and the OP is correct so far as timing goes.

Remember WW2, remember Uncle Adolf. Jews won't give up their power without calling upon every puppet and golem at their disposal. If that includes the CIA, so be it.

Trumps 4d chess pinned Obama's hand so far as pardoning Clinton goes but that was before pizzagate. The window has closed for declaring martial law. It doesn't look like Soros can stir up enough shit to warrant anything aside from new censorship laws. So they will deal the cards they have even if it is the catalyst to the greatest final shoah in history.

We already had a CIA coup when we elected George HW Bush


The pro-gov is also libaly to infighting however, as niggers will nig and spics will spic. If the rebels are smart they will agitate the niggers and spics to create their own factions to fight evil whitey government, instead of supporting it. The problem here would be actually infiltrating nigger and spec communities and getting them to fight the gov. They will never support the white majority conservative rebelion, however if they can be convinced to start their own rebelion, it's a win for the rebels.

Like the MSM and Democrats are doing right now?


You mean outside of how Goebbels cheated on his wife multiple times?

Yes we will.

Trump is a Hyper-elite billionaire before he was elected president.

Puppet my fucking ass.

They wouldn't be the first in line. If anything, their propensity to chimpout is useful to us in making the cities unwinable for the gov. As for the biowarfare aspect, I'll put it like this. There are research hospitals near my likely rebel town that has some of the world's most dangerous diseases in it. It wouldn't take much for some rebels to break in and steal them, and then proceed to cause massive amounts of damage against loyalist cities.

That's of course if nukes aren't used. Since cities are the gov's strongpoints, there is very little reason not to use them.

Isn't the navy and air force the worst branches? Not in power mind you but absolutely brimming with leftists and affirmative action?

Daddy CIA is mad that Jeb didn't have the energy to get the nomination as planned, so he's pulling a few strings to get revenge on that orange bully who insulted his way to the White House.

They will come for Trump. Make no doubt about it.

The navy staying loyal to the gov will be a major hurdle to the rebels. It is absolutely vital that the majority pro-gov cities are cut off and not getting supplied with food from overseas. The rebels are on a very short timer. It will not take very long for the disease and incects and spread everywhere, and after that the rebel army and pro-rebel population will starve, however if the cities are cut off, or if the food shippings are intercepted and captured and redirected into rebel ports, the rebels have a good chance of winning as they have a vast advantage on the ground, since sjw and niggers can't fight and don't make good soldiers. This war will be all about controlling the supply lines outside the US. Whichever side gets the food will win nd let the other starve. It will also be about speed. If the rebels gain enough momentum on the frontlines, they might terrify the gov supporters enough for them to start pushing for surrender, or at least be too demoralized to fight causing even more draconian measures from the gov, undermining their legitimacy.

This will really be a battle of the free society against the slave society.

The overwhelming majority of combat infantry are FUCKING WHITE MALES who most certainly aren't your garden varienty hipster nu-males you'd find in San Fagcisco. I'm inclined to believe that roughly 75% of the military will either defect or abandon their posts in the event of a Civil uprising under the current government.

Anyone got the gif of him running his finger across his throat?

Seriously, just penning liberals in their cities and not feeding them would solve so many problems so fast our heads would spin. I've seen normalfaggot liberals literally calling for a genocide of red states after Trump's election. Fucking hell, let's just give them what they want already, and see who has all of the productive farmland and most of the weapons of war. I'd probably die too, but fuck this gay earth. They need to be stopped.

Jets and ships can most certainly anihilate infantry. And having naval or sea superiority or both will be crucial for both sides. Don't underestimate the power air and naval superiority can provide, as again, if the war drags out the gov will win simply because they will starve the rebels to death.

Like I alluded to in my previous comment , the MAD principle applies to bioweapons just as much as it does to nukes.

As for supply lines, the US will most likely go through an economic collapse if it broke apart in such a fashion, so good luck paying for those ships. Add in all of the other geopolitical enemies the US gov has, and you can see why the gov is pretty much fucked.

I for one welcome our new Russian overlords :^)

Tell that to Hezbollah, bro. They pushed the Juden's shit in during the July War with exactly 0 aircraft and virtually no AA.

I fear for the day our reactive histrionics are not reactive histrionics. Hopefully, today is not that that.

You are forgetting that the gov is under the control of vested interest that have quilte literally an infinity of money. The main objective of the gov in this war will be to hold onto the cities long enough for the bioweapons to kick in and starve the rebels. The main objective of the rebels is to secure major population and industrial centers before this happens. The rebels must destroy the source of the gov's manpower, production and support.

The hezbollah did not have bioweapons employed against them. They were safely behind the protection of the UN's human rights and the geneva convention, shielding them from facing the full destructive capability of Israel. Israel had to hold back, if they didn't they would become north korea level of hated and isolated, spelling their doom. In the american civil war, neither side will hold back and will unleash their full destructive potential on their enemies.

How many refugees would Canada take?

Com'on, man. The kikes used so many bombs on Hezbollah they had to special order more from their American colony. Deep bunkers are basically impervious to conventional air power, and Hezbollah had been preparing their depth of defense for a war against Israel since the Zionist withdrawal from Lebanon. Air power is overrated. It's WW2 tier. There, I said it.

Again, it would lead to a MAD scenerio. Most city hospitals are already overcapacity. All it would take to plunge the city into chaos is a particularly virulent strain of flu. In fact, I would argue cities are more susceptible to bioweapons than rural areas.

Disease kills at a much faster rate than the insects eat crops.

Here's the complete image, we need to stay vigilant. Perhaps Pizzagate goes really fucking deep and the deep state is activating it's contingency plan because Trump would actually do a real investigation into it. Either way, it's not over until its over

They will be innately hostile to the rebelion of FUCKING WHITE MALES. It is imperative that they, if not killed are at least put into concentration camps, along with kikes, race traitors and all other subversive elements hostile to the rebels.
As i said before, the rebels will be smart to infiltrate the nigger and spic populations and communities and incide them to rebel against evil white gov. These minority splinter factions will still be hostile to the rebels, however they will be a giant thorn in the side of the gov, thus being more useful to the rebels rather than the gov.

