Texas Faithless Elector Interviewed

Christopher Suprun, the self righteous holier than thou evangelical cuckservative Glen Beck lookalike who refuses to cast his vote for Trump, is interviewed by Tucker Carlson.

Someone please punish this idiot.

Other urls found in this thread:


you can't cuck the tuck

All in favour of abolishing electors for direct electoral votes?

this is so obviously a distraction it's pathetic. they're playing the blame game here.

Dumbass kike is just painting a massive target on himself with this. Trump will make cinders out of his career right after he takes office

He's making an ass of himself. I think he is punishing himself.

This guy is a paramedic yet he thinks he is more qualified to decide who a proper leader is than millions of Americans.

When he was elected to his position, he took a pledge to vote on behalf of the people who voted him into office. Rather than step down, as another Texas Elector did, he has chosen to void the votes of millions of Texas Republicans.

His justifications are in the op-ed are:

When he has these morons on his show, Tucker has the countenance of a man who has seen kek.

There was a rumor this guy was connected to Van Jones, anyone got the details?

He should be skinned alive and buried under 10,000 tons of salt.

I've wondered about this. The electors are meant as a final check to prevent an utterly unfit populist from taking office, right? However, with the level of globalist corruption and misinformation by the MSM we're facing these days, the electors seem to be more of a threat than a protection for the republic.


It is a strange move to take, because it's obviously not going to work, and you have just made an enemy with the duly elected most powerful man in the world. Total lose-lose situation.

He needs to die.

I'm sick of these people.

He needs to fucking die.

What really disturbs me is he is wearing a suit jacket over denim shirt. He is probably also wearing blue jeans. I guess a bolo tie was too formal.

Well, he's not going to. What you need to do is become a Delegate to the 2020 RNC and make sure he's not re-elected. That's how it works.

I've never understood posts like this, given how some people are on here. It's like you're daring someone to do it.

No. It's just a position given for the sake of ceremony. They're actually meant to just announce the votes, rather than set them in. Everything else is just Democratic bullshit meant to seal the fate of the Republic.

With the information era, they are obsolete, but the establishment keeps them around for obvious reasons.

no, just hang this faggot and electors will get the message alternatively TX could just pass a law like most States "binding" their electors under force of criminal law

No, i don't believe that is correct at all. They go to the convention in person to vote, because back then all voting had to happen in person. There may have also been other considerations (death of the candidate etc) but it was not to block a populist candidate, really.

because its difficult to pass a law, let alone a Constitutional Amendment, and because its never really been a big deal?

One redpilled user for one problem glasses (((cuck))). That's not a very good trade, user. Don't let them bait you into acting rash on the eve of victory.

At that point, you should just fucking get rid of them, because fuck bureaucracy. I have a computer.

So are we hitting this cuck on twitter or did I sign up on that stupid site for nothing?

Just attack him sporadically. Make it feel like backdraft, which it is.

Good point. I'll just stalk his ass and pop off when opens his faggot mouth.

Did they HAVE to put a completely out of place Star Wars advertisement in the middle of the story?

Nothing's going to come of this. He might get a couple people to join in and vote for Kasich but almost all of them will be too afraid of the backlash against them to do it. And even if they got enough electors to deny Trump 270 it'd go to the House and then the state delegations would vote for Trump or risk never having a Republican victory ever again.



i don't disagree, but you'd need all states to do it. also, its a rubbing-elbows-type event, so its not completely pointless (for the political system/class at least)

Glenn Beck has WAY too much influence over Mormon voters, strategically it made sense for him to jump ship from the sinking dogma of Catholicism in favor of something more American.

I know a couple Mormons myself and they basically treat the man like a political prophet.

We also need all states to enforce voter ID laws. Last I checked, this was a house united. Not a house divided. If those cucks don't like it, they can stare down the barrel of a gun.

The Federalist Papers No. 68 alludes to the notion of blocking an unfit populist via faithless electors. Full disclosure, I'm still pretty bluepilled on Hamilton, so I'm unsure if this interpretation matches the original intent of the electoral college.

We've had a total of 157 instances of faithless electors so far in American history, none of whom have changed the outcome of any election with the exception of the Vice President in 1836.

