EU reaches deal to grant visa-free travel to 50m people

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Great, Azerbajaniroaches travelling unchecked into the EU

Who the fuck cares about Russia being BTFO, the real problem here is that now the EU gives way to even more floods of immigrants.

have another batch of sandniggers.

Still foreigners, you dumb Burger

This is just going to be prostitution rings and sociopathic mafia expansion. Fucking may as well be nigger you retard.


this. also they will not be "competing" they will just be added on top

Azerbaijanis were basically Turkroaches I thought?

This kills the Finland/Norway


This isn't the USA you faggot, every country has a distinguished ethnicity and centuries long history. Niggers and Roaches should be kept out completely, but immigration between European countries and especially Slav-Eu-members should be also kept to an agreeable minimum. Possibly importing 50 Million slavs to non-slav countries is fucking overkill, considering we already have a few million roaches and niggers approaching.

Seems like after the Trump victory they fear the fast growing rightwing parties in europe and want to import new voters.

bratishka, how much rubles do you get paid per post?


They don't let up, do they? A bunch of mountain kebabs and hohols is the last thing we need! Voting out of Schengen next year, or we'll all drown.

t. non-eu snownigger

Fuck, our entire underclass will now invade Europe and stay as illegals.

t. Georgian

Tell me about Georgian demographics. What kind of people can we expect? I hear you've got a lot of gypsies, but we're already up to our necks in gypsies as it is.

These are some low effort memes and they hardly fit in. Propose increased funds in memestry dept.

they'll all go to UK

We have a population of ~3 million.
Our economy is free market as fuck: you do not have any useful skills = you do not work = you do not eat. It is impossible to survive on welfare. So people who can actually do something are already employed or trying to get employed.
That leaves rural folks who know nothing but herding sheep and quite a few middle-aged cretins left over from the Soviet times who have failed to find their place in the country and now only engage in drinking and crime. Most of them used to be in prison, but we've had a massive wave of presidential pardons lately. These guys will be among the first to leave for the EU.
Another problem is Armenians/Azerbaijanis/Chechens who hold Georgian passports. They do not like it in Georgia because we treat them exactly as they deserve, so they will also head to the EU.
So yeah, do not expect anyone useful to come to your countries from Georgia - it will mostly be these lovely guys.

I'm really sorry, guys. Was it up to me, I'd rot them all in camps 25 years ago. Please do not judge Georgians by these pieces of shit.

90% Georgians (but that doesn't say much, since eastern "Georgians" are very culturally enriched by invaders and look mostly brownish like your typical armenian. but we get whiter as you go more west and north (until you reach point of abkhazia). rest armenians, azeris and turks. expect hordes of talented yet lazy people willing to make money any way possible, legal or illegal.

dont be so negative my georgian collegue, i plan to culturally enrich slovakian girl soon. bring her to mountains of kavkaz.

Yeah, right. Anyone talented has already found a job - here or abroad. The visa-free regime will mostly be abused by scum that do not fit in anywhere.

Sure, if you call being on 400 GEL/month employed, enjoy getting cucked by ivanishvili's cousins and their nepotism :^)

Just kill everyone. Fuck this gay earth.

Still better than living as an illegal in Europe.

Dont get me wrong i dont promote illegal emmgiration.

Sage report hide.


And yet that's exactly what's going to happen. This visa-free travel only envisions 90 days of being abroad - no work permits, no living permits, nothing. The first thing your typical Georgian "tourist" will do on his 90th day is find somewhere to hide from the police and then get involved with a criminal group.

Georgians are white.
Armenians are sandniggers pretending to be white.
Azerbaijanis look white, even whiter then Armenians, but they are Turkroaches in disguise.

Are you proposing Russia invaded Crimea?

They had a referendum to get out of that EU/Soros fascist coup that was going on .