I hate to say >MUH PR but in this case, if the rebels started nuking american soil it will be extremely damaging to their image as the saviors of freedom and democracy. Although if all the major cities got nuked, the rebels would be pretty much in control of everything, so i might be a viable option for the rebels, in case siezing the cities by conventional means fails.

They can't even stage picnic

its really only the government who could be that retarded.

War is not just about direct military engagements. I already pointed in my previous posts that the rebels will be a vast advantage in that field. The gov also knows this so they will try to win be other means, which I also pointed out.

Is this the jamming OP mentioned?

Yes. It seems to be a bunch of pooinloos who confused Holla Forums and Holla Forums. How should we counter attack anyways?

Yeah that's a bunch of 3Ds RPGs for some reason.

Eh. I still think they're fucked tbh. The (((media))) is trying to agitate masses who've been so pacified and cucked they can't run 100 yards without breaking down into tears and a hot sweat. This is just bluster and asspain, nothing to worry about. If they could have done better than the fucking Los Angeles protests, they already would have.

I believe it randomly copies posts from 4cuck or reddit here.

Bioweapons would target the food supply. In a war of attrition the gov will lose without them.

In a war, would you even notice there's a war?

Do you guys think that the Ramstein AFB in germany, wich houses the US drone program center will be pro rebel ?

Trump will need to dismantle this Jew hive. CIA was created by Rothschilds and it needs to go, and everyone involved needs to be charged with treason and executed.

Yes. The kikes have figured out that we're building a memetic superweapon, but every time they launch a countermeasure, our weapon increases its efficiency so they're terrified of launching countermeasures and can only build enough courage to do so on occasion.

I didn't mean the (((media))). I meant cutting off supply lines, sabotage, etc. The (((media))) is already irrelevant and hardly anyone cares what they have to say on any given topic.

Pretty much all of the cucked EUpoors will side with the gov. Nationalists and Russia will be on the side of the rebels.

I prefer biological warfare. It's is getting to the point that soon NEETs will be able to engineer superviruses in their mom's basement. We need to turn our weaponized autism into the next black death.


The fucking Jew can't stop itself. It can only be stopped.




T. Rigrat

I'm half slav and would probably join them tbh. America is gay and it would be fun to destroy it. I could die a happy man if had the chance to mow down some American shitlibs.

This happens whenever the kikes get desperate and their ISIS buddies need a hand. Syria must not respond to these provocations, aside from shooting down kike jets that invade their airspace deep enough.

We would vaccinate all Holla Forumsacks first of course.

Someone get this hothead outta here!


WaPo couldn't make themselves more obvious as "The CIA Newspaper" than they have in recent weeks.

NEET's Cheetos stained fingers will contaminate any attempts

I wonder if it was the CIA that came up with the whole "Fake News" bullshit.

I doubt they'll try to kill Trump but it seems obvious at this point that they assume Trump does not favor them. I expect them to try to force Trump to toe the line on existing foreign policy, especially regarding Russia, using a media blitz of anti-russian stories.


Do they think that a media blitz will make Trump do anything when he's never given a fuck about the lugenpresse before?

They're currently running stories like "Russia has unmanned subs with cobalt dirty bombs off our coast"! So they're trying


If so the CIA picked it up from the chinese

But let's not forget about Vietnam ect ect ect

Shit, I have one of those at this point. Conventional thinking and doctrines are totally out the window. This can only be solved by addressing the actual problems of humanity, though of course, we could always take the easy way out.

Do they think Trump is retarded?

Aircraft needs parts, fuel and ammunition. Manufacturing bases to create such items and transportation
You have it all backwards with this

also seu jorges covers of bowies work is far better than anything bowie did and you know it.

We'll make sure your vaccine is the one that has autism in it.

Found the Sanders supporter, guys.

Obviously. CIA runs CNN too.

Anderson Up the Pooper is CIA. Hilarious. They did a better job brainwashing themselves than they ever did brainwashing us, the intended consumers of their product. Meme magic works in mysterious ways.

Shit lads, its happening.

Niggas in this thread believe an article from WaPo. A fucking (((news))) outlet owned by Bezos. How fucking new are you all?

Don't forget our favorite spoiler was Eggan McMuffin. And look at what he's tweeting right now.

I don't believe the lies, but I know they are pushing the narrative

Hr's pretty much right. I saw a guy today with a Trump bumper sticker and right next to it one that said "I stand for Israel." It didn't even say "with Israel," but "for," implying this person goes beyond being the greatest ally to actually knowingly serving Israel. I think if you tried to redpilled most of these people they would think it is good that Jews run their country and that Israel runs their government. They would probably support it 100%.

Most Americans are beyond redemption at this point. That is why we need the supervirus.

We should just co-opt their stupid forced meme by saying, "Fine, we're on the side of the Russians then" and blasting the comment sections of every media site with pro-Russian comments.



Honestly, though. Would normies be able to tell the difference between a supremacist and a polygamist?

So is (((Wolf Blitzer)))

Or a gymnast, for that matter..

CIA is about to get their plane crashed if they aren't careful. There will be no survivors.

The Trump administration staffed with a shit ton of military Generals would.

If the rebels ever found out about the bioweapons being used, its epidemic time for the cities.


I swear the language here is repulsive. I'm literally shaking right now.

All of this can be supplied from overseas, or made in urban industrial centers. Just take a look at syria. The russian air force has practically turned the whole war around for Assad with their airforce and cruise missile strikes.

I really don't. If bioweapons are employed to destroy domestic food supply and production, the navy becomes a crucial part, as they enable and secure the transportation of food and other basic living supplies from overseas. If a gov held coastal city is being supplied by sea, it can hold out for a VERY long time, and potentially even outlast the rebel attackers, as they run out of food and starve, not having anyone sending it to them. Here airforce comes into play, as the rebels will attempt to use whatever aircraft they managed to get their hands on to capture or destroy supply ships coming into the gov held city.>>8486809

His dad owns/owned the company. He's the son.

