OC Thread!

last one hit bump limit, post your OC!

also here have a anime

Other urls found in this thread:


A couple of webms I ripped


Is it possible to fall in love with a drawing? I think I just did.


Anyone have any lewds of the cat-girls

Only older versions when Alunya and Rodina still had their original designs.

We need to make new ones to match the current designs ASAP tbh, we've already got some lewds in written form.



When will you show tits? ;-;

Anyone good at drawing? I have suddenly developed a weird fetish

Typical communist, can't do anything on his own.

my first rodina x alunya lewd pls no b00ly

Basically, im shit at drawing and need randoms on the internet to help my boner


their original design was better tbh


The new ones are still awesome though

What are the differences in design?

They dont look like children anymore and rodina is also a catgirl.

the newer ones are catgirls in western style which i dont really like.
wish the drawfam makes it mongolian style tbh

I'm so out of the loop, and my raging hard on is confused

Still experimenting with your style? This is probably the least-disney I've seen.

Tankies forced their shitty beliefs on her and destroyed our cute **ideologically* pure anarchist catgirl.

Such ugliness, such savagery.

Looking at this picture, only one thought remains.


Ignore them catgirl drawfriend, your style is amazing.

thats because disney style is shit and drawfag comrade has good taste

this. pls move to mongolian style comrade

Not that i'm complaining, they are great drawings

Author said she wasn't.

[citation needed]




She's named after catalonia and was originally drawn with red and black only, mostly black.

the original artist said she was a non-sectarian mascot for leftypol

She's meant to non-sectarian. Red belt for marxism, black and red for ancoms, etc.


We have this argument all the time, m8.

And you'll still be wrong : ^)

I wish I had taken a screencap tbh

inb4 original artist pops in to correct the record for like the 100th time

WARNING: Extremely loud music. Should only be used against Holla Forumsacks.

I got ya, comrade.

Alunya confirmed for anarchist : ^ )

It's leftyweeb OC not pure ideology.

wew lads

idpol proven wrong once again.

lewdwritefag from the "which catgirl would you fug" thread here

will take requests though I can't respond right away

OG Rodina lewds pls.

user/Stalinism cat femdom

Holla Forums is the author and she is. She was literally modelled after the sabocat. Back then Holla Forums was mostly anarchists with a few trots and no butthurt tankies so nobody minded.


Leninism pls

I request a drawing of Alunya about to hammer in either porky or a cop's brains out. Preferably in the same pose and minimalist style as this image.


Continue the original plot line pls





gud anime alunya



[DemFed kitty lady slurping dong.

Can people prepare stuff to be shoved into trumpniggers' face if trump loses?
We need some obnoxious and smug shit to maximize how mad they'll be.

What, like loli-pioneer Rodina? Anything specific you want her to do?

Can do.

That's disgusting, but doable. Any characters you want in particular?

Doing what? Because if I freeform it I can't guarantee you'll enjoy what sick fetishes I have her perform.


Is there a dong you want her to slurp in particular or will any ol' dong do?

I have regular commissions that I have to work on as well so I can't promise them soon, but I'll try to fulfill all your twisted desires in a timely fashion.

user handholding with leninism and then he kisses her nose

I guess any dong will do. Make sure she's legal age tho. Also, lots of teasing and swallowing.

Just to clarify when I say femdom I don't mean shit like user-kun being brutally fucked up the ass with a strap-on. Vanilla is okay but just with Stalinism being in the dominant role.

Hello where is the catgrill yuri?

>inb4 its bbc

Fuck no


it feels good to be considered shit tier by a nazbol


get fucked anarchists

the only difference is she looks like she's not only an anarchist catgirl but also pokemon trainer

You forgot ML you retarded nigger

kek, yes that's perfect.



ML is above all of this faggotry

Don't really care, I'm into a lot of sick shit. Just not guro, bdsm, or rape.

secret butt fun with semyon



One without the star of Davide?.

Is there a Stirner version of this meme?


I love you, user.

pls fix star?

no star makes no sense

How's this?

very good, thank you alot


would it be too much to ask to move NSFW content/requests to their own thread?

or is it just human nature? :^)

Drawfaggu, please be mai waifu.

me on the left

that pic perfectly describes every chan drawthread

too real

It's capitalism's fault we want porn


Reluctant anal

That one person that was alive during the Spanish Civil War is staring at a computer monitor are wondering what the hell people on the Internet are doing

I have a lot of Soviet Choirs and Marches.
I really like Soviet music, if any one is interested in them, feel free to let me know, I will gladly share them with you.

