The article in question:

First Dinosaur Tail Found Preserved in Amber - To scientists' delight, the incredible appendage from 99 million years ago is covered in feathers.


Other urls found in this thread:



Mandatory picture

maybe if she looked like a Kenyan, I'd sympathize a little


It's ironic doncha think


Niggers and nigger logic.
Why can't niggers work?

I've got your buck fifty right here nigger.

Again we see that niggers represent the antithesis of everything good in humans.

I assume it was a nigger. If not, that's still an ignorant anti-white and a poor thinker.

Funded by white people. But research led by "Lida Xing of the China University of Geosciences". So if anything it's about chinese trying to prove dragons are real.
Seems like a more "George Zimmerman is white!" to justify getting pissed off again.

I'm bretty sure we spent over $1trillion on welfare this past year. Not sure how much back in the 60s, but god she is fat

Kill all niggers.

It was found by a chinese woman paleontologist at a fossil stand in china, jesus fucking christ these nignogs are dumb

their victim complex is feeding on its own energy by now. Anytime something interesting happens or science progresses, it must be them evil genius white folk, if someone is a poor, starving loser, must be black.



tbh when I saw this news earlier I assumed the find had been made in China simply because there seems to be an inordinate amount of fossils dug up in China that show evidence of feathers
it was a velociraptor fossil found in China that finally gave concrete evidence that they had feathers and weren't like how they're depicted in jurassic park

some species did have feathers others didnt
birds are dinosaurs
the ornithosaurs and therapods are literally genetic cousins of most living species of birds

Niggers destroy everything everywhere. They destroyed Detroit, Haiti, South Africa and Rhodesia already. Northern Brazil is a dangerous shithole in large part because of niggers. Every nigger neighborhood in Europe is a slum where you're risking your life just being there. All they do is destroy. They never build, they never help. They're a virus upon the planet.

Mup da dee doodle pip la bix n00d da dindo nuffin pop le mup da raysist da kangz en sheeit. Yousa way-siss whitey.

You forgot Congo. Build by Waffle Niggers, subsequently neglected and now the Chinese try again. See Empire of Dust.

Probably depended on the region.
Feathers were there to provide heat in colder climates, since Earth was getting colder through the whole Mesozoic.

Can we please get BLM to attack scientists for getting money instead of welfare?
Also I don't care if it's scientific more accurate. Dinosaurs with feathers stupid. Raptors with feathers won't look scary soon as some hipster cunt indie studio reboots turok.

Crocodiles are their closest living reptilian relatives, and all avians are descendants of Theropods (raptors, T-rex, and Carnosaurs). We've had fossil impressions of both feathers on Theropods and scales for many species including Theropods for at least a decade or so. But to find a Saurian feather preseved in amber as such is pretty killer.

I thought chickens were evolved rexes

I was really hoping this was discovered by Americans since the U.S. doesn't do anything any more except crash the economy and donate to niggers.

If it's Hipsters yeah, but I believe feathered dinosaurs can look cool.

They're such arrogant, pretentious assholes. So proud, so smug - yet they contribute nothing. That reaction at 1:00 makes me fucking sick. Especially the nog on the far right. "Are you kidding me? Look how upset and right I am! Stupid WHITE MAN"


Bearded Vultures are proof that dragons exist.

This thing lives on bones. It will pick up animals, drop them from a great height, and then let other carrion eaters eat the meat. It comes back later to eat the bones themselves, which its stomach acids are strong enough to dissolve.

All it needs to evolve is projectile vomit and it's got a Breath Weapon.


the US spent more on welfare than on NASA in the 60s too.

smdh tbh fam

Seeing all of these extinct species makes me wonder, are griffin just mythology or is there some truth to it ?



I suck at edits

I can't think of anything with precedent to having both foreappendages and wings simultaneously without them being the same appendages. You'd need a pretty significant evolutionary split to end up with a total of 6 primary manipulators on any known terrestrial animal.

But if so, manticores are in the running as well.

That's a cool as fuck vulture.

That why I said "or is there some truth to it ?", stories get embellished as the time pass.


God, that image. It's hard to put into words just how perfectly this summarizes African condition. I am in awe at just how self unaware they are.

And they wonder why every other culture they have come into contact with wrecked their shit.

Naturally no. But I suspect an Atlantian/Hyperborean hand in those mythological creatures

It was funny in jurassic world that they actually explain why they didn't have feathers. They were all made from reconstructed DNA so they added stuff just to make them cooler or more marketable. No body like feathered dinos.

Remmeber this?

They cant do sht for themselfes and expect someone else (usually ravist honky becuse asians wount take up with this shit) to slve their problems.

Oh shit I suppressed this shit in the deepest corner of my memory.

Didnt you hear them asians are counted as white fo their privilege of not being whiny bitches and doing stuff on their own.

They cant take it being shown how stupid they are, at the same time they are to arrogant to change that as seen in

Post the update with the sceenshot of him being a rapist.

I can't wait until we find more stuff about them.

Not every living thing makes a fossil after death. And not every species lives in an environment that presents conditions for fossilization. It is completely possible anons, but the highest hurdle towards such a discovery would be (like you brought up) evidence of a vertebrae species with extra articulate limbs.We have seen mutations of non functional limbs in vertebrae species plenty of times so it's not a stretch.