It's already over with, if people think a a couple thousand unarmed protesters rioting is something to be scared of, they've got another thing coming.

That's one way it works.


Honestly, Tucker's as big a weasel as the others, sometimes. He plays those poor shmucks like a fiddle. The difference is that he's OUR weasel.

I think Hamilton was alluding more to the prevention of a totalitarian dictator seizing the reigns of power in the US to oppress his own citizens.

To be honest, I think most of us here know how tyrannical a Hillary Clinton administration would have been.

This ultra-cuck begins his profile with "Presidential Elector" as if he has been elected to political office. As if he is Governor or Texas.

An elector is a ceremonial honor for nameless cucks to tell their disinterested grandchildren about. Reasonable people consider it no more than this.

He actually believes he is a politician now and want to use this small power to feel larger than his small station in life (ambulance driver). He even tells Tucker Carlson that people have threatened his "political career" on Twitter.

We have to be vigilant because these desperate worms are always seeking more power than they are given. In his mind he is some patriotic hero. This is his moment to shine and be the Ted Cruz he always wanted to be. A firefighter was the closest he ever got to being looked up to by the public.

Well, go along her votes against gay rights would happen.

nice catch user

Hamilton was a monarchist elitist and probably a jew. (arguably) a lot in the Constitution existed to block populist candidates, as most of the Founders were very fearful of "the masses." However, whether that is the only reason or even the most important reason is still questionable.

Probably it was supposed to keep the power in the hands of the State legislatures, as they were the "agents" that instituted the Federal government. This would, indeed, keep a Julius Caesar type populist from centralizing power, but at the same time keeping power decentralized is sort of a populist thing to do, if that makes sense. So, it was probably more about "State Rights" and decentralization than populism, per se

well, voter ID laws are… questionable at times. But, certainly there needs to be better ways of stopping abuses. I mean, hypothetically you could have an ID law, but if you're registered illegally, then it wouldn't matter. Voter ID at the door is only one way to prevent fraud, and it does come at a (at least hypothetical) cost

Interestingly enough, a big theme that Hamilton stressed is that just because a majority of people unite behind a position, that doesn't mean that the position is good.

Remember that next time someone brings up Hillary's popular vote.

You might as well say I could get stabbed by a nigger on the way into the booth because there's a nigger there, and he's angry.

The illegal shouldn't be there, in the first place.

Technically he has been. Your vote on Nov. 8 is to elect the electors, not to elect the president.

Still a really pretentious thing to do.


Elect jew representatives, get jewed results.

Yes but it is not a real political office. All he does is cast a vote. Yet he is treating it like he has been elected as a mayor or governor.

Hillary didn't fucking win the popular vote, Lou.

God, the founding fathers were dumb as hell, letting Islam being treated fairly like other religions, and pretending Democracy was feasible, when they had fucking slaves. Complete fucking failure.


What happens of the other electoral college representatives follow his lead and say "go fuck yourselves" to Trump supporters and heavily vote against him?

The electors were a logical response to the problem that it was fucking awful travelling from the interior to Washington. In this day and age though we do not really need to do this rigamorole of gathering votes and then sending delegates to Washington to register them and react to changes in circumstances like someone dying between November and January. The system probably shouldn't be touched though until we get the leftists knocked to the floor.

Even the National Review thinks this is dumb.

i know that, I'm just pointing out that there are multiple steps in the process and that each has problems, so simply voter ID might not solve the problem of voter fraud. i agree with your sentiments, of course

Hamilton simply stressed that he was better than everyone else, and was a dirty kike that figured if he didn't get to be the monarch, then he'd get to run the central bank which would give him lots of power and shekels

…and you live in a Republican nation founded on fear of Monarchy and Church. You would do well to remember that. If you want totalitarianism/authoritarianism, then you should go the fuck back to Europe where it has been tried, and failed (miserably), many times you LARPy faggot

Hey Moshe, you're not as chosen as you thing you are

first of all, only a few States allow their electors to be faithless. second, how many electors want to risk being the first to die in the resultant uprising, or at least becoming pariahs and having their lives ruined during the resulting scandal? its not going to happen, user

His show tonight was hilarious. Guy's definitely marginally on our side.

