I graduated college acouple months back. I used to party … too much. Drugs etc.i quit that. But now I have to quit drinking. I'm not looking forward to the shakes. I need to Marathon something. Do (you) have something to suggest? Not some depressing redpills. Something uplifting. I'm at work right now. I'm so hung up just looking at my code. I have 5 fucking hours to get through then I can walk home and sleep. I'm really lucky I haven't done anything too stupid. And I have done some stupid shit. The reason I'm getting my act together is for a woman of course. The last one I wasn't prepared for and she already started nesting. Basically I need to grow up … any advice will do
Tom thanks
Im going to quit drinking
How much are you drinking per day? There are levels at which stopping cold turkey can kill you.
You wont get the shakes unless you've been drunk every day for 4-6 months+. If you have been drinking this heavily then consult a doctor before you stop - a grand-mal seizure could kill you, give you brain damage or permanent epilepsy.
Improving yourself for a woman, rather than for yourself, is probably a mistake.
Distracting yourself with entertainment to give up alcohol is unlikely to work.
Keep busy doing physical things instead of watching a screen and stay the fuck away from drunkards. LSD and psilocybin can cure alcoholism sometimes.
Don't go cold turkey on booze if you've been drinking heavily every day for months.
I used to be a heavy alcoholic but over the course of the last year I have done things that have successfully helped me cycle out of that stage in my life than AA has and into adulthood.
Start seeing a therapist, to work on your issues so you can finally get everything off your chest instead of carrying an emotional anchor around.
Start seeing a nutritionist, so you can fix your diet and learn how to cook proper and healthy meals for yourself. I recommend Ideal protein since I'm doing it and it's working. They will measure you and keep track of you and you will have to keep track of what you eat and when so if you really are boozing it will show.
Start hitting the gym but only after 3 weeks into your diet. This will not just make you healthier in general, improve your cognitive functions, but will also help you keep from boozing.
Take your work seriously. Try and filter out the distractions in your life and try passing the time building on to yourself instead of just existing. You have to recognize a lot of pass times, like video gaming and porn, are just senseless addictions that detract from a person's character instead of building them. Focus more on reading and learning about finance and investing.
Don't be afraid of your pain because it is pain that builds character and our craft is building character. When you turn to booze or any sort of addiction you are just trying to numb your pain and are thus just moving further away from becoming yourself. Realize that we as men live to become the master craftsmen of our own lives.
I think now is a good time to start since the year of the fire rooster is approaching.
Also this ^
Quitting cold turkey without a doctor if you have been boozing everyday for that long of a period is bad. Make sure to seek a doctor and don't be afraid to ask for help. If you have health insurance you can use it to get help and even go to rehab if you must or some out patient care. Personally I'd recommend the out patient care if you have to do something that drastic because you will not enjoy being force to live in a rehab center with most of your rights being taken away and being stuck with a gigantic bill instead of your insurance paying for it if you don't follow through with what you are being told to do by the facility.
Good luck user.
What has helped me stay sober is the thought if Uncle Adolf and how much he would be disapointed in me. TGSNT is a good one to binge , although it might a tad bit depressing.
What Inwould reconmend is to get some podcasts and go for walks. I enjoy many of what TRS had to offer and RedIce had some high quality shows, the older RedIce shows are more into all kinds of weird shit.
Anyway, fuck you for the blog post! But many off us have been deplorable drunk degenerates and know something of what you are going though.
Drink water everytime you want to drink alcohol. May sound simple but doing something similar in action but yet different can have a counter effect.
I was a weekend drinker, but stopped by simply doing that. Now i don't even drink at partys anymore. Water has become my new favourite liquid, except tea and juice sometimes i drink nothing else anymore, you also feel 10 times better and more refreshed every day, especially when waking up.
Once you have a new daily rythm, you won't even think of alcohol anymore.
drink really really cold water. my shrink suggested this and it helped me stop smoking and drinking. also, try cracking a beer (or soda) and then just putting it back in the fridge before you drink the water. just the act and sound of cracking the can might help relax you (if you usually drink canned beer)
Use canned seltzer water.
If you're such an alcoholic that you get the shakes you need to see a doctor. Alcohol withdrawal will kill you buddy.
Legends of Galactic Heros
enjoy your BPA.
Treating myself to 4 cans of Polish lager tonight.
t. britbong
there's a pill you can take that makes you vomit right away if you drink.
The best cure is to be a grown up and stop putting things in baby's mouth
nice blogpost you fucking loser
Don't do it for a woman, if she goes away you'll go right back into it.
Quitting cold turkey will not kill you, unless you did 20+ drinks the night before, and even then >50% of people will die. However just like any other drug, working your way off, day by day is always helpful and typically much safer physiologically than quitting cold turkey.
