Its like every third post in a thread is random nonsense.
I think someone is trying to decrease the signal/noise ratio on Holla Forums
Are we being jammed?
Other urls found in this thread:
>>>Holla Forums737095
if you want to see her enter code
attack is primarily focused on Holla Forums but hitting all the top boards.
someone is really, really buttmad, most likely that furry Bui again. (He's spent real money to have poo in loos solve captchas for him in the past to spam.)
Oh. It's just a raid. And an autistic one.
So it's just an earthquake instead of Jewish earthquake machine.
Fix this fucking shit for fuck's sake Jim you useless tub of lard, Codenigger ban this script spamming faggot REEEEEEEEE
Not just Holla Forums but all top 25 boards are bing hit.
Its been happening to /furry/ and /erp/ for a while now. Their mods pretty much gave up fighting it.
Naranjita es mi mera puta.
If they could have done shit about it they would have when /furry/ was throwing an autistic shit fit.
I don't think it's a script. It may be just a army of butthurt furries. It's a rare event, but a natural one.
I believe it's called fur HERESY.
what, you can't see who's a bot or not?
Holy shit, and I thought I had autism.
I need to make this post so the captcha shows up so i cna pst on another board
Just one furry and an army of paid squat niggers who are taking his autismbuks. With the rate he is posting now he should bankrupt himself pretty fast. My opinion is that he is trying to give one last big hurrah before he stops due to lack of funds.
pic related
Bui is botspamming, literally nothing including per-post captcha is doing anything to stop it but we, the legitimate users, have to be fucked by captcha anyway.
It's been happening for weeks and quite literally nothing at fucking all has been done to fix it. Supposedly only now is Ronald McDonald Watkins getting off his lazy gook ass to do something, but I wouldn't expect anything of worth to come of it.
what IPs is he using? ban all asian IPs
Just upload an image every time you post to stand out from the spam.
For awhile the spam was using images as well.
Name a bigger betrayal
I'm now wondering if it's really bui bots or whatever because im seeing some of those porn bots popping up too, unless he is a part of it?
you mean that nigger sucking white cock?
that was me
Haha, no wonder he's mad
There are already spam messages with images, I've saw one in >>>Holla Forums
Also, the captcha is changing more than once a minute, even when typing in this post
There were already a bunch here too, Hitler
What's the hat say?
Hace you considered erping with him? Vomit on your pokepaws and make him lick it up. Problem solved. Thats all he wants
where the fuck is this degeneracy happening in?
What a sad existence
You're telling me the faggot that killed /erp/ is now spamming all the boards?
Kek almighty..
Joke's on him, the pooinloos love Trump AND Hitler.
He has a presence on most chat clients @furret or furrets. Rizon irc is Bui
I've already arranged it for him. I'm not going to email him myself, of course; I'm simply signing him up for every mailing list in existence. Per Infinite Monkey Theory, one of them will be a suitable paw fetish mailing list.
Dox the faggot and ruin his life until he kills himself
It's wonderful that Gou found love after all he's been through.
wait, I thought you were a bot. I was asking were was that vomit shit copy pasted from
India will never be anything but a third world country. You people shit in the street.
>>>Holla Forums737648
Apparently this is the spammer's dox. If any of you are a Nip go ahead and kill him.
It's a turbo autist that's paying real money to shit up an imageboard because nobody wanted to roleplay with him, do you really think you can ruin his life any further than he already did?
He's a basement dwelling autistic permavirgin furry RPer who's been waging a 1 man war on /furry/ (and other Holla Forums boards) for some time now, and pretty much killed that board with a bot that scrapes and floods threads with content from other imageboards. Now that /furry/ is flooded with his own spam he's trying to do it to other boards.
He's also the reason that the 24 hour verification is required, after he used the Hola VPN service to spam Holla Forums.
Possible wrong address.
How much is a ticket to Japan?
I'll figure out a way.
Anyone got Holla Forums's owner's dox as well?
It's been going on for so long.
Sometimes I think it's just cover for more general attack on this site, or occasionally other attackers just pretend to be him.
On the other hand, autism is real
XD you are liek so fanny xd
I guess you could sneak into his home and destroy his animu figurines if he has any, can't think of a more prized NEET possession.
