Congress okays $600m. for Israel missile defense

Congress okays $600m. for Israel missile defense

WASHINGTON — A day ahead of a government shutdown deadline, Congress scrambled on Thursday to wrap-up unfinished business, voting decisively to send President Barack Obama a defense policy bill, including more than $600 million for missile defense cooperation with Israel.

The Senate passed the defense legislation by a wide margin, 92-7, a week after the House overwhelmingly approved the measure, 375-34.

The legislation includes the approval of some $600.7 million for US-Israel missile defense cooperation for the 2017 fiscal year, with provisions specifically authorizing $268.7 million in research and development funding for US-Israel cooperative missile and rocket defense programs; $62 million for procurement of the Iron Dome rocket defense system; $150 million for procurement of the David’s Sling medium-range missile defense system; and $120 million for procurement of the Arrow-3 long-range missile defense system.

Some $10 million in additional funds are earmarked for US-Israel anti-tunnel cooperation.

The money is not part of the massive defense package agreement, also known as the memorandum of understanding, signed between the two countries earlier in the year. The new package will grant Israel $3.8 billion annually — up from the $3 billion pledged under the previous agreed-upon MOU — starting in 2018 and through 2028.

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee on Thursday welcomed the news, saying it “commends Congress for strongly bolstering US-Israel defense cooperation. These funds will help Israel defend its citizens against rocket and missile threats, and will further America’s own missile defense programs.”

The provisions, said AIPAC, “demonstrate Congress’ strong interest in addressing Iran’s malign behavior,” by “requiring a quarterly report describing any confirmed ballistic missile launches by Iran, along with efforts to impose sanctions in response,” and “requiring information on Iran’s cyber capabilities to be incorporated in the annual report on Iran’s military power, mandated under existing law.”

The bill rebuffs Obama’s quest to shutter the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba; denies his bid to reduce the size of armed forces, and grants the troops a pay raise larger than the one their commander in chief recommended.

The government spending bill set for a vote in the House would keep the government running through April 28, along with $10 billion in supplemental war funding and $4 billion more for disaster relief for Louisiana and other states.

The hard-fought legislation also includes provisions to help Flint, Michigan, fix its lead-tainted water system and speed up next year’s confirmation for retired Gen. James Mattis as President-elect Donald Trump’s defense secretary.

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US govt, what the heck?

Fuck MENA, fuck Rothschild-land and fuck the jews especially.

Oh, probably better to just call it "Rothschild-land" since they have absolutely no relation to the actual tribe of Israelites.


I guess that's a hopeful way to look at it, but remember that Israel hustled into war right before Obama took office, just in case he was anti-kikeland.

He kinda was. If Netenyahu had his way we'd already be at war with Syria and Iran.

We want it back


Oy vey, the wall is too expensive, goyim! It would leave too little money to defend Israel and provide tax-rebates for Soros!

Vee need more for da mizzles goyim!

Every Jew should be tortured and then executed

How the fuck is it that the entire continent isn't redpilled at this point? Surely shit like this should be raising some questions?


Man, what happened to Trump making America's allies pay their share for their defense?


Sure it does. The amount of military aid to Israel creates jobs in the American military-industrial complex in the same way that welfare creates jobs at American shoe stores and fried chicken restaurants, but neither are going to be a net gain for the economy.

He's not sworn in yet. He can't do jack shit.

Still, I wonder what his stance will be on this.


AIPAC, what the ZOG

If you will not stand with Our Greatest Ally™ Israel, then I will not stand with you.

$600m? What, $100m per "victim"?

Didn't just give them like $20 Billion a month ago or so.
Doesn't Germany pay them like a good 100 Euro a month?
I'm sure there are others.

Perfect, just what we needed: appealing to dindus. Just post similar images of nigger infested areas with the same message and get the golems to turn on their own masters.

At 6 million "victims" that's $100 per "victim", not $100m.

congress isn't reliable for the average american, but you can always bet your ass they will serve jewish interests with a smile on their face.

So the 600 mllions is literally to pay for the missile defense systems Israel develops and manufactures? What a joke.

Jesus, what the fuck is that?

Why are the jews so paranoid?

Sea Lamprey


Passing the shekels before Trump gets into office.

These kikes must be scared to death he will see it as wasteful spending.

Every time. The only thing congress can ever agree on: More shekels for Israel!

Yeah, that doity antisemite downplaying the 6 billion as a measly 6! Just a penny per victim is peanuts! We need more money for holocaust memorials, as they've obviously forgotten the horrible tragedy when 6 trillion jews lost their lives during the shoah.

1. Destigmatization/normalization of hatred.
2. Dehumanization of target group.
3. Radicalization of your group.
4. Organization of your group politically and locally.
5. Crisis point or "critical mass" event
6. Seizure of power / capitalization of circumstance.
6. Guidance of force.
Real Holocaust


White people can't jump, white people have no rhythm, whites are racist
The escalation of anti-white propaganda, white privilege, whites are oppressors, etc
Almost all media and colleges are now hard left, Tumblr, online echo chambers
BLM, Antifa, SJWs, bernouts, those Mexican nationalists, bernouts
False flags to make white people look evil almost daily, conditioning people for this
Pushes for Internet censorship, Rule 41, NDAA 2012, etc
Race war when?

Fucking autocorrect I said mexicant

Just remembered the name, isn't it La Raza? You don't hear much about that shit up here in Alaska.

If he's legit about getting the debt down, he's going to want to flip the situation on it's head - you don't get given billions in foreign aid as well as American troops doing your bidding. If anything, you PAY and you pay big for American protection.
Same deal for NATO, if Europe wants America to be the guy wth the big guns in NATO, Europe's going to have to start paying for that protection I don't see the point in NATO even existing at this point

Not american, but from my understanding La Raza translates as 'the race', which is basically a mexican/hispanic supremacy group. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Whenever I think the US might have a chance, one of our branches of government somewhere almost unanimously passes some bill that either gives money to Israel, or tries to prevent criticism of Israel.

Are we an occupied government, completely?

If you're telling about this with normies, an excellent angle to use is this:


[more money for the missiles intensifies]

They'll probably still reply with some retarded leftist bullshit like "my great-grandfather was German so it's basically my fault too that the kikes got exactly what they deserved back then!".



Bad deal!


Dubs confirm. Fire up the ovens.


Israel is the real Washington D.C.



Fifth one isn't true though:

Wayne county is where Detroit is located.