Held at gunpoint. Ivan pls.

really makes you think

You know, it does not really make much of a difference if the guy who broke into your apartment is white or not. Quite a few Spaniards have had their apartments burgled by Georgian bandits. The fact they were Georgian and not Moroccan didn't seem to make them any happier.

i'm scared guys - the more they push this stuff, the angrier everyone is gonna get, and the less they'll have to lose.
i really really really really truly sincerely hope some person, or some group of people, don't take advantage of the tours the european parliament give, and storm into the parliament room one day and do something crazy!
that would just be devastating.

Brace for swathy migrants with ukrainian passports.

Why EU can't die already!

It sure would be catastrophic if some military group )))happened((( to slip some AR's in the hands of a nationalist group planning such an attack.

Ha Ha


Krym is russian, and you cannot do anything, chochoł.

Grczegorczczcz pls.

Who cares? Muslims are just like us but with a different religion.
If you watched TV you would know this: video example.

I expected him to blow up in the end.
Fucking Amazon.

It's perfect for a little edit, I agree.

Hello Reddit.

Make it so that the package is a mail bomb.
I really need to learn video editing.


add nasheed music and its gucci

Yeah I know, feeling lazy.
Here is it is with nasheed.


Hello TRS/Renegade.

Oh wonderful just what we need an even bigger EU.

Hello Chaim. Pulling overtime in Tel Aviv?

Keep rolling out the canned catchphrase images, canned accusations and canned style.
Every day you become easier to spot and more anons learn to identify your posts.

saved, thank you for making OC.

No problem, it's a bit sloppy but it all counts I guess.

You go to visa center, they check your papers, call your job, call your bank, and if something is wrong, they tell you to GTFO.
You ride to the border, they check your papers, which include all the shit you needed before if you raise any suspicions or are traveling first time, and if something is wrong, they tell you to GTFO.
Isn't it great?

Holy shit, my sides.

No one on Earth is as stupid as you are pretending to be, and I’m including abbos in that statement.

Europe just accelerated their suicide. Russia is the one watching.



So both are committing suicide. It is a race to the bottom? I think the USA will beat them both tbh

With 42 Million niggers and even more spics?

Ukrainians and Georgians self deporting hurts Russia HOW? For some reason EU decided to foot the bill making it easier for Russia to expand unchecked.

That timing and music. A thing of beauty.

You dont knoe what youre talking about

I can always tell when im talking to a normie russian because they always use facist as a blanket term for everything they dont like

Nothing could be more true then that image.

There have been muslims in Russia for decades now. In the beginning they did the same thing they are currently doing in Western White Nations. The difference is that after they started muzzing, they got carpet bombed to Mallah and back. And now every single mosque is under 24/7 surveillance.

In Saxonistan grooming gangs are operating with the help of both the police and local government, lest they be called racist.

Feels great, man

Yep. And now, back to the real world - Chechens vs. a Russian on the train. "Hey bro, say 'Chechnya is cool'"

Crimea no longer part of Ukraine.

Ukraine on suicide watch, not Russia.

Fucking 5 star post m80!
What program did you use to splice everything together?

Chechens are Serbians on steroids. IF they come to Western Europe you won't have an arab problem anymore. You will have chechnian problem. When that happens you will understand why the (((elites))) want nationalism gone.


Give them cars lmao

Didn't know getting rid of borders caused those


Well they are not brown or a nigger. What are they then?

Ever heard of Khazars?

Belarus still Best Rus

How big is the rock you've been living under? Belgium is chock-full of Chechens. They compete with kikes in running the country's organized crime. Most of them have been there since the 90's, as "refugees" from the Chechen wars

So you are saying the Ukraine is Turk territory?

I did not know that.

How? Chechnians don't run for political office in Belgium.

You know they'll just somehow slip 200m subhuman roaches into those 50m slavs, right?

They run the country's drug trade, though. And human trafficking, and assassination, and racketeering, and… well, everything aside from the gold trade.
The trick is that in Russia they have a de facto permission to do all that, because Putin is as afraid of his pitbull Kadyrov as Kadyrov's enemies are.

