What do you think of his work? Is there any other good modern art coming also coming from the anti-degeneracy viewpoint? - Great article on him, "postmodern antimodernism" describes his work well.


Other urls found in this thread:



His entire style was stolen from a relatively unknown guy named b0dyg0d who left youtube 4 years ago. Sometimes I wonder if it's actually him.

are you suppose to just meditate and have the koan in your mind, is it even possible in translation

Planning for the purple outfit! I thought about the Green but those vertical lines look like hell.

I'd seen this thread before a while back (with the same OP pic) but hadn't actually watched any of his videos.. Glad I did. Pretty enlightening, Thanks m8

That style is pretty common, but even then I think that they have fairly unique aesthetics within the style.

Also, how long has NobodyTM / cooper0209 been putting out content anyway?

No problem, it's nice not having people call you a shill.

I think that the logical progression for looking at his work is first watching the "Divine Intelligentsia" and his interview to understand what he's all about, then watching Nobody Disks, UFO Zone and the classics he deleted from his website (You & Ouroboros), and finally watching NobodyTV. It's all really high-quality content.

I'm getting mad deja vu about this thread. If you're not a shill, you're a bot.

Im not actually into that kind of rap but i really like post and his album

site was
but there was a YT channel
setup May 2014

Stopped watching him a long time ago. Does he make music now? His videos were pretty good, but didn't make me feel better or add new info so I unsubscribed.


How will you retain leadership?

I'm not, I've never even seen a thread on him here.


Le get carried by big men to championships man

This is the only song I've heard by him that I've really liked though.

Not a fan of the Crish Chun imagery

is this a good site?

Sanyo Z5. Handles SCART, too.


So basically he is a musical copy of V/VM and a visual copy of b0dyg0d mashed together and mixed with Holla Forums

check out SentimentalCorp too, which used to be linked on his website.

Teach me to shitpost Holla Forums -kun
captcha on Holla Forums is fucking up, testing hereinb4 >>>test

And why are you choosing a thread past the first page? Pretty much CONFIRMED sliding.

Not really, but that sounds like more than enough.

Thanks, this looks interesting.

mb, forgot to sage. I like your vigilance tho.
Holla Forums is gone to shit (faggot and pedoshit) so I'm looking for a refuge
t. cross-poster, sorry for the mishap

only the dead can know peace from this degeneracy.

They wont even say what they hacked. Very odd

Un-related story. DHS tried to hack the georgia election office! Strange that our own government would be trying to interfere with our election

Reddit delusion nothing to see here


Or shut the fuck up because you have nothing but jewish tricks.

NobodyTM was a collective that had a singular face. People that were involved are still creating but with less ambiguous meaning. People greatly enjoyed their time with NobodyTM and sincerely hope viewers take to heart the Nobody Three's.

Why because youre an idiot? lmao fuck off

I must disagree. but I have never been one for pop or the more artistic realms of almost performance art. except maybe OK GO.
but just them.

he's literally /ourguy/

and it upsets you


Why don't you rig my dick into your mouth?

Is People really run by people who worked in NobodyTM?

How are you going to function without a smartphone? Smartphones are necessary nowadays. Just don't waste time on it.

Totally worth it; report him. Not only is he pushing an obvious agenda, he's also a shit teacher who violates the peer discussion form of college classes.

John "fuck a kid to win the bid" podesta

Why didn't you abort it, you STUPID FUCK?

Didn't he delete all of his old work while back?

Yeah, but he's used bits & pieces of it in the work currently on his site.

There's a youtube archive and a archive, just google it. I'd say 90% of his older work is still around through that.

Saging because I think this thread is being used to slide, at least half the replies are off topic.

Trudeau is the Fidel Castro + Sweden

The off-topic spam was site-wide. It happened to the top 25 boards (or something like that) because some Japanese Furry autist felt like fucking with us. Initially he just spammed the furry boards, but after about a week or so he decided to do it site-wide.

Hillary or Trump
I don't know, got any better options?

Holy fuck, Ahmed. This is some inspired shitposting.

Ah, so I'm not crazy then. Well, hopefully something gets done about this soon.

Also, last time I checked, seems like NTM has some new content, which can be found on the chatroom page, the eye gif.

It just doesn't seem so announced, I guess it's a peripheral thing, as supposedly they went on to do other things.

I kind of miss 2013 and early 2014 before Holla Forums became mainstream.

he was inspired by Andy Prozac, he even admitted this on his site.

*randy prozac

these niggas aint shit, come see what a real man can do

Everyone lies about their inspirations. The techniques he is employing are ripped from b0dyg0d.