Hope you enjoy them.


that is a good comic, and I for one think people should take their lewd shit to a different thread.

how do I fuck a catgril

1. genetically engineer catgril
2.stick penis in vagina (or whichever moist hole is your preference)

collapse yourself into the second dimension

nah son, ai super realistic android is the way to go

Genetic Engineering sounds good, but the outcome will more likely be in the uncanny valley.
Same with android, unless you make it more anime/cartoony. AND NEVER MAKE IT AI! Soft AI is ok.
Transdimentional travel is also yet to come. If ever.

So for now, AR/VR and automated fap machine is the most viable solution.

Nah full general AI or else it isn't worth it.

W-well.. At least set some safeguards… I don't want to be exterminated by AI catgirls! .. . oh wait.. I DO!

wew and now you are talking about masturbatory aid devices…

They are the future.
I don't like it. You don't like it. But it's bound to happen. Unless…

I approve of this image.

but ML was anti-nationalist

If the chart is supposed to be of nationalists, why are Anarchists, Trotskyites, or SocDems even mentioned?

because anti nationalists suck

"I will never be in peace with such nationalism, which is the enemy of socialism, and I will never be in peace with such a socialism, that is the enemy of nationalism. I will always oppose the anti nationalist socialism and anti socialist nationalism."
- Ferenc Szalasi

I have a question here.

What's the difference between Nazbol and Nazism?

I would greatly appreciate if you can explain it to me.

is this supposed to be bait?

I guess you have no responsibility for yourself

I am a product of the material conditions that make up my environment. I can not be held fully accountable for my desires.

Sounds autistic

the first time I agree with an actual shit poster!

I'm glad you announced that

So little oc in this thread, I am disappointed.

Desires ≠ Actions. An autistic person can't be held accountable for their actions, but I wouldn't make such a claim for myself.

Sounds autistic

we're against the German attack on the Soviets.
Also Goebbels criticized Hitler for not being socialist enough. Useful Idiot was against private property unlike Hitler.

The person who praises the Soviets and Nazis also praises private property. What an interesting mix of man child we have here. Quite extraordinary, maybe had he been born a decade earlier he'd be in a UFO cult.

It very well might be but I don't think it's unreasonable to claim that most men's fucked up and unhealthy attitudes towards sexuality can be blamed primarily on capitalism. Similarly their unwillingness to correct it can be blamed on capitalism since psychological help is expensive and pornography is cheap and abundant.

Is that all?

Yeah I read some of that.



shitposting the oc thread should be a bannable offense tbh

Just like posting non-OC.

Ok. To bad we cant blame the statists for that one.

t. shitposter


must feel bad not being an anarchist.

there's a lot of thirsty fags here

imagine how much porn requests there would be if you posted on Holla Forums

question how would anarchists get into space ?

Do it.

If I can get ban for eco-revisionism, then it should be appropriate to get bans for annoying off-topic.


why do MLs always repeat this meme?

but space is some legit shit

easy, with dank memes.

next question.

space is literally the most stupid shit out there






you dogdamn retart you have this in like - the design itself
the red-black which the anarchilddies used (I believe since makhno and platformism started) on spanish glorious uprising when the shoot statues and raped clergy stopping with anathemised Trots the fine Stalinists and Leninists for sorting out their shit
the name itself is a nod to anarchilddie scatalonia
a lefty/pol/ mascot should be like that Holla Forums one, just in NKVD uniform

if it's not anarchist then I don't know what is

back to reddit newfag

*chimp they

stupid filters

I wonder when we can expect to see the first batch of lewdfics to come out.

Because you have to have functioning industry to get to space AND the will to do so.

If you go too right (market socialism and kinds of anarchy), you can't get anything done, despite having industry. No central authority.

If you go too left (juche, pol pot and other retardation), you will not have any industry, even if you have lots of authority.

I'd rather not deal with this, but since you are answering me: I don't care.

If needs be, red-black flag gets expropriated for the glory of Socialism.

You are cancer.

Jesus Christ is your ban already over? Mods are too soft.


you sound like a liberal bruh




I want some Stirner OC. Perferably drawings. No negotiations.

how would you like that drawing of stirner?

