To think gamergate laughed at Holla Forums once upon a time when we tried to warn them of leftists journalists censorship and their ties with the government.
Hillary Clinton calls federal regulation of fake news
Other urls found in this thread:
Fucking purple again.
I was about to say this. Fucking Soros and his bullshit. That said, I don't see how they intend to push this if Trump gets into office. He will absolutely undo this bullshit or use it to destroy the leftist media the same way Obama using all those executive orders are going to come back to haunt him when Trump has use of them. In any case, this is going to piss people off.
Why isn't she in jail yet?
i don't understand this purple reference tbh
No one likes a loser you old hag
Trump better invest in some Sslyth-tier bodyguards. (((They))) might just get desperate and insane enough to risk a civil war by trying to drop him.
The only way I can see it working is if they somehow get enough fake stuff out there, that they are then justified and right with using fake news. They were going for 1984, now they're going for Brave New World. Overload the people with stories, fake and real, so that the people give up on caring.
Dahnald had better hurry up and put Cruz on the Supreme Court.
Red+Blue (Republican+Democrat).
Also, remember when Hillary was talking about shutting down Breitbart and so on and saying how much harsher than Fox News than it was? I think this is more than Hillary kvetching about losing but a continuation of their plans. They were caught so unawares they never came up with a back-up plan.
Soros was trying to start some bullshit "Color revolution" which would be the leftists trying to revolt in some manner. Right after the election during her concession speech, Hillarywas wearing purple, along with Bill, along with Kaine. Also, Colbert, Samantha Bee and some other people were wearing purple in some manner or entirely to push this idea. They did not outright state that is why they were wearing purple but the pattern was obvious. We had a large thread a while back on it.
Your source is shit, you could have just provided the original video without the eceleb yelling every 5 seconds.
Trump isn't president yet. Whatever you think he can do, they thought about it first. if they are pushing a narrative, it is because they already found a way to make it stick somehow. Glad I didn't sell my rifle after the election.
It's the color revolution Soros is possibly planning for the U.S. Red and blue together, or in other words, the one party system our forefathers warned us about.
I bet some kike-filled Madison Avenue PR company came up with the whole "fake news" idea in the late days of the election and now, stupid as it is, they're clinging to it like a life preserver.
I almost want this to happen to harvest maximum lefty and cuckservative butthurt
Literally no one likes Cruz, me included, but I would love to see that lovable oaf put into the SC just so the message is sent that The Don values loyalty over anything else, and of course the aforementioned butthurt
It's so transparent. Every msm outlet and establishment politician all suddenly using the exact same phrase: "fake news." Since when do supposedly legitimate journalists use words like "fake# anyway.
A little bit of both but I'm betting they want a Harrison Bergeron world with them as masters.
I can see them pushing more false flags and putting out false info then acting like they never did. More than anything, they'll get the late night comics to do their bidding out the ass and hit this shit hard.
Keep wishing faggots. It will never be Cruz.
yeah they couldn't even call it something professional like "fabricated headlines" or whatever. reeks of desperation.
What are you huffing?
This sneaky spic did not even speak in his support properly, squeezing out a couple of sentences in a "sorry-not-sorry" way. Cruz is a fucking snake and should be kept as far from political power as possible.
He found out about meme warfare and wants us to use it for his gain.
But the only way we would ever grant him that power is if he campaigns on a litteral promise of a holocaust for Jews.
Shut the fuck up.
I know it was a minor thing but he stuck with him during the pussy grabbing tape when all the other cuckservatives were sliding the knife in.
Hi Ted. Unless you do that we will never help you.
True but I don't think Soros and his ilk are that clever. I said before the election that they will try to rig things and do all kinds of shit but fail since they have always acted as gatekeepers to the electoral process so they never had to think this far ahead. Even more so, the people doing this shit are either old and used to the old ways or young sjw idiots that due to being pampered and rising in the ranks due to cronyism or nepotism, are not as skilled or smart as their predecessors (compare Soros and his son as an example). I think they will try but in the end, they've underestimated people opposing them.
