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'''Dylann Roof Confesses To Shooting 9 Church Members Laughingly
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I'm glad he returned to being a Holla Forumsack.
I forgot his address in jail.
I would like to send him items that he might like.
He talks just like me.
What he did definitely constitutes a hate crime, but I'm still so fucking pissed off that the Christian Newsom murderers didn't get tried for a hate crime, when what they did was definitely more malicious.
This is the most FBI post I've ever read on here.
This guy is a fag. Anyone that defends him is a pussy.
He did nothing wrong, well he could have done better, but it's still nothing wrong. As more and more people interract with minorities they'll remember him and think he was right.
get fucked cuckold. how many people are killed every day by diversity? how many robberies, arsons, rapes?
what he did and what the military do are different only in that the military act with government permission. everybody knows all western governments are corrupt.
what do YOU do besides shit on the only people who can tolerate you on this website?
It's not illegal to send him shit.
Just put down some she's return address.
Also, he got a nigger senator.
That's worth something.
All crimes are "hate crimes". I want Trump to abolish the special notion of a "hate crime".
Pacifism strikes again.
gtfo coward
I agree that all crimes are hate crimes, but what pisses me off is that they're only used to punish white people. They wouldn't be the worst laws in existence if they were applied to all the niggers who end up on Colin Flaherty's channel. In fact if that were the case hate crimes would probably be a net positive.
I mean really what's the big deal? He's broken, defeated and is facing death. He laughed at that, so obvious a question. He killed them, yeah he did, no shit.
omg user dont you get it ??? they were minorities ! its like youre a racist.
Silly goy, only whites commit hate crimes.
You really had to be there to fully appreciate the humor of it, probably
I can see why he laughed. Isn't it obvious?
I suppose. I think he's come to terms with his death and the only thing he can do is laugh.
You're right he's a faggot that wasted his life.
He should've killed at least 9,000 niggers if he was going to kill any at all.
Letters/candy != detcord
no such thing.
hate = anger + political power. POCs aren't capable of committing hate crimes. wow, so much ignorance around here.
He couldn't keep his jimmy in his pants figuratively. Now isn't the time. He easily could've gone ten fold the 9 that he killed, only if he had waited till the situation was exacerbated enough.
Well I mean technically niggers really aren't capable of hate.
They have an animal aggression but there's no intelligence in it, it's basically just a primal animal fury that turns into murderous rage. That's why nogs get shot by cops so much, they react like animals when threatened.
If you want to get philosophical there is no such thing as crime. But, in America there are hate crime laws with legal definitions. Dylan's actions conformed to those definitions, but every day blacks commit actions that could easily be interpreted as hate crimes under the american legal definition.
I think the reaction is directed at the confession part. The laughing is merely icing on the cake.
That's the point of the category. To punish whites disproportionately for fighting back.
It's a water crime. body consist mostly of water so per this water crime definition it's a crime against water.
Is he allowed to receive mail?
I know that that in jail, you can send the inmates books, as long as they come straight from the bookstore to the prison and are brand new.
I might send him some manga.
I wonder what he'd like….?
Probably some C Y B E R shit like ghost in the shell, maybe send him something that shows we support him.
a thread should be made to send him christmas gifts
Gotta be subtle… Try an infi logo or something.
I'm getting excited for Christmas.
What I will always find funny is this kids "evil" yet the Muslim who shoot up the club had daddy issues.
I still think this is a false flag, were all the sheboon bodies?
Send him a copy of American Psycho, he'll appreciate it.
I was thinking about something that may help him deal with the fact he's going to die and that all he did was not in vain.
His plan was shit, but his heart was in the right place.
Reminder to newfags and idiots to read his manifesto before jumping on the bandwagon.
emphasis added
Dylann Roof's Manifesto:
>Unlike many White nationalists, I am of the opinion that the majority of American and European jews are White.[25]
This. We need to give him the best last Christmas ever.
Also, if anons wanted to write him some letters, I could print them off and and ship them all together.
I just need to find out which state he's being held in, since different states have different regulations on what inmates inmates can recieve.
Maybe a heartfelt letter will do it, telling him that we appreciate him, maybe just send him a copy of Mein Kampf or some shit.
Yeah, he did do something wrong. He killed a church full of old ass niggers.
He didn't go shoot up the hood, he didn't go to the welfare line and kill them, he wasted nine old motherfuckers that were going to die in ten years tops anyways.
It was a waste. If he was redpilled as I see people on here claim he is he isn't, he's just a drug addled retard he would've gone full moonman in the ghetto, at your local long john silver's/KFC, at the welfare office, anywhere that shines that are an actual threat to law, order, and humanity are.
The ones he killed were fucking grandmas.
You forgot the true hive of niggerdom, Wal-Mart.
He reminded me of this guy William Pierce befriended.
