Canadian Pagans Rally Against Intolerance
Canadian Pagans Rally Against Intolerance
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Wonder how many of them are obese and lack hygiene skills.
Seems these "pagans" are still attached to their Judeo-Christian upbringing, that and most Canucks are libshits regardless of their religion.
just in torontostan mostly are people leftyshits. They have no jobs out east so a lot of people want gibs.
If the east is all of Canada than California state is all of America.
Oh, shit… some of these guys (at least one,) is rallying against intolerance. A website will even be made some day with an encouragement to sign a petition.
How will our civilization survive this assault?
Why did pagans let christians conquer Germania and Scandinavia? Because they are weak cucks who prefer to convert to another religion rather than fight for it.
we need an explicitly white religion
You're in another thread spamming "christcuck" aren't ya, kike.
to be fair these are probably the "scared earth goddess" and not the "let's larp as vikings" pagans.
Is there a single fucking person in the entire hellhole of a country that is canada that doesn't love LGBTBBQ+ shit
t. idiot who knows nothing about early paganism
They fucking fought until they were forcibly converted to Jew worship through torture. The viking raids were a reaction to their southern brethren being converted by Charlemagne
Shut up you smug leaf, we have Trump and you have Jewstein Truejew.
Are these Wiccans, or are they the hipsters that think they are cool because they rejected their father's religion and took up paganism without internalizing the beliefs of their ancestors?
The conservative party recently ran one of their own out of town on the rails who wanted to support mentally ill gender suicide shit.
fucking pagans and fedoras need to be hung
on another note religion continues to be by far the easiest and most effecive method of D&C
its called paganism. Holla Forums needs to stop christfagging and start infiltrating all the neopagan organizations
hanged you fucktard, and its christfags who should die
Dipshit, paganism is anything other than Christianity. Meaning a lot of shit skins, jews and savages.
So much about the "pagan white nationalists" on here. HAHAHAHA
so like 3 people?
It's like poetry at this point.
Probably is. Its sad to see almost every one of these threads fall victim to these shills. They're not even trying to hide themselves at this point however, so it makes it easier for newfags to see through them (hopefully), but just in case;
For said newfags; If you see shills constantly posting about removing "Christcucks" or Pagans, or at the very least just pure shitposting against one side or the other, with little to no arguments and evidence to back their posts up, call them out and report them.
Remember; we all come from different different backgrounds regarding beliefs and religions, but we're Holla Forumsacks first and foremost, working together to defend our history, heritage, traditions/religions, and race against (((them))), and recent major victories have been possible thanks to us working together. Don't fall for the (((shills'))) D&C tactics and let us work together to stop them instead.
Was going to post a pic of a post from Holla Forums of their strategy for D&Cing Holla Forums with religion, but the file already exists apparently. Tried my best to explain it in this post
No. Our worldview is not about being the Chosen race or anything. It's about following the truth. Most neopagans are cancerous wiccans or LARPers who don't even practice their beliefs. WE WUZ CHOZEN AND SHIEET is not an idea to base your worldview around.
Christendom is the only thing that can make us great again. It teaches to provide and love your own people while not making them your idol.
Compare this to paganism, which is a weaker religion. All the pagans were conquered by the strong Christians who made Europe great. Before Christianity, many European Peoples were degenerate and hopeless, but they went on to build great things.
noice one m8
Pagan = Tradional folk religion
Canadian folk are apparently faggots who love to get cucknuked. It's the result of living in a sheltered white community. Multiculturalism for all Nations is the only wake up the Overman
Look faggot on the off chance you aren't shill just crawl into a wet ditch and die. You aren't getting the problem, everybody in my 99% white county is racist as shit and I'm certain that several have murdered spics and niggers who tried to settle here via arson. And guess what everybody is Christian, everybody.
The culture comes from the genes you fucking idiot.The reason that half of whites are liberal cucks is because they have always been liberal cucks. Back in the day people were coerced into behaving like good little boys and girls and the environment was harsh enough that maladaptive behaviors associated with modernity couldn't be expressed simply because nobody had the wealth or energy to do so on a large scale and make them a cultural movement.