Buy a baseball bat when you get there.
How would a NEET jap afford to pay all those pajeets?
I love how we've fought off the JIDF; CTR; and gods know how many government alphabets - but one supreme autist with a mission can cause more disruption than all of their efforts combined.
Never change Holla Forums
This shit is extremely effective at ruining the board. I'm surprised those fucking retards at CTR didn't utilize this on the days leading up to the election.
The difference is huge.
Further proof that only autists can defeat autists
Top dollar Jewshills outdone by minimum wage pajeets on a quest to get 2.50$ from a weeb autist on a quest to destroy a mongolian forum for discussing the fucking of men dressed as goats.
This person was notorious on halfchan's /vp/ for his autism over there as well, and /vp/ is known for attracting quite a bit of autism (see: slugfucker)
Googling also led me to this post, he's also attacked Weasyl (a furfag art site) in the past, and someone there said he's also DDoSed Rizon and loves to abuse VPSes:
Truly remarkable.
He sold some of his figurines, duh.
Which furry autist got BTFO recently that would spam Holla Forums because his butt hurts so much?
Flying to Japan next week. I'll take care of this once and for all.
I'm gonna getcha, cunt!
It's only more annoying than say the smug moeface posters because it takes a few seconds to determine the post is spam and can be discarded, while the anime spammers can be scrolled right past automatically.
Bui I guess.
Sign me up tbh
deleet yourself
I swear we're going to enter the Transcend any day now.
The turbo autists will just be training material.
This is true y'know, only autism can defeat autism.
Makes we warm and fuzzy inside thinking at least one of us snapped and hasn't gotten caught yet
It's one thing to have bots. But to actually have poo in the loos do this kind of spamming is incredible.
Bot keeps changing, now it's referencing other posts
We are the Ubermensch.
I don't know about you, but intelligence is anything but a weakness.
1:Make a slam-bang.
2:Take/make shotshell.
3Empty shotshell of pellets.
4:Add nails to shell.
5:Seal shell lightly with tape
7:collect shell casings, don't leave lying around.
8: break apart slam-bang
9:toss pieces of shotgun to the four winds.
It's really nearly impossible to trace this.
Don't get caught on camera unless you have a stolen car, wear something to conceal your identity, and don't have any personal connection to your target.
Also, make sure he's really dead before you leave, and don't fucking tell anyone.
So how do we stop this? Should we make captchas mandatory per post?
That's already happened to me.
Is there even anything in theory the mods can do about this? I mean if he's straight willing to burn shekels at the problem, what even are our tactical options, especially if the alpahabets like the idea so much they adopt it themselves?
Namefag, spam won't do it.
fug, not OP but I thought about buying one as well plus it's on sale at amazon right now.
If I don't need to jump on the latest shit it's still fine no?
Workin on images of where this cocksucker may be living. Give me a couple minutes
Okay, well, how long until they get ahold of this?
I'm talking some real anime level scooting around the world doing assassin shit though. Not just a really sharp autist with a disposable slam-bang.
Maybe in 10-20 years we'll be able to make a Boys from Brazil style movie of autists floating around the world hunting Schlomos on the run down.
jej best movie ever made by a kike
You could create a function where unintelligible babble results in an autoban. Have the OP input a topic and if the post doesn't meet the topics requirements, the post doesn't get displayed.
Pic 1=Front
Pic 2=Back
Some one go bust his animu figurines
We have his dox. Spread everything about him as much as possible. Contact his neighbors, friends and family. If that doesn't work, there are thousands of ways to fuck with someone by just knowing their address.
yup i keep seeing irrelevant nonsense being posted on Holla Forums and Holla Forums threads
Are there any free Jap telephone things like Google Voice that we could use to light up his line? Non-stop American spergs could get real annoying real fast.
Holla Forumsacks are spread all around the world though, if we do go full assassin brotherhood mode all that'd need to be done is postage of dox and a local user would be able to pay the angry autist a visit.
It's been this way after the election
Keep up the good fight and stay vigilant
Yes, this has been happening on 4chan and Holla Forums for the last half a month or so.
Globalist pseudo leftist claptrap has been posted everywhere about nuclear power,homosexuals,abortion in a positive light.
the only anwser is to fight back or go to
its much worse on halfchan than here, but it seems now the mods are directly on the CTR and so forth spammers side (they possibly infiltrated the mod team).
