Sam Hyde Indepth Discussion

so I recently came along the sam hyde tranny fuck post and got interested in how it came about and more importantly when. I've heard people talk about Hyde and how he fucks kids too and I always thought it sounded a bit jewish but I never looked into it till today. the allegations seem to be fairly recent as of last year. I forget when Hyde did his anti-gay stand up for weird twitter but it seems like it hit a nerve. Then again maybe Sam Hyde is a gay tranny fucker + pedophile but it seems weird that these allegations only seem to ever be targeted towards those who speak the truth we all know about.
I found a twitter bot that was spamming the sam fucked a tranny image. Apparently it's not the first of it's kind. Seems to be at least the 2nd bot that has been made.
This is a subreddit that seems to hate Sam Hyde. I think they were banned from the milliondollarextreme one. They seem to hate that Sam is not a lib.

>see that? that's sam hyde's twitter handle. and that little instruction lets us stay in real-time conection with the global twitter feed. any time @Night_0f_Fire gets mentioned by anyone on planet earth, they get a nice little present in return: a reply consisting of a random quote from the english translation of Mein Kampf and a link to good old every fan, across the globe, every. single. one. who tweets their hero, will know he got face fucked by a tranny. we're like an ooze, spreading across the globe, steadily infecting everyone, with the relentlessness and efficiency only an AI bot could provide. i just love the information age, don't you?

Other choice quotes I've found.

Other urls found in this thread:

if someone was seeing this stuff way before 2015 I'd like to hear. I find it really weird that I keep seeing people use some image of trannies making up lies to talk shit about Hyde.

ur mom

I heard about this, but I didn't know much information was out there. Looks like the oven grows wider.

Gee, it took you this long to realize its an obvious campaign by leftists trying to discredit Hyde? The claim never even had any proof, it was worse than a lot of CTR attempts here.

Brazilbros are honoured to have you as one of us.

I don't get it, what sort of "in depth" discussion do you expect?

Pretty obviously some butthurt homos trying to defame him.

Yeah I wasn't aware there has been at least a year long effort to spread lies about Hyde. Some guy in an irc channel dropped a "hyde is a tranny fucker so he's the same as milo" today so I figured I'd do some research.

I think most of the lies came after Hyde did this. It seems to follow the usual way libs try to destroy their opponents. Not respond to their message or their words but make up lies. Like some of them are saying Sam has been fucking underage girls on the reg but then states oh he is so desperate he'd fuck a tranny? Sounds pretty jewish to me.

Just wanted to raise awareness of the fact that this isn't just some guy posting an image he made on Holla Forums once a week but what seems to be a very large concerted effort going over years.

Sam is a fag, but if his content is shoah worthy enough to make the jews shut him down for season 2, then he's alright by me.

It's D&C hour with guest host Moishe Lieberg. Let's see how far we can go this time around!


no it's

Sorry, didn't actually read the OP. I'd wager that this shit is being spread by butthurt faggots because of videos like





In the fourth image it mentions a pic of a girl cutting herself and sending it to Sam because he pressured her. If such a picture exists, that does not prove that the image is true as whoever wrote it may have seen the picture and concocted a story around it, but if it does not exist then it is certainly all lies, we can then make a reasonable assumption that all the other stuff is lies too since it would be obvious someone is clearly out to get him.

So does anyone know of such a picture?

Also fourth image at the bottom is hilarious and a redpill on women.

Amazing the mental gymnastics women will go to.

It's all blockhead joe, still salty he'll never work at the new york times

Some guy on an irc channel I use brought it up so I figured I'd research it and try to figure out what is happening. Didn't expect I'd stumble on twitterbots and dedicated subreddits trying to spread lies about Hyde.

Where's the proof? All the pics are just posts by tranny or random pics of him. No pics of the two of them together. Nothing you couldn't throw together in a minute or two.

Low effort weird twitter revenge troll/10

Steampunk literature and comics

Wow attention whores want attention off Sam Hyde. More news at 10!

sounds about right. show us a pic of sam with a tranny or fuck off, OP

Literally all you need is an alt account and basic estimates of sam's height and weight.
The person didn't even have the fucking trip the second time.