Claudenhove-Kalergi plan continues apace.

It's bad enough with the Slavs, let's not let more non-Europeans in.


Khazars = jews
you inbred piece of shit.

You really should learn to be nice to your betters, westcuck.

I'm a Georgian that is a US citizen since like 2000. Georgians are mostly laid back people.

I'm white as fuck

thank you


Thats it lad, stiff upper lip. Foreigners out tbh.


oohhh this cancer, fuck off to britpol

Empires die when they stop expanding, or they die later when they overexpand. Anyway, EU is going to fall apart soon. Question is, how violent it will be.


The more slavs and kebabs you have the bloodier it will be.

The Russians invaded after Krym elected a pro-Russian local government. That evil time-travelling Russian army!

holy shit you retarded faggot, chechens are mudslimes, they fight for ISIS against the Assad forces. Putin is bombarding them every day. Educate yourself and don't drag my cuntry into the dirt.

If it werent for the kikes, Europe could have been Muzzie-frei by year 2000.

great idea, it's like there is not enough crime tourism in Germany commited by Bulgarians and Rumanians already. Why not add more potential burglars into free travel.

I can confirm this.
I personally know an Armenian family. They are sandniggers. They look like sandniggers and they behave like sandniggers.


is this gif for the little bugs?! xaxaxaxaxa

slavic people are the largest ethnic group of Europe.
A large percentage of our people is primitive and violent and this is a good thing for times like this. Hopefully there will be a giant purge against mudshits and hopefully we will be leading the operation.


Serbians are deranged animals.Chechnians are that on steroids. You fail at reading comprehension. Then again you are a serb so I'm not at all surprised by that. Serbians are the reason why the term slavshit exists.

It already is.

Not Serb, but when iv read your post i felt like poking my eyes out. Trying to reason with you will probably be like trying to break brick wall with your own head, so im not gonna bother.

More like the EU is on suicide watch.

Ukraine will completely bankrupt whats left of the EU with Italy and UK leaving. At this point it would be stupid for France not to leave.

what is with the communists' obsession with islam? just bc it fights jewbankers? bc its destructive? bc arabs are their semitic cousins? bc arabs are easily-controlled goodgoys?

i don't get it

It's like poetry. ZOG stops the Serbians from removing Kebab in their own country, only to import them into even more muzzified places to help them remove abroad.

You guys are literal cuckold faggots

UK is not part of schengen and is in the process of leaving the EU so highly unlikely. More like sweden and germany and other places with high gibs will be the preferred destinations

Fuck it, they are going for the caucasus too, are they dreaming of taking in the maghreb and levant ìn the future too because they happen to border on the mediterran?

This is the old world faggot, we define ourselves not by skincolour but by tribalism.

Your comparison was too hard to understand for my lizard brain.
I thought you wanted to tell me that some mudshits are the same as us.

of course we are from your point of view and hopefully our savagery will be a core strenght in the coming years. Germanics of today are intelligent, polite, build technology and have affluence but they have no balls to defend their own women from peaceful islamists. The worst thing is that they use their power to make all of Yurop follow them in this suicidal kosher trends. Affluence and intelligence is worthless if you have no future.

Why should the majority Abkhazian people of Abkhazia be ruled by a foreign Ethnicity?

Russian Muslims have been in Russia since the 1500's

Buttmad Apsua detected.

Niggers have been in the US since before it was a country. And no In the 1500's Russia as we know it did not exist they were the moscovite kingdom then

What do you think the TarTars that Ivan conquered were? Jewish?

This plan would be just as retarded as adding Turkey to the EU.

and? It was always full of mongolians tartars huns and other undesirables. You dont seem to understand this whole nationalism thing. The American South is packed full of niggers who have been their since before it was a country. That doesnt make them americnas

Thanks for proving my point. Chokha is a Georgian national costume that was appropriated by northerners like Chechens.


its a move to plug the hole left by the UK when it leaves

It won't work.

