White nationalist gets punched out on French TV for whining he’s up to his ‘a**hole in Arabs’


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The French are a dead race no point talking about them anymore.

Soral is a cucked little faggot. i should have known he was a commie plant

Soral is now mostly followed by sandniggers only. They don't care about him, but they like his antisemitism that's all. Conversano is actually harrased on facebook, his commentaries are full of violent sandniggers who make fun of him with the images of this agression.

Yes, it's a great idea to punch people who are willing to gas you

Hitler would be proud tbh.
Anyone who isnt hated by the commie semites is doing their job properly.

There doesn't seem to be any reason to fear the guy who got his shit pushed in at all or the people who follow him. They've been getting stopped on and fucked up for decades to the point where they are about to be exterminated in their own country.


Soral isn't a jew and he's quite vocal in his opposition to jews. It's the Front National under Marine Le Pen that sides with jews.

he's only vocal about jews, that's the whole problem, but on sandniggers he's like any leftard

That's because his jew hatred comes from a position of "my poor brown palestinian babies" and not from a nationalistic or race based perspective, hence, he's doing the job of the jew even when claiming to be against them.

He's probably no longer interested at all in waiting for the White population to wake the fuck up and do something about jews – which sandniggers quite clearly are.

You massive dumbass

But… these guys are all dead. The ancestors of the people you're claiming should be feared were a rather significant force in killing them, hand in hand with the very people you're claiming are the ones who should fear them now.

arabs are as against jews as they are against whites, that's the same for them anyway

He ate like 4 punches to the face and smiled afterwords and continued the debate. He's a cool guy.

Isn't he pretty redpilled on kikes?

If Whites keep siding with jews, there's no functional reason for the sandniggers to see it any differently.

I'd take a lefttie who hates kikes over one of those Front National cucks who grovels to the jews and claims only muzzies are a problem.

Conversano is against both, as should be any White. Not Soral. And the French vote more and more Front National, like Conversano said, because they're simply fed up with arabs obviously.

This, for a boxer Soral is pretty damn shitty at fighting if all he could manage with several punches and kicks is a split lip.

What's your point? The people who kikes need to fear are us Nazis of today, who are now a multinational movement. Also a significant number of Frenchmen worked with the Germans.

OP is a fag and decided to embed a meme video instead of the fight in question, so here's a quick webm of the fight.

Would you mind providing some further insight here? The party he belongs to has been quite effusive in its praise of Judaism and jews in general – under its current leadership, of course [which happens to include jews].

What Nazis? The Front National? Are you quite serious here?

He does not belong to the Front national, but he advocates for them because of course that's the only option we french nationalists have… Of course not a single political movement in Europe, as Trump in America btw, will be openly antisemitic, it's ridiculous.

That wasn't a struggle at all. His kick was blocked, landed one hit, and then got pushed off. Baby had a little tantrum. I wish media would stop embellishing shit.

Soral seems to have little to no issue being openly antisemitic. The nigger comedian who organized this debate seems to have little to no issue being openly antisemitic, even at the expense of legal trouble. Muslims in general seem to have little to no issue being openly antisemitic.

When Hillary Clinton was asked about peace in the Middle East during the debates, she didn't even bother to mention Israel by name, as if they were an irrelevant player who no longer need to be acknowledged. The nigger Muslim trying to become the new DNC chair is openly against Israel and has no problem calling judaism a "gutter religion".

It seems the only people who actually have a problem with being "openly antisemitic" are political parties pretending to be nationalists who only have an interest in effective steam-valving right wing sentiment into something that can benefit Israel and judaism.


Why would a boxer try to kick somebody? Also, kicks are fucking useless in fights I don't care what anyone says.

this is Holla Forums's brain on autism

kicks aren't useless they are just impractical for untrained fighters


So no real explanation at all for the pattern that keeps emerging?

sandniggers are not allies because of their antisemitism, that's the whole bullshit theory of soral

it's like saying you'd be allies with BLM or some kind of marxist shitskin movement just because they'd be antisemitic (while being as anti white as always in the same time)

OP is a faggot, once again.

