Peppa the pig triggers australian muslim leaders, saying it makes kids into "brats"
Hugely popular Peppa Pig is shown in 180 countries around the world.
Peppa the pig triggers australian muslim leaders, saying it makes kids into "brats"
Hugely popular Peppa Pig is shown in 180 countries around the world.
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We live in an universe where a cartoon pig for children is a genuine threat to the shitskin invaders
Third one
Is Peppa our guy?
Can Holla Forums help make them an alternative more in line with the teachings of Islam?
I'm pretty sure it's a show made by jewish pedophiles. Look at their heads, they're dicks.
Cannot unsee.
I wonder if there's any children's show in existence currently that isn't made by jewish pedophiles
Or any show, period
Cool Cat
That show had a very dry, abstract, realist humor. I miss it
Peppa Pig is ok in my book.
Muslims are such annoying fucking kikes. I don't even differentiate between the abrahamic religions anymore. All of them are Jewish as fuck and turn their adherents into semitic kikes.
Fuck mudslimes and their petty grievence mongering but as the father of 2 kids, I have to say that peppa pig is fucking shite. Its bbc tripe. Iv had to sit through hrs of it with my daughter in the past and it rustles me to the core. Peppa is a spoiled precocious brat who wont stfu, george the little brother is a fucking retard who BAAAAAWS at literally everything and has the vocabulary of a spakka. Daddy pig is portayed as a fat oaf and doofus who is the butt of all jokes (despite being the one who actually works and earn a fucking crust for his cunting ungrateful smug porcine family) so it has the typical bbc modus operandi of mocking the patriach and reducing him to a clownish oaf. Its shit tbh lads, I hate it. Its also made and voiced by libtards (jew cunt david baddiels wife does some of the voices for instance) and the child actors they use for it are incapable or reading a line that doesnt sound stilted and contrived - not natural at all. The animation is fucking awful and look like its been drawn by a fucking child. The music is repetitive and very irritating.
The whole thing is incredibly smug and is what id describe as "a load of old bollocks"
Literally the ONLY good thing in it is the occasion appearance of shouty british actor Brian Blessed as grandpa rabbit and thats not enough to redeem its other sins. It is bbc cancer made by smug libshits to show to their smug libshit kids. Also as the other user said, the pigs heads look like penises.
If you have kids, stuff like Tintin, Moomins, Dogtanian, Oggy & the Cockroaches, Ulyssys31, mysterous cities of gold and Babar are far superior to this bbc bilge and actually contain good moral messages and life lessons. Peppa pig has none of that. Its just filler - chewing gum for childrens eyes with pro diversity propaganda thrown in for good measure (pigs and rabbits liking in harmony with wolves and foxes ffs) It is unnatural and ill have no part in it.
Peppa the Pig is key factor to social decay of modern man, catalyst to downfall of humanity. Do you think you can have a cartoon pig? WRONG!!! Behead those who watch Peppa. Its the fucking current year.
Multiculture motherfucker
Fucking This. Nothing like good old Papa and Mama Moomin living a good decent life with their kids.
Moomins is good quality stuff for kids.
thats not a fucking kids show
also, jason alexander plays duckman
all the best acid has peppa on it tbh
Fucking white people and their pink racist cartoon pigs.
When the Pig and the Frog join forces, nothing can stop them.
Are we going to steal a massively popular cartoon pig to our side?
Why Not ?
Oh Seinfeld. I dont know if better or worse realizing they have the same actor
they won't change our country, they said
they won't change our lifestyle, they said
they won't bring their problems with them, they said
they won't outnumber us, they said
we have to accept it, they said
Not a show but Angry Birds is a children's movie that fits the bill
Yes, the ISHYGDDT man
this is some lulz shit right here
Love this meme.
Oh Yes.
yeah I just want everyone to contemplate the fact that it came to this
If only there was somewhere they could go where the didn't have to deal with this kind of thing.
Day Of The Pig
All bow before the Froschkönig and sing his praise!
Shut it down
"The behaviour of the infidel Peppa Pig jumping in muddy puddles is a metaphor for her wallowing in the moral turpitude and degeneracy of the west, death to them all,”
This time, we have MSM on our side.
Let's take advantage of this, shall we?
sehr gut
muslims would probably want to watch Animal Farm instead
Yes, Sheik Shady Alsuleiman here.
Remove kuffar infidel pigs from television
Straya cunt?
Muslims and jews are asleep
Post bacon
Anyways, if anyone wants to go with this, it has not only great potential for redpilling massive normies, but this time around, also msm seems to be on board.
I personally am not skilled in photoshop, so my contribution is this thread basically.
good times, funniest cartoon ever
it's as if muslims can't get along or get offended by ANYTHING non-muslim.
really interesting, someone should look into this
Yeah, well go fuck yourselves. If my sources are correct: Australia is full.
It's almost as if everywhere THEY go, there are problems and they're never the cause of it. Really makes ya think. Someone indeed should look into it.
Dank OC fam
Pepe falls in love?
That sounds awfully lot of a certain other Semitic tribe too.
it's as if islam is totally incapable of living in peace with its surroundings
really interesting, someone should look into it
Lazytown promotes healthy eating and exercise and even has some good toons.
Fyi: that show IS shit. I discreetly stopped letting my daughter watch it.
she always just looked like a mexican to me
It's only sexual if you think dirty, user ;^)
Why did they give Henson Quaaludes before filming?
Fuckin' saved
Wtf did I just watch?
fuck that got pretty good at the end
What about porky pig?
