Sam Hyde vs Tim Heidecker

Mentions 8ch by name hi sam we can gas the kikes any time you want call me

Other urls found in this thread:

12 minutes long so whoever has the webm technology to make such a thing be my guest

why is he so mad about being taken off talmudvision? he had to expect this shit quit whining

Well, Sam doesn't make alot of money so it was probably helping.



Lol wasn't that the faggot comedian who was butthurt about people calling him a cuck?

yep. he even wrote a super ironic song about it.
won't embed

i watched the video. hes bitching like a female and blaming some random cuck. too scared to even name the comedy central jew.

Heidecker is such a fucking faggot kike.

Kek will aid Sam through this.


Kek hear our call!

AIDS to Heidecker and power to the terrorist shooter Sam Hyde!

We gladly accept the mantle of chaos and anger!

Less than a minute in but wew this guy's interview prowess is off the charts. Truly the 21st century Dick Cavett.

Praise be onto Kek!

Help our prophet in his time of need.

Did Sam really think he was going to be allowed to exist in their world?

We have to (re)build our own world not ask for permission to live in theirs.

Sam wanted to subvert their world, did you even watch his show? He has a book called "How to bomb the US Govt." for fucks sake.

I am not attacking Sam’s body of work but rather his reaction to the establishment rejecting his attempts to subvert it. He won’t get anywhere by going off at cucks for cucking.

Sam was the victim of a Jewish conspiracy to shut him down. All the Jews at Adult Swim came out against him and Jew journalists
A bold faced lie

He should of known. At least now he knows about Jews. He should of known that Jew would have used what he said to make him look bad. It wasn't just Heidecker. It was the whole tribe that came out against him.

At least he knows now. Here's them going on an anti semitic rant in their new video



all Holla Forumsacks are welcome to my comfy home



>tfw I'd love to show how kekified my home is but I know kikes are heres

wood panel floors, country house, herb garden/my own veggie patch, wine cellar…seriously you guys would love it

It hits close to home how far [AS] has fallen. From a network that once aired Xavier to a shit that cancels a show for being too out there. Isn't the whole point of the subchannel to be edgy?

Kek is a chaos spirit you shouldn't be bringing him into your house if you don't keep him constantly amused he's liable to set your house into an inferno.


how much did it cost per episode to film world peace?

Remember it's only edgy when it's against the estab-….the eli-….thh-the whites.

Trust me, with how I live my life he blesses me and I bless him, we're not all afraid to show our power level. Hell arrest me you fucking kikes, I'd love to go out swinging. Also I have a PhD in Theology, I know this shit user.

1 dollar 50 cents.

I would pissed too if I lost a tv show due to a kike blogger. I hope that Blockhead dies in a plane crash like his father.

I would send Sam some Shekels.

New Hydewars when?

Are you the same Theology PhD that said in another thread that you'd join a Holla Forums colony to be a kek priest?

O_o No. Because that's fucking retarded.


prolly today or tomorrow. his output has been high lately. even charls is uploading his own vids

nice id dubs

o////o (^"^) (v"v)


Hope so, the last one was a belter. Max comfy.


Not any more retarded than getting a PhD in theology, boy diddler.

What is the name of Charls' channel?

;///; uguuu~~~

I don't dispute it after getting it tbh. It's proven to be useless as fuck practically.

Where? Charls is my hero

I've heard rumors that this is being considered by Hyde. Unsure if it is at all true. And I have serious doubts any network would actually fund it, so he'd probably have to Crowd Source or something:

# Merchant Allies (Animated Series)

## Premise

Two Merchants go around helping out people. For their good deeds, they are the receivers of good karama and end up incredibly wealthy.

## Notes

- Each episode anchored around a persecuted group that they help.
- At the end of the episode, their good deed somehow rewards them and their people financially.
- They are black and white as per original merchant depictions. Rest of scenery colored.
- Over-arching story-line: Russian conspiracy orchestrated by Putin to encourage bigotry, sexism and homophobia around the globe.
- Characters should teether visually when gold or money is mentioned. No overt mention of this should ever be made (visual only).

Anyone know if there's any truth to this? Sounds kek-worthy.


Sam fucked up here. Came across like a retard. Probably is a retard since tim posted an incriminating statement on his facebook that would have stumped him but sam makes no reference of it. Instead focused on "I heard some guy say".