Enter a life-long relationship with another similarly-minded homo, vote Republican, adopt and raise an orphaned white child, provide them with a strong family unit and the accompanying values, raise them to also be conservative. Probably your least degenerate option honestly. Better than repressing your urges until you finally snap and spend the rest of your life in glory holes.

In case you were wondering why everybody has been shilling against Trump lately, this right here is the reason. They want to remove him, and they don't want us to fight back when they do.

the 600 million

Start by not responding to their threads. People used to say /k/ was the easiest board to trigger but Holla Forums is way worse


Oh, I confused him with Jindal. The last statement is still true.

The best thing to do at this point is use the kike's promotion of mindless consumerism against them and put out a bunch of Christmas shit and generally spread holiday cheer to get peoples' minds off of politics.

Also this.
The Department of Homeland Security orchestrated a cyberattack on Georgia's voter registry, but was unsuccessful.

Because we're at the advantage in the information war.

I promise you if we do a campaign of 'happy holidays' and spam everything we can with topics about cheerful shit, like everything is okay, it will really piss (((them))) off. Unfortunately, I don't know how it'd come up as a topic. Maybe one of us could false-flag or something.
Or talk about Western Christmas and go on a propaganda campaign talking about the origins of it and doing Christmas shit, running Christmas documentaries.

One might wonder if its the purest of coincidences that starting last night there was a massive flood of shilling, and then spam bots the day after…

So basically texas wins if the rebels win because they build aircraft carriers and jets and have a steady supply of oil?

That's how you create hate towards your country and encourage terrorists to blow up things. A really smart politician would indoctrinate the immigrants and would make them hate their own people, not your country

Don't you know that CIA is run by marxists and that that island nigger was installed as a boogeyman?



lmao why am I not surprised

bump for lulz

Hillary or Trump
I don't know, got any better options?

k good m8, just was busting your nuts I didn't expect someone here at this time to be that way

So you wanna be a 'computer scientist' eh? Whats your favorite language? Good call on the math minor

What the fuck is going on here? Are we being raided?

Chicago, St Louis, Detroit etc. all have violent crime rates comparable to African nations

Couple all this will that fat fuck Michael Moore insinuating something could happen to prevent trump from being sworn in: www zerohedge.com/news/2016-12-09/michael-moore-warns-something-crazy-could-happen-stop-trump-becoming-president

I think you replied to the wrong post or thread.

agree!! get ready lads!

Nigger detected, I hope a Anglo Dixie will make you pay

it's an autistic furry's spambot. you will encounter it about 100 more times today, enjoy!


i will HAPPILY join a civil war, CIA, Policia, left cucks come at me, I'll die standing as my ancestors did you double niggers.

Listen and Believe

He's already got good practice with his wife

Kek will save the Pyramids from destruction

you could also, you know, take a shower

Oh, poor Professor Higgins!

I am also failing to see them specifying anywhere how exactly the Russians got involved. But it is in any case highly hypocritical to critizise any foreign support for Trump when, for instance, it's clear as day that Clinton received no small amount of dosh from the Saudis.

The cities would starve, and cities are a lot more vulnerable to disease due to population density. In the country side you could quarantine small towns much more easily.

If the government did do this, the countryside forces would just need to capture strand of the disease, maybe infected blood, and introduce it into the cities.


I guess Russia was the ones that made Hilary use an illigal private server?

No, Bui is just a turbo autist who is mad nobody with erp with him calm the fuck dowb

Sure, that's why all of his kids are married to Jews and he appointed 2 Goldman Sachs kikes as advisors already

So is it normal for the (((Mods))) of Holla Forums.net to threaten to BEHEAD users?


Of course its normal if they do it all the time and frequent places like Comet Ping Pong as the artwork on their walls depicts this Ancient Egyptian tradition…

Or do they like having Spirit Dinners with Marina Abromovic?…

If you want to fight on behalf of zionists, it's not like I'm going to come to your house and stop you. I'm just surprised retards like you stick around on this board when surely you'd be much more at home over on Breitbart where your uncritical service to Israel and its servants would positively reinforced.

Really though, fuck the CIA. Bunch of propaganda bs for liberals.

You have other agencies monitoring them like is going on now.

That's not what your girlfriend and your mom call it.

What the hell is happening..

Don't let this thread slide. Get in here faggots

Kek declares war on CIA! Planes will crashed fires shall rise!

Nah, I don't think so. I'm more worried about the possibility of a CIA assassination done by a mexican sniper who then gets silenced by death thanks to a jew linked to organized crime who then suddenly dies of a virulent cancer.

Okay so let's go through this reasonably. If the CIA wants to coup d'etat the donald, they would probably try first to have him assassinated, now the question then becomes, is trump's security detail good enough to prevent this, furthermore the shitlib smug over such an incident as a successful assassination would be astronomical, this however is not a wise decision on their part… what needs to be prepared is memes to be plastered IRL in the event of a trump assassination pointing out that said smug shows that the left has no desire to let people decide a single thing for themselves or something to that effect. However they could simply go with an attempt to gimp trump's presidency by having it mired in fabricated scandals to discredit nationalism overall, this one too can be dealt with through careful pointing out of where the scandals come from and the agenda those individuals have… not merchants but the real individuals actually doing shit to fuck up trump. our memes are our greatest asset and our most potent weapons, let's meme them into oblivion.

If Trump is assassinated the left will be exterminated en masse.

You never know …

How much power does the CIA have?

It could be something quite simpler. Notice this BS keeps the actual content of the emails out of the discussion? The emails completely fuck the dems, GOPe and media. I suspect that's a large part of this "Russian" thing. The veracity of the emails is rarely challenged, even by those it damns.

More than most know, less than they think.

They're the driving force behind a lot of cartels - for example.

What, you think that if the cartels went head to head with Cletus, they'd win?

No. The "Invisible hand" guiding a lot of this bullshit is the CIA.

It's why they're up in the arsehole of Cletus every time he goes hunting, yet allow dune coons to gather arms freely.

They're not what I'd call evil, just intelligent enough to know where the biggest threat to them lies.

It's similar in the UK - our biggest propaganda campaign is to minimise the working class. Simple as. Make them feel smaller and less connected, thus less political.