I #cruzmizzle nao
Get fucked old cunt
He was trying to shake off the stink of his prior betrayal. That and Carson also stuck with Trump so I can imagine he did not want to be outdone. Cruz is not trustworthy in any way shape or form.
Don't forget he refused to join Bill Kristol with his Renegade party to spoil Trump.
Cruz isn't entirely in the Trump camp but at least he isn't an outright traitor cuck like Rick Wilson or Mitt Romney.
I don't know. If he promised to kill Jews ide vote for him, if nothing else to see him get assassinated by Israel as soon as he started getting popular.
With all due respect user, I think it is you who is vastly underestimating them. They have unlimited resources and have been at it a long time. Even if i'm wrong, it is far safer to err on the side of caution and assume they have something bad up their sleeves. Don't relax until after the inauguration.
why? this is a play by the establishment power structure against independent media. CNN and Fox News will never get hammered as "fake news" under these regulations, just the proverbial "little guy"
she is soooooo fucking desperate to find someone to blame other than the fact that she sucks cock and ran a shitty campaign
No, I just don't think they're gods. The meme that they are all-knowing and all-powerful is how they lull people into inaction. I am well aware what they are capable of and never relaxed but at the same time, I'm not going to five them power they do not have.
Cruz is in the Cruz camp. Like I said, the guy is a snake and his lust for power rivals that of Shillary's, except he is more subtle. Trump better keep him at arm's reach, or he will sink another knife in his back at an opportune moment.
If you ask me, he is the same as Ryan - shifty, sordid scoundrel.
The audacity of this fucking bitch
"In a free market of ideas, the truth will always prevail over countless lies"
Remember when they used to say that? Only it was always just a (sophist) rhetoric tool.
What are the greatest freedoms of civilized man? And how important in relation to other forms of freedom is the freedom to express yourself? The right to not be censored?
The worst they can do is kill me, or kill Trump.
If I die noone would care.
Trump on the other hand…
If they think they can Kennedy him they have another thing coming.
We have ((their)) names. We have where they live, where they eat, where there kids go to school.
They are just men.
We are legion.
Expect us xD
Final Solution. Continue to batter until weakened. Purge. (OC related)
Not anonymuuus you degenerate little fag.
We are still
=The original, undefeated final boss of the internet.
The death of one, is the death of a brain cell. We are the hivemind.
None of us, are as efficient and cruel, as all of us.
Careful with that edge, you're scaring the other children.
ooo, does that mean we can attack the MSM when they lie?
That's a good meme because if I had to call it, that's the last time the power paradigm shifted so suddenly and violently. Even 9/11 was just a continuation of that same coup that took place when JFK was killed. Trump on election night was the bloodless coup, backed by basement dwelling anonfags, that took the power back.
No it means that if anyone says something that doesn't align with the single kosher narrative of the MSM they are Russian fake news agents and can be sent to gitmo.
The fake news meme hurts them more than it hurts us. Suggesting the idea that some news is fake to the normalfags is going to have exactly the opposite effect intended. Christ! I will give the Old World Order better advice for a pittance compared to what they pay these hundreds of think-tanks and focus groups for their utterly retarded opinions. I see they're still using the loser teams that gave them "Love Trumps Hate." They are history's speedbump.
she's right, we obviously need a Department of Truth
by the way:
Washington Post Appends "Russian Propaganda Fake News" Story, Admits It May Be Fake
" In the latest example why the "mainstream media" is facing a historic crisis of confidence among its readership, facing unprecedented blowback following Craig Timberg November 24 Washington Post story "Russian propaganda effort helped spread ‘fake news’ during election, experts say", on Wednesday a lengthy editor's note appeared on top of the original article in which the editor not only distances the WaPo from the "experts" quoted in the original article whose "work" served as the basis for the entire article (and which became the most read WaPo story the day it was published) but also admits the Post could not "vouch for the validity of PropOrNot's finding regarding any individual media outlet", in effect admitting the entire story may have been, drumroll "fake news" and conceding the Bezos-owned publication may have engaged in defamation by smearing numerous websites - Zero Hedge included - with patently false and unsubstantiated allegations."