Comedy gold

No shit. Simply banning bongs won't stop crack dealers, either. When did I say simply voter ID?

Pure Cohencidence.

Says the person LARPing as a 1770's revolutionary patriot.

Religious Monarchy is the natural state of human governance. The wealthy business class cutting off heads and establishing oligarchies in the name of "democracy" throughout the anglosphere does not prove otherwise.

Monarchy would allow protection against (((interlopers))) morally tearing down our people and destroying us through ma$$ immigration. Capitalist Democracy is corrupt as shit.

Sure monarchy can also be corrupt, but if you have good King who protects his people, then it is preferable.

In lieu of Monarchy, Dictatorships also work. Putin is an example of such a benign dictator who protects his people. His influence alone is protecting all of Eastern Europe from the Jewish led eradication of their peoples. Remember, who it was who destroyed the Russian royal family to establish Bolshevism.

It is even the Torah. Saul was selected as a king and there was all sorts of warnings and hatred for monarchy given at the time.

Remember, it was the Catholic Kings of Europe who defended Europe from Islam and Judaism for 1300 years +. It is Democracy and unfettered Capitalism which has destroyed our civilization.

I know, he's a hoot, but I wouldn't turn my back on him, either.

So can someone fill me in on how exactly this elector thing works? Can a faithless elector retroactively flip his state so other electors have to follow his lead? If that's it, that's pretty worrisome. If not, then there is literally nothing to worry about.

No, it's just him virtue signalling.
Trump won by around 40 electors. This is just one elector, but the state of Texas could flip and he would still win.

Monarchy is shit fam. Benevolent leaders are a rarity, and a bad king is worse than a bad president. Last thing you need is a shithead with "divine authority" to enforce his idiocy on the populace. I don't know where you get your info about Russia and Putin, but it's a shithole infested with poverty, unemployment, apathy, and drugs, and Putin is basically a thug who out-thugged all his opponents to secure a permanent position of power; he doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself and his cronies.

In theory he can do whatever, but in practice it's just a rubber stamp. I wouldn't worry about it. If Trump doesn't become prez millions of armed people will march on washington and the traitors will hang.

Exactly that, and he holds the expression the entire time they're speaking. The guests don't even react to it, which is also amusing.


republican please put a bullet in your brain and the rest of your jacobin friends

you're going into nature vs nurture here, but even the best king can be a shitty father. they're just humans. i simply don't agree that ruling a nation should be a family affair.

that's because ur a faget

It is an issue of opportunity cost. What is more important to you.

Personally, I place the moral health and overall strength of our people (Europeans) above other considerations.

It is more important than the so-called affluence we enjoy as Americans. Besides, that affluence is quickly destroying itself. The apathy of our intoxicated and greedy leadership congratulating themselves as we are invaded and destroyed by millions of shitskins.

I don't it when they claim to be the underdog when the mainstream press, hollywood celebrities, political organizations like ANIFTA, academic professors, musicians, popular foreign figures, and tax-evading billionaires share the same view as him.

I thought he was a kike?

This is all a Star Wars reality game

Cucks gonna cuck. Laws won't stop them.

wtf? Fucking kike isn't even trying to hide it.

Cuckface to the max. Jesus, what a fucking stooge.

Do you history at all faggot?

If religion is unnatural why is it practiced by all human beings at all times and in all places? In fact, the proof is very much the opposite. The human being is naturally religious.

You Celtic and Greek ancestors would have considered your atheism a sin. Impiety. It was punishable by law in ancient Greece. The Greeks would have punished you, yet you quote them as an authority for your heathen Jew atheism.

Atheism is more Jewish than Christianity btw

the Greeks would have punished you but the Celts wouldnt have
there are very few persons on Holla Forums that know stuff about the Celts besides that nutter who occasionally surfaces their head sometimes to claim they were pseudo-jews
Celts had kingdoms but power wasn't absolute, you could have a kingdom ruled by 7 kings who all held equal authority or a kingdom shared by a family/clan and Celts were incredibly prone to rebelling and killing their kings or queens if they were deemed unworthy to rule because of cowardice or treachery

He's a Jew, he uses the Echos

I saw another thing where he tried to justify his decision because of the new Star Wars movie.

