The YES moment is a the end.
Are we going to lose Poland sooner or later?
The YES moment is a the end.
Are we going to lose Poland sooner or later?
Other urls found in this thread:
fucking cucks
why do they have to make learning another language into some kind of race cuckoldry
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
as far as i know it is wearable.
the red part goes inside the black part as seen in pic.
Purging these fucks is not enough.
I was thinking something along the lines of Southwest Airlines; large numbers of union employees who collectively own a substantial proportion of company shares.
I can't argue with those digits.
Just make gay yaoi shit that anno secretly enjoys but is too in the closet to come out.
Hes a real closet case. Worse than tom cruise packing fudge.
Thanks for the advice, I'll see what I can do.
Poland has a bad inferiority complex in regards to Western Europe. Poles are the most western Slavs and wish they could be with the cool kids in Germany or France rather than with the mongols in Russia. Unfortunately, this causes them to try to ape western behavior in a lot of ways, but in a really inauthentic and gay way. Like back in school there were always those losers who wanted really bad to be friends with the popular kids. They would wear all the right clothes and listen to all the right music and try to sit with the popular kids at lunch, but they just couldn't get it quite right or came off as try hard. That is Poland.
I'm sure your boss thinks you're a prick too for expecting payment, and should really work for free.
Very creepy simulation of what monkey speech might sound like at the end.
Is it tubelcain
Ohh no that isn't their fault, but Arsenal's nature coupled with the Real bias isn't a good combination
Also hi long time no see u ok
lol OP you post 1 picture every 2 days. you really like to make us be patient dont you
pls uwaaawa
I guess ask about the books, why they are destroyed after doing some damage to them
You throw a look at your companion who is unquestioningly and obediently carrying your intensely glowing lamp, only barely giving you the chance to see and recognize his features. Alike every other pony of the Manehattan Vanguard, he’s wearing the dreaded helmet of submission: a mark of Sombra’s will. The eldritch green glow of his eyes represents utter and total obedience he’s under; for how long now – two or three years? Alike his commander-in-chief Blackward the salem hued body of this stallion is heavily modified with all sorts of mechanical contraptions and visible augmentations, the engine of clockwork and steam roaring inside his of body and black smog escaping from his turbines. Aside from that, his black-sapphire mane is cut ignorantly short, courtesy of Blackward’s collectivism. There’s nothing else of interest about this pony, his Cutie Mark is hidden beneath a thick metal plate with a numeral – #25.
young Steven Tyler
2nd for real estate. Just read books on it and tax law and financing. Sales gives u a leg up. Consider getting real Estate license for MLS access and sell on the side while doing sales. Keep the best deals for u if u can.
it's okay if you're good
if you suck you will have a hard time.
go for it if you really like animation. but don't only learn animation in my opinion, get decent as something else as well so you're slightly more valuable. rigging is related so that's not a bad suggestion.
That was actually a funny commercial until the kikery at the end. I guess that's how they manage to catch whites off guard and subvert us.
Poland's culture is pretty right-wing so hopefully there will be backlash against this company and this shit can be nipped in the bud. As an American, once miscgenation gets mainstream acceptable on TV it'll literally never stop – they just keep pushing the boundary more and more. Poles have to take a stand against whoever was running these ads and say no more.
Only do it with a trusted, long-term partner. Get tested if either of you want reassurance.
Wtf is up with this shilling? All of these are (1)'s
for precision i can't into that grip, but for gesture drawing i can
Ruger isnt full auto? Why is it under Free Weapons?
Injections are good for you but painful.
The nurse is supposed to be comfortable and reassuring despite that fact.
I think it's an S&M metaphor. Could be wrong.
They were originally going to be all black in the screenplay but Scorsese changed it as he thought it would be too obvious
So he made Bickle's racism more subtle but it's still there if you look for it
What the fuck.
Anyone who watches Keijo is 14
Still pissed off at Poland for refusing to extradite Polanski.
how are you alive
Came here to say this
It ain't nice when Taco Kid is around
Terribly. Absolutely terribly.