Whatever floats your boat. Good or bad. One should take pleasure in drawing Stirner however they see fit. Go where your ego takes you.

not that user, but here's some quailtyposting material

It's fucking astonishing. Well done, user.


my ego as spoken

has spoken*



I wouldn't mind moving my sick filth to another thread if you really don't like it.

but I am willing to do non-lewd writefaggotry

The new thread can be found






Nice. The first one took me a second.

wow nice spook nerd/10


phresh OC

Is this cringe comedy or something?

thanks man

someone with the power of a photoshop licence edit bain to have a bane mask

For you comrade
rate but plz don hate

Like this ?

11/10, a perfect masterpiece of contemporary MS Paint Era artwork. The color relationships within this work give it a real sense of visual energy, and I find the challenging questions you pose to the viewer both suggestive and dynamic.

Post-moderninsm sucks!



How's this

It's not my OC, but I would like to share it nonetheless.

it's a facebook thing

Very happy with the results.

Fresh from the oven


What's wrong

I thought it drove the point home


Fake cyrillic triggers russaboos

genetic engineering is inevitable



what the fuck

Nice spooks nerd.


What did I just watch?

Britbong politics. Jacob Rees-Mogg.


My impression from this guy from what little I know is that he got caught in a fucking time-warp and was transported to today from the 1950s Is he just your typical conservative?

Pretty much.


good oc comrades

Requesting Smuglianka.

ahahaha holy fuck

I like it


someone claim this to be cenk yoghurts or whatever his name is Father on the left and send it to alex jones, kek

I've come across Bains before, he should be consigned to dustbin of history, IRC he's some kind of Stalinist apologist.

t. revionist


Nice frontpage fam




I wish there were more religious leftists out there to combat the "gommies want to bring ebil atheism :^)" meme


please kill me.gif
can we please stop asking for lewds and actually just make dank OC.
i feel we're gonna be seen as a bunch of perverted shitstains on the internet, like we probably already are.
please don't degrade us to tumblr tier degeneracy where we use porn to politically argue


That's exactly what we want to bring.

No one will care.

Nothing is safe from Rule 34, you should know that by now.

at least keep it off Holla Forums tbh

If more people bothered to use /leftyb/ it would go there, but alas they don't because its a slow traffic board and will likely stay that way for the foreseeable future.

In other words, get used to it.

Post it on the Boruu

Lewd pics already go to the booru by default, we were talking about written stuff if you bothered to pay attention.

You can't really post literary works to a booru unless they are screencaps or something.

What would be my… how should I call it, spontaneous attitude towards the universe? It’s a very dark one. The first thesis would have been a kind of total vanity: there is nothing, basically. I mean it quite literally, like… ultimately…there are just some fragments, some vanishing things. If you look at the universe, it’s one big void. But then how do things emerge? Here, I feel a kind of spontaneous affinity with quantum physics, where, you know, the idea there is that universe is a void, but a kind of a positively charged void. And then particular things appear when the balance of the void is disturbed. And I like this idea of spontaneous very much that the fact that it’s just not nothing… Things are out there. It means something went terribly wrong… that what we call creation is a kind of a cosmic imbalance, cosmic catastrophe, that things exist by mistake.

You should keep that picture for the 404 page.

f l e x b o x

be honest

you're just mad that someone is making smut about you're waifu aren't you

My waifu is Kiso tbh

Very good. Also:

Post the whole picture, at the very least.

You may have Christian Socialists, but don't put religion into Marxism. I may consider it theoretically possible for some religions, but it always fails in practice.

Case in point: ChristAnon is Hegelian revisionist.

thanks for reminding me that exists.

here's some of the shit i made over the past few months

love em



woo woo

Lol, I'm not a web dev, dude. I just try my best to hack shit together.

You wanna help me build the website? Seems you might know your shit. My work is keeping me busy or it would be done by now. :(

Contribute your labor to the revolution comrade! Help catgrill drawfag!


It should be "all these flavors and you chose anti-capitalism!?"

[wild clapping, cheering and various whistling with the mouth]



Also reaction pic matches that liquid cancer you just posted there.


make it stop


Shut up you. I will corner the market with Mukefaces. Imagine the profits!

Stahb. Stahb bls. I'm so cool with the kids. Pls believe me. Look at my record.

get muke dick and we'll talk

Here, I have his pork.

I wish I could travel back in time and show this video to George Washington. He'd probably hand himself over to King George and apologize for all the trouble.


How did I fuck this up

End me

What a strange combination of arousal, epilepsy, arousal, amusement, arousal, awkwardness and arousal I am feeling.

rate pls



Alunya is either an anarchist or a non-denominational leftist. End of discussion.


some are, some aren't

ancaps aren't anarchists

I don't know of any other type of anarchist that is both not communist and relevant

Well, you're right there. Market anarchists and those of the collectivist school are pretty irrelevant

Is there any more of nihilism qt


Pretty accurate!