Hey Ausfag.

There's something about Sam, something that makes him just far more relatable, more human than most other comedians. What is it?

Oops. Posted on his twitter. not facebook.

Fuck this asshole Heidecker.

g'day burger

He actually thought this was some kind of biting satire.

he's not a showbiz fag. he's a regular dude who likes to entertain people.

Fellow Ausfag. How do you think I recognised that 10c coin? We should get together sometime and have a Holla Forums ol' time.

fuck yeah m8, aus is best Holla Forums when we're not shitposting

Wherever I go, I must also shitpost. Katter for PM.

He's named the Jew plenty of times newfag

If by edgy to mean amusing potheads and middle school kids with absurdist humor and bright colors.

H-hey I T-too a-am Australian


I'm really pissed off about this whole ordeal tbh.

try to keep up. we're talking about the video in the OP.

When will we get more Hydewars

the good thing is that it's given MDE more notoriety. the streisand effect is real.

The guy interviewing him was a typical whiney jew bitch constantly using diversion tactics. What the fuck are you listening to?

Idk about you but he reminds me a lot of my big brother. Him and Charles also seem autistic.

Do you tend to bring up Jews in every conversation ?

He speaks honestly, there is no filter and there is no vile
He relays what he sees and comments on it

if i was bitching about getting fired and it was because of jews

We should ask him what his top score in Robot Unicorn attack was.

It's always because of the Jews

You aren't from around here, are you?


Me too. Even from the outside I could see how the Jews had it out for them and went full force on shutting them down. Every single person I saw attacking MDE and calling for him to be shut down was a Jew.

One day we will shut down these Jews.

At least Hydewars is fucking excellent
I just hope sammy pumps out more of it

Are you?

We'll shut the oven doors on'em you mean?



Chine-AI was really good.

Number 2 and Carsex were better I think




Don't forget
Guaranteed he lives in some posh majority white suburbs. It's no wonder he's not racist.

Holy hell he had to have been being sarcastic.

pepepost.wordpress .com/2016/12/09/sam-hyde-will-laugh-last-why-million-dollar-extreme-is-destined-to-win-in-the-end/

here's a whitepilling article on the subject written by my wife's son. it delves into the lurid details of tim and ((((brett gelman)))'s conniving cuckery

We did that before he had even gotten the show though so they knew this before the contract was even signed. That only leaves the Jews…

Nobody forced the hands of those Jews.

Car-sex was good, I found the intro to chine-AI hilarious. The subject matter really wasn't all that interesting to me though I'll be honest. Watching his hydewars is making me want to buy a fucking tobacco pipe.

The clear fear, posturing and apologetics from Tim as he realizes a complete madman has free time to exact his revenge.




Yes people memeing on an obscure Vietnamese etching stand cancelled a show with 800,000+ weekly viewers

the like was by me #supportfreespeech

Criminally unchecked double dubs


boycotting tim would be redundant. nobody watches his shit anymore anyway


Embed related. Can't remember which one but there's an MDE episode too where he gets a little girl to say 'I hate kikes.'

Just sayin the Duke meme was everywhere after that show aired, knew it was doomed after that. Not in a muh pr way just how predictable normalfags are.

sam also mocks kikes here

Normalfags didn't catch it or care. Normalfags didn't shut down MDE. Jews and only Jews did it.


thanks man

It was because we helped make him too popular. It is the exact same reason Adult Swim canceled Metalocalypse, their most successful show by far. It got too popular and Adult Swim prides itself on being hipster horseshit. Once normies catch onto something they drop it like hot garbage.

It's not like Sam was outperforming Andre

mde's debut season got better rating than andre's debut season


I was getting annoyed as fuck. Sam isn't handling it terribly well, but I can imagine being pretty butthurt if my show was cancelled due to an oversensitive jew bitch.

Yet Rick and Morty is entering it's third season

Probably because the (((entertainment industry))) at large likes it

I'd like to beat Heidecker to death with a burlap sack filled with brass doorknobs.

Theoretically, of course.

Even though Hyde is a filthy eceleb, he has stood up to the school shooter assignations quite well and hasn't disavowed anons. As this will further radicalize the hundreds of thousands of MDE fans as well as Hyde, I have a feeling their next show, by crowdsourced initiative, will fare well.

