Organized effort to split the "alt-right" community?

Are leftist trying to split the alt-right into smaller more easily manageable pieces?
And have they been planing this for a while?

I am wondering that because one youtuber that i sometimes watch seems to have made a drastic shift with his opinions.
Before Trump he barely mentioned the Alt-right but surely got a lot of attention from them because of his videos. The videos were mostly anti-immigration and general ridicule of the left.

But now A.T. (After Trump) his videos have been attacking the alt right using the normal tactics (Waycists!) and he seems to be in favor of the Alt-right and New-Right split (Divide and conquer).
And he has started emphasizing that he is a Leftist liberal.

I am of course talking about Kraut and Tea

Have anyone else noticed this behavior from other youtubers?
Or am i being paranoid and letting my autism get out of control?

This video was the one where i started to suspect he had a hidden agenda:

(I am to stupid to embed)

Well basically, after Spencer slipped up at the NPI conference, at least half of the fags and people hanging on to the alt-right label fucked off, leaving behind those committed, even if some of them still suck dicks (such as TRS). Such a split was destined to happen after the election imo, but Dickie's weak play exasperated things. Just keep pushing rightward and the chaff will either be cut from the wheat, or be forced along our our avenues in order to remain relevant. Also, lurk more and learn 2 embed faggot.

Dickie did nothing wrong. He pushed the pedal to the medal, and some weak faggots fell off.
The movement is better and more competent now. So stop your PR-cucking.

Do we care? Holla Forums isn't alt-right.

I'm not at all surprised concerning that Kraut and Tea guy. I was briefly subscribed to him, but only a few videos later and I could see plain as day that he was a cuck, and that was months before the US elections.

We are all good National Socialists here. Alt-Right is either run by cuckolds or Jews. Also, there's some real cancer in the comments.

0/10. Would not read again.

Holla Forums is..



I guess I'll post mine again, too.

This only applies to cucks and eternals, of course.
All uncucked former allied are 1488% exempt from judgement.

Sadly, GI are "All cultures are equal :^)" tier cucks.

I dunno man, my thoughts on it are scattered right now.

Just because we aren't the alt-right doesn't mean the alt-right isn't a political force worthy of analysis.

Is that first video parody? It has to be. They wouldn't actually fly that bolshevik flag at 2:05 and talk about peaceful nations, right?

That guy is an admitted socialist. He isn't "alt-right" and never was.

Some of it needed to be split off. Maybe some were just scared and will come back once they stop having panic attacks about being called nazis. I jab, but it's understandable when the programming is so thorough.

The real problem I see isn't that, so much as the left, media, establishment etc getting a better handle on us all and drowning us out with countermemes. At least we have the structural advantage of truth.


Let them split, honestly, why do we need those people again?

I hate e-celebs…

So alt that it starts looking like the left again! This bullshit is just the left wearing right skin so they can complain about infighting, D&C and that shit with their homo-acceptance, based niggers and fucking shilling on Holla Forums like TRS nignogs. That picture of hitler hating arguing to jews comes to mind, that's how these faggots argue.

Yeah, goy, all in your mind!

This is what happens when idiots start to identify under a label with an extremely vague definition, which everyone and their dog can take on if they so choose.


Weren't Mike Cuckovich and Paul Jewseph Watson pretty much the only "major" (kek) figures to even care? I am not super connected to all the alt-right faggotry, but I haven't noticed anyone else give a peep about separating from the alt-right over this. I'm sure a few normies jumped ship too, but who gives a shit?

The alt-right is a useful tool for us, that's all. They are one of many ways we can disemenate our meme powers to the masses, and they have the advantage that they often align with more of our goals than reddicucks and whatnot. But they have no reverse influence over us because we are anons, we are Holla Forums, both hivemind and individual simultaneously. We reject the alt-right while using them as long as they are useful.

Richard Spencer is a fag enabling degenerate, but he did nothing wrong there. I'd rather Trump didn't disavow, but it's unimportant that he did. Trump helps us shift the Overton window, but he isn't our only method of doing so. Memes, humor, and increasingly we can be more brazen as our enemies collapse and lash out more wildly.