Anarcho-Monarchist anthem


he said not-communist AND relevant fam ;)

I can't see sound, so I don't know if it's good or not.

this is amazing



I was a little apprehensive about that request because I wasn't sure I could pull it off, but you've convinced me

brb art time


This'll give you some idea


N i c e

why does everyone on the internet have to draw better than me ?

If you want to be good at drawing you will have to draw at least 8 hours everyday for the next 5 years

Read Fun With a Pencil from Andrew Loomis, it will teach you the very basics of drawing characters in a very easy-to-understand manner.

If you need to draw something more complex, read other Loomis' books. All of them can be found here:


Helped me a lot when I was struggling with drawing the body of a character, especially the limbs.

because you are still at the point where you care about being "good"

muy bien.

I am in contact with several individuals associated with the YPG.

Would you like tI share this with them and possibly make more content in the future?


More like YPG goes full revisionist and converts to Anarcho-Hoxhaism, given spotty understanding of theory by catgrill and already borderline marksoc in Rojava.

Who brought Joseph "Party-pooper" Stalin over here.


He already pooped over the communist party long ago noting new

Whoaahh yeah of course you can! It's just a messy sketch though, if I'd known it had the possibility of being seen by the YPG I'd have made it nicer lol. I'd love to do something better for them, haven't quite thought of what though.

I've been drawing since I was little, for hours every day, and I still don't think I'm as good as I should be for my age so don't be too hard on yourself, just make sure you have fun with it and improvement will follow.

I was thinking of setting up a drawing thread on /leftyb/, I can give tips if you want. Would people be interested?

Where can I improve on theory? I've been reading as much as I can but with a cast of 20 characters… that's a lot of background information to absorb… also I only have a (really shitty) high school education so I'm sure I have a lot of knowledge gaps in general can you help me by correcting my mistakes and suggesting particular things to study?

You should carefully study this thread: >>>/freedu/1156

Sometimes I forget how much I love this place.

Start off with Marx. If you're short on time and energy, read the manga version of his work. (Should still get around to actually reading his stuff tho). Lenin is also good. I believe you can find them on freedu somewhere. For anarchism, you can try going for Bakunin and Kropotkin. Try Chomsky as a good contemporary perspective. Take your time. There isn't a deadline for this stuff.

Fresh oc lads

lel bretty gud.

Hey when would be the best time for an art stream next week? When are people most active here?

Ok how many lines of cocaine you need ?

"Active" = online

I haven't been around long enough to know when the most traffic happens so I'm asking y'all.

Next week is pretty good anytime Comrade Drawfriend. Since I follow your twitter I will know when you go live haha

Aim for around 5:30 EST, I'm assuming the activity on the FB page correlates to leftypol.

i guess it would be around midnight London time, since most users are Americans and people usually use more their computers at night.

Ask the guys at facebook.com/declasscucked.memes/?fref=ts to share the art stream, leftypol has been filled with cancer lately so you can't rely on it.

yea, it's not very active besides the shitposting

Don't worry, I'll make sure its on the fb page.

I subbed that Alan Watts talk on universal basic income. I would have liked to add a simple introduction with this title card as well but man, fuck video editing on Linux so fucking hard, i ran out of patience for this shit.

If you got any suggestions to make the translation better i would appreciate it since british english trips me up.


I need all of catgrill drawfag's OC.

I'm too lazy, someone else can do it. I'm not too lazy to tell you that I'm too lazy to do it, however.

At least you're not that lazy, comrade.

Pretty good user

Are you a BR?
Do you really have no criticisms?

what is dis


Yeah I'm br

No criticisms. Do you need more webms to subtitle? Are you going to post them on youtube, or somewhere else?

I'll get in contact with them and ask if there's anything in particular they would like.
Otherwise I believe that your art is impressive enough that we could have a meeting and decide upon some suggestions for what we would like.
Still, most of the decisions are up to you.

I'm touched people are still passing around those old webms.

I've been holding on to this for a while since I didn't think anyone would care:


A few months ago I went over the scripts and fixed a few errors etc. If you've already seen it all, I suppose you could grab these for posterity.

I'm working on a different project now. I'll come back to weeb détournement when I'm done with that.

On all ideologies of mankind? No idea. Accept the inevitable.