It barely has games to speak of.
oh how soon they forget. what about the "omg video game blogs don't have journalistic integrity" outrage of gamrgate?
maybe you aren't, I grew up poor and I grew up fighting
old chain mail copypasta from 2002, lifted from print copypasta from the 50s starring some guy
its literally some hick shitpost bantzing on city boys from the 1950s hijacked by cuck-minded feminists
There's a history of alcoholism in my family and I never liked the taste. So I just avoid it completely.
Coffee is pretty good though. So is tea.
Showing this to my Polish friends and family and see them rage.
Poles are blupilled and our ZOG goverment is making Poland more communist then 40 years ago. We already loosing our homogenity - 1mln Ukrainians lives here, and gov wants to import millions more to save state retirement system.
Just imagine, if Hillary won, this shit would have been happening here.
I thought Poland is ruled by the "Law and Order" Party, and is going towards fascist after the plane crash killed all those politicians? I didn't think poland accepted any refugees. Thought Poles were pretty based.
They are socialist party that started giving gibs, suport Merkel and wants more EU integration (like EU army). They are backed by neocons and are fascist as they want state to control every aspect of our lives. Half of party was in PZPR and chief - Kaczyński, is literal jew.
ITT : ask CIA
Reminder: ……
I bet that grandpa is a gorol from Warsaw. Only solution is to burn it to the ground, literal cancer city.
No, no she fucking isnt
I would say anything by LaVey especially the Satanic bible or anything by Crowley
He's not a globalist. You're thinking of Bolton or Romney.
Will we crash the plane?
Is that Gerard Depardieu?
Yeah but religion doesn't take precedence over the law in the U.S.
Are there any countries I can move to that allows me to do those things?
Revisionist Khruschev took power and it all started to go downhill from that moment.
Further proof that asian traps are truly the patrician choice, DESIGNED for the white man
2 white parents
Not even white one is white one is Asian
Nig baby
All my wat
I cant even comprehend what im seeing this is so clearly propaganda how do people put up with this shit
Exactly. There was always a begrudging respect.
aka being honest
hoppa in när jag parkerar
i read in another thread that it's some sort of bot
Just joking mate I love blues, Elmore James, muddy, wolf etc. You come across this? I about shit myself laughing the first time I heard it
Kek. Its natural that plebs think that politics is boring. Dont be an autist m8.
stop wasting money
They should know better than apes
I'd move to Tarnów or Nowy Sącz. Those are catholic strongholds of Poland
It's clear that not only are we being shilled by humans, but also, experimentally, by AI thanks to advances in deep learning.
Tbf minorities all bunch together in certain areas and make it look like there is more then there actually is. But I think that graph they put up isn't excluding Hispanic white
Those cathedrals were made by Catholics
while the little churches were made by Protestants
America is a dominantly Protestant country
get it, Sven?
What the fuck did you do, fellow South Afrifag?
Good old leftism.
And I have to say… shilling in this manner might be the new form of spam, because the sentences contain meaning and some are thought provoking, so I'm double-checking each post to see if it even relates to anything or not…
Mods sind Schwuchtel und können kein Deutsch.
Poland is already lost, t. Pole
I mostly hate this "stronghold of Christianity meme, the youth (which is the future after all) is overwhelmingly composed of euphoric atheists who want the destruction of our country by flooding it with rapefugees (most definitely out of spite as at the same time they hate how unlivable it is here which would make you question why they want them so bad).
Expect a new Reagan Era, pleb
Most Poles are homo sovieticus that are happy that goverment "gives" them money and "cares" about them. Bread and circus. This will end with economic collapse and, hopeffuly, DOTR. I hope that I live up to day when Poland will be judenfrei.
Somebody is going to run things in the end, it's how it works, I'd rather have a government that at least tries to get things done on our behalf.
That nigger is just trying to make America great again. Get off the plantation
Godspeed frozen Ted
Now those who makes the best baits will have more influence and power, just give to people what they want to hear, Trump is the first one in catching this
It means that the information spreads faster than what we can verify, by the time you can prove something is fake everyone believes it, and they keep that wrong belief after consuming the media. In the old times you just had a few "official" information sources, so people believed them with small questioning, now literally everyone can post shit for everyone to see so what is socially considered truth is more complicated
Climate change has always been talked about on here and it's pretty overwhelmingly supported here that's it's mostly overblown bullshit. Yes we know we are having a minor impact on shit. But Florida was supposed to be flooded or some shit by now wasn't it according to the inconvenient truth.
