(((The Guardian))): "Aleppo’s fall won’t end the Syrian conflict – it will signal a more terrifying stage"

The Assad regime’s complicated international allegiances and relative weakness in many parts of the country means an end to the agony is nowhere in sight


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When will people (well, (((people))) rather) learn that a strong dictator who shits on the various Muzzie rebel groups constantly is the best outcome for any nation in the ME? Afganistan, Iraq, Libya… The list goes on. Every single one was better of with a dictatorship or oligarchy.


Israel doesn't give a fuck, Israel wants to take over the whole region and Syria is in the way.

We've vetoed their dream.

So what the fuck happened with Turkey? I haven't heard a word about it since King Turkroach announced his intentions to "liberate" Syria. It's like it's been memory holed.

Yea and that won't horribly backfire at all in a short while. Then it's OY VEY ANUDDA SHOA again.
Somebody here once said Jews are really good short-term decision makers but bad at considering long-term effects. Syria is a good example of that.

Apparently the Russians brought them to heel.

Are they seriously calling ISIS "the rebels"?

The fuck.


They should just surrender like the bitches they are.

Don't hold your breath, commies.

Democracy=Destabilization and anarchy
Europe laboured for over 500 years out of the middle ages to get to this point.
It's like giving an Abo the Deceleration of Independence. He'll wipe his ass with it and then sniff some petrol through it.

I hope they doubled down on every retarded narrative the media has been pushing and just savagely executed every single (((rebel))) with gas barrel bombs tied to children

Eurofag here. Because of that article I decided to, for the first time ever, check that Huffington post news site. All I found were articles about sexism, racism, xenophobia and in general how terrible Donald Trump and all right wing parties are.
Never again.



Why even bother asking? It just makes you look weak. The Syrian army should execute every one of those cunts.

>The number of Syrian rebels estimated to still be fighting in the country is about 150,000.

BUT HOW MANY OF THEM ARE FOREIGNERS? How many are muslim fanatics? The Guardian is such a joke

every time the rebels are in a bad spot kerry spergs out for a ceasefire, then backstabs assad once they get in a better position.

No, then other areas held by rebels will reveive much more backing from civilians as they dont wanna get massacred.

Besides that its not very ethical.

My autism is tickled every time I hear "the fall of Aleppo". It's not a fall when the rightful government is retaking clay REEE.

Fuck, that's pretty massive.

What a cuck

Its not ogre but it is in assads favor if turkey doesnt get involved

This article assumes that Trump's stance is ambiguous. He has clearly stated that he will stand with anybody that fights ISIS, Assad being implied. He hasn't specifically mentioned Assad positively to my knowledge, because it is too controvertial, but we all know Trump is based asf.

If Turkey gets more involved then we all know what's going to happen, pic related

The ((rebels)) they have no support from the civilian side only foreign NGO have been supplying them with ammo and weapons. So far, I've only heard that rebel have been extorting from the civilians. The motto is join us or die.

Has how to bring back Green Lybia?



They've been involved for years by supporting many rebels groups. If by getting involved you meant their army going directly after the SAA you can forget about it.

How the fuck did they manage to make that kabob look like shit on a stick?
Sage for offtopic.

Bump for Good Luck Assad.

Cant Mossad The Assad

I typed "burnt kebab" into a search engine

Reads like a fucking threat, to me. Fucking kikes.

speaking of The Guardian:

The Guardian announces partnership with Vice



This is an ethnic war between Arab mudslimes and mudslimes with more Mediterranean blood. They are all still mudslimes.
Fuck Assad. He wanted to use jihadis against Americans in Iraq and it blew up in face. No point wasting American money either way as long as mudslimes stick to killing each other.
Interesting article on media lies.

You're late, JIDF. I'm docking your pay 2 shekels or however much a shekel is in your evil yid currency.


I don't have to support Israel to hate mudslimes, mudslime. If your people get nuked the rest of the world will be better off.

So your argument is that mudslimes only raped Greeks in Greece, not in Syria? Are there magic anti mudslime rape areas there?

JIDF pls get out of Syria and off our multiverse server entirely in fact.

Soon the Euros will start dumping all of you in Syria. That shithole will become a battle dome where mudslimes fight to the death against each other. Drones will televise it and the world will laugh.

Pax Americana is about to be replaced by Pax Judaica.

Remember that kid back in school who'd always try to change the rules or physically sabotage you whenever he started losing? People like that grow up.

These folks are just embarrassing. How many ceasefires have they been given already? Each time they shamelessly break it a moment later. I hope Assad goes down hard on them.

Why is it not possible for turkey to attack syria? Russia couldnt win diplomatically or militarily if this happened turkey is in nato which would give the US the excuse it has been looking for to start a war.

I can't wait for Trump to stand side-by-side with Assad in Damascus for the victory parade once these Mossad-backed German-woman-raper-machines have all been killed off and peace once again exists in Syria.