Embrace it, in fact. Make a comic about LeninCat buying a rope from LibertarianCat (the quote that never happened). Or, paying for adding LaborTheory add-on to the tax evasion app that will display to user how much money he would've earned, if he owned his Means of Productions and will add user to a special pokemon network, when his income gets too low. Pokemons will appear once enough users had joined. Meanwhile TrotCat and StalinCat in the background are discussing weapon distribution and the order in which government, banks, internet, cell phone networks and TV have to be taken over by pokemon-led proles. And LeninCat is waving money at sweating LibertarianCat "Will you really refuse? It's a free market, someone else would do it, you know".

On a more serious note, I suggest lurking here: marxists.org/subject/index.htm
Authors of the site have a bit of a Trotskyist bias so take their own stuff with a grain of salt.

As for specifics, there is "sufficiently broad" Stalin's article "Anarchism or Socialism".

I'm a bit hesitant to recommend it: language is a bit off, it's hardly unbiased (from non-ML PoV, obviously; if you ask me - it's quite spot on), and oversimplifies some stuff, not to mention it is quite old (110 years; a decade before October). But it describes differences between Anarcho-Syndicalists and Marxists. Moreover, it's primary source - i.e. practically official opinion of ML about other Left ideologies. And it is old. I.e. created before the water got muddled by all that Judeo-Islamic Anarcho-Communism revisionism.

For better picture you should probably ask Anarchists what they think about it, though (and then cross-reference with Marxists).

NB: When Stalin is talking about SocDem - that would be Bolsheviks, not our SocDem. Reformists are modern SocDem (i.e. B████crats of his time; almost literally, btw - led by Bernstein).

If you have questions - ask here, or drop by /marx/. It's a bit empty, but Ismail is quite good at explaining things.

see here

Please ignore every post by stalinshitposter.

I was hoping you guys would post these on facebook whenever appropriate.

I think i can only start a youtube channel when i take on bigger projects like a full lecture from Richard Wolff or something like that.


I think this has potential to be quality OC.

Hook me up with a plane ticket to Iraq pls. I already have a rifle.

YES PLEASE. Whatever you guys want! I can design posters or signs too if you need. If I didn't have someone I cared about here I'd volunteer to go paint a mural there or something…

Yeah that's a big reason why I made her B████crat instead of socdem… it's like the term liberal, it has too many definitions depending on context. Thanks for the recommendations! I think I remember a few of your posts from past OC threads.

Thanks! I'll try to make it happen this week.

Source on that video?



fucking kek

legit giggled like a little kid when I saw this lmao.


I agree. How bout you do it yourself you lazy commie fuck? :^)

Yugoposter pls, get serious

do what?

Can we Stirnerize this?

24 hours in MS Paint


The hivemind

what the fuck

other people are spooks

sksly ?

REMOVE BURGER remove burger you are worst gringo. you are the gringo idiot you are the gringo smell. return to canadia. to our canada cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the tundra….ahahahaha ,america we will never forgeve you. machetero rascal FUck but fuck asshole gringo stink murika murrika murrika..keys vs kerber best day of my life. take a bath of salty gringo..ahahahahahAMERICA WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget 1950s revolts .amercia we kill the police , america return to your precious france….hahahahaha idiot gringo and american smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE BURGER FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. borinquen+spain+cuba+guam+virgin islands+venezuela+bolivia+argentina+brasil+nicaragua+honduras+chiapas=kill america…you will 1950s revolts/ calle 13 alive in borinquen, calle 13 making album of borinquen . fast rap calle 13 borinquen. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of calle 13… you are ppoor stink gringo… you live in a hood hahahaha, you live in a prairie calle 13 alive numbr one #1 in borinquen….fuck the america ,..FUCKk ashol gringos no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. calle 13 aliv and real strong brujos kill all the american farm aminal with rap magic now we the borinque rule .ape of the zoo king louis xvii fukc the great benjamin franklin and lay egg this egg hatch and american wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. Borinquen greattst countrey

Lucy Parsons is every working man waifu

where you streaming? youtube? picarto?


It's from The Propaganda Game

Holy shit I've made at least 5 threads about it since the original and never received a single reply…. Thank you! I love you!


I loved the auria commie subs

Threw this together, thoughts?

They are both shit though

Dont let tumblr hear that.

Tbf even if you dont like Undertale (probably because you're trying to be an edgy hipster lets be real) you cant deny a lot of effort went into it, simply for the purpose of making the game it's self. That dosnt apply to any CoD game.

delet this



But much more socially necessary labor time went into making CoD just from the sheer number of people working on it.