Reminder that Soral has converted to islam.

I'm a trained martial artist in Tae kwon do though.

Soral is a fucking Marxist, why would anyone ever think he was going to take the side of the French nation?

It just sounds like you're in a positive feedback loop. I certainly never made the case that sandniggers are "allies". Your argument was very explicit – nobody in Europe or America would ever be open antisemitic, because that would be ridiculous. Yet there are many such examples of that happening, in organized parties and among large groups of people, yet its pretty much non-existent from the official structure of so-called "nationalist" parties, like the Front National, like the Sweden Democrats, like UKIP, like the Republican party under Trump.

It's all this innuendo – trust me goyim, they are very antisemitic, it's all just a secret plan – juxtaposed with people who plainly and clearly state that jews as a people and judaism as a religion are problems in and of themselves.

I think it's less about the general aspect of kicking as much as it is about properly delivering a straight and powerful one. The way he swung his leg was awful.

I think you may have confirmation bias from kicks not being particularly effective in sparring matches. When fighting against someone who knows how to block them, kicks can be of little use, but against unwitting assailants they can be a devastating counter.

I see your point but think its largely because the amplifying effect of the media. Spencer was all over the talmudvision as the next Hitler for simply raising a glass to his cheering audience, while the muds' antisemitism is completely ignored and given no screen time at all. We are not given equal treatment there is a clear double standard and as such we have to be more careful since our words will be blown out of proportion and theirs will be ignored.

He's a sandnigger lover.

Wow, what a constructive and useful comment. Clearly the frogs should just give up and let Islam overrun them. That is what you want, isn't it?

Hopefully he presses charges on that dirty kike

What a fucking cuck faggot

Alain Soral is not a white nationalist.

Fuck jews, sandniggers are a secondary problem


Soral did many good things but in the last 2 or 3 years he went off the deep end and what happened in the OP seals his fate. It's over for him, now the few whites who STILL followed him will jump ship.

Video related, Soral gets BTFO like never before (French only sorry).

Those were some pretty lazy punches

Yeah, he's been a Savate practioner for 30 years and holds the rank of "gant d'argent" (like a black belt) and has made an instructional DVD, you would expect him to fuck Conversano up but no, far from it.



He should have tackled him. If somebody coming towards you like that, you try to get them on the ground, where as long as your on top, its easier to manipulate them. I would've tackled that fag then broke his shoulder.

punches look a lot better than cuddling on the ground

Its not cuddling if you can break a shoulder. It only looks like cuddling in sanctioned events because of the rules. Once their on the ground, its very easy to fuck someone up irreversibly.

No shit, my cousin does BJJ since 1.5 years and he sometimes shows me some tricks. That stuff is no joke.

Words have meaning, pushed out means knocked out, not merely hit. 0/10 sage


Alain Soral is probably the worst arab licking cuckold on the "right", he's pathetic.


I got kicked in the liver once. Didn't hurt for a second, then it felt like I was trying to shit my spine out through my belly button for a minute. I'm pretty soft tho.


Kek, frog nationalism is a big fat huge mistake.
Daily reminder that the Front is the feminist faggotry friendly party on France.

The goal of Soral is to meme assimilation of immigrants in France to hold peace as long as possible.
So his plan is to fight (((hate speech))) when people talking about arabs to avoid civil war.
He comes from the mass media and seems re-meme the anti-racism ideology in his own terms.
Also was cultural marxist in his youth.

Though he is pretty redpilled on a lot of things.

Soral was an ok, he went full retard and will never be considered a figure by honest nationalists. Conversano did a video after he went to hospital to talk about the topic for one last time and I must say, I have the same opinion about Soral.

He had in mind a reconciliation between Celts, North-Africans/Arabs/Negroïds living in France, except it didn't work as well for him, everytime he landed a bit of power and fame to the second group, they fucked with him and went their own way, everytime. And he stayed in the same position, he never learned from his errors, he's stuck in the past, near 2009 I think.

