He proves that the Holocaust happened, and that the vast majority of people find the alt-right to be revolting Nazis.
What do you have to say now, Holla Forums?
He proves that the Holocaust happened, and that the vast majority of people find the alt-right to be revolting Nazis.
What do you have to say now, Holla Forums?
Getting my daily laffs in right here.
I wish the germans had killed all the jews instead of letting them run away to Israel tbqh
Literally who?
why is e-celeb bullshit allowed?
Cool. Guess it shouldn't be too hard to do it again.
Implying our holocaust won't be the first one
Holy fuck, Holla Forums absolutely wrecked!
Yep. This affects us somehow.
We don't care
You will never stop us, because we are really legion
All your base are belong to us, you are on the way to destruction. You have no chance to survive make your time, hahaha
Yeah towards the truth dummy. The holocaust didn't happen, but it will.
I like him, but this so called rationalists/classical liberals are pathetic,, they can'tseem to acceptthe psychological fact that people won't stop hating other people, regardless of your arguments.
If anything the Holocaust happening and proven will only fuel the hatred even more, because it gives them a reason to hold Jewish elite responsible for all the shit they are blamed for.
And they are guilt.
This guy is so stupid that my laughing turned to genuine worry.
How will Holla Forums recover from this?
Check my dubs
You can't force them, you must let the dubs flow.
Don't really care about his conditioned opinions.
Try harder.
I'm sorry but when did he refute the holocaust, again?
You're clearly wrong because he can pronounce German words better than thou.
What is that? Sargon 2.0?
Doesn't surprise me, he's from cuckland McMerkelville and some of his footing has to reflect that.
The rest of his opinions to the norm/tone of that country are pretty explosive and those are beneficial to disrupting the backward guilt driven mindset so deeply ingrained in that society.
But he obviously isn't interested in escaping one of the biggest guilt trips.
Thanks for the AIDS, OP.
If the Nazis had really wanted to kill all the Jews all along, why would they actively encourage and help them emigrate out of the country? Why would they have only started rounding them up as soon as they war started? Why would they have waited till '43 to start killing them all? Why would they invest huge amounts of resources in body disposal while fighting a three front war?
(User Was Shoa'd By Kikes For This Post)
Didn't you watch the video?
He said that the concentration camps and death camps existed since 1933, meaning they had already been killing people for years before the war started.
By the time we are done with them, they will wish it had happened.
I will make the "Jewish Lamp shades" story thing look tame.
Shit tier argumentation. Something is true when it is true. When it is consistent with reality.
Really, this shit is why rationalism is the single most overrated thing in human history. The only thing you need to be rational is to be internally consistent. Which is absolutely bullshit here, because his claims would need to be empirically proven and verified to be true (Which, based on the growing body of evidence, shows that the Holocaust didn't happen).
Getting sick and tired of these rationalist fags and classical libtards. Would be funny if their channels got screwed royally, either by shutdowns or hacking.
wtf I love Classical Liberalism (tm) now
I wish the opposite, if they killed all the nazis there would've been no WWII and we wouldn't listen about hitler all the time, trump would be called goldstein or smth
it came out that Kraut had a relative that got gassed. hes a jew.
And you think you’re not getting reported for this?
So “didn’t get gassed”, then.
This is plain horseshit. They started out as holding cells for prisoners. Calling them "concentration camps", implying that Kikes were getting brutally tortured by Dr. Mengele is bullshit. Learn to separate ideas by their respective contexts, you massive fucking retard.
Sage goes in all fields.
you can't report the truth for shit so go ahead, if jews killed all the germans WWII wouldn't happen, half-truth?
Blow your fucking brains out kike, the holohoax is horseshit. Here's actual, verifiable truth that it's bullshit.
I just want to point out that everyone's talking about Holocaust this, Holocaust that, but nobody mentions Holodomor, gulags or famines that were ravaging USSR back then. Are we ruskies any less chosen?
I'm pretty hungry but my roast chicken is almost ready.
as expected you avoid answering the question, how would nazis killed jews if jews killed all the nazis first? no nazis, no WWII, simple, go twist it some more
Checked for, Oh, you're a Jew.
Why didn't you just say so?
By your own logic, if someone else had killed all the Jews after WWI, there wouldn't have been a WWII, therefore you wish the Jews had been exterminated, not the Germans, as exterminating the Germans would not have assured an absence of WWII, necessarily, given the Soviet Union would have invaded Europe if not for Nazi Germany.
The Jews are the lynchpin for WWII, not the Germans.
According to the Jews, yes. Killing the goyim is no different to killing an animal, but killing a Jew is like slapping the face of G-d himself!
Soviet Union was the jews stupid
As expected, you continue to behave like a Semite.
Without the Germans, Soviets invade Europe, WWII commences.
Without the Jews, Soviet Union never arises, German empire never falls, Israel never formed, no WWII. BTFO.
This is implying the holoahoax actually happened, you massive fucking low IQ mongoloid. Please prove that it actually happened, without using (((historians))) and eyewitness accounts.
Exactly you fuckwit.
If no Jews, no Soviet Union, no WWII.
If someone had eliminated the Jews after WWI, there never even would have been any Nazis.
Nope, soviets invade europe, communism commences, oy vey
So Sargon's backup rapper destroyed us? Really makes you think, huh.
You kikes really do have an autistic obsession with killing all of those "Amalekite" Germans, don't you?
So, wait, you're saying you think Soviet invasion of Europe would not have involved any war?
That's rather silly.
I think you need to reconsider your preconcieved notions tbh fam.
so you agree, soviets (((jews))) kill all germans, no WWII
If even everything they said about the Nazis is true, which it isn't, they were still the good guys.
>>>Holla Forums
I see your offer and raise you:
Imperial Germans kill all Jews, no Soviet (((Jews))), no WWII.
Mine starts first AND we get to eliminate all the Jews.
Clearly the superior choice.
… So which moderator are you?
Germans are gone, hitler was a crazy fuck y'know, purity through slavsquad blood
Mods want kikes to die. It's Holla Forums
This is retard bullshit from an evil lying kike.
Yeah, the plot of Red Alert? That is exactly what would happen if Nazi germany didn't exist.
And we all know the Jews can never speak the truth, they can only speak lies.
Yeah, except that is a logical fallacy, not even jewish god can create a mountain he cannot lift, so yeah go /fit/ or smth
WW2 was them killing every German they could. They use the method that kills millions on both sides, inciting war. If you think the kikes wouldn't incite wars between goyim just because Germans get exterminated is absolutely retarded.
Heil Hitler! Germany will rise again! It is God's will!
Israel will die! THE JEWS WILL KILL THEMSELVES! This is God's will!
Because the talmud and torah are nothing but lies. Truly, the jew is the most egotistical shit in the world.
Lol, projecting your status of logical fallacy on me by bring in a non sequitur. Using high school "logic".
Truly the only thing kikes are good for is lying and dying.