I'm starting to think that the Irish/Scottish are going to have more influence over the new administration than the fucking Jews at this point.
Other urls found in this thread:
Bump for Hibernian conspiracy.
Irish are the only actual whites anyway.
when did oy vey become OI CUNT
as well they should, lad. Irish Labor and ScotsIrish grit built this country. the niggers just allowed the Southern gentry to live a life of leisure. 'twas the Scots and Irish that build the factories, the roads, and everything else
What if Trump becomes such an influential Scotsman (since that's his ancestry) that he singlehandedly splits Scotland from the UK and makes them great again instead of a EU puppet country?
Honestly all non-Anglo-Saxons should be deported from America.
Celts are non-anglo you fucking idiot
I know. They should be deported.
If anglo-saxons aren't fucking white, then who is?
Actually just like in Australia, german immigrants did most of that (aside from the very east that was all irish). Germans were the chinese of the 18th and 19th century. The reasons germans were so populair was because they would immigrate, build infrastructure, work like crazy and then keep to themselfs without trying to push minority rights or form minority voting blocks.
Celts and Norwegians
Everyone else is a nigger
oh we go with a D&C thread. Fucking jews.
Celts are white
anglos are white
slavs are white
germanic people are white
now shut the fuck up you goddamn kikes!
The problem with her is she is establishment cuckservative to the extreme.
irish are inbred drunks with well known genetic flaws
they shouldn't even be included with whites
It was a seamless transition of power between the Anglo and the Saxon.
Wow, it's just like the good ol' times when we all used to fight each other because there was no one else to really fight
The Irish are the true master race
go worship the kike on a stick and fondle a few altar boys, irish pedo scum
Hes already hinted shes getting the VA job
Trump heads the Celtic Conspiracy, otherwise know as the Irish Illuminati, otherwise know as the Secret Scots. Don't ask me how I know this.
Sage for hibernian conspiracy.
Ah, so the "kike on a stick" brigade are also the same "X European people aren't white" D&C shills. What a shocker.
irishhealth com/article.html?id=5901
medicaldaily com/study-examines-why-heavy-drinking-so-popular-irish-culture-246961
have fun with your fetal alcohol syndrome genetic failures, mick. the real white master race will leave your kind far behind
Scotland hates Trump, they're even more cucked than the rest of the UK.
For what reason? His he too right wing for Scots?
Celts are not white. They may have white skin, but they do not have any Aryan genetic material like Germans, Romans, Greek, etc. which is why they cuck out and are alcoholic and generally live in shithives like indians and abos.
you do know those are just two tribes of Germany right? There more than just Angles, Saxon, and Jutes.
He built a golf course there and called the Scots a bunch of faggots for building windmills and fucking up the view.
Yes, but im not going to be bothered listing everything off. That would be silly.
Well to be fair the only good part about Scotland is the natural scenery and their fucking windmills ruin it.
They repeatedly vote for the SNP, feminist socialists, they even flew mexican flags when he visited.
>Interior Department
What's that? What do they do?
At least they can blend in with whites when they keep their mouths shut.
They manage the country’s crocodiles and alligators.
this tread reeks of BEADY ANGLO EYES
Get fucked, Nordicist retard. Filtered.
fokin wot
Too many 'Irish-Muricans' posting in this thread.
The Scots-Irish are not 'Celts'. You might argue that they're 'Gaels', but even that would be too simplistic.
The Irish are Gaels, or rather 'Milesians'. The true 'Scots' were Irish/Milesian settlers in the west of Scotland. They mixed heavily with Viking invaders/settlers, so that Gaelic culture in Scotland is more properly referred to as the "Norse-Gaelic" culture, as its described in most history books (search "Norse-Gael Scotland"). A similar process occurred in the east of Ireland in the Dublin area.
The 'Gaelic' Milesians arrived in Ireland not long after the Peleponnesian War, having camped in Iberia/Spain for some years. They share common ancestry with the Basque and, curiously, the Berbers. (The Berbers were originally a white race, but most have since morphed into shitskins.) The rest is a long story…
What they are not though, is Celts. Celts persist in southern Germany and in France to this day. They are an entirely different people, whose culture had, at one time, had a powerful influence on the peoples of Britain and Ireland (as later Roman, Anglo-Saxon, and Norman culture would).
The original occupants of Britain were the Bythonic speaking peoples. They still comprise the vast majority of people living in Britain. They are not Celt's either. There are a few theories as to where they came from (Alans, Scythians, Frisians, and so on), but almost all agree that they moved into Britain long before the Celts began their migration into western Europe.