It's a shame, on one hand, he had some brilliant phases, on the other one, he's from the show-business, got kicked out from it, went through several parties (such as commies yes). His reputation is now tainted as an old man who can't resist simple bants (on this point Conversano had to 'insult' him, when Soral take control of a debate, you're sure you'll not be able to speak for 20 minutes).

On the fight itself and the debate, the security was a fucking joke, Soral attacked him three times, landing hits everytime. Dieudonné shared the video of the fight ==FOR FREE== to have some shekels on the full show. Dieudonné is a roasted fruit, always asking for money, his comic shows aren't what they used to be.

But this is extremely good for the white nationalist movement in France, with this event, we can now easily tell that most Soraliens (people who support Soral and his specific actions) are either mudslimes or come from Africa, and white cucks who thinks it's a-ok to attack someone three times in a row for political divergences.

The core problem that keeps emerging time and time again is that you and people like you DON'T think it's okay to attack people you disagree with politically. This is why every country in the West is in the state it is in. If the people we disagreed with were dead, they wouldn't be in our countries on the verge of exterminating us.

Do you think you're going to have a nice little vote and all of the Arabs are going to evaporate into thin air?

Wait, so this Soral guy was actually supposed to be a nationalist? What his definition of "nationalism" if he loves muslims that much?

he's just an aspie, isn't he?

No that's not my point user (but I agree, fighting commies and antifas is still funny to do), but you don't fight some who is in the same side as you are, worst, during a debate. Let me develop, Soral is known here as 'The King of Logos', you want to debate him ? Ok, but be prepared, he'll fuck you up like what we did during the Algerian war,.
So,both Soral and Conversano have 'almost' (Soral shut his brain when he talks about muslims) identified their enemies. There is just one divergence, and it fucked everything up.
Nah, anyone thinking this is a piece of shit, even the FN is in the same range as Soral, trying to reconcile with other races (which failed, of course it would). But Soral being full of himself, he tought he and his association was part of the jump the FN had in votes in December 2015.

Well, IIRC Soral uses 'Patriot' more often than 'Nationalist'. Anyway, his point is that he think we can live in a Multicultural society, forgetting the threat of Islam on our head like a Damocle's sword. For him, we just have to be ok that other races can also be as Nationalist as us, while they obviously have different endgoals.

We have a meme here in France when there's an event, actually we have 2 of them, first one is 'Super Soral', everytime an attack of ISIS or any other group happen in the world, he will still found a way (either him or the authors who write for his website) to tie it with Jews. Second meme is 'SILISIOUNIST', we mock arab elders and their speech problem with french and tie it with their obsession about Mossad and jews when it comes to attacks in the name of Islam.

of course there is an end to all political discussion but unification through ideas are much more resilient as long as interests converge which it is the case.

found your problem

right in the pussy
smug FrogFace.jpg

My sides.
Reality hitting this fake leftist head, superb.

The French Dissidence Question

The "Soral question"/"Dissidence question" is simple:
* Soral thinks we should try to talk to muslim in order to have them cooperate against the elites and jewish oligarchy (main problem is the elites)
* Others think it's pointless and will do more harm than good and that it's losing time, furthering islamization of France and think it's time to react strongly (main problem is immigration)

The top 2 political sites in France are:
1. Soral site
2. French main white nationalist site

So it's really an important question in the anti-globalist crowd.

You're welcome.

Never confuse hating kikes with being redpilled. A lot of kike haters turn out to only hate them because they love sucking Muslim cock.

Soral has never add a clear political line, and thinking the contrary is absolute proof you haven't read him.
The mastery of his philosophical, political theory work is mind-blowing and he'll be remembered as one of the most complete and daring political theorist in the future (to-be-written, hopefully) french counter-culture.

This. That was handbags at dawn. Barely even a scuffle.

user, I…

It's called French Boxing or Savate.
We use both feet and punches.
What you think of is English Boxing.

pretty good article from the Stormer as well

For some reason the real French nationalist is an Italian, but that's better than a woman or a pro-Islam Marxist.