Most of the newer "alt right" was redpilled by Holla Forums anyway.

i hate all celebs hollywood is full of pedos and assholes

Of course they fucking are.
The question is whether Spencer is one of them or just a hopelessly retarded faggot-licker.
Because you belong on halfchan.
Holla Forums is not >alt-right
Adopting a label made up by queers is a great way to get smeared from all directions.

Yes OP, 4chin is getting shilled with anti Filter man threads over PizzaGate with false info, and the whole Richard Spencer Heil thing smelled like a setup.

Stay frosty anons, no more brother wars.

Even Mollyjew continues to surprise me with how far he usually goes lately.

Anyone who's that obsessed with being classy and respectable is guarantied to be a massive faggot.

Good kind of e-celebs:
Content producers. They produce Holla Forumsesque content, but since they operate outside of chans they have to use at least a pseudo name and thus can be labeled as "e-celebs" even though gaining e-fame is not their goal, simply a side effect.
Example: Sam Hyde and the Million Dollar Extreme

Bad Kind of e-cebels:
Opinnion people. Hey this is my name and I will now talk about my opinions on subject x.
Example: basically everyone else.

Both produce content, except the "bad" kind can and does convert normies, while Samir al-Hyeed is just too complex for the uninitiated to understand. His is meta-humor of Holla Forums, without the redpill you won't understand it and not a lot of converts can come from him.

Molyneux visibly changed from a stoic libertarian into a cynical race realist, he's just few words shy of becoming full Holla Forums in his views.
He already connects race, IQ and civilization and declared that he put his previous views on hold because libertarians are living in fantasy world; you can't have libertarian economy in a multicult society which has no common values and no common blood to tie the values and intelligence together.

I think part of the reason is people are revealing their power level a little too much on sites like Faceberg and Youtube.

You've got to remember you're interacting with normies. They have been predisposed to shut off at the first mention of Jews/NatSoc/Holocaust etc. It's actually stupid and detrimental to link yourself to Hitler on these sorts of forums because you're then working against memes that have been planted in the brains of your target audience since they were children.

Yes, use NatSoc and Hitler as a basis for your ideology, but look forward and create a new VISION, something that normies can actually support. Frankly, it's better if the Hitler/WWII larping stops and we focus on Nationalism as it relates to our own countries and circumstances. It just doesn't make strategic sense to try and push normies into literal Hitler worship.

That's fine but it gets the point where people think hiding your power level to give relevant redpills to the average person means supporting shitty stances like gays and other degenerate shit.

Dickie Spencer is a grade A attention whore who is dead set on making a living on donation scams and getting paraded when ever the legacy media need somebody to play the WN clown. David Duke is getting old after all.

I gotta check 'em.

(and them)
Yeah, all the people saying Hitler did nothing wrong and jews did 9/11 did nothing to move me in all those years of seeing it. Rather, it was all the reasonable-sounding stuff that's impossible to argue against that broke my programming.

Alt-Right a shit.
Holla Forums is the Always-Right.

pic related

The prime mistake Holla Forums makes is thinking everyone in the label "alt-right" is a natsoc.

Youtube e-celebs are majoritarly swinging to the left, and it is one of the main reasons why they are all simply cancer. The "cuck" term started to become famous because Holla Forums rejects libertarianism; the "give them one finger and suddenly they want your arms" notion applies here. You cannot give one inch to the left. They'll co-opt and destroy the right.

If you wanna get informed on how the leftwing masses like to infiltrate the right-wing to change it, read about Lenin and his flirtations with capitalism. It's the same thing here. Any figure saying they're against Islam but positions themselves as left-wing are trying to fight a fire with a squirt gun. As soon as you turn your backs, left-wing radicalization will begin again, because we reached a point where being a lolbertarian is no longer a left-wing position for the mainstream. Heck, Merkel is considered a center-right politician

Yes and no.

I agree that we need something new, but we should also not forget the runes and our real ancestral powers/religions.

The stuff called LARPagan by the deluded.
Which is the secondary JQ that not even Holla Forums can take in fully.

Fuck off. A group, which openly advocates genocide and mass executions doesn't need to worry about any PR.


I hate them. I really do.

