WTF!? They are fucking serious about this "Fake News" shit
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Of course they're serious about curtailing your rights as much as they possibly can. Did you think it was all going to stop just because they had a setback?
You may have a point there, I just fuck around mostly. The game has a pretty relaxing atmosphere and for me is perfect after a day or work. Just some good oll mindless combat on the middle difficulty.
lazy nezumi
Marry all of them and work on improving our military
Easy to get
Also, I was having a decent conversation with in the last thread. If you're around I was wondering if you wanted to continue our chat.
They're really fucking stupid that they decided to hype up this idea two months before they lose all power in the executive branch. More proof that jews can't look past the first shekel to see the long game.
Fuck off Potatoman, the Lugenpresse will fall.
null and void, first amendment.
Best map
Is it possible to sue the individual politicians involved for promoting this as acting against the constitution?
If not, how do we get a lawsuit started over the unconstitutional nature of limiting the 1st amendment?
This is making me feel bad feels. My ex love that movie and watched a lot when she was a kid. Fuck I miss her
Their idea of power is money manufacturing - they don't care how they do it they just DO it. They work
and subvert ANY group that they have to or need to - just to get more money.
Its their real god. Their religious document isn't about GOD. Its about their GOD called money.
but on the other hand
We don't have money, we don't expect to get money..our goal is not the space balls quest for more money.
We want the existence of our PEOPLE to CARY ON. We want our nations to not be flooded with destructive
non whites. We want them to have a life as well….in their own nations…in their own PLACE.
JooZ u gonna LooZ
Desperately need someone to seed the Ar/k/ guys
96.1% complete and 0kB/s
Did you even watch iDubbbz's newest video?
I just pasted a pertinent post I found on the archive that supports my argument.
For something more related to what you said, well, most manga panels are designed like film shots, you could take most of them and it would fit okay in a TV. After this, some things don't fit, like the comedy panels from FMA adapted in FMA:B (or Hellsing Ultimate), in my opinion. There should also be a reinterpretation for animation because it does not always perfectly reads well.
But I prefer when there's a reinterpretation by an inspired staff like
There's not one valid way to do things but there are numerous bad ways
Sure thing goy, while you're at it sue them for the unconstitutional federal reserve and wars for Israel.
no, this is a last-minute shekel grab
the bill is about "according a grant for inter-agency someshit with NGOs and external professionals" with the goal to write bullshit explaining why there's "disinformation and propaganda used against their allies and their interests"
meaning it's just the looters filling a last can of gravy before bailing
Everyone has rolls when they hunch over
You're both as bad as each other. Set fire to the car, kill her, then yourself.
Except that in the very next tourney everyone and their dogs was playing like its the most serious shit ever, even the protagonists
If youre stronger fight her if you're not then accept your place as her beta or leave and start a new tribe
there is nothing to explain, the job market is tough for everyone.
just say you freelanced/ working with your cousin
L-Love you, t-too, user
because it work on linux without major performance issue
the most forced meme of all time.
I like how they barely tried to defend their actions (if at all) and just went straight for the "it's all fake" lie
It's just like the idiots trying to spin the BLM "peaceful protests" while I'm watching 5 livestreams of niggers burning cop cars
Maryland. Story is one part fascinating, one part depressing, but for those who might be interested, article with pics:
Pizzagate seems to have really shook them up. They were just talking about 'fake news' as a way to pass blame around for Hillary's loss but it seems like after pizzagate started to gain more traction they started to go into overdrive about 'fake news'.
goku, gunna be so mad!
Looks like a MLS team
Now, this user's right.
Ok. Yes, there are good videos and information. They are few and far between. Starting out it's easy to want to download a product or course for the magic answer.
There is no magic answer. The answer is found by doing something. Anything. You will fail at first. Lots. Pick one area - of which there are hundreds of ways to make money - and do it. I used to get all over the place, messing around with ppc or seo or some ebook project, all across various industries and projects. It was a mess. Stretched myself too thin. So pick 1 area and commit to working it for 3 months.
You figured out the people selling cpa courses are the ones making the money. That's step 1. How did it feel to get marketed to? What hot buttons of yours got hit? How can you apply that to your customer?
The best thing that will help you is your brain.
Really wish a company that had dedicated gpus would give the same level of support
Reminder that she lost the election.
Kill yourself OP.
…are they even fucking trying, lmfao
Too late for that
Somehow I don't think enough money in the world will pacify white people once the browns start shitting up the entire country and voting their rights and money away.
It's got many high ranking Sunni Muslims in it's offices.
Trumps team really needs to purge and they need to come down like the hammer of god on propagandists in outlets like The New York Times or Washington Post.
Otherwise the country is heading down the path of some Latin American shithole where you're going to have to put insurgent leftists face down in ditches with bags over their heads.
