Owner of Holla Forums is livestreaming.
Get in here
Owner of Holla Forums is livestreaming.
Get in here
who is this semen demon
nice trips
who the fuck is jim?
i thought he was some random
is he an e-celeb or something?
Owner of fullchan.
He is the guy who sells our IPs to the FBI. He's like our version of your hiroshima. He owns the site newfag
i know he owns the site; why is he doing streams n shit with gook sluts?
was he somebody before 8ch?
I heard he was real chummy with HW and got him addicted to coke and hookers with the end goal of taking over the site so the feds could keep tabs on us. I have also heard that he's FBI. Lots of rumors, i'm sure some anons here can provide some interesting screencaps about him.
In all fairness, there are local e-celebs called Jim
Southeast Asian sex-and-drugs tourism, looks like. NB, Hotwheels is there too.
i know he's a freemason who used to run internet porn sites back in the late 90's
I'm glad we were never forced onto that shitty infinitychan awful looking dogshit site.
They were setup in the Vietcong because it was cheaper and didn't have to deal with shitty U.S. law. The lady boys were a bonus.
oh wow I had forgotten about that abortion.
Who are they talking to and what is the topic supposed to be? Seems like they're just chit chatting with some user
Jim doesn't own Holla Forums.
They're accepting skype calls.
they're also talking to people in chat
Is that new pino boipussy or the same one he brought on last stream?
Who is that woman?
She looks like the Tojo characature from U.S. WWII propaganda posters against japan, but with hooker makeup.
Who owns Holla Forums, then.
Hotwheel owned Holla Forums.co, Jim owned 8ch.net
So far this is all that has happened.
lel I got the flips to say nigger
Top fucking kek.
Jim said my name which is "Jew Gasser"
oh god this is a spaghettifest now
another nigga needs to call in
Someone with an account ask him his opinion on the attached video.
he did mention bedchan earlier
I got shut down for talking about jim and his scandals
I went on about how Holla Forums is studied in order to develop better subversion tactics etc and got shut down
Jew Gasser here, the worse I would get is 30 seconds
and just as I said that I got the big timeout
Radiactive just said you were the one who put me on time out
All jim is doing is collecting more and more data on people. I wonder if there is a way jim can host a tox connection on one of his NT TECH servers in order to collect info about anonymous users?
Put on timeout again for telling people about what he allowed to happen over on 2ch
butthurt torfaggot detected.
at least 90% of posts by tor users are absolute cancer. either derailment shitposting or loli garbage or random retardation.
Jim shoahed Jew Gasser
160 seconds left
Why are there so many defending jim and his obvious virtue signaling? He is pretending to be right wing in order to get us to engage him. He is collecting info on users left and right. That whole bit about tox has me extremely suspicious.
Days like today are why I'm so committed to building a case against James Arthur Watkins
To what end?
What good does all that "data" do?
Rumors confirmed true. Wonder if hotwheels is locked in the basement.
jim is actually very right-wing. that's irrelevant to the issue of datamining.
this. Nightime was sperging over and over again. If jim wants info he would just get it from this site, why bother with some shit tiny chatroom? What additional info could he get from that chat that you're so worried about?
that just sounds like god-tier trolling to me
That's just the domain, it doesn't mean anything.
Yes it does because you're on 8ch, not Holla Forums. Hotwheel doesn't have any power on this site. There's also Holla Forums.pl, a carbon copy of Holla Forums after debacle of Jim's takeover.
A lot can be done with user's data, in fact, its the most precious thing on the internet. For starter, it can be used as a social studies, figuring out trend and how to subvert them to their own advantages
There's a difference between a domain and a server.
Holla Forums has always been in the same servers with the same data (ignoring upgrades). Hotwheels "sold" them to Jim when they partnered. The domain that hothweels owned (Holla Forums.co) was jewed from him by the domain registrar, so they just switched to the one Jim happened to have in hand (8ch.net). You're still connecting to the same place you always were, the only thing that changed in practice was the combination of letters in the address you have to type. It doesn't affect the ownership of the website in any way.
Ask him if he has to pay the chonger whores and how at age 60 it feels to be on the same level as a crippled little kid
No, Holla Forums.co changed the server when Hotwheels partnered with Jim. Holla Forums.co, 8ch.net and 2ch.net all shared the same server.
They merged to the same place.
The point is that the domain is irrelevant. I could buy a domain like "shitnipplesucker.eu" and point it to google's front page, but that doesn't mean I own google.
Yes, and that place is owned by Jim
Except you are not being pointed to Holla Forums.co, 8ch.net is its own website
What the fuck are you talking about?
Jim owns the website, Hotwheels basically gave it to him. Of course the place is owned by Jim. I'm not arguing that Hotwheels is still in charge because it's not even a secret that he isn't, he's said it himself on multiple occasions.
Holla Forums.co and 8ch.net are literally the same website aside for the address name and owner of those addresses.
8ch.pl for example is a different site. And it would still be a different site even if Jim gave the address 8ch.net to them. The address is not the same as the website or the server.
Making right wing propaganda videos has now become a way out of prostitution for Filipino Girls?
straight from your post
What the fuck are YOU talking about?
I'll give you a bump Jim in hope you won't sell me out to the FBI.
The domain DOES NOT AFFECT IT. You could redirect a domain to any server you want.
I did make a mistake in saying that Holla Forums has always been in the same server, what I meant was that the switch to 8ch.net domain was not related to the switch to 2ch's servers. Those were different events that happened for different reasons at different times.
Hothweels would not own Holla Forums even if we were still using Holla Forums.co.
Aren't you tired of being wrong?
You clearly have no clue what you're talking about. Do read this again
Maybe its you that have no clue. You keep talking about how you can bought a domain and redirect it to different website but guess what, 8ch.net ISN'T A REDIRECT to Holla Forums.co you fucking dumbass. Why do you even replied to me when I said Jim owned 8ch.net and hotwheels owned Holla Forums.co?
Of course it isn't. They were however pointing to the same server, so the difference is irrelevant.
Holla Forums.co is not a "website", it's a domain name. That's why we continued using the same website with the same data in the same server after Holla Forums.co was shoah'd.
The server also changed yes, but again, it was a different completely separate event, not relevant to the Holla Forums.co domain in any way whatsoever.
There's a huge different because Holla Forums.co and 8ch.net exist as 2 different website, owned by 2 different peoples, do you even know what 8ch.net originally was?. Jim only provided hosting service for Holla Forums.co, he doesn't owned it, Hotwheels could hosting it elsewhere but Jim willing to do it for free in exchange for adspace
When they switch to 8ch.net, they also switch ownership. Hotwheels did not sell Holla Forums.co to Jim, because we're on a different website entirely.
Damn shame I missed it live.
He is but an innocent pig farmer.
kek at this pig fucker
That's not Jim though, that's a picture of Halberstram or however you spell his stupid name.
Ask him how much he gets for red-dotting our files by name and selling our data?
Are you new here?
bedchan here. do you know the timecode? this video is so difficult to watch.
That was Jewsh's project.
How much did he have to pay in order to share a news desk with two Thai transsexual prostitutes?
This guy is as fishy as it gets.
life goals right there
Story behind pic? I remember seeing it a while back.
You literally have no clue what you're talking about.