Muslims kick woman down subway stairs in Berlin for the lulz

Muslims kick woman down subway stairs in Berlin for the lulz

Make Germany safe again…


Other urls found in this thread:

Oh look its this thread again


What happened to the previous one?


who cares?
There was no way to identify these fucks.
So the thread derailed into the usual:

Tell me about frog
why does he ride beetle?

It's a slow process but they are learning.


They probably didn't realize that she didnt give consent, like the migrant rapping the little boy at the pool

Or the one who raped the little boy

This one is HQ and uncensored.

The refugees now claiming this was a Syrian girl kicked down by nazis.


Scroll down, there is an english translation.

Think shell vote for merkel again goys?

Thats one more redpill. 499998 more to go

Confirmed skinhead Nazi.

These people that refuse to accept reality should be at the front of the line on the DOTR

it's as if muslims can't get along with non-muslims

really interesting, someone should look into it

But the girl is clearly wearing one of those hijab things. Has no one noticed this yet?

It's a jacket with a hoodie, not a hijab. It's cold as fuck right now so you freeze your ears off otherwise.

Unfortunately also most germans can't accept the reality because the ((media))) hides the reality from them.
This is a map about incidents with non germans/refugees. It is sourced from reliably news papers or from police reports. This is already shocking but it's only fraction of the crimes they commit.


I have spoken to Germans about this, in real life and on the internet, and they all absolutely refuse to believe there's anything wrong. Even the ones who somehow manage to break the conditioning still think the "issue" can be solved by being nicer or more accepting to the rapefugees. They're completely subverted, it's kind of disgusting to watch. A lot of them genuinely seem to think that an influx of violent, raping foreigners is a "good thing" for their nation, and Europe at large.


She didn't fly so good.

Yup, case-closed, that is definitely what Hitler had in mind ;^)

Maybe you're an autistic American that don'need no whostory. Not like your country was ever occupied by 4 different nations at the same time or had to receive columns of west-bound refugees whose last names sound too German.

Take a walk through a German cemetery someday and count the tombstones that go something like 1930 - 1945, maybe with a little iron cross next to them.

To be fair the native Americans were occupied by the British, French, Spanish and Portuguese empire.

Even the Scots tried to get in on the USA action but that failed.

Whose country is, anyway?

It's as if muslims can't handle women not completely covering up and as result get violent

Really interesting, someone should look into it

Sorry I mean American action.

They amount of germans killed in ww2 likely changed there racial make up forever. Over the years the newer generations of germans look more and more anglo to me same weird proportions and fucked up teeth


This silences the feminist.

Nah, it did some damage but not everybody committed miscegenation.

Why would getting raped by so many Russians make Germans look more Anglo?

Is an Anglo the mid point between Germanic and Russian?

Thats the muslim version of china town.
Highly doubt the victim was German tbh.

Burgers and brits still have a fuck load of mud soldiers in germany

german police didn't release the tape for 6 weeks

lol he thinks only the russians raped

If I kick you down the stairs, would you die?

They'll still do some mental contortions to integrate this into their belief system of "rapefugees are always the poor victims", it's sheer insanity.
Sahra Wagenknecht of Die Linke triggered a lot of her kind by suggesting that the Cologne rapists should leave Germany, they even smashed a cake into her face at some gathering to express their "disgust" at her commentary.

As a non-white person living in a white country, I can't bring myself to care a whole lot with what happens to white people when they refuse to retaliate. It's quite disgusting. Only eastern european whites fight back.

And don't bother replying to me with "hurr hurr, don't worry nigger we're going to retaliate on the day of the rope >:)"

Yeah man, "day of the rope"…I'm sure whites are magically going to cease being nutless sissies one day and fight back.

And don't give a bullshit response to that by saying "yeah but more and more whites are going to get angry as stuff like this continues". Oh wow, whites are going to get angry? I'm sure if they get angry enough they'll turn into Super Saiyans, right? Dumbass…

Getting angry does not equal having balls. Women and children can get angry too.

Gun-owning, prepped white americans stand the best chance, as far as non-eastern europeans go.

if you truly belonged on Holla Forums you'd go back and make your 3rd world shitskin craphole great (again?).

That would be extremely painful.

And the German men (aka CUCKS) do nothing.

was the whole day in german media

you're a big goy

Yeah, let me first learn to cast magic in order to accomplish that, just like the magic that whites will cast to make their testicles appear again in the future. Both of these things will definitely happen.

Pic related; a fine example of your women.

Its likely the only real resistence will be eastern euros. The only people I see genociding anyone or fighting back would be russians serbs poles ukies and that sory

opinion discarded

First thing for the white man to do with some "balls" is to not listen to advice from enemy shitskins.


