Pewdiepie plays a Hitler speech at the end of his latest video and along with some music that I've heard before. What song is that playing? I know I've heard it before.
One of us?
I don't care. Please go suck e-celeb cock back in the YouTube comments section. I don't fucking care about any of these annoying assholes who are just trying to jump on le edgy alt-right meme.
fuck off
If you want us to give a shit about such atleast webm the final part where you say said music is at. We ain't watching faggotpie
You're a bunch of no fun allowed faggots
You're uncle said that about you too i bet.
Go to Holla Forums
TBH I don't watch PewDiePie, but FilthyFrank is x1000 times worse.
Webm the part you're talking about, we aren't comb through some faggots whole video
You guys are faggots. PewDiePie is one of the most watched celebrities on earth. He gets more views than mainstream TV shows. And most from young kids.
If you're white, you're either pro-white or a cuck. You're basically forced to cuck to some degree unless you've got "fuck you" money, which PDP does.
Of course PDP is Holla Forums.
I find it more surprising that Scott Adams isn't.
so what? at best, he's recently redpilled on a handful of topics. that isn't enough for him to parade the ideology around to the public yet. he's already an e-celeb, as soon as he drops a redpill or two on his fanbase, he's technically be an alt-kike e-celeb. Holla Forums doesn't need any celebrities or mouthpieces.
egofag is ego.
Are you new, OP? He's been barely restraining his powerlevel for so long, it's gotten to him.
you're exactly why Holla Forums doesnt take these threads kindly.
He's getting his followers to hate the media.
This is actually a good thing.
I though e-celebs just encompassed alt-right faggots, if someone is a Holla Forumsack and "famous" wouldn't that be good propaganda?
Not saying pewdiepie fits that mold.
Thats a really get video that BTFO out of media.
He seriously didnt recognise the hellmarch?
Well i guess you cant expect someone who watches clowns on the goytube to not be a newfag
I'm tired of you PDP fans trying to push this nigger. You do this on Holla Forums and now trying to bring your reddit tier garbage here. Either webm or fuck off.
Watch the whole video you fucking sperg.
Tired of this anti-eceleb meme. Everyone creams their asses over trump retweeting a pepe. This isn't qualitatively different.
He's going to lose everything he built because he believes in right and wrong, and because he grew up in a culture that insists on sharing every facet of your life and experience with the general public. Do any of you know what that's like, or have you managed to stay behind an avatar? Maybe he doesn't give it that much thought.
If he keeps it up, the likelihood is that he will be under attack by people who do this for a living. The tragedy is this appears to be going off unplanned. From my angle it appears a bit better than nigger Kanye's recent od on redpills, but still it is fumbling and mismanagement. That means an opportunity is being wasted to use his obscenely large platform for reigniting the culture war of the 60s. Is anyone reaching out to try and make good use of this very good fortune?
I have seen people in the so-called New Right/Alt-Kike movement talking about how it is inevitable that identity politics will become part of white culture, because constitutionalism and individual expressivism is a source of whites' dispossession/disenfranchisement.
Personally, I would hope for better than whites joining the fray as another identity group competing for Jew scraps. But we are still the majority, and right now we have this small window where we still possess the economic and military power of this country, which the Jews and their minority coalition could not wrest from us entirely simply by means of "winning the culture war." We had better make good fucking use of this time, and that, in my view, includes maximizing the impact of this kid's platform on getting our culture back in order before we are destroyed. I don't mind a little eceleb bullshit given what's at stake, and view any attempts to interfere with this part of the strategy as D&C.
If you stare too long in the abyss
He's better than Richard Spencer. No one can deny this.
I don't think so.
Sage & Report E-celeb garbage and their promoters
lol no. Webm it you shekel chaser. This trend of "is my XYZ bullshit hobby/e-celeb crush" needs to fucking stop. How soon before you faggots start claiming taking it up the ass is redpilled too? The fucker is originally from Holla Forums and so he likes his nazi jokes like any other 10 year old who screams nigger in cowadooty while still being a degenerate rap listening nitwit from time to time.
You're so desperately in love with this cuck. Hot damn. They're both shit.
Yea, i really dont have the first idea what he is talking about, mentioning the media treating him unfairly and calling him racist, but if hes basically getting the Mel Gibson treatment, this could be awesome.
He doesnt have to give a fuck about his image in the classic media, because his audience has never read a newspaper or watched CNN and on his yt channel he can say almost anything because theyre not going to ban their most popular channel.
Theres no better or quicker way to redpill someone than through suffering.
lol, is that mark zuckerberg at his avatar?
You guys are from cuckchan, aren't you? That guy tries way too hard to be edgy.
Which do you care more about? The 14 words, or the esoteric nature of this board?
Goy, niggers only do things they think will benefit them in the immediate future. He likely did that for attention because he's nobody anymore. He was probably cut from the Jew music loop. He will die a hobo.
I thought Pewdiepie was Jewish, people said he was a Jew and called him Jewdiepie. I guess that isn't true? Can anyone confirm if Pew is a Jew or not?
jew music loop?