I'll bet most people will ignore that part until those same people inevitably claim that literally everything had feathers back then or some shit like that, feather turning modern science into a pseudo religion.

Here's the updated version

This is true for any other facet of study of the past, not just paleontology.
I remember reading that historian's book in which he said "We have found countless records of Ancient Greeks and Romans glorifying artists, poets, sculptors and writers, and yet none of their works have survived. We have found meager scraps of the cultures that existed… just how much did we lose forever or have not found yet?"

So he kidnapped and raped a boy. Fucking animals, I swear.

Image and face are everything to niggers. They're like peacocks. That's why they'll buy a $40,000 car to park in front of their $8,000 home. That's why they'll spend $500 on "muh kicks" but will steal the pack of socks to go with it. That's why even niggers on welfare find a way to be obese, like some kind of ancient Chinese display of affluence. They're fine with being an anchor around the neck of society, but to live without face is worse than hell for a nigger.

Everybody hates niggers, even other niggers.

Damn, this thread is full of dubs.

Because they do not understand the effort that goes into supporting that society. Moreover, they do not understand the concept of a civilized society itself. Pic related.

I really, really want to bring these things back. I hope we find some functional DNA by some miracle.

This is what qualifies as entertainment in Asian countries. But it's ok if Asians make all the major discoveries from now on because America and Europe have a higher purpose: to fight for Yahweh and his chosen ones. Dumbing down curriculums, keeping the citizens entertained with celebrity news and niggerball games, and replacing peace-loving Christians with violent shitskins ensures the military has no shortages.

Maybe if it was a super chicken, Tryone would feel differently about the discovery that would allow cloning of this tasty beast at 1/4 the cost.

Largest flying creature in fossil record Quetzelcoatlus had around a 38 Foot (I'm Americlap obviously) wingspan. So we know for sure flying animals have gotten intimidatingly Yuuuge before.

For what purpose? I'm genuinely wondering. Zoological research? Placing them in zoos? Farming them for meat?
Not sure what else we can do with them.

$$Accidentally$$ release enough for a sustained population somewhere in the congo?

Id argue that they actually wuz kangs in kongo at had something better suited to last then the belgian mandate.

ride them into battle


I like the way you think, user. But won't they wipe out the indigenous wildlife? The kind that's actually worth preserving, I mean.

Colosseum battles, see how many shitskins it takes to survive a pack of 5 raptors.

For science…
besides don't you want to be a dinosaur riding internet frog nazi in real life one day?

Because I'm white, that's why user. Why do I need a deeper reason to want us to bring back dinosaurs if we can?

Letting them loose in Detroit

I bet we really could find a way to ride them, too.

there are people working on making some weird chimera raised from a gentically reengineered chicken.
Not an orginal dinosaur, but they might produce something that is pretty close to it.

Pic of beautiful unicorn not really related.

That is true maybe if they are proven to be as intelligent as we assume they would selectively pray mostly upon easier targets.

Certain indigenous wildlife are far easier prey than things that fight back. The Tsavo massacre comes to mind. It may also be possible to tame them to some degree like the tegu.

didn't know this place turned into TumblrInAction

if anything the feathers make them look scarier and more badass

Dubs confirm salty niggers want more gibs. They is neva enuff gibs fo da po black kangz n queenz, fuck dat rayciss cracka science shieet.

We talk about Nig behavior disgusting us every day. Can't we talk about cloning or engineering saurian entities to train as work and military animals at least a little?Just think of it, if a thug getting shot by police gets their goat, how do you think hoodrats would feel about a Police Raptor disembowling Dindus by the 2020s?

What's this nigger's facebook?
And why the fuck is his name blocked out.

Fuck that ape, Seriously. This is better science than the shit that colleges have been pumping out lately.

Amusingly, theynamed the thagomizer after this comic


Yes, but such a fantasy is too far out of reach when simpler fantasies like the Holocaust have yet to happen. Baby steps, user. Baby steps.

Everyday I am more convinced that stories about dragons, especially the South-American feathered serpent, came not from human imagination but from some real-life encounter. I don't know how our time-line and history books got so fucked. But somehow humans interacted with all this shit at some point to create myths about extinct races, demons, dragons, and generally fucked-up craziness. And I'm not even a Christfag; I just think the argument for humans and weird shit living at the same time is compelling.

inb4 christfags ruin another thread because I made the mistake of summoning them

is that an insect encased within that amber?

Theropod feather, read OP.

Well if it wasn't for science, we wouldn't have found out that niggers devolved for apes.

They should be greatful.

I meant at the side of the feather, dingus

It looks like some ancient ant.>>8480182

Didn't we spend more in welfare in a year than we did in research like this? Are there any kind of numbers I can throw in this idiot's face about it?

I don't think black people say whoopty fucking do.

Useless thread.

Even if they did, who gives a shit what they think.

If I want to feel depressed I just think of where we would be if all niggers got killed thousands of years ago

I find it interesting that the feathers are splayed outwards, wouldn't the sap weight them down enough to pull them downwards, or wrap around the tail?

Maybe the old witches brews calling for a roosters tooth actually used dino teeth.