Quit pushing this meme, it's a tactic used by shills to disqualify Germans to Holla Forums as even having the potential for a civilized nation and thus spread defeatism and acquiescence to the shitskin horde.
t. someone whose great-grandfather died at Normandy fighting for the freedom of Europe

Saw it a day or two ago when it was fresh. I at least hope she was one of those retarded "refugees welcome" cunts, that'd make it a lot less enraging.

They seem to be doing a good job of learning. They're like kindergartners - they need hands-on training to learn things.

Yeah, Eastern Europeans actively fight back. But like I implied, white americans with guns will be blowing away brownies, albeit defensively.

Too bad whites won't discard the foreigners who are fucking their asses.

I wasn't giving any advice, sissy. My advice would have been to stop being a wimp, but I know that's an impossible request for a white guy to handle.

You really set yourself up for that roast. Enjoy the burn.

It's true the Russians raped most if not all German women they come by, they wasn't part of the Geneva convention and where brutal, raping and killing woman, there's even accounts of them nailing people up to barn doors in a crucified fashion. They was looking for complete extinction of the German race, and no surprise that there was a Jewish propagandist behind that fueling the flames of hatred in the Russian troops. He was called Ilya Ehrenburg and was one of the most influential men in the soviet union and he ordered that leaflets be dropped to the red army at the front line …. "Kill them all, men, old men, children, and the women. After you have amused yourself with them, kill, nothing in Germany is guiltless, neither the living or the yet unborn. Break the racial pride of the German woman, take her as your legitimate booty. Kill you brave soldiers of the victorious soviet army"….. just another nice kike then.

Like many have said though it wasn't just the red army that raped and pillaged, the GIs and the Tommies did too, although it was less common in the allies due to them being in the geneva convention but it did still occur. And even when rape wasn't occuring sex still was, Germany was in a bad way and it wasn't uncommon for the woman to prostitute their bodies to the soldiers in exchange for a little food or something to get by. So the allied did do it a lot too, just a little more legitimately. But yeah, the purity of the german race must have taken a big hit.

I enjoyed that user.
Only ISIS could prove to the world that a human could bounce.

Got any more?

Lot of loyalty for a hired bug

for you

lol hey faggot

when we fight back, its in a way that gets reported as random

tell me Holla Forums
are most hillary-supporting liberals really this bad?
would their spirits still be blaming white people for their shortcomings and for the shortcomings of non-whites and women AND projecting their shortcomings onto white people who aren't them after they die, even if they were raped and then killed by hordes of islamic barbarians and their women if they aren't told otherwise after their own deaths?

are they really so afraid of offending the non-existent "god" of theirs named equality that they would rather they go to hell right after they die, even if they were 92 years old, than be called racist or sexist or something?

Oh really? Can you point to any evidence of whites taking revenge for all the british teenies sexed up by pakistanis? And that's just one example out of many.

Modern white males are so effeminate and weak that they're probably most upset about not having gotten brown dicks like those girls did.

Pic related; a young white boy realized he wants to be dominated by the ever-increasing brown hordes, so he transformed himself accordingly.

Your question is a bit incoherent, but I will try to answer you.

Yes liberals are that bad

They range from slightly stupid.
To psuedo-intellectual.
To full on retard


Their are less whites in prison because were smarter than you
half are smart enough to not break the law
half are smart enough to get away with it

Should I start posting black trannies? A simple google search turns up alot of results


>nonwhite invader using >reddit spacing
color me surprised.
At leas I'm fucking human.

Is sam hyde, dare i say, a good example of this?

It ain't a VPN switch. We don't fight back. See that shitskin in OP's pic? None of us are going to do a god damn thing to him. Oh, we might pick on a smaller, weaker shitskin; but the one who actually did that will remain untouched.

Prove me wrong.

reported, nice >reddit spacing
I knew it was only cucks and retards that type like that.

You just proved me right, faggot.

That nigger aint even big.
And how are we gonna do anything if:


someone's salty

So, you admit that we won't fight back. Good job.

The guy crying "reported" is the salty one. Desperately clinging to his safespace while brown people rape his sisters. He's a faggot and you know it.

at least you're not typing like a nigger anymore.
also caps lock is cruise control for cool.

Samir Hydekavahn - the al queda operative





everyone ITT is getting reported.




I got it off google image search
You can't report people for posting Niggerwalks.
Posting SHIEEEET comics is a Holla Forums tradition you fucking wanker.

Plus we made the shill so mad he rage-quit. You should be thanking me.

Germany, Yes.

The point is to spread awareness of this happening, ya' dummy. I would have never heard about it if not for this thread.



Christ, this thread went to complete shit fast.

Oh shit. I forgot we were talking about Germany. It's already an Arab country, so fuck it. Ya'll deserve whatever ya'll get.



I asked for evidence of whites retaliating. I didn't ask how many whites are in prison.