We are dealing with biology here, the solution is to kill off the faggots or allow them to die off because they don't breed. Guess who is breeding though? It's not the cucks of any group, the only ones breeding are hardass Christians who are born with hatred in their hearts. There might be a few fedoras and pagans but they are a tiny population and aren't segregated into distinct breeding populations like much of rural America is.
This is a cultural and genetic purge. The weak will die and strong with survive. There will be no cuckstianity if we when. There will be a cruel, brutal Christianity willing and eager to crusade against and exterminate non-whites, except maybe chinks or japs because frankly if they say on their side of the ocean nobody really cares. Africa and the Levant belong to whites though, those lands were ours, they will be again.
It's very funny to me. The Larpers who like to pretend to be Druids without having any solid sources for their rituals, and the Larpers who pretend to be vikings while listening to the shrill shrieks of their favour black metal "musician" while reading Christianized, perverted and deformed versions of the Norse myths. The only European faiths to have survived that plague were the ones of the far northern reaches where Norsemen didn't dare step foot upon, and the ones of the Hellenic world, though the proper religion of the Hellenic world died off.
Vid related.
Canada reminds me of that infographic that goes "I feel bad for you" and then has someone responding with "I don't think about you at all".
Because jesus christ do I not know a single solitary person that gives a flying shit about Canada whatsoever but that seems to be about the only thing that nation full of insane cuckolds ever talkins about is us.
The bog just got 10 feet shallower.
Pagans are degenerate cucks
There are fedora cucks, pagan cucks, and christian cucks, and probably a few cucks who think they worship Kek.
They must all be purged.
We were here before you and will be here after your stupid fucking meme god is dead.
there was never an anti Christian consensus, and there never will be. Christianity is European culture and the only viable option for a degeneracy free future.
1) /christian/ does not own Christianity
2) almost all of mainstream western culture is anti racist
3) Christianity can be as racist as you want it to be.
Christians can't see race.
The Europeans would have no qualms about allowing in as many Christians Africans if they were somewhat peaceful or Arabic Christians or the whole of Christendom to be invited to our ancestor lands.
What kind of personality type does that sound like to you?
But they can't be peaceful, can they?
Because they are wild animals, maybe you'll figure that out someday when your diverse Church collective turns on you and blames you for all their problems because they can't make anything.
How many whites will be left then?
/christian/ raiding and attacking the native kekite board culture.
Christians show their true colors that they are wanabe kikes first, and white people second.
They were brought down from the inside… traitors are the plague. No society can survive its traitors. Christians are traitors to Europe.
There may have been a few "white" Greek communities back then but the Christians have never been able to see race even before the Jewish subversion with the "Gospel according to the Hebrews", heavily used by the early church. Yet no copy survives today.
Slowly the "white" Christians there died off and you see now what once Hellenic places of dominate Greek culture are moslem.
Modern day pagans are posers who do not understand ancient religion, and Christians are morons who worship a Jew and follow a religion invented entirely by Jews.
You're both horrible.
1. You were never apart of the board culture and have been attacking it nonstop since kek won trumps election.
Our board has been a frogworshiping basement before you christcucks got here and you NEVER HAD ANY PRESENCE AT ALL.
Even christian identity admits that.
Yes it does. They have denounced your """(((DEUS VULT)))""" crusader larping countless times
All of it is and always has been christianity is a anti racist religion. The exeption to the rule is pagan anti racists, when christianity as a rule is anti-racist and anti-white.
No it cant.
You are all one in greek, jew, and roman. Right?
Ive quoted countless times how the bible is not racist and how christianity is jewish and how hitler was a nietzschean pagan.
When are you gona wake up christcuck?
How many white women have been raped and murdered in Africa because they were brainwashed by Christianity?
Christianity is the reason the African population is rising so fast. We need to stop these traitors.
I'll clarify that I, an unimportant nobody, like the idea of pre-Christian European religion more than I like Christianity, but I stand by what I said. Modern day pagans are posers and Christianity is an invention of the Jew.