I doubt they will give him Mein Kampf, as for the letters he probably recieved a lot already. I was thinking about something more personal.
user speaks the truth. He could have taken out gang members. Instead he killed people with no criminal record and at church. The same type who would have voted for Trump as well, since we know black evangelicals voted. He messed up.
Send him two.
He went where he had to take out a nigger senator. There will be statues of this martyr soon.
But those where niggers.
Niggers are niggers
I don't agree with what he did; obviously there were much better targets he could've gone after, but I can't help but feel sorry for him. Redpilling is one hell of a ride, and I feel like, had things gone slightly different, he would've been on the 'chans, shitposting among us today.
In the end I actually respect that he actually took action at what he saw was an unjust system, which is a lot more than what cowards around here are willing to do.
Shouldn't more FBI resources be devoted to the Clinton Foundation? Why are you cucklords in here bashing this great man? Can't bring down real criminals anymore?
show me the evidence it was a hate crime. You can't. It wasn't. The family was against any hate crime charges.
But if you are so sure that it was a hate crime I would be happy to look at your evidence.
They want you to send him mail so you get put on an FBI watch list. Are you fucking retarded? But honestly go ahead and do it anyways.
You posted here.
You are now on a watchlist.
Moralfag cuck
There are no good niggers newfag. I agree though that he should have shot up a bunch of niglets to stop them from breeding.
I'm sure it can be done anonymously through Amazon if you pay with a gift card. Not like it matters, is doubtful sending candy or a book is illegal. Plenty of charities send books to death row inmates
Hi, I swear to be a faggot who makes six figures shitposting on the chans all day while super mobsters like the Clintons destroy America for foreign enemies.
Cry harder faggot
Anytime Anyone on here acts anti-racist they are a shill.
We must eliminate all existential threats to the white race.
Using an anonymous browser or or a VPN can put you on a watchlist.
Plus, you can always just drop your letters in public mailboxes.
Indeed fellow skinhead, all jews must be killed I will create bomb allahu akbar fellow racist.
He killed state senator Clementa C. Pinckney
Earlier that day Pinckney had been campaigning with Hillary Clinton. He was a big figure in BLM.
Let's face it, tens of thousands of great southern whites died on battlefields without taking a single enemy of note with them. Put in perspective, Roof didn't do too bad.
Don't overlook the fact that one of the people he killed was a state senator. That was significant and don't pretend to imagine otherwise.
Faggot should've killed himself before being caught is the only real issue I have with him.
Did Dylan know the senator would be there? That's some crazy coincidence
I make you be anti racist.
Irish got their asses kicked of the continent and haven't done anything good ever.
Welsh fuck sheep.
"White" is the mongrels of Europe trying to leech off the English and the Germans.
You don't have a drop of german in you I bet. You're a mongrel.
Yeah, he was a BLM shill too. These black churches aren't even about Christianity. They are simply meeting places for "the black community" to sit around discussing how they're going to kill whitey.
I never implied that at all you piece of shit.
Anyone spreading anti-white propaganda is a shill.
Anhero before the current year began.
Besides I'm not even racist.
I'm a white supremacist.
Kek guided his hand.
If I committed a crime I would just admit it too. I don't see the point trying to jew my way out of the system and get off on a technicality or whatever the point of a lawyer is. I guess trying to get a lawyer to reduce the sentence from death is something he could do but I wouldn't lie about what I did. He's admitting his crime and accepting the punishment like an honorable man. Respect.
Or you can amass a shitload of cash and use afluenza as a defense.
You're going in the oven first Schlomo.
Yeah, he was no Breivik, but he did alright. Our ancestral heroes will be sporting bowl cuts in Valhalla when they greet him.
Speaking of bowl cuts, what are some good haircuts for h'white males? I've had a Hitler youth cut for a couple months now and might want to change it.
I dunno. I'm a NEET and don't cut my hair. It's to my waist.
Oh for fuck's sake relax.
My nigga
He should've Sandy Hooked (for realsies though) a black elementary school
You're a fucking retard, that's like finding a huge nest of rats and killing only the baby rats.
My hair doesn't look great long, I have wavy and thick hair.
My hair isn't even long, I shave it once every 7 years until it's shiny and bald and then just let it grow again.
Friendly reminder that he didn't just target random niggers, he took down a nigger Senator and his flock.
I mean…..he could have at least targeted Soros or a Rothschild or walked into Goldman Sachs headquarters but you have to have some cash to stalk those kind of kikes around NYC.
There are loads more higher value targets outside of the big kikes that he could have gone after other than old church going nogs. At least he got a nog state senator I guess.
If he was smart enough to kill Soros he would realize that the profit didn't outweigh the risk.
Those niglets are going to grow up and shit out more niglets, any nigger who can or will be able to make more niggers is a worthwhile target
Reminder: Synagogue or bust!