Meme magic is already working on both sides to meme the Holocaust real. We already have Robot drones that are going along at a steady rate.Indiana Jones, Hellboy, Iron Sky, Kikes have been Memeing Nazis possessing supertech and occult powers for years. We can meme a Shoah that has Drones, Mechs, Dinosaurs, Moon bases and even fucking Wizards. Remember user the future is now and we've moved on from "Reality" this is now Surreality.

Damn, I just took out my computers calculator to doublecheck this wasn't bullshit and she was spot on. That's pretty ridiculous.

Why did you scrub out the name of the nigger? Is that considered doxing or something?

Probably white with the writing and the fact who ever it was they were actually reading science articles.

This is the only correct answer.

I would rather have my tax dollars spent on dinosaurs than niggers.

Only some theropods are confirmed to have feathers, others are confirmed to have scales.

Daily reminder that nigger gibsmedat killed the Space Program

That kid in the wheelchair would be less hungry if her mom didn't eat the entire family's food

I would happily let them all die, if it meant we could colonise Mars and cure cancer.


Can we now clone dinosaurs and feed all the jews, niggers and spics to them?



Dinosaurs are the founders of the JUSTice league

Nice dubs but the answer is obvious

Incoming kike initiated false flag to promote procrastination on scientific issues.


I'm much more worried about the amber mines when the kikes get their hands on them..

Lol now we know what he needs "tha ezy coputer" for he just wanted to creep on his next victim without having to leave his Section 8.

Literally a nigger.

You're an idiot for doubting God's wonderful design. Now they're already fucking cuddly. T-rex? Comfy to sit on. Those trained utahraptors you have living with your dogs? Warm and affectionate. Truly he is the God of Gods.

Griffins are of Scythian origin. Some have hypothesized that the legend was a result of them finding Psittacosautus and Protoceratops fossils (primitive ceratopsids, like small Triceratops minus the horns and big frill) in Siberia/Western Mongolia. Just like Dragons having a central role in China's mythology because of the over abundance of dinosaur fossils (fossilized dinosaur teeth were used in traditional medicine as dragon teeth).

Found the nigger

Naw thats usually some gommie calling someone a christcuck or whatever..

Polite sage

No need to quantify any further, user.

They found it for sale in a shop..

why would we want to make dinosaurs? The question is why wouldnt you want to make dinosaurs?
First of all, yes, you could have a real Jurrasic Park.Of course normies would say "but wut about dat movie where duh dinosaurs eat dub ppl!?!"
Id work in a dinosaur park if they made one, period. Real life isnt like jewish scifi movies.
Also, like other anons said, let them loose all over the jungles of Africa. I dont think we would be able to make the giant dinosaurs like in the movies because they lived in a different atomsphere then. I think the air was like 30% oxygen back then, but maybe some of the smaller ones would be ok.

i know for a fact that nearly every homeless nigger who begs for money, immediately turns around and buys booze with it

Damn they look alien bug like.

Save this picture and shove it under the big nose of anyone who will shill for a «progressive, science driven world».

Damn. I mean picture from the opening post

Munich 2071ad

This. I only share cigs with nog beggars. Money only when I know they are going to OD.

NASA's budget used to be VERY high. There's a reason back then the US could make it to the moon and even farther away. In 1966 NASA had 4.4% of all fedbux (43,5 billions, considering inflation). Now it's only 0.5% (17,6 billions).
Keep in mind not all that money goes into putting fuel on fire and throwing metal around.
For comparison, welfare takes like half the budget (yes, really). Even if the US were retarded enough to axe NASA and give all the money to chimps it'd barely make any difference.

If it wasnt for the white devil she wouldnt be wearing that dress either

Give a link OP. You linked the article, where's this person complaining?

When will they realize that this is why they fail at everything?

Even when they talk about the few among them that move out of the ghettos and go make something of themselves, they're always talking how they should come back and give back to their community or some stupid shit. They don't even let their own succeed without screaming GIB ME DAT

I shouldn't be surprised niggers keep playing into the cycle that has been holding them back since the dawn of time, but it just hurts watching a race constantly shoot themselves in the foot when it's so preventable

Just helps to underscore the reality of the white mans situation.. we were born for the stars and if we do not clear away the dead brown weight we will never reach our full potential.

There is only one solution to this.

It's so funny and true it makes me cry

kill all nonwhites?

What do we have, 10%? 1%? Less? What if what we think of the Romans and the Greeks is completely wrong? How can we hope to reconstruct a puzzle out of a single piece?

Ironically, it was one of the cheapest major breakthroughs in modern science.
Maybe they should address the cunts in liberal arts departments getting millions in federal grants to apply feminist theory to glaciers.

Mandatory response to mandatory picture.

No need and why wast the energy… just cut the god damn welfare to them, ban Jews from positions of power and financial control. Grow some balls and kick them all the fuck out.

Sauce of gif?

I saw a comment on a Youtube video recently where a black guy was saying that investing in space exploration is a waste of money. He condescendingly emphasized how it's something that whites pursue.

Subhuman animal trash. That is why they contribute nothing to the world.

Most niggers still (secretly or openly) believe the sky is solid and there is nothing beyond. The concept of open, endless space is terrifying to them.
Funny how they have had contact with human civilization for centuries, yet still remain primitive, superstitious savages.

What the hell would black people do with billions of space pennies anyway?