While your clergymen are raping little boys and sucking niggertoe, Kek is revving up to btfo Commiefornia.
Not everyone who thinks you're a loser is samefagging. Go Breivik and show us how it's done, pussy. Until then you're another "modern pagan" poser.
There is fake pagans and real pagans like Varg. Just because faggots infiltrate and try to subvert doesnt mean we should bow to a jew and admit he's our lord.
I like Varg and I like his views. But what is he doing that makes him legitimately pagan, exactly?
Those aren't christian symbols. They're pagan. How can you be a whiet nationalist and christian?
And reported.
I'm sure Odin and Thor would approve
Are you implying that your ancestors were cucks? Oh, you're Jewish
By being literate.
I cannot argue, with you. The weak fill see fads and will it with their perceptions, but they probably couldn't even locate a good sacrificial cesspit.
They don't know of Hel-heim as well, I'm sure.
It doesn't last forever but if they knew anything about it they'd wish it would, unless they already don't care about their existence.
Brevik is a christian you dumb christcuck.
Secondly we are real pagans here.
Pol worships kek
R9k does too
/monster/ has ammit
/fringe/ has ebolachan
And each board has its own god
But not being native to the board you wouldnt know that. Would you?
"guys they're not real pagans, just like people who kill in the name of islam aren't *real* muslims!"
Look, I don't even care if you're a pagan at this point, we have bigger issues to worry about, but please don't pretend that cherry picking the best self reperesenting pagans even moderately begins to portray what your accurate average pagan looks and acts like.
Vancouver and toronto are commiefornia, east atlantic provinces at least are detroit. No jobs and the gov hates us and actively fucks us over no matter who gets in.
I called you out faggot. Show us how it's done. I look forward to hearing about your glorious berserk rampage in Odin's name. Until then, you are, as I said, another little pussy pretending he's a pagan. A special snowflake.
I wonder what your pastor would have to say about your views or your church congregation?
At least perhaps your family has bloodstock to not be cucked, I hope.
Underrated post
Well that's one step toward it. I meant more specifically, though.
Proof Christianity has brought nothing but weakness and cancer to Europe.
He lives off the land, grows out his beard and doesn't use a normal toilet/bathtub.
You could say the same about many Islamic nomads, or even backwoods hermits in the US or Canada. It's cool and he's better than the fatass dipshits and dirty hippies who claim to be pagan. He is much more real than them. So I'll tell you what. All modern pagans except Varg are posers. Fair compromise?
"24. We demand freedom for all religious denominations in the State, provided they do not threaten its existence not offend the moral feelings of the German race.
The Party, as such, stands for positive Christianity, but does not commit itself to any particular denomination. It combats the Jewish-materialistic spirit within and without us, and is convinced that our nation can achieve permanent health only from within on the basis of the principle: The common interest before self-interest. "
Can you faggots learn to read already, holy shit. Slide thread.
Ok then all christians are jewish slaves.
He really reminded me about christian art. What the hell is up with christian art? It is so ugly, depressing, dark, and dull.
That… is exactly what I said earlier? I completely agree with that. Did you not read my fucking post?
Reading comprehension, numbnuts. Learn it.
I'm not sure the /k/ube qualifies as a god, but it's idolatry at least. Perhaps zergface is their god. Just kidding, praise kek
As a backwoods hermit, no.
You are missing the point.
Make one. Because youre diverting the issue. Christcucks are invading and attack our board culture.
Kek is pols god. Not yahweh.
Varg is a cuck and an enemy just like the faggots in the OP. Here, let him explain it in his own words:
Le friendship windmill isn't necessarily pagan, at least not in a European context. Hitler was inspired by swastikas on his local Catholic church.
Hitler said something very similar to that once.
if there was any doubt that you are a shill/retard, it has not been dispelled
It's been mainstream European religion for hundreds of years. Even if it originated in a Semite country, it's a European religion.
if there was any doubt that you are a shill/retard, it has not been dispelled (2)
if there was any doubt that you are a shill/retard, it has not been dispelled (3)
"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."
that means that anybody can be a Christian. Literally nothing else. Besides, that was written by Paul the Apostle, not Jesus. Just being in the bible does not mean I have to believe it or agree with it.