Holy shit that looks horrible, what a shit life
Mods want kikes and pedos dead too, at least one of them does
Isnt .pl where Holla Forums is storming off to?
You're OK, user.
According to them that's their "buffer site" between 4/pol/ and them, but I think that's just them getting butthurt even the retards over there decided to fuck their shit up.
Fuck off.
Your bot is fucked m8
And nothing of value was lost.
How the fuck can you tell the difference from normal Holla Forums posts?
The spammed bullshit lacks anons spark of absurdity.
Also, Holla Forums makes plenty sense.
After all, most of us started there.
Always needs moar pooper
I'm insulted that you think killing full/pol/ is that easy. At least Bui is putting in some fucking effort.
mainly because alphabetti spaghetti hasn't muscled in on their mods lately.
halfchan has been that way for a while.
It's never acceptable to namefag.
False. James Henry Holla Forumsack was a model user. He materialized out of nowhere, namefagged for exactly as long as it was useful, and then vanished back into the hivemind when his work was finished. We can all take a lesson from his discipline.
We're gonna have to start namefagging?
Fucking disgusting tbh
Well of course it makes sense for you, autism lord. I never started on that shithole either, you are a clear sign of a pleb if i ever saw one.
We suddenly have various namefags and tripfags in several threads.
Part of me always has a doubt that Bui-spam is the real cause when it happens. It's pretty easy to throw in a few pokemon references and some backstory for his autism and misdirect away from other possibilities.
Yeah, autism can be powerful and nonsensical, but it doesn't make a whole lot of sense for some ERP obsessed pokefanatic to spam Holla Forums.
I regret nothing.
Most of the people running bots have captcha solvers (basically a service where you send an image and a few seconds later pajeet sends back the code)
It's actually extremely cheap.
Tell me about this Bui kid. Why's he so upset? Was he permabanned from 8ch recently?
This is nothing really.
I've seen far worse.
Also, our enemies are using the confusion.
And it's not directed at us, but Holla Forums.
It's getting hit the hardest.
how does bui do this? no really, how did he make this script? how does it run?
Bui gets bored. There is nothing more to it. He is not mad, nor malicious. He merely acts.
I remember worse as well. Like when the entire catalog was slid in minutes.
Sometimes autists just lash out like retards. There isn't always an explanation. Not to say this isn't a really clever alphabet soup testing out a new forum-jammer though, the guys at the NSA are pretty sharp so even if a lot are Snowden-level shitlibs I'm sure some insane alphabet soup autist somewhere wanting to test his new quantum computer forum bot.
Fuck off Bui
Exactly, although that's not to say our enemies lurking won't take note though.
Fuck you moot!
Bui isn't really the issue. What happens if there is an actual malicious entity that would like to disrupt in this fashion?
I'm not Bui. I've merely been around long enough to know who he is and how he acts.
You've also been around long enough to become a GIGANTIC FUCKING FAGGOT
Autism is ephemeral, I guess the wind was blowing the right direction to spam Holla Forums for him today.
If there were an actual malicious entity, then it's some group calling themselves "Anonymous". Perhaps the same group that recently released Trump's SSN and other private information.
The danger of an attack like this is that while we can individually ignore shit-tier 4cuck reposts, it makes it much harder for good anons to gather in the same place. It doesn't kill threads as such, it kills the links of interconectivity. If I were alphabet I'd be very interested in exploring that angle further. Sever the links between neurons and the mind dies.
Without doubt we're being slid as hard as they can right now.
I just realized we always shit out a movement whenever we go raid irl.
Anonymous, now the alt-kike.
There's a pattern here…
Overall he's harmless and actually motivates chodemonkey to work harder.
top kek
I'm sure we could just learn to ignore it.
I mean this thread is fine.
Evidently yes. Using this thread to reply to a post from a broken thread.
But didn't even the Jews prior to Jesus recognize the filth that was foreign religion? Who were the Maccabees? To worship some other nation or people's Gods, it propagates monoculture, and these universalist faiths are the predecessors to Globalism.
Overpriced af
He's been spamming every board.
For me it is.
Maybe cause dynamic IP.
