ITT: Stuff that really fires a neuron

You can't unlearn being gay, but you can unlearn being straight. Really fires a neuron, huh?

Other urls found in this thread:

You can re-write society.
1. Destigmatization/normalization of hatred.
2. Dehumanization of target group.
3. Radicalization of your group.
4. Organization of your group politically and locally.
5. Crisis point or "critical mass" event
6. Seizure of power / capitalization of circumstance.
6. Guidance of force.
7. == Real Holocaust ==

Really fires a neuron eh?

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Top Kek

Also; if I had enough time, access to a deep brain stimulation device (yeah they exist, look it up queer) and a hooker I could classically condition a homosexual to only fuck women.

In fact the technical term is;

“Septal stimulation for the initiation of heterosexual behavior in a homosexual male"


Give him some credit, though. He's a lot closer to appearing female than some of those faggots.
Nevertheless, he's a fucking abomination.

You're joking right? Holy shit at those facial features and that Adam's apple. The best he can go for is "roided out freak who does winstrol" but he's too scrawny to pull that off.

no he's not… he looks like every Californian surfer circa 1990

f you're trying to pass as a tranny and you have an Adam's Apple that would make Sylvester Stallone jealous, consider a turtleneck. Or suicide.

He still looks like the dude from red hot chillie peppers.

No amount of makeup can convince me he isn't a swinging dick, but rather a heroin addicted skater d00d from Seattle.

Compared to fags like this, he's practically menstruating.

3rd pic actually looks more feminine even if ugly as dogshit, at least he doesn't have a jarring adam's apple

Leftists going to bust out those transcranial magnets or whatever they were that remove fear of migrants coming to kill them any time now

Jesus wept, that thing is fugly. Looks like a creepy pervert. Oh wait, it is a creepy pervert.

Here are some more men masquerading as women.

No, I would say it's ideological you bigot.

Wtf ? That's some Chris Chan tier trannies

Sage because double post but check this comment :

Dennis Duncan
Take me down to the Transgender City, where the chicks have dicks and the the dudes have titties. Oh won't you please take me HOOOOMMMMEEEE
Yeah Yeah

This fag has amazing hair, I bet women gawk over it and it feeds his fucking delusions.

If we allow all of our men become like this, then the sand people deserve to win.

She'd be damn near passable with just a little more effort give or take ~$15k in surgery, voice lessons, and electrolysis

t. Mike Pence

Up until the 1970s all of humanity considered homosexuality to be a behavior. Then in the 70s, the homos started picketing the American Psychiatric Association in San Fran, and political pressure from the outside eventually turned it into a "preference" by changing medical books, and then later into a sexuality on its own right. Note the spread of the nomenclature: It went from mental disorder to a sexual preference, (but the idea that you could control your behavior was still too fascist a concept) to becoming "sexual identity", within the space of 40 years.

These days "ego-dystonic sexual orientation" is now a mental illness (It's basically knowing that you're gay and hating it).

All of these decisions were based on nothing more than succumbing to threats and bullying tactics. For the first time humanity is turning its eyes away from a lifestyle that encourages "spousal" abuse, drug addiction, the spread of disease, promiscuity and other degenerate behavior and calling it a good thing.

I recommend this blog post to anyone interested in the history of the subject:


Hi, Mike. Could you let someone else dictate education policy in this country? Because you royally fucked up Indiana and that’s not cool. Anyway, keep fighting the faggots. MAGA and such. Later.

Perhaps we can meme the gay away


It's boring at this point. These people are severely mentally ill and spend 18 hours a day layering complex, compelling, but ultimately false arguments onto their ego to justify their pathology so they don't blow their own brains out. "Explaining" themselves to others isn't about converting them, it's about reinforcing the protective pathways in their own brain.

Every trans person I know is either angry all the time (internalized dissonance) or hates themselves. One guy hates himself and knows exactly why too, expecting him to end it any day now.

This is true, stay away from internet porn.


Suicide is your only option at this point

It's true just look at sissy pr0nz, but the anti-sissy pr0nz don't wurk

nice hair faggot.

in fairness, trannies sometimes kill themselves for other reasons too

lawgic trap brah. the antidote to porn isn't more porn, it's nofap.

Not unless it was Bailey Jay tier. So never.
Oh god no
Yeah. I love BBW's

funny thing about trannies tho, they usually NEVER want to date a guy who's into them ("chasers, EW") and always wind up getting their teeth knocked out by some poor normie they tranny-tricked. same dynamic at work with fatties who shame chads for not wanting them.

This made me laugh

maybe he planned to triple post, but wanted to be Holla Forumsite

I'm not supprised by this. I recall reading many amusing tumblr blogs where fat women claimed they were being discriminated against because they can't get a man.

It was only a matter of time before the rest of the lgbtqrstuv community followed suit.

Just tell them you were born this way and watch them lose their shit.

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
I still can't find any and I'm just a few towns away from Matt's stomping grounds.

Why do their faces always melt and the skin sags down? Every time.

they never want to date a guy who's into them exclusively or primarily because they have a penis
Trannies want to be loved as a person, not (just) as a sexual object on account of their deformity happening to fulfill some sicko's fetish

Anything yet?

Bowie in Zoolander

Also Margot is fucking hot.

Suffer today so that you might not tomorrow.

It's the only way to live in a way that's true to your wants.

This is a good one

There's already an SFM thread you fucking shit.

Dirt cheap when I bought it like a decade ago, fun for 4 bucks

Who do they go with every year? Learn to lurk.

Thinking about organising seagull meet for after the new year, what would you goys like to see/do?

But their existence is a sicko's fetish.

wew, moshe is going on overdrive with these bots

fuck you op

Mods ban this underrage faggot. k thx

true that

Suppose you were born with a stump for an arm. It sucks, but with a prosthetic and a lot of getting used to it you can lead a relatively normal life.
One day you meet a guy. He's really into you, you date a while, and eventually you want to hook up. That's when you realize the only realson he's been dating you (ortreating you like a normal human being at all) is in hopes you'll fugg his agnus with your stump. feelsbadman.png

You learn about the metric system in elementary school you retard

Gran colombia instead of venezuela, ecuador and peru should've happened


because the RCMP also is the equivalent of the ATF and don't want anyone to have fun.
basically what happens when you have a national police force.

Haircut tomorrow. Gonna show this picture and see how it goes. Will I end up dyke-mode? Maybe. Can't show a men's cut while I'm still girlmode. But my hair is starting to curl and it's driving me nuts.

yes. Girls should never have short hair

It's not like this, actually it's just an image popping on the screen triggered by a global button where I put one by one the icons (not actual icons, these are shapes with icons as textures and open app action when touched)
hope it helps you :)

rudest post

How sure you are it are particles… They may explain themselves at some moments…

Somin and Youngji. You've got my interest.

Is that the steam one.