However, they also cannot take Cletus headon. They tried something like that with Waco - and what happened? They went up against women and children and suffered a worse K/D ratio than they did in Afghanistan.

Then immediately afterwards, as a direct result, the Oklahoma city bombings happened - something whitewashed from history. Most people don't even know that some rednecks blasted a hole into Oklahoma city, in the biggest terrorist attack in the USA at that point (Second now to 9/11)

look up the aryan republican army. they were a group of FBI/CIA sponsored bank robbers used to try and gin up fear of white nationalists.

look up the un-detonated bombs that were found inside the Edwad Murrah Federal Building in OKC. OKC bombing was another false flag to further demonize white nationalists.

tim mcveigh was a patsy. ANFO/ANNM bombs don't produce the velocity needed to cause that much damage.

I don't believe that.

It doesn't make sense to sacrifice a government agency, for one.

Why not a Maccies or a Burger King or something

Nonsense. You don't want velocity to knock stuff down, you want push. Fertilizer is exactly that, push. Why do you think cratering charges are made from ammonium nitrate? As to the other parts of what you said, I can't speak to that. Not my area of expertise.

"Secret CIA assessment" AKA "Shit we just made up"

Yeah, I'm of the mind it was quite real. And it scared the fuck out of the Feds.

The primary mission of the media is to create context. All the protests and riots are to pave the way for future action and stock footage to show the world the 'true will of the American people' once Trump the ebil tyrant and Russian puppet begins persecuting the free press with undemocratic libel laws.

That's why the GMO crops have sterile seeds. True they could disperse some diseases and eliminate the heirloom crops but then with all the shilling to stock up on food over the last 5 years or so you have to wonder how many Americans are ready to survive the whole war without concern for food shortages. Another thing to consider is that for naval supply of such massive populations to be effective the harbors must remain serviceable. In the event of war how long before the harbors are ruined either by direct destruction or simply being blocked off from all the shipwrecks in the harbors?

A shitty spambot meant to distract from a Christmas surprise?

"Anonymous source"

Actually, the main reason GMOs are sterile is muh shekels. Farmers have to buy seed every year. There is no such thing as "seed crop" anymore, in the traditional sense.

Yup. Since then - what? It's been cool to rip on the ones who can absolutely batter you in every imaginable way?

The fucking IRA showed us that the SAS weren't all they cracked up to be - I mean, fighting against anyone who isn't one of us, they're perfection - but against someone who can say "Well, that dog over there seems to have found something - fuck it, I'm gonna watch X Factor"

The rednecks are the same - they are being attacked on all fronts. At the border, taxation, and military. I'm pretty certain the reason why you guys didn't go all Fire and Brimstone on the Afghans was because the army needed some training.

Probably. They are trying to make the board unusable because they are preparing to steal the election. Just look at all the slide threads on catalog.

Also - drones have very little use in conventional warfare.

And the USA seems to be very interested in them.

Why? Where are they flying over?

'Faked' documents and then some. King nigger is throwing a complete shitfit.

Just a reminder archive.is/f8ujMc

Fuck the link broke archive.is/8ujMc

Fuck this child trafficking, nation wrecking sigla agency

kinetic energy=1/2mv^2

velocity is the most important component when trying to achieve kinetic damage.

It's clear you're a tryhard kike shill who's afraid of white identity politics taking off. Now fuck off back to Haaretz.

I found it odd that the GOP would be preparing to cut social security considering Trump was against any cuts. However, it makes sense if they intend to replace Trump with someone like Kaisich for instance.

More like cognizant of attempts to steer White identity politics down a road where it accepts jews, zionism, and the state of israel [you notice which one I capitalized and which one I didn't? take note for the future] as integral parts of the "movement".

Trump is Putin's lap dog.

Now America is Russia's prison bitch.

It's your fault.

Fuck you!

Nice try

just cannot fucking post… lovely time for so many important topics to be coming up

No kike, you're trying to steer us off a cliff by scorning any pragmatic action that helps white nationalism advance its influence beyond a couple of imageboards and forums. You're obviously fighting an uphill battle with your tired ploy to drive a wedge between us and the only politician that will work with us, who just so happens to hold the highest office in the land. Donald Trump is a civic nationalist with pro-white sympathies, and it doesn't matter that he isn't goose stepping onto the stage at his rallies and calling for rahowa because the first president we can work with doesn't have to be a full 14/88 Ben Garrison type. He's a stepping stone or springboard. You and I both know this, and I'm confident that this is why you're seeding the dialogue with your jewwy concern trolling about Trump not being extreme enough.

Also, pointing out what you did and did not capitalize? Style over content, indicative of the verbal fixation of the Jew. Might as well crawl into the oven right now.

How are they going do to a coup with army on Trump's side?
The first thing O'konger and the rest of the leftist did was piss off the army with attacking the veterans and putting diversity into positions.
Stupid koolaid drinking marxists. The first thing you do is consolidate control over the army.
Low energy, small guys.

The GOP hasn't changed their positions on anything. They're still the same the same group of anti-white cuckservatives, as always.

We have lots of big guys and planes.

I think the CIA are especially dismayed with Trump's election considering how much Clinton had already worked directly with them and shared their whole mindset. It was confirmed she helped organize the funneling of arms into Syria and no doubt has been up to all manner of foreign and domestic shenanigans with the spooks. Trump almost certainly isn't going to roll back the "security" state, but at least he wasn't a creature of it like Clinton was.

Oh, we did at first. We fucked them up royally starting in Oct 2001. Then we got into muh nation building in 2002. That's where we fucked up.
t. I was there

Okay. So your position is that making alliances with jews and zionist sympathizers is going to help you win in the end. See how well that worked out for South Africa. But, like I said, you're more than welcome to go down that road again and no one is going to stop you.

Would you prefer to be Israel's bitch or Russias? I don't concede we are russia's bitch either.

Clinton is an evil bitch, goy.
B-b-but Trump is as bad as her, goyim!
Gas yourself.

negative ghost rider. Why do you think we use water impulse charges in lieu of a cutting charge to breach a steel door? Because a charge shaped hole cut by high velocity isn't going to help your breaching efforts very much, that's why.