Perhaps, but if it's Bui, then he isn't even watching. He just turns on the bot and goes off to do other things. He literally does not care. Every single chan in the history of chans has been hit. It was just Holla Forums's turn. He'll eventually get bored and move on.
You'll also notice that only the big boards are being hit. Once you go down past the top 5, there's no botspam.
thanks for the laugh my man
so you don't have to fill out captcha every post?
I know my IP is dynamic, what the fuck am I doing here?
He is directly working against humankind's destiny.
We are at the mercy of a furry
I'm sending him fecal matter.
I have to input a captcha to post, it's just that if I really wanted to, I could randomize my I.d. and ip at will.
It was for trolling leftyhole and winning cut vs uncut arguments uncut of course
I'm not talking about the current round of spam. I mean in the future during important events, like inaugaration day or when the electoral college votes.
He's making us stronger for when we encounter the Blight botnet descending from the Transcend.
I don't know about that. Any number of things could happen or any number of people could decide to fuck with us. It's what happens when you have a niche audience. Holla Forums's Holla Forums has become very much a Trump board and is known for being so. This makes us a target whenever anything Trump related happens in the world.
As for who it's from, I have no idea.
Where does he get the money from? Does he work? Does he get welfare? Does his parents provide for him?
Limeys are literally the worst. When do we go to war and make them our colonies?
what are yo talking about that's some japan tree house fart slaseo ainoseri oakndf oaoidf oaseire4lw wepoijtg erwlkwne rwoejh rlwertn woker owinewoijew rlwekr werokewhr wlorh e
He lives on a shithole, see
Probably a NEET
I don't see the big deal either.
Fuck off you colossal retarded fuck.
Supposedly this is the faggot responsible for this. He initially spammed the furry boards for about a week(?) and now it's site-wide. If this is him, this retard gave up some contact info. Dox thread?
read this as "before he stops being due to lack of funds". Once he runs out of money, he essentially will stop existing as far as we're concerned.
This is allegedly where he lives.
I… I almost admire the intensity of this autism.
Well nuclear power is the only way we can meet our energy needs without subsidizing jihad, methinks
Found this here: >>>/baphomet/117501
Jesus Christ, this guy is really fucking autistic. Any Japanons want to pay him a visit?
I think it's pizzagate related. Same thing started happening on halfchan when the pedowood stuff started picking up.
When you think about it, it really doesn't make any sense. This is a furry we are talking about though, they are hardly human and need to be wiped out. It's for the best
No fucking way! Are they really that pathetic, what am I saying of course they are.
this is actually pretty accurate. This time the events are.
It is impressive. Just imagine, if we could weaponise such autism for the Emperor we would be unstoppable
Goodness gracious are they that retarded, or are they just playing with people?
fuck that looks real. i wonder what happened in that timeline.
Good fucking God, how do they still exist as a country?
Reminds me of when the kikes took the Mavi Marmara. OMG TERRORISM
I'm convinced autism is an evolutionary trait required for civilization. It has to be just right. Too much and you're a violent retard. Too little and you become more attentive to social behaviors rather than your own thoughts, hence most people are normies because their minds aren't overanalyzing/obsessing on something that could be used to be a great inventor or what have you.
Look at this social outcast furfag spamming all of Holla Forums. This has to be the most effective bot/spam/attack on us in a while, but dont get me wrong, its minor at worst. I mean, with state agencies or private firms, you get a sense of a person behind that shillpost, even when they tell you to commit violent crimes or demoralize you, you get a sense of real and its easy to ignore. This is interesting because even with the broken grammer, odd word usage, and random topic choice, you can't quite figure out if its an user or the furfag until reading the post.
Also i noticed the bot seems to have a neutral voice when not directing a post at anyone but becomes hostile when linking to some other post.
You finally noticed? I've also noticed the quality of threadmaking sharply decreased as well. Sage because your thread is a shit too.
Thank god these dangerous instruments of murder have been taken off the streets!
W-why would you ever need a hacksaw on a blue-water vessel, goy!?
I can't tell if that's the bot or not
Some of these are getting hard to spot. Is it learning?
Well, OP posted 20 times but he made a shit thread and useless replies so either paid shill or cuckchan refugee.
