Unionist punch Natiolalist during frog fashy debate

Alain Soral (anti-zioniste, Egalité e Reconciliation) punch Daniel Conversano (dictateur fasciste Front National extrême droite nationalisme.)

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One sided fight instead of conversation


Anti-zionist punch nationalist, don't know how to feel.

I don't know anything about this guy other than the video where he btfo's feminists. Who is he? All I know is that he is french (instant -10 points)

A pinko faggot. Who cares if he saws off one of his gangrene limbs?

what did he say?

this poster is a huge faggot

Is he? He makes an argument that feminism is marxism. And it isn't complimentary.

How can he be against kikes and be a commie at the same time?

No idea, but it happens

I have little to no idea what's going on. Please give some detail beyond names OP

That's actually pretty impressive

Not only a grown man, but I translated the article and the punching man boxes as well


Nice try

Hit him with the three-two-three combo and the long haired guy doesn't even hold his hands up so he obviously has no idea how to fight. Then he starts yelling at him around 12 minutes of vid related after already getting smashed and takes a roundhouse. Both times he engages he went to a switch-stance which was pretty slick.

Based on this and without speaking french the dude with the longhair is fucking stupid as shit.


To be fair he was sucker-punched, happens to the best of us. I think my dubs speak for themselves though. Long Hair guy is clearly the best.

(The bald dude went to switch, the other guy was turning away.)

I'm surprised he managed to keep all his teeth through that.

I hope he gets sued for some baguette$.

Naw man you never let someone close distance like that. If they do at the very least you do a bouncer's fence. Also why he would start yelling at someone that just hit him with a 3 punch combo is insane. I think he said "misérable" before the second exchance? topkek


Sorel did do that reverse heil thing at the holocaust memorial…

You're right, these things may seem obvious to us, but long hair guy probably isn't used to fighting. Furthermore, he probably wasn't expecting to get into a fight during a debate that was being recorded and shit. Then again, he should've picked up on the aggressive body language. Eh, frogs.


It's crazy they just let them go back to the debate. kek. How do you just go back to debating.

I like how he moved off angle while he threw the combo.

I don't think the US deserves one either. Remember slavery and women not being able to vote? Yeah we haven't earned this privilege so we should keep Andrew Jackson on the 20 because we don't deserve the stunning and brave Harriet Tubman on our money.

can someone fucking translate what the fuck they are saying?

what led to the fighting?

the long-haired fag is on some tirade about how he takes it up the ass from arabs and the fascist skinhead on the right cant tolerate this so he punches him out. based soral

Because handegg is a shit sport for shit people like ameritards

Unless Russia rigged the election process, it doesn't matter.

If Russia actually hacked the DNC and Hillary's email server, that doesn't change anything since it exposed her corruption. Imagine if Colin Powell admitting that he and the rest of the Bush administration lied about WMDs to invade Iraq actually caused Bush to lose his re-election. Would that mean he "rigged" the election because he exposed something that would have justified hanging Bush and his cronies on the gallows? Just because Russia benefits from it doesn't mean they rigged it.

yeah I'll admit I haven't looked into the source. The stuff on the left has kinda happened though.

Nice thread you've got there. Would be a shame if someone were to come along and sage it.

Then give each of them many German wives.

What fucking kike! If you do this, you deserve to have jizz in your food.

Yello Americans! Today it has been found that my Rooskie friends and I have infiltrated Americans elections. It is true, I used my 8chin hacking skillz to make sure Trump won the vote. I used my based Internet Explorer browser to get it done. AMA

GTFO kike

seems based

there was already a fucking thread about it where everything was explained

LOL it's the complete opposite: Soral the skinhead is the one defending his arab butt buddies and when the long haired guy says people are voting FN because they're just fucking tired of arabs he gets mad and he punches Conversano.

Why isnt Trump president yet

For those of you who think Soral is based, you're only half true. He's a huge sand nigger lover, he always comes up with excuses for their shit.

Can't wait till the jesuit heretic fucking dies. Hell even my local priest told me he hates him


you got Tucked, cuck


There's only one way to return to those days, Hans.

how long until they have a civil war? Or will the frenchmen just thank their conquerors for taking over their country and offer them their mtoher and sister?