What they do with all their money - blow it on shiny useless trinkets, booze and junk food.

perhaps buy some punctuation

What I don't get is… They're literally surrounded by mud and combustable objects. Why don't they make themselves brick houses instead of using shitty cast-off scrap metal from whites? Does it just not occur to them?


No, it does not. And if it did, they would just wave it off due to laziness.

Is this what it's like to deal with spoilt kids who think the world revolves around them? These cavenigras would stop the progress of humanity just to suck us dry.

What's it going to take to stop them?

That belief may be true for some literal mudhut-occupiers in Africa, but this black person was american.

The point is that blacks like him lack the vision that whites do. Though of course, blacks lack a lot of important things that whites possess. And they'll want to believe that the only reason why that's the case is because whites "stole" knowledge/inventions and other good things from non-whites.

Considering that belief, it's no wonder why there's blacks and brown people in general who don't understand that if they take over white countries that they won't inherit all the traits that make white countries nice to live in in the first place.

They are not supposed to understand that. Self-awareness is completely unnecessary for a parasitic lifeform.

I'm tired of brown people

its true. the real problem is the 18% of whites that are still there

>mfw Triceratops isn't even a real species of dinosaur (they're fucking juvenile Torosaurs)

Buy iphones, drugs, and other luxuries, later blaming the white man if they become poor again.

Wait a minute, is this nigger seriously implying that her 'African Perspective' that involves using superstitious rituals to summon lightning is to be taken as a serious justification for abandoning decades of scientific research within most western and east Asian countries? I will never understand the minds of liberals that genuinely see themselves as equal to these creatures. Even when I was a libshit, I drew the line at being told that these things are on par with me. Holy fucking shit.

This sounds like it has some good potential for keks, but I'm afraid it won't work if it's not coordinated and targets specific universities. If you do this spread across, the frog simply doesn't notice the heat.

Nope, niggers are always niggers. Maybe there was some subrace of niggers among them that were capable of using and applying templates that White people make for them, but if there ever were, they were bred out and are long gone. All niggers are idiots as far as predictive qualities go.

bullshit. citation pls don't do this to me they were my fave

Imagine how many shitskins would not be starving if they didn't spend any money on drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

That would be a shitload of money freed up for whatever gibes programs it is they want.

This only makes us "evil hateful racists" look bad, you complete retard.

Blacks already do an excellent job of making themselves look like niggers. We don't need to fake shit. That will only help the narrative of leftists and their precious non-white pets.

Congratulations for thinking like a nigger. Eat shit.

Fixed it for ya.



you know what fucking pisses me off? OP blurring out the name of the fucking poster, sage and report for not showing who the fuck posted this.

not really. you're just saying that in order to act like its easy to survive. its not. now, maybe if they didn't do drugs and get arrested and held jobs etc they'd be alright, but don't act like they actually have all this money but they blow it on drugs. that's just not true. quit kidding yourself


Come on now.

mel brooks is not, never was, funny

I'd wager the bigger ones would adapt to our atmosphere and be a little bit smaller and lighter, it's not like T-Rex was a fast moving predator anyway. Not like a scavenger would need that.

For fuck's sake you can complain about anybody not thinking about poor and oppressed people. This is blatant racism. I can't wait until the leftist ideologies these niggers follow just ends up getting them all killed. You want a race war? OK. Bring it. We'll put you all down for good this time. Remember, the socialists and communists who fund and encourage all your protesting and rioting don't actually give a flying fuck about you. You're a means to their ends. You are being used like cattle, like cannon fodder. I'd implore you all to wake up, but most of you will not. Well, too bad. Honestly, I don't particularly desire a race war, but blacks should want to avoid it even more. They will face total eradication.

does anyone have the one that compares beavers to niggers?

buldn piramids n shiet jus lyk da good old days befo tha whyteys kame

He has a point but white people are in the same situation. So it kinda bugs me that he uses person of color rather than person especially since no doubt trannys and mexicans are the new nigger and dis nigger needs to stop whinning and be happy he isnt a tranny or mexican


Not many people know this but blacks in the civil rights movement were against the space race. MLK led the March for Jobs and Freedom which was a march for dem programs and he was against the moon landing.


Is it because the godly niggers shun science beyond the clouds?

Or are they just jealous?

I see no way this could possibly go wrong

MLK wasn't a godly nigger.

Dinosaur beak and dinosaur legs grown on a GMO chicken:

I'd say 1% is very generous. Check out Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers by Diogenes Laërtius (3rd century AD). It's packed full of references to books that existed at the time but have been lost for centuries. Hell, many of the books we only know existed because of Diogenes Laërtius, no other references to them survive. We've lost so much, it would be generous to say even .01% of it survives.

Africans were pagans before. Not Nordic pagans where they worshipped odin, but African pagans.

The only reason why they still remain behind is because they can't let go of it. A lot of them are currently protestants who believe in witchcraft and voodoo.

If dem' negros accepted jaysus into their hearts they'd be just like us white folk.



A nigger is a nigger no matter what it worships. You can't civilize people with Christianity, that has been tried for centuries without even a single success story. Eventually you naive fools are will have to come to grips with the reality of race.

I get the feeling this ends with Trump's new policies.

why dont niggers just stop being poor?

whens the last time a liberal nigger donated money or food to a homeless white guy?