I was saying that in jest, but I am actually wondering how easy it would be to challenge, or outright set up the media to get hit by it.
I can't help but to notices no one defends gamergate anymore. Not even Holla Forums
I bet they only did that because a few of the websites on PropOrNot's list were seriously considering launching a lawsuit against the Washington Post.
The media has been doing this since the at least Slick Willie.
They come up with a catchphrase to push the narrative of the week/month and before you know it every talking head, newspaper and government official is repeating it.
*since the administration of Slick Willie.
We must act preventively and ridicule these censorship efforts so the normies will be aware of it.
We can easily compare this to McCarthyism, as it is quite literally a new attempt at blacklisting political opponents outside the established mainstream as supposed "soviet infiltrators".
They are getting completely unhinged, that is great but we need to prevent them from doing open censorship. Doing that will get many new people on our side.
Shouldn't be difficult. The first ammendment is pretty clear, and we still have the second if it isn't clear enough. They would have to trample the constitution to do anything legally.
This is very obviously an intentional signal now, i mean it was at the start but now it's just a constant theme. The purple is red-republican + blue-democrats. Recall how the (((GOP))) wouldn't back Trump and things like the Texan republican elector who says he wont vote for trump in the EC and it's the same shit. We were already in a uniparty before trump came along but now that he did they are openly banding together as the purple party with soros united against Trump.
This sounds too much like 1984…
i'm sure it has some satanic undertones as well, but maybe i'm just (((((paranoid)))))
We can finally get to the bottom of that offensive video that caused BenGhazi.
These people need to die, they all need to fucking die.
This is getting fucking insane. Even when their bullshit was called out hundreds of times over the past year, be it with propping up BLM matyr's or posting bogus election polls, they're doubling down.
These people are a fucking threat. Even after a massive blow to their credibility with them losing the election and being shown as liars, they're now attempting demonize people for not following their ((( sources ))) and listening to ((( them ))).
Each and every one will fucking hang, one way or another, they'll fucking pay for the blood on their hands caused by the lies they peddle, how many citizens and cops have died to Niggers who bought into their false BLM narrative alone these past 2 years?
Kill them, kill them all.
t. rato
fuck that piece of shit
what would the satanic undertones be for purple, unless you're talking about the fact purple is associated with the 3rd eye?
Well it's got that association with royalty, at least in my mind, and so I associate it at least wtih esoteric but probably also highly negative because it's hillary
that's OP
GG threats against women were proven to be fake, someone FOAI'd the FBI:
Lots of good shit in there.
>Editor’s Note: The Washington Post on Nov. 24 published a story on the work of four sets of researchers who have examined what they say are Russian propaganda efforts to undermine American democracy and interests. One of them was PropOrNot, a group that insists on public anonymity, which issued a report identifying more than 200 websites that, in its view, wittingly or unwittingly published or echoed Russian propaganda. A number of those sites have objected to being included on PropOrNot’s list, and some of the sites, as well as others not on the list, have publicly challenged the group’s methodology and conclusions. The Post, which did not name any of the sites, does not itself vouch for the validity of PropOrNot’s findings regarding any individual media outlet, nor did the article purport to do so. Since publication of The Post’s story, PropOrNot has removed some sites from its list.
sage since I just double-posted
Shouldn't that read: Dr. Shekyll / Mr. Haim?
The unending audacity of these fucking kikes.
The irony being that fake news was made by the left themselves. The Onion and all those satirical news sites.
