Megyn kelly Blames Donald trump for people not trusting the mainstream media

Looks like Fox News favorite bimbo slut is jumping on the fake news bandwagon. Do they know this is probably gonna backfire and cause normies to distrust them even more?

Other urls found in this thread:

I hope this unhinged, deranged broad drinks herself in a coma. The sooner, the better. I have grown to hate her ugly mug more than Shillary's.


Has that slag jumped ship to CNN yet?

Nah, that would turn sheep into a pokemon.
Knight-mare is an animal supremacist, he wouldn´t use pokemon.
The sheep becomes just charcoal.

I feel the rumors are true yes



Philip Morris changed its name to Altria after the anti-smoking campaigns started fucking with its other brands.

They really would be better off putting all that money into new names instead of sticking with CNN or MSNBC. The brands are tainted.

dave grohl looks funny here

hey where did you get this footage of me?

The best way to enjoy coffee is to just eat a small handful of beans. It's quick and delicious, but I reccomend washing it down with some milk.



Been around a while, OP. Longer than those albums, or this bag.

Can someone explain how a fucking news anchor can be considered to make 20 million a year? I'm baffled, it has to be 99% lobbyist money but they can have anyone spew bullshit can't they, so why so much?

an alternative to good music

Megyn Kelly can command such a salary because the "Megyn Kelly" brand is recognized and was respected by millions of Americans.

You mean she's actually talking about something else besides shilling her shitty book every chance she gets?

What the hell is up with all these retarded replies? I've seen this in a few threads now. They're not even saged. Some kind of bot to force a bumplock or something?

It's just a general attack on 8ch I think.

"your climb begins at bronze 1"
time to play ryze and watch as shitters under estimate my damage

It's a bot. Purpose of it is doubtlessly to annoy us and disrupt our conversation. They fear us, they fear our power.

How about whoever is working on the new Doom tries making a fun shooter without pointless gimmicks?
Hell, they took dismembering from Brutal Doom, which is already a shit mod.
Focus on running, gunning and making gunplay actually satisfying, and not the airsoft guns the new one has.
Also, at least try to make your boss fights memorable.
I always forget the Cyberdemon and SM were in it.

She hasn't been relevant since last August when she was BTFO by Trump and she cut her hair off

You wrote cucks on that file name. I think you meant to write (((cucks)))


Why would I need to update fw?

I really wanted something reeeeally small to fit in my pocket. So I went with this one.

The latter, if you suck then just blame it on an off day.

No more dastardly evil plans in Salem. His rivalry with Roman/John Black was legendary. F :( not much other asuka art though

thats the other shitty thing about twitter, pixiv keeping standardized ids across filenames and urls was great, but with this there's no way to just get the source yourself

You could have helped him to get to 5%
You could have started the ball rolling on dismantling the duopoly in 2020.
Instead you decided to get cucked by an orange conman in the most explicit, predictable and hilarious way.

You deserve everything that's coming. The problem is I dont.

I doubt CNN actually wanted her. That rumour felt like the kind of thing she'd start about herself to make it appear she was more wanted than she actually is.

Are we even involved in any wars at the moment?
We'd probably just send America some troops

That was an original post? I thought it would have been taken.

A least the spam bot is starting to get on topic, albeit its still retarded.

r2d2 stop stealing dubs you faggot

quality takes time op

Look at her expression. That's the expression of someone who eats cocaine for breakfast. It's not a question of if she's found dead in a public bathroom after snorting too much, it's a question of when.

aka baseless assertions

what is there to say besides doing the same as you and replying "no" to each one?

If she gets caught she'll say Trump drove her to start doing coke.


ugly ho

I'd still give her the dick.

Technically she is not wrong. Donald Trump brought the attention of normal people to the deceitful and biased ways of the mainstream media. Without him shining a light on them and having the reach that he does; many people would still trust them. It had a lot to do with him as a popular and powerful figure speaking out about something that previously only 'conspiracy theorists' and 'neo-nazis' (that's us) spoke about.

