So from what I gather, most of the people on this board support leftist economic principles, but still hold right wing social values?
So from what I gather, most of the people on this board support leftist economic principles...
absolutely not, no. Only retarded Stalinists
what are you using to gather, a strainer?
Not really.
Not in the slightest
There is technically no such thing, although many lolberts consider government to be how the darkies take their money.
We might be blunt, but very few leftists care for tradition or race.
No. Most fags here are sexual deviants who don't give a fuck about muh tradishun.
I guess, some of my values are "right wing", not liking black people and jews. Liking monogamy and marriage, thinking abortions are to be avoided, and tradition and honor is important to me.
But I don't want the state, so in the end it doesn't matter.
If people want to be somewhere away from from me and have bigamists relationships with jews and blacks, I'm fine with that.
got your screenshot?
You want a screen shot? What for?
M8 monogamy is a private property relation
What exactly are "right-wing" social values? Traditional social values were originally anti-nationalist and had an universal undertone.
Also, Muslims should be pretty right-wing then, right?
This whole "socially left" or "socially right" doesn't make any sense, there are material conditions though that perpetuate certain cultural behaviors.
Not really. Most users here are marijuana smokers. And everyone believes that making love is essential for spreading the revolution around.
People are anti-idpol, but that doesn't mean we're conservative.
Wtf are right-wing social values?
Is it being against 'degeneracy'?
Being for 'tradition'?
Individual liberty/freedom?
Good song
GOOD point
Enjoy your plague
Holla Forums agrees in principle with everything SJW liberals do, they just don't like their tactics.
Lel no
Not really, SJW's have many idiotic things they want to achieve. Dont speak for a group as if you are them all.
No, thats what your girlfriend tells you.
Monogamy is a union of egoists, unless enforced against a persons will.
What are you gathering? Hearsay and bullshit?
It's a diverse board but I've never seen anyone argue anything so conservative it that couldn't essentially fit within the framework of enlightenment ethics.
Okay, keep praising the dead Jew you hate so much and keep abiding by his sexual laws.
What fundamental points do you disagree with SJWs on?
Im not a Christian and monogomy is not a jewish invention.
SJWs believe that sexism comes from some ominous "patriarchy", and not from beliefs or mindsets that stem from material conditions. That's only one example.
As a whole, they seem to believe that sexism, racism, and homophobia are merely things in and of itself. Because they have adopted this mindset, then their prescription is to combat these things on an individual basis.
Why is that wrong? These things are either holdovers from feudalism, where the land owning aristocracy could easily transition into the bourgeoisie or propagated to keep the working class divided.
The solution is to dismantle capitalism. Period. Many factors that propagate racism, sexism, etc. will not cease to exist under capitalism.
The reaction we're seeing from SJWs and their identity politics is unproductive, because it continues to sow conflict among the working class. There is a reason why the ruling class adopted their rhetoric.
I hold libertarian social values. Both Fascists and SJWs are authoritarian scum who should exercise their right to kill themselves as soon as possible.
No. Only the disingenuous Holla Forumsacks who try to pretend to be leftist are "economically left socially right"
If I had it my way, you wouldn't be able to walk down the street without seeing someone shooting dope or participating in a weird ass /cuteboys/ orgy.
I know it sounds kinda defeatist, but I don't think capitalism is gonna be smashed anytime soon so i see nothing wrong with working towards social justice goals. I'm not even an sjw.
No. Lurk moar.
I don't like them much either, but I think you've been watching too much content from those "rational, well reasoned" youtubers.
It's not defeatist. I'm not opposed to working towards social justice goals either, but I prefer it be done in a manner similar to the (original) Black Panther Party for Self Defense. It's a tricky line to walk.
If you watch videos about Fred Hampton, then you will see he was very careful to point out that blacks having the opportunity to become, or becoming black capitalist, was not the goal. He was also deliberate to point out that the origin point of the racism they were contending with did not stem from whites as a collective, but from the ruling class and their interest.
True true, I guess I was ignoring the fact that most SJWs still are just liberals.
Most hold those views on this board but won't admit it when questioned ;^)
Like what?
I have no problem with gay etc, I don't mind any race, I want to see the development of a socialist 'family' that incorporates more than just biological family into raising children, I don't believe in superstitions, religions, or ultimate morality, and I have no problem with women and men being treated fairly equally.
I'm not completely open immigration wise, however, as I believe socialism needs to come first before massive population booms in first world countries.
Nah, we just hate that the 'left' liberal media and big capital is 100% politically correct and happy to talk about racism all day long without mentioning how class is the root of those conflicts. The corporate media will purposely shut down any discussion of class or criticism of capital by saying race and gender are all that matters and working class white men are gross and any talk about class is racist and sexist by not focusing exclusively on those issues
Just because we ain't sjws doesn't mean we have right wing social values
SJWs are identitarians, segregationists and cultural imperialists.
There's a fundamental difference between thinking that, say, people should be able to love whom they want and have sex with whom they want, and wanting to turn ways of having sex into what defines you as a person.
My opposition to Idpol is personally more based in the fact that I think promoting tribalism to subvert tribalism is a very flawed premise. I personally don't find ideas like racialism, traditionalism etc to be compelling at all.
Do you actually think that social justice cultists actually care about blacks, gays or exploited migrants? At all? They're just an excuse to beat others over the head with holier-than-thou sentiments.
They don't want to remove identity from society, they want it enforced further but on their terms, to bring back segregation and sweatshop labor. They are literally conservatives with different personal motivations.
Immigration will always be testy anyway because it's partially a language problem: "open borders" and "closed borders" are a false dichotomy. The dissolution of borders has to happen all at once.
I am always bothered by the fingers in the ears approach to societal issues.
Materialism is important, but its not the be all end all. And fuck, some times Holla Forums is straight up un-dialectic about issues.
you can't hold what doesn't exist