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Obama orders review of Russian election-related hacking



link didn't load, shitty OP tbqh

He's got six weeks left. Be ready for anything.

Putin wont fight back. He knows Trump would end the war.

My OP memes were bad because I'm not on my primary computer. I made this thread in a rush because I didn't see any others in the catalog.

It's going to just reveal that it was us, and that we are a God.

no you stupid faggot, your OP was LE. you should have a better tl'dr, you stupid doublenigger. what do you think the 75 char limit is for

Fuck King Nigger. He can't leave office soon enough. Fuck him and his entire administration.

They're not going to find anything. There is no overwhelming consensus from cyber security firms, CNN is full of shit as usual.



Hillary Clinton said the Russians hacked her emails and the DNC. She basically said Putin did it personally.

Here you faggot, for future reference:

Washington (CNN) — President Barack Obama has ordered a full review into hacking by the Russians designed to influence the 2016 election, White House Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Adviser Lisa Monaco said Friday.
"The President has directed the Intelligence Community to conduct a full review of what happened during the 2016 election process. It is to capture lessons learned from that and to report to a range of stakeholders," she said at a Christian Science Monitor breakfast with reporters. "This is consistent with the work that we did over the summer to engage Congress on the threats that we were seeing."

Monaco said the administration would be mindful of the consequences of revealing the results of their review publicly. All of the Democratic senators on the Senate Intelligence Committee have called on Obama to declassify intelligence on Russia's actions during the election.
"You want to do so very attentive to not disclosing sources and methods that would impede our ability to identify and attribute malicious actors in the future," Monaco said of disclosure.
The review is intended to be done before Donald Trump's inauguration on January 20, Monaco said. "He expects to get a report prior to him leaving office."
The US government before the election publicly blamed senior levels of the Russian government for cyberattacks designed to influence the outcome, including hacks of Democratic groups like the Democratic National Committee.
A steady stream of documents and internal emails from Democratic groups and from Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman were released in the weeks and months leading up to the election, with damaging consequences for Democrats.
There was also concern about attempted attacks on voter registration systems at the state and local level, though the intelligence community never said there was strong evidence that was tied to the Russian government. Voter registration databases are attractive targets for financially motivated hackers, as well.
Questions have remained about the extent of the hacking and Russians' motivations. While the intelligence community has not suggested the attacks were designed to bolster President-elect Donald Trump, the impact of the hacks were much more damaging to Democrats and to Clinton.
Trump has continually denied a Russian role in the hacking, despite the overwhelming consensus from private sector cybersecurity firms that investigated the hacks and from the various US government intelligence agencies.
Members of his own party have strongly pointed the finger at Russia, and Republican Sens. John McCain and Lindsey Graham are reportedly leading the charge among Republicans to investigate the hacking, according to The Washington Post, and Graham has told CNN he intends to be unrelenting.
"I'm going after Russia in every way you can go after Russia," Graham told CNN. "I think they're one of the most destabilizing influences on the world stage, I think they did interfere with our elections, and I want Putin personally to pay a price."
Monaco declined to draw conclusions before the review was complete.
"We'll see what comes out of the report. There will be a report to a range of stakeholders, including Congress," she said.

Here is the video where she says all that stuff.

Are they ever gonna realize that standing in front of a poverty-stricken, war-weary country and screaming like General Ripper about how you want to bomb the shit out of a country that could easily return the favor isn't going to win them support?

This is getting pathetic.

The funniest part of all this is that this piece of shit nigger actually won in a rigged election.
I can't wait until President Trump has him tried for high treason and executed in public

Did CNN just lie and say the intelligence community believes the hacks were from Russia, because I seem to remember the FBI saying the exact opposite

Oh god Graham and McCuck are going to switch parties aren't they

You were probably remembering from three sentences earlier in the fake news story when it said "the intelligence community never said there was strong evidence that was tied to the Russian government"

Argh, this is what it is going to be.

With you on that brother and line up the Clinton's etc while we are at it..

Meantime even CNN is now reporting the election hacks came from the Department of Homeland Security

More proof of the fact that niggers buy any bullshit narrative hook-line-and-sinker.

He's hell bent on pulling a leftist scorched earth campaign it seems.


Or just trying to still be relevant at this stage… Ah who am I kidding the nigger will try to make a mess of things still even as the final weeks tick down because his Jew handlers have told him to.

also a reminder that the famous Simpsons scene where Homer couldn't vote for Obama was intentional misdirection.

Putin will rope-a-dope for a few weeks to run out the clock on King Nigger.



sage for saying WW3…. We've been in WW3 since the 1990s. It's a genetic execution of our race and Islam is part of it.

Pointless sage negated.

If the cyka davais would be so kind to release some addresses of the bundesverfassungsschutz friendsi would be really glad.

Wrong. WW3 started in 2012. The war for consciousness.


It will always result in that castle that fucking cunts described. The only difference is that these fags do not exactly know why that is.

It's funny because Jews (and Christian Zionists) literally consider the Good News to be Fake News.

Edgy gif.


Dubs confirm. WWIII is memetic warfare.

It is like ghost in the machine, while the ghost is the zeitgeist and the machine is what you see everyday. And the memes are the crystalized condensed consumable form of that. So in a way the chans are the ones that consume, then shit and some reddit fag will eat the leftovers.