"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."
literally all that means is that anybody can be Christian. Besides, that verse was written by a man, meaning I have no obligation to believe in it or adhere to it whatsoever.
I don't give a single fuck what Hitler was because I'm not a fucking naziboo
The only thing Jews fear is Christianity
Well when Hitler was around, Muslims weren't invading the European continent. At least, not until Turkey got involved in the war.
We will never and have never seen ISLAM AS THE ENEMY
Your shilling is seriously trash. We gt better shills during the election from satanist child raping correct the record.
Try harder.
True, Varg's stance isn't wrong though. Christianity is inherently weaker than Islam from a strictly ideological standpoint. The fact that Christianity in the old world has spent the last 1500 years losing ground to Islam should be proof of that. All Abrahamic religions should be despised, regardless. I don't think Hitler particularly liked Islam so much as he respected it. He definitely hated Christianity, and has said as much. We know how he felt about the kikes.
Youre the only one shilling against our native board culture you christcuck.
We have been practicing european religion for 40,000+++ years. Christianity, like you invaded our land and through torture snd subversion converted my race to your slave religion.
You literally did a mental backflip saying a jewish religion that is universalist is practiced by jews and non whites is white because we had it for a few years.
I take it back, youre both a shill and youre dumb as fuck.
if there was any doubt that you are a shill/retard, it has not been dispelled (3)
No you have to take the word of god as true, it was written by god through the men who wrote it, just like thr torah. You have to take the fact yourjewish religion is for anyone and is anti racist as its core.
Pagaism has a lunatic fringe that is anti racist. Christianity as a rule is anti racist and anti white.
Then why are you here christcuck, this is a nazi board. I guess you wouldnt know that not ever posting here before. You fucking dirty christcuck scum.
If you don't see how this will play out, you deserve your extinction.
You imply that it didn't change drastically over the course. You also imply that hellenism didn't have semitic and asian influences.
You are historically illiterate, you larp as a straw man. KYS.
Yes jews fear a jewish religion invented by jews for the subjugation of goyim.
[citation needed]
Cite sources faggot.
Cite sources.
Christianity changed dramatically from just fifty years ago.
The pagaism which built pyramids and the collosus must have lasted at least a thousand years to build them.
You wouldnt know that, never knowing history.
Bolshevism is the bastard child of Chistianity. Both are inventions of the Jew.
Took twenty seconds in google
Try harder
Now cite your claims
Are you a shill or just new? Someone pointed out the problems with christianity and you called them a christcuck, and you don't recognize samurai when you seem them.
ar u fuggin giddin me?
Compare hinduism (far more advanced, has written canon) to germanic paganism, simply note that the paganism was varied, Greek, Roman, Germanic, Celtic and many others
Oral tradition over large continents changed, since even the written ones did. Technological advancements like Iron and bronze changed it…
How can it have an influence to identical culture? :^)
After Alexander the Great's invasion of the Persian Empire in 330 BC and its disintegration shortly after, the Hellenistic kingdoms were established throughout south-west Asia (Seleucid Empire, Kingdom of Pergamon), north-east Africa (Ptolemaic Kingdom) and South Asia (Greco-Bactrian Kingdom, Indo-Greek Kingdom). This resulted in the export of Greek culture and language to these new realms through Greek colonization, spanning as far as modern-day Pakistan. Equally, however, these new kingdoms were influenced by the indigenous cultures, adopting local practices where beneficial, necessary, or convenient. Hellenistic culture thus represents a fusion of the Ancient Greek world with that of the Near East, Middle East, and Southwest Asia, and a departure from earlier Greek attitudes towards "barbarian" cultures.
It's literally the definition of hellenism, retard.
Can a white man be this simple? Couple of shitty memes, and a quote from an atheistic pope?
Honestly I hope real pagan groups like the Wolves of Vinland start bashing in heads of these race traitors
So they had this plan two thousand years in advance? Guess human lifespan is the only limitation of jews. Truly the masterrace by your accord.