They can't. They evolved in a bountiful environment where long-term planning and technical farming was never necessary. Hundreds of thousands of years easily living off the land, never at odds with the environment. They lack the gray hardware to perform as well as whites.

>cry "fuck this! where muh gibs!?"
More proof that niggers do not belong in white countries. They should have died out centuries ago in 3rd world squalor which is all they are capable of creating.

It gets really interesting when you look at the research that says that Earth got hit by a gamma ray burst in the 8th century. That's around the time Europe went hog wild with tales of dragons and monsters. That's around the time the first monk drawings of knights on giant snails or fighting giant snails started to show up.

I am convinced Earth was a D&D setting as recently as the 8th-12th centuries, before all that had to go because the west now had to fight tooth and nail against Islam.

Repostan older Holla Forums post.

I've heard that monks often drew very tiny dragons or pathetic monsters like snails because they wanted to depict the knights doing noble shit, but didn't want to give the slain creatures and/or satanic forces too much credit. So they depicted the monsters as weak and pathetic instead of big and powerful.

I hope leftist ''intellectuals'''' see now what is meant when humanity's and scientific progress will be halted once shitskins take over. If only the Nazis just won, we'd have moonazi colonies on the moon and colonising and terraforming Titan by now.

I think its more likely that Earth is a stagnant MMO thats undergone too many expansions and lore retcons.

that random white woman who disappears


It's not just the shitskins. Anglos cannot into space, and neither can Russians. If it weren't for the Operation Paperclip germans, America would have never sent a man into space. Neither would the Russians. On both sides it was German scientists selling the idea to Russian and American officials. When all those germans got old and retired, that's coincidentally when we stopped innovating in space.

Pic related, it is the Black Arrow, the only space rocket the UK ever build. The project was cancelled when it was still on the pad, but they launched it anyway. Once. The UK can no longer put things into space.

yo i'm straight beef cake'n
my booty hole's quake'n
you ain't even know what
a nigga like me be bake'n

niggas n chicken
niggas n chicken
I gotta like muh fingas
or dis grease will be dripp'n

Yeah niggas I know my rhymes hardco

Wait does that vulture really have red feathers or is that blood all over it?

I just googled this noogle and this bird is fucking huge m8.

Fun Fact: If we totalled up all the money given away to prop up dindus since the civil rights movement, we could've used it to terraform Ganymede in the late 90's.

Instead we got vid related.

Yep. It's why you get things like pic related. It's completely at odds with the stories that come out of the era. For example, in the French countryside of the 11th century there was a beast. A flightless dragon who's breath would fallow fields. It was believed by the people to have survived Noah's flood. Finally, after killing hundreds, a brave knight fights it to death. They wind up killing each other. Yet the drawings of it are goofy and innocent looking.

Not surprised, all the like to do is eat, shit, fuck, and sleep.

Except for my sides

We seem to shift back and forth. From an Adventure game to War game and back again.

How would that have been posible, in the first place?

What the fuck is with the testicles hanging from its neck? What advantage can that shit give? Seems like a weakness because something can grab hold of it by those dangling balls.



$22 Trillion muthafucking dollars nigga.

Those aren't testicles, you idiot.

You're too far into the spectrum, my friend.

10/10 funpost

Whatever. You should look up cassowaries. They're hard-core birds.

Modern day raptors, fuck that shit.

I don't know what they're for, but it isn't a disadvantage. If an animal can bite something on the neck it can just as easily bite the neck and have lunch.

That image gave me hearty laugh for some reason.

Wasn't that operation on the Rhodesian side mainly blacks?

Very sad image tbh, but the weak should fear the strong.

Cheetahs are just large slender cats that are very fast on the ground. Not dangerous at all.

I met on once.
nice guy tbh.


Amber is so fucking cool. Literally looking at a 3D snapshot of life 100m years ago.

NASA was regarded as a white man thing(rightfully so because just about everyone in the program was white). That recent movie trying to say that some nignog woman was responsible for doing all the calculations is hilarious to me because its basically pure fantasy.

Damn that is a hairy dinosaur tail

A doctrine that tells them from birth to compromise, work, and not commit sin does wonders.

You'd be very surprised on how it made Europe prosper.

Yeah, too bad you can't fug'em.

Please show me how niggers made europe prosper

Holy quads m8. I thought that cheetah was going to go for his neck suddenly.

Cheetahs are cool tbh

Lions lick their own arsehole to get the taste of nigger out their mouth.

Don't you know Europe never accomplished anything before all those dirty pagans were killed off? By the way, don't forget we have to protect the (((People of the Book))). Remember the 6 gorillion.

No user, it was just going for the D

Requesting Sir Wojak the vs Pepe the Dragon shoop.

Sir Wojak is almost already there.

Ah, the good ol'days when we could mow down thousands of ape-men and nobody would bat an eye.
If anything, history has taught me that our forefathers weren't brutal enough. Never leave an enemy alive that can one day do you harm tomorrow.

that's a big guy ant. what kind of ant is that?

Its a newly discovered ancient species that literally lived during the time of the dinosaurs. We shall call it UUUU

It wasn't myth, though. In the past, there had to have dragon slayers to slay the T-Rex or the pack of Raptors that would come and eat cattle and people.

I always believed the dragon myths were based on dinosaurs.