This is what gives me hope. They are scared and their suppressing tactics are all over the place. Given what we know about pedo rings in the upper echelons of government the world over it is inconceivable that there isn't anything going on in Washington at all, but that is what they want us to believe.
A major pedo bust in Norway is ignored because they don't want anything pedo-related in the MSM headlines.
But MSM is dying and they cannot control the alternatives without severe draconian restrictions which even the ignorant masses would not accept (yet)

Why do they speak like that? I can't stand more than a few seconds of it.

JMLP created FN, MLP ruined it. I hope Fillon gets elected

Socialists (left), or social democrats (conservatives), like everywhere else in europe. The rest are fringe that onlye existnto help onenof those 2 to get majority when needed

We left europe because it sucked, and never looked back. We really don't give a shit about europe at all. We're American's now.

Which was probably the same kind of intelligence the Neanderthals had

Soral is the shit, read his shit, see his talks on youtube. BTFO

Conversano is somewhat Holla Forums tier white nationalist (a retarded e-celeb, though). Soral is sandnigger loving commie scum. Conversano gets kicked after yelling "people are sick of fucking arabs".

This "e-celebs fight" redefines everything once and for all in the "french alt right". Soral was BTFO and now white people can see that he was always a race traitor. Conversano is ridiculous but has one quality : he's not afraid to speak his mind (the ultimate taboo in super-hypocritical France) and forces all enemies to show themselves for who they are.

I can't believe it took the french this long to figure out that sandniggers are not their friends.

And Conversano is pretty much Holla Forums irl. His positions are:
- Shitskins & niggers must go back to africa
- Kikes must be gassed or go back to israel
- French must arm themselves trough legal ways, have lots of kids and wait for the good opportunity to strike.

Daniel Conversano has such a nigger face… how can he pretends being a white supremacist?

Because the frogs are cucked to such a high degree, that even the niggers and kikes are starting to advocate for white nationalism in order to save the country. Either they pity to french or they feel that if france collapse they won't have a place to parasite anymore.

Also, Soral is a NatSoc god tier: he knows the real problem is not sand niggers but jews.

Conversano is an alt-right shit tier.

Jews are doing globalism, jews are organizing the mass migration, they are trying to convert white men from superior antisemitism to inferior nigger hate racism.

They're really good at it: Trump alt-right shit is putting in command all the jews and will not fight against sand nigger nor build the wall. Alt-right retards are just cucked.

Real european NatSoc like Soral see that, and want to end with this shit.

We need a real NatSoc leader to fight against Jews, and to start a clever remigration process of the arabs.

In France, Melenchon is that guy.

Yeah a "natsoc god" who's marxist, fucks niggresses, chills for islam and punches white people who advocate for the remigration of arabs.

He's a muslim lover.

Probably one of the worst post I've ever seen here, this faggot is probably from the french website 'JVC' where Melanchon (far left) has shills pushing his party and ideologies.
Soral knows both Mudslimes and jews are the problem, but he got his own little public of Whites faggot (probably your kind) and mudslimes who will cry for help to him whenever the Religion of Peace strikes again.

Back your claim ffs.

He's not NatSoc, never was, will never be. Letting mudslimes in your ranks, telling them they can be Nationalist, telling them they can stay in France, never address interracial relationship, send nudes to a black woman. Punch someone who can't defend himself 3 times because your public is being attacked by the same person.

See this kind of post Holla Forums, that's the kind of shit you have to deal with in France, Melenchon is not the answer, you know it, take your money from him and get the fuck out of this train, fucking shill.

Punching a white nationalist during a debate because you get so emotional and rustled when someone points out your cuckoldry for muslims. Yeah… NatSoc god tier bro

There is still a thread with only 200 replies. Stick to one thread.

Fuck off alt-right faggot.

Soral is a declared National Socialist since years. He's fighting against the jews in a better way than anyone else.

He's for remigration: but like a clever superior NatSoc, ha wants a real and well organized remigration, same as Melenchon:

Alt-rightards you're just inferior to NatSoc. You deserve a punch in the face.

Soral is antifa tier. He hates rich semites (jews) and loves poor semites (muslims)

Mfw when I see a superior NatSoc Aryan punching the face of a shit tier half nigger alt-right

About as much as Soros. A shitskin lover is not a National Socialist.

Shit skins haters are inferior alt-right faggots. Like the americans: so scared of niggers that they voted for Trump, the jews and GoldmanSachs.

NatSoc defends Aryans blood from Jewish contamination. There are some white jews and brown jews. Same, there are white Aryans and brown Aryans .

Listen to the real NatSoc like Soral or Mélenchon, fight the jews, and organize remigration in a clever way.

we have IDs you fucking faggot shill.