If you are going to do it cold turkey, buy an 1/8th of weed and an 1/8th of shrooms as a decent multivitamin. Use the weed to fall asleep and reduce the shakes for the first few days and the vitamin for the brain. After 3-5 days off alcohol, on whatever night would be your Friday night, consume the shrooms while engaging in Aryan media. Just make sure your chores and other duties are taken care off before and ensure the next day is free of duty.
The day after shroom recovery, begin lifting on a daily or bidaily basis. The shrooms will reset your brain chemistry and should help break your phycoloical addiction to booze. Lifting will further ensure proper brain chemistry. Finding motivation over the next few months will be a struggle, just make sure you never forsake the gym.
Just make sure not to go the same route with weed as with booze. The entire point is giving your brain a chance to reform it's reward centers. Every day must have purpose, a dog is a great option alongside a part time job.
Thanks for blog. Enjoy your ban, cuck.
Anyway. You'll be fine OP. Don't go see a therapist or do AA and all that stupid bullshit…I'm a pretty heavy drinker and I never have a problem. Well, almost never. You're right though that at times it can be good to go sober completely or vastly cut back. If you drink a ton then just switch to a 6pack of beer for a few days. Or even 8 a day for a few days. The important thing is to get off hard stuff like liquor if thats what you've been doing. I personally almost never drink liquor anymore for that reason. It's too easy to overdo it for people that enjoy it a lot. So switch to beer then gradually drink less like a 6pack for a few days then 2 or 3 for a few days and then take several days or as many days as you want to off from drinking. You should be totally fine at that point. You'll probably be totally fine anyway unless you've been drinking a ton of liquor for a long period of time every day. Like I said if that's the case switch to beer and work your way down to a manageable level. Then quit if you want to.
You can die quitting booze cold turkey if you've been drinking a lot for years. It's one of the rare drugs that can kill you with withdrawal, that's what happens with fucking GABAnergic drugs. You stop them cold turkey, your body goes into a grand mal seizure to the point your brain lacks oxygen then you die or become a vegetable. 20+ drinks is a joke for a true heavy drinker who loves liquor. Beer is another thing, you'll most likely get tired of pissing every 10 minutes before hitting 24.
Enjoy delirium tremens, it's a bitch and a half. If you quit for a women you'll turn back to the bottle the day she won't replace your fix anymore, gotta stop drinking for yourself first and foremost.
It's the only drug withdrawal that does kill.
Heroin withdrawal only "kills" people who have AIDS and/or heart conditions who were going to die anyway.
Research gamma-Aminobutyric acid and the homeostatic response the central nervous system has when its mechanism is disrupted.
Until then shut your fucking pie-hole on subjects you're completely ignorant about.
Benzo kill too. Stopping benzo's abruptly kills.
Do not confuse may and will. In the same way that around 50% of men die at 40 drinks >50% of those that quit cold turkey will die. A brief cool down period, reducing average consumption in half reduces the risks to almost nothing.
Stop with the fearmongering. One can't beat alcoholism until they are willing to die rather than go another day with booze. If OP lacks the mental fortitude to risk his life quitting, he will never truly be free as he lacks the will to make such a thing true. It is not enough to admit you are an addict, especially if it's lasted years. You must admit an end of a former identity and build oneself back up from the ground. Again that isn't possible with accepting the risk of death.
Just fucking do it you. Oh you! Seriously. Just use will power. Will power can achieve anything. Remember to use it for good. Or prepare for the consequences.
Also if you had to sneak doing it as a pup. Take heed. Many people did not even feel inclined to go drink on their 21st birthdays. Let the old men drink and fight. Something like that. Good luck strilok.
I smoke 3 dollars of weed 1 hour before bed every night. Get amazing sleep. Haven't drank for 6 years.
I suggest going to rural Russia or any other Slavistan. Shock therapy = best therapy.
I keep thinking I should quit, but I bore easily and have no hobbies, so I drink to pass the time.
If you've been drinking about every day (1-7 drinks) for the past 4 months am I going to die by quitting? This is kind've freakin me out guys ;_;
M8, I love beer. It's my favorite beverage and if I could I would drink it all day everyday. I did that for several years in college trying to swallow the redpill. It is not sustainable or comfortable in the long run.
Alcohol is a hell of a drug in any form. OP and any other alcoholics lurking must lean to master booze as opposed to letting booze define them.
Doubtful, you don't sound like a super heavy drinker if you only have one drink on certain days, and 4 months of steady drinking probably isn't enough time to really fuck yourself up. Still, if you want to be safe and have a better chance of succeeding, it might be best to slowly wean yourself. Maybe try to get down to one drink a day the first week, then just one drink every other day, and then stop entirely. It's a somewhat risky strategy if you have low willpower because you'll still have alcohol present in the house and the temptation will be there to relapse, but if you pull it off it can be much less hellish than going cold turkey.
Enjoy your belly. like I do
No. Cut to 3 drinks on the first night. You will have a nice sweat out the next night when you don't have anything to drink, but otherwise you should be just fine.