Just had to shit up the thread didnt you?
still its better than the ADBF that shat up pone

To make things more fun, look at the massive amounts of mental gymnastics to preserve their "millions of years" mantra.

Put this in perspective for a minute.

Do you realize how easily the jews can impose global communism if they replace whites with blacks? They are unable to see past the most primal, immediate needs. There is no such thing as "the big picture" in their minds. No continuity or greater purpose.


Chikins fo ma belly
Hoes fo muh dik
Sneakers fo muh swag

They have the intellectual capacity of a goldfish. Perfect for (((someone))) who would want to impose communism on a global scale.

Get it yet?


But since Jews are pretty bad at longer term planning, they don't understand that getting the negro to do anything without a whip in hand is next to impossible.
As always happens, their golems will rise up and destroy them. Kikes never fuckin learn.


NASA: $4.251 billion
Social Security (not counting unemployment, TANF, Food Stamps, public housing, etc.): $181.6 billion

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
Brazil, but the name doesn't need to make any sense in portuguese at all


protonmail is a honeypot

or to scared to talk to women

Dry Cereal is probably the best of the spy fox games.

Nigger simulator but not fun like GTA SA

Infuriatingly enough, anti-piracy kikes are causing this very thing to happen nowadays as well. There are some videogames, books, documentaries, and movies that have for all intents and purposes ceased to exist.

Europeans made your haji religion prosper.

Half the time that guy is suffering horribly because his face is being scalped off with wet sandpaper that is known as a tongue.

Considering they were busy trying to hold together their empire at the time whole the US was actively sabotaging them I think they were doing alright.

Particularly when the economy is in the shit due to the war, the entire capital is bombed, all your productive men are dead and the US is going to be holding a fuck ton of war debt over you that you won't even pay off till two thousand fucking twelve.

So OP, what did you reply to YOUR 'FRIEND' with? Or did you bite your tongue because you were afraid the Jew thought police would take back the free account you use to waste away your life with?

Not even a, 'here's a nickel, no go fuck yourself?'. I'm disappointed son.

The Brits lost their empire because they overexerted themselves during WWII. Americans aren't responsible for that. On the contrary, Brits are largely responsible for America being in that war in the first place. If Churchill didn't have a (((stick))) up his ass about Germany, they could have kept their empire.

nasty freak


Name 10 better. I'll wait.

What's your #1 shit for brains?

Not yet made one. I can link you the Facebook page and the video however. Give me a bit. Working on several papers.

I dunno y but it keeps giving decompression error :(

B-but I only just started watching Kamen Rider…

to the top with you

not either of them but it used to be a problem for me too. in my case it was almost like a fear of existing or being involved with or noticed in any way by other people.

but like the OP, i did not function in real life at all for a very long time. it seems stupid to say but i think my attempts at interaction, even anonymously on the internet, are what helped me to begin working myself back up to going outside again.

you know what ur probably rite i will just get to 200 lbs or something and bulk again


The Chinese 1000s of years ago probably had amber like this all over the place, that's why they used dragon symbology so much.

And then they ground it all up for chinee traditional medicine viagra so some old chink could get his tiny dick up

has anyone else here applied?

Will I find my husbando there?

the pussy farts

sounds serious. should i notify the police?




mad fuckers design and co

It's just like the old days

this is the only correct answer

I'm glad to see other Holla Forumsacks can appreciate feathered dinosaurs

polite sage for non-political post

Here some grid madness



are you a guy or a girl


Nice pasta
Canadians will stop getting shit when they no longer have a self-hating PM



I still can't shake the feeling that black woman is really a tall fat white man in blackface.

start selling drugs on campus.



Proof of life Assange

Giving a "buck fifty" to the nigger on the side of the street will only mean that the nigger in question will be expecting 3 fifty next time. He will still be a bum, and that will not change.

This finding will change how educated people see things. This finding will drive interest in science for educated people. This finding justifies even little old me who 16 years ago argued the possibility of feathers on dinosaurs in college, and got laughed at be a smug asshole who said, "No, if they had feathers we would have found evidence of it".

Look, niggers are going to always be niggers. Scientific discovery helps actual humans, and that is what matters.

Why are you so butt hurt about it? Oh, right, the gay sex.

Holy shit look at 4:14. It's like a fucking demon enters her body or some shit.

No, it's just the Jews.

>>>/x/ would fall for this shit, say a succubus left them as she dashed through the portal back to hell one morning

how long did it take you to realize the video was real?

It's tabloid shit that faggots who are dumb enough to believe swallow so they can be more easily manipulated by conservative establishment (defund schools, lower intelligence of mass populace, etc). Calling it fake news is misdirection that makes it sound like JUST ANYTHING can't be trusted these days gosh but in reality it is all "Clinton caught fingerfucking chupacabra baby" based level trash

Behold the Hoatzin

Genetically the most divergent bird on earth. It may have even evolved from a different flying dinosaur than all the other birds. It's digestive system is more like mammalian ruminants than other birds. It eats 82% leaves, does not even opportunistically eat insects and eats very little fruit, it is the only bird to eat such a nutrient deficient diet. The leaves it eats are fermented in its very advanced gut making the bird stink, it is only eaten in starvation situations, the bird is quite tame but can get stressed if humans bother them for too long. It is believed to not share a common ancestor with any living bird going back at least 65 million years (end of the Cretaceous).