What Soral said was never really ground breaking. His stuff on merchants he took from philosophers like Voltaire, his stuff on WW2 he took from revisionists like Faurisson, his stuff on the economy from NatSoc economists like Feder and Schacht, stuff on French national identity from Bainville etc and he was honest enough to always declare it as such.

What was ground breaking about Soral was how he presented this content and himself.

He was the first in France, to package right wing stuff in a fun and accessible way, see his monthly videos in 2011-2012 (embedded) also he is an extremely talented monologist. He's an above average debater but he's an incredibly good when it comes to monologues, he can talk for 60 mins non stop in a very entertaining and elegant way without ever being boring. Few people have this talent and that's a large part of what made his videos so popular at that time.

Nowadays, it's a different subject. As I said, after 2012 it went completely downhill, he changed his format, had disputes with his former allies, went completely crazy on the question of immigration and we can see the result today.

stay classy lefties

Shut up fascist!

t. lefty

Not if you kick someone in the knee with the sole of your shoe. That's how I used to beat up lanklets, it immobilizes them and then you can proceed to go for the head.

Napoleon was a Corsican. French Nationalists have a history of not coming from France.

He's some kind of marxist anti-zionist. He's done, he's completely irrelevant.

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
also get ear protection, eye protection, a safe, gun case, and of course ammo. Also make sure you know your state's gun laws

Mudslimes are all fundamentally sionists, they love it because Jews allow them to conquer brainwashed undefended land. They may say they are anti-sionists, but all their actions scream otherwise.

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws


Here are the list of nations that saved Europe and the white race from complete annihilation, from the Moors, the Saracens, the Mongols, and the Ottoman Turks:

Here is a list of complicit traitor nations which succumbed to invasions are subhuman:

Also, if someone could tell me how to upload pics from mobile without them ending up sideways, that would be nice too.

This shit right here is what's wrong with men these days. Not a single good strike or block was used by either of them. There was no damage done, I've seen girl fights use better technique. Then a bunch of pansy ass fags run up and start grabbing on them. Fuck that, let them fight it out.

Men should be able to fight more often, I think a right to a duel of fisticuffs when faggots get out of line with their bullshit would fix things real quick. These dudes should be fined for failure to uphold their honor in a masculine way.

Guess I have to take that back, dude did land a few punches, as I see from this angle. So the mudslime supporter is willing to escalate from words to violence while being recorded in a TV studio. Hmm, muzzies and violence, who could have seen that connection coming?

My point remains though that white men in general need to unfuck their shit posthaste, because we dominate the field of combat when we're willing to handle shit.

If I have to die, it's going to be in a power suit one way or another. Life is too short to worry about runaway nuclear reactions, not when they payoff is getting to hear that cool servomotor sound whenever I move.

Friendly fire is unfriendly. I on the other hand am very friendly.

A…at least we got Dragon Quest Builders.

My only issues are with the torso joint and the hip joint. Will that method work for those?

dc court graffiks bro lets skate togev you like skrillex and vaping??


2 milli bruh.

It never gets good if your tastes are shit

something something parasites making her super powered but can only breathe through skin something


Those screams and cries coming from people who didn't want to deal with the Stu's rotten stench.

Lol, what?

Is there seriously an Irish gladiatorial arena in the Equestria Girls universe? Is this a crossover with Fight Club?

I'm amazed that this obnoxious asshole hasn't been beaten to death by that gigantic guy who holds the door.

Gary may be an autistic stalker who assaults and harasses women on a consistent basis, but he crosses the line at murder.

Then why does anyone participate?

And as we've all noticed, Gary is a huge fan of overly optimistic hopes.

This guy manages to make Irish gladiatorial games sound boring.

everything he wrote he got from someone else his work is like a big ass book report with no citations fuck him and fuck you ya frog faggot

I'm going to find you you fucking cunt!