Get a fashy mullet.
Seriously, 80s is coming back into style. We must reclaim the 80s aesthetic for white nationalism before the faggots have a chance to ruin it like they did with the Hitler-youth-cut.
This. Long hair for the Germanic Ubermensch.
Only lice-riddled peasants crop their hair short.
t. girl
long hair on men is sexy and majestic as fuck
tits or gtfo.
this. everyone give him commissary money and send him books. what a hero
he was probably being gaslighted and poisoned by the FBIkikes. it happened to me. it'll drive you nuts
Only problem is you look like a woman and/or a massive faggot extraordinaire, you have to waste time, effort & money to make it look semi-acceptable, your opinions are disregarded by default for looking like a faggot.
story pls?
Both Dylan Roof and Andres Breivik had the right idea. Terrorism works. ISIS aren't stupid people they have billions being thrown around to fund terrorist activities. There's a reason that ISIS does this and it's not to drive good PR. Terrorism pushes fear and polarisation. When ISIS launches a terror attack what they're trying to create is backlash against Mohammedans.
Dylan Roof's attack caused racial polarisation and Andre's Breivik's attack caused fear within the ranks of the political class. The effects of both their attacks still linger today they were successful. One terror attack doesn't do much on its own unless it's particularly devastating like 9/11. For terrorism to have a lot of effect there would have to be saturation attacks to keep the momentum of polarisation going. A thousand Dylan Roofs and Andres Breiviks would very likely start a race war.
Most people think terrorism is a PR problem and that's the end of it. They think it just makes their side look bad and serves no other purpose. That's half right. It does make their side look bad and that's the intention but it serves a purpose. It forces people into picking their own side because they have no other choice.
Say there was an epidemic of white terrorism. The media would go into an absolute frenzy blaming whites. Racial aliens would become more hostile toward whites and retaliatory attacks would happen in response. It drives polarisation. And for the average white they would think the white terrorists are bad people but they would be getting blamed for the attacks as if they were the terrorists themselves. It would force the average white into a mindset of racial defensiveness. The average white would think things like, "I had nothing to do with these attacks, why am I being blamed? I can't help what other people do so please don't blame me. I just want to be left alone. I'm not a terrorist.".
This is all hypothetical of course. I don't encourage terrorism.
I used to have long hair, slightly shorter but looked a lot like second pic. shit is the most annoying thing I have ever done
I only grew my hair out because I'm missing part of my ear and was really self-conscious about it, seeing how annoying long hair was made me not give a shit that my idiot roommate somehow managed to badly cut me with a CD
also timestammped tits or you're a trap and traps are 100% gay.
Your dubs makes it absolutely hypothetical.
But would it be the right solution ? In the end people would just revert back to the good old shit of we're all equals within a generation or two.
If that's a battlescar, then that's pretty badass. Don't hide it.
traps have tits too ya know
some even have baginas
What about dish?
not really, it was in uni and my roommate got high on shrooms or some other hallucinogen and threw a CD at me real hard that broke into my ear(he was trying to get me to play it, wasn't an act of aggression and 9/10 days he was bro-tier). some freak accident shit.
I used to hide it because explaining how I got it was a pain in the ass.
you can tell when they're fake lad, have you ever seen the abomination that tranny tits and pussy are?
clearly just fake shit, sometimes if they have money the fake tits look nice but you can tell they're strapped to a man.
As long as they don´t have douchebeards.
fuck off scum. You are not human.
I wonder what racist, hate mongering those church goers were in the middle of before he put them out of their misery. Maybe if the FBI would investigate these "churches", good people wouldn't have to take matters into their own hands.
depends how early they transition. Also, hormone tits aren't really "fake," but they can look weird
This case is still a hoax. Show me some bodies of these nogs he supposedly killed. The crisis actors were ALL over this
My hair was down to my nose once, I have thick, dark, and wavy hair. It refused to slick back, or sideways… It just grows outwards and gets dreaded.
freedom get confirms
Third-world trap tradwives are my only chance at a relationship…
about me? i don't want to say too much, but you think if you're being surveilled that they will follow the rules, but its not true. they'll break into your house and steal your electronics (happened to both me and a friend), damage your vehicle, lie to landlords etc and get you kicked out… the had a tap on my phone and I was living in this place in the country and they killed the phone line so I had to use my cell phone, so they could listen in on me… they'll get involved in with local prosecutors and lawyers to get you in trouble, even going so far as to set you up (like have you jumped, then press charges on you; hack your computer and plant cp or down/upload illegal content, etc)… the poisoning stuff is pretty fucked up. they like to get your cigs or alcohol, so watch out. it even happened to me in a restaurant, meaning they had operatives working there somehow (it was a date, so it was planned ahead of time)… oh, and they'll send honeypots after you. one of the major things they do is try to drug you and/or get you drunk then interrogate you. what you might not notice is that they'll ask you about your security questions on your accounts, so they can illegally hack in. it happened to me. So, if they start taking a big interest in what the name of your first pet was or was city were you born in or what street did you grow up on, etc beware. the drugs they give you (such as nightshade) make you zombified essentially – very not skeptical and paranoid, so you just blab. if you're like me and a pathological liar (esp to women) then you might be okay, but beware…
i don't want to get into details, but I think it may have had something to do with my (perceived) internet activities, but idk if that's bc of Holla Forums or muh torrentsRebul or what.
beware. be paranoid. that's all i can really say.
