So why is there no thread about this?


see also >>Holla Forums11423961

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck >>>Holla Forums11423961

The perfect hugbox

They are in cahoots with jewgle, where have you been?

That's great for us, because we can now go ahead undisturbed and take the rest of the boards they shat up and make them great again, yet at the same time we should keep watch on them. They're harmless, sure, but they might always try and do Holla Forums tier raids and post all their documentation on that place.

Don't they already have an alternative IB though? Yep, it's still up: http:// Did they forget that they already have a hugbox, or can they just not survive without a Holla Forums near them because their only reason for existance is to attempt (and fail miserably) to be a foil to Holla Forums?

Honestly, it might be in Jim's best interest to kick them out because they go around shitting up all the smaller boards in their pathetic attempt to turn the site against us. The only trouble, much like when they meddle with nations in the real world, those boards tend to implode and die.


This is what everyone kept saying the whole time, those sad little turds only care about having an audience to pretend they are so smart and cultured

Looks like welcomes them.

Bon voyage, site goblins.

top fucking kek

I hope they have fun dealing with foreigners.

Holy shit these poor idiots have trascended pathetic, we need a new word for them

'the left'

Top kek. Codemonkey did good.

We should have did a bombing run after we claimed their board and sent them into real disarray.

>>>Holla Forums11424497

We need a search engine like in the old days that just searched and doesn't pull all that bullshit up with it.

Wew. That's low. That's grounds for getting shoahed from all boards and confined to the pits of reddit. I don't have an image to express my disgust.

Did they finally realize they aren't actually smart at all?


No wonder my GET was stolen. It was supposed to praise Kek, but that Texas nigger who shot cops got the GET instead.

That's been known for a long time now, user. They've even outright edited an /sp/ get into a "glorious get for communism".

Word Fitlers

Getting forever buttblasted over sp gets
SP lives rent free in their heads just like we do lmao

So, this is their Holla Forums board or the .pl? Also, what exactly are they doing? Are they just word filtering anyone who says "Holla Forums get" into "Holla Forums get" regardless of whether they get it or not on the one board or are they somehow actually "redistributing" post numbers potentially site-wide depending on how fucked .pl is?

The word filter is for this site, there is no filter for Holla Forums but there is for /sp/ and /int/. Some brave user tested it out on Holla Forums >>>Holla Forums1131948

We should welcome them on their own site on as well

Any drawfags around want to make a comic of us adopting their cat?

Give her the Holla Forums makeover

There already were some pics of the nazi cat, sadly I never saved them.

The setup writes itself. An honest believer in Communism has had their nation dissolve around them once again. Disillusioned and looking for the first warm bed to pass by, she ends up at the house of the only other board that knows her casually, even if on rough terms.

What happens from there is up to every drawfag. But I suspect there will be retraining of various descriptions.


It still hurts.

Have some nostalgia

Oh god Codemonkey just made the funniest shit ever happen.
Holla Forums is always pining for new users and even go as low to shill themselves on facebook.

Fuck, man. I'm feeling good right now. I don't want to need to pour a second drink.

Alyuna's adoption should be a bittersweet start and a good end. But if >>>Holla Forums11424853 is legit, then it might not happen at all.

You know, I will probably be the only user to say this, but Holla Forums moving out to another site is not a good thing. To the contrary, it is a very bad thing.

Diversity of opinions on a politics board is a good thing. People who come onto this board who disagree with us and are willing to engage us in an honest debate on politics, greatly benefit us and our cause because they correct us when we are wrong and fine-tune our debating skills when we are right.

Our occasional interactions and debates with the regressives on Holla Forums are, likewise a very good thing. Not only did these debates and arguments allow us to fine-tune our debating skills, they also allowed us to hear radically opposing points of view.

Allowing people who disagree with us to come and post on this site and argue their points of views is what prevents us from turning into the right-wing equivalent of some retarded lefty hug box like reddit.

The departure of Holla Forums from fullchan is not to our benefit. It is very much to our detriment.

No good will come of this.

Had this opinion too on the back of my head tbh. Same shit happened with Holla Forums after that furtard nuked it. Now they're splintered across 2-3 obscure sites few even care to check.

When have commies, in any form, ever done this?

I had this thought. But then also immediately this one.

But more than once I outed a Holla Forums operation just because I checked the board on a lark for sheer convenience sake of them being right there. The anime thing, for one, and a couple others. I think the biggest problem this creates is that it lowers their overall observability.

That would be a great argument, if it wasn't for the little fact that Holla Forums doesn't debate, they only circlejerk and pretend to be smug while moving the goalposts and running away.
Attempting to discuss anything with them teaches you nothing but the reinforcing the fact that all commies should be gassed


The problem with your logic there is that you're expecting them to debate you honestly and in a good nature.
I agree that dissenting opinions are important and do help to better ideals one might have, but I don't think I ever saw anyone from Holla Forums use facts, logic or science to create an argument.

Fuck my webm didn't go through.

Quads of truth confirm libshits will never find a home again


There hasn't been a good debate on Holla Forums since the second debate, and since Trump started campaigning this board really has become "the KEK board" and the "news about Trump" board. If you want to debate with Holla Forums you can either go there, or go on /liberty/ since they also like to shitpost and sometimes debate there.

on Holla Forums since the second exodus*

Holla Forums is full of shitskins and pathetic cucks. They don't argue with logic, they argue with "one race - human race" and the moment you disagree they either resort to half-ass arguments or outright denial. Even if you find lefty who will argue well, he ends up being buttblasted by the time it is over, because reality is simply against him. Denial and gibs drives leftists, especially shitskins. Don't look for debate there.

except leftycucks don't come here for an "honest debate"
they come here to shill and shitpost
everything you said can POTENTIALLY be true about a dissenting group of people, but is not NECESSARILY true
for example Holla Forums existed for the sole purpose of destroying this site
letftycucks are complete faggots who drag the whole site down
i'd be very happy to see them go

Well I guess I'm not posting my webm since Holla Forums wants to be autistic right now.

You misread my post (which was my response to a post I misread too). Holla Forums becomes a lot less transparent if it gets ousted, just like what happened with other boards that got the same treatment here. They get a few new bases of operations that aren't that easily observable as they were when they were all in one.

So I basically agree on the opinion that Holla Forums should stay like said, but for different reasons.

Though don't expect me to do anything to bring it back ofc.


Fuck off leftypol cuck, no one likes you pathetic cucks

There are already some pics of her getting corrupted by capitalism in the GG thread.


.pl seems like a pretty cool place.

Something interesting to look at:
>>>Holla Forums1131472
>>>Holla Forums1131472

Holla Forums did debate with us, on more than one occasion. I haven't got the link, but they debated with KulturKampf a little while ago, to name just one example. The fact that they were really shitty at debating and acted like children whenever they lost does not invalidate my point. Having people with different opinions to ours debate with us on the site is to our benefit.

I stand by what I said. The departure of Holla Forums from this site will not benefit Holla Forums in any way. It is much to the detriment of the site and to the board.

How does that make any fucking sense, do they think people will just assume they left and not notice if they don't?

But nah, feel free to hop on over there sometime now and see if they want to debate you.

When you're dumb as a rock and think you are the smartest person in the room you will perpetually underestimate everyone else.

Gentleman of the Hebrew persuasion discovered

That doesn't make sense. Regular Holla Forums was never being raided anyways.

This just shows how low energy they are and how much they lack conviction in what they claim to believe.

Hello Holla Forums

Whats with the new wideass banner ads?

Fucks my phone up at work

.pl is only notable for its Freech and Freech-controlled remnant of 4chon. They and Holla Forums belong together. It's sad that .pl was meant to replace this shithole and ended up the way it did, but oh well. Jim hasn't pulled the cord yet for whatever reason. At least we're not 16ch, amirite?