I would have fucked vibaldy up so bad. He comes on twice like he knows how to fight. And his blows hardly have any effect. Can anyone translate? Are there personal insults or does Soral just want to act like a toughguy?

Then just hug me and let me embrace your warmth. Not slap me.

wew what a cuck, i bet he doesn't even know what jizya is.

Dieudo remains based.

Roundhouse kicks are next to useless in reality. Martial Arts always emphasize them because they are overused in sports competition and class situation where you use shin guards. If you're good at front kicks and heel kicks they're useful in fights where you're wearing shoes. Unless you're a Muay Thai fighter who spends years conditioning your shins roundhouses are useless in real fights.

fuuck ke-bab fuuc kebab fuck fuck fuck kebab
they come in and want to take your rights away
some new violation of sharia everyday

fuck fuck fuck kebab

here comes a guy from the uae
i can beat my wife with a stick because i can pay a million dollars.

This is france! fuck fuck fuck kebab

fuck fuck kebab
go back over the sea fucking arab
we don't want your kind round here
fucking men up the ass you desert queer
fuck fuck fuck kebab

(to the tune of shoahannas)

This ain't your fucking blog slugger.

Wait, nevermind you're a swede.

You have no idea what you're talking about, California is the main Agricultural state, Sweetwater has been a shot hold since the 70's when manufacturing left.

We lived on the best continent and we didn't do fucking shit. Ever.




"White nationalist" from Italy and his friend.

Yeah yeah we got it Ahmed, go back sucking sorals cock, bougnoule

And Charles the Hammer was Frankish (= Dutch)

kicks like a faggot. As expected of a cuckold

Have you seen the Pepe background on Fdesouche?


The problem here is that the dude was not even prepared mentally. He did not even think he was on enemy territory. I guess getting baldy in a lawsuit is good enough.

This frog speaks truth

Ugh. Soral is what happens when a leftist becomes red pilled on the jews I guess. What a fucking fag.

Can someone explain why he got so assblasted this debate? Does he have a history of shit like this?

De Frank is niet blank.

Staged bullshit designed to trigger right-wingers into violent acts.
Shit, the shill even LOOKS like our shills, like they work from a template.

Conversano is completely right and Soral is an idiot. The European far-right tends to get a lot of these pretentious types, they'll reflexively throw themselves at any polity in opposition to ZOG no matter how superficial. It's complete tunnel vision. They don't understand racial hatred and they mistakenly believe that shitskins see themselves as victims.

What happened after that back man ran up behind the reporter?

I don't understand how Soral is even considered right? He is a Marxist, wants multiculturalism, doesn't believe in race, etc. Is France just so far gone that this is what passes for "far right" there, or what?

Maybe because he was a higher up at the FN and the FN is always regarded as far right.

On everything he is like the left. He is not right wing in any way. He only dislikes zionist Jews because zionist Jews are racist, which is actually very typical for the left.

Funny thing is that the black comedian here was actually agreeing with Conversano and disagreeing with Soral. He said it is good if France remains white so long as they stop meddling in Africa, like helping to overthrow Gaddafi. And he said he would go to Africa if this happened and that whites should worry about whites and blacks should worry about blacks. The nigger is actually more nationalists than Soral.

Soral, the looney, keeps refering to Conversano on facebook (as he always did everytime he had another ennemy), and they posted another old video of Conversano on his Website (egalite and reconciliation), to show that, MY GOD, Conversano pushed for violence against migrants.. again, in an old video, now Conversano is careful and says he does not cuz of course thats what the left would be dreaming of, just like in the US : another Breivik.

Soral is completly over.


He might have just been holding back. I doubt he was trying to kill the guy, just rough him up a bit.

I don't see him as far-right myself, however his old left-inflected tendencies aren't by any means a rare sight there either. To be honest I find the state of the far-right dismal in the extreme. It isn't that difficult to recognise the situation and balance an analysis and yet I can't really think of a single living far-right intellectual who doesn't fail on some account. There's way too much nuttiness, which I suppose isn't surprising given how verboten most far-right themes are.