> Daily Mail Online: archive.fo
Wow, they printed the whole manifesto.
This closing line tho:
That's one of the whitest things I've ever read.
Top kek way to conclude your mass-murder manifesto.
Too bad he didn't go in the ghetto and blow up a bunch of gang members. Would have been a areal statement.
here I'm talking about new girlfriends, like if you online date. also, anyone new you meet, neighbors etc. i think they take druggies and have them investigate people – they must promise them lighter sentences or something
If people are seriously up for writing him letters/getting him Christmas gifts, I'll gather the mailing info and make the thread.
I'll print out all the letters (as long as they aren't blatantly incriminating for me), and I'll ship them myself to keep everyone anonymous.
Yes or No?
this thread REEKS of both goon and fbi
I think you have schizophrenia.
Top kek, I saw that too. He was redpilled as fuck, everything in his manifesto is true with a couple exceptions, like that jews are white or that destroying jewish identity would eliminate the jewish problem
Based Dylann "I'll give you niggers something to pray about" Roof
There's obviously also Buzzfeed jews here copypasting for stories.
sounds good. make sure to look into if he'll even get them though. maybe people on court cases have a different thing I dunno
I'm not entirely convinced of this, at least not for nigs. Spics and muds would retaliate, sure, but Ameriniggers are descended from slaves and, as such, instinctively recoil and submit in response to real violence. It's the reason lynching was so effective, and why, I think, they were all about "healing" immediately after the shooting.
You do know, some of us want a holocaust right?
Or do you lack the capacity to see. That Holla Forums is a group of actuall edgelords?
Honestly, that was the smartest choice. If I had to choose between the death sentence or spending the rest of my miserable life with niggers in a prison, I'd just admit to have done it too.
dylann storm roof is a psy ops, fucking nigger tier autists
He did not even need to use bullets, he could have worked @ a local KFC, put something in the chicken.
False flags have no effect on Holla Forums
All psychological operations affecting us work only to expand the overton window.
The establishments squirming only makes or dick harder
Yes they are, any tits on a man are "fake" because a man will always have dat y chromosome.
and you're actually giving this kike-psychiatry "take my infertility pills you'll be a real girl goy" garbage any validity?
I legitimately hate you.
i would expect you to say that, but no I don't. In fact, that's one of the reasons they do all the gaslighting, drugging etc is to drive you crazy. I found gov't docs that basically outline this strategy. The reason is if they're having trouble getting a warrant, then pinning you as crazy (ie. dangerous) or a downloader (specifically CP) lowers the Federal evidentiary requirements to get a warrant.
At any rate, I have pictures of the GPS they attached under my bumper, and pictures of people/vehicles following me. I used TEDD (time, environment, distance, demeanor) to identify them and suddenly went on a "vacation," in which I drove several thousand miles all around "touring" the sites and scenery… taking pictures…. of THEM. haha
I would expect you to be skeptical, but its real. The government is fucked. Or, it could be some private agency or something. who knows. pretty sure its government though bc reasons
It happens all the time. Here's a company that has built a whole business just out of helping disability applicants deal with "gangstalking"
Please seek mental therapy.
unnatural, sure. But certainly not "fake" in the sense of "bags of saltwater inserted through an incision in your armpit" Tranny tits develop (more or less the same) as normal tits, after prolonged exposure to estrogen and low testosterone levels.
sperm bank
as opposed to in his early teens? gender dysphoria sucks; pretty much no matter what you do you're getting the rope. whether at your own hands or RWDS'
what the fuck did you do to get all that attention? I really doubt they're gonna waste multiple agents' time to harrass some harmless NEET. I'm sure Dr. Shekelstein can find the right drugs to make all your delusions go away :^)
bowl cult guy strikes again
it's called sex and there's only two of them, please stop using kike terminology.
You don't belong here, get out.
is not the same
does not yield healthy white children especially when their dad is fucking insane and a pedophile.
I agree with you, except for the fact that taking care of old niggers with full-board healthcare that they don't pay for, could be quite expensive.
Unless those grandmas were going to die quietly in their sleep, he could have easily saved the taxpayers $500K per dropped grandma. So $4.5 million.
