So recently i felt like i want to watch some non-jewed films, stuff that celebrates european and or american culture and by that i don't mean necessarily historical movies but stuff pridefuly made there or by europeans or americans at the helm. No Jewlywood shite preferably.
Holla Forums approved films
Other urls found in this thread:
Much appreciated.
whitenationalism .com/cwar/movlst.htm
That's a nice list, i'll have a lot to watch now.
eyes wide shut
Master and Commander
Neon Demon
Eyes Wide Shut
All of Tarkovsky's films, but be warned, they are pleb filters
1. Destigmatization/normalization of hatred.
2. Dehumanization of target group.
3. Radicalization of your group.
4. Organization of your group politically and locally.
5. Crisis point or "critical mass" event
6. Seizure of power / capitalization of circumstance.
7. Guidance of force.
Real Holocaust
The Bridge at Remagen is tops
God I fucking love Master and Commander. It's not that it's an overtly redpilled movie, it just feels like a movie that was made in an alternate reality where everything isn't totally fucking pozzed and western culture is left unmolested in its lofty place.
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
how d fuck to get to the masseuse's house?
I know what you mean. I also have a soft spot for that era. The film has about two women, who are extras for about ten seconds of screen time. Its a pure manly film about camaraderie, duty, honour, hierarchy, war, pioneering etc.
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
rule what
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
It's obviously CP though.
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
kill yourself
The 24-105 is an f4.0 btw
What the hell is going on on my thread?
Those are all blue pilled movies.
This reads like the list of a 19 year old.
You have been reported spamming faggot
Every thread is getting spammed like this. It's fucking annoying.
Best term I can think of is science fantasy.
Look at Book of the New Sun, Book of the Long Sun, and Panzer World Galient for examples.
Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
Updated version.
I got into reading again because I bought a kindle.
Neither con nor pro
I like it
I used to think I got abducted but after years of theraphy found out that I was getting sexually abused by my mother. The greys were just me covering up a traumatic events
4 parts of a day driving. He could do most of the things he wants to do in the day and drive in the evening. I can't imagine he would find much more then half a day of activities in phoenix, maybe catch a cardinals game or see a coyotes game for 5$.
I once inhabited a subway bathroom for over 3 months, does that mean it became my home?
based god
the old world of the internet is crippled.
where can I go to see these for free?
No. Jews are as big about complaining about white supremacy as blacks are. Even when they have a billion trillion zogshekels they will complain that some vast white-wing conspiracy is keeping them down.
Holla Forums Holla Forums is the daily news feed 8 watch every morning
Everything else has been compromised
coffee is by and for sandniggers and beaners. It originates in shitskin regions of the world and is exported from there.
Tea is the masterdrink. Fuck you niggerdrinker
I came here just to make sure that someone had the original Conan in here. Good job user.
kill yourself shill
Daily reminder that the Ethiopian Diet was a Holla Forums meme, and you just reposted it thinking it was leftwing garbage.
You absolute simpleton.
Here ya go:
It's an old list. Someone out there should consider updating it.
The real Last Samurai
Muhh cheep labor
Fuck off shlomo
What was your response?
thanks for trying mishima
we have Holla Forums approved film threads every once in a while, but what would a bluepilled films list by Holla Forums look like? Because American History X is a guarantee.
This is pasta, r-right guys?
Read the criteria in the link
The same way you approach someone anywhere. You go there and become part of the community and make connections and you'll usually either meet a girl or meet someone who wants to introduce you to a girl like their niece or cousin or something.
Bump again
Seven Samurai
Lion of the desert. It's about a legendary muslim rebel who fought against Mussolini's Italy in Libya.
Waterloo (1970). A 2 hour movie where about 1.5 hours is the battle. To give an example of the type of plot device that occurs in this movie, at one point the infantry are mistakenly ordered to advance without appropriate artillery support, and that's just terrible. In some ways it's better than Zulu. Almost 20,000 soviet troops are used to reenact the battle.
