What makes Holla Forums different from the average Humanities student who will parrot left-wing platitudes in their...

What makes Holla Forums different from the average Humanities student who will parrot left-wing platitudes in their early 20's and then move on to become generic liberals in their 30's?

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People on lefty pol are going to end up old commie grandpas like corbyn

probably nothing

now leave this board and go actually do shit irl

t. guy that barely lurks this board and does shit irl

Most of us are not humanities students for one, and most of us are not in it for the feelz and the koombaja but for the economics.

Well, many if not most people here are already in their thirties, so…

I certainly hope so

Yeah I'm studying Bioinformatics and computer science. Anyone that 's half-decent at math should release how much of a complete sham capitalism is.


We parrot the right stuff.

I'm fine with that!

30yo here indeed. And more and more radical year after year.

God this is my fucking dream.

Well, I got into Leftism at 25, now I'm 27. If Holla Forums is still up in a few years, I'll tell you about how I feel about liberalism on my 30th birthday.

1) Most lefty poster's understanding of theory is greater than Rage Against the Machine lyrics, which automatically puts us leagues ahead of the average "radical phase" liberal.
2) The economy is in the toilet and it's all only going to get progressively worse until something fundamental changes, which means we have no comfortable high paying job to sell out to.

It's gonna be a long road fellas.

Sometimes when I see the latest bit of bad news and the vast majority proudly working against their own interests I feel like there's nothing I can do, and people aren't worth saving. I wonder if Corbyn ever feels like that. Maybe I will be burned out by 30, who knows. Well that's if I've managed to find a reason to live that long. I just want to die now as part of Corbyn's glorious revolutionary vanguard

Haha no

Also I'd like to think I hold my beliefs not because I'm trying to fit in or rebel, but because I'm trying to be right.

i went to jail and now I have boiling red hate running in my veins

I'm not doing this to be fashionable.
I have no one to impress. I keep to myself.
I'm a leftist because it makes perfect sense to me.

Yes it is. Particularly because, as you age, you start to grasp the full meaning of what is revolutionary change and what type of praxis and training it demands from its adherents.

It's a lot of sacrifice and energy going into it. The type of sacrifice and energy that, if channeled elsewhere, would probably guarantee you a pretty decent living and high social status (imagine if people like Lenin and Trotsky instead of being revolutionmaries just tried to be rich and find their way into upper society). I'm really afraid that the world will be as shitty and unfair as ever when I'm 90 and I'll have to look back and realise it was all for nothing..

George Jackson is that you

Same fam. :( It's too deeply ingrained into me now though. Just as ingrained as capitalism is to normal society.

I think communism will eventually succeed but I was unlucky enough to be born before that happens. I feel compelled to keep working towards that reality. The compulsion is a bit hard to describe… but it runs deep.




Because porky didn't let me get that humanities degree in the first place. Fuck you porky, I'll never forgive you

TYT isn't a credible source, son

stay made revolutionary armchairs. if you were a true revolutionary you'd have joined the YPG by now

Evolutionary socialism all the way
That's evolutionary socialism, not evolutionary state capitalism, porky

I was a generic liberal humanities college student who developed rightwing views in law school and went full Marx as a mid-20s young professional. Get fukt tbh

This isn't Hungary in the late 1910's you retard. You're not choosing between a moderate, reformist trend of socialism or revolution. You're choosing between the former or nothing.

And until you are actively engaged in building the groups and institutions that allow for a revolutionary group, you have no grounds to criticize "state capitalists" for not being "radical enough".

People keep on saying that I will eventually calm down as I grow up, make a family and all this normie stuff but it doesn't seem to work that way at all. The more I grow up and the more I read and think, the more radical I become. I still don't have a family tho, so I don't know how things will turn out if I ever do.

So why didn't you send me an email?


Actually studying theories