The next stage of white genocide: legalizing the rape and murder of whites by non-whites

Black lawyer: Free anyone charged with murdering whites

Black law editor: Acquit anyone charged with murdering, raping whites

Other urls found in this thread:

Yes. Do that. It will return us to the old system where the Klan and/or random people took care of niggers who didn't just commit crimes, but got in any way uppity, by hanging them from trees, subjecting them to castration, burning them, and even eating their flesh.

And when they committed a higher crime, like assaulting a white woman, we would burn and literally bomb their cities from airplanes. Remember the Tulsa Race Riot. We can make it happen again.

What the fuck are you talking about?

surely this won't backfire

Dox this nigger.


Hes just being edgy. Rest is true doe

Black Wall Street is a nigger fairy tale.
They got butt hurt and burned down their own houses and stores just like they do every time they get butt hurt.

yeah, they were mad because oj was a nigger, not because he obviously guilty.

play along with what? the law that keeps this country from turning into a fucking warzone?

stop committing crimes for starters. if the threat of death by cop isn't enough to keep niggers from stealing bikes and raping women, then they're too retarded to live

i swear to god, the left is going to meme da ebil white man uprising into existence if they keep this shit up

Dubs confirm evil white man uprising.

besides that this is pretty horrifying, but I imagine the normalfags would see this as a step too far for certain

No surprise. Happened in ZA. Remember to stay armed, Amerikaners.

Looks like death sentences on the scene from now on

i wish a nigga would

Then why aren't you getting them butthurt all the damn time? Get them to destroy so much of their own property that it becomes economically impossible for ZOG to keep them up and running.

A crime against "institutions", like taking advantage of your position or embezzling or whatever, can't really be equated with a direct crime against the person you utterly dense rape-ape. Go ahead and talk your shit though.

They really can't see how them getting MODERATELY shot more by police would have anything to do with their own culture, criminality, behaviour. Lynch this fat sack of shit. This won't be covered by the media. When niggers are so anti-White they want to get away with racial killings, genocide, hate crime. Separate now before we really start a war.


they belive those statistics are racist because racist cops go after blacks more they think, just for being black. God forbid they read and understand the crime victimization survey that shows their arrest rates being exactly the same as the victims survey.

Also I'm not a lawyer but the logistics of this wouldn't work for them the majority of the time. If they kill a white person chances are they are in a white area. Thats the area they will be charged and will most likely have h'white jurors. Checkmate niggers, now you're all getting jail or the fucking chair.

so we're apparently all buying into the idea that this isn't already happening right now anyway

I highly doubt this will ever happen, but if it did, the white white on black murder rate will sharply increase.

All variety of subhumans will continue to believe they are the eternal victims of evil whitey even tho they are a plague set upon whites.

He's doing God's work, any nigger that reads his piece won't be able to serve on a jury without being guilty of perjury.

Meanwhile we can often get at least one white person to hang a jury if someone kills a nigger. Let's hope Dylan Roof gets a hung jury and the chimps go wild.

Good lord, do these dindus honestly want a race war, or is it just the Jews?

Why not both?

I don't think that'll happen.

Trips says it does.

they want payback

I think I'll sign up for that boxing class after all.

I hope a black jury actually pulls off a jury nullification like this with their motive being something along the lines of "the system isnt fair to us so we arent going to enforce it on our own". The ensuing events would be about as good as it could possibly get for us. White people would also start doing the same in a more effective manner if there were precedent. It would publicize jury nullification though, so obviously it will never happen. The supreme court ruled that judges can be deceptive relating to jury nullification during a trial. Jury nullification is THE tool of the people in a justice system that is functioning improperly. (((they))) really wish jury nullification didn't exist

Please start doing this.


all we need are a few strategically picked lynchings throughout the country
it's a shame they ever stopped, we still get one every once in a while where i live and the blacks here know their damn place.
there's no feeling in the world like living somewhere that is >95% white and having the non-white population fearfully submissive and respectful although non-whites should probably be deported. it solves everyone's problems

I'm going to need a source on that.

rolling for Dylan

Next Headline: Why are juries overwhelmingly white now?


So a communist-backed group issues a deliberately emotive claim with no prospect of ever becoming law, in an attempt to trigger incoherent rage in right-wingers.
Holla Forums acts like good Pavlovian dog.
Objective: cause random acts of violence against Blacks, thus justifying BLM and harsher persecution of right-wingers.
If you let this trigger you, you are helping the enemy.

Niggers were a mistake

I found you

I've seen this exact post before. Nice pasta Holla Forums



I'm not a degenerate

Why would they do that? I'm calling bullshit.

Pajeet pls.

The main reason why we oppose Progressivism is because progressives don't want to be treated equally. They want special privileges to attack the family unit, be funded by the family unit, and to be protected from any wrongdoing.

This isn't only blacks, but feminists and the LGBT movement. Instead of adapting to male environments, feminists want to change them to be more tailored to women. Instead of being charged for funding Stonewall Inn, a hotel owned by a criminal organization at that time, the LGBT movement doesn't want to be prosecuted.

They all implicitly know that they're unequal. However, instead of admitting that they are unequal, they want to bend their rules instead.

I think most of those are kike myths.

There's another lovely dataset that goes well with the ol' table 43, which is clearance rates. Clearance refers to crimes which either resulted in arrest and charges, or were otherwise solved in a manner that for whatever reason could not lead to arrest and charges (perp already dead, for instance). Only cleared crimes are eligible for arrest stats obviously, but the FBI keeps a record of the total reported crimes compared to cleared ones. This gives us some interesting numbers.