Fuck it, anyway. At this point I'm convinced we need the security state. Who's going to keep the niggers contained when they go full retard over Trump slowing the gibs and making them all get jobs? Who's going to put down University-sponsored student insurrections when Trump cuts Federal funding to Feminist Interpretations of Astrophysics and the leftist Commissars send their zombie hordes into the streets? At this point, I think it's safe to say that if they were after autists looking at goat porn, we all would have been in jail by now. Fascism is our friend.

I pretty much said Trump is preferable to Clinton, it's just unlikely he's going to do anything about mass surveillance.

The security state protects the niggers from us.

We could curb stomp the Marxists if they didn't have the security state around to shield them.

can you do another?

quality get, friend.

Answer: The Second Amendment. Don't be a nofunz victim.

Actually, it's >60% of households in the US own firearms.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
There's a reason why the Communist block failed. People just got fed up with stupidity and refused to work.
And if he just continues this practice, the West will too destroy itself. Authoritarian countries need war to continue.
If he wants to make America truly great, he has to set people free as it was written in the constitution. Anything else will just destroy the country sooner or later as it is was with the rest of the Empires that the Founding fathers fought against.
Considering he said he wants to change the country for generation to come and unlock the potential within, I'm on the optimistic side.

Technically, Chelsea Clinton is connected to the Russian government but I don't think Russia is responsible for her releasing the Podesta e-mails.

Wow I le hate drumpf now xD dae literally gas the kikes?

We'll hunt them down and make them into tree ornaments if they try.

The gommies; the niggers; and the limousine liberals will, I suspect, fight against that freedom to their last breath. Not to even mention the kikes, who will send all of the above to their deaths against us as golems while they escape with everything they've stolen. You seem quite idealistic about the potential outcomes of this situation. Violence is simply what follows when things are allowed to deteriorate to this point. I mean, even the USSR was in a far better position to handle the collapse of its government than we are today; the average Soviet citizen was well accustomed to making do and bargaining in an informal economy. Americans have no experience with empty store shelves. The niggers will make marrow soup of the bones of the liberals who've fought all these years to give them ever-expanding benefits for breeding.

Russia didn't and couldn't undermine the election. The people chose Trump to be the republican guy, he funded his own campaign, and it was the rampant anti-white propaganda produced inside our country that had the most impact. Hillary's email issue, Benghazi, CF corruption, and health was already a concern before any leaks came out.

It's a blatantly obvious false narrative. Russia had no impact whatsoever, even if they really were behind the Wikileaks stuff.


I didn't rule out violence.
That IS coming, whether you like it or not. And it will be Trump people vs. everyone else. His cabinet speaks for itself with three army guys, the War ministry being lead by a militaristic general.
The whole West is sitting on a debt and derivatives bubble, the likes of which will make the Great Depression a Sunday afternoon. And all minorities basically live on welfare state, which WILL CRASH. You'll see riots and a race war all across the major Western cities, the likes of which you've never seen before. How Trump steers the nation in the coming crisis will decide if the nation survives and in extension the Western civilization. If WE fuck up, we'll be having a marxist totalitarian NWO and lots of new Pacos and Obongos in our The second reconstruction will be an opportunity to remodel the nation completely. I'm just hoping that he goes the way of pic related. Anything else will result in a WW sooner or later or [insert another kike induced disaster].

One shekel has been deposited into your jewgold wallet.

Any day now the big happening that changes everything and nothing. I want release, don't keep me in suspense. Welcome death. Hail the fire that cleanse the world. A generation of flies circling a carcass. A cage of rotten flesh. Hail the fire that purifies. Hail Lord KEK, judge and executioner of dead institutions. Bring us a new beginning.


let's hope they try to stop Trump so that this country can just be over already

CIA are globalist goyim , they work directly for Mossad - not in an official capacity but in practice that's how it is. They even host known Mossad agents in their ranks at the highest levels. Their brains are cucked in this way - the idea of 'American interests' was long ago subverted by a jewish brain parasite , 'American interests' means to them, "interests of the global order" the US has been serving this global order for more than half a century now. Things have gotten so bad that Trump's "America First" position threw them into fits of rages, actual foam coming from their mouths both in the office and in their 'private' lives

Who is telling you to commit collective suicide? Where are you extrapolating this nonsense from? Who fought tooth and nail to get Donald Trump in office? All I did was walk to the firehouse and push a button. The guy got round-the-clock media coverage.

What I've been saying, pretty clearly at that, is that his actions and appointments after having been elected don't show any hint of what you're projecting onto him and you'd do well to reexamine exactly what you're being asked to fight for. At the very least take the advice I gave here and at least get paid up front. Donnie can afford it.

Go back to /christian/ you christcuck. We are akekite board.


So it would seem. The economic bomb is probably impossible to defuse in any case; solving the problem would necessitate getting all the Marxist university professors and "community organizers" out of their entrenched bureaucracy and off to do something useful instead, like building the Wall or laying down railroad track. I don't think they're going to like that very much.

This, on all points.

I believe you, but is there a direction you can point me in for more information about this? CIA is obviously the point men for funneling weapons to Daesh, which is a Turkish/Qatari/Israeli project from the get-go.


Well duh.

The whole thing doesn't make sense anyway, even if Russia is responsible for the leaks (not that there is even any evidence of it).

Very convenient that it's so secret they can't ptovide actual evidence.


Nice try RIDF. The only reason Americans hate their politicians and media is because the Russians exposed how much the politicians and media hate Americans. The American people were never supposed to know this, but Russians have subverted are democracy.

I was going to give this a 0/10, but you got dubs, so I'm bumping you up to a 1/10.

Go kill yourself, zionigger.

That narrative has a little more bite when all you're doing is asking people to go out and vote. It's a bit different when you're speculating on the probability of irregular armed combat.

Talk about laze. Democracy and Liberalism have broken many minds.

The first thing Trump has to do is clean house in the CIA. And by clean house I mean mass executions.

Yes, these traitors need to go back. To hell with their father the devil.



You do know they never really tried?

Fuck off cuck.

