Is the internet over? Do we have to go back to the pre-internet world now where ((( they ))) have absolute control over everything? What happens when every computer gets compromised at once?
Is the internet over...
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The only website I visit is Holla Forums and some online shipping.
if it was why is this here then?
It depends on how dependent you are upon modern internet. If you want web browsing then no, just get a older powerpc proccesor like in a wii/wiiu or macbook and with that you can get a modern browser and go nuts. If you do video/graphics editing or creation then you are going to have to get a usb based GPU for said older architecture that is entirely FOSS like a noueavu supported GPU. You can then use that for emulators and video editing type things.
If you want modern vidya you are fucked. If you want to compile things quickly or use (((modern))) applications like jewgle or javascript botnets then you are fucked too.
Modern web is shit anyway, so it's no loss if it dies. People have become brainwashed to dismiss anything simple and non-botnet, so the only way they'll get out of that prison is if they're forced to, because they won't leave it willingly on their own.
Quite frankly I had a lot more fun on 90's Internet (including but not only web) and dialup BBS. Also my 8-bit computers and Amiga's I had before 486 were better computers from a hobbyst/hacker POV. Simpler systems give more power to the user, and thus more fullfilment in the long run (I'm using "user" here as someone who's actively engaged, not just a passive consumer).
Because that is politically inoffensive. Try voicing an unpopular political worldview and see what happens.
I swear, you stick out like a sore thumb.
You get banned from Twitter and Facebook? Whatever would we do without those?
The Internet has been over for years, ever since the Internet 2.0 cancer took hold and the "smart"phonefags came crawling in. The (((Internet of Things))) didn't help either.
The very minimum of what we need is a new protocol so normalfags stay away and purely text-based browsers.
Ideally we should have a new infrastructure too, like meshnet, since the current structure relies on centralized infrastructure that's easily compromised.
Why don't you just use the shit we already have like i2p and Freenet? Normalfags aren't going to use them because they're too complicated and muh cp. Right now no one is using them and that's exactly how a new project would end up, assuming you get past designing the logo.
Or your website's domain gets taken from you and you are witch-hunted out of a job.
Not everyone is an obese neet like you.
Hey don't you have some Rust lines to write?
Neither i2p nor Freenet is new infrastructure, but I get your point.
Really? How do you explain the continued existence of Return Of Kings, Vox Day's blog, Milo Yiannopoulos's website, Breitbart, or a number of other independent journalist sources that often run politically incorrect stories?
I forget sometimes this place is full of autists with no masculinity and no ability to network or build their own platforms and become antifragile.
Like this user says. The hardest part of any Holla Forums initiative. Just sit here and whine while your internet gets circumcised. At least your digital cock will look spiffier! :^)
let me translate this for you.
I am a fucking retard that cant find online communities so I spend all of my time around retarded twitter and youtube users. Now I need everyone to use a text based browser in order to keep myself away from youtube and twitter. I will not use IRC or FreeNode or IPFS or MATRIX or any other widely used alternative because I myself am a normie that I claim to hate so much
meshnet 2020
Damn. You are so fucking obnoxious, rustfag.
What was the internet like in 2015? I was born shortly after so I do not know.
Some larping kike can't save anyone. If anyone could have saved us it would be Alan Kay.
Smalltalk is full user-developer, I wonder what Terry thinks about it?
They had the control since its beginning.
To who does the network, the routers belongs to?
If everyone stopped voting, (((they))) would have less control.
if everyone withdrew their money from the banks on the same day, (((they))) would have no control and would promptly be slaughtered when people find out their money doesn't exist
if everyone stopped paying their taxes, the rest would break down.
The total control (((they))) seem to have is an illusion. The illusion just needs cracking in the right places.
Okay lol
funny how babbling in tongues mid-entence about "biblical prophecies" supposedly legitamises them having disproportionate influence in a few areas after having been in the US for 50-100 years.
Use encryption, make an encrypted browser, run encrypted websites on encrypted servers.
Avoid all social media platforms. Use encrypted communications programmes.