That was how it was for me as well. Like any other drug out there, the human body needs a break from alcohol. Treat yourself to a nice tolerance break or better yet work on creating and participating in hobbies that require sobriety.
Same, to be honest. I keep taking nights off here and there but being sober is incredibly fucking boring. I think all the booze or lack of sleep or something is affecting my ability to focus for extended periods of time.
1-7 drinks a day? No
Legend of the Galactic Heroes is a goat series.
It's redpilled but fun to watch.
No, you have to be drunk every day.
1 beer isn't going to get you drunk unless you're the world's gayest midget.
Dionysos, patron of civilization
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
I'm DYEL as fuck. But something's not right. When I bench I always struggle with my left shoulder. I actually hurt it on my first week because I'm a moron. And when I row, my left elbow goes much higher than my right one, and for the life of me I can't level it up with the other elbow. I think I might have fucked my left shoulder.
This is bullshit. Back in the spring I went on an epic binge, where I drank about a liter of shit vodka per day for a little over three weeks. Then my money ran out, and I went full-stop. I really thought I was going to die, my shakes were so bad I couldn't walk, then delirium on top of it - things like voices and demons…. Ended up being picked up by paramedics and hospitalized for five days. How bad your withdrawals end up being is directly tied to how much you drink in a day and what time you start. If you're anywhere over a 750ml per day for a three week you are in for a seriously shitty time. Benzo's make a world of difference for alcohol withdrawal too - try and get some.
As for staying clean, that's different for everyone. I relapsed several times over the course of this year but I've been straight now for about six weeks and I'm confident about my future. My hang overs were becoming so bad it really took the fun out of being wasted, that's what kept me sober.
Sage for not politics.
Speaking as someone who used to drink every day, though not for a long period of time, I'd recommend phasing out of drinking over a couple weeks. I do a lot of boxing and kickboxing, you should do something where you can wear yourself out completely and let out some aggression. Start this before you quit, because your brain will associate the after workout high with exercise which will give you something to do other than drink. Keep something sugary as fuck around, pure sugar or candy, for alcohol cravings. Sugar is the best thing I have found for countering them. Get something for sleep like melatonin because you will be fucked if you don't. Other than that, you just need to have the willpower of a god.
Best of luck to you.
the plague is about a wide range of characters with differing outlooks dealing with a huge life and society altering event
the 'hero' is a rational, compassionate man and nothing like the stranger at all
You can fool yourself as much as you want, but it's just a green fever, since that's what farangs means for many generations.
Indonesia, do you think Sunni international jihad has peaked? After they lose Syria and eventually Iraq, all the historic arab land will be in secular and jewish hands, except Arabia itself.
Weed is better than benzos for treating alcohol withdrawals as it does not have any withdrawal symptoms itself and is thus rather safe for use. Think of it as a energy shield. You know you are hungover, you know you hurt badly, the delirium is awful but there is a shield reducing the intensity by 50% and that is what it takes to eat and fall asleep. The worst after affect is has is a foggy head (much less painful than a regular hangover)
Alcoholism is a major problem with young white men in our generation. Depression rates are immense as is the suicide rate, yet the use of alcohol and beer in Aryan populations appears endemic. Finding a way to combat depression in a healthy way is always Holla Forums related.
What the actual fuck are these posts going on about.
artifacts are indeed the way. in a way it's almost too bad, because kitted-out heroes make the race-specific monsters kind of useless in comparison. they're still cool tho
my usual loadout is runemaster/artificer and WW/BB/GG for water walk and endurance. i abuse the create/smash artifacts bug for crazy research and usually wind up with one or two loaded heroes and then roll on to Torin. by the time he arrives the game is all but over
i've tried some of the other builds but that one is just too much fun. i miss being able to use some of the higher level magic tho
MoM, like MoO, just has this beautiful excess of features. steve barcia is mah hero
Mind sharing some videos?
Mage or Warlock
I hear warlocks are pretty much soul shard bitches but mages are conjured food slaves as well. Which would suck less?
Yes you can get the american citizenship via serving.
(hi, satan)
Thanks, guys. I probably rarely have one drink a day. I'm more likely to drink near the 7 end of the spectrum a couple days out of the week and most likley 3-4 on regular days. I'm going to try weaning myself to three the first day or two, 2 for the rest of the week, and then once a day for a week and see how it goes from there. Thanks, again.
Hydrus has always seemed like a pain in the butt is it worth it?
Careful, you'll offend that special snowflakes delicate sensibilities. Don't you know your rights end where their feelings begin?
It's not about manning up, or even taking responsibility for themselves. Now we just throw a label on our problems, proudly show it off and proclaim that we are different, then do nothing at all. This makes much more sense than actually fixing the fucking problem.
You already posted in the gear thread
Why did you make another thread
If you're feeling stressed or on edge and want to grab a drink (know that feel too well), pic related helps.
gets compared to 2001 too often
for real this movie is dope af
well, that should teach me for being a retard and listen to /biz/