Domain Name Create Date Registrar 2014-02-22 2014-08-06 2014-09-11 2014-06-13 2015-03-02 2015-05-27 2015-07-07 2015-09-01 2011-05-24 2011-07-22 2015-10-05 2008-07-26 2014-07-10 2012-12-16 2014-09-19 realtime register b.v 2015-10-29 2014-12-01 2015-04-01 2015-04-26 2015-08-24 2015-08-24 2015-10-19 2016-03-11 2015-05-21
Intense. To be fair, OP is shit, but it was the best thread that was still attracting anons at the time it was posting, so the mystery really is deep, man.
That's an extremely meta post, Bot-kun.
It learned enough to reply to me, but it's replies are still too generic to pass turing
Is Bui trying to create an autistic furry Tay?
So we're not just letting this faggot get off with just a slap on the wrist right?
Don't you have a clothing ban to go argue about?
Actually this might be to our advantage. After a few minutes of realizing whats going on, it dawned on me that even though its an autist, this is being showcased for everyone of our enemies who keep an eye on this place.
Its almost like a longwinded speech given by a high functioning schizo. Sounds like he's talking about something but in between what almost seems like a cohesive thought there's constant "speed bumps" of awkward phrasing, nonsequitor, and broken grammer.
I think its effective because as I and others pointed out, it feels "synthetic" compared to even the most god awful and oven-ready shills to visit our super sekret club. Its like a language virus, if you will. It grabs your attention by constantly forcing your brain to experience a flood of mini frustration/confusion everytime you try and figure out what the fuck you just read.
It discourages reading posts and occupies your mind longer after realizing its garbage and a constant barrage of this im sure would deter even more overtime even if its just masochists byy that point.
Also, i dont know about you but trump winning the election just seems like those against us are nervous enough to seemingly start some serious shit before inauguration what with the info digs, MSM, fake news, russophobia, new legislation, etc.
It's kind of inevitable, right? Many people today feel more apart of internet communities than their city, state, or country or religion or race. I imagine there'll be experiments in internet based sovereignty including citizenship and competition with other states both traditional and internet based.
Imagine paying a yearly subscription like you would to play WoW and gaining an extra level of citizenship provided by a clandestine network of people who look after their citizens as specified in the subscription package's terms and conditions. Like a high-tech mafia with a constitution and secret-citizens paying taxes, providing information, and occasionally joining in the clandestine services of the state/mob. Best part is that they wouldn't need to have any training or exert much effort in paying their taxes and providing immense amounts of intelligence because the apps they'd be using would do all the work. The intelligence provided by a network of affluent (assuming they have enough money to buy extra citizenship and just by being internet users that already puts them in the top twenty percent) people who are spread out across the world and who are confidential about their extra-citizenship (assuming that governments begin banning internet governments that are operating parallel to the "real" governments or perhaps certain constitutions would include a hostage rescue clause where they're willing to negotiate and pay for your release like an insurance policy) would be of immense value and would enable that state to carry out operations similar to major government intelligence agencies.
I imagine that one day boards like lefty-pol and pol will actually be carrying out what would appear to be sporadic targeted killings, but calculated on the level of the individual hits, on each other and occasionally on actual elites of the right and left. Like petty gang warfare on the internet and rarely, but increasingly in real life considering that the internet is merging with the "real world" faster than ever. I say that because we all know how easy it is to dox someone now and everyone you know is on the internet so even if you live under a rock your location and information about who you are and what you do gets leaked into the pool of information that we all have access to. Of course the real action would be on the level of sovereignty that the super rich elites are interested in. All the activity of the current deep state could migrate to a more legally ambiguous parallel, internet-based government where elites could create a higher society in which they can settle disputes among each other according to their own government's constitution and justice so they can facilitate a more stable society for all elites rather than resorting to assassination, and blackmail, and regime change.
Of course then the elites of the elites could retreat further into an even deeper state and they'd control the deep state once it was a unified global force. They'd be the technocrats who control the system that the elites rely on to maintain relative safety in their status as part of the elite. The guys in suits who call the shots at central banking networks across the world who think they're in control would actually be constantly manipulated by a global system of net code written by the future architects and masters of human society.
But I imagine plenty of dumb shit when I'm high.