In the year of 2014, 64% of murders committed were cleared, with a total of 8230 successful arrests. Of these known perps, 4224 were nogs. You may see where this is going now. Even if we assume that every murder not solved that year was committed by a white perp, an assumption which you can probably even get a retard to admit is a bit whiffy, niggers still committed over twice as many murders per capita as whites. It's literally mathematically impossible for prejudice to be the reason for the crime stats.

If you want AIDS go for it.

we're sitting here reading this surprised, mocking the niggers, and jesting. but this is quite a serious milestone for white genocide. at some point we're going to have to act..

Here's why they think they can get away with such stupid crap:

The average resident of America believes the population is about evenly divided between whites, blacks, and beaners. Blacks doubtless make up the bulk of the 17% who believe the majority of the US is black.

You don't need to act because leftists shoot themselves in the foot. Show normies their asinine demands that they conceal from whites and they will be shocked.

Even if normies don't go full 14/88, you've planted the seeds of doubt in their head so that they will reject liberal ideology in the future.

Another bitch made House Nigger who hates white people, I am shocked.

that's not just the *reason* it's the cause. they are trying to meme it into existence first with perception, and over time with open-door immigration. but the public perception is very carefully crafted, make no mistake. i know you know this, just making the point.

lmao nice larping

I think they're getting an all nigger jury specifically for him, if so not a chance in Hell that'll happen it'll take 5 minutes to reach the verdict of death penalty if available

Give me a break. The KKK hanged murderers and rapists, they didn't eat niggers for the crime of being "uppity".

Typical jewish lies. Project the barbaric practices of the supposed "victims" niggers are well known for practicing cannibalism onto white people.

This kind of judicial affirmative action already became the law of the land wherever nigs could take over the courts.

Good idea
Also make good use of those concealed carry laws Obama is bringing in. Stand your ground and shoot to kill.
Godspeed Americans, I'll hold as long as I can up here in canuckland with a baton and a coin sap but send help.

Isn't it illegal to tell people to do that?

yes, this wont backfire at all

No, but it pisses off the judge and prosecutor.

i don't think you can suggest it in court, and if you, as a jury member, say you are doing that you will be removed, but no its not illegal to suggest it.

remember: if you as a jury member admit that's what you're doing you will be removed, so you always have to come up with another explanation - it can be as simple as "I just don't buy it"

Look nigra, if you wanna say the objective is to start a race war, then just fucking say it. No need to phrase it like a shill.

Why don't we "shift the national conversation" (how's my lefty speak?) towards intolerance within the nog "community"? They hate gays more than anyone. They rap about women being objects. Their culture is absolutely degenerate and it's a weak point that they never get called on.

And the stats about nigs not having a father is damning as fuck. Wave these facts in everyone's face all day long.

"Uppity" got a beating.

that's it.


It is coming time to show shtskins how powerless they are under white rule not some subverted monstrosity of it.Your feelings I don't care your family shitskin?dead.Your gibmes gone.Your culture always laughed at an lame go beat a drum in africa nigger.No more fired chicken and watermelon for you you dumb mud now go wipe your butt with sand instead of that white created charmin.

There's precedent for this in South Africa and Zimbabwe. Blacks there have had their charges dropped or their sentences expunged because the people they killed were white. This kind of thing isn't unheard of and it's a common tactic against minority groups targetted for genocide.

I'm pretty sure convicts can't do that.

Besides, if they want to play this game, this is an easy win for us. More nigs commit crimes anyway, more whites are eligible for jury duty, and therefore we can just find every nig guilty every single time.

Just finished reading The Turner Diaries earlier today. Truly prophetic stuff.

This, same shit in the Soviet Union and Communist China as well if my memory serves correctly. It's a common and effective leftist tactic for obvious reasons. It ain't murder or torture or rape or all three if it's legalized. The real South Africans know this all too well, dated a girl from there once. The stories she told me still chill me to this day. The Niggers are demonic in their brutality to say the least and, assuming there are even any survivors or there's relatives who have the spine to try to bring it to "law enforcement" there, they're lucky if the cops even fucking show up let alone take notes or even try to prosecute. Thanks kikes

No more kike rule and put niggers in their place back in mud huts whipping their asses with sand hoping a lion don't come drag their asses off for a pack of lions to devour them alive.

you don't like whites leave and go back where you came from.I am no liberal have no sympathy for you and the compassion I have only extends to whites period.So your kike plan of getting whites to feel shame for what jews did and excuse you niggers from being complete filth AINT WORKING NO MORE!!! You are afraid of us not the other way around and the day a strong white man stands up you cower like the little shitstain fk you are.I know from experience niggers aint sht neither is a mudslime.You are on borrowed time keep showing your retarded asses DOTR will come and when it does don't cry because no one will save you.


The JP Morgan nigger is ignoring the fact that blacks have operated like this for years. Dave Chappelle had a skit about it.

that's a funny way to spell 'disbar'
although maybe you can run a 'legal website' without even being a lawyer, since blacks tend not to bother getting proper certification for anything they do

that's a funny way to spell "hang"

handing over the reins, as in the reins held by the driver of a horse-drawn carriage, does not have a G. if you are a king you could maybe hand over your reign, but you only have one, so it wouldn't be plural.

oh, FBI-kun, keep trying.
seriously any lawyer in the same state with this nigger needs to file a complaint to the state bar; this shit is ethically ridiculous.


The question that needs to come from this is how can we turn it into something to give fair warning to normies? If they react good. If not oh well. That said they'll find it hard to pull off.