While your weak kids are watching Peppa the Pig, black kids are fighting for food and Muslim kids are fighting for Allah!
— common filth
All girls who emulate the behavior of Peppa need their hams spanked.
read this faggot
Thats storm front.
Now continue to munch on that dick.
pizzagate > (gamergate x watergate) ^10
pizzagate =
= (satanism + child kidnapping + human trafficking)
x (powerful elite + politicians + bankers + artists)
Will the real Shiek Shady please stand up?
That's some Sheik Shady shit right there
More like Trump shills making another straw man thread.
What, you thought concern trolling and shilling was something only library's do?
That's precious.
Spot the jew
If Hillary stole the election, it'd be the biggest happening since Germany invaded Poland in 1939
literally nothing
Wow. 170cm is 'not short' in England?
That height is borderline acceptable for women nowadays.
Hell, I'm 182cm (or 6 of your Anglo feet) and while it's said that this is the average height, truth is I'm quite short.
I really feel sorry for that guy. Sometimes you just get dealt a shit hand.
Pepe and Peppa against sandniggers
I look forward to seeing them cutting up the niggers and shitskins who do all the raping
Pretty much every american/british cartoon is jewish, the only cartoons/comics worth a shit are the belgian ones like asterix the gaul and the smurfs
meth bikers
/locate Village
WTF is going on with the price of food in Australia lately?
Pies are $5.90 at my local small town bakery.
Snags have gone from $4 to $6.50 in 18 months at the supermarket. Even packeted crap foods are increasing 30%.
God forbid you were on NEETbux alone with this bullshit.
Shit gets deeper.
Says the frenchman.
lol they let the 6 episodes out
tell them to get Sam on for an interview
how the fuck do you unzip your dick, retard?
public perception
Why wouldn't they? They want as many shekels as possible, and Trumps the candidate best for the super wealthy
My statement is 100 percent true and easily verified through google.
But I've got paid in dollars to shill for Hillary.
fuck it this won't help me or europe
Three or two years now.
Yeah, I've lost a lot of people.
I got a great-grandmother who's surprisingly still alive, we rant about niggers.
He probably wasn't allowed to fuck any of his mistresses during the campaign.
Drumpf is his original family name asshole.
He's in Gitmo. It was part of our trade agreement with Ecuador.
i can socialize, but i just dont want to
Read the federalist papers, specifically the one's dealing with tyranny of the majority. Subtract Los Angeles and New York and Trump wins
Guess i'm a nigger then. Though i knew that since i learned my name is Daquan.
Women only get away with this shit because of low tier men who think penis in vagina is the height of human experience.
>Maybe if I do __, she'll touch muh dingus
I used to be a fan of Jesse cox back in the days of vanilla through wrath of the lich king after cata idk he just became a nu-male beta cuck for blizzard and the sjws.
You use a government, that's designed to kill. I wonder how many other things you use that were designed to kill and don't even know it
Not European.
You solve the homeless prpblem by not giving them anything
Then they starve and like magic there's no homeless making the place look untidy
Fuck off, Muhammad
gimme a good caption for this shit. I like focusing on the lazy eye/one eye on the streets type text but I'm sure Holla Forums can make something funnier.
I noticed how the women dont stand for the flag.
Saw Hitler give a pretty good speech
102 currently
Before FDR liberal, after National Socialist
pick one
Only by 1 vote though
it's not. It's working as intended.
He has to get IN first then Sessions will give her a rectal exam.
Incoherent. This is a bot. Saged and hidden.
I have one friend who is pretty red pilled, we're working on the others. I don't know how he feels about the jews tho, and I'm afraid to bring it up.
Make it into a bet and gain sweet sweet Icelandic kroner
Most russian men are neither chauvinistic nor white.
What have you done for the white race faggot?
I love that German political police are the most obvious narcs ever.
Most russian men are neither chauvinistic nor white.
nothing good has come from someone carrying a ukelele in the last 10 years.
Shit, I'm willing to give it a try, at least.
I think I'm too clumsy to be threatening. Only person I'm a danger to is myself.
This. All Abrahamic religions have been nothing but misery for our people.
fuck's sake, I've been to some real rat holes in Baltimore and they still at least have a fucking sprinkler system
Muslims might actually be right this time, every kid that watches that shit turns into a rude brat and its filled with the worst kinds of morals
Who might be behind this post?
It's a fucking kids cartoon. If their parents don't think it's good then don't let them watch it.
Fuck off ShekelSteinBerg.
No, fuck off. He's just doing this shit because it means more views and views are what these fucking assholes make a living off of.
Imagine if every >(You) a leaf got for shitposting was money going directly into his pocket. You wouldn't want that, would you? No? Then stop giving this asshat more shekels.
goat fuckers can't make their own cartoons
this is not kosher im pissed
Would the real Sheik Shady please shut up?
Or strap on a suicide vest and then blow up…
There was a muslim cartoon about a ninja burqua woman who saves children from extremists but I guess the teachings of the cartoon is polar opposite of what kikes want muslims to see
I volunteer the fine folks at charlie hebdo as the goto cartoon studio. Maybe now they can become actual animators instead of just posting rage material in newspapers. Charlie hebdo deserves more publicity and these people deserve a "real muslim" cartoon.
I have a rare Peppa to show you
Porky the Pig, Miss Porky, Peppa, Frederick intifada
Damn, I remember that show.
that was a great kid's show
Pretty HArambe