The only reason Cruz didn't do it is because all the other cucks hated him and didn't bother to tell him their plan.
I'm curious: does this mean The National Enquirer and the rest will also be fucked over? Or just the sites that "falsely report" on their bullshit?
sage for posting Mark Dice. I hate his voice
STFU Mark Dice I want hear what the witch says you stupid attention whore nerdy fucking douche. I'll slap the shit out of you!!!!!!!
That's why the publish it while not vouching for it.
Shillllllll powah!!!!!
Gas yourself.
Only shills and PR faggots did
Everyone with a brain became a regular Holla Forums lurker
Also what the fuck could either Killary or Obongo do at this point
They've alrready lost, their dirt is on full display for everyone to see and the trust peopple has in (((official))) news sources is at an all time low
Them calling out for a "ministry of truth" will only raise more red flags on bluepilled normies once they start noticing the comparitions to Orwells nigthmare
I will laugh my ass of if Trump decides to go along with this "Fake News" bullshit to hammer down CNN, MSNBC, Fox News and all the other usuall suspects
I would laugh even harder if he uses this law to hammer down all media claimig the Holohoax was real it will never happen but an user can dream
This, GG is basically Holla Forums-light with a videogame focus.
You're totally retarded, most of us were shouting about it from the rooftops and I dug up & posted plenty of evidence myself. Maybe you were using Reddit too much? I never bothered with that especially since the original KIA mod was an SJW and the following ones probably were too.
And traps aren't gay.
#GamerGate is about corruption and cultural marxism (OK, same thing) in the videogame industry. Just because a few of the people involved in the pro side are as degenerate as the people on the anti side doesn't change what #GamerGate is. If you try to define it by those people then YOU are guilty of enabling co-option.
Losing, user. This is the second time today I've seen someone make this mistake. Is it so hard to remember?
Anti-gayness is an Abrahamic religion thing.
White pagans were fine with it.
Don't you mean "don't relax until they are all shipped to Madagascar, before it is cleansed in nuclear fire?"
Purple refers to Phoenicia and the island capital city of Tyre. Purple dye was their primary export, and the wealthy Greeks and later Romans used it to dye their clothes. Since then, it has symbolised the colour of royalty, blue bloods, the upper class, aristocracy.
It's a coded message that she is one of them, and they are still in control.
Or she likes the colour, lul.
This. I expect maybe I'll only get to relax starting about 20 years after I'm dead.
Actually it's a scientific thing, scientists discovered that it was a mental illness. Then homoterrorists forced their ideology on the world and forced many scientists into silence or reluctant support of their agenda.
The EU came up with what they called an
"Anti-Rumour Strategy" in 2009 to combat
the growing hatred of immigrants and diversity.
Facts about the problems caused by immigrants and diversity were labeled as "Rumours" ie "Fake News" and dismissed as mass hysteria. The "Anti-Rumour" strategy was tested out in Barcelona, one of Spain's most diverse cities. It was deemed sucessful so was rolled out in other areas in Spain in
2013 and then in 10 European cities over eighteen months between 2014-15. This "Anti-
Rumour Strategy" is part funded by the Open Society of George Soros, according to it's handbook "Cities Free of Rumours: How to Build an Anti-Rumour Strategy in my City".
The "Anti-Rumour Strategy" has now gone
international as "Fake News" in response to the unexpected victory of Donald Trump.
Why is nobody combing the internet for all "fake news" mentions by MSM? You could combine all of those for a nice redpill for the normies.
So is religion, autism, OCD and many sleep disorders.
The question that has to be asked is whether it is a VIOLENT mental illness, because that's the only way to justify taking action against it.
And I've yet to see proof of that.
Then why would he put Cruz there?
It spreads disease for one thing, and its normalization corrupts the youth. The last thing we should be doing is promoting it as normal to children, we need to boost our birth rates not depress them further.
Take the Russia path imo, ban public displays of fag propaganda and anything targeted at children.
