Last thread is gone, so here is the new Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread.

Here's my question. How do I improve my health. I want to be the best man I can be, but god damn its getting harder. Recently I developed a ton of alergies that Ive never had before. I'm only 20 and all of the sudden I have become allergic to raw foods like watermelon, mango, mandarins, carrots and almonds. They make my mouth and throat swell a little, trigger my asthma, and make my anxiety really bad. Anyone have any success fixing this?

Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/watch?list=SR{Ivanka Trump Women's Helice2 Sandal}&v=UcdUlbhxo7c

Something is probably wrong with your gut flora and you're having trouble digesting that shit. Have you tried some good bacterial culture supplements?

How do I form hobbies and not just dick around on Holla Forums all day?

Nigger, there are QTDDTOT threads in the catalog right now


I take a generic 10 strain probiotic everyday.(colon problems especially colitis run in the family) But never in a million years thought that would be connected to allergies.
Any reason the two would be connected?

Pick something random that you've always wanted to learn, and just make some small effort to try it. Do it now, and don't just tell yourself that you will do it "some day."

I've always wanted to learn another language, but just kept telling myself "some day." I finally forced myself to pick up a book, and I found out that I absolutely love learning languages. I can now almost fluently read Japanese (still working on listening and speaking), and have pretty passable Spanish. I'm thinking about picking up the basics of one more language, and then working on refining my skills in all of them. Each subsequent language gets so much easier, and more enjoyable.

Just force yourself to actually try things. If you don't like them, drop them and move on to the next. There is so much to learn, that you will eventually find something that becomes a hobby.

Learn an instrument, programming, something.

I looked 3 times. Still don't see it. The search only shows mine. huh

Luckily there are enough questions to go around.

It's simply odd to just develop allergies all of a sudden isn't it? My reasoning is that perhaps something changed in your body that's causing it, like maybe taking penicillin.

I use4d to have what you have I bet.

I bet your memory has also been slipping, but you don't want to admit it to yourself.

Try the paleo diet, only thing that worked for me. Most important thing is to cut out all gluten (and milk). Don't eat _anything_ unless you cook it yourself for a few weeks. Then bring food back in piecemeal.

marksdailyapple.com is your best source

What's probably happening is antigliadin is attacking your body, and you have shit in your blood, so your body reacts to virtually everything. You might also be low on your B vitiamins and Zinc.

I also recommend a chiropractor. Not any old chiropractor, find a bat-shit crazy one that does the arm test, called contact reflex analysis

hit me up on tox if you want to talk more. I've helped a few people out, and can vary between people.


that's a nice thought, but sometimes your brain is literally dying (neurons being killed by antibodies) and brain teasers won't help. They just super depress you since once you were a smart autist and now you're a fucking retarded autist.

I read a rational-sounding argument that someone became gluten-intol

oops didin't finish - became gluten intolerant (allergic to gluten) after getting a flu vaccine. They had never been vaccinated before they were like 45. Then got vaccinated and within a week had gluten allergies.

Not saying it's true, but the fact is doctors don't know how the fuck things react in your body, so comments like that are interesting to reflect on.

Fat girl at work has the hots for me and won't leave me alone. Wat do?

Hey guys how do I stop hating Women? I recently broke up with my gf and everything is going wrong in my life.

Wrap yourself in bacon, go jogging. She will follow you until she is thin.

Hey so, working with kikes my entire life not only redpilled me but made me realise my entire career would cater to them.

I have a lot of ideas for an """"""alt-right"""""" youtube channel I'm only using that term because we cannot pick and choose what the enemy will call us. blacks are niggers but they'll shy away from reclaiming the word as long as they reclaim it etc….who the fuck cares

the only issue is that kiketube is run by, kikes and limp-wristed fags PEWDIEPIE WAS RIGHT so I need to ask, is there a platform I can use to post Song Parodies, skits, and stupid shit that is Holla Forums related?

Oh and don't you fucking worry I refuse a name or a face. Kek is the god of Chaos, who the fuck am I? Some Schmo so no, I will never be "THE AMAZING KEIST xDDD TOP 10 THINGS WHY THE LEFT IS WRONG" but rather I love taking the piss.

So what platform shall I use?

CONSIDER INFECTING YOURSELF WITH HOOKWORM.. you can always get "cured" of hookworms if it doesn't work..

Seriously, apparently hookworm is available via mailorder.

I was listening to NPR (i know i know) and a guy on there was talking about how he came down with bad asthma in his 30's.. He did research and found it odd that asthma is a first world problem.. Very little asthma in 3rd world shitholes..

He came up with a theory that this was because humans had a symbiotic relationship with hookworm and that a little "infection" in the body was required to keep the immune system busy and keep it from attacking the body itself.

He went to africa and stepped in the villagers shit.. got hookworm.. flew home..

His horrible asthma went away completely.

Makes sense if you think about it, only in the last few hundred years have most humans not lived with hookworm.



PS, do research before buying and using.. I cannot vouch for the above site not being a ripoff.

That's like the bee therapy. By the way, a 72+ hour fast will "reset" your immune system.

Never even heard of Tox before. But hell, why not.

I use qtox. There are different variants of it. Not sure what's available on windows.

It's kind of like how you have a lot of different 'torrent' clients that work together. That's how 'tox' is. It's an encrypted IM.

You're fucking garbage.


Dubs confirm.

engage the sage.

Just spend a few weeks reflecting, don't worry about stopping yourself from hating them. Just realize that, for the most part, are a lower form of intelligence that, who's brains work off of emotions and hormones more than logic. Once you actually understand them, you won't hate them as much, and your relationships with them will be much easier.