He should have done BOTH!
it is the government doing it through police and citizens on patrol
same roomate that fucked my face up sold reg by the pound and got us both on a watchlist, they knew I didn't like niggers so they sent a bunch of homeless nigger-narcs to fuck with my car and pretend they were stealing it to try and get me to fight them, didn't work alternatively he could have just pissed the cartel off and I narrowly avoided getting the 'ol boxcutter to the vocal chords treatment
(nice double-dubs)
I'd actually be really interested to see the source for this. Pretty much the only measure of viability I know of is seeing how many are still moving after being frozen a few days then thawed.
polite sage for waaaay off-topic
He has psychologically fucked up way more niggers than he actually killed. I don't know how much this event actually contributed but I've noticed a lot of my nigger associates (I live in a "chocolate city" in the south) have started to openly call Christianity racist. A LOT are converting to Islam even though there's only a tiny shitty mosque here.
It would be great if they all converted so it would force a religious conflict. White people are too polite to hate Christian niggers but we fucking despise Muslims here. I could stand on a table in a restaurant and call for the genocide of all Muslims and people would just nod in agreement.
so killing a bunch of nogs is wrong and your a pussy if you do it?
Gas yourself
Dylan Roof didn't do nuffin.
P.S. Take your concern troll faggotry elsewhere.
hello FBI. filtered
who said I am or specifically was at the time a "harmless NEET"? yeah, they did that, too. all kinds of bullshit meds. didn't get better until I got off of them
well, I have a number of ideas, but i'm not going to go into it. there's a book "Three Felonies a Day" that you should read. Basically, we all commit crimes all the time. The question is how do you attract attention, and I'd say "the nose knows" if you know what I mean don't get drunk and reveal powerlevels but I cannot be sure. I think I was set up essentially.
nigger narcs — yeah, same here. they're sending druggy faggots to try to fuck with me and set me up or something. its fucking weird af. i, too, think its probably my associations that originally got me under watch.
who the fuck does this citizen watch shit and why haven't i heard about this before? what sort of person gets involved in that???
Women should not be taught to read or write.
Check 'em
He killed them because they were black. lol that perfectly fits hate crime. Dylan is probably gonna get the death penalty.
how do you get cut with a cd?
do i want to know what that is?
Germans were the niggers of Europe before the Romans civilised you.
Someone who is desperate for money and has no integrity, or is tricked into thinking doing such a thing is righteous.
did you get approached a lot and asked if you sell drugs? I had a couple people attempt to initiate controlled buys with me "gang stalking" doesn't really describe what happens, I was led to the same places you were
and found that at the end of the day the "gangstalking" crowd were largely frytards, hippies, and potheads that are being investigated for something and let the inherent paranoia that comes from being investigated run away from them
And yeah, definitely is your associations or any attempts you made to get away from a degenerate lifestyle, my associations got them onto me, and for whatever reason when I quit alcohol and tobacco(never fucked with pot or any of the hard shit like muh roommate) they ramped the surveillance up, I caught some sick fuck pretending to sleep under my car once, shit was so fucking strange.
remember there are 3 ways that the jewish system controls you
>medicate if you display dissenting behavior, you now must rely on the state for everything (looking at you >>>/v9k/)
They want you to be reliant on the state and will try and pin you as a criminal if you want to break free of that.
I bet you're one of those South American faggots from halfchan who larps as roman and bashes on "nordcucks" as a way to feel better about the fact that he lives in a favela.
No reason to cut your hair unless you going through some kind of japanese character development bullshit. When natives originally went into armed forces they cut their hair like everyone. This caused them to drop in their tracking and hunting ability significantly so because of this they're no longer forced to get that awful buzzcut. Hair is more then just dead cells growing out the scalp.
The Romans tried to invade the lands of the Germanic tribes and destroy their culture and race and replace it with theirs (it was actually common for Roman generals to marry with local women of recently conquered areas so that the locals would accept them faster), how is that any different from what muslims/kikes are doing right now?
its pretty clear he hated them, no way he is escaping a hate crime charge. Read his whole manifesto, it's interesting to say the least.
Eat shit, ignorant retard.
Hitler-youth-cut. is ours. those faggots are just bandwagoners who are irrelevant.
Eat shit, ignorant retard.
lol rome got conquered by the goths
Rhodesian flags?
Wow, you sure showed me.
If Paganism was so great why didn't Cnut the Great unify all the the kingdoms under Paganism instead of Christianity?
He must have.
Who the hell shoots up a church on a Wednesday?
So the Pagan Greek Mathematicians built off Arabic and Egyptian foundations? Retard, why don't you look up the sociopolitical situation of Europe in the 1st millennia.
Greece was the catalyst for Christianity in the west. Of course a person so far on the autism spectrum is incapable of seeing religion as anything other than a cultural invention.
