Smug anime girl thread

It's been a while since I've seen one of these. Let's have a smug anime girl thread. Post all your smug anime girls and MAGA anime girls

Other urls found in this thread:

If I post them all here, then I can't troll other threads with them because "file already exists".

They're not girls, they're children's cartoon depictions of girls.


Shit thread sage




oh really?

Just make a copy of the smug image you want to use and add a tiny dot in MS Paint and you're good to go.



One for (you) my friend.

And a very special one for ((((you))))





Have some OC

fuck off with this shit

hahahahah lel


pointless thread.

Last smug anime grill thread was titled "one last smug anime girl thread before Trump is elected".

Ehh. Not much is going on around Holla Forums these days it seems. A lot of anons have taken a break for the winter season after Trumps victory. At least I think so. 8pol doesn't feel as dynamic as it once why not? Not much else going on for us habitual posters. The board just doesn't seem real lively to me right now tbh fam? Anyone else feel the same way?

Same here man, I kinda took a vacation for about a month from hardcore shitposting/digging/memeing. I would come on occasionally for a thread or two, or be a Hall Monitor by reporting shill threads for free

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws

DFW is certainly a much more talented a writer than Bloom, but that reference is funny because DFW clearly has some anxiety of influence going on due to his clearly unpaid debts to better authors like DeLillo and Pynchon. DFW probably knows this because this attack is so defensive and out of place.

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
Be a government contractor for construction or mining, doy.



You're supposed to wait until someone pulls a rick wilson and then go full smug, or until Kek gives us his blessing.

Showed this one to a faggot weeb on Twitter and got blocked. Fukken lol

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
White people smell like crayons

You can always tell outsiders by their anime hate. Especially the Holla Forums retards. They post smug anime girls but if you try to get them to talk about it they have no idea.

I read a lot of the publications on kight field. After the Lytro scam, I really don't know if we will see this tech developed too much more for handheld cameras. Not for a long time. The physical limitations are huge when you scale resolution up.


Overall, when the advances in cameras take blowhards like Lloyd Chambers and testing labs to detect and explain the differences… the market stops really caring.

In the boardrooms they are not plotting camera advancements as much as plotting efficiency measures and manipulating consumer perception.

Canon probably laughs at Sony while they flog the cash cow.

Naw this was an actual weeb who knew about gook cartoons but he still got rustled as fuk at the sight of smug animes with MAGA hats

Kek, Holla Forums is shilling like crazy on /a/ and 4/a/ but they kept getting told to fuck off. Retards don't realize half the board's userbase is Holla Forums and the other half hate them anyways


Isn't this guy autistic


What a thread.

kek, well played user

What a stupid fucking plot.

These people should stick to making remakes, they've exhausted any writing talent that ever existed.

Shadow of the Demon Lord

She NEEDS some cum on her face.


pornstar name?

Use the fucking catalog newfag.

Really makes you think

landau and lifshitz mechanics



Buy Vortex for unbeatable warranty and quality optics.

Okay, what is this? Are we being raided by bots?



Reported for sliding.


Did Bui spread his /furry/ spam to the rest of the site?

Yes, they're working on a way to stop it soon, hence why we have a captcha for every post now.

bumping this

Should be able to. I had one with a large dong before.




I assume actual shills have like a shill starter pack

Truly a worthless post.

The red pill is the Marxist pill. That's why it's red.

Notice that it gets to stay

Holy shit that's my friend

Name is Wyatt

Screencapping this and sending to him

Rustle is best smug

8pol is dead

At least it's t_d. I'll allow it. It's the most hated sub since coontown and fatpeoplehate

Oh, come on. There's gotta be some place of sanctuary somewhere.

this isn't a race thing, a ethnicity thing, it''s just you being a fucking loser




Have you asked your mom? She supplies some pretty good milk, straight from the source.

Same here. We're still in the aftermath of the election so not much is going to be happening on the world stage until after Jan 20th. Not much to talk about. Personally, I felt wiped out immediately after Trump won. I felt like I'd been holding my breath since August 2015. Been taking time and focusing on normie stuff since.

what twitters do i follow for some anime avatar shitposting?

multiple image posting negates that, doesnt it?


wrong thread user

I think a lot of anons are using the time between the election and inauguration to rest up from the marathon that was Current Year +1.

could you clarify, are you saying people will want to create hordes of white children or they wont?


