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he's right. no major news stations are covering the fact that the alt-left instigated the violence.

News is supposed to be fair and equal. If it does not meet that definition of news (in this case by being unfairly biased), it is not real news, and therefore "fake" news.

The absolute madman!

t. drumpfcucklet

Based Ben will btfo him

I meant to meme at

i'm almost starting to like trump again

wrong on both accounts kiddo. first of all, the left is literally unable to cause violence, becuase it exists to fight violence, ergo only the right causes violence. second, news are supposed to report on the facts, and many times facts arent fair or equal, ergo fake news would literally be news that report things fairly.

Wai, I thought Ben was alt-right.

are you being ironic? i honestly can't tell

He was being moronic

instigators never make the news

besides this shit has been going back and forth for a while on both sides. for trump, the right thing to do would be to just condemn it and move on obviosly.

The fact that the president is more harshly condemning assult than a guy GTA-ing through the sidewalk due to GTA-man being of a similar political perspective is news. Trump is being crass and unfairly biased, which made it a political statement. Which is why it's news

I just don't know what "alt-right" even means at this point, I thought it was a term invented by Killary last year that many autists took to look cool, but I guess it's a movement now or so.

I like how Shapiro fakes to acknowledge that if Trump said "antifa" then it would've implied that the other group was "fa"-cist and would've given more ammuniton to the MSM and (((Hollywood))).

what is this words?

It's just some shitty buzzword with no solid meaning that fags use as an excuse to dismiss people they disagree with instead of actually having a discussion.
I've seen openly communist hipsters accusing each other of being alt-right because neither of them actually knew anything about what they were arguing over so they decided to screech instead of research.

it was around before that, although hillary's speech made it more popular and made it so that the likes of milo and PJW tried to hop on it only to drop it shortly after
and anyway ben is a bloody neocon zionist jew, he doesn't belong nowhere near the alt right nor the alt lite or any other "right wing counterculture" movement

It's the newest "most horrible insult" leftists use, since they used nazi so much lately it's lost all meaning by now.

just use r/movies or something you fucking idiot

There's no alt-left. It's just the left.

Holla Forums is alt-left, we have nothing to do with those antifa faggots.



this is why people love Trump. He isn't full of shit.

you are far too gone to be saved, non-human

commies are not people

people like thatassuming it's not bait don't deserve responses. they're the same people that destroyed their own cities and give their children hormones because they want to wear dresses.

Pretty sure he's joking, but you're probably going along with the joke as well


you know, as much i don't care for trump, he does have a point. especially about the founding fathers like washington and jefferson.

who would've thought trump would be the president to actually get white americans to face themselves, even if he is a funhouse mirror version of it.

It was an accident. He never meant to hurt anyone. Either the police didn't block off the road or Antifa had no right to be there. Either way, automobile traffic was still flowing into the intersection.

Antifa was out with baseball bats, soda cans filled with cement, aerosol cans used as flamethrowers, and tear gas; as reported by the police and journalists on the scene. When his car got hit with rocks, he panicked and accelerated. He also tried to brake, but he crashed into people. Rather than letting Antifa beat him with bats, he reversed his car, got to safety, then surrendered peacefully to the cops. The cops who were not at the scene of Antifa's illegal riot.

The people who actually deserve blame:

After the crash, numerous members of Antifa attacked the car from the rear with clubs and bats. These are the weapons the driver saw, and accelerated past. He was unable to judge the distance and just how blocked off the street was. He couldn't even had known there were other cars ahead of him.

It is illegal for a mob of people to crowd a motorway like this and impede traffic. Hell, even jaywalking is a crime, even if 200 people are all doing it all at once.

He didn't drive from Ohio to Virginia to carry out a terrorist attack on liberals of Charlottesville, VA. If that was his intention, he would've either killed liberals in his own city, or chosen a bigger target such as Washington or New York. He also would've used a heavier car. He also wouldn't have hit his brakes before impact. He more likely would've used a gun.


All these people think their upset feelings are means to impeachment. Until big Donny breaks the law, he can say whatever he wants and he knows it. Making leftists mad and more violence is ensuring his second term because the cucks can't overthrow the extremists in their own party.

Americans could have prevented this. but instead picked a Indonesian marxist because it was more "progressive"

Trump just keeps getting better and better.

Literally fucking done. Reported you and this shit thread over 5 times. I'm leaving.

Yeah, no. Fuck off with this bullshit.

If it was a terror attack, he at least would've used a big truck, like a Muslim would have.

Actually fuck that, he would've just used an AR-15. Like what the socialist used on sitting members of Congress just a couple months ago.


I guess the Commies will be keeping the Nazi's company in the prisons……


this is the fruntp resistance site dumbass, they're talking about us

So Holla Forums and sudocuck will become prison bitches?


Why are the brake lights on in the photo but not the video? This has been bugging me the past few days.

Fuck Ben Shoapiro

go back to leftypol you moron.

fuck you infiltrators


forgot link


Consider those digits an olive branch from kek. Don't fuck up again, you know there's a curse out there.

Blood and soil(ed) LOL

It never fails, what they say about lefties and memes. Sad.

(((Ben Shapiro))) is a fucking moron.

he just blocked me for calling him a kike, I wanted to post a picture of Father Coughlin to remind him of how the world is supposed to be.

t. low test 4B

That guy doesn't even look scared.

They're also ignoring the fact that the leftist mayor told the police to stand down which allowed everything to turn to shit and turn into a full scale riot.

Somehow it's Trump's fault that this happened not the cuck mayor. Fuck the MSM and the alt-left.

He calling other man children?

this is true

If anyone was fooled by this faggot pretending to jump on the Trump train after being a "never Trumper," they're retarded. He's liberal scum.


ay, Hol up!


Keep trying, commie subhuman.


Tranny BO must be ecstatic.

Air thieves like you deserve to get dodged.

Does it even matter if it's an accident or not? That fat bitch was going to die soon anyway.

She literally threw herself at the back off a car going full speed in reverse because she wanted to be an epic warrior of the proletariat and punch a nazi.

They do if it fits the agenda or is next to undeniable.
G20 protests in germoney for example, though it's been tried to spin it around and blame the police for appearing agressive.

A baseball bat hidden in a plastic bag makes a great "umbrella".

kek doesn't exist, faggot

Fuck off, heathen!

The hunched back, the horrible long nose, almost like some medieval wood carving.

I think it's too obvious, but the sad fact is that an actual Leftists could've written it, and many believe you.

Ben just wants to protect his platform. He has a lot of sponsors that would drop him if he endorses Nazis in any way.

After shopping in a piss stain how about giving tyrone a crack pipe that's more realistic

I'm a non American and I'm extremely confused.
Why is American media defending the people who illegally torn down a statue?

statue was oppressing blacks.

Because the American media literally is owned by Jews

For the same reason they defended blacks last year who were burning down cities and shooting cops. This:

"alternative right" was coined by Richard Spencer in 2009. It was taken up by others and became a its own political movement. There is a loose alliance between groups explicitly identifying as alt-right, and other european nationalist orgs.

Alt-right is an alternative to mainstream conservatism which is pro-war, globalist, and anti-racist. People on the alt-right are white identitarians. They believe white people have unique ethnic interests and have the moral right to advocate for themselves.

Beyond that they believe a lot of other things: