so I recently came along the sam hyde tranny fuck post and got interested in how it came about and more importantly when. I've heard people talk about Hyde and how he fucks kids too and I always thought it sounded a bit jewish but I never looked into it till today. the allegations seem to be fairly recent as of last year. I forget when Hyde did his anti-gay stand up for weird twitter but it seems like it hit a nerve. Then again maybe Sam Hyde is a gay tranny fucker + pedophile but it seems weird that these allegations only seem to ever be targeted towards those who speak the truth we all know about.
I found a twitter bot that was spamming the sam fucked a tranny image. Apparently it's not the first of it's kind. Seems to be at least the 2nd bot that has been made.
This is a subreddit that seems to hate Sam Hyde. I think they were banned from the milliondollarextreme one. They seem to hate that Sam is not a lib.
>see that? that's sam hyde's twitter handle. and that little instruction lets us stay in real-time conection with the global twitter feed. any time @Night_0f_Fire gets mentioned by anyone on planet earth, they get a nice little present in return: a reply consisting of a random quote from the english translation of Mein Kampf and a link to good old
Other choice quotes I've found.