I'm not saying it's a good thing but Russian Muslims are different than the type that are in Europe right now. More . . . Tame.

Universally used by all Caucasian Peoples

Here's what visa free travel would look like from these other countries.

Yeah, since the 18th century or so. It used to be an exclusively Georgian costume.

It is really funny how EU cannot do anything against the brexit. They need access to the brittish market for french, german and italian car manufacturers.

posts picture of Georgian man
Irakli Jolia, taken by georgian photographer Liu Chkarthishvili. title of photo "Mengrelian-Abkhazian Chokha"

Lmao. It's like you're not even trying to hide it.
step your game up ivan.

After you carpetbomb the muzzies, they get the picture then and start obeying laws.

Questionable liquids no.

I'm a slav as well. So I know damn well the base mentality of the slavs as a whole. We are all animals and we are forever doomed to wage war among ourselves. Not for resources or territory, fuck no. We are gonna wage war just because. You see muslims wage wars because their judeo-christian god tells them so. Vikings did it because they wanted prettier women. Saxons did it because they have a massive superiority complex that's a facade for their inferiority complex. Niggers do it because they don't know any better. We do it because it's fun. The world has forgotten how barbaric slavs can be. And they have also forgotten how difficult it is to calm us down when we start waving firearms around.

There can never be any unity among the slavic tribes. Not without erasing every last shred of national identity we have and that has already proven to be absolutely impossible. All of our home nations are fundamentally broken and have been for decades if not centuries. The ironic part is that will probably be our saving grace.

Then you have the absolute retards who are gonna repeat "muh based slavs" like a mantra, every time they see us doing shit we've done since always. These weakmen are no different than the "aryans" bending over to take kebab phallus up the bum hole. Many of us think that this arab infestion will the thing that finally unites slavs under a single banner, like a federation. But the truth is it will just spark another slavic war. Or we are gonna end up fighting arabs/turks for the upteenth fucking time and we are gonna end up getting fucked over by the west, while they cuck for the ottomans like they've always cucked for them.

We are all animals brat. And we always will be.

What are those girly men doing with butter knives? And why are they wearing wedding dresses?

By doing what? Inviting slavs and their local enemies who are just bitching for an excuse to pummel each other? Not that they actually need a reason in the first place. I'm guessing the kebabs aren't escalating the situation they need. Is the western man truly neutered?

Yeah most of them are slavs first(respective nations) and muslims second.

it's part of national dress. it's like open carry of georgians.

Meanwhile I have to pay out my ass to get into the damn continent. It's almost as if…

And this is what I see as a great oppurtunity.

This is something I would not support. Nations and Nationalities should not be destroyed.

I wonder why this might be like this. Corruption and nepotism are normal here. Job positions in police and government are sold to those who bid most. I wonder how corruption can be erased from our societies. The Chinese have a similar situation and their public executions did not change a shit while Hong Kong managed to reduce the corruption problem significantly.

probably. The EU/USA are busy conquering colonies in eastern yurop. This year they got Montenegro. You see as slavic people are corrupt, they are ready to cooperate with the most bidding and it happens that NATO is bidding most now.
I do not mind free markets beeing introduced in the east but NATO should not be active in russia's back yard. There has to be a Bipolar world order with 2 powers that keep each other in check.

I read a similar thing about niggers. The UN wants african nations to support the global warming meme + a carbon tax and they will be rewarded with development money basically a bribe. Then nations that produce wealth (with industries) will get taxed so the UN can send this money as a bribe to africa.

Well, you have point, but i dont think uniting under one banner is impossible. I do however think its not gonna happen because so far there is no reason. As much as i see immigration fucking other countries in the ass, so far most slav countries are almost untouched by it as far as i know.

For instance, where im from we were supposed to accept quite a bit of them, but we didnt and the rest who still managed to get to the camps here, left almost instantly.