If you don't watch this you're a faggot.
movie disliking faggot here, can you tldr it for me with a spoon please?
You get to watch a fuck huge battle for an hour and a half.
What's the deal with John Millius?
Recently I've been watching stuff from my childhood and more adolescent years. To sum up the experience thus far: everything I once cherished or enjoyed is pretty much shit, including movies that to this day are lauded as masterpieces by everyone else (like The Neverending Story). It's also interesting to see how much propaganda was passively swallowed when you know what it looks like.
Now I need to try the same thing with some classic RPGs and anime I grew up with.
Yeah, I rewatched back to the future last month and (((speilberg))) put in pointless shout outs to nigger civil rights
Saw the whole trilogy recently again myself and it was not very enjoyable at all. I'm so disillusioned which I guess is a good thing.
One of my all time favorites.
You'll like him more after hearing this.
Since school let out I've been watching 80s and 90s movies. Pretty much all of them have subtle (((kill whitey))) and (((businessmen are ebil))) messages. So incredibly subtle. Makes me realize how I was a self hating white liberal in middle school. Glad I got redpilled shortly after by watching 9/11 documentaries.
But I remember when I first began redpilling I wondered how I had come to my original good goy conclusions, because I never had any formal exposure to politics. Popular culture is steeped in marxism, and I was drinking the coolaid without even realizing it.
only one example, but I've had this happen a lot after going back to something.
even the older TV shows, 1970s-90s, my grandmother watches are filled with shit. i caught a few mins of some show that showed the black kid as a good boi and the group of white kids, that were dressed like niggers to boot, bullying the little niglet as normal nigger groups do to white kids.
except for a few animus and a couple of cartoons nearly everything I watched as a kid/teen was pozzed to all hell or just awful.
this too.
I need to rewatch this, this imagery and scale of the scenes was amazing. no studio would make a movie like that anymore. it's a damn shame some of the original audio was damaged beyond repair, the fill in on the bluray stuck out pretty badly.
totally worth a +20GB download.
Sicario is a worthy mention, only times it pissed me off were the "camera always moves" scenes, fucking cancerous shit.
Sounds like a fucking masterpiece, i'll try to watch it asap
House is severely guilty of promoting the "being a broken person is cool" motif that edgy teenagers eat right the fuck up. Pure Kikery.
Apocalypse Now is more of a /fringe/ movie than a Holla Forums movie though.
I haven't seen it, but I'll check it out. A buddy of mine saw it when it was newly-released and he said it was boring as fuck, "two and a half hours of them sailing around doing nothing". Not knowing any better, I avoided it. We've since fallen out of touch, but he was always a guy who needed Michael Bay explosions or balloon-titties every 2 minutes or he gets bored. Should have known he was wrong.
Lawrence of Arabia.
Sent to break up the multicultural Ottoman Empire.
Why would you do that? Certainly because everyone was thirsting after Mesopotamian oil. But also because Zionist Heebs had a plan in mind.
They got the Anglos to promise them Palestine, and in exchange, got the US involved.
Proof WWI was all about this, is that the day the Ottoman Empire abdicated (30 October 1918), crowds of workers, all led by Jews, stormed the capitals of the Triple-Alliance. Béla Kun in Budapest, Kurt Eisner in Munich, Rosa Luxemburg in Berlin.
Thereby putting an end to a war noone really understood.
Lawrence was the then-MI6/CIA operative poisoning the Middle East with fundamentalism and demagoguery to further the jews' plan.
I don't think he realized.
He's a jew, but a fairly based jew. Hardcore right-winger in (((Hollywood))). Made good movies
On himself:
A writer on him:
I like his films
It's more like two and a half hours of comfy slice of life sailing interspersed with classical music, English witticisms, and fucking up the French. It's only overshadowed by the books it's based on which is an underrated literary masterpiece of a series.
this better not disappoint user.
Watch it and thank me later.
Lol, nice.
Truly the greatest literature known to man.