Washington, D.C.’s Liberal Civil Servants Are Horrified at the Prospect of Life Under Trump
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So do every christian baker who had to bake a cake for fags, every white police officer who had to try not to shoot a chimping out nigger, every non-left leaning professor who now has to fear getting kicked out of university, every mechanic who knows liberals hate cars and car culture, etc. when they have to work for these cunts.
But what can I expect? Kikes have no empathy.
don't you love a happy ending?
so they all whine how Trump is bad and that the people he surrounded himself are losers and incompetents. In the end, they still decide to remain at their job, not because it pays well but because people like them with 8 years experience during Obama can't be replaced, people with their moral values can't be replaced. They will stay so "bad people" won't come and work for Trump instead of them.
The kikes are kidding themselves if they think that he isn't going to fire everyone who's a disloyal communist dog. Trump seems to value loyalty and firm unwavering principles above all other things in his employees, neither of which these libshits have.
Their lack of self awareness causes me pain to read.
The narcissism of these people.
Fantastic, you stupid bitch. Then go work somewhere else. This is America, as you should theoretically well know working for the government and all. You have both the ability and freedom to do that. THe new guys, by your admission, don't seem to want you. That means it's time to go do something else, you stupid motherfucker. Don't bitch about it. Do something about it.
This is what you should feel embarassed about, not the Don becoming president. You feel proud about supporting "fuck the american people, fuck the middle east, fuck the constitution, fuck our allies, fuck our economy in particular: the president" but the one that overwhelmingly won the majority of the american people's vote you know the people that are the whole reason you're a fucking civil servant, ideally embarasses you.
These goofy bastards need to take a good long look at *why* they're working in the job they are. the whole point of civil servants is to serve the public. They clearly don't want to do that, they want to serve the party. GO work for the fucking DNC then see how well that's worked out for the mounds of bodies they've left in their wake
Congrats brah, you're the swamp. Get drained faggot
It's really true. I'm a paid intern at a DC consulting firm right now and all my coworkers were gonna work in the Hillary administration. Now they're completely fucked.
Meanwhile my boss is writing me a DHS recommendation and I'll be deporting spics within the year. Feels good to be conservative for once in DC.
They're just mad that they won't be able to continue making a living by doing pseudo work, now that they probably actually have to do something. Well, assuming they keep their jobs, because honestly they all should be fired. I mean what are they exactly doing?
meanwhile how many people that voted for Trump were kicked out of their house so these pieces of shit whining about Trump can be paid by Obama
Fat lesbo detected.
He really should get rid of them. Having people like that on board will just lead to trouble anyways.
You can't "just" fire them though. The technocrats are needed; Trump either needs them to bend the knee or just replace them.
virtue signaling that they respect black people is more important than foolish ideals like a successful economy
Please let this happen. (It won't)
Ya know why they are horrified? They are going to have to do their fucking job! OY GEVALT THAT RACIST!
LOL butthurt
Of course they want to monkeywrench and obstruct.
Checked, you lucky dog.
Oh man.
I'm bursting into treats over this.
Dumb cunts should just quit their cushy government jobs then. It isn't like federal work requires any brain power for 90% of it (and I still figure even the really well off guys like accountants and lawyers just phone it in half the time). Didn't they force that Southern woman to quit because she refused to give fags marriage licenses? This is no different. I can't wait for Trump to bully the fuck out of these awful people.
Yeah who would have thought that Obama couldn't be President indefinitely, and that someone you disagree with could outvote you. Absolutely boggles the mind.
This is what I had in mind. He can't keep these people around. Even bending knee is not enough since these people represent a network for the previous group and thus leftists.
anecdotal, but i've met a few federal employees in my time. they have certain deliverables they have to meet each week, that an intelligent middle-schooler could probably accomplish, and they literally goof off, not even showing up to the office most days in between submitting these assignments. anecdotal, but true.
"Civil servants" my ass. Every single one of these people deserves the rope.
Get rid of them all, replace the entire bureaucracy with Holla Forumsack neets.
Seriously, I don't think people even realize how easy or overrated these government "jobs" are. Anyone could do them, yet they like to pretend like they have "irreplaceable skills". I have worked in government and all it is; meetings, filling out forms, approving things. Zero creativity is required.
A friend of mine got a job for the government making a little over $100k per year (with just a BA in math because his parents worked there), and he said he didn't really do anything. They get paid six figure salary to browse the internet all day and maybe work for an hour or two.
That is exactly what it is. I work in dept of transportation and I maybe do an hour of a work a day. I am posting from work right now.
If anyone here is in a management position at the DHS/some other federal agency, is there a way to get a bunch of qualified Holla Forumsacks into your agency? Something we could put on our resumes to tip you off?
Also you'd have to interview all of us to make sure we arent some faggot from Holla Forums infiltrating anyways but I'm just hoping we can into government soon
I will kill you too on the day of the rope friendo
source on that image? looks hot.
Racemixing is a sin. Jerk off to Aryans at least.