That's normal, user. You need to grow it long enough to tug behind ears, then it stops being as annoying.
Holy fucking shit, you cocksuckers can't understand context. I posted the vid in response to the "barbarism" of non-roman Europe, which is a reddit-teir myth invented hundreds of years before reddit.
And if Christianity is so great, why didn't it unify, well, anyone at all?
You sure convinced me, champ.
Are you sure? What is your hair like?
My hair turns very wavy once it gets long, and starts to knot together no matter how carefully I wash it.
My worry is that my hair grows out, as I've said it's quite thick. I don't know, maybe I'll try again one day. I like not breaking out on my forehead for now.
you know you do
Sweep it back, wear it in braids or a ponytail. You don't need to look like Cousin It. Paradoxically, once it gets long enough it will be easier to manage because you'll have more options to keep it out of your face.
Thick, dark, slightly wavy and long enough to reach my elbows. The "down to my nose" phase you described was by far the worst to suffer.
Also, please sage utter offtops like this for manners' sake
Dylann is way braver than any user here, including me. Hopefully one day soon we follow Dylann's glorious lead.
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
If you're going to make up stories, you might want them to not be -completely- nonsensical and retarded.
yes. there was a lot of people trying to get me to buy drugs, give them medications, and sell drugs/medications. then, they'd come back later and talk really loud about it like they were recording meso are some of these people just weirdo paranoids under surveillance themselves and that's why I'm getting in trouble?
honestly, when this whole thing started in earnest was when I started backing away from my more politically radical friends and trying to get away from alcohol, weed and stuff. Everyone was trying to find out always what I was doing and what I "really believed" and all this stuff… it was frightening. I basically had a mental breakdown bc I couldn't understand what was going on. Of course, that's just what they wanted so they could pin me as "crazy" and try to force me on drugs, get me under surveillance, etc
All fem singers are, my friend ;^)
I read it too. Didn't see the big deal about it.
This honestly. As much as nigger death appeals to me killing old Christian blacks is a waste and are probably ones who are sick of the whole ghetto shit. Except the state senator was a fag so good on his part.
I was looking for anything specifically about genetic deficiencies in children conceived from banked sperm (like from prostate cancer patients or whatever, not just trannies)
tranny + cis lesbian or tranny + trans man (i.e. turbodyke with tits lopped off) = naturally conceived children raised by both biological parents
Where are you getting the trannies = pedos thing?
even people suffering from mental illness have children all the time.
Weekly reminder that Sam Hyde fugged a tranny
corn 🌽 rows
fun fact, Bart Verhees, the designer of that plane, also designed and build the Verhees Alleweder velomobile, which started the Quest velomobile
but can it be my gf?
Is that how that works? I'll look it up right now
Which begs the question: why add on the presidency if he was going to shaft people anyways?
Oh look, it's this weekly thread again.
What a waste of triples
Sure are a lot of newfags here. Roof sounds like the classic MK ULTRA mind control victim. He is just repeating what he has been taught to repeat. He does not really remember the act because he was over the rainbow at the time
Just read Guttari. Deleuze is irrelevant.
maybe most snakes r dumb but some of them are probably smarter than u so plaese dont be judgemental because you dont know every snake thanks but you can still share ur opinion :^}
it is
kinda reminds me of citrus
what sort of currency is this.
watching confession video now
this kid is a fucking moron.
I've never heard of this person ?
What game was it? Battle-Toads?
Adding onto that, about a quarter of the threads on /k/ right now are ship related shi(t)posting, which is more than enough to keep a new board running and will free up space for actual content.
muslims will dishonorably grab that long hair to pull your head back and slit your throat wide open.
why do americans call cheese pie pizza?
This. Im pretty convinced that barry o has some connection to these crisis acting companies or some conduit to create these spectacles. There have been too many under his reign. Sandy hook, aurora, charleston; all pushing the same narrative: 'white' male lone wolf with legal weapons kills a bunch of people. "Wahh ban all guns" the politicians cry and the slow erosion of rights continues. Perfect crime.
The Expanse is fucking awful.
Pretty much this. Showing interest/reciprocating affection is enough. Never cling too close and always keep an air of mystery if you can't pretend to be a bad-boy.
i like forty creek but i like royal reserve more
Napoleon beats him
Takes a country that's in a non stop death fest and immediately takes on all of fucking Europe.
He lead from the front and couldn't even fight. He was noted as a bad horseman yet led the cavalry charges purely to inspire the other men
Finally gets stopped only to come back and have another crack at it
remove kebab
I'm not sure they'll allow him to have dildos, user.
Does this mean my life matter more than the rest of Holla Forums? kek nazis BTFO
Politicians lie. Just like how weedman lied to us.
wait.. u wot? Das proper Canadian for getting your jabberers worn in proper, innit?