Liberals will kick and scream about """""""Journalists"""""""""" being black bagged, but it will prevent further destabilization and unrest in the future.
As you can see from the left on social media, they are being whipped up in to a violent, treacherous and dangerous mob.
my parents were smart enough to build a successful business, they will retire in luxury, unlike you and yours
How old are you OP?
Why don't they just bring in weebs from the west and make them do low skilled labor?
A huge chunk of it is from some faggot spammer's bot that broke out of containment on /erp/ and /fur/
The other boards are trying to figure out if it is a previous spammer or false flagger that hates said spammer, but most anons are getting fed up and ready to go glassed earth.
Why is pol so shit tonight
Social media posters a shit.
They seem pro fat to me.
You talk about me as though
I was a motorbus.
No way
Trump is trolling on Twitter right now
because we're being flooded with botspam and codemonkey doesn't know how to stop it
The hell is this, bot's gone mad???
it's not even shilling at this point, it's just incoherent shitposting unrelated to everyfuckingthing in the universe!
dude, you are replying to the bot.
I love how thinly veiled this is. They are literally setting up a propaganda department. The word "counter" is their shield, it's supposed to deflect the notion that this is just an even better organized and funded attempt at what the media tried with Trump.
This is not about stopping foreign manipulation, this is about ensuring domestic manipulation.
We need to start killing politicians real fucking quick
They are serious as well. They still want to pretend the merican people didn't vote against them and it ws some "foreign misinformation" thing. Rather than their own misinformation failing to get the desired outcome. They literally censor the truth and put out propaganda in the name of counterpropaganda. When will you remember all the dead Europeans, Russians from past wars and reclaim your lands in the name of what they fought for. We need a MASSIVE purge.
The establishment is scared after an anti-establishment candidate like Trump succeeded. This is their swan song that shows their final years of desperation as the new generation utterly eradicates them as they themselves did before.
Only (((their))) propaganda is allowed in the new world order. People are already like zombies who can't think for themselves.
The only fucking people falling for this shit are marxists and cucks, none of whom voted for Trump.
fucking wew
Hopefully this is true. However, one should never underestimate one's opponent. I still remember the media's massive coordinated persistent "weapons of mass destruction" lies that ultimately sold a war to the American people. These lies about "fake news" and the constant stream of lies about Donald Trump feel awfully familiar, and I dread the thought that this could culminate in the same outcome as was achieved last time.
Yes. That is a good point.
Heres the thing. When the 'iraq has wmds' lie was sold to the public.. Most of the US was still believing the official account, and reeling from, 9/11. There was outcry against it from the libshits just like the right is calling bullshit on the fake news/ russian hacker lies.
But when they sold the wmd lie they had something they dont have now. Public trust. Go on goybook and the comments sections of articles. Keeping in mind that shilling is still very real look for the commenters that look like they are most likely actual normies. They are all crying bullshit.
The only people that believe this shit are marxists and cucks.
I believe this is them throwing up a hail mary. I believe they couldnt think of a better plan and either through lack of foresight or complete desperation they are still embracing this plan that already has no legs to stand on, and they are embracing it on a national scale.
All they are accomplishing by doing this is pushing a significantly large portion of the population further right.
After years of trying to oppose them… Watching the kikes make such a fatal mistake is delicious.
shit thats a bit more reddit spacing than I intended
Thank you, I hope you are right.
There is another possibility as well, though it probably mostly affects the useful idiots. "Never get high on your own supply" pertains to propaganda and disinformation as much as drugs. Maybe there is some sizable portion of useful idiots in there who are drinking their own kool aid.
We full 1084 nao.
The problem is standing, pointing out a "concrete" harm, or they can avoid on the basis of "political question" doctrine.
They will dodge anything you throw at them.
So ironic that they are all up in arms about fake news from a foreign country, but fake news from the U.S. itself, completely fine and acceptable. These people are the biggest hypocrites in the world. This is not about truth or lies. This is about information control. This is about keeping control of what the American people believe. For example, if a foreign government is telling people the truth about something which goes against what the American Government wants people to believe, then that is unacceptable to them. This is all about keeping U.S. propaganda as the only "news" the American people ever get to here.
my typo: hear
heres a nice example for you.
all 3 of these pics were posted by normie scum
yep and they are failing miserably at it. This is going to backfire on them so fucking amazingly
Agreed, especially when people start really exposing fake news originating from the U.S. itself. Sandy Hook would be a great place to start. I'd love for Holla Forums to blow that drill turned into a shooting wide open for everyone to see.
It'll be torn apart as soon as it gets in front of a judge.
i wonder if the bulk of the shit that was dug up still exists somewhere… the connections Holla Forums dug up were amazing.
They're tuning their METAL GEAR-style AI to astroturf Holla Forums HARD and try to kill Meme Magic.
Be ready.