Look, we all know and have to admit Trump fucked up massively by choosing Andy Puzder as Secretary of Labor. The pick makes absolutely no sense consider Puzder is very pro mass migration, wants even more H1-B visa's, has talked shit about Trump's wall and even said on record illegal foreigners are better workers than Americans.
Maybe keeping his enemies closer than his friends and throwing a stone in every step of their way? We'll see.
Lucas Martin
Republicans always pick shitty Labor Secretaries – usually ones that undermine Labor completely. Because, you know, muh market magick will fix it. This is a really really bad sign. Holla Forums should be all over this.
no. see above. he's going cuckservative lolbergtardian
Angel Collins
It's almost like Trump was lying from the get-go about everything. Feel free to keep reposting the Morning Joe clip you're so sure is about Israel.
Parker Garcia
>>>/politics/ CtR pls go. This is totally predictable and it doesn't mean he was lying about everything. politicians lie - everyone knows that. Republicans are no friend to labor - everyone knows that. >protip: that Morning Joe clip was about Israel dipshit
Charles Reyes
I'm still happy he is doing the job of shifting the Overton Window.
Matthew Young
Source on the migration? It seems like he like robots a lot.
Isaiah Allen
4/10 b8, should have said kikes more. You could have at least name dropped Mnuchin if you really want to rile people up.
Dominic Collins
Who is this /we/?
Christopher Sanders
He can always fire appointees if they don't serve him faithfully.
It's a bad pick but it's not the end of the world
Ryan Wilson
A lot of Trump supporters are pissed off. Holla Forums should be to since this is really serious.
Alexander Baker
In which direction? The one in which jews, niggers, and amnestied Mexicans are automatically "nationalists" just cause somebody said so?
Anthony Ross
Fuck sake Trump, get rid of your son in law and just listen to Ann Coulter and Sessions. Picks are all over the shop
Wyatt Hernandez
I am so concerned.
Jace Rodriguez
Agreed. I don't know who told Trump this guy was a good pick.
Eli Perry
Gavin Sanchez
Jaxon Perez
You're playing 1D nigger chess.
Cameron Torres
When is it going to click for you that the son-in-law is the type of guy who gets welcomed into the Trump family, while people like Coulter, Sessions – who Trump never had a kind word for prior gearing up to run for office – are the window dressing designed to dupe you?
Trump never had a single problem with globalism, off-shoring to boost corporate profits, demographic displacement, until king nigger didn't seem 110% on board with every last item on the Israel-first docket.
Christian Reyes
Fuck nigger just end it all. Might as well since Drumpf is literally not hitler.
Nathaniel Robinson
This fellow skinheads, Trump is the enemy of our movement, he must be stopped at any cost before the alt-right movement is subverted.
Brody Torres
/r/The_Donald and TRS, the main sites of Trump supporters and the home of our movement fellow alt-righter.
Nolan Reyes
Angel Wood
I called you kikes out on this last time and I'll do it again.
Trump picks people against immigration to be in charge of immigration and someone in support of immigration in charge of something that has no authority over immigration.
Juan Rogers
When it comes to manual labor jobs he isn't wrong. Most younger americans are lazy and entitled as fuck. That doesn't mean we should bring in foreigners, it means we need to change our own culture.
Nice try, he's been talking about the adverse affects of globalism for several decades.
Alexander Smith
fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off
Jason Harris
Haha what's the matter fellow skinhead, did he trigger you by not admitting le Drumpf xD is the end of our alt-right movement /we/ at pol put together? Fuggggg :DDD
Now they're going to call you a kike-lover, delete the thread and try again in 20 minutes.
Jeremiah Murphy
He's offered platitudes that largely amount to "give guys like me more government money for your projects". If you look at his actual businesses, he's been more than happy to utilize H1B visas, illegal labor, and manufacture his branded goods in China.
Mason Myers
stormfag pls go
Dominic Turner
Is there no way we can meme Hillary in with a cartoon or something?
This really is very deebly goncerning.
Isaiah Campbell
Hello fellow redditor please read the shill guidelines listed on our Shill Instructional Page, ten dollars have been deducted from your account due to this failure to adhere to correct shill behavior.
Michael Jenkins
The Department of Labor is who employers need to go through first when seeking certification to import foreign labor. Once its approved by Labor, then the visa application gets sent to Citizen and Immigration Services.
David Jenkins
Oh geez, like every other U.S. company that wanted to continue existing through the Obama administration?