Too bad it's as cold as often as it is here or else I'd be at our naked beach every day. Boner central

I'm not asking whether there is a purpose, I'm asking why in the sense that there IS something and not nothing. I don't understand why or what caused there to be something. It's keeping me up right now.

I mean, there's nothing inherently wrong with kissing or loving another man. As long as you aren't dancing around with dildos in your hands, nobody worth a shit will care.

Falls out of that Afghan piece of shit's jacket.

It's a shill. They're flooding here posting meaningless, unrelated sentences to confuse and derail threads.


Fist yourself with a bazooka, weebturd.
Holla Forums - Politically Incorrect
Holla Forums - Politically Incorrect
Holla Forums - Politically Incorrect
Holla Forums - Politically Incorrect
Holla Forums - Politically Incorrect
Holla Forums - Politically Incorrect
Holla Forums - Politically Incorrect
Holla Forums - Politically Incorrect
Holla Forums - Politically Incorrect
Holla Forums - Politically Incorrect
Holla Forums - Politically Incorrect
Holla Forums - Politically Incorrect
Holla Forums - Politically Incorrect
Holla Forums - Politically Incorrect
Holla Forums - Politically Incorrect
Holla Forums - Politically Incorrect
Holla Forums - Politically Incorrect
Holla Forums - Politically Incorrect
Holla Forums - Politically Incorrect
Holla Forums - Politically Incorrect
Holla Forums - Politically Incorrect
Holla Forums - Politically Incorrect
Holla Forums - Politically Incorrect
Holla Forums - Politically Incorrect
Holla Forums - Politically Incorrect
Holla Forums - Politically Incorrect
Holla Forums - Politically Incorrect
Holla Forums - Politically Incorrect
Holla Forums - Politically Incorrect
Holla Forums - Politically Incorrect
Holla Forums - Politically Incorrect
Holla Forums - Politically Incorrect
Holla Forums - Politically Incorrect
Holla Forums - Politically Incorrect
Holla Forums - Politically Incorrect
Holla Forums - Politically Incorrect
Holla Forums - Politically Incorrect
Holla Forums - Politically Incorrect
Holla Forums - Politically Incorrect
Holla Forums - Politically Incorrect

Have you not been keeping up on /sudo/? It's some random autist called Bui who hired a bunch of pahjeets to spam the site. Here's the Holla Forums thread on it:

Nah, haven't been here much lately. Thanks for the link, friendo.

He did it for the lulz

I just think we can all get along. 9gag welcomes you


The mistery is why are losers donating so much money to this kind of streamers. I will never understand this

Checkmate leaf, seriously though whats in a name, not with the light is what i call em, digits what say you.?



Even among white people, very few people have the potential to ever do ballet, irrespective of desire or will. Natalie Portman couldn't and needed a double for the Black Swan. It really is a high art.

The jew fears the samurai.

She likes it when the goyim spank her hard. It's because she hates herself so much, I presume.

The mgtow lefty fears the smug
woah, ebin moderation right here
Better delete Holla Forums literature threads.


about damn time!

But in all seriousness though, you can just go to /pdfs/. If there is an entire thread dedicated to the subject then there is no reason to make a thread about it on here. But of course newfags like you didn't even know about its existence.

*entire board

This is clear proof that mods abandoned this place

Heh, better luck next time Schlomo.

heh, fuck off back to your safe space goldberg.

Agreed. I'm only shitposting casually for the last month.

there's other boards for fun

The only other board is Holla Forums and they hate fun.

Would you consider this a smug expression?

looks a bit rapey

That's why we better censor actual Holla Forums material and instead encourage shitposting smug anime memes right?
>>>/a/ and wherever the fuck you're raiding from

Look at this retard
What a nerd


never reproduce
watch anime instead of interacting with real women


I'll take the middle road and say that smug anime threads here should at least be directed towards some Holla Forums related purpose like we did with anime Trump edits.

Convert your smug to meme magic you lazy fucks.

/r/ing the version of this with the "so smug" lettering at the bottom.

post toohoos for trump please, i just lost my folder

Also, I dedicate my trips to Momiji and Cirno.

The faggots on /a/ are a bunch of Long Live Holla Forums!s that don't allow threads that are actually fun to participate in. They also ban people for "Holla Forums memes".

What the fuck? The word I was trying to type is apparently censored now. I meant to write "r–ule cuck".

Seriously, this is fucking weird, why did that word get censored?

8/a/ is pozzed as fuck. They discuss futas, baby dicks, and other degenerate trash.