I guess back in 2000 he was still living in Indonesia back when Sore/Loserman did exactly that.


pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
Anybody know good Russian composers

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
I'd rather have Oney, Dingdong and Julian.

This creature was a Donald trump's sperm, how does that make you feel?

you misspelled pol lol
9/10 if post ironic
7/10 if irony
3/10 if bait

Stop using words you don't understand ffs

this is like Squirrel and Hedgehog meet Freedom Planet

i think

I need bottom dad + top twink material.



we all were newbies once.

Lmao! Op is probably a fucking virgin anyway, like half size queen faggots on this board.

Don't know about this, but he's definitely one of the comfiest philosophers. Feels like a true friend.

Thundercats astral moat monster

Saw this in related articles. Sorry for off topic, but didn't want to make a new thread for it:
Dick Durbin, Lindsey Graham Unveil Bill To Stop Donald Trump From Ending Protections For Dreamers

So they're calling illegal immigrants Dreamers now? That is double-plus ungood.

jesus christ

mods pls remove captcha-per-post obviously it's just a fucking waste of time for the rest of us.

I feel very sorry for you my friend.

I almost believe they aren't actually talking to the faceless millions but rather to a bunch of rich kikes and Saudi Oil shit fetishists.

These dubs might be onto something.

Every single thing screams kike involvement and trickery.. they arent being that obvious now are they?


we're on the verge of being contacted by extraterrestrial life, but they're on the sidelines trying to decide if we are to be annihilated as a species, or to come in peace and try to help us prevent crashing the planet's climate to where most life would go extinct. if we don't take responsibility for something so minute like taking in refugees from lands that we made instable, then why should we ever foolishly believe that we're allowed to exist as a species


Even Jeff spoke out against you, you're the new SJWs now :)

false quote


His pregnant wife died from a fall at a park. She lost the baby the next day

It's recognition that you were wounded preforming your duties. You can do everything right and still get hit.


Max (((ehrenfreund)))
thanks for helping us to know what to think, rabbi

why not, its as if no one wants to answer my thread so why not let it derail i like them anyway.

your trip code is pink probably the same color as your dildo faggot.

his like to dislike ratio is insane he can get 700 likes and 2 dislikes.

This shit is getting out of hand.

Are you new or stupid?

what report?


Man, that takes me back.

If a billion Earths got ruined by muh global warming boogieman, all they'd have to do is find a billion more. Careful with those purple pills, user. Sounds like your redpill sight has been infiltrated.

Oh, oh wait I just read all your post. You think ayy lmaos are judging us for not taking in rapefugees. Oh, you're just CTR, sorry I didn't recognize you in that light.

we do not like excuses

inb4 Russian hackers planted CP on DNC servers


Never interrupt an enemy when they making a bad move. Pushing the fake news meme while pushing fake news and censoring real news is an incredible win and it is in front of everyone's face, particularly Trump supporters that have endured the full fury of the leftist Lugenpresse. At this rate Trump was right, we are going to get tired from winning so much.

Post webm.

All memes are forced, like checking this dubs.

very nice

Read the fucking comments. I dont see a single fucking one that isnt calling this shit out as horse shit.

its not a forced meme. Memes have the power of the truth behind them. This shit does not, making it mere propaganda and powerless to all but the feeblest of minds in the era of truth and light.


I love it. They are doubling down on their initial failure and throwing their credibility out of the window as a result. And this is after they said that the America election was voter fraud proof and called people that questioned the results in advance conspiracy theorists!

the most incredible part is these fucking cucks and kikes continually make the same fucking mistake.. A lot of it has been Trump, but also a lot of it was our doing as well… they keep falling for these traps that are set for them but theyve all been variations of the same 3-4 styles of linguistic traps.. and every fucking time they went right for bait, doubled down, when it was obvious that their plan failed they then tripled, quadrupled down and then with their shameful defeat on full display told everyone to stop talking about it "its a non story time to move on" after which they walk into the very next trap.

If I read this shit in a fiction novel Id say the authors imagination was too fanciful.

Bot spammer is here again…

Just goes to show that they only got into this position of power because there was a power vacuum, not out of competency.

The meme that you can't be a politician no matter what mainly hit those people who would actually do it to help their country.

It's worse. First they wanna overturn the election results. Read between the lines.

If they continue to push this meme and threaten military action over hacking, we should bring up how the Saudis were responsible for 911, and yet you can't SUE them for it. Hacking = WAR, terrorism = you can't sue them. Of course, don't concede that there was even any hacking done, just a thought.

Let people know or else it's not much of a "mistake" is it?

Oh boy I can't wait for the brilliant idea of starting war with a country that has developed hypercavitating nuclear torpedoes while all our major cities are on coastlines. That'll be fucking brilliant.

Shit like this is probably the only thing holding them back. I bet Barack forgot a couple of times and headed the the command center to initiate a strike before some white general had to remind him why it'd be a bad idea.


You just gave me a great idea for an addition to the Nuclear Strategy Overhaul mod I'm never going to make for Civilization V. HC Torpedoes. Hard as fuck to detect and intercept, but only work on naval and coastline targets.


MFW when they try to steal the election from trump the Military rides in to save the day - starting the a forced crackdown on all niggers and jews.