Their biomass is more useful to us than it was to them anyway.

You sound as retarded as the idiots from liberty .

Yeah because having the same debates over the same topics over and over again its exactly what this board needs right goys.

Yeah, the moderation "debated" by banning anyone that didn't follow the official stance of the board that Darren Wilson was guilty.

Anons only wanted a fullchan replacement when the board software was falling apart, after it got fixed nobody wanted to leave anymore so planned replacements like .xyz and .pl died right out of the starting gate. Which worked out for the best considering they're goon controlled honeypots.

sounds like someone else we know

I'm just still annoyed that our admin's a Freemason fat fuck who allowed /n/ to get nuked so he could push his /newsplus/.

Reported for not even trying.



It is important to have different opinions, this is why we also need muslims and jews. All ideas are valuable, anons! :^)

And he did it again with /new/, and started by saying "this isn't a replacement for Holla Forums or Holla Forums", but when no one cared for the third time, he but up a big banner saying /NEW/ NOT YOUR SAFE SPACE. What a cocksucker

I'm amazed by the fact that leftypol can attempt to turn all boards against us, have a huge breakdown and decide to leave all without me noticing.
Are they really that small?

not to mention the constant "news" banners

I've only gone on Holla Forums a couple times but I remember looking at their board title "leftist politically incorrect" and had a chuckle. It's not politically incorrect to be communist and calling it politically correct would've been funny, but they threw away that opportunity.
Then I saw some actual threads about how small businesses are the bourgeois and need to be overthrown or something.
Horribly jealous, vile people with no senses of humor.


nah, theyre just fucking stupid

I've only ever heard of leftypol from people calling their bullshit with one-liners and directions to their home board.

As someone who has seen 50+ threads on Holla Forums just this week derailed straight into shitter with these retards astroturfing and trying to start shit with their "POL get out reeeeeeeee" spam, many times in perfectly normal, non political threads, i am glad they left.
They didn't engage in anything other than shitposting and destroying threads, good riddance and hope they don' ever come back.

/Cuckpol/ is still active.I just checked.
Guess some of them didn't get the memo.
They are talking shit about Sam.

Your post has been reported 20,000 times and anyone who even mentions libertarianism gets permabanned. I think the problem lies inward.

Some Holla Forums faggots are gaslighting over at Holla Forums.

>>>Holla Forums11425066

The weird thing is I do try to be controversial on there but they always ban me for minor stuff that any sane person would agree with.

forgot face

if those spineless wimps had any resolve and believed their arguments had merit they wouldn't have to form >>>Holla Forums to begin with , they would've soldiered through like anyone worth their salt on this board does instead of turning tail and running away crying like newfags fresh outta reddit
they didn't seek debate
they didn't seek enlightment
they can't meme worth for shit
they can't shitpost worth a fuck
their OC is worthless and low-energy

Just like the communism they apsired to they failed at every corner they turned , if they want to continue failing and make another bad decision and turn tail and run again then fine ; let them. I have no sympathy for them and no patience to pretend otherwise

Well, when the board itself defines itself by OUR terms, it sorta means they lose all context to their "identity" if they arent constantly near us. I mean look at the name itself "leftist politically incorrect," not only are they simply defining themselves "Holla Forums but on the left," but what sense would their name even MAKE if we didnt exist first? The left created political correctness to begin with to stop counter arguments without actually needing to refute them, it wallows to the point of drowning in it, how can the left then BE politically incorrect in any way when the very definition of it is screaming "-ist" or "-ism" at anyone who doesnt go along with their narratives and dogma and the left is the biggest group that does that?

I mean, you could make a case that one doesnt NEED to be politically correct to be a leftist, one can actually still be racially aware, hate niggers, etc etc, and still believe in things like communism in a white society. But lets face it, thats NOT what those people are about, thats not what they campaign for, its not what they cheerlead for. They scream and shout about diversity and how good muslim dick is and so on, I mean FFS theyre the kind of fucks who think the US should have open borders and no immigration laws. They're the definition of politically correct.

Ergo, yes, they have to be near us in order to even exist, because without us their entire identity has no meaning on multiple levels.

Can't believe someone is unironically saying this. Our mods lay the ban hammer down haphazardly. Not only were they not welcome by the userbase but they never had a chance to debate.

well put

baiting is not debating

It happens lel

I don't think that is /leftycuck/, user.

They did. I debated for long hours with them, although not too many times (less than 10). Some even made threads that would get filled with 300 replies and with OPs that posted dozens of posts, but were BTFO anyways and self-nuked their own threads.

this tbh

No, redraw her into a good house-wife cat. That will trigger those degens into fucking kingdom come.


it's a good thing


Every time I visit I see like the same 4 or 5 posters in each thread. Pretty pathetic.

I hope they stay there.

I'm convinced the vast majority of Holla Forums is Holla Forums shitposting. There is just no way they can be as stupid as their posts suggest.

the .pl Holla Forums is not used by them really. it's to divert Holla Forums raids away from the Holla Forums here.

it's a trap faggots

That attitude is how the left has gotten power in the first place, dipshit.

I get that but they are just so painfully stupid.

Do you really think someone doing a raid would look at the message under the banner and not look at the catalog to see if they are still there or not?

Except that can't work because we can always see the amount of traffic every board gets right on the front page. Their active users and pph wont go down and they expect we wont notice?

Are they really this retarded?

Never make this mistake again.

This. It's everywhere, even IRC. ##commie-subs will ban you if you even hint at not being commiejewshit.

You know they're not actually commies, right? Just massive SJWs.

Oh yes, except some of them ARE commies and Jews and will reveal themselves when you ask.

Most communists are massive SJW's, what's your fucking point?

Holla Forums has other plans for the commie cat.

it's a joke about the fact that 4/pol/ is filled with a bunch of newfags who can't find 8ch now that it's removed from google. when they tried to raid leftypol the other day they kept raiding .pl instead. many good laughs were had.


Apparently Holla Forums does not know >>>/islam/ is a thing, and it's a real Muslim board unlike >>>/jews/ or >>>/judaism/.

Why can't they just make their own chan? Or move to 99chan?

1. Destigmatization/normalization of hatred.
2. Dehumanization of target group.
3. Radicalization of your group.
4. Organization of your group politically and locally.
5. Crisis point or "critical mass" event
6. Seizure of power / capitalization of circumstance.
6. Guidance of force.
Real Holocaust

We will have to remember lefty/pol/ users when the time comes.

So they're not commies, just commie enablers.

Everyone who went to Holla Forums simply ran away. They divided themselves from Holla Forums because they constantly were BTFO by their opponents and couldn't deal with it. They had no intererst debate and rather wanted to live in their safe bubble instead of getting confronted with opposing arguments. Holla Forums is an unneeded existence because they never planned to have political conversations, they wanted their own hugbox.

I would actually welcome any leftycuck on Holla Forums, but not for them to shill like Holla Forums faggots, but to actually have political debates. Too bad it won't happen.

They're making fun of the fact that Sam is throwing a huge tempertantrum over what happened.

Who? I'll bet it's Herkz.

Not really. Actual commies and SJWs share most of the same beliefs, but the SJWs doesn't actually understand the origin or reasoning behind them - they're just useful idiots for the reds, who are useful idiots for the Jew, obviously.

Who cares really?
As long as we continue to work towards the destruction of all Jews, we will remain linked to Hitler's brain, and we will be undefeated.

Haha, that place is full of the slimiest motherfuckers, those assholes simply cannot play fair and have a proper discussion, they've gone so far as to get a mod on halfchan's Holla Forums board so that they can control what gets discussed over there, you are an idiot and you should inform yourself better before spouting senseless crap.