Bastard's convinced me to donate tbh. If anons can't get their tastes out into the mainstream the traditional route, I suppose guerilla marketing will work equally as well if not better.


You mean in a self defense situation?

To think I used to like Tim and Eric, too…

That's actually not a bad premise. Done right, could be really funny but pretty sure it's not true. Can't find source of it anywhere.

we all used to like things user… think about how heartbreaking it's going to be when they bring back MST3K

He angry

Of course. A self defense situation. In defense of my continued existence.

I'm not in any position to bargain though, my daughter has a cold and I have serious back pain right now.

That video isn't very nuanced or moderate, tbf volk.



Pay attention boys. This is a good example of one of two things: A Jew or a Faggot.

They are both leftists, they both hate what you represent, and they both want to see you dead and your family enslaved.

Oppose the Jew. Oppose the faggot. Stop bowing to degeneracy.

At minimum it's 22 MB as a straight download. You would have to make the bitrate for the video non-existant, but my computer blue screens when I encode because overclocking.

Nigger can you even Prime95?

I've overclocked everything from smart phones to 486's (That's pre-Pentium for you newfags).

Get bent.

Sometimes I can encode, sometimes I can't. It acts up mainly with video encoding shit.

it's probably Blockhead Joe. He's been known to concern-troll in MDE threads on here.

when i heard about this i bought both his gumshop things or whatever suck my dick sam the audio sucks on these kickstarter videos i want my 50 bucks back but im keeping all the stuff fuck face

i5-2500k, 4.5GHz. Completely stable. My chip is a dud and needs 1.39v.

Check for vdroop using hardware monitoring software and Prime95, and configure load line calibration (LLC). If that fails drop it 100MHz. Prime95 needs eight hours of run time, minimum, before a system can be declared stable.

4.5 is too high for a 4670. They overclock like shit compared to Sandy and Ivy. The only Haswell's I played with were the new Diablo's Canyon ones, the 4690's. One couldn't get past 4.2, the other made it to 4.5 but it took two full days of tweaking and fucking with settings, and two sheets of paper taped inside the case with settings on them in case the CMOS configuration was lost for some reason.

Metric shit tons of work, those damn Haswells.


It's the first time Tim has actually said the words "Sam Hyde" or the name of the show. He's usually acting all big league, "the guy", "some show".

Tim is a revolting combination of pussy and bully.

bernstain literally did nothing wrong

also related

It's should've, a contraction of should and have.

Realistically, I liked world peace partially because of the nods to us but mostly because it was legitimately funny in a way that most other shows weren't. On a shoestring budget they put together a good show.

I agree that this was to be expected, but the point is that it shouldn't be. Abiding and allowing this blatant blacklisting is exactly why these slimy fuckers are able to get away with it and he Sam built his career on, true change comes from being indignant at the status quo.

Honestly, props to the guy for actually facing it head on. Him being confrontational is refreshing after all these cucks just take their beatings.

The audio improves drastically after episode 3. But the fucked up audio episodes are really funny anyway.
All the episodes are good.


in all seriousness im liking this purchase and ep 1 isnt over yet more fags like sam need to start creating things i know youre out there bitches save the world

The irony of this situation is the same that's played out many times. Hyde became became representative in the minds of (((executives))) that Jews always push for their own and shut down anything that challenges their worldview. This led Jews to then push for their own and shut down something they believed challenged their worldview, in their minds this nullifies that belief.

I haven't been keeping up. Got any screens of Tim? ED is down

KSTV is one of my favorite things by him of all time if not my favorite. I think I've seen all the episodes like 10 times a piece since I got it.
Definitely worth 12 shekels.
I really hope he makes a second season of it, I would be so happy.
It gets better and better and the episodes get longer as it goes on. Episode 2 is one of my favorites. His critiques get extreme, he tears people down from top to bottom, and isn't afraid to go full Holla Forums. He doesn't name the jew directly or anything, but if he tried to say half the shit he said in those KSTVs on actual TV, he wouldn't have just been cancelled, he never would've aired.

playing devils advocate but theres a working class area near me with it's own golf course. all the old white fags playing golf come from one town over. the neighborhood itself is filled with a spectrum of faggots from hard working families, old retired people, and poor white trash that leaves shit all over their lawn. tim heidecker is a rich pussy but just letting you know golf course in area =/= rich area

Near DC it does.