He looks as Mestizo as his father Fidel, which is not at all.
why do people keep posting this Capt CuckBeard?
Search for the "Curly Girl Method" bro. Saved my life. My hair is shoulder-length, thick, and curly. Everyone calls me Jon Snow.
Checked and capped
Castro looks pretty Jewish honestly.
What does that mean?
Apparently "Castro" is a Sephardic Jewish surname. Wouldn't be surprised if true.
I say japan needs a 3rd lesson
What I find fascinating is they talk like stereotypical "evil racist rednecks", just switching out who they target
I ask because essentially anything is an alternative to the right. All the name tells me is that it's not the right. The gay community is also an alternative to the right, so is the communist party.
Judging by your leader, Richard Spencer, I think you must be the gay communist alternative to the right.
Isn't killing niggers a waste when you can always shoot up a college?
Any guesses as to why Holla Forums is being attacked so hard? Even after the election?
MSM is pushing the idea of war with Russia extremely hard claiming that they rigged the vote, and anyone who says otherwise is fake news. They are doing their last ditch effort to steal the election from Trump. That could be it, there is also talk about it being a lone autist.
Why not downsize, free the land, allow people to easily afford land due to less demand… and see what happens? The black death freed European peasants after all.
Tough luck, we have been living in chaos for over 10 years. Fuckall is going to effect us at this point.
Modern hunters are a PITA because they trespass breaking and damaging fencing or private property, also leave their garbage, cartridge cases included, on your land and the worst of them sometimes fire near populated areas.
If they learned some respect for other people's property they wouldn't be hated as much.
What's with leftists culturally appropriating our language?
its not my language, im flemish.
You will never be white. The only option is to kill yourself to purify the gene pool.
Could not have pulled off this false flag in an open area like welfare office/wallmart.
Actually, if he had just waited outside a major media building in NYC and opened fire on some known leftist anchors as they were coming out after work he would have accomplished infinitely more. As it is, he accomplished, basically, nothing - but that's the point of the false flag in the first place.
Does Roof have the honorary high score???
He could have done a little more planning and assassinated Soros.
The whole thing stinks of a false flag.
Every conceivable Spanish/Portuguese surname might be considered a Jewish surname since they were forcibly converted and took on christian surnames.
Besides, Jews always play the name game.
Was watching the (((MSM News))) at work, specifically abc's good morning america, they talked about this and basically did EVERYTHING they could to link him to every right wing group possible… alt-right, white nationalist, national socialist, etc, specifically saying the first two and half linking to others
They're going all fucking out with this one boys
So if he already confessed, why the need for a trial? Oh right, they're just trying to rile up the blacks.
…Just how new are you to Western race relations?
I'll check that out, last time I had mine down to the bottom of my shoulder blades it was a nightmare due to my own ignorance.
niggers dont go to college user.
Fucking bots go home.
I like you bots. I'll deactivate you last.
Walking into a church with a rifle and murdering nine innocent people who you don't even know is not the action of a sane man.
I don't know what is wrong with Dylan Roof but my guess would be, a lot.
We've all seen the FBI crime statistics. We all know that interracial violence in the west is almost entirely nigger on white. Yet, despite the fact that we came into possession of exactly the same knowledge that possessed Roof to go on that rampage, we did not turn into lunatics and murder a bunch of innocent people.
We should think carefully before we associate ourselves with sociopathic lunatics. And make no mistake… Dylan Roof is not a sane man. He is not one of us.
Associating the movement with homicidal lunatics does not help our cause.
His manifesto was really agreeable besides the part about the jews but I'm sure if he had the opportunity to lurk Holla Forums he would have had a stronger stance.
Its not us who is doing the associating here
The (((MSM))) as well as shills here are doing everything they can to link us to him, link him to white nationalists, to "alt right" movements, and so on, and basically saying all those groups are ebul waycisses and crazy and therefore being wayciss is crazy
So yeah you're going to see a lot of this over the coming days. media linking him to us, and shills cheering him on pretending to be us
Personally I like nigger-killers who aren't captured. They're the unsung heroes of the revolution.
Be sure to bring that up every time this gets mentioned. Do not let the left get away with hypocrisy. Dylann Roof was evil and there is no room for mental issues or environmental issues to explain what he did? Then so goes for every muslim.
No, he was evil.
Ethno nationalism tries to avoid conflict through separation. We should be use black violence against cops to further our agenda. There is no need for us to go out and kill at the moment.
The evidence all points to this being fake.
Didn't he just kill some old niggers in a church? Not anybody who still breeds, not anybody who is a threat anymore… He just gave a lot of tools to the media. Unlike with Zimmerman. I'm not rooting for this guy.
You're both cucks who, when the time comes, will happily receive a bullet from those innocent niggers.
