Forgive my broken english, but I have to take it off my chest. This, this feel so out of this world...

Forgive my broken english, but I have to take it off my chest. This, this feel so out of this world. Like an episode of Black Mirrors. Frankly I didnt care about MSM lying all this whole election for Clinton. Mainly because I am not from USA and because things like that as been happening not only the last century, but from forever (through orators, heralds, knowed drunker, people of influence, etc). You have the money, you have the propaganda and you get the power. That is how I saw the whole thing before, a fight between people of different interest using the tools they have to hand. But this… this is children lives. Its not about money, or power. Its about childrens begin tortured right fucking now as we read this. How someone can lie about this?

You dont believe it? You actually believe it may an "alt-right" theory? Its ok. But how can you, knowing that you are a so influential person talk like if you knew BY SURE that this is not true to million of people? How can you live knowing that you can be helping to cover kids being raped and tortured? how cant you question yourself why your boss is asking you to laugh about people reporting a sexual ring. Even if you search Pizzagate on Youtube there is enough material to make you think "I must take this topic with a little bit of seriousness". So how the fuck he just come out with this?

I just cant understand. Fuck, I have seen that picture of how propaganda works. One side always tell the other that the other side is the devil. But exactly how they cannot be the devil? I want to believe Colbert family was threaten and then he was forced to lie. But even if that was what happen, he needs to pay his responsability when Pizzagate had been completely proven. Please America, make them all pay.

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please quit trying to find reason in the left's actions. do you question the cockroach's motives and purpose in life as it skitters around and shits on your floor? I hope not.

Colbert is just a puppet mouthpiece for the interests of the monied elites.

let me put it this way
there is a reason people view Turkey as a 1st world stable country, and it has to do with rejecting one side of the truth

You are missing the obvious. The people actually in power use shit like what happens within the pizzagate bullshit to control their minions. The people you see in power are not in power, the people in power are smart enough not to be visible, they control those seen as being in power by picking people responsible for or bringing in through ritual people willing to do things so heinous the population would rip them apart if it ever got out specifically so they can be made into slaves in spite of having their own control over a great many people. Colbert is popular enough and spews enough propaganda it is borderline impossible for him not to be involved. He is simply covering his own ass because he's one of them.

Its rough and sickening seeing what you used to regularly view growing up and seeing now what it truly is, fucking colbert should be hanged for even joking about or giving a free pass to even the possibility of the elites pedophelia.


Why doesn't he explain why he is one of the only if not the only person with the surname "Alefantis" in America?


sage for slide thread nonesense

He already did. He gave a tour to a protestor. All the art is gone and said it was an exhibit and had run out of time.

I youtubed the segment in question. Hadn't watched his show since the last few years he was on comedy central when I was a liberal faggot. Why did he add a dr.seuss kinda kids show affectation to his voice? Is that the new character? Sounds like he's talking in cutesy parent talk.
It wouldn't matter.

This time, every last degenerate.
Every last one.
All into the fire.

Fuck that problemglasses-wearing fuckstick. Pizzagate isn't news. It's entertainment. Whaddaya so worried about, Colbert-kun? We just like a little bit of conspiritainment with our insanely creepy pictures of children in strange situations.

libs love to play cute and harmless when they feel threatened. 100% of the time you see smilies and emoticons on reddit it's from some assblasted landwhale or kike.

They don't have to prove innocence. It's up to the accusing party to prove guilt.

Dude actually he looks a little scared to me. Ignore his exaggerated hand gestures and watch his facial expressions.

Where are you from? Is your media as shit as in the US?

does anyone have a webm?

He was already caught in a lie, saying in one interview they have a basement and in another they don't.

Chile. They have been shilling about Clinton here from the start. But when it is about reporting corruption of our actual government or the opposition they cover it for weeks, even months. You still can find actual journalism here.

No, but if you have read about "fake news", "russians" and the "alt right" you have seen it all.

Colbert was used against #gamergate too if you can recall. This was back on comedy central. If you look at gamergate, Trump's campaign, and now pizzagate, you'll see quite a few similarities in terms of media coverage.

They are changing tactics from completely ignoring conspiracy theories to outright denial and attack, because someone is getting closer to the truth and before that happens they need to reign in the internet, free speech, and find and remove the problem individuals.

They thought Snowden and Assange would satiate the publics curiosity and it would just stop, but it only got worse and now it's spiraling out of control.

This is by design, as the real leaders are planning a soft coup, to remove these puppets and step out of the shadows and rule over mankind like gods once more.

We live RIGHT before mass automation, reindustralisation, potential WW3 conflict between world regions, and a complete shattering of the education paradigm (take a look at a college campus near you).

But you don't need a crystal ball to know whats going to happen. 1000 years of feudalism, with magic re-entering the world.

I hope the feudalism has us at the top, or at least as loyal advisers to rulers that don't utterly suck. There's no shame in being a retainer. Nor is there in being a peasant-farmer just as long as they have a decent quality of life and a world where they can grow generational wealth and raise a bunch of white babies.

That fucking Colbert knows sliding this news is better for him since he like CP. Here, pic related.

Right there with you OP. I feel like I'm living in the twilight zone. What the fuck is going on?

he's a pedophile, all hollywood is full of pedophiles


Good insight. Now all we have to do is weaponize it ourselves. It's funny how they're handing us everything we need to destroy them on a silver platter, but they just can't stop themselves from being the subversive yids they are. I doubt Holla Forums could make a 22 minute JewTube show this way all at once… but I'll bet an enterprising user can start with a 6 minute show using a canned laugh track.

Doesn't that mean that we're absolutely on to something with Pizzagate?

anyone ever find out when he changed it?

you need to understand, everyone you see on tv, knows about the pedos

We need to start a Kickstarter saying we want to host an event at the comet ping pong basement.

Imagine having a few hundred people want to show up for some bull shit event. Host a mini autismo Convention