If you actually believe that (non-eastern european) whites are fighting back, then you're just as delusional as blacks who claim that whites commit more crimes than blacks do. Congrats for being on a level as pathetic as that.

And I'm not black, so posting negro trannies isn't going to trigger me.

Is your "vpn switch" comment referring to me? I have neither reason nor need to sockpuppet.

Reporting me isn't going to stop you from being…

1. Cucked by brownies.

2. Pegged by your own women.

3. Betrayed by your own people (leftists, etc.).

Pic related; activities that white males engage in - and other whites don't do anything to stop it.

you're reported

>reddit spacing
also hi common christcuck, reported.
I am burger and never date coalburners.
[some quote about how traitors are worse than enemies]

Kid … I am always here.

Is that who is???

Holy shit, hey common filth! How many hours of furry porn have you watched today for research


Whites don't chimp out and start attacking people on the streets like savages, they make democratic corrections, such as electing a titan(Trump), building a wall and deporting those who shouldn't be in the country.

Trump just keeps appointing more of the same, he's evidence whites are fed up but is ultimately the same as putting a band-aid on a gunshot wound.

He not even president yet.

Jesus this whole thread is shill bullshit.

just look at the people on his transition team and who he's appointing. All zionist faggots and goldman sachs fucks.
questioning trump's jewish ties and not venerating him as muh god-king is not evidence of shilling.

oh and women, he's not going to end the dept. of education he's going to "reform" it under some dumb cunt who totally knows what's best for your child goy

All things Germany will never do.

So I saw this thread about Holla Forums being butthurt, its full of butthurt leftiests. And coincidentally this thread and a couple others I'm lurking is filled with shills trying to black pill and shill.


Okay (((Dr.Blackpill))) surely Germans have no history of being forced into a corner and then having enough.

This describes every conspiracy thread on Holla Forums.

I don't know who "common filth" is and I don't know why you think I'm him.

You don't date coalburners? What does what YOU do have to do with what your women do? Am I being trolled and you're just pretending to be this stupid…? Sad shit.

And I'm not surprised that you didn't understand my "pegged" comment. There was a thread here not too long ago about how it was revealed that a female CEO was purposefully getting rid of male workers over the years. THAT is the pegging I'm referring to.

Dude you're such a clueless sissy. You rely and invest all your hope in some guy who has claimed he's going to take care of you. Total female behavior.

Pic related; typical masculine, strong white warriors (and an asian?),

hint: if white men didn't date coalburners and there wasn't this "racemixing is cool" meme going around nobody would fuck you slimy shitskins.
And who gives a shit? That's why you don't give cunts power, that's why you create a job for yourself and others instead of adhering to slave morality and working for some corporation that's so big you'll never even know the CEO's name until one of their lackeys is handing you a 2-week notice.
big fucking suprise, moishe. still mad some guys from sig-ep spit on your dreidel?

notice they are all in masonic powerstance and doing the "don't smile in pics" thing because niggers popularized it.
also non-traditional effeminate dress, shorts with blazers and those fucking flatbill "snap back" hats
fucking degenerates might as well be niggers.

Son pls you lost the meme war, you have no chance against Holla Forums. You believe you can demoralize us 1 month after we elected Trump?

confirmed white nationalist


He's joking, autist.

where do you think you are?

Everything. The state of your women is a reflection of the state of yourself.
Yeah, "if". Too bad we don't live in a world that's dictated by if's.
I imagine the male workers who got fired for being male give a shit. Retard.
But you still did.
Yeah, disregard them as just being "frat guys". Because everyone knows modern white males are alpha badasses, which is why they continue to sit on their hands as their race gets repeatedly violated and taken advantage of.

What I said to you still stands. Keep sucking your thumb while hoping daddy will make all the bad men go away.

That's what I fucking implied. your double-digit IQ is showing.
And they are fucking retards for binding themselves to wage-slavery.
because we fell for the 'tolerance' meme.
Yeah, because your average guy of any race acts and dresses like that, I guarantee you that chink's ancestors are calling him a faggot from beyond the grave.
You sound like a city-dwelling pavement ape that only has been exposed to beta faggots. Everything you said does apply to cities, too bad those are going to be judge dredd tier dystopias at best by 2030.



I only filtered one poster, and not because of "disagreement".

Another thread on this completely derailed. Why do the retards keep falling for bait?

It's worse than its been in a long time, they dont even try to argue anymore they just throw the threads off-topic.

This video is good propaganda don't let them memoryhole it.




Sure, that's what you implied, but then you go on to use an "if", which was a point of mine that you're conveniently ignoring. Here's an "if" for you:

If white men weren't so weak, you wouldn't have all the problems that you do.

You're admitting the failure of your kind either way though. You're doing it like a delusional nigger would:

"if white people didn't hold us down we would be kangz an sheeit :'("

That's you, sissyboy. That's how pathetic you are.