Well good hunting Stalker. I wish the best of luck to you 2 guys you glorious Holla Forumsacks.
Any problem that shows a tactical vulnerability is to our advantage. And the fact it was a committed autist, rather than an actual alphabet, just makes it more to our advantage. We need a memetic inoculation against this tactic that extends to the actual programming of the boards. That's not my area of expertise, but it's obvious on its face what needs to be done.
The red pill is the Marxist pill. That's why it's red.
It is a script you nigger.
You've only seen maybe 1 or 2 forms of it being used so far. The different types of attacks carried out show that it can post site-wide shitposting from 4cuck. At first it was only a couple boards but now everyone is involved.
/a/ and /fur/ came up with their own solution with /baph/ and it's being actively discussed on /sudo/ right now.
It's literally weaponized autism. It's almost beautiful.
Remember, we are the Interesting Times Gang of Special Circumstances. We are the people who were kicked out of every elite program because we were too good to be there.
Rule 14.
I guess we don't have janitors. Might as well post all the pony shit you have.
Oh, come on. There's gotta be some place of sanctuary somewhere.
Precisely my point user!
The only thing that worries me is if this is potentially beta testing
Replies are random but can be directed in a huge tidal wave if he wants. look what happened with the small board at /fur/ when they moved to whitelist his shit.
Not sure, how true this info is, but it's worth a shot (sauce: http://
>email address: [email protected]/* */, [email protected]/* */
>email - [email protected]/* */, [email protected]/* */,li
bui, cucklove
You are mistaken the right hasn't been that way historically. The (((Neocons))) have been that way because their roots are in the anti-Stalinist pro-Zionism Trotsky/Marxism left. This political occurrence started in the 70's when the American Jewish Comittee pushed itself away from the pro Stalin left
We getting DDoS?
This thread has a good example of a more active pajeetbot. Actually it almost felt like it went from human guided to automated after a few replies.
Perhaps it runs a few premade combos of phrases an operator picks before sending it off to the bot to reply with.
Some degenerate Jap furry called Bui made a bot that spammed the site for shits and giggles.
it's the mods
doesn't classify as shits and giggles, have you ever seen shits and giggles?
you guys really won't like the transcend or the beyond
He didn't gain anything from it. They did what he wanted and he just kept spamming.
Supposedly, this is him.
Not even close to wannabui's style of posts. that's just an user warning about not to get cozy and expecting it to blow over like what happened on /sudo/
Holy shit that sounds awesome!
Anyone want to get a BTC bounty out on the first Jap to go to Buis house and beat the shit out of him?
I would, but I don't have any money. Any Japanons around here who would be willing to do it for free?
he hasnt
Because those countries are saudi bitches? The royalty just buy out all the career politicians in those countries.
spotted the engineer
Interesting thought.
It's currently too cold for my motorcycle. The girls definitely like my motorcycle.
Alright, so how the fuck do you guys think his bot actually works? These posts are completely without context, but sound like they were scraped from somewhere else. Do you think he has some sort of verbal chaining system combined with a post scraper to create artificial-but-marginally-coherent bot posts?
Also, do you think he's using some sort of image recognition software in conjunction with the bot, to produce more context for the sole purpose of shitting the board up more? Japan has pumped out some pretty high-grade stuff in that vein.
The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain.
You automatically assume that Russians are enemies. Why the immense hate?
Or maybe you are just a racist against Slavs and can't see any good from working with them.
You bigot.
/monster/ is getting hit too.
Doubtful. The bot just posted an English comment in a croatian thread
It's just a spambot. But this is very annoying.
Backstory on who he is and why he is raiding Holla Forums? And how do we know he has streetshitters solving captchas? Seems far fetched even though I do not doubt it's true.
I think that the furryfag-story is bullshit, it's probably actual intelligence agencies that are "countering russian propaganda online".
Why else the perfect timing with new laws passed?
Can confirm all the posts are scraped from halfchan's /trash/
Kek check for truth!
He's scraping off 4cuck's /trash/ board, only place furries are allowed to exist and dumping ground for shit mootles doesn't like.
It also is full of degenerates that got chased off /d/ for being to normie.
No, I've seen him claiming credit and fishing for fellow foot fetishists in some of the spam posts, sometimes consecutively. He's a shitbag autist who no one likes, especially not on /furry/ because he spams the place whenever he feels like he's not getting enough attention.