That makes it objectively better.

Yeah, they used labor from all those people they hired for mindless asset production in India/Philippines/China for sweatshop wages. Go Activision! Job creators!

Twitch, I think.

When comrade?

Situkitten comic when? :C

I like Zizek.

Don't wait for others to make your dreams come true comrade.


KEK! Xex. Kek.


I for one don't like undertale, for a simple reason. It am not good at bulet hell.
At first I though, "eh, ok, cool game, am enjoying this". But then I got to undyne or whatever, and I almost gave up… and then I got to the final Metatron and .. .. fuck this! This needs me to grind and fuck you, am not grinding anymore! I've been grinding in JRPGs half my life! I've got better things to do than finish this stupid game!"

And that's the greatest BS I've heard. It doesn't pass any spooky "killing is bad" moral. If you have gone past the first layers of ethics and so on, you know this already. It's litteraly ethics 101. Now, sure, this is good for stupid americans that never think, but how am I to enjoy an endless grind only to get "rewarded" by "feels"? There are better and less grindy games for that.

and I'll never see any of them, cause I cannot do the bullet hell mini game.

And that's why I don't like undertale. No matter how good of a story it is, no matter the ethics or cirtique of vidya or whatever, the mechanics are shit. And if the mechanics of your game are shit, your game is shit.

Nicely wrekt.

Undertale made a shit ton of profit yea, but when it was being made it was on fucking kick starter and the creator had seriously no expectation of how well it was going to do.

That doesn't differ from any capitalist, though. :^)

replace Undertale with Cave Story, and you have a good picture.

daily reminder no ethical consumption

No, but there's nothing wrong with keeping yourself from being broke all the time.

Also, got this. Not sure if anyone wants to meme-ify it.

No need for a fucking meme. Gonna be showing dis to my young, impressionable cousins now. :^)

Nigga what? Undertale's gameplay mechanics are designed to be absolute entry-tier. Just how shit are you? There's never any point in the game where you have to "grind".

Yeah. I felt like watching that movie again, and then I noticed that little comment.

At the same time though, it's the kind of thing reactionary people to use for their 'communist establishment' meme.


you must be really, really shit. Like seriously get your reaction times checked out by a doctor or something.

I mean, I wasnt really that good either. Undertale is meant to be a 6 hr game and I finished it in 8 mostly because I got stuck on the bosses a lot (as well as I took my time taking in the detail, talking to all the NPC's ect), but even though I got stuck on the bosses a fair bit, I was still having LOADS of fun while fighting them! I was literally shouting at my computer during the Mettaton fight when I died I was that into it, bopping my head along to the music the rest of the time.

I think either, like I said, you have the shittest reaction times that it got to the point where you had to try each boss 100+ times, or you just have no concept of what fun is (that being, different to mine).

The saddest part is him whinging about "being bad at bullet hells" and mentioning the Undyne fight almost made him quit.

The Undyne fight drops all aspects of dodging and is just a piss-easy DDR setup.

Could I get you to drop a burnermail so I can contact you later?
This is much appreciated, and we few people who are already really impressed by that quick "sketch" you did.

The genocide route is somewhat grindy.

/r/ing this with Zizek edited over his head

Art stream on Friday at 2:30pm PST!


YES. [email protected]/* */


Fug. Maybe next time, then.

pure cancer

i wanna join the ypg, can talk to them


I may not be able to help with that, as the the PYD-groups I am in conteact with are located outside Syria and concerns themselves primarily with propaganda.
I recommend that you look up the Lions of Rojava on facebook, and I recommend that you learn some kind of skilled labour and join their cause as a civilian rather than a fighter.
They have more volunteers than they have guns. What they severely need is a steady line of supply and skilled labour.


Never ever underestimate the power of low brow culture and memes

Sorry comr8, hope the v2 makes it up for you.

It was fun making them.


These are great man



Hey so how long roughly are you gonna be streaming? An hour? Two? Seven?


A++ user, this fucking killed me for some reason

bretty gud user, you could be an artist



there's no trap nor mutualist, you could do one rock two hits famarade



Jesus Christ, how adorable.


You should post this as the OP for a new thread, comr8. This one's bumplocked.

I dont have anything to add to a new thread yet though

Here's some agitation material I just threw together


For our tankie needs.


gonna make a new thread


Pol-Pot wasn't a leftist, you liberal scum