Stopped watching porn and masturbating, it's been about a week, I don't expect to see any improvements any time soon but I'm feeling like shit.

My dopamine levels are incredibly fucked, I get no joy from anything, I just bought a car was excited as shit for it, started driving it and am not impressed with it. It's hard for me to accomplish tasks and focus, I feel incredibly shitty. My question is, how do I overcome this, how do I boost my dopamine levels? I just changed my diet yesterday, but I don't expect any improvements for a bit, but in the meantime I need some help.

I'm actually addicted to porn, I would literally watch it all day sometimes. Now that I'm coming off it, I think about it 90% of the day. All I want to do is watch porn, and have sex but sex is out of my reach because I have zero confidence in myself and am highly conscious about my size, it's below average and I wouldn't make a good lover but that's irrelevant.

Dude, you are coming off of an addiction (the porn) and changing your diet at the same time (probably a few mini addictions there to the chemicals that the Jews poison us with).

Give yourself some time for your body to redefine what it believes normal is, and then you'll feel fine.

As for the girl stuff, the zero confidence part is tough to overcome, but don't worry about the size part unless you are under 4-4.5 inches. Many guys (especially those who watch too much porn like you) don't realize that their size is actually pretty normal, and most girls you meet won't really care. Also consider that most women have no concept of how to estimate size. My girlfriend actually thought I was over 6 inches, when I'm barely over 5.

evalion moved to some new video site, which ended up being a lot of republican videos. I forgot what it was called. vid.me? although I think she just uses twitch now

Less of a question and more of a request.
Can someone make youtube.com/watch?v=1GxJX3yn1DY into a powerful meme.
Change O'Doyle to microsoft sam diversity, write shitskin next to the shitskin on the road and out the EU flag on the car.
Or what's a decent program to edit video so I can learn to do it myself?

I cant afford for my health to get worse by playing around with voodoo magic things like this unless I can get some seriously good proof.

And a 72 hour fast doesn't seem like it would end well.
I've got problems with hypoglycemia already, I don't want to have panic attacks and shake in bed for two days.

Does that mean that I can cure arthritis with a 72 hour fast?

Watch the video faggot.. and like I said, hookworms are easily cured if it doesn't help.

Vid.me? Aigh, well give me a week.
I'll post some shit, lots of shit. I'm constantly thinking " I wish I could uplodad this" have so many vids for my FB friends

This sounds like bullshit (I've fasted for a week and I'm still fucked) and I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express.

Sound advice, it's just a bit hard to overcome the addiction and I was looking for a few tips. But if toughing it out is the only option, I can do it. My dopamine levels are so fucked, regular porn doesn't do it for me, I get aroused, but can't maintain an erection. Fucking jews man.

I'd say it's 5 inches, but I have zero girth. Truthfully, I can't worry about this now, I need to get my mental health straightened out. Thanks.

Of course it bullshit mate. If you fasted for 72 hours and your immune system got reset, you could contract chicken pox again as an adult. Or literally cure aids. In this age of information it's too easy to just read something and hold onto an idea, reason and common sense aren't used enough anymore.

Say that you are already in a relationship and it's pretty serious.

Awful formatting, didn't mean to space so much.

Actually as this is QTDDTOT,
I've got a couple "skit" ideas. Everything from just being the usual cunt I am and filming myself and all that but do you guys wanna see shit from the center I work at?

I work for the UN doing outreach to abo tribes and they are seriously MORE retarded than people from the guineas or africa in an endearing way. Do you guys wanna see them?
Seriously, they are literal Orks. They're fucking rad because of how stupid they are.

This video really curbed my interest in porn

Basically, if you admit to yourself that the reason you enjoy porn is bc you get a similar high effect as any other drug, it becomes much less interesting. Also explains why you might be enjoy other things in life less (they don't give you that high that porn so easily gives you). Basically, you're a meth-head. Congratulations.

so, the way a girl works is when she's aroused, she gets really, really, really tight. To the point that one of your fingers will make her be like "oh!" So pretty much, the girl's size, biologically, adjusts to accommodate the guy. Tbh what you do with your hands, and how you move your body is far more important than simply size, like how you touch her clit. And if you do more, she'll be more excited and tighter, so it all works out.

Try to be optimistic and think of all the lovely women who have positively affected your life.

Abos are not rad.

Change up your daily routine. Go for a jog in the morning or go to a restaurant in the evening.

I actually had this exact same problem with my first girlfriend. I was attracted to her, but couldn't keep very hard for long, because I watched so much porn that the stuff we were doing wasn't that interesting. We couldn't even try more interesting stuff, because I'd only stay hard for about five minutes anyway. It is amazing how much a few months away from porn will fix that, though. I didn't realize porn was the problem at first, and thought I had some sort of physical problem that stopped me from keeping an erection during sex. Turns out it was just because it bored me in some subconscious way, I guess. After a few months of nofap, everything worked fine, though.

As for your girth, I honestly doubt it is that bad. I also thought mine was lacking, but every girl I've been with has commented the opposite. As long as the head isn't twice the size as the shaft, 99% of girls won't give a shit.

For advice in getting our of that dopamine level issue, maybe try jogging, like this user suggested?

Whenever I get stuck in a bad mood, I find that jogging clears my mind. Hiking helps too.

Somebody redpill me on Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus)

I do need a routine, currently NEET with nothing to do. Will try jogging, thanks.

Glad things worked out for you. As for my girth, I'm still not confident, but I'll take your word and other anons word for it/ Thanks.

Interesting video, although I'll admit it was tough to get through it because my focus is incredibly fucked up. This shed a new light on watching porn, this really helped. Thanks.