With property taxes as high as it is, you need to be charging a good bit of money for memberships or time on the course.

Wew Sam. More of this.

They already did. It's called Rifftrax and it's pozzed to hell. Bill Corbet seems the most activist of the group.

I can't wait till the day Holla Forums gains so much power we get Joe Rogan to go full on 14/88 on his show. Or at least confirm he lurks here How fucking funny would that be? You know it's only a matter of time too.

tfw in my proto-redpill days (still hadn't truly discovered it but was early on the path) I used to watch JRE all the time - even almost bought a set of kettlebells

Think you mean give him the rope.

Eat right, lift with legs, se a doctor if it's that bad
Stop being a gluttonous slob
Wait a few days

Oh the horrible tragedy that is his life, it's practically anudda shoah!

Sam you need to do a MLK Jr. skit where you play MLK Jr.

Can we boycott cuckswim now?
Imagine their fear when their Twitter is full of fuck you kikes and fuck Tim , we're out.


He should of said "Thanks Obama" I bet it would of made that him meltdown.

Before Breitbart died, Tim Heidecker randomly on the street got all up in his face saying fuck you, for no real reason other than Breitbart was against Obama as far as i can gather. He's a fucking douchebag as well as being unfunny and apparently a kike.

Tim has always been garbage. Never watched any of his shows and I hate his little cult like following he has.

We seriously should do something about this miserable faggot.



Good, you could describe his shows as retard random humor like most shit AS runs. Imagine peewee herman mixed with even more over the top random unfunny shit. I almost can't even describe in the right words how fucking retarded their shows were now that I think about it.

Well there isn't even anything clever about them. No real statement is being made, it's just general degeneration. It's like fucking degenerate art in the end.

I think we should take this approach and also inspire a SJW lynch mob to come after them for not being "diverse" or "pc" enough until their channel is beaten to shit and pozzed to death.

It's sad to see what a watered down cuck Tim Heidecker has become. I'll probably get shit for this, but I love everything he's ever made. It was stupid and pointlessly goofy, but at the same time it didn't take itself seriously. I always liked that. Now I'm listening to Tim taking himself way too seriously, getting defensive and pretending he's "working class" or what the fuck ever. MASSIVE COORDINATE ONLINE ATTACKS, yeah dude, like that doesn't happen to fucking anybody with a political opinion and some clout.

I hope Sam never burns out that way. I don't think he will, he's never been about the money or the fame. He's just trying to do something only Sam Hyde can do.


Are you mad that you lack testostorone?

It's much worse than that, user. Felicia Day and Patton Oswalt are the new Mads.

Go back to watching CSI or whatever shit you normies watch.

What do you think?

Aw shit, meant to respond to

You're not that stupid, and neither are we.

This faggot is a snake. Someone said it in the thread: a combination of a pussy and a bully. He is too much of a pussy to admit his role in all of this and bully because of his position of influence.

Fucking love that shit. Funny how stealing and eating babies is okay but MDE isn't.

So how do we bring the pain to Adult Swim, Cartoon Network, and Tim Heidecker?

I say go on the offensive, boycott them, and incite SJW's against them so they are getting hell from both sides. I'd like to think we should leave them pozzed up and beat up so they remember what it's like picking the wrong side.

I was raised to believe the government wanted me dead, so I could never really say that I was ever a leftist. That said, I used to love Tim & Eric for their surrealist humor, but, of course, hated the coprophagia/general scatalogical humor that was included in every episode. Seriously, it's the type of kike shit you don't think much about until they push it too hard and you're left wondering why anyone would ever laugh at someone bathing in shit. I like the idea of reality and culture jamming, and we should exploit these memetic warfare tactics, obviously. But for half a century, Marxists were really the ones pushing this post-Dada surrealism (Letterists, Situationists, etc.), so the hundreds of books written on the topic all seem to attack corporate culture as a means of instigating a communist revolution despite the suspicions that pointing our bureaucratic/corporate hypocrisy might make people more reactionary rather than progressive.

