George has to have been one of the biggest race traitors of our day. Many of us looked up to him as some great hero for free speech and dropping minor pills in his comedy, but ultimately he is one of the fathers of the SJW/privilege checking movements. So much so we have the honor of his dipshit daughter giving speeches that basically destroy his entire legacy of the little good he gave. I used to idolize this fuck to the point I still have to fight myself from quoting him in arguments like a fucking scripture because I know now his points were for the genocide of his own people. How the hell did a man so aware of the plan to remove freedoms fall for the biggest trap of all time?
Carlin the traitor
go back to 4kanker
Only leftists do that.
Carlin was always shit, and he was only ever popular with the kinds of people who like Sargon and Kraut and Tea. In other words, reddit-tier cancer.
Only faggots thought George Carlin was anything other than a cuck.
You know the 60s were bad when someone like me who is in their 20s sees an aging man past his 50s as a complete degenerate faggot.
he always came off to me as a whiny faggot. seriously, it's bad enough that he never proposed any way to combat all this perceived evil in the world but the fact he devalued it all by turning into a bunch of throwaway jokes really doesn't speak well for his sincerity.
wew lad
Ignore this. Testing formatting.
How do you do the green vs red text?
I think the only one who still just tells jokes is Larry the Cable Guy.
My favourite comedians are dead
Go back to reddit you worthless cunt.
Cuck for a cuck audience
Stop projecting to save face, faggot. Carlin just found it easy to ride on the liberal hippie bandwagon and shit on "muh ebil big government Republicans" and every aspect of tradition and religion left. Granted, he had some good points on other issues, but he was astonishingly bluepilled on the big ones.
Meh, used to think he was cool growing up. Used to skate over all of his comments and tirades on Whites, like I imagine most people do. It wasn't until I started getting dragged more and more into racial shit when I got into high school that I actually sat there and paid attention to what he said. The guy was a piece of shit, simple as that. On top of that I don't get how all these fucking comedians can go on stage in front of a shitload of people and then proceed to sit there and talk about muh diversity and how it's so good and look at our diverse crowd isn't this great blah blah blah and then spend the rest of the time viciously ripping into everyone White in the audience for having the evil audacity to want to pay money to go to a club to hear jokes without being ripped into for being evil and white. It's why the only comedians I only listen to anymore are people like Brian Regan, Ben Bailey, and John Pinette who fucking died a couple years ago anyway so no more new stand up from him. I used to listen to comedy all the fucking time, once upon a time it was a great way to open people up to new ideas and foster camaraderie and overall just help people forget about their shitty lives for an hour or so. The fucking kikes and their demonspawn handpuppet shit libs figured that out and took it over. Literally everything comedy now is hardcore libshit bullshit and the (((comedy))) is just them ranting about oppression and whitey, and if it ain't that then of course it's how great immigration and diversity are and how horrible Christianity is. I can't fucking listen to it anymore, I want jokes yet the fucking kikes won't let me have that or fucking vidya
Reported. Not kidding either.
You looked up to an old, manlet who did an angry guy schtick for shekels? Oh he was a degenerate? Like that's a surprised when 100%!!! of comedians are junkies???