To play devils advocate. Cruz is someone who 100% bend the knee to Trump. Hell he almost did half way through the primary until someone got in his ear that he actually had a chance.
We need to do this, quite honestly. We also need to compare all the shit they are doing to stuff like 1984 and so on in a visual format since such really rings with people. If it becomes popular enough, the media will either try and paint such a terrible future in a good light or make excuses for themselves. Either ways, it puts them on the defensive.
An infograph for this would work as well.
Purple is also associated with contact with higher dimensions, as purple isn't actually a visible wavelength but a neurological fill in between red and blue.
What is with this sudden effort to re-write history? Cruz stayed out of Trump's sight only to turn on him near the end since that was his plan. It was also Rubio's and Kasich's plan as well so Cruz not dong much until near the end is pointless. We all love the story of the snake that even trump read at a rally yet we expect him to make the same mistake in bringing on Cruz? Really?
Cruz is a career rat who has always bent the knee. He thought he had a chance at the top spot but he made a joke out of himself. He is done in politics if Trump doesn't give him a spot. But that's just my interpretation
Also, have you seen the amount of serial killers that aren't heterosexual? It's a hell of a lot.
Cruz only bent knee because Reince passed a resolution that said that candidates that don't bend knee will not be able to run for president again. Rubio bent knee sooner and faster than Cruz did without needing to be threatened into doing so. Cruz is trash.
If I was the head kike I would have dropped this bitch as soon as the election was over. which it might not be. She's a fucking terrible figurehead to elevate: She'll die soon, and no one likes her anyways. I'd probably continue using Obama as a figurehead honestly. He's still got swpl support for some reason, and he can rally the minorities. Additionally, he's also got the authority that comes with being a former president and he was fairly young when he took office so he's still got some years left. He'd do a lot more for them if they weren't tagging this dried up failure of a cunt along. The only reason for them to use Hillary is if they still think they can steal the presidency. Otherwise, she's just cancer and they would have cut her out already.
Agreed, though I am betting that Soros is keeping her on because she has the connections to make it easier to push her forward. IF it weren't for all of that, she would have been tossed by now. Presumably.
It's ONLY about ethics, goyim! :^)
2/10 first image.
Does anyone have this without the angry, talking head that constantly interrupts in the bottom left corner?
Whore of Babylon, user. They take their symbolism very seriously.
Also, as other anons said, red+blue, ergo one party system.
who is this woman again?
Be the change you want to see in the world
I know you're baiting but:
Holla Forums shills can bitch and moan about Trump not being literally Hitler all they want, but no one can objectively deny that we dodged a huge Merkel-tier, oppressive authoritarian in Clinton. I don't give a shit what Trump does, he's better than her. He'll always be better than her. She was the last domino that would have effectively undermined our first and second amendment and put us in the same boat as those dumb-fuck Germans, who get arrested for saying "mean things" on facebook. Trump can appoint any Goldman Sachs employee or former employee he wants, he'll never be as bad as this Commie-tier dictator-lite sub-human.
The main reason for US buying Russian rocket engines was because they made a fuckton of them, and it was cheaper than developing our own. NASA is especially good at wasting money, so it made sense for them.
I don't know where you get the idea that Russia is ahead in avionics though.
I've been to Helsinki and experienced the autism first hand.
three+ party means everyone needs to compromise with each other
or are you implying we should have one party?
This, it's best to get prego as early as possible. The longer he takes to marry the longer it takes to divorce and get his money.
What's the big deal? It's not like there's russian soldiers in ukraine
kek, i saw a lot of nazi costumes here and no one said anything
Are you retarded?
Here's a history lesson for you
We're not. They're fat and stupid.
if racism is about power and privilege, then why are jews never considered racist?
And only the poeple they are trying to weed out of existence are ever considered racist?
Are you fucking kidding nigger?!? People have always said that here.
Fuck off.