We have bunkerchan as a backup, but we're not going anywhere. try reading the thread why don't ya

Fuck off shill

Do you have the second image? I only have the unfinished version.

fine, ya now what I'll let yall live in your delusional masturbation fantasy, have fun

you going to post the sketch or what?

fullchan's Holla Forums is dead. go to .pl

Why is this guy a meme?

Says the one circlejerking with his faggot friends in a discord server.


Is the image on the right unshooped and real?

Please die.

I don't use discord.


They always wanted a perfect little hugbox. Now they got one.

Reported for horsefucker.

You’re shit at this.
>>>Holla Forums1132481

Nigga, that's a cat.

That's not your mum, m8.


It's already been drawn thanks to a drawfag thread on Holla Forums :^)

If that mother is red haired, the colouration of her children's hair is not a possible outcome for mating with a black haired father.

If she is red haired that means she has two red hair genes.

If the man is black haired, he may also have one other gene for blond or for red.

If it's recessive blond, the only possible outcomes are children with blond dominant and red recessive, or black dominant and red recessive (so blond or black haired children).

If it's red-recessive (for the black haired male) then the only possible outcomes are red or black hair in the children.

If the mother has blond hair though and red-recessive and the father has red-recessive, than children displaying red and blond hair phenotypes are possible.

Then again I also forgot that there's lots of European children that are blond when young and it turns completely black as an adult.

Maybe the destiny of that girl is her hair will become black like the father.

In that case… I guess that pic displays a real genetic possibility still.


Why don't we shitpost on Holla Forums here? do we really care about the 40 people on fucking

Because it's dead shill. We're coming for you commies.

reamWorks Animation’s Shrek franchise was easily the studio’s most lucrative property during the 2000s, resulting in four different film installments and the spinoff movie, Puss in Boots. It was perhaps inevitable, then, that DreamWorks would return to that well, all the more so after the studio re-shuffled its animated film production slate in the aftermath of such commercial disappointments as Rise of the Guardians and Mr. Peabody and Sherman.

NBCUniversal’s acquisition of DreamWorks earlier this year – including, such prized animated properties as Kung Fu Panda and How to Train Your Dragon in addition to Shrek – only further increased the likelihood that everyone’s favorite giant green ogre (as voiced by Mike Meyers) would be coming back, in one way or another. Now, we have a tentative release date for Shrek’s return too.

THR is reporting that Universal intends to start releasing two DreamWorks animated films every year, in the foreseeable future. The 2019 slate will thus include Shrek 5, in addition to an original project titled Shadows from David Williams and the Three Flavors Cornetto Trilogy filmmaker, Edgar Wright. This news arrives not too long after renewed reports that DreamWorks’ plans for the future include reviving the Shrek film brand.

It appears as though Universal and DreamWorks Animation’s goal is to release an even balance of original intellectual properties (Trolls, Boss Baby, Shadows) and franchise installments (The Croods 2, How to Train Your Dragon 3, Shrek 5) on an annual basis over the upcoming years. It’s a strategy that should serve the studios well, as it will allow DreamWorks to avoid burning out its audience with a wave of sequels, prequels, and/or spinoffs, while at the same time continuing to create original material that, should it be well-received, could in turn give rise to new DreamWorks franchises too.

Fucking ROFL.

LOL, your board is the biggest hugbox that ever hugboxed.

Wrong thread, or 5d shitposting like dragon dildo unboxing vids on Holla Forums?

You can't even post right, oh my.


It's less dead than it was 6 months ago. Do you remember what happened to Holla Forums? We shitposted those faggots to death. Why aren't we doing that to Holla Forums? Don't give me some faggoty "diversity of ideas" or whatever, the only reason we haven't done it because not enough people go there at once and they have mods and rules.


fuck off kike

we Emerl now

I'm just informing you that you're showing severe symptoms of autistic rage right now.

Sonic is for queers.

no u

Too bad, /leftycuck/, but your mascot is public property now. >>>Holla Forums11425962

They are still in the top boards though, I want them completely gone.


Shrek, a green ogre who loves the solitude in his swamp, finds his life interrupted when countless fairytale characters are exiled there by order of the fairytale-hating Lord Farquaad of Duloc. Shrek tells them that he will go ask Farquaad to send them back. He brings along a talking Donkey, who is the only fairytale creature who knows the way to Duloc.
Meanwhile, Farquaad tortures the Gingerbread Man into giving the location of the remaining fairytale creatures until his guards rush in with something he has been searching for: the Magic Mirror. He asks The Mirror if his kingdom is the fairest of them all but is told that he is not even a king. To be a king he must marry a princess and is given three options, from which he chooses Princess Fiona, who is locked in a castle tower guarded by lava and a dragon. The Mirror tries to mention "the little thing that happens at night" but is unsuccessful.
Shrek and Donkey arrive at Farquaad's palace in Duloc, where they end up in a tournament. The winner gets the "privilege" of rescuing Fiona so that Farquaad may marry her. Shrek and Donkey easily defeat the other knights in wrestling-match fashion, and Farquaad accepts his offer to move the fairytale creatures from his swamp if Shrek rescues Fiona.
Shrek and Donkey travel to the castle and split up to find Fiona. Donkey encounters the dragon and sweet-talks the beast before learning that it is female. Dragon takes a liking to him and carries him to her chambers. Shrek finds Fiona, who is appalled at his lack of romanticism. As they leave, Shrek saves Donkey, caught in Dragon's tender clutches, and forces her to chase them out of the castle. At first, Fiona is thrilled to be rescued but is quickly disappointed when Shrek reveals he is an ogre.
As the three journey to Duloc, Fiona urges the two to camp out for the night while she sleeps in a cave. Shrek and Donkey stargaze while Shrek tells stories about great ogres and says that he will build a wall around his swamp when he returns. When Donkey persistently asks why, he says that everyone judges him before knowing him; therefore, he feels he is better off alone, despite Donkey's admission that he did not immediately judge him when they met.
Along the way, Shrek and Fiona find they have more in common and fall in love. One night, when the trio is almost at Duloc, Fiona shelters in a windmill. When Donkey hears strange noises coming from it, he finds Fiona turned into an ogre. She explains her childhood curse and her nightly transformation, which is why she was locked away, and that only her true love's kiss will return her to her "love's true form". Shrek, about to confess his feelings for Fiona with a sunflower, partly overhears them, and is heartbroken as he mistakes her disgust with her transformation to an "ugly beast" as disgust with him. Fiona makes Donkey promise not to tell Shrek, vowing to do it herself. The next morning, Shrek has brought Lord Farquaad to Fiona. The couple return to Duloc, while a hurt Shrek angrily leaves his friendship with Donkey and returns to his now-vacated swamp, remembering what Fiona "said" about him.
Despite his privacy, Shrek is devastated and misses Fiona. Furious at Shrek, Donkey comes to the swamp where Shrek says he overheard Donkey and Fiona's conversation. Donkey keeps his promise to Fiona and tells Shrek that she was talking about someone else. He accepts Shrek's apology and tells him that Fiona will be getting married soon, urging Shrek into action to gain Fiona's love. They travel to Duloc quickly, thanks to Dragon, who had escaped her confines and followed Donkey.
Shrek interrupts the wedding before Farquaad can kiss Fiona. He tells her that Farquaad is not her true love and only marrying her to become king. The sun sets, which turns Fiona into an ogre in front of everyone in the church, causing a surprised Shrek to fully understand what he overheard. Outraged by Fiona, Farquaad orders Shrek killed and Fiona detained. Shrek whistles for Dragon who bursts in along with Donkey and devours Farquaad. Shrek and Fiona profess their love and share a kiss; Fiona is bathed in light as her curse is broken but is surprised that she is still an ogre, as she thought she would become beautiful, to which Shrek replies that she is beautiful. They marry in the swamp and leave on their honeymoon while the rest celebrate by singing "I'm a Believer".