You will try…
Look, I am one of the good guys. I give quite a lot of my money to certain right wing causes I will not name here since it triggers some spergs, and I got good amounts of guns and ammo. Basically I cuck the feds to help our cause.
Get me a job TRS-kun?
It's absolutely essential work. Moving 10 Somalians into your neighborhood is the only way this bitch can even get off anymore.
Hahaha, the poor idiots
I fucking hate skanks that do that subtle duckface
I like
The complete fucking contempt these people have for what is supposed to be their fellow Americans is disgusting. They're not even disguising how much they hate anyone who isn't part of their political circle. I wonder how long it'll take until they just start killing people they disagree with?
That's exactly it. There's just a small segment of society that they vehemently fight for. It's actually very self-centered. And most 'civil servants' are nursing at the government teat, don't kid yourself. No way you can get that pay and benefits in the private sector.
that's what their policies do
Her name is taeyeon
The servants aren't very servile… Get new ones
as opposed to which president that did what differently? this is a bullshit argument. cabinet posts are political appointments and everyone knows it
Federal employees are a half step better than welfare leeches. I had an internship at a federal research lab and everyone there was lazy as fuck. Took days and days for the most basic tasks to get through administration, maintenance and research and technicians really weren't much better either.
90% of federal employees do fuck all and get paid upwards of $80k/year, plus lavish benefits and ridiculous pensions. They all need to go.
why the fuck don't you apply?
Yeah, no. If they were really competent talent they wouldn't need to state how competent they are. Or they'd be making a lot more money doing real work for a real business.
What's actually happening is these cocksuckers are starting to realize exactly how replaceable they are - that their jobs are based on ideology, not talent.
Drain the swamp.
There is a God and He is Just.
Fire it Trump. It's a moron. Fire it now!
Well that won't get them fired immediately
Do you remember when that Kim Davis chick in, I think Kentucky, refused to provide marriage licenses to fags because gay marriage was against her religious beliefs? Libshits the globe over starting spamming this retarded "do your job" meme in response.
Now that the shoe is on the other foot, they don't want to do their jobs. I guess asking for any kind of integrity or ideological consistency from liberals is too much.
I hope they have enough integrity to quit. Their jobs are likely unnecessary bureaucracy anyway.
I have a better idea. Let's abolish debt slavery by firing these people!
These people are not fit to be in their current positions. They need to be fired immediately.
They're meming him into double turbo giga Hitler. Don't stop them now.
I understand the meme, but the ignorance creating it is what enrages me!!! Specially considering that most of those faggots have been there since first days of Obongo! They're the reason the country has been shit!
Oh, like Obama did to the officer corp?
funny you should say that because moments ago he just made a speech to the military, advising them to subvert the chain of command and resist trump's orders.
Leave then. They'll be replaced easily.
That's right buddy, insult your future bosses and get fired.
Can those guys be unfired?
Good thing Obama showed how easy it is to purge officers, because Captain Coon and Lt. Chink are getting their comissions voided now that Mad Dog is SecDef.
Probably not, but many of the Generals and MOH recipients who endorsed Trump will likely get administration positions.
I'd kill myself out of boredom
Lol when they self deport
I am a civil servant in a local muni. Let me tell you how fucked it is to work under democrats.
These democrats came in promising to reign in spending and stop giving jobs away as political favors. Since they came in they have spent more money and given jobs to useless human beings white, black, and latino. The exorbitant city salaries have become ludicrous. The muni I work in has 35,000 people living in it. THe yearly salaries is around 43 million dollars. Meanwhile the infrastructure of the municipality is falling apart. Listening to some of the delusions of the liberals here is horrifying. They might be the most naive humans ever. They also think this gravy train will last forever. I on the other hand am one of the few people (white and black, i know this bursts most of /pol's/ bubble) that actually work. The said part is the black's in this town are still on the plantation and think the democrats give a fuck about them. Also there is no opposition only two different democrat parties.
god damn period fucking up my red text
It's a crime against your people retard. Fucking a person of another race dilutes your blood.
Jerking off to asians isn't actually that bad just don't actually have kids with them
This bitch is dead serious isn't she.
Everyone in any way military related that I know is pretty much ecstatic that Trump has won. Obama's pet project appointees might get the boot, but there is a lot of people with hope for a Trump administration.
That only applies to women user. Why can't we knock up a bunch of asians while on vacation in our youth, and come home to marry a white woman and raise a family?
Nigger behavior.
Nobody's saying Asian's aren't QT, but white women are the envy of the world, even Japs love half-white half-nips because they're cuter than Japs.
You gotta save your energy for making a white family.
Im glad im not the only one who noticed the craziness of comparing the two. You have to be completely delusional to think this way but hey Im a civil servant and know how civil servants think. ==THE DELUSION IS DEEP==
Newfags get out.
again with the red text wtf it was on a separate line
GTFO Nigger, you degenerate piece of shit should be gassed
Why would anyone fuck a gook? That's bestiality.
1. Because the neurological damage done to women by sleeping around is ALSO done to men, albeit on a smaller scale.
2. Because we’re not degenerate piles of shit who have no sense of commitment.
3. Because we don’t want STDs.
4. Because while impregnating Jōmon-descended Japanese girls WOULD increase the partial caucasian gene pool, we’re still talking about dilution here.