You can often find them perching on the dicks of trees.

The free market rules.

It made me sad, cheetahs are domestic cats. In the past they have been trained to hunt for humans. They are very loving and when tamed they don't attack humans (lions, tigers and wolfs will sometimes turn on humans even when raised from cubs but even adult cheetahs wont do this after being tamed).

Good idea, what could possibly go wrong?


Take a shower and get a girlfriend.

Once I was shitposting pretending to be a flat earther and then someone started responding to my flat earth posts with actual arguments, and I suddenly found myself actually defensive and frustrated. I started arguing for real and not just a meme anymore that the earth was flat even though I didn't believe it. I left the thread actually genuinely angry and with elevated blood pressure because or the fucking globecucks telling me the earth was round.

Memes are dangerous guys.

your dubs confirm flat earth truth.

But burger cops love each others

east and other dogshit regions

This isn't very hard at all. Their bag of lies against Brexit is getting more empty and more ridiculous every day


They are not wrong, there is berserk animu.

ultra blue pills talk like that

Nothing wrong with being gay. Don't try to suppress your urges, but of course be respectful of people too, don't become a flamboyant gay nuisance.

Gays have always served an important role in human society, try to help others and keep yourself happy as well.

Cigs, weed, alcohol. I have an rx for Adderall but I don't take them unless I have a really bad work week. Fucked around in college with coke and painkillers occasionally. Did acid, shrooms, and molly on a few times.

Being amazed at nature, history and intricacies is a very white thing. I was thinking about this today when I saw a bunch of old white guys standing in their driveway looking at a really nice 60s Cadillac. I was just watching them for a bit and they were all just walking around it, looking under it and having a nice chat about it.

There's no benefits to milk and dairy that can't be found in healthier options. Cows milks is for calfs, not adult humans and is full of growth hormones we shouldn't be taking in.

Holla Forums pls

Isn't this redpilled?

She's got a manlier face than most white men. Should I be intimidated, jealous, amused, or disgusted?

I'm about to chimp out.

Friendly reminder Turok got raped by a Call of duty style reboot


Ducks are monsters. Imagine certain dinosaurs with beak-like maws instead of full covered crocodile type ones. I love it

What does "Federal Spending" mean?
50% for defense sounds insane - even for the US at the height of the cold war.

user, don't you know
Cheetahs never win

They're about as useful as long head hair on humans. It's mostly a sexual marker displaying how good your nutrition is to potential mates. They're about as essential too, so grab them if you want but you're just pissing off a bird as tall as you with significantly bigger claws.

this thing gives me nightmares

What's "scientific" about this discovery?
Which experiment was it the result of?
How have the results been reproduced?
Millennials like to tag "scientific" in front of things they like, as a way of validating their biases.
This is an animal part encased in amber, it isn't "science."

It's called "historical science," dumbass.

this reminds me of jurassic park, it's amazing but also kinda gross, look at all the other shit trapped inside.

So biology and paleontology and discoveries within those fields aren't science? Well gee, nigger, I guess medicine isn't science, it's just magic pills and shit that make disease go away. I guess that your computer isn't a major scientific advancement, it's just a voodoo powered glowing screen. Sheeeeeeit where da gubs money at nigga!?

I'm really curious to see how fast nogs would regress to the Stone Age of whitey 100% left out of Africa. I'd give it a few years tops.
I lost the thread this was posted it but, the guy that posted this link explained how POWs in china were given incentives to write about a political system and they were given snacks like apples as a reward for winning their writing contest. most wrote about how good communism is to up their chances for food or whatever the reward was. to put it simply, they willingly changed their thoughts about a subject through such a system.

careful what you defend user.

Asia would sell weapons and China would colonize them, they'd be in AK age.

Feels > Reals then, now, and forever. Even the Reds once understood this, despite how modern Communists are unimaginably retarded.

China is already recolonizing them. Niggers should pray the Chinese learnt from our mistake and won't be so soft since it's better for them to be exploited by Whites or Chinks than to be left to their own devices.

On second thought, maybe society should train Police Cassowaries as practice for when we can revive prehistoric saurians.

Nigersaurus wut? Deinonychosauria is a stupid meme made up in the 20th century when basal avialae were rare outside of archaeopteryx. Troodontidae and Aves form a clade to the exclusion of dromeasauridae

watch out! momma's going to eat it next!


Yea mate don't shit up threads with blatant lies because it takes 2 seconds of googling to prove you a shittalker


Well damn it man, it's hard enough to catagorize the nomenclature of living animals accurately. But since you seem to be on the up and up, what do you know about recent revived claims that Spinosaurus was quadrepedal? I


Maybe I should start watching again for Negan.
What season is this? Because I stopped after 3 seasons.

Negan is great but its on season 7 now so there is a lot of shit to wade through. Or you could just start on season 7

Have an edit.

I thought it was thought to be more closely related to fellow flying birds than the ratites are. Couple of decades ago it was even commonly accepted as a primitive galliform.

fkn carlos

Agreed with the nigger, we shouldn't be funding all this dinosaur shit.

What really needs funding is a non-white holocaust.