TKDs kicks are largely flamboyant and impractical. A good low kick to the knee is a good set-up for more, and gets the opp to think about defending his whole body, a good front push kick or teep is good for creating space.

Beyond that, you really have to practice them to do damage. I held the pads for a 6th degree black belt Uechi Ryu guy doing high kicks before. It was like he was hitting me with a baseball bat through the pads. not his shins.

TKD kicks don't work like this unfortunately.

Then on the other hand you have ones like Guillaume Faye who has the exact opposite problem of Soral, where he opposes arabs but loves Jews. The French are getting fucked from both ends here.

Yes, those types are sadly even more common, and probably more dangerous insofar as they inflame tensions and aim emotional young natives in the wrong direction. As I said, it's just not that hard to see the problem, and yet thinkers who are otherwise intelligent wax between Arab larp or completely braindead Zionist philosemitism. They are constantly making things more obtuse and complicated than they have to be. There's no sensible nativism uncompromised by Jew pandering at all.

bump, i wish i could read the french comments though

Yep, fake as the Geraldo 1988 thing.

They do work quite well, the problem is that most people only spar in WTF style and not in an MMA environment, so they know the kick but never learn how to use them.

TKD kicks are great for catching your oponent off guard since many of them come from unexpected angles. Roundhouses in particular are meant to slowly wear down your oponent by quickly stricking them in the stomach or the solar plexus. In fact most of my MMA knockouts have been from me landing a roundhouse clean in the stomach.

I think the jeans were a problem here since they can greatly diminish the power of a kick.

What does this have to do with the thread faggot. Never mind it's completely wrong.

how new ru

Well that is what intellectuals are best at.



Don't forget the time when he sent dickpics to an african model.

is it time for a #Cruzcoup? With #Cruzmssiles

Hvordan satan har du fået fat i den

Weak bait, spaghettinigger



the massive norwegian pedofile ring might be related, but the media pulling the story is a contract expiring. publishing rights to that article were for a few weeks only.

Wrong. The pure African would win. Africans who entered the slave trade were genetically weaker than the ones who remained in Africa. It's worth remembering that Africans were often enslaves by other Africans. Warring tribes would capture the people as spoils of war. The slaves are genetic losers who ancestors failed, miserably, when confronted by a superior tribe. The remnants of the dominant tribe's traits are within the Africans currently inhabiting the continent, while the genes of the African-Americans, while they may have been selectively bred and while they may have been forced to survive tough conditions in their migration to the new world, which weeded out the weak links, the fact is that they were still the losers.

They are the best of the worst. They would be unfit for survival when confronted with the ancestors of the victors.


how do I achieve this face aesthetic?

Op you're as stupid as the people wanting to kill themselves over an election.

This thread is now about OP being well below average intellect. How does it make you feel, OP, to know you're stupid and incapable of doing /anything/ that can help you get back up to average?

Neat story, homo

Opposite of Christianity would be Liberalism today.There is no other way understand that.

The biggest con of our time.

Oh well, Hillary still would have been worse either way. It was all worth it to see those feminazi tears.

Jews are great at making money for themselves, that's what they do. Putting them in charge of money means a transfer from the non-Jewish working class to the Jewish elite and their benefactor, Trump.


OP on suicide watch


I hope this is a troll post. Hitler is the archetypal fascist.

What about quality of life? If you knew a child was going to be born into sex slavery and die from a forced drug overdose at age 7, is it moral for her to be born?

This is of course an extreme hypothetical, but what is the correct answer?

Hey at least the left have stopped blaming western white males and the new boogeyman are DA RUSSIANS.

Feels good man.

The nigger wins

I support curing the social ills that make welfare necessary in the first place.

Stop. There's no such thing as the "far-right" except in the fantasies of "anti-fascists" and LARPfags. Normal sane white people who are tired of arabs and vote for anti-immigration political parties are just normal sane white people, nothing more. The "far-right" is just a scarecrow, it's a boogeyman out of the imagination of people like Stieg Larsson.