Can't they just replace this guy? I know Texas doesn't have faithless elector laws but they have something. Either faithless votes can be discarded or faithless electors can be replaced with faithful ones.


Anti-christians don't really care. They pretend to be pagans and try to appeal to muh ancedurrs when it suits them, then they switch colors to (((wicca))) and (((satanism))) when engaged in deep debate, or simply throw off the mantle of religion all together. Their main goal is to attack christianity always and everywhere on this board, and they have succeeded splitting Holla Forums on religion.

those two things are beyond cancerous
wicca was started by a protestant christfag who wanted to sleep with more women and possibly had schizophrenia
satanism was made up by a kike
theres a sizable branch of what you'd call 'pagan' on here which is just mainly irreligious anons who enjoy the myths and legends of our ancestors




What are the odds of the following happening?

1. The Fed absolutely fucking wrecks the economy. They kick interest to 5% and cause the Second Great Depression.
2. Mere days later, the electors vote and, by ✡pure coincidence✡, decide not to elect Trump because of what “he did” to the economy.

Also, I know I’ll forget to post it when the actual day comes, so here’s a little something I whipped up on election night after he was confirmed. Spread it everywhere on inauguration day for maximum salt.

That may just be the dumbest post on this thread.

Mormons are a subversive threat to Western civilization, just as dangerous as Islam or Judaism. Possibly even more dangerous, since rather than being sand niggers, they're mostly white (at least in the US). And of course they're Zionists and support Israel.

What Mormonism is is basically Freemason rituals adapted into a proselytizing and militant religion with many similarities to Islam. Their goal has always been to get one of their men as President of the United States, so they can implement a Sharia-style theocracy and take their bloody revenge.

The way Romney betrayed Trump and went for McMullin just confirms that he's not to be trusted, and makes me glad he lost in 2012.
But if it ends up going to the House and they pick McMullin because some sack of shit faithless elector voted for him, then it's time to grab your guns and prepare for civil war, because they sure as hell have been.


37 of them would have to do it, which isn't going to happen. If it did, the House of Representatives would vote on the Presidency. The House has 59 more Reps than Dems. So then 60/247 (~24%) Republicans would have to vote for somebody other than Trump, provided every single Democrat votes for Hillary, for her to win. It's very unlikely; I would think a civil war should it happen would be more likely than it happening in the first place.

Look at this. Also keep in mind the Mormon birthrate.


pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
Don't be salty at us for not wanting to hear your whinging about not being able to pass.

You have fuckloads of groups to choose from where you can whine until your heart's content. This is not one of them. Deal with it.

even old new york was once new amsterdam. why they changed it i can't say


Isn't he a Jew faggot? That would explain the attention whoring.

Either way, the dumb little shit needs to be replaced.


now I just need someone in that costume causing serious injuries and my life is complete

No lies detected.

Working for anyone now?

WEW, Stallman was a powerlifter all along

Too bad we elected a nationalist for coal. Even the trump supporters think "clean coal" exists

credi che scrivere "sorry for the spam" ti autorizzi a fare spam? questa board fa già cagare abbastanza così, quindi fammi il piacere di levarti dai coglioni e non tornare mai più

In that case, it's costing your enemy a bunch of pearls per army per turn as a countermeasure. That's a bigger amount than most gemgens give.

I'd call that worth just having it sit at home, let alone having it taking enemy provinces.

did you shit on it before letting it out?

I dunno but claiming that you don't see colour is retarded as hell. Also, talking about race as a whitey is a no-win situation because either you end up belittling racial issues or you end up being such an obnoxious libturd that even the minorities you're championing for would cringe.

wtf? guy shares a real rape story and you want more?

Perfect feet. Too bad about the herpes tho

no, even better
replace the entire electorate with new people

They aren't rude, they're just expedient in how they interact with people.

you mentioned Saul and monarchy?
pay extra attention to line 7

4 Then all the ancients of Israel being assembled, came to Samuel to Ramatha.

5 And they said to him: Behold thou art old, and thy sons walk not in thy ways: make us a king, to judge us, as all nations have.

6 And the word was displeasing in the eyes of Samuel, that they should say: Give us a king, to judge us. And Samuel prayed to the Lord.