Fuck you, Bui.
Look it's Brazil,where the nuts come from.
you cannot go on pilgramage to saudi arabia unless you are already muslim you bullshitter.
are you a special faggot?
But the state department isn't an oil company.
Spam is starting again. Put '14/88' at the beginning of all your posts so we can tell who is human and who isn't. This will allow us to quickly ignore spoam posts for the time being without having to check their post count or and whether the post makes sense in context or not.
Have you considered writing good legible posts?
In case you didn't know: spambot is learning. Welcome to the future.
All the bot is doing is copying posts from other parts of the board and posting them in irrelevant threads.
I don't have the time to proofread right now,
They work.
Conservation of angular momentum has nothing to do with the shape of the Earth.
Could type in the thread/OP post number instead. That way at least we all know which posts are for that thread or not.
Wow. This is deep
Send me a message on ebay. Idk who you are here.
yeah, what are you some kinda faggot who kisses girls?
I thought the problem of bots posting nonsense was fixed thanks to the Captcha thing. If bots can now identify the pictures and go through the verification process to post their crap then it's time to find a better Captcha.
It's from the TF2 meet the sniper video
This looks like a god damn karate class photo
Didnt CTR have autismos that stayed in the office 24 hours a day?
I am convinced Flat earth threads are paid shills to come and make these and screencap to show everyone else "look at what the dumbasses say, don't take anything they say seriously"
Go for it
Shoo, shoo sphere-demon
How else do you think the shilling kept up 24 hours a day? Remember when the guy went to the CTR office and the kike there poked his nose out the window then begged us not to hurt him in the same thread?
Commercialization is not exploration. Sure the private forms are doing some neat stuff, but it's all based on ROI.
There has not been a private moon landing, mars probe, asteroid probe, ship to any of the inner or outer planets, or even a lunar orbiter.
There are "planned" missions, and things "in the works", but in the end, governments do the heavy lifting exploration wise.
i would rather christian values was restored
Stopped at 4th grade.
We should colonize the oceans first
I thought it was a pretty cool commercial. Stop being butthurt about literally every single aspect of life
He lives in the Future Gadget Laboratory?
tell me that doesn't look just like the street in Stein's;Gate
the cockteasing is the worst part
just fuck already god damn
It looks like Bui's bot is pulling from halfchan threads now.
fuck…… looks like I'm a #CruzMissile now
As annoying as it would be I think every post should now go through the Captcha for a few days at least or until someone kills that bot.
You fool nobody, leaf.
Dear God this Russian thing really was just a ploy to push Romney on us
Why should Trump have to prove anything to these people
your funeral to have an endless game without strategy given there's no bonuses…
Codemonkey turned on per-post verification last night when the spam started. It had no effect. Our captchas are useless for some reason (speculation is that he hired a bunch of pahjeets to do the captchas).
14 year old kid at a MI high school tried to attack people with two knives.
Hero cop shot that little faggot in the neck
by brain train is a' chuggin'
Basically, you can do like 10 captchas for 1 cent (1000 per $1). Throw up 10 bucks and you get 10,000 captcha. Bui is the kind of sperg to dump $1000 to spam the fuck out of the site and bypass captcha with his bots. Pooinloos and chinks will do that shit on the very cheap
It has no effect because it seems to be triggered by links. Today all the captchas I got where when I posted a couple of links. To stop the bots it would need to be systematic, every single post → captcha. At least for a few days.
it had no effect because it had no effect. it is disabled now.
What do you think his fan base would do if we did this? think be funnier get them red as well
IIRC bunch of guys broke into an old soviet psychiatric center or someshit, they were studying brains, hence the few cut in half.
how about rent a hitler clone?
John Oliver is a pretty red pilled guy, his youtube channel is funny
can't unsee
was it over the TERIBI shop or up and next to it?
shrek, a green ogre who loves the solitude in his swamp, finds his life interrupted when countless fairytale characters are exiled there by order of the fairytale-hating Lord Farquaad of Duloc. Shrek tells them that he will go ask Farquaad to send them back. He brings along a talking Donkey, who is the only fairytale creature who knows the way to Duloc.