I am guessing you haven't watched Randy Prozac

I don't care what the context is, modern art sucks.
I'm not sure if it falls under the type of thing you are looking for but this channel Burden is pretty good, just the description of his channel alone made it obvious to me that he was either a Holla Forumsack or a robot.

What did he mean by this?

Hi sam

I don't want your book, Sam.

Thanks lad.

The interview I did with him was quite interesting, in case anyone here hasn't seen it by now.

C'mon, fam.

Thanks for the article, it made me feel less out of my depth while getting into him. Do you know if is true?

there is no good modern art. It's been an intelligence project from the beginning and it's all shit

It's high-effort and has a clear message, it's not modern art in the sense you're thinking of. What I meant in the OP was "art that is modern", not the shitty pretentious movement of "modern art".

FWI, Higgins v Angelle is going to be a dog fight so go out and vote in that one if nothing else!

Nothing TM is high-effort? No.

Taking into account the sheer amount of content he's put out over the years, the level of polish to that content and the difficulty in finding the clips he uses, sure it is.

Like chris chan?
Very unpolished and derivative. Minimal editing effort. He just lets long clips play out completely and adds an effect. Sometimes he will do something like slow down the mister rogers theme song over images of degeneracy, which is nothing new. It takes about three clicks to do as well.
It's hard to find clips of young people getting drunk and being degenerate? News to me.

Threadly reminder of the opening of the Mississippi Declaraction of Secession:

"Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery - the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product, which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization. That blow has been long aimed at the institution, and was at the point of reaching its consummation. There was no choice left us but submission to the mandates of abolition, or a dissolution of the Union, whose principles had been subverted to work out our ruin."

Nobody is one guy. Canadian, mid-thirties.

Why does he use we?
From the about section.

Really enjoying Reactionary Skyrim btw

you? vote "no" on what?

wtf i HATE nobodytm now

Not sure, but at the end of ep30 he implies that his music production, video editing, etc is done by different personalities.

You watched the interview, right? Where he says straight-out that he likes appearing as an obscure "entity"? He's deliberately obscure and even self-contradictory at points. Adds to the whole vibe surrounding the NOBODY™ image.

thats just the editor fam

How do you know?

im going to remain silent on this matter, adam

Ah, I see.

Doesn't matter who does this, it's a cancer.

Any chance you could just cross borders to say Arizona and grab as much ammo as possible before heading back to Cali?

Is this from the Protocols, my Jew?


Fake news

Racist leafs attacking dem Mexican folks


this, if we can't beat chink farmers with outdated weapons or kill goat fuckers in backwordistan, our government has no chance against its own people

"if the government fears its people, then it is liberty; if the people fear their government, their is tyranny"

t. Thomas Jefferson

Just move to Qatar, no taxes!

That disgusting.

is this a bot post?

haven't been on Holla Forums for about a year


fpbp /thread


Bamp for justice

What happened to America literally burning to the ground upon his election? Or did you guys give up on that idea?

if trump had nothing to do with it, how can we blame him over what russia did?


The clips and songs and effects he strings together aren't just random shit though, it has an actual feel to it, a zeitgeist. You're just plain wrong if you're trying to say there's no artistic value in that.

On top of that, this whole idea that abstract art is bad just by virtue of being abstract art is bullshit. The vast majority of modern abstract art is shit because it's been co-opted by nihilistic Jews pushing their 'progressive' agendas, but it wasn't always like this. Don't forget that the origins of fascism lie in the avant-garde.


I think some of it has meaning and some of it is deliberately ambiguous. It's ambiguous for a reason. Ambiguity encourages thought and meditation. It certainly fits in with what says about him.

Yes. Of course…my usual go to was that I was a KZ kommandant…and her pious sluttery servicing me without limits was keeping me from gassing any Jews. I would push small frozen chocolates up my bum and have her rim me whilst occasionally feeding her one after they melted from internal bodyheat. Only one ever figured out it wasn't shit. Remarkable world class slags.

You could probably buy a house in your country with that, Marcin.

Why are you racist?

Kill them.

They didnt Russia posts nothing but propoganda to make them look strong. Their military is average at best, their tecnology is sub par, and they are suffering heavily from a heroin epidemic. Not to get down on russians. Their are a hardy people but their society is not well off due to the influence of the russian mob and extensive corruption. Dont belive their propoganda.

The world would fall into a new dark age.

This isn't your house.

Go away, Taylor Swift.

oh look, it's more fake news.

fake news

It hurt the arabs more than anyone else.