Scotland is the most Nordic country in the British isles, by a very long way. The only areas that come anywhere close are the areas that were included in the Danelaw.
Most of the people occupying the western coastal areas and islands come from Norse-Gael lineage. Those areas once constituted the "Kingdom of the Isles", and were ruled over by the Norse-Gael MacDonald clan (descended from Somerled) - the north of Scotland and the northern isles were controlled by Norway. (The Vikings murdered every indigenous male of Pictish i.e. Brythonic descent in the north).
The remaining Britons in Scotland were (and are) the 'Picts' concentrated in the Moray region (MacBeth's old kingdom), and the 'Cumbri' in Strathclyde (what was the Kingdom of Strathclyde). To the east of Strathclyde was 'Scotland' (a misnomer, since its occupants weren't Scots); a country that most resembled the old Kingdom of Northumbria, that was occupied by Angles, Jutes, and a Norse-Gael-Norman aristocracy (Malcolm's line).
This isn't even alternative history shit btw faggots. This is pure mainstream history and genetics. Modern 'Scots' are not Celts, and neither are the Irish. Both are far more likely to have Nordic blood than any Englishman, since the Anglo-Saxon and Norman 'invasions' were largely cultural and didn't result in any great changes to the genepool.
Trump is german
Fuck Palin, just about anything is better than that quitting bitch.
You should start a NWF thread. I fucking love those.
No. Trump is American.
This is true, I wince when people speak about 'Celts' in Britain as if they're a racial group, its now just a language family. And originally it was just a culture that spread out from central Europe to the British Isles.
This is wrong. The Anglo-Saxons settled in large numbers with their families so much so that the border of Anglo-Saxon lands fits perfectly with a shared genetics. Pic related. The Normans just became the ruling elite, this is true.
Half German, half Scottish. "Donald" is a Gaelic name.
His mother was a Norse-Gael from the Isle of Lewis off north-west Scotland - what was once part of the Norse-Gael 'Kingdom of the Isles'
He inherited the genes of the two greatest engineering nations in the history of the world.
Mothers dont count. The family name and fame go through the fathers name
Wasn't there some secret Scottish/Irish organization that was rival of the jews?
Yep and thats the true redpill. It's pretty funny how jews are used as a front for the more sinister and shadowry bohemian scottish rite elite. Sheeple need to wake up
mystery meat
The Milesians considered themselves to be Greek/Egyptian. The kike has been at war with the Greek people ever since the latter paid the Russ to destroy the kike's empire, and knows who the Milesians are (descendents of the fathers of the Milesian school).
The most powerful Norse-Milesian dynasty in the 15th century was Clan MacDonald. They were defeated in battle against the Stewart's, who were Cohen's (look it up). The MacDonald's knew who they were fighting.
The Norman's made a concerted effort to destroy Milesian history, especially so in Scotland. A great deal of pre-Norman 'Scottish' history only survives in the form of records kept in the Irish Annals i.e. they're second hand. Ireland suffered its own losses during its conquest (The Norman's even wrote a manual on how to do it).
So, yeah, they exist. The kikes set up their own Scots/Irish organization though, now affectionately referred to as "The Lodge", and retarded Milesians have been only too happy to join it. I wouldn't expect too much from the Milesians tbh. Our hopes lie with the Russ doing it for us, just as they did a milennia ago…
the gauls share genetic material with nordic people like the swedish and norwegian, and they tend to have fair eyes, skin and hair. they're white by any measure. you call greeks and italians ("romans") white despite them being two tones darker than obama
FYI many west european people have gaullic heritage and don't realize it because most of the celt tribes were absorbed into the roman empire and stripped of their language. if your great great grandparents spoke a form of latin then you probably are a potato nigger
celts don't really cuck out more than anyone else. look at how cucked everyone else is and compare the irish republic to that. celts aren't known for being good at anything except for fighting, but you shouldn't discount that. niggers, abbos and indians turn tail and run when faced with danger, celts don't. see: every battle which involved celtic people
plebians, go study
'Some' are. See
Most of the people in the west are Brythonic. You need to go to Anglias and the Danelaw to find the Germanics.
Its true the further west you go the more Brythonic it gets, its like a gradient from east to west, but the prominence of Germanic genetics in the east actually predates the Danelaws to the Anglo-Saxon era and even before that, people Germanic/Nordic regions have been coming to the British Isles.
So what if their skin is whiter? some of the most cucked countries on earth are sweden, norway, ireland, scotland, and spain. What do these countries have in common? They are inhabited by pre-indo european peoples. Sure they're good at fighting and are smarter than your average shitskin, but they have never been able to form a sustainable civilization that goes past the tribal level without outside help.