First off we dont take nigger shit here like germans etc do, if you had migrants acting like retards they would get their teeth kicked in almost instantly. We have some muslims here but those are rich tourists in center of towns mainly.
Before all this started we already had few niggers in center of capital but those only sell coke and pimp girls, never had any real problems with them, and i dont know anyone who minds them as they mostly care about tourists.

Second off they didnt get anything for free, like, my friend from Italy told me that those subhumans get 35e a day there, here they had bunk beds, basic food and nothing else, they werent allowed to leave the camps untill they got either a job, or they stayed in the camp for some time.

Poland didnt accept any from what i heard either. So far i feel like we are safe, and im confident that its gonna stay like that atleast for some time.

It's a sissy dress. Like a gay pride parade. But somehow gayer. You will fit right into Germany. Then the muzzies will toss you of a rooftop.

It will be used as further justification for the EU army since NATO can't operate on EU soil. Which will go about as well as can be expected. I for one will not be submiting to EU marshal law. And boom slavs are the kurds of Europe.

This is something that has been tried many times before and it has never worked.

I have absolutely nothing against being an extremely corrupt slav. However I don't think I would be able to implement whatever they want since my bureaucracy works on what is essentially voodoo magic. So you know…..continued payments are necessary. And it would be very poor work ethic for me to stop taking money from one side just because another side is paying me as well, now wouldn't it. Ethic is very important.

They don't want to stay here. And Bulgaria is in a hilarious position. They get shit here. They don't want to stay here at all. They have two options: either leave to their home countries or riot and get thrown in prison and then sent back to afghanistan or pakistan. There are very few syrians in the camps and surprisingly enough they speak russian and a diploma. Just check Bulgarian refugees camps on jewtube and have a laugh. I suspect we are gonna see drop in migrants in the comming years since they now know they are basically trapped here.

Police vent their anger on the "refugees". Even our own muslims hate them. Also radicalizing slavic muslims always backfires that's why they started importing them.

jewtube Harmanli camp and go to bed happy.

Ukrainian women are White, Ukrainian men are tartars or something.

They'll get as far as Calais.

The muzzies werent subjugated you had to bribe them the guys who started the 90's revolutions have some of the highest positions in moscow now you pathetic fucking cucks

Saw a video where two cops in riot gear drag sandnigger, top kek.

Here in CZ they didnt have it that bad i guess, but they lived the same way, bunk beds or just mattresses on the ground, basic cheap food (At some point i remember there was a news article about them getting pork meals without them knowing which honestly made me kek)

Also there was a problem with them hiding swords and long knives and shit like that under the mattresses which made alot of bad press for those braindeads, helping our right wing to push more people hating and protesting, and our president being able to decline more and more of them.

We lost some dotations from EU but fuck that really, even if they let those who was here loose they would still just run to germany, nothing good can come for them here. For "welfare" you have to be legit citizen which means 5years of living here, plus you have to have atleast 2years of work done to be able to ask for this welfare.

So far im really happy with the way its going, and even tho i was one of the people hating on our president when he got elected (really didnt like him at first), hes the one im voting for next elections, he saved us from alot of migrants, and is open about disliking them.

georgians are fucking hell
them and armenians are two types of mountain jews

ever wondered how georgians and armenians had the best standard of living in the soviet union?

they are fucking backstabbing manipulating scheming jews

expect massive increase in highly organized crime of all sorts

the types of social welfare systems in europe, are exactly what georgian and armenian types will abuse to the maximum

they are as greedy as arabs, but much better in gaming the system

you sir are fantastic

Similar situation in Serbia. Until now only ~5 applications for asylum were filed. They get no gibs so they have no motivation to stay longer than necessary. This time it paid to be a poor shithole of a country. The peaceful islamists want to go to Germany or Sweden where they believe they will find the big money.