Shut up moshe. I'm saying only one thing:

Alt-right shit tiers.
NatSoc master race.

Soral gets triggered when Conversano insults arabs. Shows you who's the real French Nationalist. Soral is an arab/muslim lover.

the fuck is wrong with some of you?

are you fucking retarded? their is no such thing as a brown aryan you fucking faggot.

being for race-mixing, shit skins and their faggotry is not national socialism you fucking kike!

Is Conversano pursuing legal action? This looks to be about as open and shut as a case can get, with the only uncertainties being how many shekels he's getting and how much jail time Soral is doing.

they're shills

Go fuck a goat, Ahmed.

You really believe that the Jews like Trump or Lepen are going to organize remigration? They will not. The jews did globalization and mass migration: they're making money of it.

Soral and Mélenchon, they know how to organize a quite and efficient remigration of Arabs to their country. To do it, you don't need to insult Christianism or Islam like leftist faggots.

Islam is a very good things for Arabs, in the arabs country. They need it.

But you're so submitted to the jewish propaganda that you can't understand that Atheism and Capitalism is your true ennemy.

Shills and braindead LARPers, what else?

can you please explain, I've never heard of that phenomena

you guys really need to step your game up


The same shill talking point we've had for the past 2 months.
I doubt they know how to organise a cock entering your ass, but even if they did, attacking someone who's sick of Muslims is a clear sign they aren't interested in doing so.
They survived thousands of years without it, but I don't give a fuck about your moon god. They will get the fuck out of Europe, that's it.
No, we're not submitted to what you say.

In France, nazism is forbidden by law. So Soral and Dieudonné, who relauch national socialism in France 10 years ago, created the so called "quenelle".

When Soral punch in the face this inferior altright, nigger hater, he just remind the most important thing to understand:

If you fall in that trap: you're cucked.

We must organize remigration of arabs and refugees: but keep in mind that they are victim of the jewish migration plan. They are not the real ennemy.

My bad for not having followed the work of M'bala M'bala closely enough

That's why they murder, rape, steal and blow themselves up? Those poor victims.

I don't care about your victim narrative.

I am white.

arabs are not our friends and they don't want to leave they want to stay and turn our countries into the new caliphate.

Also islam itself is based around perpetual war with non-muslims and any peace they talk about is nothing more than taqiyya (religiously condoned lying to the enemy to protect and further islam)

forcing islam on young children imprints the authority of imams and the koran throughout their life
polygamy makes rich men have many wives and many children as a result
polygamy means poor men have no women and become sexually frustrated and motivated to end their sexual frustration in any way shape or form
most cowardly men have sex with little boys or fuck goats
poor violent and prideful men are told by their imams and the koran to jihad against the infidels
Jihading you can get all the spoils of the enemy and their women and if you die you get 72 virgins

this setup encourage eternal war

The current islamic conquest strategy they are using is called Hijrah which is migrational replacement
What muslims are doing is where they are migrating to european countries so they can breed with our women and replace us become a majority and then kill us all!

Hating niggers is not wrong
Niggers are inherently inferior barbaric sub-humans who need to be wiped from the face of the earth.



That's war. That's why we must send them back to their country. But the clever way, the NatSoc way, respecting their aryan brown blood, and their religion.

If you fall in the jewish trap, like americans, you'll have a Donald Trump, who will not do remigration, and will give the power to GoldmanSachs.

There is no way Trump or Lepen will do remigration. To do remigration, you need a real antisemitic leader, a real NatSoc, like Soral or Mélenchon.

Stfu stupid alt-right american.

When French colonized arabs country: everything was ok, until the jews screw up everything.

Arabs don't want to colonize Europe. Their race can't deal with the cold and the rain we have over here.

Most of them want to go back to their country. But they can't because of the jews (like in Israël)

If we defeat the jewish banks like the GoldmanSachs, it will be easy to organize remigration. But for that, we need a NatSoc leader like Soral or Mélenchon, not an altright faggot submitted to the jews like Trump or Lepen.

He took four really good form punches and a kick while remaining standing, pretty good actually. He should have blocked though.

Basically heres how it went down

yes we are at war with them so we should retaliate by fucking executing them.
Doesn't work they always come back and most don't want to leave because they have come to conquer!
That has nothing to do with getting rid of the shit skins you fucking faggot kike
Remigration doesn't work and Soral and Mélenchon are nothing more than controlled opposition!