We will, when the throne of England will fall finally into the hands of Abu Ismail II Hadrillah

Judo would work even better in real street situations because some Judo moves require you to grab your opponent's clothes. In MMA training you can't grab clothes.

Soral is a fucking commie who suck muslims cocks.
Just kidding muslims are his source of money so he need to defend them, also i'm actually shocked ,i thought this guy was already in Syria or some shit, what a disgusting RSA leacher.

Close enough. You're thinking of Slovakia.

he loves muslims , muslims hate jews because of Palestine and more butthurts over the 6 days war.
Muslims aren't redpilled just retarded.

Well one needs to understand the history of France to get that, most specifically the colonial era. Even more specifically, the part where some colonies grew so huge, and things were going so well, those countries actually became French territory, not just French controlled or anything, and its people became French citizens.

Similarly to how slaves in America were freed and made American citizens, we invited that way plenty foreigners. That was a long time ago, and many have been there for so long that Africa is a foreign land to them.

Things went well for some of them, they became respectable citizens, and used as an example at every occasion. Clearly they're great examples to follow, but they're really a minority, and the majority never really integrated with the French population.

While those exemplary citizens are used by leftists to justify letting immigrants in, Soral uses those as a proof that the non-integrated part can fully integrate. He defends the muslim of the inside, while leftists defend those outside as well. Clearly those inside have been French for many generations, but then, letting them in was a mistake in the first place, so most nationalists propose to kick even the well-integrated ones back to where they came from for they have outstayed their welcome.

Shit i love this video, Dieudonné

its gonna be lit af senpai

cultural enrichment

And what does that have to do with state legislators?

Basic income is being talked about more already, however as a government program that holds total control over your income it should be debated with somewhat better ideas like the negative income tax. Ultimately a move from craft based wages needs to be made because if nobody is making money the massively reduced prices won't mean much with no consumption.


Pol doesn't care about real talk. Only conspiracy theories and race war

i mean i would kill my self too if i had to live among niggers tbqh

Thoroughly researched by the company that made the vaccine. Ffs the FDA still hasn't finished the human trials on prevnar yet.

Doesn't understand the constitution. Nowhere is the popular vote mentioned. In fact the founding fathers specifically decided against a direct democracy.

And by "gas the kikes", Holla Forums meant give them fuel.

burn coal, pay toll

if you mean retarded, then yes. He is your guy OP.

I don't know why we should be angry about brexit i hate the european union and want it to collapse

lol who cares


Leddit needs to go

If you asked any of these questions while sexually interacting with a woman she would immediately be turned off.

That's quite the loaded statement. Who are the degenerates in America?

Muslims and SJW's? Neither of them are Christian. Every feminist or leftist cuck you'll meet is atheist. Every communist you meet will be atheist.

The same reason these Muslims haven't attacked their sworn enemy who is next door to them and instead travel thousands of miles to attack countries who couldn't care less about them. Well, didn't care about them until they started to be attacked by sandpeople. Who do you think the (((puppet master))) is?

Enjoying your vacation, leaf?


The kitchen is pvc, bathroom's got some old cast iron pipes that have been there for something like 70 years. They're not giving me any issues, just the damn pvc.

Nobody even comes close to being as bad as the kikes, they're a unique evil.

Because it's the experts who said it, unlike all these filthy tin foil non-experts.

Nothing the next democrat administration can't deal with.

Move to Woodlands

yes, your fucking horrible op

I ain't giving them no clicks nigga

Yet why the fuck is Erodgan still in office and no one supported the coup?


No protest for police brootaity because not follows narritive lol


Who wouldn't? He recently bought two lakeside homes and an R8

I mean there is no way the Supreme Court would allow it but it still got through the Senate

Stop taking the black pill. That shit isn't good for you.

What language are you using right now?

I know this is it. That's why you never punch right, they are going to brand you want ever they want anyway.
