Who wants to give antifa a call and leave a voicemail message? I'm sure Sam Hyde is lurking around Atlanta somewhere

Who wants to give antifa a call and leave a voicemail message? I'm sure Sam Hyde is lurking around Atlanta somewhere.

Other urls found in this thread:


Use Skype



Dox their members, point them at each other, and watch the sparks fly.

someone should just fill up their voicemail with moonman songs or something

Put the number into an insurance broker form. Or use it for online surveys. Plagued with cold callers…

I'm sure he is in Atlanta. Thats where Adult Swim is headquartered at, and hes got some business to attend to there. He might as well kill two commies with one stone.

someone record some calls

lololol doing it

This gon b gud

help me out, what is some good shit i can sign them up for that wont cost me anything.


if you have any friends that play video games, tell them to make the number their username, people actually call that shit.

antifa should be labeled as a organized crime unit and all members and ex-members executed.

Just signed them up for a couple of these.

Called (((them))), left a message.

Also signed them up for Pornhub under the username Cuckold666.

Wonderful work. You just triggered Antifa fucks to death.






This would actually have a good chance if multiple called in and gave same details, seeming to give independent corroboration.

Post the number on gay hook up sites

post their dox, srs.

Send them to the worst streets in shitcago. We create some fake webpages organizing events where one would be culturally enriched.

Wait until Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III gets in. They'll hit them over the head with RICO so fast it'll make your dreidel spin.

I think I'm gonna make one of these posters with my own phone number. That way, the cucks will find people for me to group up with for me.

Atlanta's already Chicongo lite as it is.


It's good for offing a lone individual.

I'm from Georgia. My family lived in the same county for eight generations until it was claimed by transplants. It pisses me off seeing people pushing foreign ideology. They have the audacity to tell me that my Confederate flag has no place in THEIR community while they are standing on my property and in my state. They need to go back home.

If you're 6 cm away from their eye socket, sure. Otherwise, good luck hitting a major artery dead on.

I'd be willing to let them stay if they kept to themselves in unmarked graves.

It will enter a skull and won't leave.


That'll just let them infiltrate Trump rallies easier.

Fucking idiot…


i'm pretty sure they could look the dates up themselves if they wanted to.

The fuck kind of accent is that?

.22LR has comparable mortality rate to 9mm .40 or .45. People die easy user.

You're still needlessly constraining yourself to a comparatively weak cartridge. Hell, you've got a suppressor on that, you're definitely not a poorfag, and Ruger makes modeslty respectable centerfire pistols (maybe not popular, but it's not like you're buying a Hi=point).

Hell, rimfire semi-autos like to FTE if you don't baby their extractors. Why deal with it?

I'll retract my statements about stoppin' powah if there are cases of .22lr killing through winter clothing.

lol i have a great idea

not if you shoot yourself with smaller caliber bullets to gain resistance to larger calibers!

22lr assassins calibre tbh

Not my gun. Not even my post

.22 has been the preferred choice of hitmen since forever. Quiet, cheap, no chance of tracing the bullet to the gun since it disintegrates. Walk up behind them, pop them in the head and walk away. Arteries and clothing mean nothing.

I bet you wouldn't have any problems with winter clothing with a .17hmr.
Or even a .22mag. Hell, you could take a deer down in a pinch with those.
I doubt you'd have any problems with a .22lr regardless. What it comes down to is simply the likelihood of something going wrong and your target surviving. More stopping power = higher chance of 1 shot kill because its higher kinetic energy does more internal damage. If you had the luxury of placing a shot with the .22 where you wanted it, it wouldn't matter though.

PRO TIP: with >>8475729's gun and sub-sonic .22lr rounds you literally can not hear shit besides the actual mechanical noises the gun gives off while cycling. JUST LIKE IN THE MOVIES

This thread need more bantz

You inspire me

I though .22lr rounds through a short barrel don't even gain enough velocity to break the sound barrier.

Underrated post. Why aren't we doing that?


Don't. I'm not kidding here. You have no idea how crazy antifa are, and you goddam well know that authorities have a tendency to turn a blind eye to what they do. If they track you down, one of two things will happen:

1. You can't defend yourself, so they'll attack you and maim you in some way.

2. You can defend yourself, so they'll go after people you care about or try to get you fired or some other shit.

And you'll never be able to put on a name on who did it. If you want to fuck with antifa, you identify them and you use their own tactics on them. What you don't do is clearly identify yourself as a target while you don't know who they are.

Well done.

Never even heard of antifa before this, any stories?


Hows that tactic working out in europe?
Just practice good OPSEC and do the bare minimum to hide your identity and they can't do shit.