Jack Russell
I hope nobody is actually buying this psyop
Hudson Lee
The same Obama administration that achieved basically nothing was the overwhelming force who could squash companies like bugs if they didn't manufacture everything in China?
Nolan Butler
You're right, I'm just going to stick my thumb up my ass and wait for Hitler.
Carson Long
Easton Thomas
Pick one, then go back to pl Holla Forums.
Connor Sullivan
Which isn't illegal. Btw he didn't do this to bring in shitskin labor he did it to bring in hot eastern european women to work at his resorts as waiters etc. It wasn't that he couldn't find people to work there it's just the people available for that kind of work are fat squat spics, he wanted hot women there. Of course he could never say that publicly but that is the reason. Not that it makes it any better but he isn't trying to undercut wages as much as he is trying to avoid discrimination against fat ugly women. 5 subcontractors below him which he likely had no knowledge of, I've had the same problem on large scale developments You clearly missed the point of this part of the story. He didn't WANT to produce his ties in China but that is literally the only way to compete given their currency manipulation and our current trade laws. He is trying to change those so that our domestic firms can compete for bids like producing his ties, building air conditioners etc. etc.
James Hall
Blah blah blah
Cooper Price
The best part is, just like the msm, they do it for every single person, but they only keep complaining about the neutered jews.
I'm pretty sure your local community college will have some reading comprehension courses you can partake in my friend.
You're right, king nigger didn't do anything positive so that means he also didn't do anything negative, like raise capital gains and corporate taxes. If you understood economics or politics, maybe you'd fit in here better.
Tyler Hernandez
Plenty of other high-end clothing makers have no problem making their goods in the US or Europe. New Balance, Filson, etc. If you just want cheap garbage with the "Trump" label slapped on it to sell to niggers at JC Penny, yeah you probably do need to make it in China.
Eli King
So? The only issue here is there's no real threat of nationalization or being frozen out of the domestic market.
Kayden Harris
If it's so easy you should just setup your own firm on US soil and see if you can compete. There are a handful of boutique brands with critical mass that can compete, those are outliers.
Charles Perry
Between currency manipulation and the other two issues, it makes it very difficult for any manufacturing to take place here. I'm serious, if you understood economics you'd be more successful in d&c. Maybe Mr. Brock can pay for some lessons for you guys.
Chase Baker
New Balance is boutique now?
Jaxon Reed
They have critical mass is the point, don't be such a pedantic twat
Matthew Gutierrez
We manufactured here for centuries. It's what built the country. It's called tariffs. Blanket tariffs on every last shred of everything imported from anywhere. Not conditional tariffs, not reciprocal tariffs. Just plain tariffs on any fucking thing at all coming from somewhere else.
Elijah Harris
British kike detected. Filtered.
Joseph Gomez
after the 110011th "trump picks somebody for something, IT'S ALL OVER!!" thread it really starts losing any value really.
Grayson Garcia
You realize that given the ambiguity of his post it could've either been written to meant that the way the media is talking about Trump's picks is a psyop OR that Trump getting elected is a psyop and le drumpf is actually a jew puppet (a common claim by shills).
Christian Davis
So we should make it impossible for companies to leave, but still tax them to hell?
Julian Hill
Aiden Scott
low IQ detected
not a brit, faggot just calling a twat a twat
Christopher Ward
Can't tell if irony or straight up retardation
John Perry
We should let the companies leave, but if they leave the country all of their assets within USA are declared property of the public and liquidated.
Grayson Hernandez
Why would they be taxed to hell if they stayed? We should entice them to stay here in the US by making it expensive to produce outside of the US, this is why BMW, GM, Honda etc. have factories in China, not because of labor costs but because of the heavy tariff China levies on foreign cars sold to their domestic market, unless those foreign cars are manufactured in China. If you want in their market you have to produce there. Meanwhile we have no such reciprocal tariff. How is that "free" trade?
If you don't manufacture in the US IMHO you should face a tariff. And they should have very low taxes IN the US. I'd rather pay slightly more for a product so that low IQ people can have jobs rather than the government tax me so that those same low IQ people can live off welfare.
Caleb Anderson
Logan Sanchez
There is seriously no explanation behind this pick. Why would Trump pick a guy who is against every single thing that Trump is for?
