GOP bill would punish "sanctuary" universities

GOP lawmaker plans bill targeting 'sanctuary' universities

A House GOP lawmaker plans to introduce legislation on Wednesday to punish universities for serving as sanctuaries for students who are illegal immigrants.

University of Pennsylvania President Amy Gutmann’s move came after calls from students and faculty following the election to establish a sanctuary campus in the same manner as so-called sanctuary cities that adopt policies protecting illegal immigrants from deportation.

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You'd think universities would have che is & balances to protect legitimate students and not take in illegal immigrants that would jeopardize the institutions funding.

Then again, I didn't vote for a kebab nigger neo-cohen as president for two consecutive terms.


the government funding is paltry compared to the lifedebt they can slap on to millions per year.

The great roundabout of debt.

Has Trump mentioned any action yet?

Any chance of this passing this time around?

>Rep. Andy Harris (R-Md.) said on the House floor that his upcoming legislation would require any entity receiving federal funds, including institutions of higher education, to meet lawful requests by federal immigration authorities. Institutions that refuse to comply would stand to lose all funding they receive from the federal government.

I like it. Those who refuse will have to beg their states to replace the funding they receive from the federal government. How many billions of federal funds do universities in California receive?

question, would contracted businesses also fall under the heading of acquiring "federal funds"

If yes, this could be a very big lever for the God Emperor.

How fucking typical. No response to a legitimate issue and resort to mockery. These people are basically adult children.


I was watching a rally stream Pence spoke at endorsing some goy for governor and the normie cuckservative speakers there seemed to have bent the knee to the God Emperor's will.

I think most of these guys wanted a wall but weren't allowed to agree with it publicly because of how fucked everything was a current year ago.

What the fuck is this sanctuary bullshit? Why is it even allowed something like this? it's = sanctuary for bank robbers, or sanctuary for pedos or sanctuary for cop killers and so on.

It begins!

It's anti-white.

Defies reality that university employees think of universities as independent states/countries. A tip: the aren't.

Yep, this shit should outright be illegal or those involved should be stripped of their citizenship.


They are guilty of far more than that. An unending stream of unwashed commie scum flow from universities into the streets bringing lawlessness, drug use, anti-free speech, anti-gun, anti-liberty, anti-america, anti-constitution, anti-white, anti-male, promiscuity, disease, degeneracy, violence, vandalism, subversion, ugliness, materialism, brain-killing marxist-inspired theories/ideologies, etc. They are everything antithetical to the survival of the United States. They have every intention of reducing the nation to 3rd world socialist ruin.

You have to hit these motherfuckers harder than any American institution has ever been hit before.

It's a start, I would prefer jailing and execution of the Marxist leaders in charge of these institutions, but we're moving in the right direction.

Just make it an amendment to all the post-9/11 bullshit the government's put out in the past.

start with him

Pretty much. Any serious effort to flush them out would be denounced as anti-intellectualism, but there's a difference between serious thought and inquiry and the fetish for brain-scrambling verbiage that seems to infest university departments.


don't forget the financial destruction. universities supported heavily by public funding, deny citizens admission, give admission spots away to non-citizens, takeover and co-opt institutions we built. cuckatopia 101

This. They'll take anyone's money, legal or not. That gravy train is going to end soon.

Universities are buying into their own narrative at this point and actually think they have some sort of power. That delusion is going to evaporate rather quickly when they lose their federal grants. Much of the student tuition is supplemented by federal money.

lol, illegals aren't protected under the law you faggot kiddie-diddler

The indoctrination camps must be closed down. Don't even go into STEM, it fuels the beast further. Starve it.

The only way to beat the Jew is to out-Jew the Jew. We need to take it down from the inside

Not that I am aware of. His election promiss was along the line of forcing universities to share the defaults equally with the federal government. Today the federal government take the hit every time a feminist, litterature communication major defaults. If he makes it into law, it could very well undo the explosion in humanist pseudosciences and give insentive to lower tuitions at the same time.

How do you even register in a uni if you're an illegal? You have to insert sensitive data.


Why not just round them all up for engaging in human trafficking?


Immigration law, 8 US Code 1324 states that it is a crime to, either knowingly or recklessly, “conceal, harbor, or shield from detection, or attempt to conceal, harbor, or shield from detection… transport, or move or attempt to transport or move” or… to even “encourage or induce” an illegal alien “to come to, enter, or reside in the United States, knowingly or in reckless disregard of the fact that such coming to, entry, or residence is or will be in violation of law"


everybody wants a wall

even over half of democrats

identity politics is cancer. niggers want guns, but vote hillary because "Trump is raycis"

Don't forget.