I think they are slimy liars, crooks and murderers who are opportunistic. Bolshevism is what you claim Christianity to be, since they couldn't utilize Christianity itself.
are there any non-pozzed religions?
There are no non-pozzed political institutions, but all religions are "pure" if they aren't satanism or judaism.
you think hinduism was created by street shitters?
leftypol, your shit is weak
"24. We demand freedom for all religious denominations in the State, provided they do not threaten its existence not offend the moral feelings of the German race.
The Party, as such, stands for positive Christianity, but does not commit itself to any particular denomination. It combats the Jewish-materialistic spirit within and without us, and is convinced that our nation can achieve permanent health only from within on the basis of the principle: The common interest before self-interest. "
Can you faggots learn to read already, holy shit. Slide thread.
How the fuck is this thread still up, what the fuck are our mods doing.
those tattooed faggots are the type the feds have infiltrated to the hilt. Though minus the degeneracy, I wish them luck.
Not in it's normal sense, because religion is by it's nature the rejection of reality. Though there are non-pozzed people and aspects of each.
Obviously not. Don't their Vedic writings refer to white men / Aryans / Brahmanis having some superculture in the past?
The caste system was almost purely racial, too. Obviously realpolitik had its course, but good quality is good quality
IMO it is also better than the notion of 'equality', and it made the darker skinned ones work. The goal is to have the higher castes be an example for the lesser
This is also Christianity in a nutshell (to be like Christ, to be one with Christ, to become a Son of God), which is why
The Reich or Realm is a very old concept, read about the Eadwacer if you care, its about building a more perfect people. The third Reich did its part well but it was only a sapling, the second Reich did not even name the Jew outright.
The fourth will end Judaism.
ofer nihta genipu, naefre swiceth
Even Ziu had to loose his hand to wolf to know it was his eternal enemy.
I also think that 'equality' has three sources in modern world, each having different meaning.
You are like one of those "judge not me for my degeneracy!" retards. Have a basic understanding of Christianity before you attempt that route, or else you are merely trolling. Eventually you might even believe whatever you spout.
Yeah yeah we know. Going to spew some of your replacement theology crap?
It was the mainline Christian doctrine until recently. Jewish manipulation of scripture (Schofield Bible) and Vatican II made sure that it isn't in effect. So it wasn't a theological move to go away from it, but a political and corrupt one.
I'll let Christ answer for you. :^)
Firstly hinduism hasnt changed even remotely over the past 12thoudand years since the marabaratah was written by ancient aryans.
Secondly, the hellenic religion did not change at all during invasions. Nor did its racial stock change, as all of turkey/india/pakistan was white at the time prior to mudslime conquest.
Seriously what is the name of your god?
Its yahweh, you even call him yahweh. Thats a (((hebrew))) name.
Its called (((yashuha))) right?
Yeah those are hebrew names.
Its a jewish religion cover to cover.
Assuming we have all the texts… However, hinduism has had many cults, and still has. Kali cult being a more famous one, and it was killed. They haven't passively sat around for twelve thousand years, have they?
Plus, since they are the ones who did maintain the religion better, isn't it proof alone that it did indeed, change in west?
Then we are the jews and they are not, since they have Talmud and we have NT.
It was Paul, I don't have to believe shit.
God would not inspire his followers to have different views, which they did.
that is not a fact at all, you just want it to be to justify your edgy LARP fantasy of a pagan world.
Prove it, nigger
No it is not. the "this is a not sees only board xdd" meme is a fairly new one. This board is not an echo chamber.
t. LARPagan who actually believes that kekposting is older than Christianity on Holla Forums
Paul is right, though. Since they still refuse to understand what it means (one in Christ), and refuse to acknowledge the passages referring to ones status in a society, they are just screaming "LALALA CAN'T HEAR YOU" while flinging shit. Subhumans in the true sense.
This is also Paul. Don't believe what (((they))) say of Paul's teachings, but instead see for yourself.
This to me is the strongest indicator of them being shills. No way in hell could any rational human being argue like they argue.