Why is Britannia on the map fam?

because dey not guna lieve


Yeah, it's not always shit to be shit. Just so you can be a little more smug, although I don't know how it is in germany, out here in the nordics, the "yuuge gibs" mostly go towards your rent, and even though your monthly salary is probably less than a week of gibs here, these dunecoons always forget that nordic countries are among the most expensive in the world. I love the wintertime personally but these camel jockeys can't dress for it so they are atleast miserable for 1/2 of the year every time they go out.
Hope I brought a smile to your day.

I'd like to see your traditional dress.



What is going on in that video?

I'm sure you meant save Ukraine from being a US/Israel proxy state, which the Russian annexing solved. That's what you meant, right?


That's good because my country is not in Western Europe.

So does that include Russia too?Considering Russian territories are mapped.

For the first time I'm proud to be a Slav. Thank you for killing your own civilization, West.


I envy you m8. :_;

suck russian pigdogs

Dumb question but why are/were travel visas required to begin with? Why a credit card? Why not Mastercard ?

I stopped whishing people will stop comming to the EU. Now I am hoping that as many people as possible come in a short amount of time, which should crash the welfare state, the Euro as well as the EU itself. Then we purge and start all over again, fresh and clean.

It's a shame that we have to throw away what generations before us died for to give us, but I think it will be the best way of handeling the mess that we brought ourselfes in. It will only hurt for a while.


You dumb americanized cuck. You have heard nothing of Slavs and instead live in an American imposed pseudo culture on Slavic societies. Slavs have great history and culture, ones abundant with examples of pride and thriving. If you are not proud of who you are, then you need to start learning about your people. How are you going to save your race, when you don't know anything about your own part of that race?

corrupt anglo kike empire expands and will soon implode

It always struck me as something amusing, that none of you cuckolds actually followed the ukraine story and your only source of information and opinions about it is (((MSM))), which is clearly visible since you're just parroting what they were saying.

Ain't that convenient, scold mediakikes when they shill for your opponent but take them at face value when they shill for you.

Remember Putin = Kike. Trump does same thing or even fucking worse: Le Emperor.
Yeah, Holla Forums is made by fucking idiot (especially those who came from plebbit)
Now watch how they will recoil.

You can say this once Trump has actually done something. The fact that you do it prematurely is bound to make people recoil. Even unpartisan truth seekers/spreaders.

islamoleftism is a wikipedoia entrey, i think

'muh VIOLENT revolution'

Why you people have to be so intellectual dishonest?Most of his nominee are shady as fuck, his tweets too, all the "best Israel friend" and shit. You faggots were criticizing Putin for even less and he absolutely did more between Syria and the oligarchs in Russia. Hell even when he encountered with Kissinger people where flipping shit and there was silence when he met with Trump. Don't take me for a blind idiot, Putin did shit too, but the duality of thinking considering the two men here on Holla Forums is astounding.

Today you learned Holla Forums made of the same ilk as libshits, just politically leaning different direction.

Average Murican mongrels
No race, tribe or culture to belong to, you know nothing about truly caring for your own race


Why you keep in being a lying sack of shit? Ever been on a Trump thread? Where any kind of criticism is dismissed as shill or shit like "wtf i love hillary now"? I agree that Trump was the better choice but this is fucking ridiculous, even Hitler can be criticized for fuck sake. And yes, it's not one person but a good majority of Holla Forums thinks like this.
While Russians threads are filled with shit infographics and etc,
Again, i'm not taking a side but there is no fucking standard anymore: what Holla Forums likes it's okay even if X,Y,Z and what Holla Forums hates it's bad even if X,Y,Z.

Because we understand and you do not, user.

I'm going to smash your face in you stupid faggot.
This is exactly what people were saying about Putin and realpolitik, and now it became Trump and 4d chess.
Jesus Christ you fucking retard, where the fuck went the smart Holla Forums.

It's the reality of the situation, Trump has to ally himself with some factions even if they're shit. Or he gets assassinated.

What the fuck do you expect him to do differently?