They fear encryption, and encryption is what computers were born to do.
a total meme, (((they))) have access to quantum computers which renders your pretty encryption completely useless
Well, look how easy people are to manipulate.
TV can do it, newspapers, the internet with social media.
All it takes is to reach their emotions and to repeat the message.
It is how they are brainwashed in the first place.
Quantum computers able to read a direct ip connection anywhere in the world, with millions happening at the same time.
Check how the internet works.
Quantum computers read the very fabric of the unvierse and are not hindered by bounds such as IP connections.
How is it going to focus on one thing.
Do they have a search engine for the universe.
You seriously overestimate (((their))) power, to a god-like state.
It's theatre, that's their speciality. Smoke and mirrors, illusions, outright lies.
It's worth a try...
What money? lol
Most of your examples are backed by millionaires, they're as inside of (((the game))) as literally any other thing you can think of. Not saying they're necessarily plants, but they're not, and couldn't possibly be in true opposition to what is controlling the strings.
this thread is a fuck
==go suck a dick==
Fags == fascist
The trend for people like us is going to be playing with embedded electronics and radio. We can rage against the modern norm all we like, but we're never going to get them to give up social media and their iPhones.
> ((( they ))) have absolute control over everything
They don't.
They haven't been this scared since the good old days.
Which is why ((( they ))) are actively trying to ruin the internet.
No, not at all. The Internet today is far superior to the Internet of the 1990's.
Not really. You can't even browse most websites now without botnet browser that depends on botnet OS and botnet hardware. There's politics in your face everywhere. There's SJWs who want to dox you and get you fired. About the only people with that kind of pull in the 90's were the scientologists, but they mostly dealt with threats to their organization (i.e. people trying to expose them). Now you can't even walk 10 feet without bumping into some neon-haired useful idiot who takes offense at everything.
Solution: Non-wIntel arch internet-connected, [neccessary] wIntel arch air-gapped. This way you can make your Adobe CS6 meemz on an airgap and shitpost them on your PowerPC G4 'net driver.
Currently building Gentoo on an old PowerBook G4. Fuck me goddamn catalyst doesn't cross-compile!
Speaking of which... does anyone know if Source Mage does cross compiling well?
I sure wonder (((who))) could be behind such an abhorrent post, don't you guys?
Then don't use those websites, browsers, and OSes, genius. Fuck, do I have to hold your hand for you?
You posting larping kike who attack whitest country with commies. Congratulations with your taste in idols. Follow your leader you stupid kike.
You are one dense motherfucker. Read the reply chain of what I posted and use your brain. Your suggestion of not browsing most modern websites validates precisely what I wrote.
That's what I'm saying! Who is forcing you to use websites you don't like to see? Who is forcing you to use web browsers you don't want to use? Who is forcing you to use operating systems? Do you want me to hold your hand while you are forced to go to websites, use web browsers and use operating systems?
Who could be hiding behind this post?
Chad Hoppleby.
Pretty much everything you do in modern society (like looking for and applying to jobs) needs Internet access, and by that they mean big fat Web 2.0 browser for browsing their shit site of javascript. So that's why everyone has botnet hardware, because you can't run those browsers on a Commodore 64 or Z80 CP/M computer.
But in the 90's you could browse the web on such old, simple computers, provided you had a modem and ISP with a typical Unix shell account. Any browser, even Lynx, was sufficient. But back then society didn't depend so much on the web anyway. Hell, back then you could even find a payphone at every corner.
So you're telling me that you are hesitant to search and apply for jobs because most jobs "force" you to apply for the position through the web that uses Javascript programs? I'm sorry but you're so sensitive to this kind of requirement, why are you not sensitive to the fact that many job still require web browsers and Javascript programs as part of the job?
It's not just jobs, that was just an example. And what the employer provides at work is his problem to deal with. If he wants to waste his money on botnet hardware and bloated junk software that constantly has problems, that's not for me to care about. As long as I get paid for all the time I work, I don't give a shit what he does.