Because this is 8pol, where nazi e-celibs are bad, and banning Gex is good. Also where you anchor Holla Forums material and leave a smug anime girl thread up. If you fucks don't see how bad it is, then you're the subverted, or the subverter.

Cuckchan is an anime imageboard.
8ch is just an imageboard.
And this isn't the anime board.
You lose.


Long Live Holla Forums!



While there is no problem with posting any pic you want, this thread should not exist on this board.
You are gay as fuck, my man.

8/a/ is worse than half/a/. Their BO's were all trannies.

More for us…




Didn't you hear? Anime girls (at least Asuka) are anti-Semitic


I heard that our /a/'s BO even is an unironic Holla Forums poster, is that true? It would explain a lot.

oboy, smug anime grills
after cleanup of the doubles my folder is still more than 1000, one thread won't be enough


I see no point in saving anything other than Asukas. We need more Asuka.




8ch WAS just an imageboard.
The cultural enrichment from 4chan refugees is, at this point, irreversible.

Yeah, this isn't a slide thread at all.


And the moderation isn't subverted either.

Just to emphasize:




that irony

Should we start photoshopping the Trump 45 USA hat on anime girls now?

newfag here
Im taking all smugs with me
post all

Yes but I can't find the screencap from Holla Forums.

Most of those old dusty books have existed for over a century and dic fuckall to promote or even defend our ideological positions while shitposting smug chinese cartoons won the US presidency and have revived far right movements all across the Whole White World.

Do you hate tangible results or something? Are you one of those self-proclaimed "MUH LITERATURE" "MUH INTELLIGENTSIA "intellectual" pinko nerds that love to recycle mental gymanstics over debunked self-masturbatory sophistry?


literature thread gets anchored
self-improvement thread gets anchored
sam hyde thread gets anchored
yet this thread remains untouched.

8/pol/ is dead. oh and i'm not going to sage. i want the rest of the board to see how fucking stupid this is.

next time, make less shitty threads?

also, stop being such a butt-hurt fag over fun-posting

who's the guy in the second photo?

yo momma?



im stealing that pepe and you can't stop me

don't, its far too rare!

fucking kill yourself

hello new friend!



Something tells me that's a lewd.

   \       ` 、     ‐-‐     ,  '  .._          / Listen there you retarded piece of shit    \   _ .   ´  `   ____ , . '      `  .._    ./ What do you think you have done your entire life?      r‐´    __,;...---‐‐‐‐----、、____       ` 、/ Sit infront of your computer being smug? About Nazism?      l  _,;..-‐::::::ム: : ム: ::::/l: :./ l: :ム : :ム::‐r、.__   l Do you actually wish to have sucked Hitler's dick?      〉':.´:l: : :l: / ヘ/  l:./ .l::/  l:/  V. i:::l : : :lTi_.l Well bad news the lord-semite is dead and so are you.     /:ィ: : :l: :::〉/ 、ゝ'''''- リ  .リ    lゝ''''''.匕 i::l: : :l::ト. :`‐、 Maybe you should suck it up, do something else.     i:/::l: ::λ:::l.'ニイ .ハ⌒ハヽ     ´ハ⌒ハ ヒ. il: : l::l: `: : ::`‐、_ But I'm just kidding myself you're already dead.   . レ:::::l: ::iヘ::::l   ,,,マ::::::ソ        マ::::::ン,,,  l.:::/:ハ:: : `.、:::: : : `‐-、_ Faggot sucking dictator cock you are.    l : ::/ヘ::l ヽ::l                    /::/ /l::::: : :`:、:: : : :   `‐-、_ Nobody even likes dictators today.    l : / ::l :ヘト、\         ′       /夂/: :`、:::: : : :`: 、::: : : :    "Oh Holla Forums, what do you have in store?"   l :/ ::::l: ::::::/Tlゝ      .__... ...___,        ./i:::`:::::: :`.、::::::: : : : `: : 、::: : : : You're trying to get a high position a regime   l/: l.:::l::::::::l::l:::l:::\      -       /:i::`、`、::::::: : : 、::::::::::::::: : : :`: : 、 How fucking egoistic.   リ : l ::::l: :::::l::l:::l:::::l:::`i...._        _. ィ::l::l::::.`::::`、 、:::::::: : :`: :、::::::::::::: : : : : Maybe you're just a "dumb faggot" you hate.   ll : l : ::::l::::::l::l:::l:::::l:::::l::::::l`  .._  _..  ´ .|::::l::l::::::`、::::`.、、:::::::::::::: : :`: :、::::::::::::: Because as I have pointed out you suck dicks.   l:l :.l : : ::::ヘ::l::l:::l::::::l:/'''}         .{''''/丶、:::`、:::::::`..、:::::::::::::::: : : :` : 、 Go support Stir- Adolf Hitler somewhere else.   l :l: l : : : : ::ヘ,:l:::l:/  l'´          /   ` ー- .._:::::::::`:::、._::::::::::: : : : : : Maybe you'll gain traction on Stormfront.