That being said, Celts can function in an Aryan society, which is more than you can say for most of the world.
idd but, with the exception of the south-east, the west of England is vastly more populated than the east of England. There are very few major English cities in the east. The south-east might reset the balance, but the south-east has a huge number of niggers and shitskins.
Despite the popular myths, there is no evidence that the Anglo-Saxons committed genocide on the local Britons. People were displaced, but weren't exterminated.
There's evidence in the Brythonic gene pool that a genocide DID occur in the ancient past. 'British' male DNA is statistically identical to Frisian male DNA, indicating that male Britons were exterminated at a time when the population was relatively tiny. This isn't unusual. The Milesians did the same to the indigenous males in Ireland, and the Vikings did the same to the Picts in the north of Scotland and in the northern isles.
There's a decent BBC doc' called Britain BC that covers some of this, and the same dude did a follow-up series called Britain AD where he covers the 'dark ages' and the Germanic invasions. Its good shit.
Agreed, they did intermarry with the local Britons and ruled over them as a cultural elite, however they did settle their families in large numbers following the initial conquest which impacted the genetics within England. They didn't genocide them they just outcompeted them.
German Midwesterners are the quintessential Middle Americans. Modest, hard-working, self-reliant, salt-of-the-earth.
And they literally brought the burger to Burgerland.
The one major exception to their exceptional ability to Americanize though is the Amish/Mennonites aka the "Pennsylvania Dutch" but they embody the purest form of German-ness and the 19th century American spirit.
You're taking me back, man.
So as a Scotch-Irish, you're saying my shit traces all the way back around Iberia to Egypt?
Technically, yeah, but that part of your DNA is Berber. Then again, since most mummies are of establishment Egyptians, and establishment Egyptians were Berbers, we don't really know what race the ancient Egyptian plebs were - not mudslimes is for sure. The plebs might have been Berbers too.
Berbers today come from the areas around the Atlas Mountains, which is where they're assumed to have originated. Like the ancient Egyptians, the true Berbers have almost been bred out of existence. Most are now shitskins, but a lot of those shitskins are gingers (and look hilarious).
The Iberia link isn't really a secret. It's long been known that the Irish Gaels/Milesians traced back to Spain. It's a lot harder to prove the link to Miletus, since the genealogy of that area today tells us fuck all about what it was 2-3k years ago. There's a lot of other evidence though. Check out Macedonian bagpipes, music in general, 'kilts' etc.
You need to read actual Scots-Irish history user. The Annals and all the poems about the Milesians, Tuatha etc. The Skota shit too (it's where the name 'Scots' comes from). It was all passed off as myth until a lot of it started to make sense as genetics came on the scene, and new archaeological finds were made.
There were a fair number of Swiss amongst those too. Some people incorrectly believe their ancestors were German immigrants due to not studying their genealogy.
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
CoC is basically the only one that comes to mind. And even then calling it complete requires a loose definition of the word.
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
I've been searching for this solution and a feel like either a shelf or a hammock would be best.
Also this thing.
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
ayyy i do jiu jitsu and its the shit.
All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth.
-Ben Franklin
Go back to Africa you anti-American animals.
DNA confirms most males in England carry Anglo-Saxon Y chromosomes so that kind of shits on your theory regarding that one point.
There isn't really any way to disprove that the inhabitants of Britain and Ireland were not Celts, albeit conquered repeatedly by other peoples. Gaelic is classified as an offshoot of Celtic.
The Vikings do not seem to have gotten very far into mainland Scotland, excepting the 2 most northern territories.
Criticism is that this a fantasy of Christian writers.
Any way to disprove they at one time were a single people that migrated. It is odd, but not impossible, to adopt language and culture completely without being conquered or interbreeding.
Nah. Difference between this and niggers is that both King Tut and Ramses have had their DNA analysed and they both show the same thing - Berber DNA. Ramses is a full-on ginger. Look at the pictures or catch a flight to Cairo (cheap as fuck these days) and go see his mummy. Tut's 'Celtic' (as in Gael) DNA was reported at the time, but you had to dig deeper to find that the Berber link was what reporters used to connect Tut to the Gaels.
Other difference is that, as a white man, I don't feel like I can take personal credit for every white dude who was ever a Kang somewhere or other. My ancestors were grunts and miners - probably slaves before that. Fuck the Kangz.
Truly an island affe masterrace.