Meanwhile, Farquaad tortures the Gingerbread Man into giving the location of the remaining fairytale creatures until his guards rush in with something he has been searching for: the Magic Mirror. He asks The Mirror if his kingdom is the fairest of them all but is told that he is not even a king. To be a king he must marry a princess and is given three options, from which he chooses Princess Fiona, who is locked in a castle tower guarded by lava and a dragon. The Mirror tries to mention "the little thing that happens at night" but is unsuccessful.
Shrek and Donkey arrive at Farquaad's palace in Duloc, where they end up in a tournament. The winner gets the "privilege" of rescuing Fiona so that Farquaad may marry her. Shrek and Donkey easily defeat the other knights in wrestling-match fashion, and Farquaad accepts his offer to move the fairytale creatures from his swamp if Shrek rescues Fiona.
Shrek and Donkey travel to the castle and split up to find Fiona. Donkey encounters the dragon and sweet-talks the beast before learning that it is female. Dragon takes a liking to him and carries him to her chambers. Shrek finds Fiona, who is appalled at his lack of romanticism. As they leave, Shrek saves Donkey, caught in Dragon's tender clutches, and forces her to chase them out of the castle. At first, Fiona is thrilled to be rescued but is quickly disappointed when Shrek reveals he is an ogre.
As the three journey to Duloc, Fiona urges the two to camp out for the night while she sleeps in a cave. Shrek and Donkey stargaze while Shrek tells stories about great ogres and says that he will build a wall around his swamp when he returns. When Donkey persistently asks why, he says that everyone judges him before knowing him; therefore, he feels he is better off alone, despite Donkey's admission that he did not immediately judge him when they met.
Along the way, Shrek and Fiona find they have more in common and fall in love. One night, when the trio is almost at Duloc, Fiona shelters in a windmill. When Donkey hears strange noises coming from it, he finds Fiona turned into an ogre. She explains her childhood curse and her nightly transformation, which is why she was locked away, and that only her true love's kiss will return her to her "love's true form". Shrek, about to confess his feelings for Fiona with a sunflower, partly overhears them, and is heartbroken as he mistakes her disgust with her transformation to an "ugly beast" as disgust with him. Fiona makes Donkey promise not to tell Shrek, vowing to do it herself. The next morning, Shrek has brought Lord Farquaad to Fiona. The couple return to Duloc, while a hurt Shrek angrily leaves his friendship with Donkey and returns to his now-vacated swamp, remembering what Fiona "said" about him.
Despite his privacy, Shrek is devastated and misses Fiona. Furious at Shrek, Donkey comes to the swamp where Shrek says he overheard Donkey and Fiona's conversation. Donkey keeps his promise to Fiona and tells Shrek that she was talking about someone else. He accepts Shrek's apology and tells him that Fiona will be getting married soon, urging Shrek into action to gain Fiona's love. They travel to Duloc quickly, thanks to Dragon, who had escaped her confines and followed Donkey.
Shrek interrupts the wedding before Farquaad can kiss Fiona. He tells her that Farquaad is not her true love and only marrying her to become king. The sun sets, which turns Fiona into an ogre in front of everyone in the church, causing a surprised Shrek to fully understand what he overheard. Outraged by Fiona, Farquaad orders Shrek killed and Fiona detained. Shrek whistles for Dragon who bursts in along with Donkey and devours Farquaad. Shrek and Fiona profess their love and share a kiss; Fiona is bathed in light as her curse is broken but is surprised that she is still an ogre, as she thought she would become beautiful, to which Shrek replies that she is beautiful. They marry in the swamp and leave on their honeymoon while the rest celebrate by singing "I'm a Believer".
guyze, I just got an idea
what if we used a captcha per post (would be only slightly a pain, but way better than the spambot)
but instead of the normal captcha we use sentenced mocking degenerates and/or insulting furries, with the right word or letter to complete?
furries are [ __ ] degenerates
a: cute b: inoccuous c: repugnant d: mundane
I'm sure the moron will soon be too triggered to keep going for long
and with the adequate amount of memes, this captcha can even filter normies and shills
say wat?
Testing to see if I can post. Posting is randomly broken since the spam nonsense started.
weird my boss talked about this exact scene tonight
Sticky ?