Also very interesting, had no idea this was a thing. It's got me worrying less about my size, but I've stated in another post sex is the least of my worries right now, I need to straighten my head, get fit, and get a job. Very much appreciated, thanks a lot.

Not Holla Forums but I've consumed the soda Jew 5 times a day for years and I think it's caught up with me. That or wisdom teeth. This is day 4 of having 3-4/10 jaw pain and a headache.

Called a dentist yesterday no new patients until FEBRUARY. Calling a clinic today but I have to work. Tylenol sometimes works? Tried an ice pack with minimal success and even got desperate enough to put polysporin over the gums

I have seen many anons say that Joe McCarthy was right about the government being full of commies. What's a solid source for that? All I got out of (((History))) course was oy vey, he was completely discredited you know.



No it just refreshes the immune system and encourages the growth of new and healthier cells. Go search it and you'll find some info.

what are some antonyms of the word "supremacist"?

There's always room for new orc videos


He blacklisted something like 10 hollywood directors and brought them in for questioning

9 were openly jewish and 1 was a crypto

Even my books admitted that the Hollywood blacklisting was probably on target. I'm wondering about the accusations of members of government.

The FBI's Venona Project managed to decrypt a large number of Soviet diplomatic cables that revealed large-scale infiltration and espionage by Communists in America during and immediately after WWII. You can find the cables themselves floating around online if you look. McCarthy had good reason to be concerned, although he probably would have had more success focusing his efforts on universities and labor unions than on Jewllywood and the State Department. You can find the first chapter of a pretty decent book on it here: archive.is/wgB3

Thanks, that does it.

Anyone have a link to back when the UN claimed that not being in a relationship is a mental illness?

What should I ask my family for Christmas that doesn't break the bank and should last a good deal of time?
It's my last Christmas that I'll spend with my family because I'm moving overseas.
also what should I get for them


Call a doctor quick before it gets serious.


Buy your dad a watch and buy your mom a coat or scarf.

Requesting any info Holla Forumslacks may have on Sweden and its choice to be neutral for the past 200 years relative to wars

Mandarins are shit from the source. Change the place you buy carrots from.

Was she always fat?

It will pass

You're too late

Play better music in the car. vid related

vid.me is made by jews

The only thing you should drink is water

They said that?

I'm a student in Boulder and want to trigger lefties at the upcoming Milo talk on campus. I have to be careful though since I am on an NROTC scholarship and I comission in May. Political speech is 'frowned upon' in the unit and I've worked too hard for too long to get kicked out of school for something like this.

I was thinking of making a sign and standing outside the venue talking about the superiority of wester values and culture.

Sign would say something like

"I'm a white conservative. Will trigger for tears"

I'm a good public speaker and I'm a pretty Big Guy (for you) so I don't think any numales or other assorted betadry would start any serious shit. I'm preparing arguments but I was hoping to solicit advice on how best to proceed. Can I go full NatSoc and not ruin my life?

don't do it

The MOI out here is pretty conservative and would go to bat for me so long as I don't break any laws. The Marine chain of command here doesn't give nearly as much of a fuck about feelings as the Navy chain.

Do you really think I should bite my tongue and keep my head down? I want to be a rifle platoon commander more than anything so I can learn war fighting skills for the coming happening.

Essentially, would the cause be better served by me shutting up, getting trained, doing my time, and getting out or by speaking my mind?

I'm morally conflicted.

And before you alphabet soups itt try to track me down, I'm loyal to the constitution. Pls don't arrest

what's your fucking question?

What you gain by triggering leftists?

try thinking redpill instead of trigger

My question is twofold:
Is it worth the professional risk to try to redpill at the upcoming Milo event considering that I go to a liberal school and am about to comission into the Corp?

If no, why? If yes, what do you guys think is the best way to proceed?

Integrity and truth matter to me and I am tired of keeping my head down. I keep my mouth shut because I fear the consequences and I don't think that is what a good leader would do. I wouldn't want to follow someone like that. I'm tired of having to pretend I think things that I don't. I stand to gain self respect at the risk of professional advancement. Plus the UCMJ doesn't apply to me yet so there's that

I think thats a good call. "I was just engaging in academic debate, Sir :DDD"

Do it after you get in a position of power. And to be honest, triggering leftist is like stepping intentionally in a shit on the ground.

I see your point and I have considered it myself for some time. If my goal is to have as much of a positive impact on bringing my values into the realm of public policy then it would behoove me to quietly rise through the ranks of society. Once in a position of power, reveal my power level when an opportunity to make a difference arises, etc.

At the same time, an argument could be made that only the authentic men of the world ever make any real changes. Hitler was a corporal for Christ's sake. He didn't need institutional authority to validate his ideas. His perceived authenticity and rationale did that

$$how to fancytext$$

Dateember 1st, 2016 by Author Name
The New York Times

Broken source

Date 1st, 2016 by Anonymous

Broken source

Dateember 1st, 2016 by Author Name

roken source

Dateember 1st, 2016 by Author Name
in Publication

roken source

No, the sandwich. Where do you think you are?

Hide your power level for now.

Wasted. Go fuck yourself with a cactus.

Stop being such an autist

Ok, I did some research on this. I came in thinking it was crazy, but it makes sense.

Whats the best way to get them in the US? I'm a broke college student and cant afford to go to all the way to Mexico.

Take motrin
I don't have dental so I never got my wisdom teeth out, if it's that motrin or opiates will fix you

What the fuck are you doing you useless nigger shit. We got 3 motherfucking QTDDTOTT's on the catalog, all available for posting. Post in them first till they get filled.