This makes some sense but I have a inkling that it might be a facet of how whites were divested of racial pride in general. Most other groups with healthy, functioning ethnocentric notions are eager to claim Kang status for their ancestors. It's not just niggers that do this. Responsibly used, pride is a source of inspiration.
Basically, we've been socialized to think that taking pride in the accomplishments of your ancestors is silly. The tragic comedy of KANGZ lays in how desperate it is and that's it obviously false, not the central premise that you should be proud of your genetic lineage and the things your ancestors accomplished.
So you have to feel sorry for black people. In their own cultural microcosm (Africa) they would have oral histories with heroes and gods appropriate to their experiences. Here in white society all they get are constant reminders of their own inferiority. Hence, KANGZ and the deluded assertion that they 'built America.'
if you don't, niggers will
do you want your descendants being taught that there ancestors were slaves and that niggers were pharaohs and kangs? they even claim kike on a stick was a nog too
your post smells a bit (((suspicious))) "white man"
The point is expanded upon by me and another user further down the thread.
There is. It's called DNA.
Again, you're oversimplifying and making yourself look like a retard. The Goidelic languages are classed as one of two branches of "Insular Celtic Languages" - the other being Brythonic. "Insular" in this case denotes the fact that the languages originated in the British Isles and have only ever been spoken in the British Isles. All continental Celtic languages are extinct (Breton is a Brythonic language that was introduced by British migrants to Brittany).
The assumption in the past was that the Goidelic languages were related to the proto-Celtic languages, though there was no linguistic evidence for this. The assumption was based on the belief at the time that the Gaels were genetic Celts (which they proved not to be). In more recent times, the Goidelic languages have been shown to share many characteristics with the Basque language.
This is retarded. The Vikings ruled large swathes of Scotland (and Ireland) for centuries. Go to a fucking museum in Scotland. They weren't running a few trade posts. The MacDonald's were Norse-Gaels and they're the biggest fucking clan in Scotland by a country mile (and well represented in Ireland too).
So you're saying that the Christian monks who transcribed the Irish poems also fabricated a heretical mythology that refers constantly to Gods and demigods? And why would they do this?
No, it really fucking isn't. What language to the Gaels speak now?! English is a Germanic lexicon with a Brythonic structure - semantics vs syntax. See also 'Scots' - not the same as Gaelic…
just their fucked up teeth, along with their propensity for homosexuality at boarding schools and general faggy/trannie/cuck behavior speaks of their many inherent genetic flaws
the english go into the same bog as the irish
Uhhh no sorry. Have that original and it is now ruined
Blair is Scottish. He just went to a posh school.
Everyone ignores him on here. 95 per cent of the replies he seems to get is just him replying to himself
Begorrah, the sassenachs know!
this is one of my favorite board memes
t. Half patato American mutt
And then?
What's that weird plate on his flank? It's like a big TENS pad
What about just plain Saxons
Bad Robert
That's some Char Aznable Revenge levels of satisfaction right there.
Also, if someone could tell me how to upload pics from mobile without them ending up sideways, that would be nice too.
imps gain teleport at lvl 10
worth a try at least if you have a lot of time on your hand, slapping him to work out even harder, but keep an eye on them afterwards so they dont run into traps and die
Trump will do for celts what Hitler did for Aryans
kill a lot of them?
nice try fag
I hope this wasn't one of your games user.
Nice D&C, faggot.
We need to meme this into reality
polite sage for small image dump
Also whats with the captchas? Are we being raided
How do you pry them apart though? Put a chisel between the heatsink and LED and hammer away?
Race : alakar - an inorganic race that outwardly resemble large silicon crystals, they possess uncanny memory and intellect due to their semi computer like brains, they are resistant to extremes of both heat and cold so long as the change is gradual otherwise the thermal shock damages them greatly, their crystalline nature makes them somewhat brittle to physical assaults, they tend to reside on desert planets due to the larger amount of silicon present in the sand, they are known to be cold, calculating and manipulative
Profession: Space engineer and cybercriminal
You mean the Lebor Gabála Érenn which talks about the forefather of the Irish being saved from a snakebite by Moses. Yeah, not evidence there it was made up by monks.
"Scholars believe the goal of its writers was to provide an epic history for Ireland that could compare to that of the Israelites or the Romans, and which reconciled native myth with the Christian view of history."
You seem to be drawing imaginary connections like a paranoid schizophrenic.
The term in the Lebor Gabála Érenn refers to the mythical progenitor Míl Espáine. His name translates from Latin as Soldier of Hispania, or Spanish Soldier. No relation to Greek Miletus.