Oh boy, I better change my life now.

Anime is degenerate as fuck

top kek.




I love Honoka!

Who is this qt3.14?



I've noticed this too. Do we have a designated alternative chan where we can regroup?

Cool Ranch is best girl

like anyone here is gonna spill the beans on "bunker chan"

you have to go back!

So this thread dosent get 404'd but anti trump ones do. Gee really makes you think


yes it kinda does…

fuck off back to Holla Forums!

don't worry, it was just a phase. (we don't talk about her anymore…. at least not until the next game comes out.)



Same here, also didn't you notice that Hanukkah is an anti-globalist political stronggirl who bullies Kotori into not studying abroad, tries to prevent her school from closing, and becomes president of the student council? She values the traditions of the high school her ancestors went to and makes Otonokizuka High School great again by starting mu's.

Did you try going back to TRS?


how do you format this shit


If it's a JPG you don't need to add a dot or anything, just open it and save it again. JPG is a lossy format so the quality deteriorates every time you save it, even if no changes were made, meaning you can repost it just by opening and saving.

I went over there and it was horrible. A bunch of people who were mad that we didn't wait for Hitler or something. Bad memes, too. The "bunker" is exactly like Holla Forums or Holla Forums.


Sleep snug, smug

but anime is lit (fire) fam (100)

Could any anons with some talent put MAGA hats on these girls?


Is it true that the only counter to smug anime girls is anime girl gore?

Needs MAGA-ing.

No, it's anime girl scat porn.
Start flooding the threads with that.


Sleep snug, smug


Yeah right after I posted it I saw yours. That is some kinda conditioning, huh? I don't even need to see the text anymore. Just the pic and I respond.

no. I meant, I know the image with the sleep snug smug text

You're right, but I also remember when the moderation team was mostly different (kampfy is eternal, though) they would actually sometimes try to shut down these threads. It would always lead to a raid and the entire board basically being destroyed. These people do not care about politics and are here only to antagonize the real userbase while claiming to BE the real userbase.

You're totally right about interesting threads being anchored though

I understand. That is why I was commenting on the conditioning since I responded with the exact same comment without the prompting of the text that used to accompany the picture. At first glimpse I mistook your ID for the one that also made the same comment.

Sage negated.

He's not right. He's alt right from TRS.


Sage is not a downvote, chum. It is used to respond to a thread without moving it to the top of the catalog artificially extending it's life. My post had nothing to do with the actual contents of the thread and was not worthy of being brought to the front of the queue to be read. It was a simple meta comment on the state of Holla Forums. If your post had any merit you could simply have made it without referencing my post and the thread would have been placed at the front of the catalog. Instead you pointed out my post as if you were somehow undoing something I did. Your response smacks of redditfaggotry and a culture of updownboats. Kill yourself, oniifam.

Time to crash this thread with no survivors.

Oh look, another slide.

Fresh from the >>>/oven OC.




Why not hop in yourself?


,,,aaaaaaaand, filtered and reported



m8 do you actually have over 9000 pictures of smug animes

4chan. Go the fuck back there, normalfag.

Sleep snug, smug

/apol/ when?

Chronic nerdposting newfag leak from /a/ and Holla Forums

Bonus round


the jew cries out in pain as he strikes you



We already have >>>/a4pol/ and >>>/weebpol/.

/weebpol/ is owned by Jesus aka HipToBeSquare a literal communist who was responsible of the complete wipe of /r9k/ a few weeks ago. He was part of the goonsquad responsible for trying to get anime driven off of Holla Forums April last year doing the Holla Forums raid. He made /weebpol/ to have an excuse to separate weebs from Holla Forums and control the narrative. He also runs the servers for and streamchan for Sakebug that they use to gather IPs from 8ch users that they redirect to their sites.

She is a nun, not a princess.

Thanks for the update, fam.