Fuck off shill, we know where you kikes are hiding.

You're the shill here, there are literally 40 people there most of them shitposters, if they go there when we nuke the board here, then we can shitpost them to death on



Holla Forums is too smart to fall for your jewery you fucking kike shill. is your board and we've got you cornered.

Why must Holla Forums blue ball me so?

Their smile says "We'll do it for my country" but their eyes say "We'll do it for profit."

Wait, Adam Smith theories are even older :0!!
A-and David Ricardo so they must be wrong :^)

The only thing red about the red menace is the period blood dripping down their legs.

What a strange thing to get eternally butthurt over.

Well, you’re retarded.


I think it's a pedo thing. Holla Forums is full of pedos called "muslims".

but isn't Islam a reactionary religion?

No it's a feminist religion.

It's a religion of peace you bigots.

Who the fuck would think this is a bad thing?
I thought that it "being a good thing" was something the top boards agreed with unanimously?

Holla Forums confirmed for contrarian faggots on top of being just faggots.

Honestly, reminds me of Nietzsche's master and slave morality.

Master morality is active, defines itself as good, and anything weak or sickly as bad. It stems from itself spontaneously and needs no other things .

Slave morality works by opposition. It is reactive. It defines the strong as evil, and in opposition, those who are not strong as good. A negatively constructed identity. They need their demons, whether real or imagined, to give them a reason for existence. To breed the resentment on which slave morality grows.

Most Holla Forums users dont come from imageboards, thats why

You know, I've been thinking about that "reactionary" thing. I've come to the conclusion that Fascism is a society's immune response to Marxism.

u ppl noticed fagbook has now a patent on a tool filtering "fake news"?

They aren't true scotman, I suppose.
We hate reddit too, don't worry.

i got banned for posting pic related once. The reason given was "spamming". Leftycucks were so asshurt after the election holy shit.

Do you even live in the same reality as me ?


How is this not fucking spamming? It's especially embarrassing considering how Trump cucked you since he was elected

I beg your pardon?
>>>Holla Forums1129976

They were assblasted enough for their anarcha-feminist mod to ban me immediately.

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're only pretending to be retarded.

They're not even going to .pl they're just flooding Holla Forums with a huge raid.

Because Holla Forums needs outsiders and plebbiters who searched the board to keep growing.


Good. Google is cancer.

leftypol discord

Crap. Here.

i forgot they even existed

What am I supposed to be seeing there? You searched for something from a ZH article, and google returned that article at the top of their results. What's the problem?

guys hillary should've won the election trump rigged it. Hillary is the ultimate reptilian lord and Trump is a homosexual pussy grabber. The jewish race is superior to all other races and the opression they face is due to the inferiority complex.
email is [email protected]/* */

Everyone knows that already. Beelzebub is considered a lesser deity. :^)

It's retarded because it implies we were supporting Clinton. Actually, if have lurked prior to the election, most of Holla Forums was rooting for Trump to win - that doesn't mean we were endorsing him but he was for sure better than Hillary.

Hold it, you'l laugh even more.

Yes they are. They were waiting for Trump to lose so they could act smug about it. Also I posed as a communist and said some stupid ass shit and they believed me. I said that the media was anti Bernie because they didn't attack him like Trump. I said the media was pro Trump and were playing 4d chess by attacking him to invigorate his supporters. The fucking retards actually agreed with my shitposting.

All these Lazy Town memes as of late make me think that there is some corporate involvement.

the actor who played the villain actually has deadly cancer and started a crowdfunding project to help pay for his treatmeant, which helped this meme grow.

lazytown was always a meme anyway. >Pirates

I love how they act smug, cap stupid posts and ignore shit like

I can promise you that if someone, right now, tried to make a thread on this board about a discussion on communism, you'd have 50 or so posts calling communism a shit system and call anyone who disagrees a shill.
And for good reason.

Holla Forums and Holla Forums, much like NatSoc and Communism, are polar opposites to each other, and they both teach to reject the other

National Socialism (or really just any type of ideology on Holla Forums) teaches people to always be weary of the Jew, find value in your nation and people and reject any type of globalist ideals.
I don't go on leftypol, but since I understand communism to some extent, I can assume that it reject the ideals of national socialism and other forms of ideologies just as much.

Because both ideologies reject each other, a person completely engaged with these ideologies would never swing to the other side.
This is why it's very difficult, if almost impossible, to redpill an already communist faggot. He has been so engaged in the ideology that he completely rejects the ideas of the opposite, no matter how many kinds of statistics are thrown at him.
This is why debating with someone on this is foolish endeavour, since the point of a debate is to convince someone why they should accept their belief. Unless you just want to yell at eachother

The point I am trying to make is that no matter how many times you try to teach people how shit and awful their system, by pointing out the details and failings of other societies, they'll always reject it with the good old 'Communism has never been tried'

On another note, why does them leaving leftypol on this site mean they can't come and shitpost thiw board.
The site is this accessible to them, just like their new site still is to us.

You might have felt that way but from lurking /ledditpol/ prior to the election I can tell you there was an extremely vocal group crying about how Trump is literally Hitler.

Also by how extremely butthurt everyone on your ghost town board got from that one picture of Trump I can tell that quite a few of you (at least one hotpocket included) are very much anti-Trump.

But I'm sure you're not lying, right user? Holla Forums would never ever do that to make themselves look less retarded.

But user, don't you get it? That wasn't *real* communism!


Nobody likes commies. Even other commies hate commies.

meanwhile you guys worship strongmen not out of any principle but simply out of power fetishism.
Hence why Trump dissenters are flocking to >>>/politics/ and >>>/new/ .
While the bulk of you faggots will damage control through his entire presidency, just like redditors did with Obama.

Its like muslims and other muslims.
Only nationalists always strive for unity.

Also Holla Forums is full "pretending to be retarded" mode right now:

They geniouly believe they trolled both Holla Forumss by that, while not actually leaving.

Your whole board is in damage control about the failures of leftism like the Soviet Union, or the Mondragon co-op going down the shutter since 2013

>>>Holla Forums1132893
>>>Holla Forums1132389
>>>Holla Forums1132467

Must suck not having a brain to see the bigger picture.

Well? Did Codemonkey actually remove us?
It only benefits the community.

Shitter, fuck auto correct

I really don't understand
is this basically when just happened?

They made it to stop people from raiding them.

By your definition all big communist leaders were strongmen. Are you power fethishists too?

That's about it. It was a D&C effort that went so sideways they have to use the artificial turf they propped up as a new base of operations. Leftists and kikes really don't have a brain to rely on.

I am telling you. Pic related is what's really happening. They aren't actually moving, but "pretending to be moving" so .pl will get spammed.

The only real goal is to laugh at their own pretending.

Jim should actually delete their board for that. As an action for such "joke".

Holla Forums here, guys, it's just a joke.

Holla Forums here. No one cares.


If you weren't looking for someone to solve you problems you'd be browsing /liberty/, which has a lot more in common with us than with you since half our board are anarchists.

How is publicly triggering Heidecker "throwing a huge tempertantrum"? Do you even into psychological warfare nigger?

no, searching 'Holla Forums pol' on google still leads you here.
makes sense.

was rigjt

jokes are supposed to be funny, what you're doing is just stupid.
/int*/ tier

You lost, get over it. Better run to the EU, I hear they are giving everyone a free pass over there.

except we didn't get raided…4/pol/ faggots couldn't even find the right board.

nigger he is flipping out over getting kicked off television.



I fail to see how he is "flipping out" over anything. He's been doing the typical shit he's always done, acting bombastically and drawing attention to himself while calling people out for faggot behavior. Please explain why this is any different than before. He spelled it out on HydeWars that he wasn't surprised by being canceled and didn't seem shaken up by it at all. Sage for OT.



is that it? that's why people at Holla Forums are celebrating like if it was breadline time?

that's so sad

Pretending to be retarded was never "fun", it was retarded. The whole meme exists for a reason.