Does anyone have the screenshot from the usual SCREENCAPS threads about being a 21st century digital boy?

I would like to show a friend it.

I can't find them on the catalog. I've looked 10 times. I genuinely don't know whats wrong with my view of the catalog. I was just trying to keep the post around.
see my screenshot

search in caps lock

You seriously have to be a nigger or a 55+ grandpa if you can't figure out a thing as easy as the catalog. I won't handhold you through this one again.

Make your own board and practice your catalog skills or even nuke a dead one if you like, just don't shit up mine. Stop bumping and we'll be fine.

How can I stop my sister from wasting her life and possibly burning coal? She's studying (aka being propagandized in) the Jewish field of psychology, wants to get into school psychology, and is a typical urbanite shitlib. It breaks my heart to imagine a lifetime of her trying to pretend spics and nigs are white while also drugging healthy and active (((inattentive, ADD))) white boys. My hope was she would meet a nice white guy and settle down. I've redpilled my mom on race and she sometimes puts pressure on my sister to get married to a "nice white boy", but she also has an assortment of mystery meat friends who are giving her the wrong ideas. I'm working on getting the rest of the family red pilled, but it seems like she wants to conform to her friends more than her family. I've tried to introduce her to a decent guy I know but that didn't work. If she insists on being a career woman when she graduates I'll try to convince her to move to a whiter area and hope she eventually falls in line, but again she seems more loyal to her spic etc friends than her own blood. I don't want to lose her. Talking directly to her leads nowhere.

stay focused on yourself user, expand your power level and let that do your talking for you


You left you the most important: SUGAR. That shit is pure fucking poison!

I shit you not, I cut out refined sugar for a long time, and when I had a slice of cake over at someone elses place, my insulin shot through the roof. It hit me like crazy! I started itching too, and the sweetness was nauseating.

That opened my eyes to how the body gets accustomed and desentisized to the sugar, and how addictive it is because of that.

It was a disgusting feeling, like I knew it was terrible for my body.


I am 50% Slovack (Dad is 100%), 25% German and 25% Lithuanian.

Am I white?


Congrats user

Thanks to 'american' geologists there is hawaiian terminology in volcanology like 'ha ha' to describe lava flows.

Yes just like how Mike Pence wasn't picked as VP?

It was never great

Should I have a beard or not, I can't tell anymore.

All my neo-reactionary blogs can't seem to come to consensus on the issue.

had it coming

there are black people with blonde hair on the solomon islands, so it really isn't white washing

Question that will get abuse hurled at me, but I'd at least a few of you to answer truthfully even if you do call me a faggot while doing so. Please, guys.

IF your family is in an area with any number of races crawling around, and IF your daughter has a very limited fucking scope of white individuals in the dating pool that aren't retarded or otherwise genetically fucked up, is a half-chinese or half-vietnamese, half-white a decent second place? And before you answer, please know that I've done all I can without saying or doing something that will actually drive her into the arms of a nog or a muz just to spite me. Both boys seem to be nice polite young men, and they're kind to my daughter. Both are good looking, with mild asian features, and they're both intelligent. There are no other suitors presenting themselves that aren't complete cunts or out-right animals, so I'm currently left in this unenviable position. Any anons with children of a certain age will know just how effective forbidding romance works, and, as I've said, I've done all I can to sabotage the dindus, hindus, and sheep-fuckers without showing my hand.

tl;dr - Are half-orientals, half-whites something I could live with as boyfriends for my daughter, or will I just have to choke a bastard and hope to leave town ahead of the cops?

H-he's cold.


I lol'd


My favorite.


My question didn't get answered in the other one.

I've been seeing a girl that ticks almost all the traditional conservative boxes but she's 75% white 25% japanese. She has light hair and green-blue eyes but facial features are not aryan. Would my kids be non white if they were 12% honorary aryan?

Remember kids, sideways for attention, longways for results. End it.

You can go through any of the links in my post. They are far more explanatory, and make far more sense than any church I've ever been to.

Climate change has always been talked about on here and it's pretty overwhelmingly supported here that's it's mostly overblown bullshit. Yes we know we are having a minor impact on shit. But Florida was supposed to be flooded or some shit by now wasn't it according to the inconvenient truth.

Suck my dick nigger. I'm gonna do whatever the fuck I want

At 1/4 asian you can kind of see certain non-white features. I don't think I've ever known someone who's 1/8 asian so I can't speak from actual experience, but I imagine your kids would probably look pretty white. If she's got the virtuous personality, qt looks, and she's only 1/4 nonwhite (honorabra nippon at that), fucking go for it,

Did I overwhelm pol with my superior intelect

Funny how it's too easy how leftypol outs themselves like this

Obviously not, you fucking retard. Anything with any non-White admixture that isn't like a centuries-old drop from mongol/muslim invasions is worthless vermin that needs to be wiped off the face of the Earth.

If you are raising a daughter and you live in an area with lots of non-Whites, especially if there is no White man for her to marry, then you need to practice White Flight and move somewhere else!

Asians are just as non-White as any other non-White, if you let them near your daughter then you will have failed her just as badly as if you let her get gangbanged by niggers. It is exactly the same thing, her offspring would no longer be White and they would need to be wiped out.

There are legitimate arguments on both sides but morons like you and the girl in the OP pic who think strawmanning is some genius argument are retarded.

Socialista morena?

just because jews love blacks doesnt mean blacks love jews

Obviously stop consuming sugar. Try a Bass toothbrush and a waterpick, brush more often, floss, scrape your tongue. Get a metal dental pick to gently scrape off what the toothbrush can't get. Chew sugar-free xylitol gum after eating if you're too lazy to brush so many times a day.