A lot of this stuff pre-dates Hyde going 'alt-right'.
Which considering his whole thing is ironic milenial comedy I find it very hard to believe anyone believe he actually means anything he says relating to politics.
Not even Holla Forums brings him up.

The gaming of underage white women bothers me a lot more than tranny degeneracy. If that 4th pic is legit, I would be very disappoint.

The short haired brunette is Sam's current girlfriend. If this is fake, it must be someone close to him, regardless. Sage for double post.

Sam Hyde is not going out with Ashley lol wow this is still alive

This is all easy as fuck to make up and fake. Also who the fuck cares?

So he is some sort of post-post ironic faggot kinda deal?

Sam is a desperate attention seeker and degenerate.

You realize anyone can make these messages up right?

There is still no definitive proof here. Also no one cares.

Wow, must be true!!!!!

Sam INFURIATES these faggots for some reason. He makes their their post-modern ironic self-aware facade drop so obviously. He's doing something right.

The people that own this site fuck trannies. You think we really care?

yeah whats the big deal about fucking trannys? Who are these people?

I wonder how much of this is ole Bernstein still mad as fuck because he will never work for NY Times.

I think most of this is bernstien being buttmadstien. I think when he saw the video he called all his college buddies in media and told them about the ctrl alt right delete thing and how they should report it.

he got burned and couldn't handle the bantz. and Sam made a pretty good observation about how to do a good interview.

I hope they show it in journalism classes


Is it ok to fuck trannies if they pass? Asking for a friend.

Seriously. When Sam was making fun of Buttmadstien, I figured that would be the end of that. I have to give Sam credit for honing in on the thing that would burn this fucker this hard.

It's amazing how butthurt some boys on the internet can become. So disruptive just because of some hurt feelings. Reminds me of cheaters in online video games or some other pathetic creature. Into the gas chambers they go.

She's grown up

sam hyde is a weird russian but idk i have a boner for polish and russian women

There is literally no reason to censor out the face unless you are lying about it

Those who preach against degeneracy are always the most degenerate. Why does this happen every time? I bet hitler did some really disgusting sex shit.


and that's how you know it's fake


Fuck off, kike.

It's the, "Do as I say, not as I do," mentality. It doesn't make it wrong. If you're trapped in a self-destructive loop, you can still warn people about it even if you can't escape it yourself and probably intellectualize it better than the average person. It's no coincidence what's happened to chan users over the years. People here have seen the bottom of the pit, few will ever escape.

Only if you like ovens.


But seriously, this board was founded on the moral revulsion for the societal decay occurring IRL, I'd post that roman statue picture, but essentially we're turds slowly scultping ourselves into reputable masterpieces, or at least like to think that and try, unlike everyone else.

I mean, you can only suck so much tranny dick before you begin to ponder why the fuck is there this much tranny cock in the first place, then you see the massive void and realize that this is all that is and shall be unless someone turns on a fucking light in the dark tunnel.

People have higher moral callings or epiphanies essentially, and there's probably no discrimination here when that time calls, if one ever does wake up.

Besides, you never know when one's degenerate past might come in handy for the battle for the morally sound future, I think. Know thy enemy and all that.

I mean out of all the Egyptian gods we worship, it's the frog one no one ever gave a fuck about that was worshiped in private, if at all, compared to the other ones which are walking fursona's with equally cringeworthy stories fit for a Gfur story to match It's the least pozzed of them all.

Same Hyde has always been a bit of an attention seeker, and I wouldn't be surprized if these parts of his life were nothing more than stepping stones to his current confidence and position in life.

Like Griffith in Berserk, if you're not sacrificing bitches to build your way up to you ideals/goals then you're probably gonna join them in death and stagnation, fuck em'. It's classed under what the signed on for, not a nice ending but not an unfair on either, you didn't betray anything, there may be consequences later as a result, but it's just essentially the way life is, you wanna win at it, you follow the fucking rules till you can change them of your own accord or some shit.


A dead, probably autosaged thread. Fuck off astroturf shill.

Bad behaviour but we should defend Sam Hyde.

Yeah this could be like Hitler microdick scat fetish type of slander.

reference for this?
Isn't that the girl from that new sword art game? Did the gooks sneak some redpill shit into HR or something?

Now this is some autism.