Sam Hyde MDE is GAY ?

ok, I know there are many threads about this guy, but tell me this, is it true that Sam Nick and Charles met in a gay bar? There are rumours that Sam had a thing with a tranny and he clearly has a degenerate trait in him, and so do Charles and Nick who clearly admitied to using heavier drugs etc. (I still dig his comedy doe)

have they all really met in a gay bar?

Other urls found in this thread:

I've seen Sam Hyde drop EVERYTHING to drive and meet a guy named Scott.

bump for gay rightwingers



Fuck off, Bernstein

He actually got into a car accident because of it.

What a pathetic attempt.

Who cares, stop making these threads

it's a dark time, I bet lots of fucked up troglodytes have gone down that road.

Try to at least research what you are shilling schlomo


I actually support him on patreon

I do homosex leads to loss of heatlh

and somebody is doing the catching


good people like Millenial Woes admited their bisexual degeneracy

miyata was enough of a proof doe

Fuck off, literally saw 3 of these threads yesterday look in the archives

How naive can you be?


Please don't make fun of Sam.

Sam went back in time and started the 60's counter-culture and also started the gay house movement in the 80's, he is actually a direct descendant of Soros.

What a (((coincidence))) the only actual redpill man in media is gay.

Nick was Sam's coworker at a car dealership, and they became friends. Charls was Nick's childhood friend, and Sam met him through Nick.

Sam Hyde has become a new fracture point for D&C shilling. Extreme caution advised.