I don't know what to do about the pain, though.

maybe they shouldn't have moved from Kansas to california for the city life meme like a bunch of retard faggots


Refuted theory. Move on, Jap. Two bombs weren't enough.

*teleports behind you*
*unleashes Garand*
Nothing personal kid

Start with the gospel of John. It is very precise in defining who Jesus is.


What do you think his fan base would do if we did this? think be funnier get them red as well

its yellow chaika you ding-dong

The picture you posted is the German city Schweinfurt and the dead people are from the allied terror bombing.

yes and I am glad our ancestors did it.

I have a GSD. Going to get another one, and a couple other types of dogs too just haven't decided on the breeds.

Then I will rescue a couple dogs. I want to have a huge pack (live in the woods).

Literally until every Russian has been dead for a hundred years. It's all the kikes have left.



WHo is allowing this to happen?
If you're stupid, I'm talking about how >>>Holla Forums is the third most popular board.

You're still this butthurt that Trump won the electoral vote by almost 100 points?

Hillary and her fuckboys need to get it through their heads that a majority of the country voted for him. Deal with it.


Hey anons yesterday when I asked this the board was getting raided so Ill ask again here
Does anyone have archive or screenshots of the dox on journos and other traitors?

Most of us are in our teens/20s/30s though so to bitch at us for being childless is a little silly

Call me back in about 40 years when I'm near retirement age

Yes, Barry. We all know you go down on Michael every night.

What would it take to start a civil war in Canada or the US?
How come one hasn't started yet?

I'm 34 in a couple weeks fam and the only thing I have to my name is a studio and fat box of silver. I'm getting worried. Real worried.

Starvation. That or the government openly and flagrantly showing it has betrayed it's citizens. Maybe not even then, but absolutely the moment people are hungry.

You are an idiot on so many levels, I can't even see them all without some sort of elaborate 3D modelling program.

On the surface, yes, but I've known many over the years who were great men and women who actually worked to improve themselves instead of the muz which hate everything, the nogs which try to rape/kill/steal everything, and the street-shitters, who, frankly, are just darker jews who smell of curry and feces. So, I'm going to go ahead and ignore your ass and wait for an answer from someone who has a sense of proportion in these matters.


The landmass is huge, man. A nationwide civil war isn't practical, although I could see a couple of neighboring provinces going at it.

Never happening. They're too cucked.
The second it looks like the kikes might jew harder than they currently are. The whole country is a powder keg, no joke.

I've got some friends that are trying to shame me for not supporting an artist I like on patreon. I tried convincing them it isn't a trustworthy company, and they laughed me off. Does anyone have any handy resources to redpill people on why they shouldn't trust patreon (examples of them fucking people over, the shakiness of the company in general, anything)? I'm going to do some research myself for specifics, but if there's any worthwhile info graphics I'd like to have them.

Asians are fine, but if you reproduce with them then you need to accept that your sons will be small-dicked and low test, your daughters will be absolute whores, and your kids' high intelligence will be offset by their autism. Also, I've seen over and over again that once asians marry a white guy, they almost invariably stop trying to look good, just like white women with niggers, it's some sort of race mixing effect.

Marry an asian and you'll have great sex for probably 10-15 years then everything is shit because unless your weebery is off the charts, you married an asian and you're going to have to deal with that, good or bad. I have asian friends, but remember the white man's burden: even if you have empathy for them, it doesn't mean they'll have empathy for you.

Young Asian women become old Asian women. You got to be white, why not your kids too?

Move to a White town, cuck. There's still plenty of them and your daughter's purity is worth the price and inconvenience to move out of the pozzed shithole you're festering in now.

He's not talking about marrying an Asian, he's talking about letting his daughter date Asians "because there aren't many White men around".

The fact that you are asking for pol's approval on this is fucking sad beyond belief. Maybe judge him by his character and decided for yourself?
Really getting tired of you race traitors trying to justify your degeneracy.

but nothing your daughter is a race traitor.
tbh smh fam

But hey on the bright side the fact your retard ass manage to reproduce should be a beacon of hope for other anons on here.
Either follow advise and move to a white town or kill yourself for putting your daughter in this situation.

Years and years i always end up with the same question. But today it changed shaped. The question has to do with the guilibility of most normalfags. How can they believe the whole narrative :
I am geniunely curious. Who believes this shit. Even though its obvious that all is bs and that even the one contradicts the other.

Normalfaggots over the age of 40 who still get their news from Tel Avivision still believe this shit. That's it. Even Bernout gommies don't repeat this garbage with a straight face; they always have different axes to grind.

Yeah of course, what i asked is why.

They're dinosaurs who don't realize they're dead yet. They're set in their ways and have been thinking the Electric Jew is the authority on news since they were little tykes watching Cronkite. Honestly, we should render them down to their constituent oils and use them to lubricate our cars for how badly they've fucked up our world with their willful ignorance and self-satisfaction.

And i guess since the conditioning has settled in and they have being raised by kikery since children it will be near impossible to deprogram said dinosaurs. They are not gonna be very receptive if at all, due to their age mostly and how deeply those beliefs have ingrained into their psyche. They hate being wrong so they will believe anything that will advance their agenda even if it leads to their own self destruction and the self destruction of their own people and children. Something like that ?

their agenda of being right*

Eh, look on the bright side. 14 days without power, JIT inventory, or medication refills, and a solid quarter of them will already be dead and another quarter will be red-pilled the hard way, by suppository. We can't lose. The only thing that remains in doubt is the casualties.