I read something about how most birds have genes that combined with other genes create a sort of gene trees that, when triggered, can create teeth

They speculate these are genes from dinosaurs and that they are "shut down" at the moment because they are not needed

Interesting shit

Seems likely given what we can gather about the hip size and the overall size of the animal. It's pretty heavy and would need huge legs due to the square-cubed law

And it does show like all spinosauridae adaptations towards pescivory (not just the spiny teeth and elongated snout, but it also has sensory pores going into the bone very much like those on crocodile snouts), and has been found with scale in the abdominal

I guess the hebrewsaurus just has to ruin eveything

How do you know which way was "downwards" when this shit was setting?

don't you know?
orientals are actually white.

if they weren't all the stories about standardized tests being "culturally biased" or non whites not being successful because of "institutional racism", well, they'd turn out to be bullshit. and we don't want that, do we?


Chickens evolved from T-rexes.

Instead of trying extract ancient dino DNA ala Jurassic Park we should just genetically engineer an eagle or Emu or something. Apparently birds already have genes for teeth and long bony tails that just need to be turned on. Switch a few genes around and you've basically got a velociraptor.

Birds evolved from Therapod dinosaurs like T-Rex. Birds are basically a branch of therapod dinosaurs.

Ditto, man. I've huge respect for cheetahs having to live by the skin of their teeth in a fucking blasted hellscape filled with lions, hyenas, hippos and niggers. I'm always going to root for them.

Why did Jurassic Park insist on using Velociraptors as the primary enemy when even Crichton knew they were the size of of goose? Stranger still is that the velociraptors he describes are pretty much just a Deinonychus (sans feathers of course). Why not just use the Deinos?

They were counting on us to finish the job

The raptors in the film were based on deinonychus apparently. I guess they just called them "velociraptors" because it sounded cooler. Also the next film really should give us feathered dinos instead of the gay scaly BS. I want to see niggers being eaten by giant carnivorous chickens.

In the next film the big bad dino will have golden feathers on top of its head that make him look a certain president. Mark my words

There's an ant, beetle, and large debris in the foreground with another ant ,and smaller debris in the background. Seems to me the foreground would be the bottom.

Fuck off with kosherwood.

Actually birds and T-rexes' most recent common ancestor was neither a bird-like or a stereotypical large bulky theropod with small vestigial forelimbs like Allosaurus, but a smaller and gracile carnivore with relatively large forelimbs like Coelurus or Ornitholestes.

This is noteworthy in Tyrannosauroids because unlike all other neotheropods that had the stereotypical "carnosaur" bodyplan (massive bodies, enormous size, high leg-length/arm-length ratio, huge robust heads with terrifying jaws and large teeth) they re-evolved it instead of inheriting from their large "dilophosaurid" ancestors like Allosaurus, Megalosaurus, Giganotosaurus, Carcharodontosaurus, Spinosaurus and possibly Ceratosaurus and Carnotaurus did.

Bit less noteworthy is that in the case of T. rex that most likely happened twice in their evolution, with it evolving into one of the largest carnivorous dinosaurs from some of the smallest late Tyrannosaurids instead of similar closely related giants like Albertosaurus or Daspletosaurus.

Nubians were fairly civilized from what I've seen, but they're a long dead race . So yeah, you're right

those are geese, geese are monsters. ducks om the other hand are the friendliest creatures you can find.

They really hate superior 2d don't they. Fucking commies.

Nigger what the fuck are you on, they frequently engage in gang rape and actually fuck corpses too.

Take your plaster and artist depictions and get the fuck out of here you god-forsaken con-artist.

this look slike as if dinos were birds, kek.

Do you think some carnivorous dinosaurs would of been friendly?

Dinosaurs are just big birds. A T-rex is like an Emu or Kiwi.

There is zero credible evidence for dinosaurs, much less that these fictional creatures suddenly began to fly. Archaeopteryx is a lie and the feathered T-Rex is just another lie to cover up the missing link ruse. You are faggot with hollywood level second hand knowledge who talks about subject that he knows absolutely nothing about.

It's would've, a contract of would and have

It's sad because there is way more evidence for evolution than there ever was for muh 6 gorillion, but there are probably more people who deny evolution and believe the Holocaust than there are those who deny the Holocaust and believe evolution.

oy vey look at the nose on that dinosaur

You know it in your heart who did it. They did not want to be ruled by the stronger species.

Christcuckery is partly what got the west to what it is now, christcucks were already worshipping Yahwew long before the kikes started shitting out leftist propaganda.

Praise to St. Jiub for killing them all!

Perhaps persons of color shouldn't be in the northern hemisphere.

Also, posting my feathered dino folder.



That vid was a laff and a haff.


I think you are up to something…

Even before it became apparent that dinos were basically big bad birds, we've had fossils and data on huge, terrifying carnivorous birds during the millions of years (Cenozoic era) after the impact. They've just never caught on in the public imagination the way dinos did.

You do realize, that the dinosaurs like our selves the mammals, where tiny creatures at first living with the reptiles….
this that massive volcanic eruption in Siberia gassed them all, the big ones
Then they crawled out evolved and became da dinosaurs

Nooooone pecks like Gastornis!

These are nice, user.
I know people who think dinos with feathers are lame and as far as I'm concerned, they can go fuck their own selves.

aww, it's so cute


I think it's interesting that the person in OP's pic specifically referred to "freezing people of color", as opposed to just "Freezing person"

Kinda makes their bias plain to see, doesn't it?