This. Xavier is one of the best things ever made.

tim heidecker is such a passive-aggressive lying bitch. i had to turn it off

I wonder what kind of response it would get if it was made in the current year

This was me when I was 18
halfchan and fullchan have bettered my life measurably by making me feel bad
I now have a very sexually submissive girlfriend despite going full 1488 on occasion in front of her
I think the point of this blogpost is that we're gaining ground.
Onward to final victory, Euro and Anglos brothers

I disagree tbh, but I see where you're coming from.

Fucking kikes ruined my spoiler

Shit is only funny if you have kike ancestry.

Are the adventures of Poo Poo Pee Pee Pepe and Wojack Jewish?

Why is everyone so obsessed with webms? Why can't it just be a mp4 file?

You're not wanted here

He said that he didn't care about being removed from the network, and that it was for the best. He even called it a gay Jewish network.

Free open stadard vs patent encumbered standard

His voice, is Tim Heidecker the guy from Rick and Morty?


No, the creator of rick and morty do the voice for both Rick and Morty.

He makes one really, really good point. WTF does Sam need Adult Swim for?

Sheckles and mass appeal, jew.

He won like 25,000 dollars off betting on Donald Trump

How is that even a good point? Why does Tim or anyone else need Adult Swim?

Buy his book "how to bomb the US GOVT" on (really lol)

He doesn't need them, but Sam is poor as fuck and he probably would have liked a job vs spending the rest of his life living off patreon and never reproducing.

It's hilarious, but on complete accident. Which is what Heidecker's entire career has been in a weird, meta way.

Sheckles I could see, but Sam could gain just as much popularity making WEBMs on 8ch and shitposting all over halfchan. His shit ends up here and we are his audience, after all. He'd be better off pissing all over Twitter and YouTube until he was kicked and then cry "censorship" to the masses.

Sam is pissed his infiltration failed, but he went "woke" too early on, before MDE had any kind of political weight to throw around at AS. I wish him the best in his future endeavors, I think he's a funny guy using humor how it was meant to be used, as social commentary.


Releasing webms on imageboards does seem to be an underutilized method of distributing media. It's cheap, easy, and offers the prospect of being quickly disseminated across multiple demographics.

Someone should make their own Netflix style platform where uncucked shows can exist without censorship

He's just mad that other comedians sabotaged him for political reasons. He has false expectations that comedians would have some professional consideration for other comedians.

Totally not mad bro. I was just pretending to be a cuck, it's ironic.

t. Tim Heidecker

call it goyflix

With no survivors?

We have a surprising number of theology students here. Probably because contemplating god naturally leads one to desire gassing kikes.

Not paying attention

He isn't a normie


I know that MDE has been railing against Hollywood kikery for a long time and pozzed media, but holy shit I didn't expect them to have such a close encounter with it. What a bunch of fucking fucking schistery kikey bullshit.

I don't think it would be aired/be canned like MDE honestly

I'm glad that everyone had the same reaction as me to that shit. Not to go full tumblr, but I've lived a pretty fucked life so far and had ptsd and severe depression for 4 fucking years with no support system, no help, no money, fucking nothing. Hearing this kike say he has a hard life, then hearing that his problems are being a glutton, back pain, and his daughter having ""the common cold""

Boo hoo, how horrible Tim. You're a rich, home-owning, respected member of G-d's chosen people, and you have the gall to say you have problems? Fuck you. That shit is nothing short of infuriating.

Or Minoriteam or Sealab 2021. Fuck Heidecker little punk, Tom goes to the mayor was good but fuck him.

We know the kikes love to ruin lives, but it certainly hurts a lot more when it's someone we care about. It's not like Sam is our family but fuck he's certainly "one of us" at least. Fucking sucks but hey, more fuel in the hate-tank. I'm betting we'll see some really next level shit out of MDE in the next few months.

Also, do you remember who won the election? I forgot, but if we got a good result I bet that would make me feel better.

How many seasons did that painfully unfunny tryhard Tyler the "shit Creator show run for? Andre is garbage but they are niggers. ATHF, Metalocalypse?

Nah I haven't had internet until right now, right at this post. I didn't even have it when I made the last post.
Who won?

And yeah that shit pisses me off. I know Sam is struggling, and I feel like a baby rapist for not having the money to donate to him. I was also hyped for WP when it was coming and hoping for another season. I hope Sam recovers from this and keeps making us dank memes of him verbally abusing his mom and slowly driving her into a filicidal psychosis.