Nomal .22lr will break the sound barrier. That's why the make subsonic rounds, and like the other user said sub-sonic .22 with a suppressor is so quiet all you hear is the firing pin strike.

they are only comparable because pistol calibers in general are shit at killing people.

Have you considered reading the full post before replying?

Fucking jewtube deleted the version with "Opa war Sturmführer in der SS" in the backround

I don't exactly collect this stuff, but I'm sure plenty of people on here will provide examples. Antifa are what happens when you think violence is always justified.

I just set up some burner accounts and signed them up for gay porn and LinkedIn updates. I don't know which is worse.

According to this, even high velocity .22lr's won't break the barrier though a barrel less than seven inches.

Anyway this video shows the usual way antifa operate
I "know" some antifa fags, they are weak, fat, numales with no balls. They're only strong when backed by a group and not even them. They're gigantic pussies

Well memed, lad.

They also fuck up peoples houses and shit for being nazis ( but never when you're at home at the moment of course)

RICO is for seizing assets. What do you think they own, a few MacBook Pros and black dildos?

A waste of time and energy. We need to be focused on the real accumulation of wealth and influence. This is something we need to be thinking about in the context of our entire adult lives, not just this week. Focus on your longterm future in this society, and help others achieve success in the same regard. That is real political activism.

user is very right. We can gas these people later, after they've reached middle age and forgotten all about their youthful radicalism.

Any more like this? Watching commies get hurt is comfy

You weren't here to see that commie nigger get shanked into a coma with his own knife?

I got you m8


ok, Brer Rabbit

2:20 in some antifa gets wacked on the head and goes down like a sac of potatoes. my sides!

This is a meme. FBI invented it, and then they debunked it, and are quietly no longer using it as evidence because it's shit, and if it comes out en masse that it is shit the courts get immediately overwhelmed.

Saw the threads, not that vid tho, thanks


Hey guys.
I heard there's a meeting of 12 of our fellow chicago alt-right fascists next Friday the 16th at Homies Kitchen in Englewood. 9:00 so everybody can get home from work. Address: 6859 S Loomis Blvd, Chicago, IL 60636

It'd be a damn shame if somebody let ANTIFA know.

What the hell is this? This is Antifa? Twelve young adults, and you're shit-scared of one man with a knife? I've known skinheads who would have ripped that guy's fucking arms out of their sockets all by themselves. How in the fuck do these pukes get to roam with impunity when an angry honeybee could scare them indoors?

3:00 in some shrill wench leading the charge. Pretty impressive i must say. This is why if you are a neo nazi you better work with your group on some discipline and war cries. That shit is downright terrifying, normies couldn't handle pic related.

The rebel yell has always intrigued me as well.


at about 3:00 an instructor teaches the group. Apparently it's only possible to do well while running. Before I die I want to experience that first hand.

Is this Capitol Park in Sacramento? It is! I didn't hear about this. I live a couple of miles from there. I would have loved to watch this go down.

Also, don't fuck with CHP Capitol garrison. They fuck niggers up for smoking across the street in front of the fallen officers' memorial.

The dude with the knife was a spanish soldier on leave, he was going to a nationalist meeting.
You have to realize that Europe antifa groups almost act with impunity and if they catch you alone they will beat you to death.

anyway Josue Estebanez is the guys name and he is currently doing time for the events in the video, media painted him as a major bad goy as the guy he stabbed was pretty young. The courts pretty much handed him the xbawkshuegest sentence they could as well.

is a pretty comprehensive article.
inb4 stormfag

I thought the same thing, Golden Dawn should have the kind of organization to pull it off, i wonder if they do it

Does anyone have the original youtube link for this vid? I can't find it anywhere and I think Google is intentionally making it hard to find.

The traditional yell has them sounding like a pack of rabid dogs. I like it.

Here's another number for some antifa.
ht tps://www.facebook.com/sometimesantisocialalwaysantifascist/

ht tp://rosecityantifa.org/
ht tp://archive.is/FhtlF

The video is lame too cause nobody seems to put their heart in it and they aren't running. One can imagine just how terrifying that sound would be whilst trying to stand down 50 tall men running full tilt with bayonets

This is disheartening. Thanks for the info, user. I'll be sure not to leave a survivor to testify against me when it's my turn to be tested.

Unfortunately I live in California, which is like Europe but with bigger tits.

What a joke, the antifa faggot tried to start shit, not him. He probably feared for his life with 50 people up against him

yea and if that number doesn't work feel free to look up fbi.gov and reach them from any other number they have listed.

No, I'm not joking, their canary status died a while ago.

Don't worry user, they are weak. Their only strenght lies in numbers, but if their enemy isn't scared of them they in turn become scared. You can feel if a person is ready to go down with them if it comes to it, it's in their aura, and they feel it

I always like the idea of screaming the gaelic cry, Faugh A Ballagh!, that was used by the Confederate Irish. There doesn't seem to be a proper re-enactment of it on jewtube tho.