Right… Commence operation shadowpill

I don't know but anecdotally, my grandfather developed an allergy to strawberries about twenty or twentyfive years ago. It most likely didn't have to do with strawberries themselves, but happened when all of the sudden those apple sized strawberries from Mexico and California showed up on store shelves. So pesticides or some other factor like that involving industrial agriculture and transportation

Not pure. End of subject

Exactly. We can only truly connect with other of our kind. Interracial love is any oxymoron. Polite sage for my doublepost

Asians can be pretty based in many regards, but racemixing is always, always, always completely out of the question

Has there been anything close to a national socialist state after Germany 45?
The one i would put on the list is Philippines with Duterte, any other?

Are green eyes or blue eyes the most pure?

I like blue eyes better. they look so good.

But about rarity you are oversimplifying. is not about color, is about the most recessive gene.
the more recessive genes you retain the bigger the chance you are from some exclusively pure Aryan bloodline.

How can one lighten light brown eyes?

Try mixing a little bit of honey (real local honey, don't just get a plastic bottle of mysterious viscous sweet goo that may or may not be illegally adulterated with high fructose corn syrup) mixed in some filtered water, and put a drop of that in your eyes once a day.

I am not responsible if you go blind.

yea thats the remedy for the hair not sure if for eyes too. Can anyone confirm

I think the idea is that it breaks down melanin, so it would make sense that it works for both. Brown eyes are blue/green/whatever under the brown, they are brown because there is a layer of melanin blocking the other color.

I see. So how would you go about using the honey. Has anyone done this before its pretty interesting

How do I use wget? I want to create an archive of pages and sometimes I want to download all pictures, gifs and webms in the thread. I've searched it up but haven't found a foolproof guide. Thanks.

Is there a way to purchase stuff online anonymously? I'm not buying illegal shit, I just don't want these companies to have my information. I read about P.O boxes but you need to provide ID to the post office and I'm sure they keep tabs on what you buy.


Especially when you get into the military. We need anons like you to infiltrate and subvert. As an officer, you will be in charge of a platoon I presume. That is 50 chances to red pill soldiers to join our team and 50 soldiers to slay the kikes.

Hide your power level while you observe the playing field. Eventually you will find a higher up who shares our beliefs. Maybe not 1488 but semi red pilled. Befriend this person and not only can you move through the ranks quicker but you will make valuable connections that can help the cause.

I have 3 sisters and reverse psychology has worked well for me most times. If I tell her to stop listening to nigger music all she does is turn up the music. If I tell her to turn it up while I'm shucking and jiving and saying nigguh nigguh nigguh muh dick and grabbing my crotch. She yells at me and changes the music.

They never burned coal. Thank God. All they done was date a couple of spics. Mostly White Spanish. One of them was Mestizo.

What internet browser should I use? Firefox?

If you have a weak jaw then grow a short beard. Don't grow it long then you'd be a hipster fag pretending to be man. If you have a strong jaw, keep it clean and grow some stubble on the weekends.


Pale Moon or Icecat. They're forks of Firefox and are de-botnetted. Only thing is there are a lot of addons you can't use. Stay away from Firefox, sjws have taken control and they've turned away from what made Firefox so great.

Does anyone know how possible it would be to replace non white genes in humans with white genes?

Hotwheels got kicked off of Patreon for trying to support the development of this site's code. Patreon is run by leftist shitbabbies.








What's the red pill on the Ukraine? Who is involved? What's the support level for Putin in Ukraine? I know Crimea was annexed without a shot and the people are happy to be part of Russia. Ukraine I don't know so much about. How does it all figure into the EU and the globalist agenda?

Much appreciated, anons. Ukraine is important to me and it's hard to find reliable sources.

How come Holla Forums hasn't formed their own community in meat space yet? I'd be down to move from Los Angeles to a Whiter state with people who shared the same ideas and values as me.

Hi Holla Forumslacks, eurofag here.

Would any kind burgerbro fill me in on how the voting process for the house of representatives and Senate worked? I understand that for the Presidency, the people were considered the popular vote and electorals would vote based on that. Does it work the same way for the house seats, with the same electorals voting for them? Or is it strictly popular vote? Pic unrelated but helpful.

Anyone got a tl;dr on the actual history of the 'Night of the Long Knive'?

Was George Orwell a Commie?

how the fuck do I resist the urge of fucking beautiful nips? it is driving me NUTS!!!

What's the deal with Bill O'Reilly's books? So far we have:

but also

Now those first four should stand out to anyone who browses Holla Forums as historical figures that were killed for defying the Jews. The other two don't fit that formula as far as I can tell. So what's the deal? Write a few books about the evil perpetrated by Talmudists and a couple side books to throw them off the scent?

Rohm thought that Hitler and his nazi leadership didn't take the socialism in national socialism far enough and were constantly putting pressure on him to enact more radical socialist policies.

Hitler also respected the Wehrmacht more and gave the old nobility officer corps and generals more respect than the SA who he viewed as just a revolutionary army to get into power and didn't have a need for them anymore. The SA was really worrisome to the Wehrmacht, since the SA outnumbered them 3 to 1. Rohm wanted to be in charge of the Wehrmacht and kind of blend in his SA into the army but Hitler wanted an old army general to be in charge and didn't want the SA anywhere near the army, since most of the nobility and old guard of the wehrmacht absolutely hated them. Hitler thought long and hard about this decision and was getting opposite pressure from the wehrmacht and the SA. He eventually decided the wehrmacht was the right move to make and had Rohm and a handful of others murdered.