OP, I appreciate you admitting how new you are.

the alt-right was term originaaly coined describe conservatives who didn't like GW Bush. and who didn't like the Iraq war.
The entirety of its resurfacing is a subversion attempt against DJT and anyone who is not a leftist. The media Use this term constantly as buzzword, not knowing what means, same as 'conspiracy-theorist. (((TRS Shilz))), a splinter group, constantly try to lull us into identifying as Alt-Right.

Just to be clear, since your absolutely new, The (((Alt-Right))) doesn't exist. It is literally a bad meme that has gone too far.

This "kraut and tea" guy is the worst thing I've seen in a while. At least Sargon's spergouts are mildly entertaining. Also, the comments are full of horrible cancer.

These 15 year old "anarchists" are actually making me forget how bad tumblrinas are.

Holla Forums is not the alt-right

Diversity and tolerance have a place when your government puts their own people first and enforce the law in immigrations. Anyone born before the 80's will tell you how Europe had immigrants back then, but everything was very controlled and no one would dare to do anything stupid, on the grounds of being deported.

Every single immigrant inevitably demands more tolerance and more immigration. It is a very real slippery slope. There is no need for France to have anything but French, and no need for Ireland to have anything but Irish.

Immigration, tolerance, and diversity in any capacity only serve to weaken a nation's immune system. It is an invitation to be taken advantage of. We don't have governments that put us first, and if we ever get governments like that, we'd better not waste an opportunity to save ourselves from extinction.

Oh, wow! I didn't know that. Hey, forget everything I said. Obviously, we had immigration and it worked out great, so let's keep doing it.

You need to have a minority of immigrants in a country. Not because of workforce nor cultural exchange, but to exactly prove your point. If immigrants are so good, why can't this minority of 0.5% of the population who are immigrants stay in line with the native population? Think of it as a continuous case-study where it brings down any pro-immigration argument with a small cost to the country's infrastructure.

And actually, yes, immigrations worked out great, because guess what, rules were enforced much more strictly and the governments had exactly the "our people first" mentality. It's almost like these views are completely non-sensical and no poltiician ever would get elected with those points alone.

Oh wait.

I don't give a fuck about PR on this very board, cuckchan or any of the other openly fascist/natsoc forums.

We live in a democracy at this point and we have to convince as many normies to join us as possible. That means cutting back on the 14/88 and Hitler rhetoric and focusing on more palatable topics like bringing back jobs, immigration and more broadly, globalism.

As the Overton window shifts right we can start to introduce other topics and talking points.

How did any non-white immigration anywhere, anytime, work out great? You keep saying that, but where has it worked? Pakis in Britain weren't good in the 80s, but suddenly bad now. They were always bad.

In order to contain your small minority of immigrants, Jews have to go, every liberal has to go, women can not be allowed to vote, the media and academia must be unpozzed, and capitalist exploiters and political sellouts would have to be smashed. Only under such circumstances would containing that small group without issue become viable, and under such conditions the whole "need for shitskins" to "prove that we don't need shitskins" would be redundant.

No shit.

I disagree, NatSoc is a part of alt-right. More importantly "alt-right" as the media uses it refers to far right internet communities, which Holla Forums is the heart and soul of.

The only utility of such a term is to attack us.

Exactly. National Socialism is not exactly right either. It sits outside of the left-right spectrum.

THIS is the splitting of fashy movements. And yes, this is a thing. If any of you faggots feel the need to signal how much of a special snowflake you are, you obviously belong on Tumblr. If you were serious, you would get around to more groups than just one.
Fucking division shills, man.

Did you even read Hitler's books? Did you listen to his speeches?
Everything Hitler said or did is 100% right and any normie can see it too.

Our movement exists for the sole reason of making Hitler's ideas mainstream. And if we forsake these ideas, we have no reason.
We don't support Trump or anyone else to make him strong and popular. We support Trump to make Hitler strong and popular.

This board or it's members aren't "alt-right". It's political dissidence to a hostile anti-White establishment. Don't allow them to label you like that.

Are you fucking autistic? I just said it should remain as a case study. It doesn't matter if it works or not; you can just take a look at a minority immigrant population and decide if you want to bring more or not.

If it's working, fine. If it isn't, don't bring more until what you have integrate. I agree with your accessment, and it was largely what was happening in the past before the whole islamic migrations started.

but also, if MSM is against alt-right, then where do i sign up?

We need to do better than Hitler. We need to make Hitler proud.