This thread is full of shilly (1)s playing a different game from usual. I sense agitation.


a murder and spy network rivaling the ss, only in reverse. it must be spat out and dismantled. a kike psyop and an enemy to the free world, including the u.s. itself. nuke it from orbit, only way to be sure.

kek will destroy them next.


Good point, but it wasn't the Russians who exposed this, it was simple common sense and the fact that the narrative can be countered effectively online by We the People.

dude kek lmao


This whole "alphabet boys are incompetent" meme is the counterpoint to the "conspiracy theorists are nutjobs" meme. If you don't take them seriously, they can't cause you harm, right goyim?

It's like these kikes WANT to Die…..

Is there a compilation of all the shit Soros tried to pull during this election? Organizations funded and current or ex employees doing shady shit sorta thing. I lost count during the elections but it seems like something I wish I had kept track of as it popped up.

I'd say their powers are rather exaggerated. If they have to take time out of their day to fuck with us, they've fallen far, indeed. We are just a humble Nepalese gymnastics enthusiast forum filled with friendless NEETs who believe in fake news. We are no harm to anyone; we come in peace.

The CIA will not survive the underground Civil War.

Not a single FBI agent was even present during OKC.
But don't worry, I'm sure every single agent just HAPPENED to be home sick that day and it was all just a pure coincidence.:^)

It's not like everyone in Langley, VA is lurking on Holla Forums waiting for happenings. They create coups and install dictators worldwide. If you think the world isn't one big game of civ you're a fucking fool.
These people don't underestimate our Angolan geometric dance board, and we shouldn't underestimate them.

Too late for CIA coup - the FSB already did it.

Russian influence could be limited to English speaking Russians getting involved in political discussions and creating memes. I know plenty of people in other countries. US politics are pushed on the Internet to such an extent that many of them get roped into it. Many also take part in it. Due to this, a country can end up influencing other countries without having to do anything directly. It is a side effect of globalism.

Filtered for inane analysis.

The CIA as a whole isn't very big. They realize this Trump is actively bringing the actual military to his side putting the CIA at an even bigger disadvantage. On top of that Mattis probably want the entire CIA hung up in the streets to show what happens to traitors. Finally killing Trump sends us straight into Civil War which is the opposite of what they want which is WW3.

True but we are dangerous because we are a leaderless monster spews out red pills 24/7 like a machine. We know where the CIA is located on the other hand… well the surface CIA anyway.

Well of course not they're all on Holla Forums.

Who in the fuck says conventional warfare dictates warfare?
In the times of man-to-man armed combat, a leader had to rally his men. A leader had to give thousands of men a reason why they might die, and a reason why they ought to kill as many men on the other side as possible.
In the times of drone combat, a "leader" is now simply a decision-maker.

And when the drones blow up a school or hospital because someone fucked up on intel who wins.

What is with all you faggots coming in and cherrypicking points of arguments in order to discredit posters? Is this the extent of cointelpro now?
The only way life is unlike vidya is that vidya follows more predictable rules. Of course Kissinger isn't sitting around with Sean Bean in his ear explaining the pros of developing wheelworking you fucking mong, but he is/was maneuvering carefully to increase his influence over different parts of the playing board.

The person who doesn't die wins, user. That's how war and history has been decided since the dawn of time. If you're the only one walking away from a theater of battle, you probably didn't lose.

Hadn't seen that latest edit thx.

You're an idiot.

Terry A. Davis as SecJus when?

For fucks sake, leave Terry Davis alone. He's not a meme, this is milhouse tier.

And the dead people pretty well lost, no? I'm not talking about death tallies, I'm saying the people who survived and prospered post-war are the winners.

It's like all you faggots do now is look for ways to not take arguments seriously

Milhouse is not a meme.

Cheers M8. I Commend your dubs too.

Neither is Terry Davis.

Person who survives wins, but your side lost the war, but you are still a winner because you didn't die even though your side lost. No you just made a stupid point.

I found this when searching for some of the stuff related to Obama's investigation.

That or NBC has been relegated to click bait tier.

Dunno, Ol' Terry's kinda memey tbh you CIA-nigger.

shame i dont have those red team planner pics on this pc

t. athenian


Another non-story by the media since the fake news shit isn't sticking.

They are cornered and weak and making shit up, but nobody believes them anymore.

Trump will rise to power.. and no shilling will stop it.

Our ladyboy evan looks really uncomfortable in pic related.


Shame we can'r make them really useful by using them as some form of fertiliser or something.

I am conflicted about social security because I see it as a pay-off for white people. We already know what EBT does for minorities in terms of keeping them in line and voting democrap, but social security I think is a gibs that white people might be better off without. Certainly it would be a blunder on the part of government to remove the last bribe that they have for white people. Also, is mom and pop are faced with the prospect of growing old without government assistance there could be a return to multi-generational households, which does wonders for white people economically and make people way WAY more nationalistic. It's really easy to absorb your culture and history when granma and grampa are spoon-feeding it to you from infancy.

I think if they make the mistake of getting rid of social security then Kek will have the last laugh.

No shit we worked for the interests of russia moron.


Of course they are, gotta get those (((tax benefits))) and make sure you have (((power of attorney))). Then of course if/when your spouse decides her life decision wasn't worth the trouble, there's always the… ((())).

The question to ask is if, in a world without religion, you would still feel the need to have a ceremony to mark what you call a lifetime mating arrangement.

Then the question after that is why the state is so interested in marriage, and why their version of it is so fundamentally different from the religious conception of it.

does it burn on the way out too?

why do you do this?

also, mustard is pretty spicy, and we have things like cinnamon and cloves in some dishes


You faggots will waste millions on this bullshit, but you won't stop for a moment to peek at the Clinton Foundation or the tens of millions in campaign contributions Shillary received from Saudi Arabia?



That "system" is supposed to be "family."

Government substitutions for family always weaken the moral fabric of our society. Always.

Actually, that is a really good point. SS is even worse than a gibs, because it is actually earned by people that work hard, yet the government holds that payment over the heads of the masses to keep them in line until the croak.