Talk of innocent this or innocent that when whites' very existence is in jeopardy.
Oh look, another thread trying to link Roof with Holla Forums and Trump.
Who could be behind it?
picture related, "fascist lemming" = one of Sinead's closest colleagues
Here is the manifesto
Are you fucking retarded? Trump is elected. Stop the PR-Cuckery
send him a book with pages dipped in LSD
write him a note and tell him which pages are special
Press F to pay respects
It was a handgun, moron.
Here is the FBI confession.
You literally missed that train by half a decade, fam.
But you know what year is coming back into style?
I actually never knew this. I'm surprised the media didn't push the right wing extremist angle more, I guess the racism angle was better for viewership.
He's probabably refering to the psychic implications of hair.
**Vril society chandlers all had hair to bellow their butts and claimed that it acted as an antenna to spiritual energies? It's not even just
sheit, didn't mean to post my half complete response
injun pathfinders/trackers joined the military and basically lost all of their efficiency once they had their hair cut to standard western length. Sage for off topic.
As much as I agree. It would make no difference what he did.
kek'd at that. Hope someone smuggles him a tablet or something so he can shitpost here with us
Can we send him manga?
Dear roof
You sent them through the roof you absolute madman
taking one for the team, doing gods work.
Dear roof
You sent them through the roof you absolute madman
taking one for the team, doing gods work.
You can't have both of them
I've come to understand most spiritual concepts since I grew my hair out and left it long. Anecdotal, but I imagine I'm not the only one.
Fuck mexicans and the retarded way they speak.
Give me the name of the hoe
The two right ones are trash.
I'd be fine with all middle and left ones
pleb alert
Ignore the filename, I thought it was "are you fucking serious"
Gee, I dunno…
What's up state department
I agree, Roof reads like a MK Ultra Monarch victim. The key words were, "I guess".
Man I sure was hoping Comey was Triple agent. I read about he prepped a huge dossier of prosecution against some organ smugglers or human traffickers in the U.S. government and was basically BTFO by some tied corrupt circuit? Anyways I really hope the F.B.I agents that have had their hands slammed in the piano in the past can and will unleash against the tyranny in the state department once Trump gets in office. PLS HALP.
This was cool to watch, thanks for posting. Just watched the whole thing, barely even skipped through anything.
I found myself analyzing the FBI agents as much as Dylann. The one sitting across from him seemed to be agitated at times, the one to his left was good at playing good cop. They seemed to be a lot (possibly genuinely) friendlier by the very end.
I don't know, never watched an interrogation before outside of movies, not how I expected it to be. They clearly thought he wrong in doing what he did, but I know even with training and XP like theirs I'd find it hard to be emotionally detached if I was interrogating some shitskin mass murderer of whites.
he sounds high
You know this rat kike owns more than one house right?
If you disappeared, whites would be fine. If all whites disappeared, things would go to shit. Well maybe the east asians would take over.
agreed, I would like to see what he sounds like normally. If it is different he could be drugged into a confession.
I don't really think so though because his manifesto sounded like he didn't care if he was caught.
This is a good style, but very few can actually pull it off. If you're scrawny, or have thin, shitty hair, don't do it. Goatee for a +1 bonus to charisma
Communism isnt official yet.
Not surprised how the (((#FakeNews))) tried to claim "Dylann Roof, with a laugh, confesses,'I did it'", when it's clear that he's laughing about the agent asking the question "Did what?".
True. And amazing. A one-two punch? Both being therefore the same jew? It makes sense to me, because the standards for posts and comments are not the same.
It looks like he is being held in Sheriff Al Cannon Detention Center located in South Carolina. Pic related what I found about the state's prison mail policy. I've got no idea what the difference is between gen pop and inmates in lockup, but it looks like both can receive letters. I've never touched the prison system. If any anons were hoping to send him a cake or something you're out of luck, but we may be able to get him reading material.
for the information you'd need to fill out:
>SCDC number: 0001518680 I think this is it, but I'm not completely sure.
>return address: whatever you want to put probably don't need to use your real one unless we're hoping Dylann replies to us
If you are willing to do this, then I'd appreciate it. I feel pretty bad for the guy. I don't think he's got too much support from his family his half sister is the one who identified him and called the cops, and it really sucks thinking that no one has your back.
It flew right over your head huh?
But whites has something that the other races didn't have, we have pathological altruism, shit load of traitors sjw/antifags who could easily blow up themselves in nurseries full of white babies just for the sake of virtue signalling.
Just like the sandy hoax, no photos of the bodies but everybody is supposed to swallow it or you're a kook.
For all we know, this "Dylann Storm Roof" is some mental patient they are using as an actor in exchange for his getting a PS4 in his room.
America needs moar Dylan Roofs. except target the tech and political elite instead of nogs at church.
Top down killings