Dubz prove that this is the truth.
Turks are Uruk Hai. Easy to make the comparison for me cause i live here. Also Uruk Hai sounds Turkic as fuck.
care to go into more detail?
yeah, i hate to admit it, but as much as I make fun of spherecucks, I still believed in Australia until I read that thread earlier today.
good b8 senpai
The dahnald meme is by far my favorite of this election.
Go back to highschool government class and pay attention this time. There's a reason the founding fathers established a Representative Republic over opting for mob rule.
The dahnald meme is by far my favorite of this election.
Something I didn't mention that the Federal government could do is slap down trade barriers between the States. Sort of like the Commerce Clause, but the Federal government can only act against specific State/County legislation that impose tariffs, duties, and quotas on goods coming from other States/Counties.
Even today, most counties and municipalities could impose income taxes, but they chose not to. LA might introduce one soon. They heavily stick to property taxes, sales taxes, and excises.
and before Brexit?
Afskaf licens.
Geert Wilders is a madman who follows his Zionist masters to a par.
Because the actual election and registration processes are administered completely by the states, as it should be.
If you find this offensive recall that there is absolutely no requirement in the original Constitution for the states to choose their electors by popular vote.
In a true federal system the issue of voter registrations is completely irrelevant.
Afskaf licens.
that would break australia in 2 pieces
Only one of those is federal. The other is privately owned.
Really makes you think.
With a Smiths t-shirt and a dick in your ass.
There is implied consent for necessary procedures, not to mention you're parents most likely consented for you anyway.
Thanks you
It's like stereotypes exist for a reason.
Either the niglet is adopted, or Grandpa should start asking serious questions to the parents.
yep. pick trump.
That's for a trapezoid. We don't know what OPs shape is.
t. gook
you do realize your country is basically sweden right?
literally everything that is wrong with communism is pretty much the state of the school system now. most 2 year degrees are completely worthless already.
fix your shit and we'll talk
Considering I live in Krakow and see a black person perhaps once every two months, not yet.
Poland's two reigning political powers are both total good goy puppets though.
It hardly helps that the EU has propagated the idea that neighboring countries should be treated as work vacations for Poles to leech money out of.
I can't wait for Hillary's comeback hnghhhh
Bitch is gonna be the most love president ever now that the general public has realized
How bad things could have been with a trump presidency
I'm bemused by how the Pole and the asian mulatto produced a sub-saharan child. Allegro's total shit anyway.
I haven't laughed this much since I saw Hillary faint.
It's because of this:
Poles are just like "hey Germany watch this, I like to race mix too. Hey yo Sweden check out my rap mixtape and gay pride parade dåwg. We should totally hang out sometime guys, my mom works at Nintendo so I get all the games a week early."
someone edit the end so he says "Hi, I'm going to fucking kill you" its so asking for it.
What the fuck am I reading here?
MFW Poles think they are more western than Czechs
That's right take my big English language cock. You'll all be Anglo's soon!
Grandpa didn't learn the word nigger in his little English book, but he should have.
Rest in peace, you alchoholic bastard.
It wasn't as bad last year, this year I saw at least five, all previous years I hadn't seen one.
And they looked embarrassed too, like they realised just how stupid they had been.
I almost feel bad for them.
Ekhm… witam.
(big guy)
With no survivors!
I hope those were tourist women.
To be honest: leave some degeneracy there. We should have a museum for degenerate art to know that this still exists. Let them fail by losing acceptance rather than outright removing them.
We didn't remove the MDM. They lost by being themselves.
So what happens now in Poland? News said the leftards started chimping out over "freedom of (((press)))".
Ruling party wants to pass a law that will regulate journos' access inside the parliament building, right now they can just go wherever and talk to whomever whenever they want. Considering it's always the (((media))) who just attack politicians in random corridors, everyone but the left agrees with this change.