Obviously the mainstream media are deceitful, manipulative fucks who should not be trusted, and they only have themselves to blame for being outted. If they had not been pieces of shit in the first place then Trump would never have been able to make people distrust them. Fact remains though that most people are idiotic sheep who would never have found this out for themselves (like we all did). As such technically it is because of Trump that many people do not trust the lying kikes.


Two first names. Pretentious spelling of first one. Bad nose job. Epic fail.

Whenever I see it I'm always like "meh-GUY-n".

Her smile and optimism. Gone.

Have you seen CNN? Of course they want her

Trump isn't the cause, he's just the logical end result, the consequence of their actions.

If miscegenation was outlawed in Islam it would be the perfect religion.

$45? Why do you need $30?

$20 is outrageous.

ASIO's domestic. ASIS or ASD would be dealing with that.

But then again an Aussie intelligence guy leaked here before and got called fake and gay when it was for real.


Same here. My last year of high school, a fuckton of Micronesians starting moving to my town in north Arkansas. They seemed really nice, but my senior year, 6 of them broke into a pawn shop and stole some guns. These were freshmen and sophomores, mind you. They ended up getting arrested.

On top of that, they aren't very bright

I dont know what social circles you hang out in where you are told that regularly, but you should get out of them

Polite sage for being a slide thread.

or should I say working class

probably the dindu rendition of judas kiss

Good lesson about their "tactics", watching them so condensed one after the other.

did you expect different from Rupert Murdoch toy?

there's a recent comment on one of his videos
which is strange considering that's from before the article yet the video was posted over 2 years ago

the voice at around 2:00 strikes me for some reason

1. the answer is 1. Like scrambled HBO but with dropped frames like trying to stream 1080p video from your phone to Livestream channels.

2. Space started in the 200s with Lucian of Samosata.

Before then nobody gave afuck. Maybe we collectively memed space into existence and maybe dante was the cause of hell existing?

There's a lot of down time early in the first 6 weeks when the fleet's starship is setting out. It's an acclimation period for the new…cadets? Do we still say cadets in the future? Also, she's young- she doesn't have too many friends that she served across the galaxy with yet that she can call her family and is thus, the first real time she's been away from home. THEN there's space interference. Could be cosmic radiation, could be some extra terrestrial interception, but THIS IS WHERE THE PSYOP BEGINS: You are her father video chatting with your daughter when you notice the unexpected "glitch." I have painted a scene. It's mostly inspired by Starship Troopers but it's got some J.J. Abrams. In your mind, what do you see? Two Options


I just wish Richard Spencer wasn't so fucking old.

Yeah, as long as you don't go to some massive chain place like cibo.

The little place near my work does $1 espresso and $3 latte/flat white/cappuccino.
Espresso is just a plain, standard shot, that's it.
The others are like ~200mL once said and done.
It's not bad value.

Most idiots go to the wanker mobs like cibo or the new espresso carts with moustache twirling hipsters that also charge $6-8 for a goddamn latte.

A lot of them are "look at these liberals holding coffee!", which I think are slide threads

Didn't notice the racemixing though; I just figured Folger's or someone had an alternative marketing idea

He isn't paid by CTR or Clinton. He's just a ronery fat fuck loser who has nothing better to do because his career is a mess and a waste.

Truly a pathetic human being. Not to mention he killed his own wife and LIED about it.

all of a sudden books and discussion forums became my life, was about 21

Oh, Finland. Yes.

Shias will slaughter every Sunni bastard on earth

fucking yes

live in a black neighborhood for a week

then come tell me how great blacks are

She's white tough.

I think thats what they used to call the schizoid mask

It definitely will. Fire Monkey delivers, always! BTW Fire Cock begins January 28th :^)

but to give you fags some ideas for helping this kike narrative fall apart :