Not really nazis but a nigger gets btfo at least lel

Exactly. The whole video, I was thinking: "Rush them! They're scared. ''RUSH THEM AND THEY'LL RUN AWAY!!!!" Just commit to charging in and tackling one. That does the trick against almost everyone who isn't either armed with a gun or serious about killing you.

forgot link

troll them, but use proper opsec just in case

go back to Holla Forums

deus vult :::DDD

Fuck off back to reddit.


These things are like a go to got assassinations in which they can get in close and isolated with the target.
If I'm not mistaken it's a popular choice for Mossad



Awe. He brought him flowers.


Arcan Cetin (the Roach in WA) and Ching Chong Cho both killed multiple people with .22lr

I think it's a computer generated message

This is the crew Jim Goad had beef with. Bunch of hardass SHARP skins. Aka scum of the earth. Earlier iteration Bovver Boys run by snitch goon Pan Nesbitt.

RCA isn't shit, I've dealt with them before. They're a bunch of children from PSU and thats about it.

Fuck me man, I'm like 40 miles outside of Atlanta, but there ain't shit here. It sure would be a shame if a bunch of these people happened to stumble upon Brickhouse Grille and Tavern on a biker night though. Suuuuuuure would be a shame…

Not even hardass. Bunch of pussies.

I've interacted with them myself. They're LARPing being revolutionary.

You mean the Brickhouse Grill and Tavern in Newnan? They have an event going on New Year's Eve, think the crowd would be right?

im near atl
where do these flyers pop up at?

i want to write "reeeeee" all over them

That's why you give them the Ben Garrison treatment. Get white nationalist posters, but reprint the contact information to include their own number. Not only does it bring your message out, it also gets them a lot of hatemail too.

That Pat Nesbitt clown is shockingly easy to dox.

he was just getting up from being BTFO too, fuck I'm dying

fucking kek

There should be a musuo game starring WNs and Antifa.

As the paramedics carry the nigger in a gurney, some dumb bitch yelling:

"Fuck em so hard and the piece of shit institution that protects them. Love you brother!"

They are still clapping at the dying nigger as he's loaded into an ambalance. Such burger.

Gexter's americans clapping part 3 related:


For some reason won't embed right now.


Are you trying to steal my ideas? I was thinking about making something like this on Unity, but starring moonman.


Hi FBI-kun, how's it going tonight?

Not too familiar with AntiFa are you? They're more than willing to get violent.

Possibly. I've seen that place pretty packed in, particularly on biker nights, and when they've had live music. Not exactly the kind of crowds that would be kind to a bunch of pantywaist anti-Trump fags.


No need for crying!

Severely under-checked numbers

I like how this is news and not the 10,000 people who were openly talking about assassinating Trump on twatter

Maximum wages are terrible for a growing economy, once people realize they aren't aren't be to pass a certain income, the incentive to start new businesses, invest, etc. will no longer exist.

Nope Mexico would have been better of with a monarchy like Brazil

Wouldn't be a good candidate

he comes off as schizoid and disaffectionate.

Fbi please you autists cant into our board culture worth shit


What is this in reference to?

I must have missed the thread. Report leak?

Only solution is balkanize, once you get beaned you never get cleaned

I love these ">tfw to intelligent" pics

Post moar please


Find websites that still have guestbooks you can sign and leave their email. This is where Nigerian scammers find a lot of their marks. I did this a few years back with a fresh email account to take up scambaiting as a hobby. I get all kinds of dying african millionaires who want my help to distribute their wealth. Try google searches such as "guestbook +guymen +mugu" to get you on the right path (don't include the quotation marks)

the service industry is super shit dude. It's the worst type of labor, it's degrading and insulting, and the pay is almost always awful.

Yall don't have chemical/oil plants or something? They always have weird stuff god damn anyone can do. Make ok money and they usually have lots of overtime availability.

because they won't stop bombing us

It is a fucking small group, smaller than any black power groups how can these niggers be so retarded

Sounds like a kike

That's you isn't it?


You can check if you're not banned by going to Holla Forums.org/banned

I work out every day.

Get the fuck off Holla Forums you filthy commie go out into the forest and sing kumbaya and hug your comrades and later you can go recite passages from Karl Marx's communist manifesto.

yeah, that's some shit.

Most men are the marrying sort,

poor devils

You're not bad-looking.

You're really quite a pleasure

to look at sometimes.

Not now, when you've been crying.

You look like the very devil, but…

…when you're all right and quite yourself

you're what I would call attractive.

Go to bed, have a good rest,

get up in the morning…

…and have a look at yourself in the glass.

You won't feel so bad.

Good song.