The case was raised in 2014, when he promised to lower the number of Moroccans in Netherlands because they have an obvious Moroccan problem. Geert is the PVV (far-right Freedom party) candidate for the Netherlands general election in March 2017. By the way, Geert Wilders lived in isreal for 2 years and visited isreal 40 times in the past 25 years.
'''Dutch Far-Right Party For Freedom (PVV) Leader Geert Wilders Found Guilty Of Hate Speech
What exactly does the far-left look like to a journalist, if it isn't all of fucking Europe and Canada already? How much more left can you get than importing every shitskin on Earth and having socialized, government-run-everything while shitting on White people at every turn?
what about political/parliamentary immunity?
why doesnt it apply in this case?
How is such a combination even possible?
He is, he's a kosher conservative constantly emphasizes how we gotta support Israel and who is friends with the anti-white jewess Pamela Geller who openly wants Europe to be nuked as revenge for the holohoax. But he wants to stem the flow of muslim shitskins, so they try to shut him down.
If killing one of their own best serves the tribe's interests, they won't hesitate to pull the trigger. They're just a global mafia.
Are you talking about Trump or Wilders?
you're not seriously saying that he isn't kosher after providing the evidence. Don't believe me? Look for yourself:
There's much much more. He reminds me of Tyahnybok and the Svoboda.
Sounds like Trump
Good, hope they hang this Jewish shill.
Just shows that cucking for Jews will not spare you. There is literally no reason to support Jewry.
Compared to Wilders, Trump is pro-Palestinian. Seriously, the guy works Israel into every other sentence.
I spent the last 6 months being told Trump only supports Israel because he has to in order to get anywhere in American politics, why should I treaty Wilders any differently
And it's not even a popular issue at all in Europe. Nobody in Europe cares about Israel, or they are opposed to it. It's not like the usa where 75% of the population are Judeo-Christian retards who literally believe Jews are demigods on earth. There is no reason to support Jews unless they are acting as controlled opposition, which Wilders is.
American politics is a lot different on this issue because a lot of people in the usa are retarded and ardently support Israel for no reason. This is not the case in Netherlands. You do not gain votes for supporting Israel as you do in the usa. You probably even lose votes.
That said, Trump is a Jew-loving as well.
He's not being sent to jail. Probably BECAUSE he is jewish.
Okay, die now.
Why doesn't the king do something?
The king is a coward.
Because Wilder's is ethnically a kike who lived on a kibbutz, and has a jewish wife.
He's not going to jail and he's not being fined. The only thing they're doing is declaring him guilty, so it's to strike fear in the plebs that don't read past the headline.
This is just going to make him more popular.
he made the comments outside of parliament
seems to be right
what happened to measuring the validity of statements by its factuality and reasoning?
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
Fuck em.
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
Hm, interesting. Thanks for the input!
Poached? What is this hip teen lingo
28/M/Financial District
Because jews
fascist scum deserve gulag
It all sucks.
Just be yourself bro.
It isn't.
Real Men (1987)
Rms was just being ironic about this one, I'm sure
Someone's triggered.
Is this the deity that shartmarts worship?
controlled opposition
the shitskins
Sorry, I forget sarcasm is hard to detect without tone sometimes. I thought it'd be easy to detect the sarcasm because it's such an outrageous statement. The KGB doesn't even exist anymore. And nobody could make me think that art is creepy, it's objectively terrifying. And it wasn't even the Russians who exposed the art, just the emails led us to those old articles.
Me too, I keep seeing serbs shitposting and shillposting like they're fucking hillary supporting aussies but they all seem like it's just 1 serb
Make our dream of creating a new nation reality.
about as likely as a civil war
No but i can
Medis and Asians>Nordics>Ancient Spics>Abbos.
We can all agree with this.
We will kill all the jews rape their women and kill them too. I promise this to you.
Except it doesn't work like that because dumb as fuck poor people are subsidised.
oh so you guys are all big and bad, but none of you know what to do?
His mother's mother is a Jew, so Geert is full-Jewish.
This user doesn't understand social cues and probably has some form of autism.
Racist leafs attacking dem Mexican folks
Do the cheese and tulp faggots have anyone else to vote for but Wilders? Negative. Thus, he is our greatest ally and needs your support, goyim.
she's not that pretty
your taste suck
Unless Russia rigged the election process, it doesn't matter.
If Russia actually hacked the DNC and Hillary's email server, that doesn't change anything since it exposed her corruption. Imagine if Colin Powell admitting that he and the rest of the Bush administration lied about WMDs to invade Iraq actually caused Bush to lose his re-election. Would that mean he "rigged" the election because he exposed something that would have justified hanging Bush and his cronies on the gallows? Just because Russia benefits from it doesn't mean they rigged it.
someone post the "this is how white people smile at each other" one.
ever since I saw it I became super conscious of how I (and every other white man in germany) does it 24/7
Damn, what girls are watching porn these days? 10 yrs ago, maybe 3 girls out of 100 watched porn.
You're retarded.
hoppa in när jag parkerar
He's convicted, but there's no punishment.
they play both sides, you know that
Can he still take office being a felon?
Ben Garrison International Airport???
When did Ben "gas the kikes" Garrison get so popular?
Wilders is Jewish.
How many fucking times does it have to be posted before it sinks in?
That's called a credibility prosecution.
The "king" is a bilderburger. It wouldn't surprise me if his bastard line is half jewish. Just like Wilders being a full jew.
Is it literally a bad-goy-slap-on-the-wrist?
You can post it all you want, nobody will ever give a shit.
this is not a felony charge, but a misdemeanor
yes he can.
The law permits this. As long as he gets enough votes, criminal records are private data [yes his whole case had been broadcast on live TV].
achmed, you're on the wrong board.
maybe you should try to befriend a salafist recruiter on faceberg only to have your head caved in by booted police state thugs
He's a kike, so I won't trust him.
MOSSAD, aub…
Heh. In Poland he could not. They changed law to rid off one bad goy from parliament who treathened to public documents with dirt on everyone important and talked about CIA blacksite. He was later suicided.
what the fuck is up with these random comments lately?
meanwhile in poland..
CIA blacksites should be burned the fuck down.
Since CIA never did anything to keep a straight face.
The board's being hit by bots. My guess is that it's trying to disrupt the signal/noise ratio on Holla Forums.
So the kike mods allow JIDF to shill Jew Wilders threads but ban anons for some lighthearted shitposting???
Yep. He talked about planes bringing Talibs to Poland and (((media))) called him tinfoiler until years later wikileaks relesed documents about CIA blacksite operating in Kiejkuty. He was pretty based guy beside being economic illiterate. They sentenced him over made up "molestation" charge.
RIP Andrzej…
some 500lb japanese furry is doing this, but I'm not sure if it's true.
Bull fucking shit trump loves israeli
Based Geert reacts.
Tick… Tick… Tick…
Say what you want about Geert but he's a good orator.
It's starting to look like this is the best thing that ever happened to Geert and his party
not much left of that now, I would seriously love to live there
fucking (((UN)))
(((hate speech)))
i thought the dutch are so liberal, how come they have no freedom f speech?
seriously, if anyone tries to dictate you what you CAN and CAN NOT SAY-
get rid of him. like this second.
if everyone had balls, we wouldn't live in such a (((liberal))) shithole these days.
the dark ages have to come back.
the (((fag))) must burn, for kek
geert did nothing wrong