Tim had the gall to say that Sam didn't need Adult Swim, what a passive-aggressive P.O.S.

on the bright side, this whole fiasco will give MDE a "too hot for TV" notoriety.

Hopefully his back pain is spine cancer, and his child gets removed by CPS so she won't get any more "colds" from her Dad's "pizza parties"

I'm just waiting for him to start shilling Joyride Universe so I can get in on the ground floor of that. I've got some disposable buckaroos and I already have guns and ammo so I'd like to support Overton Window shifting media with my shekels.

Yeah, hopefully.

I want to buy his game too. I also owe him $12 from when I stole KSTV. I'm not proud of it at all, I just didn't have the shekels for it :(


How about you watch the 6 minute video you quad stealing stupid faggot, there's a Webm and an embedded link

Throw Sammy some shekels fam, he won a lot betting on Trump but he had to use all of it on fucking rent and a car. Still has no health insurance.

He fucked that car pretty good.


Basically, Tim was having some sort of livestream and Sam called in and accused him and several other kikes of being behind the cancellation of MDE:WP. Tim denied it vehemently, and also denied having any problem with Sam or the show, and complained about Sam's fans harassing him (in reality just random anons fucking with him) Sam told him that they were just random anons, and Tim still stuck with them being fans of the show. Sam told Tim that not only was the show cancelled, but that Sam is now blacklisted from TV meaning he can never work in the industry again because no one will ever hire him. Tim said something along the lines of "I have problems too" and told him that he suffers from back pain and that his daughter is sick :(
Sam replied that he can't even afford health insurance, basically showing Tim to be what he is: a lying, whiny kike.

Sam's made jokes about fucking cars multiple times.
Is he a closeted mechanophile?

battle ropes?


That is likely.

Webm / mp4. It's a Skype recording so only the audio matters anyway.

Maybe, all his carspeek and shit flies right over my head. I think Nick is the real mechanophile here though.

sam used to be a car salesman. plus, initial d is his favorite show of all-time.

His shit was just a blatant ripoff of Jackass. But with niggers. So in other words, blackass.




Sam knows he's not going to get his show back just by calling people out.

But why not? It can only raise his public profile and increase respect for him amongst his fans / potential fans. Just shows he has balls.

plus, if you lose your show, something you worked so hard on and take pride in, because of poor ratings then it's whatever….the people have spoken. onto the next thing. but that's not what happened. world peace had solid ratings. having something you held so dear ripped away from you because kikes conspiraed against you is a huge gut punch. sam is rightly fucking pissed.

Yeah, seriously. They succeeded at making a successful TV show in a fucking graveyard slot and got cancelled for it.

oh i just came up with a funny joke just now.

turns out the biggest threat to World Peace was Jews after all…



Just don't actually use 'the' merchant if you do try this.


The doublespeak coming out of the jew is telling. He definitely did something he doesn't want to admit to.

Sam being serious here.

You mean because


good one, user

Definitely because..still, good to hide your powerlevel.

Sam shouldn't have gotten so angry on the air, but you're right. Tim still pussied out and started denying everything that we very clearly already know. After all the talk this year, he wouldn't even stand up to Sam when finally confronted. He just plays dumb and then even tries to compliment Sam and give him advice AFTER HE'S GOT HIM BLACKLISTED!

He's just your typical liberal pussy.


Reminder that the only reason this thread hasn't been bumplocked yet is because that ugly kike imkampfy isn't around right now.

That show had some of the fastest paced humor. Definitely the best thing to come out of AS other than MDE WP, of course.

The Absolute Madman

That's the moment he's realizing that circumcision is a blood offering to Moloch. Pretty crazy it was caught on tape like that.

And I mean in the carsex video where he exclaims, "It's too much!"

He doesn't have anything to boycott.

Friendly reminder that Hyde is a ride-the-contrarian-bandwagon type of "comedian" and you all got fooled by his poor attempt at scamming pennies out of people.

Tim Heidecker has turned into one of the characters he plays.

Friendly reminder that you suck at trolling

Denial is not just a river in Egypt.

I had a toad coin catcher just like that once.
But it was Red

I miss it.

friendly reminder that >>>Holla Forums is that way

is being blacklisted an official thing or is it just Sam feeling that it will happen?