I think they called him jewdiepie because he took money from google that is run by jews.. it's retarded actually.
He really is adapting Trump's strategy huh?
Obviously I'm not a fan of his, but fucking with youtube and the media deserves some acknowledgment.
He's SLOWLY Being Redpilled.
You can see in each Video how Realising he has been lied to his whole life is taking it's Toll on him.
Give Him Time.
He's e-famous for screaming at the camera like a retard while playing video games.
Why is that good for us?
He is using his outreach to criticize youtube's new SJW algorithm for example, which is a good thing.
The esoteric nature of this board is the only thing that has allowed a mongolian tapestry website to make any progress on the 14 words at all.
He looks like a skeleton
For better or worse, he is basically the 21th century Mr Rogers. He is one of the gatekeepers to the minds of the next generation. Millions of children listen to what he says.
If he disappeared wouldn't the kids just watch some other retard? Jewgle gets the ad revenue either way.
waay better picture to use
The money jewgle gets from pewdiepie is a pathetic drop in the bucket compared with the rest of their revenue. And yes, his market is not 100% secure, but frankly that is a problem for him to worry about, not me. If he fucks over his paycheck, that's his problem. TBQH I'm not convinced google actually makes a profit from youtube. I think they probably operate at a loss to keep a secure grip on the market niche.
I'm not telling you to watch his shit. It isn't for us, there is nothing of value there for us. I'm telling you why he's important. Anybody who has an audience of millions of children is important. Very few people have more people listening to them than him.
*he is being
Ask yourselves, how many normalfags know about Moonman? The media never mentions Moonman, they are terrified of offending McDonalds:
Somebody has said that he's an old Holla Forums-fag, which is probably his exposure to us.
Scott Adams is a sperg like Chuck Johnson, so he'll have trouble letting go of his principles. At least he got a white-presenting thot with big cans instead of whatever fucking meth-based lifeform Cantwell latched onto (despite being fully aware of race and fantasizing about killing degenerates).
In some video of his there was a subtle antisemitic message in the credit.
Ironically pretending to be redpilled to cover the fact that you are actually redpilled is a good strategy. Just look at Sam Hyde. There are still people out there saying he is "being ironic."
This e-celeb among others, Sam Hyde is publicizing politically incorrect humor and thinking.
This e-celeb is inadventently or intentionally following
's plan for reviving National Socialism.
Are you stupid? We need our message spread and with one of the biggest youtubers being somewhat redpilled he can break the conditioning of over 40 million normies. He's the starting point to asking quesitons about the narritive.
I think I'm going to create a thread addressing this topic, all the MDE Cancellation/PDP Redpilled threads keep getting anchored by faggot mods.
I'm looking at you imkampfy
celebrities that dont go with the program
stop being celebrities
Just watch kaney west "trump this shit up"
disappear from the limelight
He's not redpilled. It's just 4chan humor that he is fond of since that is where he got his start from. The problem with PDP is that he is the kind of person who will entertain two competing ideas and only comment on this kind of humor for the lulz but will still be a blue-pilled faggot.
That said, the anchor is probably because this is just another thread marketing this fuck's channel. Stop being lazy and learn to webm/mirror and you'll have more people willing to care.
Depends on what the platform is. If pewdiepie decided to change his platform to a different service provider it could have a massive shift in where people go for online viewership which would be disastrous for youtube.
Assuming that's the case, it still helps us. There's a fine line between ironic and sincere racism.
Nice strawman. Bet it feels good to refute your own claim.
I'll have to agree that posting embed e-celeb videos, regardless of who they are is pretty gay unless the whole video is relevant. If that's why this thread got anchored then that's acceptable.
I agree that it's unlikely that he's actually redpilled, at least to the extent that your typical 4/pol/ cuck would be. However, that wasn't my point
The former because he's making Nazi/Hitler jomes, the latter because he's bashing dishonest kike media.
Ironic Natsoc humor still normalizes a Natsoc presence.
sorry fucked up the greentext, look to my post
for reference to the last two lines of greentext.
sure, its not like he is dependent on a network like a tv show.
But what alternatives is it to youtube ?
and how many in his audience is spoonfeeders ?
I find myself visiting youtube and getting spoon fed
Jewdie is sucking cock again?
fuck off shill
Meme it, faggots. We need the kids.
We broke him
They're not afraid of McDonald's. They are afraid of a moon head being the new klan robe.
This is exactly what the Alt-Right needs to do.
niggers are stupid, but that doesn't mean they can't be redpilled
We should validate pewdiepie so he can uncuck sweden.
I don't have a link to the video, but in the first anchored thread someone posted a video of his that actually had "kill the jews" flashing in the background. Hopefully some user actually watches his vids and can link it again.
If CiA had anything, Obama would be gloating to show any evidence, but they will claim they have evidence, while hiding behind "confidential" material.
Don't forget, just days after the election, Barry said Blu fly, the election was clean and the American people have spoken. His tune has changed since the Stein (and Clinton colluding) made motions for a recount, and since that's not working….
Conan O'Brien has really let himself go.