I don't even think modern liberals are knowing what they're saying
The elites tell top journalists what to say, not because the elites are inherently political, rather that they're trying to keep their own power. (This then trickles down into the consumers of the media.)
This used to be true.
He's a fag. Also what flag are you? On mobile
Asian drivers, no doubt.
I think there was a news article for exactly that type of Saudi costume recently, and it didn't go anywhere.
You have a strong point there.
I am definitely not as versed in Scripture as you are and definitely cannot argue in that arena.
It is my personal belief that the best way to gain admittance into God's presence in His Kingdom is to lead as Christlike a life as one can.
In this view, I don't feel like my being uncircumcised or not circumcising my sons to be sinful.
I know and teach my children this: we are made in God's Image and are his most perfect creation. As such I feel the way I was born is as perfect as God's intended.
I understand your position, and it's a stronger one than my own, backed by a more concrete reading of Scripture. You won't be able to convince me against my own views. Me and the ol' lady had a grand time at this but I put my foot down.
Have a good one and God bless, leaf.
or privilege for that matter
delet this
Israel completely BTFO'd the le chosen meme. Poorer than most post-Soviet countries despite having more foreign investment than Spain & Italy combined, ranks consistently among the top three in the OECD when it comes to corruption both perceived and convicted and it's the only country where immigrants are on average poorer after ten years.
95% of Jewish power is old fashioned nepotism.
Is this how they plan on making white men un datable and undesirable so that Jamal can fuck them out back?
You dont want to do that. It's opposite to Holla Forums. That shithole is infested with hohols and liberal pro-shillary fags.
Speaking of that, wasnt there a cuck that bet a rifle on Trump losing, against an user?
Isnt it usually degenerate ethnics who engage in cannibalism?
Fill Iberia, spill Eastward.
Probably why we say nigger rather than subhuman
Really makes you think
denying holocaust is a crime. Researching it is not
No, it calls into question the sanity of the survivor who made the claims. So by your own logic rape does not exist because many women lied about it?
His impression was extremely gay. Was painful to watch. I feel bad for the guy he's straight up retarded. He never got over his hipster phase. He hasn't opened his heart to Jesus.
sam if you're reading this… Attend a baptist church that has a bible study. At least for a few months. All churches are flawed but you need to understand the truth of our world. You will learn it there. It won't be easy but you can learn. Doesn't mean you'll become a good person. No one is good except Jesus. But we both have different definitions of what good means. Leave this whole internet community, move back home or something, and just attend church and pray and cook your own food in a peaceful stable environment.
It won't make you a better person, but it will make you stronger and maximize the damage output you can inflict upon the satanists who want to destroy the west.
Alliance was 2 rounds ago
Also eat my fcokn pali
Good, I don't wanna be related to downs.
I can't, niggers and arabs ruin everything.
Trump will never be the nominee.
Trump will never win the election.
Wow I never thought of that point and it's a killer in a debate lol
Upper middle class pinko effeminate hipster teenagers from Portland and Massachusetts who wear anti-fa pins and browse Reddit. Probably an art major.
liberals dont know how to handle reality
All Hail her Majesty, our dear Queen Hillary! May we know the blessings of her boundless goodness, and may her countenance shine down upon us, her unworthy subjects, forever.
Because the people representing GamerGate now are all fags. One of them is a huge a pedophile and he's protected by other people in GG. Why do you think anyone would like them?
Who is "Hillary Clinton"?
I wonder how much she got for this insightful speech.
Does anyone else remember the freak out over Trump's libel laws?
After the election I was worried they might go quiet and wait for people to forget.