Why am i explaining to Holla Forums user that being retarded is retarded, am i retarded…


it is pretty funny

damn Holla Forums is retarded.

It's fine though..just a matter of time before Holla Forums has a higher PPH


you're right I'll run to the EU now.

This sticky is a shitshow. Literally can't believe you alt-right cucks manage to fuck up like this EVERY TIME. peace.


There's a thread about it user.

What does TRS have to do with Holla Forums being retarded?

how about i give you some self defence lessons, Holla Forumscuck.

i could snap you like a twig

But i'm sure that user already knows how to run away from a fight.

I should claim it and put some shitty css in it.

ill just have to run after him then wont i????

Running away is Holla Forums's specialty.

what was that, alt right?



You faggots truly are the gift that keeps on giving

imagine that
there are non obese white ppl in this world


They wore out their welcome in a single morning and are now playing it off. They really are the embodiment of impotent rage.

thats what i sed
well done

you alt right cucks are realy on the ball 2day

Yeah, you lose weight in gulag and during holodomor very fast.

you would think so but that hasn't stopped a gorillion raiders for spending hours raiding the wrong site.

👏 you 👏 even 👏 steal 👏 our 👏 memes 👏

What was that, Holla Forums? :^)

Maybe its time to find out who raided and go pester them?


/desu/ spam bots.
I fucking love >>>/desu/


sure showed me 👏 alt right 👏


That was the debate where it was revealed that "ery one iz black" right?


They sure fooled all of Holla Forums

i kno u cucks r mad we got ur show cancelled
but can u b less hurt
👏 lmao 👏

This is the very reason the communism is always "wrong", because everyone uses it for their own advantage in exploitation of close minded people.

I didn't see a penny from it. It wasn't my show at all. Feel free to keep projecting like that though.
You lost, get over it. :^)

Sorry for showing your faces to the world :^(

Holla Forums is always good for a laugh.

hitler killed more whites thn he saved

imagine being this insecure
fucked up world we got ppl

*hides behind monitor*

we won

*hides behind tree*

At least do some mental gymnastics, that's just embarrassing.

How does this work exactly?

I'm impressed by your posting speed and your devotion.
You are not using the proxy for more than 4 posts, amirite ?

not as embarrasin as loosin ur show
are all alt right this 👏 low 👏 test 👏

Not even Holla Forums is this stupid.

eric andre's first season of his show had less viewers than world peace

Especially when they're locked in a cold war because the other side has their head so far up their ass that they refuse to come to terms with reality and adjust accordingly, you fuck.
>Willing to engage us in an """"honest""" debate on politics


👏 i 👏
👏 i 👏
👏 i 👏
👏 i 👏
👏 i 👏
👏 i 👏


👏 i 👏
👏 i 👏
👏 i 👏
👏 i👏
👏 i 👏
👏 i 👏

Holla Forums sure is tho

Stop talking like a nigger.

Pretty sure it's parody mate.


Parodies tend to witty.

ive fought mudcrabs more fiercesome than you!

Have at least a bit of diversity in your emoticons, you are always using this withe hand !
Another IP soon ? You already have 3 posts !

Tend to be but it's a parody of something so batshit already.


Why are the mods such cucks?

this tbh, it's like eyeballing a wart, just get rid of the damn thing and be done with it

delete the evidence
while we got the chance

Don't feel sorry for them user. The Devil deserves no sympathy.

Wow they are asshurt, this just embarrassing.

this tbqh

I guess it wasn't real communism

Holla Forums BO here, let me explain what happened:
The amazing thing about arguing with Nazis is that they are so autistic that they troll themselves. We don't even have to work at it, on 4/pol/ they even post commie threads FOR US in an attempt to "misdirect" our discussion, and then other 4cucks bump the threads with spam thinking that it's a real commie thread.

the nigger was stupid enough to say poland doesn't exist

Fascism has a history of starving it's own people, what?

The edit doesn't even make sense.

tits or gtfo

Holla Forums user here, quit being a faggot and promoting the useful idiots that promote globalization.

That's totally how it went.

Didn't stop the majority of Holla Forums and Holla Forums having a good 12 hour long laugh

Hey show me your commie jew tits

comrade jones and the rest of time warner is ours
suck it alt toddlers

Shit nigger, you trolled me so hard I'm LITERALLY shaking.

You only trolled yourselves and more discredited your opinions for BOTH Holla Forums boards. Great job. What a way to be proud of yourself, even as black PR its just sad. Anyone who will ever hear about this will only laugh at Holla Forums and all your ideologies will leave stigma of a board that pretends to be retarded.

And i use to go to your board sometimes, fags.

You did it reddit! you trolled everyone!

Will they ever learn lads?

It's fucking nothing lmao.

Holla Forums here
thats hilarious
carry on


How does it feel to be less popular than /furry/


Like where this is going. Let there be moar.


lets show that pathetic leftypol bo whats what
>>>Holla Forums1133181

8/pol/ is so cucked they won't even admit this is funny

Sure sweetie, whatever you say.


Zero self awareness

ZERO self awareness

The stupid girl needs maximum fee fees after getting laughed at by Holla Forums.

Well, ya. As of now they're living in a permanent state of cognitive dissonance.


We don't need them here, because we already get every retarded thing they believe shoved down our throats every day in every other place.

Holy fuck, look what they shill on cuckchan.

(((Gary Cohn)))


it's Marx and Lenin.

Its stallmann and louis C K actually

I've got a joke:

How many globalist wall street bankers does it take to drain a swamp?

That's even better


Stealing memes and then replacing the redpilled parts with their symbols and figures on it is the only thing they can do.

I absolutely love how you are incapable of operating outside your own pathological lived experience; your brains appear to be wired so wrong that you cannot love, hate, or experience any other emotion without it becoming conflated with sexual arousal eventually, and then you project this onto us, because we're essentially the same but just have different opinions, right? Wrong. You are genuinely mentally ill. You idealize weakness, disease, and mediocrity and do literally fetishize it, which is why you all end up as beta cucks orbiting some rainbow haired kike dyke hambeast. We idealize strength, vitality, and excellence, because these are the noblest attributes which when pursued allow a man to reach his potential, know what is right, and have the courage to do what is right. How you can look upon such light and glory and even stammer out the words "power fetishism" to describe it is a testament to what a low and vile creature you are.

Holla Forums needs 2 stop stealin our memes

Are you actually a nigger or just a white cuck wishing he was born one?


What else do you expect from a communist?

He's being sarcastic if you didn't see his other post.

leftypol was only useful in that it gave Holla Forums some plausible deniability re: it's objectivity. They never "engaged us in an honest debate". Show me one goddamn time that has ever happened.

They're irrelevant. This isn't going to change anything. What, a few more Holla Forums desudesu gay porn shitposting raids? What did those ever accomplish? I don't think any of these people are to be feared. I wonder how tenuous their connection to Kuryenka even is these days.

4 real tho
when r u gon stop stealin our stuff

Does the BO work for google or why is he bothered by it so much?

I'm confused. Why are they admitting Marx wasn't white?

Isn't it a good sign how much no one likes you when at the notion of your death the two largest boards started celebrating? How is that "subversion of Holla Forumss popularity on other boards" going for you?

There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.

Kek, all Holla Forums can do is call us shills.

Marx was a member of the Tribe


That was pretty obvious.


Stopped reading there. Holla Forumss raids are so low energy that Jeb would teach you a lesson.



Any Body else want to go and post the most disgusting Webms ou have Pornographic and Not on there with me?

holy fuck pol is autistic, failing to detect an obvious joke is a clear sign just so you know

Holla Forums stolen memes are the worst.