Ryan Harris
to try to prevent obama from pardoning hillary, among other comparable reasons maybe after hes inaugurated trump will get a different secretary of labor, or maybe he'll just keep him on a very short leash regardless
Evan Richardson
There's nothing on www.greatagain.gov and there's nothing on Twitter either so Trump hasn't picked his Secretary of Labor yet, which means you're an annoying massive faggot and the mods should ban you and delete your thread because you're a massive faggot
Ryder Foster
It better be tight, and he better be ready to explain himself about why he picked this guy
Noah Davis
I saw Trump walk out of the office with this guy live on tv. I don't think they're lying about it. That he chose this guy over Kobach is worrisome.
Brayden Morgan
kek so you got fucked in your other thread so you made a new one? You reek of a smelly obese goon
Hudson Smith
sage all shills like OP, user
Jaxson Sanders
gonna need literally any piece of evidence supporting this, or that he's actually going to go after her. i bet you can suck your own dick stretching like that, neat the guy does follow the anti-regulation path and isn't very pc. if he can reign in all the bullshit from his picks it'll be a feat.
Lincoln Brooks
it depends on how trump plays it. he didn't take huge donations from bankers, and they actively worked against him, so he is not paying any debts by giving these positions out. they have ended up owing him for his magnanimity. that is a good place to be if you can leverage it
i've been wrong before though
Lincoln Stewart
You know how Andy Pudknocker became the head of Carls Jr?
Pudmaster was Carl Karcher's lawyer. Carl was notoriously bad with money. When Carl had some money issues, late in life, he sold out to Pudfucker.
Pudmeister moved the HQ from Anaheim to Santa Barbara (an extremely expensive move) to shake out as many old-guard higher level execs as possible. Later he took the company private.
I almost never eat at Carls Jr. anymore. I used to like them a long time ago - they were a decent fast food place. But go into one of their stores today. The beaners they hire are fresh across the border. Barely speak englsih. Fuck up orders. And don't keep the stores very clean. McNiggers is better than Carls Jr. these days. I'd even say that Carls Jr. is the worst big chain fast food place (but I haven't been in a Burger King in 20 years).
I guess Pudmuncher's only positive quality is that he knows how to exploit dirty ass mexicans the best. Not exactly what I want from a Trump presidency - I want those fuckers sent back.
Levi Gray
Disappointed in this pick as well, very much so.
the Labor Department approves rounds of H1B Visa applications that companies apply for to be requested from Immigration services.
Aiden Harris
Maybe he's going to fire him just to make a point? Fuck.
Jose Cox
Stop idolizing Trump and hold him accountable for what he does
He sounds like Jeb! but instead of guac he into sloppy hamburgers. Carls Jr is shit tier burgers and they hire tons of wetbacks who fuck up the orders.
This guy needs to be burned alive.
Brody Young
He has already shown he will do that. My guess is that he is making some appointments to appease the cuckservatives. I don't think it is worthwhile to sperg out about initial selections until Trump is past the electoral vote. Opposition is working hard to demoralize electoral voters. I view organization against Trump before he is President as support for Soros, since this aligns perfectly with his goals. There is more influence in picks that have not been made rather than those that have.
Jackson Perry
Just remember how hard Kobach was being shilled as proof Trump wasn't going to walk anything back on immigration [even though he had already walked back plenty during his campaign]. Kobach was hoisted up as a shoo-in and all the "shills" were "BTFO".
Instead, it's pick after pick along these lines, with Sessions tacked on as a thin veneer.
Landon Myers
Aren't these people just advisors? Like, they give Trump advice for his decision-making? They don't actually have any power, right?
James Lee
Well, from Euro perspective, I think I know, what is Trump doing. He is filling up quotas. - whites: - blacks: - women: - jews: - asian: - … This one is second jew beside that G&S fuck. Hope, that is the end with jews. Big question here is, what else will be on that list (…).
Jason Campbell
Agreed. As someone who worked in landscaping, it fills me with contempt when people say that Americans don't want to do jobs like those. The real issue is that we've been priced out of the market by a bunch of spics who are willing to work for less than the minimum wage that we are legally obligated to receive. I don't really blame business owners for hiring illegals to cut costs, as it's probably the only way they could survive, especially in contracting work where the ones who use illegals will be able to consistently undercut your bids. I do blame the government for allowing the illegals to be here in the first place, and it's very disappointing that a fucking faggot like Puzderp is now going to have a say in approving H1B visas.
Alexander Diaz
Because the electoral voters will surely sway due to shitposting on a Finnish role playing board. At best, you are a delusional, blind ideologue. A tool with one niche use. In the scope of the universe, this thinking makes you a knockoff brand, Goodwill special, blackhead remover. Nothing more.