I wasn't expecting them to get even louder, but I'm glad they did.
ex-US Ambassador To Russia Calls For Labeling RT and Sputnik As "Foreign Agents"
"As Democrats continue to spin the fake news narrative, because it's simply impossible that Hillary (the candidate who lost both Wisconsin and Michigan to a Socialist in the Democratic primary) lost fair and square, Former US Ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul, penned an op-ed in the Washington Post yesterday that suggested registering RT and Sputnik as “foreign agents,” claiming that they "campaigned openly for one candidate, Donald Trump." "
…let's ignore the secret meetings almost 60 reporters from mainstream news organizations like CNN, MSNBC, NYT, Washington Post, etc. had with John Podesta and Joel Benenson just before the election, that came from Wikileaks and we all know where they got their e-mails from …HACKERS!!! RUSSIA!!! PUTIN!!!
Wikileaks: Journalists Dined at Top Clinton Staffers’ Homes Days Before Hillary’s Campaign Launch
I think she's that old hag from the Russian fairy tale about a house with feet like a chicken.
Is she even in office?
this image cracks me up ery taem. lmao
GG served it's purpose and accomplished it's greater unspoken goal. After that some kikes attached themselves to itfr easy shekels.
I agree.
Mass media needs to be shut down.
The video was just an excuse, in reality what happened is that Hill and Obama offed the embassadors because they knew shit they shouldnt know and were about to spill the beans, like for example WHO was selling missiles all over the middle-east for a profit, those same missiles then were later on used on US military. Thats what you get for electing niggers and womyns, a good dose of greed and treason.
Protest against this.
Donate to pro-white news sites and other organizations.
Learn to write, and if you can, write for them.
Do something. Action produces results.
can fake news and debunked conspiracy theory be a meme?
And then Trump called CNN fake news.
This is going to backfire on lugenpresse when he's in office.
First it was Maggie Haberman, now Glenn Thrush [who also went to the secret Benenson dinner and the Podesta dinner too]. It's as if the NYT is trying real hard to lose all credibility. It's ridiculous.
New York Times Hires Reporter Who Sent Stories To Clinton Staffers For Approval
" Politico’s Glenn Thrush, who was exposed in WikiLeaks emails sending stories to Hillary Clinton staffers before publication, will be joining the New York Times to cover the White House, The Huffington Post reported Monday.
“We’re thrilled that Glenn Thrush is joining The Times,” Elisabeth Bumiller, The New York Times’ Washington bureau chief, told The Huffington Post. “He’s a premier political journalist, a master of breaking news and long-form story telling and a stellar addition to our White House team.”
While Bumiller described Thrush as a “premier political journalist,” in one email to Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta, Thrush chose to describe himself as a “hack.”
“No worries Because I have become a hack I will send u the whole section that pertains to u,” Thrush wrote to Podesta in an April 2015 email. “Please don’t share or tell anyone I did this Tell me if I fucked up anything.”
Thrush’s email included five paragraphs of a story pertaining to Podesta, and Podesta replied to Thrush telling him there were “no problems” with the writing. Those paragraphs appeared in a May story “Hillary’s big-money dilemma.” "
New York Times Hires Glenn Thrush After Wikileaks Humiliation
"He later told CNN he attended that event and a dinner at the home of John Podesta the same weekend. “I was at both of those events, and I am now completely in the tank,” he joked to Brian Stelter."
gthrush @ wrote [to John Podesta]:
" No worries
Because I have become a hack I will send u the whole section that pertains to u
Please don't share or tell anyone I did this
Tell me if I fucked up anything "
Haha, the kike machine.
Merkel literally said the same shit. They are already signing the law here to make "fake news" illegal.
What will it take to stop the (((machine)))?
But a few more screws.
Got to toss them all in there, period.
It is one of those rare moments where the veil of bullshit gets lifted in front of your eyes and you can clearly see the workings undermeath. With every lift, we get a little closer to the source and when we find it, it will be the final holocaust for the Rothkike.
If that were the case he wouldn't have made it past the primaries.
do they ever make examples?
List of gaming journalist sued for ethic breach: 0
Eron court case against Zoe Quinn: Eron lost
This is amazing.