The whole faggot thing had some truth to it, but that was mostly Goebbels cleaning up the mess after the fact. Some Germans still call the ordeal "the Rohm putsch." Which in all honesty he might've actually made a putsch for power but with him dead we'll never know. Hitler himself only wanted a few people gone, but lower nazi officials and some higher ups made calls to their subordinates and the list of murdered grew from a handful to something like 80 or more. Hitler was pissed and it was a giant mess to clean up.

Paul Von Hindenburg complimented Hitler on his death bed for taking care of that huge problem though.

AYYY BOIS It won't let me post a new thread


Colombia college found a cache of NRx/NatSoc material. Nick B. Steves and SanguineEmpiric are in the comment section cucking for liberals and trashing nazis.

Don't let them whitesplain away their fascist ideology, go get rabbi goldstein uraniumberg and antifa juanita on the case!

Mein Gott. How do so many fuck up that badly under Wermacht command. Also, what were some of the reasons that the old guard and nobility hated the SA?

They thought the SA were troublemakers and threatening their power, which they kind of were. And you know they were around when the bolsheviks took over large areas of Germany in the communist civil war in 1919. So when they see an army of revolutionary SA that outnumber them 3 to 1 with their leadership high in the nazi party there was some fear and hatred of them. There were some rowdy people on the street level in the SA and that was invaluable to the nazi's rise in the 20s but with Hitler approaching Fuhrer status he couldn't have a revolutionary army running around while trying to get the army, nobility, and all the common folk on your side. The higher ups in the wehrmacht viewed the SA as little more than street thugs.

For a while too Hitler admired the nobility, and thought if something happened to him he would pass power to the crown prince of Germany. It wasn't until 1938 after he got a cold reception from the Italian king while attempting to visit Mussolini that he wrote an order naming Goering as his 2nd in command.

You can also cure a brainfreeze by drinking boiling water. The more you know!

Do you know if his books talk about the Jews any?

Could someone (in Clapistan) please call and record 800-318-2596 and post it to vocaroo or mixtape.moe? It is the number for the Health Insurance Marketplace. When it asks you what you need to do, say apply and enroll. When they ask for your phone number, give them a fake number. after they say that due to high call volume, they cannot return your call and tell you to call back later, hang up.
Requesting this for a thanks, Obama tribute.

Does the artist accept Bitcoin? if so, donate through that. I'm guessing they don't because of your question.
Here's a Ghazi thread about

It is important to remember that the average IQ is only 100.

Prepaid gift cards or Bitcoin.
You can have packages held at FedEx locations and pick them up there. UPS requires you to be a member. FedEx probably requires you to prove you are the intended recipient for the package, so you'll have to figure that out.

I don't, might be worth looking into, though.

Representatives represent a district, which is a subdivision of a state, and thus are chosen by voters who live in the district. The more populous the state, the more districts and representatives they have. They go up for reelection every two years.

Senate is a little different. Each state gets 2 senators regardless of state population, and are voted in by voters from the state they represent. Their term length is 6 years.

When did the post character count limit get so small?

I remember there being a site with detailed informations about big corporations and such, built similar to Wikipedia, but I've forgotten the name and ofcourse google isn't helpful either. I'm sure some user knows what I'm talking about
pic unrelated

Corporation wiki?

Thanks for the in-depth answers. Have a semi-rare MAGA as gratitude.

Not really a question but Hitler apparently offed himself with a Walther PPK, the same kind of gun iconicly used by James Bond

Does anyone have a link to a collection of infographics, videos, evidence on the Jews?

Will the media stop being so shitty and anti Trump once he's actually in power?


It was the same pistol his niece used to kill herself with. She would ran around with guys but when Adolf forced her to stay at home, she offed herself. And than you have the usual "Adolf showed signs of sexual abuse" by the kikes.

Furthermore, Senators were originally selected by their state's government, which was later changed by amendment into a statewide popular vote.

Bots, perhaps? There has been a flood of them on this board, so it could be that Holla Forums is getting hammered too.

I've been grinding to become a doctor through college for a handful of years by now, and I noticed the more I adventure into the medical field, the more it's surrounded by fat women that happens to be dumb as hell average test takers. There could be a class with twenty of us and only three will be male and the rest are these easily amused females. I haven't got dick deep into it just yet; where all the classes are for a specific profession.

I faintly remember Holla Forums long ago saying something involving this. Does Holla Forums know the reason for this?

In what ways are NatSoc and Alt-Right similar and how much can we co-opt the Alt-Right to further the NatSoc asgenda? I know Spencer cucked for the faggots but other than that I cant really see how their objectives are different.

Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt (Passengers, another cape-shit) on the 'Playground Insult' segment on the BBC Radio 1 YouTube channel are caught making a dick joke that turns into a TRANSPHOBIC JOKE. SJWs BTFO because Jennifer laughs.

CAN ANYONE HELP DOWNLOAD THIS FROM FACEBOOK? m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=607422569405188&id=219195584894557&refid=52&tn=C
It is says:

I can't afford to use kikebook and have no throwaway account either.

please upload it here, new proof for faked CGI plane

all eyewitnesses never saw the airplane until they found out about it in the news (CGI'd maybe by Pixar?) - there was a 9/11 AMA in reddit last september and most of them said they never saw a plane even the OP!

These threads are good because else we'd have people shitting up the board with weak threads.

I have a QUESTION for you.

Would anyone find the kindness in their heart to summarize the Comet Pizza-shitshow for me?
Thank you!

In my understanding they arent very similar at all.

National socialism is a left wing big government type thing. Where you have a large controlling government planning everything and telling us all how to live and what to do.

The Alt right is more of a leave me alone to live my life type thing. Like if you are a fag or a nigger that is fine as long as you dont expect preferential treatment for being a fag or a nigger.

A hobby has to suit your interests. Otherwise you will find it tedious, not enjoyable.

