I would've hit the little coon if I hadn't already been reprimanded for doing that to someone else who had tried to start shit with me a few days ago before they went crying to mommy >"No." I don't even think I did, but have done it to quite a few individuals
Have you had any recent cases where you have stood up for your fellow countryman when nobody else would?
Joshua Clark
William Robinson
Henry Gomez
You forgot the end
Charles Anderson
I don't even really know the girl and don't really plan to, how is protecting the weak from filthy shitskins whiteknighting?
And how is it LARPing?
Grayson Powell
Gave a guy a ride out of the woods and then back innawoods to change his flat caused by the woodland niggers. Such is life.
Andrew Collins
I like this story, it's motivating. I keep a look out in real life for situations like this. Luckly where I live the blacks are fewer in number so in a sense stay away from the whites. The ones who intermingle are respectable. World away from when I lived in brooklyn. There across the metro tracks in Manhattan I saw a group of nogs mug a white girl who had poor situational awareness. She had her headphones in and they punched her in the face drawing blood and ran off with her phone. The beta males made a hole for them to escape. She said "thanks guys" and I remember yelling about it but was on the wrong side. No one helped her and passed up free hero sex. Blows my mind.
Grayson Morgan
Well done OP Love your own people and help them
Grayson Torres
I'm sure that's exactly what happened, OP
Cameron Brooks
What are you, 16? Go back to cuckchan with your blogpost.
Brandon Davis
I think the best thing about the whole situation is that it sounds like a LARPing shitpost that could never really happen, when it actually happened, whether you believe me or not.
Tyler Allen
You spineless cuck! This is how I know you're obviously controlled opposition
Chase James
You have to go back.
Nicholas Perry
What grade are you in nigger?
Jayden Morales
In summary you did good in real life but made a shit thread about it. Also, do you happen to be a finn?
Levi Hughes
Fuck, I forgot to sage
Colton Bennett
Underage b&
Wyatt Cooper
Today I found out that not only the midget is a filthy Muslim goatfucker, but that his parents are racemixing pieces of shit who have a half-caste child that gets into trouble so regularly that when I simply described the little fucker to administration to get his ass shouted at and kept in an isolation room so he can't see his friends, the guy knew who I meant immediately.
Noah Myers
Eli Rogers
get the proper bus, not the school coach.
they can't pull shit in real life without being called up, kids of all shades and backgrounds.