In the mythical story Mil married the daughter of a pharaoh who reigned in 379 BC at the earliest. The book says the 'Milesians' conquered Ireland around 1000 BC so it's obvious the dates are wrong. However, conquering Ireland in the 4th century makes it possible they were Celts. It also makes more sense that a mercenary from Celtic Iberia had sons who murdered a bunch of Irish than the descendents of a Pharaoh's daughter. If you want, Mil could have even brought back some slave-bride from the Mediterranean and said she was royalty. This scenario is inline with genetic evidence of the Irish being descended from Celtic Galicia.
The Ancient Greeks were adamant that the Macedonians were not Greek. The connection to an Ionian city in Anatolia is even more far fetched.
I am aware, your conjecture was wrong and was pointed out by the other user. Show a source saying Saxon genes are confined to the Danelaw.
There are no mass graves that have been found. The Anglo Saxons used their superior social positions to breed them out with Anglo Saxon women they brought over.
The fact that the language and culture of the natives died out is a sign that women were not taken as wives, else they would have taught their children Latin or Gaelic. This happened to the Vikings that settled in conquered lands with captured brides.
Need a source showing DNA evidence that refutes this.
Good look finding that evidence from an illterate culture whose language was replaced with Lain by the Romans over 2,000 years ago. The language groups did have common traits.
A very powerful clan whose head often held the title "Lords of the Isles". Almost as if they ruled a territory dominated by a bunch of fucking Islands.
Two options, here. I forgot a question mark so you couldn't tell this was a question:
"Any way to disprove they at one time were a single people that migrated? It is odd, but not impossible, to adopt language and culture completely without being conquered or interbreeding."
I am allowing an unlikely possibility, not asserting it.
The other option is that you're asserting Scotland and/or England were never conquered by Anglo Saxons which is just retarded.
The question was not directed at you. Is there anyway to prove that Celts were not descended from a common group that migrated around? Why would a culture and language spread without being conquered or interbred with?
Either spam or posts from a gaming thread are being posted here.
Dubious, but interesting.
nice bait
Why does sam do that autistic thing where he has to rephrase something mildly fun three or four times before he's satisfied with it.
Sounds like you work there. How does it feel that the company is working towards making every in store position fast food tier replaceable :^) that's all they're doing with all the new changes and shit they are implementing
diet coke, no tea coffee or alcohol, well done steaks
you cannot trust this.
Based Hitchens the Younger.
kek. Marriage is a joke - and it's straight people responsible for that - not fags. When the chances of a marriage lasting are no better than a coin toss, "till death do us part" kind of loses it's meaning.
In any event, "marriage" as defined by the state is a business contract - and fags are just as entitled to enter into business contracts as anyone else.
Fight me.
This is why we shouldnt let our political parties pick their own leaders its fucking retarded
I don't do drugs like a degenerate
Should I clap for them as well? Jesus fuck our country is a joke.
True, but whether or not they are European is debatable. Assyrians are white but not European.
What the fuck is this shit? Give away more money than what the price is? Fuck off.
This. A Scotsman is just an Irishman who could swim.
state "marriage" (corporate merger) != church marriage
You say that like it's a good thing. They're Swede or German tier genetic cuck filth. Let's get some Polish in there.
We have enough solar powered flashlights.
I'll take an Irishmen over a Nord any day of the week. They're the true white niggers. They're contributed the least to our civilization, they're the most government dependent, and they're the ones taking the biggest leaps toward the destruction of our race. To a Nord brown rapists are preferable to white racists.
You can't stop us, laddie.
No, still American. We're talking heritage and ethnicity here, not nationality. That suit will always fly the red, white, and blue. An "Irish American" is wholly American, not Irish. We're not like niggers and whatnot, with a profound lust to be attached to "the motherland" (because they lack any significant historical contributions to this country–this is a white country) We're our own tribe, and indisputably the most dominant tribe of white men on the planet. We'll never fly the Irish flag. We're not Irish. My grandmother was Irish, not me.
As long as he stays away from pedo-saxons, he'll be alright.
Maybe they should not have started an unjustified war against Poland.
Anglo-Germanic cucks BTFO once again
These fucking shills, man.
Scandinavians aren't white, they're just pale faggots. White people are Anglo, German, French, and Polish. Everyone else lacks the white mentality.
"American" is a pseudo-race.
100% correct. Even the Italians are more white than Nords.
What fucking world did you come from?
IRA is saving the fucking country.
Are Croats white?
I don't particularly like them, but they are white.
they're half sandnigger, m8
do some research
The sandniggers in france are not french. Get fucked with your "civic nationalism".
Speak for yourself.