It already happened. Besides the show, he had a recent show in Boston that the venue canceled on him because of his "alt-right views."

It's an unofficial thing but it's incredibly damaging. Basically, kikes in the entertainment industry tell all the other kikes not to hire you, and bam you have no job prospects. This can happen to anyone. It happened to Mel Gibson and I think he only got back into the industry in like 2012, and mostly because of friends of his like Robert Downey JR. pleading for his forgiveness.

In case you missed it, Sam got an article in the Daily Caller.


pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
Which one of her did nothing wrong?

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
The manga is lovely, but I do wish it would go back to just the Straw Hats being Straw Hats. One of my favourite things about One Piece is how the crew interact with each other.

The anime however is complete garbage. I tried my best but I dropped it mid-Dressrosa.



pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
More inflexible


pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
You didn't even read my post because I said that you included the description, but cut the last line.

Sam says the realest shit ever it's almost scary how on point he is. I fear for what lies ahead in our future. The world will either go out in a whimper or in a bang and it's not going to be pretty.

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws

You sound fat. Do you have anorexia?


I summon the /lit/ copypasta.

Please take your discouragement and negative attitude somewhere else.


Are we being raided?


I've noticed that a lot of my fetishes are related to body modification. There's the AGP, but also weight gain and pregnancy and body building and penis/ball/nipple pumping and lots of unrealistic transformations like corruption or mutation or whatever. If someone is changing into something else, it usually turns me on.

Please hurry up technology. There's body modifications just waiting to happen, as soon as the medical technology gets here!

Call the mods to get them to clear this bullshit

I was hoping it wasn't spam. If that is true, it means that they've effectively bypassed the captcha, since each spam post has a new id.

Yeah I think it's a bot that pulls posts off of other boards and puts them here.

Well, no fucking shit. It's what we are talking about.

You mean one or two shills who spammed it incesently and are probably the same guys shilling XDN?

You are on /biz/ though so you're life savings were like, one thousand dollars? This is the "how do I turn 23 dollars into 1 million by next week" board.


God, I hope you're joking. For your sake.

bui is a well known furshitter from japan who does this periodically, we can only pray to kek that codemonkey proves more able than firetires was. If you want to get back at him in any way his board is /kemono/.

why no try a virtual machine?

Will you also buy a DSLR for your wife's son?

He apparently pulls atleast a part of them from cuckchan I shit you not

Got two or three bad gore images? I'm gonna spam their board

Can we dox him?

Really makes you think huh lads

nobody can post on Holla Forums because mods fucked up captcha to counter degenerate furry spam
Looks like the Holla Forums mods haven't "fixed" this yet

>>>/gore/ take your pick

Fucking spammer is hitting /monster/ right now too. What kind of joyless nigger attacks /monster/?


We are 100% sure its Bui?
I don't want this to end with 2 spammers

Really makes you think huh lads

Hit >>/kemono/ hard with >>/gore/ images

Its where this fucking furshit nigger yiffs

It's probably a furry that also goes Holla Forums
(big surprise right)


It's Bui
see >>8483810

he done this same shit so many times before its obvious

I think he was being sarcastic, but Sam really brought him back to reality with his response.

Autism, Holla Forumsfaggotry, obsession with the teachings of obese pedophile jew (((Stallman))), conformance to a codec and format created by (((Google))).

Try making anything of substance that isn't a monochrome educational video from the 50s fit in a meager 12MB.


Nice one user.

and that link leads to paperjuke's site where the model is no longer available like OP said. please test the links before posting websites please.



Tim & the libshit brigade applied guilt by association from people online that Sam has literally never met to slander him off the air & now he's playing dumb about it. Funny how Sam is guilty of the actions of the entire "alt-right" posting "mean words" on Twitter, yet Tim ISN'T guilty of his own actions & the similar actions of people he's directly fucking associating with. Big difference between random faggots on Twitter & people you've actually met, people you speak with on the phone.

Hi, Sam. I'll probably buy your book.

Oh, look. It's anchored now.

Reminder chodemonkey posted about new capcha on Holla Forums first
>>>Holla Forums1134699
>>>Holla Forums1134721

Obviously a joke.


What was the video that he linked? It's deleted from JewTube.