Jackson Moore
They advise Trump, but they also wield tremendous power as the heads of their bureaucratic agencies. This guy is going to run the Department of Labor.
Jose Ward
Your sophistry is useless. If you cannot determine an enemy's strategy from their actions, then you are a fool doomed to always lose. I am reminded of the soldiers who conspired against Cortez, because their fearful, small minds could not contemplate his strategy. He conquered a nation, they were executed for their disloyalty.
Isaiah Nelson
It's like you niggers don't know Trump's catchphrase is "You're fired." I'd love for him to lure this cuck into signing off on some H1B visas before slamming the hammer down and making an example of him. Then nullify those visas with a new secretary pick
Christian Robinson
Trump is a master strategist. Every time Trump makes a strategic move, the shills come out in full force screaming that Trump has betrayed Holla Forums and Trump is the enemy. Every single time that happens, Trump threw a curve ball and all the shills swarmed back into their cuck sheds.
This same exact cycle has repeated dozens of times over the past two years and the outcome was always the same.
Asher Miller
That isn't a replacement for an actual argument as to why this kike is a good pick, and how this isn't a threat to the anti-immigration pro-white policy we want done.
Brandon Jenkins
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws ??
I dont know what exactly you mean, I got back from a local ice rugby match, came to shitpost on /sci/, then saw, wondered what kind of new math it would be, then found out its just plain integration with shitty notation.
Evan Jones
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws Unbennant.jpg
Bentley Johnson
Man moshe, you seem upset that you guys got called out again.
Anthony Barnes
Unless the labor department deports people, it won't matter. I'm still critical of his pick however.
Fuck off Shill.
Jaxson Campbell
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws Ha! Retard.
Quit faking it. It's all in your head so get over it.
Julian Martin
Oh man, don't make a mess in your JIDF S-1 diaper.
Kevin Nelson
I think it's a good choice. Almost ALL of the new 'job's the past DECADE have been fucking waiters and bartenders. This guy is also going to be buying ROBOTS not fucking hiring Juan Pedro. He has real world experience and has done well for himself. Most of the fuckers we've seen in our life have been cunts who never worked a day in their life, this guy built something.
He can have his opinion(s). He's not in a job now that deals with immigration.
Beaner slave who breaks his back for you versus uppity Tyrone? You must really love BBC to disagree.
Easton King
Have you ever pumped your pussy and been fucked It's a kink I'm thinking of indulging but I want to know what it's like
Isaac Gutierrez
Cooper Powell
You guys are right fuck trump. Also I just heard the earth is flat. What are they hiding in antarctica?
William Fisher
How about fucking neither, give me that job, wetbacks and niggers should not even be here.
Henry Scott
Good question. Is it available from anywhere other than DMM? Perhaps another shop has a copy that doesn't have that overlay.
Ryan Parker
Jason Richardson
kill yourself you consumer whore
Grayson Cooper
Prose is the poor man's way of reading literature. If they tell you that's one of the main reasons why they like a book, then you can be assured you're talking to a retard.
Asher Russell
t. Union rep/Marxist fgt
Charles Wilson
Metal Gear Solid V.
Just kidding, the song is "Kukushka" by Polina Gagarina. I've seen the clip somewhere, but I can't find it again.
John Sanders
Nice. Don't get shot by Nathan. Like Chloe :^)
Brandon Wood
Julian Sanchez
I've got a vague idea of the characters and that's all I need
Michael Gomez
Pretty fucked. It was my third MG and I fucked up a few parts. You need to clean nub marks or else some armor pieces won't stick well and the psycho frame tends to fall a lot.
Also lots of tiny foil stickers under the green psycho frame to help it pop.
I ordered a second one last month but the vendor on amazon send me a Hi-Nu ver.ka by mistake. I didn't want to pay for postage so I just kept it since it's a kit I wanted anyways. Hi-Nu a cute and a significantly easier build
Eli Brooks
You mean it's an /a/ thing. They are not popular with the general anime fans in the West.
Ian Ross
But did you fuck?
Liam Carter
Did the mods seriously anchor this thread? Guess the mods are fine with a pro-immigration, pro-H1B and pro foreign workers cuck beimg the Secretary of Labor
Samuel Cox
Your grandfather was a kike.
Jonathan Harris
is he just hiring these cucks to fire them when they step off the path of has he cucked?
Dominic Davis
USR nu scoate peste 10%.O sa ia undeva la 8%. PNL ia sigur peste 25% .
Oricum singura sansa e sa votam partidul lui Bratianu chiar daca e de cacat partidul