If SS were removed young people would have a higher income, and if they took part in multi-generational housing again then the elderly would have the comforts of a loving family in their old age while the family gets benefits like babysitters and repositories of culture and valuable life-experience. Social Security robs us of a lot of really good culture.

Congratulations faggots. You actually just turned me against SS. Hadn't thought about it's annihilative effect on families. That added to the gibs and government powerbuilding/confiscatory overtones convinces me it was a kike scheme all along.

Still one problem though:

* Niggers kill your wife and children and you enter old age with no family to support you.
* A disaster/accident cripples too many of your family members for you to be supported in your old age.
* Your family disowns and won't support you. (Assume they become SJWs – that you're not the one at fault for losing your $ support.)

Then what? Remember. Empty stomachs and destitution only manufacture armies of people the Jews can soapbox to and indoctrinate into useful idiots primed to disrupt society. So I believe SS would need to be kept around for special needs cases, to prevent the number of disaffected from becoming utilitarian to those who would mold them into agitators. Just imagine the SS application process ceasing to be "sign here, get judengelt," and becoming more like a series of hearings where your entire family and financial histories have to be opened up and examined to determine whether you're really unable to survive without government cheese.

That would be a rational compromise between the two extremes of the current status quo and complete elimination of support.

I consider it a nest egg the government oversees to ensure some sort of safety net that prevents things like that that from being an issue. I can see SS being an optional tax a citizen can pay which in turn builds revenue in the government and also allow SS to retain that status of safety net for any citizens that would want it. I'm just saying we should not throw the baby out with the bath water.

Ideally church and community step in to help elderly in need. However I could accept SS for widows and similar edge-cases.

SS will always be a ponzi scheme.

SS will not save you from bad things happening.
When you turn 71 I hope you have additional expensive insurance, because if you have a stroke, life-saving brain surgery will not even be an option with just Medicare. Even if your prognosis is good to live another 10 years with surgery. Nope. Thanks Obama.

Grow old and die. Or save your money and hope for anti-aging therapies. Giving money to the government will not save you.

denial… one of the signs of mourning… or regret over a bad fucking decision.

You got played like fiddles, boys.

Or goto Valhalla like we all agreed on

Russia nearly collapsed from the casualties.

….you pretend like all old people are nice and decent.

So wouldn't this mean that King Nigger failed at national security?
I mean if he let a foreign nation interfere with (hack) our election, something he himself said wasn't possible, wouldn't all the blame fall on him, the DHS and all other national security departments?


this bill also allocates money for funding "think tanks", NGOs, and "experts" outside of government.

He looks like a desk jockey.

Even the FBI are miles better than you wannabe-bonds, and that's saying something


this is Barney. Barney has bitch-tits

Commie countries failed because they killed/robbed all their productive people

there is nothing wrong with authoritarianism that reinforces the productive peoples influence over society

He look like a dick jockey



South america/africa are some of the biggest food exporters in the world. They are starving because the people are poor as fuck and can't actually afford to buy anything because food production is owned by big corps. They're not called banana republics for nothing.


Cheetos supports LfagBTBBQWERTY faggotry. It's on my boycott list.

Yeap. That only proves the massive scale of the operation they are trying to pull.

Lefties are now going to throw their support and trust to the fucking CIA of all things. Old lefties are gonna be mad about this I bet.


wew lad


that's no joke

reuters com/article/us-usa-trump-spies-idUSKBN14001Z

Depends. Are they experienced rapists?

Is that what you come here for, user?

Checked. I'm fine with this outcome.

Thanks for sharing.

Trump sure is concise.

As my nip teacher once said when i began learning nipponese. "Trying is far away from succeeding".


Exactly. Holla Forums is a board of peace for Rabbis. I don't appreciate the anti-Semitic attacks that the united states government is performing against us.

CIA charter doesn`t allow it to operate in United States.
The fact they even have a report on elections is TREASON.
Thats FBIs job.

Even if anyone is collecting anything its NSA.

Thats why its not even public.

This. Almost everything the federal government does exceeds the common sense interpretation of the constitution. Trump seems to be heavily backed by uniformed military so he can do a lot to upend this CIA shit by working through them.

Which makes it almost impossible to unwind. The whole operation, if defunded, would end up organizing in the private sector and working for (((((private interests)))) openly instead of in the shadows.

You only get into valhalla if you live courageously or die in battle. If you die like an old fart at 70 after a lifetime of running away from responsibility all you get is a one way trip to the domains of the goddess hell.

Does she at least have big tits?

They aren't; so then what? Assholes that are mean to their families won't have anyone they can rely on in old age? Oh my, what a terrible system! A system that automatically punishes people for being abusive assholes that don't plan ahead instead of rewarding them with a retirement. You just gave me another reason SS is bad.

No she's a frosty skeleton and you have to be around whining women and faggots for all eternity.

problem is family has been subverted by (((feminism))) and until that gets rebuilt by natsoc values, ss may need to be a stop gap for hard working whites who get old and have no back up because their single mother is long dead

They do in an enclosed space. Like, y'know… an underground parking lot.


You mean he's not an accurate representation of the CIA?

as a recent navy vet I can say with 100% certainty they will choose the cuck gov't over trump. They are the ones leading the way with women in everything and they recently pushed to let transexual faggots into the military. The navy is THE most cucked branch of the military. So don't count on them to help.


Sounds pretty accurate.

CIA vs. Bane = CIA vs. Trump?

So what's it gonna be? Death, or exile?


The CIA is nothing but a bunch of false flagging, gas lighting Not jew burning, war mongering, oil grabbing, LSD manufacturing, Israel supporting, race traitors.

They started the Vietnam war because MUH GOMMIE CHINKS AND BEST KOREA were trying to spread their influence. Then when the war wasn't going their way, invented LSD, created the hippie movement, and psyoped the American people to be against the war that they themselves started. Not to mention the fact that they've toppled more Latino leaders than a game of dominos, smuggle cocain and funded drug cartels destablizing communities so they head north, give arms to terrorists that bite the masters that feed them and are worried more about their public perception than an operation actually working out in America's best interest.