7 And the Lord said to Samuel: Hearken to the voice of the people in all that they say to thee. For they have not rejected thee, but me, that I should not reign over them.

8 According to all their works, they have done from the day that I brought them out of Egypt until this day: as they have forsaken me, and served strange gods, so do they also unto thee.

9 Now therefore hearken to their voice: but yet testify to them, and foretell them the right of the king, that shall reign over them.

10 Then Samuel told all the words of the Lord to the people that had desired a king of him,

11 And said: This will be the right of the king, that shall reign over you: He will take your sons, and put them in his chariots, and will make them his horsemen, and his running footmen to run before his chariots,

12 And he will appoint of them to be his tribunes, and centurions, and to plough his fields, and to reap his corn, and to make him arms and chariots.

13 Your daughters also he will take to make him ointments, and to be his cooks, and bakers.

14 And he will take your fields, and your vineyards, and your best oliveyards, and give them to his servants.

15 Moreover he will take the tenth of your corn, and of the revenues of your vineyards, to give his eunuchs and servants.

16 Your servants also and handmaids, and your goodliest young men, and your asses he will take away, and put them to his work.

17 Your flocks also he will tithe, and you shall be his servants.

18 And you shall cry out in that day from the face of the king, whom you have chosen to yourselves. and the Lord will not hear you in that day, because you desired unto yourselves a king.

19 But the people would not hear the voice of Samuel, and they said: Nay: but there shall be a king over us.

20 And we also will be like all nations: and our king shall judge us, and go out before us, and fight our battles for us.

21 And Samuel heard all the words of the people, and rehearsed them in the ears of the Lord.

22 And the Lord said to Samuel: Hearken to their voice, and make them a king. And Samuel said to the men of Israel: Let every man go to his city.

1 Samuel 8: 4-22 DRA 1899 American Edition

later in the same book, the Israelites knew that they had done a great evil in desiring a king over them

I didn't say that.

based dubs checked

John Alan Martinson is that you?

so if I like coke I can't be a cop now? why so square man?

I hate stoners and alcoholics and coffee moms but this fucking pasta needs to die


Do you have any links/info to point me towards?
I'll look it up if not.

I haven't heard of this before now, but it makes as much sense as the other way 'round.


OP, please give an at least somewhat detailed summary of the best "evidence" behind Pizzagate. Since you can't, please refrain from making threads about subjects you do not understand.

What happens to traitors user? Can you guess?

Obviously I did not know that is why I asked

you think we would forget you, Malasiafag?

it will probably work

no one respects pushovers

look at obama

There are a number of Kennedys, Bushes, Clintons, Carters, Rockefellers, Tafts, Roosevelts, Adamses and Harrisons that would like to have a word with you.

Political dynasties are pervasive, regardless of which system of government you prefer. Better to groom them from birth to accept responsibility than to just let them slide into power again and again, dodging responsibility because the common man has the attention span of a gnat.

They called themselves Christian, user. It was hundreds of years later that Trentians (those who practise a religion originating at the 16th Century council of the same name), tried to commandeer the word "catholic".

Ref.: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Council_of_Trent

You could make a list of covert subversive leftists organizations just by googling that retard's name. It's like he's the token coon du jour and every leftist cuck needs his picture around so they don't feel too h'wite.

The guy is a retard btw, CNN did a trivia show featuring CNN contributors at one point and he was dead last, I'm not sure he got anything actually.

Go back to iron march or TRS or whatever faggot.

Yes it is defenerate
No it is not ok
I'm not saying no sed before marriage, but after college you should only be having sex in committed relationships.
That's just this user's opinion though.

posted this in another thread, but according a a thread on cuckit:

Faithless Elector who can't vote for Trump morally paid for Ashley Madison while Bankrupt and married with 3 kids!

https:// www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/5i1h1k/faithless_elector_who_cant_vote_for_trump_morally/

Should we also abolish the senate and have only the House of representatives?


Fuck no, kiddo.

The entire Constitution (document) should be re-done, with clauses that push voting over heridatary power removed completely.

now on Zero Hedge:
good times

So…. did reddit fund this, or was it someone on here?

God dam. All the weaponised autistism training over the last two years is seriously paying off.