What passages are you referring to with "the passages referring to ones status in a society"?
Youre not pagan first off. Secondly
christianity as a whole is dying, especially in europe.
Thirdly youre clearly a liar and a psychopath calling me a LARP PAGANER while you espouse and support christcuckery and them sign your post t.kekite who belives what kekism is older than christcuckery on pol.
Go back to christogenea or aryan nations or whatever shithole you crawled out from you mentally broken christcuck.
You literally lost this same argument already in this thread ten fucking times and then lost it in ten fucking threads before.
Can't remember where it was, but Paul was against jewish Christians spreading jewish doctrines and culture to Greeks and Romans. It was near the part where he bans circumcision as slavery.
Europe is also dying now, very much thanks to the fact that Europeans abandoned Christianity.
They won't be picking up some obscure viking ancestry bullshit, though, they'll pick up something like Duginism.
It worked didn't it?
It's really only a matter of strife actually.
Through the expansion of Global Banks last century the wealth of Europe has been sold out, frankly the wealth of the White has been sold out.
Why did they pick up Christianity?
It won't save the white race, it never did.
fucking heh you really are retarded
how so? you've not refuted me, just said "lol well ur wrong"
It actually did work. It was only after the puritans left for America that it reared its ugly head back.
They did it against a direct ban. Ban that stated that such actions would lead to slavery, and here we are.
Acts 17 is a good read to understand the conditions.
The early proletariat, despite being poor and jewed as they can be (communism was especially for them), bred like rabbits.
There are many reasons, not just a general one. Romans did it because of the spiritual and moral void, Baltics and Germanics were converted bit by bit via trade and then ultimately via politics. Slavs converted via their kings…
Reconquista and Charlemagne saved the white race. Even though Charlemagne had to get funding for his armies from them. European trade was largely restored via Crusades as well, although the fourth one essentially killed Balkans for a long time.
It's not really a zero-sum game.
the overwhelming majority of Christians are non White. Obviously the context of his statement is European Paganism, the ONLY White religion
We could also compile the list of literally every single church of every single denomination that is rallying against intolerance and racism. There is not a single "based" church. Phyletism is heresy, your religion is globalist universalist filth
And the truth is that whites are the most powerful and prosperous race on Earth. If you are white and you have no loyalty to your race you don't fit within "our" ideology.
It teaches you to unconditionally love everyone, including non-whites (case in point, Jesus of Nazareth)
Completely false. The European aristocracy and urban dwellers were the initial converts, and they forced the country folk and others to convert by the sword. Christianity doesn't work in the long run for whites because it was written by hebrews to exploit goyim.
This is entirely false, the original converts were the poor masses, then when Christianity hit the 50% mark the aristocracy started to convert en mass, Christianity was 95% of the time spread completely peacefully, it speaks to a part of the European soul, it speaks to something that only Europeans can truly understand, that is both it's greatness and it's falling.
This is completely false, Jesus (god made flesh) called Judaism the "synagogue of Satan", and called the Christians the children of god, according to Jesus (god) the Jews are Satan-worshiping heathens who need to either convert or be exterminated.'
And I'm an atheist by the way.
The viking raids were done because snow niggers got to nig and steal gold. Nothing more.
Tis the nose always knows.
Thus the kikes saw their opportunity to shill…and they took it.
You can fake titties all day long and half the time they are disgusting, you can't fake a nice pair of legs, good hips, and an ass
Coffee is for cucks just like tea(don't even start my Dixie brethren, we all know tea was a kike trick forced down bong throats)
That isn't a real thing, you're thinking of commercial metal
Real metal has no such denomination, it'd just called metal
It's how it happened in Eastern Europe, and no Christianity was not spread by peace it was spread through political power and then to any naysayers; violence.
What you're talking about is when Jesus referred to the pharisees. Christians believing they are the children of God is a weak point in the religion, there can be no homogeneity within the followers of a non-nativist religion.
Pic related
that fuckin' pic.
We're not all faggots; almost my entire friendgroup is redpilled and a couple of us are about to get SKSs soon.