The least you could do is admit that whites are cucked/pegged/weak AS FUCK, and say "but at least I for one am not like that".

Keep dreaming about that "day of the rope" as whites continue to get their asses invaded, you little fairy.

Wow you're right, I wanna be a strong, power, alpha black nigger with a big dick like you. You have me convinced.
So what do I gotta do to be a real man? Just go on welfare and eat fried chicken?

You already admitted you're a shitskin, you are the delusional nigger here kiddo.
nice >reddit spacing you fucking subhuman.

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
As long as the ambient temperature is less than your body temperature, being wet will cool you more quickly than your body is used to dealing with. Probably not a big risk, but if you start shivering, go inside, dry off, and warm up.

Your other replies weren't worth deconstructing like that one was. They were shit. And another reason why I went for that one was because YOU ignored my most important point about if's. An "if" is useless, and you were using it.

The fact that you think I was "arguing about semantics" shows how clueless you are. You're too dumb to even understand my point. Or maybe you have to feign ignorance for your own sake, to not realize that my arguments are true.

Saying "b-b-but if we didn't do this, if they didn't do that" is nigger-tier and you know it. White "men" are the composers of their own shit symphony.

Also, just to bring some more asshurt to your refugee-welcoming anus some more:

My skin isn't brown.

Pic related; what white sissies allow to happen.


You're the one who admitted to being nonwhite, I don't give a fuck what color your skin is because you're genetic trash and always will be.
Enjoy being eugenics fodder you fucking nigger-lover.
nice >reddit spacing reported.

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
I wanna see more of her

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
2500eu/month robotics

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
that guys necklace would be very annoying during sex or so I imagine

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws

A little less goofy than the slidefire stocks. Not as gucci as an actual transferable.

It's pretty easy to distinguish which is which by cadence, so while you look stupid trying to imitate full auto, the guy with a DIAS is fucking embarrassing you.

Lieber laß' ich mir die Eier abhacken als in solchen Asozialen-Klamotten rumzulaufen. Wenn das kein Ghetto-Muselmann ist wie er im Buche steht, fresse ich ein Besen. So ein Zinken haben evolutionsbedingt nur Menschen aus sehr warmen Regionen der Erde.


Generalizing this much! You are a bitch if you wished your nation lost a war.


literally everyone

yah I guess China to straya shouldn't take too long. internet says avg. 2+weeks to yurop. so I have to keep on waiting…

gg you win.

It's the same shit


Are you petite, feminine, and submissive? Send things to make daddy cum. M/F/T/CD, does not matter, just be petite and a submissive little cumslut. I probably wont send pics back, but maybe if you make me cum I'll show you what you'd lick up if you were here.

use netlimiter


Fuck you.

t. fatass


That fucking Akbarrissa's thigh is the size of my waist. Good god.

Sounds like role playing OP


Get back to me when you have DNA evidence that Jesus was of dark phenotype.

get back to me when you have proof that jewsus existed at all. get back to me when you have proof that any of his miracles happened. get back to me when you have proof that yhwy exists or is in any way good. get back to me when you have proof that the bible is the word of god. Pro tip, you can't. Kill yourself faggot

December 25, 1971

who knows… snopes says false that his parents didn't meet castro till '76 but who knows … could marge have visited with fidel in 1970 anywhere?


Which is why Trump is building a wall.

Deal with it faggot. Get rid of the rape beaners and towelheads already

one of the posts you responded to was deleted so im going to give you the benefit of the doubt and presume they are the ones who wrote "evidents" instead of evidence

He says Holla Forums things, Holla Forums arguments, and name dropped Holla Forums and Holla Forums by name.

I've seen some of his videos and he's pretty funny, but other than his adultswim show and his youtube stuff, who the hell is this guy? All I know else about him is that he cucked /r9k/ with some chick.

Jesus Christ, I remember Atheism Plus. Trying to remember when and where I first heard about 'them.'

This is really fucking confusing me too. Are we being raided by Starbucks?

Fake news. Why would they lie, it makes zero sense, if you think about it.

Isn't this the same one that actually happened in Scotland? Over a year ago?

It's a chicken foot.

wow that's fucked up i hate hunters now too

hehe i had some dank indica

Art Houses is another term leftist like to use. I just found one that looks suspect but I am not sure it violates code.

oh wait i just realized im in the aussie evening timezone. thats why it sucks so bad

truth be told ordinary girls dont make much cash until they whore themselves out. theres tons of cutie gamer chicks doing modest stuff but their shit doesnt take off as well

or your not fucking the right kids. i think thats the problem 9/10 times

*teleports behind u*


This publisher has been putting out some good stuff lately, I mean the red-pill.

“Thought Catalog Publishes an Enthusiastic Call for White Genocide”