Meanwhile in reality…

DHL mail service stops delivering in 'no-go' areas of Berlin after delivery men are targeted by Romanian gangs
Attacks on drivers and fraud cases have prompted a German delivery service to stop taking packages to a Berlin neighbourhood, which has been branded a 'no-go' area.
DHL said people who live in the central district of Wedding now have to collect their orders because of crime fears.

Again, this is about the fact the same people chanting the praise of Trump were bashing Putin as a kike puppet by doing the same exact fucking thing. In every thread about Russia or Putin it was the same exact fucking thing every time. What i'm saying is you can't use a standard to deflect criticism of Trump because you like him and then use the same fucking standard to criticize Putin because you don't like him, this is liberal retarded logic as said.
You can't call Putin a kike puppet for meeting with Kissinger and then praise the tactical genius of chessmaster Trump in doing the same exact fucking thing. That's what i'm trying to say.
More in general, i'm saying that both Putin and Trump shouldn't be given a free out of jail card to criticism. But it should be a logical and thought critic, or we get shit like that example as above.

Smart Holla Forums is still here shill. Trump is but a useful tool to us and the fact you don't know that shows you do not belong. Trump has not yet taken power and actually done anything so there is no legitimate criticism you can make of him. Anyone attempting to denigrate Trump before he actually does something is outing themself as a shill. We will judge Trump by his actions when he actually takes office. Irregardless of what he does he is not our figurehead, our leader or our idol. He is but a step in our plan. To us he is a tool to achieve our agenda and to him Holla Forums is but a tool to achieve his agenda. When his actions show his agenda has diverged too far from ours then we will move on from him. Go and shill elsewhere until then.

Wew, calm down sperg, i was here when Holla Forums didn't even had that name.Smart Holla Forums isn't here because retard like you have free speech to mouth their fucking stupid opinion while being incapable of reading.
I'm not saying nothing about Trump beside the fact:
-shady nominee
-pro-Israel tweets
-Kissinger meeting.
This are all things that if made by Putin, and some were made of fucking course, you stupid faggots would be on the fence ready to call him a kike puppet, and it happened, while here you are letting all of this slide because Trump puts his cock inside your whore of a wife while you jack off to hypothetically scenarios. My opinion of Trump is not much different from yours, what i'm saying is you can't use a double standard because you like one and don't like the other., or there is little difference between a liberal and their logic.

They're letting MOLDOVA have Visa Free Travel?

I don't hate the Moldovan people, but they have major corruption issues. It's one of the few white countries where you can bribe your way to fake documents.

Name me one Eastern European country that has honest politicians.

You are right, but have you seen Western Europe currently? We are not fairing that better.

lol russia

lmao, retard tries to associate (((communist))) symbols with Putin when Putin is one of the big figures fighting neo-bolshevism a.k.a. (((globalism))).

Soros still pays you after all these BTFOs?

Now that he's elected and hopefully soon to be in office this should be the time we're most scrutinizing imo. Rick Perry doesn't seem like a good pick for anything.

I'm not sure how this will play out. Does that mean more whites coming into Western/continental Europe or will it just consolidate power with pro-Putin, Russian Ethnics in these areas.

One that understood what i'm trying to say, thank you.

It's still people from foreign culture in a place who has lack of jobs, especially low-skilled ones. It will just create nearly the same problems of muslim immigration, without the rape train (hopefully) and the foreign religion. The west is going to get more and more unstable. And yes, it seems it will consolidate the power of pro-russian rebel in those zones.

Also interesting news:
-We are near the Soros summit:
-And Russia strike a deal with Qatar, which will probably stop the offensive on

Also Israel keep attacking Damascus.

When it does, look into a Poland-Hungary-Lithuania-Latvia-(and if you care enough)-Estonia military/economic partnership. Romania can come too if it promises to not be a good goy.


Thanks for setting us all straight, Dickie Spence! Heil Mother Evropa!