There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.

What? It doesn't matter WHY you think we put .pl as our home, it was because they were raiding the wrong board and we wanted to further misdirect them. That is objectively why is happen. This thread is hilarious, and it's even more hilarious that you stickied it. You can keep going "your a dummy poo-poo head cuck" over and over again, it won't change the fact that you have zero self awareness.

Communism is a joke that's been going on for over 100 years but none of you seem to have gotten it yet.

Let me get this straight.

Are Holla Forumsyps here pretending that 4-pol didn't raid the shit out of some dead-dead board in .pl because they couldn't find Holla Forums?

Who knows? but it looks like Trump's committed to adding them until he finds out.

Not that funny. The real joke is that people voted for for an emotionally stunted slumlord con man and actually expected him to deliver.



weve got lettermen
every establishment comedian

u havnt even got 1

sage this thread.
bury the shame
2mch 4me



Wait, what? It's fully legal to shit on holohoax in Poland. You just can't use that to promote le ebil nahtzeeism or gommunism.

The fact that you niggers are this retarded is the funniest shit i've seen in ages



It went as well as you would expect, there were previous debates I think but I missed those

lol reported

I knew alt rights were ignorant, but fuck.


Where did I say you were dead, although looking now you've fallen below /furry/ of all boards so congrats to that

doubling down lost you an election faggot

does that explain the raid on .pl then.

Well, can't say I'm surprised.

How do you expect this to happen?

That's called "interboard drama" and I already got banned here for this.

I never payed attention to leftypol, is it just people pretending to be retarded or are they actually retarded? Aren't they just a spawn off board with a fraction of the users that circlejerk?

Why is this even stickied?


Apparently. It's almost as if thy have difficulty accepting reality and never leave their echo-chamber.

pick one

tits, now

That some of your people were retarded enough and went to .pl while it was being raided? Absolutely

Anything you say is made irrelevant


Leftypol faked being dead and people took it seriously.


it's called partaking in the dumb shit that was happening. You're thinking "hur hur got you now!1" but really your ilk fell for an ACME tier prank.

Stop being a salty fuck and accept your mistake.

You pretend not to care, but I saw all those damn threads.


I just saw this post and this is all I needed for a daily reminder of how pathetic these counter-counter culture cucks are. Wew.

An undeveloped amygdala can lead to crazy things. It can even get you an inferiority complex over a board on two websites that's better than your 40 person circlejerk in everyway.

No, it's subhumans.

How boring

And yet it's stickied.

ITT: leftypol butthurt.


It's kind of annoying how they're shitting up the entire board though.

our mods are the ones who stickied the damn thing

mindlessly repeating a word to yourself doesn't make it true.

there's no damage to control, just lulz to milk.


Sounds like another buzzword for communist bullshit that's failed repeatedly.

Top Kek. They must be having a hard time.

Keep following your heart, bud.

wall's done already huh? Ya metaphors are notoriously easy to t construct.

Holla Forums - politically illiterate

Pick one.

Holla Forums - Leftist Politically Correct

You cum-drinking braindead commie retard, go be a faggot somewhere else.

There's nothing as mainstream as socialism



I'm not the one instantly banning others for dissent.

When you see repeated ignorance, it's fair to generalize.


It's unbelievable how much Holla Forums crave our attention. They really are nothing without us.

is that why the pope is a commie

You've tried (rather unsuccessfully I might add) to shit up every other board on this site and then blame it on those darn natttzis. You've been btfo time and time again, you people bitch about there being no means of discussion but just as you get banned on Holla Forums you also get banned on Holla Forums for bringing up the other side. You complain about Holla Forums being an echochamber, but your mods shut down the slightest bit of (((unapproved narrative))).

People are laughing at you after your latest bit of retardation, you fucked up so bad your BO had to go to another board and try to justify why we're actually the retards in this situation. Now Holla Forums goons are in full damage control, attempting to salvage the situation by shilling on every board. You're idea of memes is to take something created by someone else and corrupt it to fit your (((narrative))) rather than work to create something unique to yourself, like a culture.

So if I am supposed to feel upset by this, I must be autistic, because I'm actually feeling really fucking smug that you people were made so insecure by this you decided to shitpost here.


the word "kike" repeated 50 times is not 'dissent'

Gee you really are like our retarded annoying attention-whoring little brother. Hope you grow up one day. You can still call us Nissan though.

I know you guys can never admit how fucking idiotic this makes you look but do you seriously think that the secret Holla Forums anti raid plan was to put up a message saying the board was dead and link to a board with like ten posts a day while the board continues to get 200 posts per hour?

He's right though. Compared to Indian or Chinese slums, I'd take my chances in a Hooverville.

keep bringing the tears
my pool needs filling

I like

you actually stickied it. its the funniest damn thing

You're right, it's not. It's naming the jew.


Then there would have been no point in making a message telling people to visit some other board, even as an inside joke. In any case, if you're explaining, you're losing and that explanation doesn't even make sense.

I'm talking about Holla Forums

Oh wow, i'm an evil nazi right? You sure love your kosher words. Here's a book by one of your comrades that you might want to check out "The Hidden History of Zionism" by Ralph Schoenman. Boohoo


nah, some people on were trying to tell 4/pol/ that they had the wrong board. so some of them might have gone here, the subtitle would confuse them even more.

I don't care what your "plan" was. You came here, making a pathetic attempt at trying to say we're actually the ones getting BTFO. I don't go on Holla Forums because I'm not a faggot who tries to justify myself to my opposition.

Worse, your theory is fucking retarded. Here is the top google hit for "Holla Forums leftypol". Jeez, if 4pol was retarded enough to seriously need to use Jewgle to find Holla Forums they would have found you guys first, wouldn't they?

That's a search result customized for you. Otherwise, doesn't show up.


this ain't looking gd 4 u fam

This thread has taught me anyone who posts anime reaction pictures is a Holla Forums shill incognito, I will now report all weebs.

Google tries to hugbox customizes stuff they show to people according to some filters.

This is what I see, for example.

sorry faggot, I don't normally use Jewgle, just used it as an example

so I have to post all my arguments on the board of banhappy Communists before I'm allowed to have them?

okay anytime you open your mouth about class warfare make sure to post here before making that argument

And here is what I, someone from Holla Forums, sees, and likely what someone from cuckpol would see

He is saying Holla Forums leftypol, not just leftypol.

woops let one of my pics out early

That first pic is how much Holla Forums talks about Holla Forums. This pic is how much Holla Forums talks about Holla Forums. I think you guys are obsessed

I am confuse about the name of Holla Forums.

They call it "Holla Forums - Leftist Politically Incorrect" but all of their views are politically correct…

kek, there's even evidence of 4/pol/'s failed raid in the google results

startpage is just google search through a proxy.


He specifically said "Holla Forums leftypol". I am glad you finally got it in pic 2. See how your board shows up as first result?

You guys have 4 times as many threads about us than we do you. Also this thread is about you, so yes I am posting about you. That's kind of how a conversation works autist.

l2control group in your research

This is a pretty retarded argument, so imagine a prosecutor who is not bringing much evidence despite of having it to not look obsessed. Is that stupid? That's your argument. Boohoo

No son. this is some autistic level of effort your putting in here.

Yeah might seem like a lot of work to a commie faggot who feels oppressed by the mere notion of earning a wage, to anyone else its called "basic search functions"

its mostly the screenshots I find so adaorable

I bet that's why you were so triggered you raided our thread about killing cops, right? (webm related)
Political Correctness is the natural influence of politics on daily life, faggots and trannies were very politically incorrect in the 70s, they aren't anymore. It's a meaningless term really. as are most of your buzzwords.
see right-wing PC: (yt related)

I can't wait for you to get banned so you can post the ban image as proof of Holla Forums not allowing discussion

are you actually this fucking stupid


What the fuck are you talking about schizo?


politically incorrect. That's why you're always rambling they're the reason normies will ellect trump.