I'm not alt-right and I'm not american
no everything was not alright the french were hopped up on the drug called Liberté, égalité, fraternité and thought they could bring enlightenment to you faggot muslims but in the all you want is to conquer the world in the name of allah the faggot jew idol
Yeah fucking right like anyone would believe that! If that were the case their would be less and less muslims going to sweden and more leaving for arabia. However their numbers coming to sweden have not decreased and the ones leaving are going to warmer euro countries not fucking arabia!
tell that to the pakistanis, somalis and the numerous other muslims from non-war zone countries!



Im not arguing for leaders like Trump you faggot but Soral and Mélenchon are not National Socialists! They are controlled opposition and remigration will not work because they have come to breed with our women and conquer and only by wiping them from the face of the earth can we get rid of them!

Most of them come to Europe because gibs and crime make them more money than anything they could ever get in their own countries.

Let's remind than when the Islamic State raised in the Arab countries, a bunch of arabs born in France just immediately went back to their country.

But then, the Jews with Putin and Obama and now with Trump destroyed the Islamic State. So they are comming back to France: that the jewish plan.

If a true NatSoc free the Arab countries from the jewish globalization, and start again a positive colonialism, alowing arabs to practice over there their religion: most of the arabs, include the one borned in France, will immediately go back to their country.

But you're a stupid altright eating the jewish propaganda.

Va sucer ton précieux mohamed ailleurs soral

one ISIS is Israeli made to destabilize Syria so that the only oil pipelines that go to europe have to go through Israel and Turkey. Also the muslims left so they could help start the GLOBAL CALIPHATE which would be the start of a major jihad against the rest of the world.
No the jewish plan is to flood europe with muslims by encouraging them to come to europe while destabilizing their home nations which is what ISIS is doing!
Colonialism is nothing more than multi-racialism in disguise
No their is no longer any cooperation with you lot of muslim scum. You've shown your true colours mudslime you don't want peace you want war. Every day you exist you are a threat to all of Europe and so it is the duty of all who care about the european race and the protection of europe to wipe the jews and their pawns like you mudslime from the face of the earth!

Go drown in a pool of pigs blood achmed

Google Traduction
Vous répondez à la mauvaise personne je suis anti-musulman.


For those who haven't paid attention this guy is a shill, he shills in the French/pol/ thread for some faggot presidential candidate boynie sanders French copycat. Conversano is pretty much Holla Forums irl, Soral is good for shitting on jews but he's just a sand nigger lover and a former commie. He converted to islam, here he is in this pic.

Sanders is a jew you stupid altright. Just like Trump or Lepen.

Mélenchon wants to start an ecological colonialism to organize the remigration, respecting Islam in the arab countries.

Give to that NatSoc plan a chance.

Melenchon said on many occasion he hated whites.

Double post sorry but for those who haven't paid attention, he tries to make himself appear better by slandering anyone who disagrees with him. He believe that his sanders copycat is about to make the NatSoc revolution happens or he's paid by him to shill here about it.
Here's a couple of sentences from this "NatSoc revolutionary" jean luc melenchon :

You may have seen him before here, he's famous for faking in this pic.
The only people supporting him are leftist faggot and this guy who's most likely paid by him.

Mélenchon is white, descendent of the french colonialists who dominated arab countries during centuries.

He knows how to deal with Arabs. He knows how to end with the Jewish globalism. He want to start an ecological colonialism. He wants to let arabs practice Islam in their countries. He knows how to organize a massive remigration of Arabs to their country.

National Socialism is the solution. Alt-right is a jewish trap. When Soral punch in the face that stupid faggot: he did the right thing.


Bien essayer connard de socialope suceur de bougnouls mais personne ne supporte mélonchon

Say it in English so everyone understands what kind of faggot shill he is.

NatSoc chills: you american alt-rightards can't understand what is National Socialism.

Watch the translated videos of Soral, maybe you'll progress a bit.

Main idea:
Jews are doing globalism, jews are organizing the mass migration, they are trying to convert white men from superior antisemitism to inferior nigger hate racism.

Okay, there we go. I was trying to find the one thread which tied this faggot together. I figured he either had a muslim GF or wife or was a convert/crypto muslim. Now I know exactly what he is, an enemy. This guy gets the rope when the day comes.

Nope. Soral is a muslim, he is compromised and a threat. You are either muslim or compromised, definitely not a threat though, just a shill.