I hope to one day rectify this, parasites who undermine the fabric of our society shouldn't have a place in it. You have have dissenting views and opinions of course, the problem is that sort of mindset doesn't even want to play ball.

I think when the joker said "Some men just wanna watch the world burn" he could have been talking about leftist ideologies. They just want to destroy everything.

Continue filling Australia.

Hits and misses. I used to make Trump generals and change some of the starting links to donate to Hillary pages.

No political affiliation. I'm on the side that doesn't import 3rd worlders and doesn't waste money.

Just call them a racist.

your dad got BEANED

Doesn't that look like fighting degeneracy with degeneracy, though?

It will never be real communism as long as it is led by communists. Perhaps if they tried someone competent instead, but I still doubt it.

He is a lefty. Victimization is their highest form of virtue and (they believe) makes them immune from criticism. All lefties are like that, even the "anti-sjw" ones.

Don't send the illegals back, just throw them in the ocean 1000's of miles away from the shore

he is also copying filthy frank with that voice.

Commercialization is not exploration. Sure the private forms are doing some neat stuff, but it's all based on ROI.

There has not been a private moon landing, mars probe, asteroid probe, ship to any of the inner or outer planets, or even a lunar orbiter.

There are "planned" missions, and things "in the works", but in the end, governments do the heavy lifting exploration wise.


No, theyre pushing "muh russia" so they can further deny pizzagate when the shit hits the fan, and claim the emails were fully doctored or something. The whole fakes news surge just happens to coincide with these unnamed sources claiming all these emails came from Russian hackers. The whole premise is so fucking absurd.

Why not uncle Jeb?

of course its "rent" a jew, they would never ggive help for free, gotta make them shekles

The media doesntn even acknowledge that stuff. They only address the most ridiculous and easily dismissed aspects of pizzagate. They never address the more damning creepy shit. Rake yourself.


Chet Baker or bust

Satan is a cuck

Long story short, if your dick is even slightly longer than 2 inches, you're a nigger.

959s are palis.

Why do you have images of animals in toilets?

Religion is just a coping mechanism to mask the only truth in this world which is that life is meaningless

It's like stereotypes exist for a reason.

Go to bed you pleb

Man if this bot shit was on halfchan I wouldn't even notice. It's really fucking awful here though.

Best thing is that if he resigns or is impeached, we get Mike "Like the Cock, Get the Shock" Pence.

Get the cattle cars ready.

It's me again, a mod or whatever should put an anchor on this thread, nothing but bots tbh. No coherent conversation.

bump for interest rate

you suddenly have internet in the asylum center, ahmed?

Reminder to report and filter the bot(s).

I love how they go out of their way to skip Israel lol

I ask liberals the same question about the anchor babies whom parents were deported.

Fuck celts mongols are the master race.

too easy :(

Can't tell if this was part of the spam or not

I voted for Hillary Clinton.

NOBODY TM inspired me to make videos back in 2014. We were in contact for a time and inspired each other back and forth.

You didn't do to badly tbh, but they need some polishing. I have actually been pursuing similar things recently. At some point I would like to make a set of about 5 videos that I will put onto disks and leave at nearby college campuses. Its a bit of a spin on the redstick idea.

I had a run but I am just watching some again and boy do I need to speed up on my message delivery. Got any content to share?

Heres another one of mine. Can you tell I used to be a libertarian? Fucking ham fisted as shit fam.

Anyone got his music? There was this really cool song called "I'll Find You" or something like that that I'd really like to hear again. He pulled it off youtube since I guess the namesake channel wasn't actually him

They copied Randy Prozac.

the in depth description of fisting in the video made me nearly throw up

Do you have tox. If so, add me fam:


I have a lot of weird stuff

I have been waiting for someone to make this thread. European style classical painting is not yet dead. There is a California artist named Sandow Birk whom I really like. He paints recent historical events in classical style and also has a series on an imaginary North vs South California civil war. Here are some paintings featuring the arrest of Rodney King, the beating of Reginald Denny, the Stonewall Riots and more. Check out his website at sandowbirk (dot) com. Good stuff. Of course he is a california boy so there is some liberal stuff, but dig through it I think you will like it goys.

Here are some more Sandow Birk pieces. Yes, I know his actual skill and style are not the best, but its not like we have a lot of other guys doing this these days to compare him to. If you guys know of similar artists, please link them.

I especially like these last three. Here we have cops cleaning up the Ferguson chimp out, some dead gang banger, and a liberal's absolute nightmare scenario for 2017.

I got one more Holla Forums approved Sandow Birk piece

Salvador Dali