The FBI isn't as terrible, but are still inefficient. I think the agency has potential but there needs to be more structure, more field work, and less worry about funding and paper work. Most potential along with ICE to become literal RWDS.

Whups, meant to quote

The enlisted, maybe. Not the officers. US military officers will lick anyones asshole for an inch more authority, with a few exceptions.

Possibly. Remember, Obongo has spent the last 8 years cutting down and de-funding the military. I lived with my parents while they were stationed in Germany- and we would frequently would go to Ramstein.

Of course some of the first things to go when they cut down the military budget are family/recreation/morale programs for the soldiers, like the MWR. In the base I was living in, they lost both the baskin-robbins and taco-bell (which the military paid for to keep their soldiers happy), the community theater (plays), programs for Dodds Schools(education for military dependants- children, etc.) , among a long list of other things.

They're also fucking with retirement pay for newly enlisted, changing it over to a 401k- whereas the original system ensures retirement pay of 50% of their original military pay for life.

For a good percentage of those in military service, Trump is assurance that all that shit is going to be reversed. If the CIA were to pull something, I wouldn't eliminate the possibility of Foreign military bases being pro-rebel.


Ramstein is just one of several bases that are hubs for drones. It happens to be the eucom hub. You probably want to keep an eye on Langley or Beale, one of those two (I forget which) is the hub for norcom drone happenings.

Nellis is also essential to drone ops.

LSD was made 30 years before vietnam. In Switzerland.

Nigger you know what I mean.

Bui is adamant that its not him and someone is just pretending to be him.

Would not surprise me if this is the case. Its been declassified that CIA use to entrap people overseas with child sex slaves and then blackmail them into doing whatever they wanted, odds are that they still do and it's unlikely that this tactic was only used in foreign countries.

It's the feds. Duh.

The FBI is pure shit and full of traitors. They sent a team to Iceland to try to frame Assange for rape. They refused to recommend an indictment for Hillary. They do nothing to stop the people behind Pizzagate. And they spend all their time trying to entrap "neo-Nazis" for violence.

You and your nigger parents shouldn't even be in Germany. It says a lot about the present culture of the board that you feel welcome to post this drivel looking for sympathy.

Don't any of the normalfags wonder how a Facebook-tier news group managed to get a "secret" document from the fucking CIA?

Looks to me like he was posting that drivel looking to prove a point, you whiny Russo-"Germanic" rape baby.

What point is that? That niggers and spics militarily occupying Germany in service to international jewry have it bad because some nigger president who works for the same people they work for took away their fast food and ice cream?

Hmmm, I'm not quite sure…Have you tried reading the post?

10/10, saved.

I don't have too much to add to the discussion that hasn't already been said, but I would like to bring up the old adage of the candle burning most brightly before it goes out.
The comparative storm of activity the alphabet is displaying are the death throes for the current incarnation of the cia, fbi, and so on. This isn't a 88D chess maneuver executed by molloch's finest wizards, it's the infantile flailing of an inept group of organizations falling to pieces.

That military might just side with Trump because Obama and establishment were cutting their benefits.

Guys I'm worried that if the electoral college just hands the election over to Bush or Romney or someone that I'll become a danger to others, most likely university professors. Right now we're in detente but stealing it from Trump would be an act of war.

I think that handing the pres to Hillary would be unpalatable at this point, but the shadow state wants its little war on Assad and Putin to continue by any means possible. I'm thinking that they were going to try to control things through Secretary of State Mitt Romney, but Trump shot that down. So now we have the CIA with their hackers of mass destruction claim, will try to convince the electors to give the win to Romney since he's on their side against Russia.

If that happens then people will neeeeed to be burned alive.

This is satire just a joke no one take this seriously please haha. Just a joke bro.

Yes and I summed it up accurately.
Here's a thought: stop occupying Germany and go home. Then you don't have to worry about finding somewhere to get your wood pulp burrito fix, needing a government subsidy to educate your kid, or whether you've been properly compensated for continuing Israel's reign of terror over Germany.

CIA are scared and mad that Trump will throw them out with the bath water.

He has outright said he does not trust the CIA.

I'm glad they got their benefits cut. They're a drag on this country and a mortal threat to the White race.

Your feelings are irrelevant as to whether or not that would motivate them in a civil war situation.

No, you're right. It seems like it all comes down to Taco Bell.

newfag here- why are post parts blacked out?

The things that they are more concerned with is their children's education and their retirement packages.

I don't really care what they're concerned about. They are jewish terrorists who deserve nothing.

Alright, autism or shill?

Dubs so you get answer. It's called a spoiler, mouseover the text to see it.

good job

Autists are typically obsessed with understanding how everything works, this guy's just a retard that sees idiocy as a virtue.

My god. What terrible reading comprehension.

Two generations of being raised by women have really don a number on you.


I am memeing for Mattis to eventually activate the military to assault all known US and overseas CIA installations and sites. Reduce them to the common criminals they actually are.

CIA flew Coke into El Toro USMCAS, cooked it into crack and sold it to Nigs in LA to fund flying Coke into El Toro USMCAS, cooked it into crack and sold it to Nigs in LA to fund flying Coke into El Toro USMCAS, cooked it into crack and sold it to Nigs in LA to fund …


We're all far beyond that point, right?

Under-rated post.

so basically it's high-school…

What a kind user.



Trump rejects the FBI narrative that the russians hacked the election…because he absolutely knows the truth.
And it wasn't the Russians.

drop your linen and stop your grinnin




You're a little late to the party, Skeezix.

Nobody hacked the DNC. Wikileaks themselves said as much, that the sources were inside.


Too late for that.


>Trump rejects the FBI narrative that the russians hacked the election

That's the CIA narrative, the FBI said they didn't find evidence

Stop the CIA Coup – The Deep State versus Donald Trump

>It’s important to note that this leak was published just as President Obama announced he was ordering a full-scale review of the intelligence: the Washington Post story was an effort to get out ahead of that and put the CIA’s conclusions on the record before the review could be made public.

He's a big guy.

lying is an act of hatred.

No, user, your faith is misplaced. We need to drain the swamp.

Trump has German masterrace genes. 0% kike