He wants to turn other countries into muslim countries, he is a muslim.

jews and arabs are the same shit genetically
Throw yourself off of a building faggot

Espèce d'attardé mentale, c'est exactement la même merde dans les deux cas .. des mecs qui n'ont rien à foutre en France.

gas yourself faggot

And that's how the Jews and GoldmanSachs just get the full power in USA, thanks to Trump, alt-right, and nigger haters.

You're just falling into a jewish trap. (((They))) are planing that conspiracy since the 60's.

If you really want remigration, you'll have to convert from inferior alt-right to superior NatSoc, from inferior niger hate racism to superior antisemitism.

Fuck Conversano. Heil Soral!

Go back sucking Ali Sourate's cock, bougnoule.


Soral is a violent degenerate and a muslim's dick sucker.

Jews are doing globalism, jews are organizing the mass migration, they are trying to convert white men from superior antisemitism to inferior nigger hate racism.

Inferior alt-right faggot deserves to be punch in the face by a real NatSoc Aryan.

Alt-right faggot, they are so scared of niggers, they vote for the Jews.

Alt-right faggot, they are so scared of niggers, they vote for the Jews.


It's a shame to see two anti-zionists fighting each other, and not their mutual enemy.

Soral is not really an anti zionist, here he is with one of his (((friend))).

Ew, nigga, spoiler that shit, I already live with a dick attached to me, I don't need to see any more dick!

Mélenchon is antisemitic. Mélenchon is son and grand son of colonialists, he knows how to deal with arabs.

The Front National is a zionist party. They working to destroy all what remains of the French Empire.

No, he's a muslim communist.

You are being myopic. The people who are already a part of the movement realize the Jews are opening the gates. Those whites who naturally are offended by these acts will not contain their displeasure to only mud people because everyone can see it is not the muds who are responsible for this, it is their politicians.

Melenchon's parents are jews, and he's an anti white.

Thanx, Ahmed

shit tier "french nationalists" (sandniggers/antifa shills) for you, folks.

Conversano → italian fascist
Soral (Solal) → kike stalinist

Mussolini was a leftist you faggot altright jew cuck sucker.




Get it fucking altright retard?
Learn the History of Fascim or STFU

Mussolini, like any real National Socialist, respected Christianism, respected Islam, and hated jews.

You? You are just inferior alt-rightards, scared of niggers, jew cock suckers.

I can't believe those inferior altrightards scared of niggers really think they are Fascist and National Socialist.

Fascisme and National Socialism is a left side movement, respectful of Islam. We don't want to build wall to protect the jew inferior asses, we want:

Fucking altright you disgust me.

Kill yourself, go back to jew tube with your channel

Hey, you're the alt-right, the jew cuck sucker. You supported Donald Trump the super jew, or Marine Lepen the super jew, or all those altrightards who are just fucking jews.

I'm a NatSoc, I'm a fascist, I'm a colonialist: and I piss on your jew faces.

Calm your flaps you crazy faggot

Ciucciami il cazzo coccolanegri musulmano maiale

t. Mohamed Ata

Now you're going to tell you hate Mussolini, the most glorious Italian of the 20th century? Just because Mussolini respected Islam?

Degenerated alt-right: you want to hide behind walls, like stupid jews.

We, Aryans, want to colonize the world.

Learn the fucking difference.



This is mostly damagecontrol by (((them))) such like the fake news idiocity.
You people have no idea how hard the Trumpelection really hit them.
Trust me.

STFU Moshe: you just gave the power to Jews and to the GoldmanSachs in USA.

Soral, who punched that alt-right faggot, is a declared NatSoc since decades.

You, you just discovered National Socialism, but are stupid alt-right:

- So scared of niggers that you vote for the Jews
- You want to hide behind walls like the stupid jews in their ghettos (pic related: it's the ghetto's wall)
- You don't want to colonize the world like real aryans
- You're calling for civil war like commies
- You disrespect Islam like atheist
- You disrespect Mussolini and the Führer

You are the inferior altright, jew suckers, you deserve to be punch in the face by historical NatSoc aryans.


Oven? Bake a cake, give it to your mother.

Les ravages du soralisme.

ever noticed that we're not in 1930 (no mudskins in europe) anymore, fucktard?

"aryans" = shit tier meme. aryan tribe is one small 3rd of european ancestors, and it's not even the nordic ones.

Jews are the pyromaniac, shitskins are the fire. First you extinguish the fire, second you kill the pyromaniac.