Oh, and
5. Because ONLY Jōmon-descended Japanese are even remotely genetically considerable for this sort of thing. Every other asian group (except purebred north Indian aryans) is genetically disparate enough to be called a different species.
Might as well knock up degenerated instagram white whores. You won't end up killing yourself when that asian pussy destroys your manhood.
Read a fucking high school genetics textbook, you retard.
lighten up shitbirds, we're living in the trump age now
say how, in 1 line
who the fuck cares you knock up some gook you will never see again after she gives birth?
I'm not attracted to the asians so I would never even consider it, but it's still spreading your own genes which is hard to argue with and
proofs are lacking
What about if we're sailors? What if we're sailors stationed in japan or the filipinss?
Would fuck but would never wife and family.
In OP's article, I have advice for the named parties:
Penny: Stop being a degenerate dyke, make some white children and revel in the Trumpenness. If you're a nigger, well, go guzzle some syzyrup or whatever your kind do.
Hannah: Stop being a braindead liberal. You grandparents served their country and hoped you'd turn out better and appreciate the world they tried to make. Honor them and serve your country by serving Trump.
Because sleeping around itself is fucking degenerate, especially traveling to another country just to racemix.
Fuck off back to TRS Anglin, advocating raxemixing isn't welcome here.
won't fuck em lucky if I give them the time of day instead of curb stomping them.THEY HAVE TO GO BACK.Only Aryan women are acceptable.All other race types can't even get me hard and they disgust me that they are even in the same space that I have to look at their disgusting features.Why would any white man subject his offspring to looking like some fucking side show freak that glows in the dark because their genes been fucked with.
Not welcome there either.
You're both being autistic
there were at least 5 redflags in that other set of pictures
non-aryan women get my cock much harder, I want to fuck them like the animals that they are. HURT THEM.
with white women.. some of them are so beautiful you'd be afraid to not do them harm.
If you're really into beast, you might want to go get checked for an std. Everyone I've ever known who was into it had something.
I believe it. Nearly all of America's shitholes have the same story:
2D is better
Translation: "No way I'm going to run from my ridiculously high pay, light workload and gibs. I have no skills and could not land a real job to save myself".
filtered for being a derailing faggot
How can NEETs or Holla Forums get gov jobs?
Most jobs I've had for big companies are like this too.
Is Trump the Receiver?
she's perfect
how the fuck can you have a job in 'climate change'
that's like being a civil servant in 'number theory'. what do you do, clean the chalkboards and bring coffee?
how is she able to afford a house in DC doing a job that doesn't exist?
fire them all
So… do I get to slap both of them or do I have to chose?
Washington and California are the rich countries, the rest is just empty land
They left won
What does H.C.K.G.A.W.I mean? there is no search results
What a bunch of children.
Trump promised to undo what obama did
Obama fired hundreds of key person replacing them with his operatives.
Obama / clinton international crime syndicate spend 8 years firing key people replacing them with their minions to ensure their eternal rule.
Of course they got to go.
Look how "white" those pictures are. Even liberals can't justify employing more than a few token chimps.
Fuck off Andre "The albino nigger" Anglin
They are hypocrites.
There is no use trying to pursue this line of thought with them. Just apply bullet to brain and move on to the ones that aren't complete fuckers.
Wow that's just fucking sad
Oh fuck off, the bullshit beurocratic legislation you fuckwits have been making have done NOTHING to affect "climate change" or protect the environment, all you faggots do is make it impossible to do the dirty work here so it goes to mexico where they use outdated methods and machinery that causes even more environmentally damaging pollution.
Creating half-breeds only dilutes our people and blurs the boundary between "us" and "them". It will be harder for us to exterminate the enemy races if many of them share our blood.
It's gonna feel so good when I see these people starving on the streets.
>Horrified you say?
This is a false concept. That's not how any of this works. You pick a side and stick with it. One. For the life of me, I can't understand why any country in the world allows dual citizenship.
I remember during the primaries, Trump took a question from a Korean "American" who didn't like that Trump wanted to start sending Seoul a bill for the guard duty we do for them keeping Pyongyang from invading tomorrow. The kid obviously didn't like the idea that Korea either has to fairly exchange cash for services. Trump asked him how it benefits America to protect SK from NK for free, forever, and the Korean not only didn't have an answer, he didn't even care. He chose his side, and it wasn't America.
they've all promised to move to chiyna too, err, I mean mexico, oh wait, somewhere White
ahhahahahahah, GET THE FUCK OUT
One thing that really stood out to me when I made some trips to visit DC between 2009-2012, is I noticed just how economically alive everything was. Whereas in my hometown I was used to seeing shops closing or closed, here was a place of continual development in every quarter.
When the rest of the country is in dire straits, these fuckers will never have to suffer because the USG is recession-proof, and DC by extension. I'm more than certain Trump will find good reasons for eliminating these wasteful carrion - when he said he would drain the swamp, he was partly speaking of these bureaucratic ninnies.