Police are nice to people who they know present no threat. They look into the eyes of those libshits and see dead empty orbs of soulless corpses, they know they couldn't do shit. But they realize that normal white men have the potential to fuck shit up.

You don't even have an argument, try not rubbing your face against the keyboard because i can't decipher that post.

Fuck commies.

Political correctness is meaningless, it changes with time and is the natural effect of political elites inflicting their ideology upon the populace.
It doesn't take saying nigger to be PiC, saying nigger in the 50s was PC. It's a nonexistent threat to rally against and not something any board should strive for.

We can argue about the term PC but it's a matter of fact that the MSM is supporting BLM.
Being politically incorrect for the sake of it is retarded anyway.
You might as well brag about being a pedo because it is edgy.

most people get their news from facebook these days, both MSM and Fox will die.

Eh, I read your posts again and I misread what you said.

We don't say "nigger" to be "edgy" or "politically incorrect". We call them niggers because it describes them well. The negroid is a subhuman creature incapable of higher thought by nature. It is of our species yet its breed is adapted through evolution to not require the higher functions of reason and empathy, it is similar to a highly intelligent chimpanzee.

You fucking kike.

hey there moshe did you forget that you cant sage sticked threads :^)

I can and I will :^)

Wait, do you think this board is dedicated solely to being anti PC? Do you think we will do a 180 if the things we believe in become PC tomorrow? Are you trying to set up a strawman?

I don't. That's what this guy argued.

Holla Forums should be politics and Holla Forums should be leftist politics.
politically correct or incorrect are buzzwords.

He is saying your board title is wrong

And nothing of value was lost.

Holla Forums should be politics and Holla Forums should be buried in a shallow grave

Do not interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.

Amazing. Just amazing.

In Italy:

Coupled with the Italian Referendum

And the very next day, leftypol is an hero.

Who here made a super special offering to Kek to start the weekend off?

Sorry lads, forgot to break the link.

Did you offer Kek some tendies?

No, but I have doubled my usual workout routine. The fire is rising way faster than I ever expected it too.

holy shit I still can't believe nazis are this retarded

God it's like being back in middle school and that weird smelly kid no one likes keeps trying to make friends by starting shit.

If you can't even promote Nazism ironically, what's the point?

It's a shame that websites have such open and free movement of people between them. If only they had a barrier, a sort of firewall, if you will. Then they might not find themselves lost in an ocean of shitposts.

Trump really needs to firewall the middle east, for national security reasons. All 3rd world countries try to radicalize western youth through the internet.

No, but what does invalidate your point is that you don't have anything to back your arguement with.

LOL yeah ok. I'm pretty sure what happened was that 4/pol/ did raid Holla Forums here so badly that none of your cucked mods could control it. Also every thread you make 4/pol/ just shitposts in it and calls you out for being a bunch of idiots.

I do use 4/pol/ occasionally

Can tell you right now they can't even create a decent meme to save their lives

Looks like cuckchan Holla Forums and Holla Forums are a match made in heaven then

Cuckchan thinks you steal their memes because they beat you to the punch on happenings and such.

Just remember what happens when they try to make originals

wtf i love stealing memes now

They do? Thats great, after all the extreme cucking going on I thought only a redditlike userbase was left. They are still cucked for staying on a site that sells user data and does tons of other shady shit though

Honestly pretty funny fam

Still doesn't make sense and seems like you're trying to play off an embarrassing situation for yourselves. If halfchan was bum-rustled, they would have spammed both boards since that is what anyone would do since either boards are filled with people they dislike or are ideologically opposed to anyways.

this shit makes our ms paint strawmen look like the memetical mona lisa


Thanks, panda.

Even this one?


Why do kikes hate pork / pigs?

And they accuse us of dissonance, yikes

Like Muslims they are forbidden from eating it.
Pretty fitting that Holla Forums would emulate Jewish behavior.

If that's not cherry picking then I'm a HIV postive cum-guzzling faggot.

Because they consider the animal unclean because they are too retarded to know how to clean a pig before cooking it. They just wove their ignorance into their religion so they don't have to feel bad that they can't into animal butchering.

According to religious doctrine, pigs are unclean animals to both muslims and jews. Christians have an escape clause because jebus allegedly said "what comes out of the mouth is more important than what goes into it." allowing them to eat pigs. Nothing more, nothing less.

that's because Holla Forums allows dissent while most Libertarians and Paleocons on Holla Forums left.
we were glad hillary lost, it's bad that trump won.

Yea that's why every single term you don't like is censored?

Yes, many. What in the McFuck did I just read?

We don't care about free speech you fucking cuck retard lmao, this isn't a cuckservative civic nationalist board it's a Nazi one. People who don't get with the program don't get to have their views heard, they get banned. We play Devil's Advocate enough that we don't need hostile cuck outsiders to play adversary with. We have shills for that.

Now that you got super butthurt you can't do anything but spam some weird email link.

we all know what the filters mean.
we just keep right-wingers from communicating through their buzzwords and force them to explain their positions instead.

By that, you mean you allow all faggots of every nature in, regardless of what STDs they have. And that is only because you wouldn't even exist as a board if you had anyone else.

They started boards to talk elsewhere, they still crosspost. But you retards can't see in anything but binary despite accusing everyone else of that.

The thing is, Holla Forums has PROVEN to be so extremely fucking stupid that such a plan being their real master stroke is actually quite likely

You deserved it.
yes, including libertarians and even polite nazis.

We don't care about being polite to you, you stupid faggot.

Bernie lost and Socialism is dead. See you on the Nationalist side.

Yet you aren't banned yet, whereas I've been banned usually within 5 minutes of posting on Holla Forums, often sooner than that.

No you don't lel, When I went in there saying I don't support collectivism I got banned after I pointed out that humans are intrinsically geared to be selfish assholes. Everytime you either get wrecked in an argument or simply out-bantered, the banhammer comes swinging. That tendency of the leftist to deny reality works just fine in his little hugbox, but in the real world, it just kills millions of people. And that is why you should die, you are, individually, threats to millions of human lives, and should be killed to preserve theirs.

>Holla Forums literally voted for a Goldman Sachs cabinet when they thought they were voting for anti-globalism

makes sense

makes sense

I love it when you guys come here, you can't fight for shit, you can't argue for shit, you just come here and get absolutely wrecked all the time. You're used to being able to ban someone and then argue without rebuttal, aside from being wrong, it's why you're so low energy and pathetic.

Meanwhile whoever you voted for LOST because you are powerless little cucks


I've seen examples of this but also examples of worthwhile discussion with people from foreign boards.
I admit that our vols can be a bit banhappy sometimes.
image spam is often what does it for the ban.


No one in history has ever been more expertly cucked than Holla Forums at this moment

Holla Forums is just a bunch of underage b& to early 20s college kids. If you're not a liberal at 20, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative at 30, you have no brain. I feel sorry for them, they have never experienced life outside of the pozzed system yet.


It's very telling that you desperately want us to become Socialists. We don't want you as Nazis. You are weak pathetic cucks who backed the BLM loving kike cuck.

Why do you want us so bad? Is it that your low energy board fails to do anything but low energy 12 hour raids?

Bernie will never be President ahahahaha

And the 'worthwhile discussion' is merely anything you can attempt to refute. Mind, it doesn't stop even the most well written and 'polite' arguments from resulting in a ban, because if you have even the slightest opposition, you always, always, ALWAYS lose. The best you can do is copy us, as shown below you.

Nah, they're banhappy all the time, and you guys know it and are ok with it, because if you had opposition, your board wouldn't even be your own, you'd be driven out of it within a matter of days, just like with 4/pol/. It's ironic, that in a fair and equal debate or situation, Holla Forums always loses.

One image is image spam? No images are image spam? No, you are simply losers in all regards, even when it comes to bantz, you take your memes from us, you take your rhetoric from us, and you contradict yourselves with every other post. I remember the days when you faggots tried shilling that communism was actually nationalism on here.

Neither will the magical populist ecnomic nationalist you thought you were voting for. We never believed sanders was anything more than a new deal democrat, you fuckers fell HARD.

Will they take the ggr faggots with them? Leftypol BO made their board IIRC.

We in Holla Forums areretarded but you are more retarded : the post

I literally just posted that picture in another thread but that's fine since Maki is a qt.

We got exactly who we wanted, cuck. We weren't voting for Hitler.


One of the reasons this board sucks.

We don't. We're raiding 4pol. You're too spooked to be worth the effort (and have much more efficient mods).


Your hypocrisy is the most revolting thing about you faggots. I can stomach the retarded idealism, the selfishness, the ever ending degeneracy and ignorance, but your hypocrisy? It's probably your worst trait. Afterall, a species that never evolves is destined to die.

You think the window shifted right?

Yeah the Window's goin your way leftycuck lmao

If you ever decided to leave the basement or get out of your hugbox you'd realize it's all Right now. Leftists getting more shrill is the same sound as a dying animal.

Ya, I forgot you're so all so fucking dumb you think muh privlige is what leftism is

Funniest thing about this commie retard shitposting here is how he keeps posting smug anime pics in an extremely transparent attempt to hide he's getting BTFO and increasingly butthurt over almost (20) posts now.
No one else gives this much salt for so long

Maybe except moviebob

Maki is a super qt

Trump got in talking about saving the economy and getting jobs back, Republicans will never pass the amount of protectionism he claims to want and will lower taxes for the rich.
He promised a lot but has nothing to offer. I doubt he'll get a second term but hey, maybe Hillary gets the nomination again.

Trump got in talking about saving the economy and getting jobs back, Republicans will never pass the amount of protectionism he claims to want and will lower taxes for the rich.
He promised a lot but has nothing to offer. I doubt he'll get a second term but hey, maybe Hillary gets the nomination again.

Yeah the public's loving your message lmao. leftism is identity politics now, and the kikes running the DNC are gonna double down. Green Party is dead, Bernie is 1200 years old. your movement is dead. Nationalist Communism is dead. No more Hind-D's and Spetsnaz propaganda will sway them, it isn't the 1980s. Tankies are especially hilarious because they're the most delusional of you all and ironically, the ones with the most powerful message.

They got so assravaged in the Castro thread I think we scarred them for life

I never thought Holla Forumscucks could get more retarded but i was proven wrong.

And how is that draining the swamp by filling the cabinet full of jewish bankers going?

They can try and pretend they were pulling a masterful ruse all along, but the reward is heartache and tears when you cheat the man in the glass.

Why are you still posting lmfao smdh tbh fam

**>We have the same enemy

In another world…maybe we could be friends**

4pol doesn't want you retards over there either



Nice """"""""""""""""""movement"""""""""""""""", Nationalism is on the rise, The Overton Window goes farther from Islamic Gommunism daily


Election night for us was either going to be nazi or liberal tears, had no other stake in it, mate.
I would tell you to read something so that you got what socialism actually was but i know you refuse to read just like the niggers you hate so much.

Enjoy it when the next economic collapse happens under Trump

Hey, nations don't exist remember?

Reminder that our mods are still more free and fair than Holla Forums's.

Your hypocrisy is the most disgusting thing about you.



A small point you like to forget about libertarians.
They are not on your board, maybe because of your moderation faggotry.
They prefer to stay in a calmer smaller board, and are way quicker to recognize a lot of things.

>>>Holla Forums1132389

Make your collusion less obvious next time imkampfy.


It's a two-party system you fucking maroon.



My wife is nipponese, I'm australian and the most from Holla Forums I hear is "LOL FUGG U FUGGIN RAYCE MIXER" yet on Holla Forums I get banned for saying "I Disagree"


Yes. this dozen people represent all libertarians.


i want to say you're a lying faggot but then again cuckchan is so incompetent that without us or reddit holding their hand it's like a retarded kid banging his head against the door because he can't figure out knobs work.



user, i am sorry for your son for being born retarded youtube star.

kek, but what's the operation red santa thing they mention in one of the screencaps?

That's probably the name of operation to pretend to ruse Holla Forums.

We need to summon the spirit of /sp/ and start to steal their gets

[citation needed]

they put both that he was a Jew and he was white on it

literal double think


Fuck off, we didn't take up the name the media tried to give us

Pretty low energy

That's not quite right, there's a reason every board this came up on had more anons celebrating than not. You guys are the new Holla Forums, no one here fucking likes you.

If you pay attention you would know that Trump is just a step towards moving the overton window further right

I just want Holla Forums to stop going ballistic anytime someone posts something remotely Holla Forums on /tg/. The number of threads that get ruined by that is insane.

Apparently they have more safe spaces to crawl to, feel free to punish them for being communist cucks.

Do people here seriously think they were serious? Why can't you burgers into jokes?

Commie jokes are too shitty to laugh at. But no, we had a laugh at their retardation, sure.


Oh shit my sons gonna supreme gentleman or autism, I chose this fate

user, I'm so sorry.
Your son will want to be a world class basabaru pitcher, but all the balls will keep returning to him instead of crossing the plate

Why are all "jokes" made by leftists always so unfunny?

they are the joke.

How about no.

Holla Forums is the weakest board on Holla Forums by far. They're so weak it's laughable.

Your attempted to fit in while also spreading disinfo hasn't worked and you should feel bad.
Sam thanked adult swim and said some really touching things about the fan surpport he had received.
Even if you don't like the show it is clear given the high ratings that he should have got a second season.

Holla Forums very conveniently shoots up in active users from this, to almost double what they were. That can't be entirely attributed to shitposting, but it's clear they're now in cahoots with outside entities exploiting a perceived fracture point.

The next generation of Holla Forums probably won't be on the clearnet, in order to cut down and newfags and the uninitiated. I'm thinking something along the lines of zerochan or something peer to peer based.

Yes, because that's literally what it is; Slave mentality.

How's it feel to know that you're nothing more than a useful idiot?

Love that optimism!

If we make it happen we should use the OH NO THE BOARD IS GONE one.

I think we need to kill all people


Allow me to dump a few of the pics I have from their discord where they tried to "colonise" 4pol, did a "raid" on habbo and were autistic enough to attempt to take over the Holla Forums discord



So they'll save the economy and get jobs back.

what a bunch of pussies

But wait there's morei really wish I had a bill you mays reaction pic for this

Oh my sweet summer child, no. It's in France.

Holla Forums wants to invite third worlders into their countries and pay for their food and housing, they want international banking and the Federal Reserve, they want a cold Orwellian dystopia in which heritage and tradition are not only discarded but outright spat upon. You guys are just Tumblr but with a little more actual awareness and knowledge of your idealogies doctrine.

That's fucking worse.

The board itself will die soon, they're going to spam it to oblivion after migrating enough boards to .pl. Or just shut the website down altogether.


lmao Holla Forums is us all practicing our Kabbalah, newfags.

They aren't real. I mean I successfully have been posting as an "Asian" qt tripfag for weeks now, arguing with myself over hundreds of posts with dimwitted formulaic sarcasm, and it still hasn't been detected.

I wouldn't be surprised if I was a good 1/3 of the regulars on there.

You and I know full well that SJWs ate the commie movement and absorbed it into their ugly shoggoth bulk. The left is a monolithic herd kept cowed by fear and shaming tactics, and the increasing of superficial differences until they are homogenous from the sky, there can be no strong identities, only skin deep ones.