When you are trying to pick a new hobby, start by imagining what you would like yourself to be like in 10 years and pick a hobby that will help you reach that objective.

Assuming that you are a bloke and not a sheila, why not consider some of the following suggestions:
>Start lifting and go full >>>/fit/

Am I seeing the two ads?

The trick is that none of those "facts" are held in mind at the same time. All can be true in the mind of the normalfag for he holds no contradictions in his brain.

They were upstarts and modernists. Consider it from the traditionalist point of view that these generals had grown up in. WWI destroyed the traditional order in Europe in its entirety, but people who lived in it were still around to watch the developments. To them the SA were little different than the communists, looking to sweep away a thousand year-old order for their particular vision of the future. The old guard weren't really up for that, especially when it would further limit their power and what they probably viewed as their birthright. These were men who had gone from station, power, and privilege (in the non-lefty sense) to nothing but a facade in less than a decade, and the SA represented, more or less, their replacements so that nothing of their legacy would be preserved. There was also the unhelpful matter of how disreputable the SA was generally held to be, to say nothing of its class composition.

That was more or less the mindset of the old guard in the '30s.

Will Jews stop Jewing?

"Alt-right" is more a descriptive term to refer to anything more right-wing than conservatives, rather than any specific ideology, platform, or organization. In other words, it's not a self-identification label, just like you probably wouldn't refer to yourself as a primate. It will thus incorporate anything from civicucks to Evolites.

gas the kikes

Quick, does anyone have some pictures I can use as proof of Millenial Woe's faggotry?


Alright, so full disclosure I'm 17 living in Fresno, CA (Beanerville, USA) and I'm looking for my first official job. I've worked as CMO of a non-profit for about 6 months but that is the extent of my professional employment history.

I went on Craigslist to look for some part time jobs to bring in some extra cash for the family and I've been getting email responses from a company called "China Resources Cement Holdings Limited" for the position of warehouse inspector.
I am getting emails from their CMO, Zhang Liang, detailing the possibility of $875 a week in the position.
I realize I'm inexperienced with recognizing scams and bad situations, so I was wondering if some of you autists could help me make sure I'm not going to get scammed or something by the Chinese. Contributing a pic from my folder.

What does F mean?

How is Finland doing right now? Other than the memes and crippling loneliness, of course.

It's a Holla Forums meme. There was a game where you had to press the F key to pay respects for a fallen soldier.

What's going on inside my ass when I have to wipe it fifty times and I'm still not done?

a reply to

This website is fucking broken

vid.me seems to growing in popularity

Were you raised by a single mother?

I have a QDDIOT:

Where were you when Dylann Roof was declared 100% based? he just don't care.

Is it just me, or has Holla Forums or whoever it is masquerading as Holla Forums kicked up their shilling efforts on other boards in the past few days? I've started noticing more political baiting in unrelated conversations lately.

Just go outside and Mountain bike/Ski/Snowboard/Hike/Climb/Lift Weights
Do something to get in good shape and make sure to commit time to the hobby you choose until it feels like an ordinary thing to do during your free time. That is the most important thing.
Also try to get some friends with the same hobby and motivate each other.
Read books if you don't want to do physical activity. You will probably learn more from books than shitposts.

Read anthony robins awaken the giant within

should my cd drive sound like a printer

I don't know were to order hookworm.. I haven't infected myself (yet).. Search and make sure it's a good source before ordering.. the FDA is trying to put a stop to this (((buy pills goy)))

That said, I think wormswell.com has them?

Maybe not thread-worthy just yet, but I'm after an info dump on Sweden - reports of the media bias, statistics of immigration/crime/welfare usage, feminism in sweden, ect.

I know exactly how you feel and I can almost guarantee you that you feel that way because you have a fucked up sleep schedule.
Here's the kicker: It's not that you don't get 8 hours of sleep, time spent sleeping per night is a useless kike metric: some people have to sleep 10 hours to get a good rest, others might need only 6.
All that really matters is that you go to sleep at the same time every day.
Pick a time to go to bed at, and stick to it every single day, no exceptions. If you do that, you'll see improvements to your energy, attention span/ability to focus within a few weeks. But you probably won't notice it until you fuck up one day and temporarily go back to your former zombie-like state where you don't remember jack shit and can't focus on anything.
>it's not normal to have difficulty leaving bed in the morning.

protip: screens emit certain wavelengths which your brain interprets as daylight. You can use a program like f.lux to limit the amount of these wavelengths (mostly blue light) you receive at night

They don't analyse anything the news says because they don't question authority. Simply pointing out the glaring contradictions can significantly redpill a normie in a short period of time. Remember: they TRUST the news, the DISTRUST everything else. Show them stuff from the news that contradicts the news, and once they begin realizing that most news is bullshit meant to manipulate opinion, you can start directing them to alternative sources

Bernouts are easy to redpill. Their hero was seen as "anti-establishment" and fighting against ebil government and rich people, all while facing an MSM blackout.
/r/s4p openly discussed how much the media lies and if they lied about Bernie, did they lie about Hitler?, not to mention that they saw the primary being rigged (stickies about election fraud 24/7) and a bunch of conspiracy shit. They are prime targets to redpill

t. you know it


that is a beautiful logo

for a second I though I could down or upvote a comment infinitely

What cologne does the Don himself wear? I see some under his brand Trump name (e.g. Success, Empire), but nothing I'm pulling up explicitly states whether he uses his own brands or not. I recall seeing an image of a female Holla Forumslack equivalent, where her twitter depicted her as purchasing his cologne (can't remember which) and juxtaposing cropped photos of Trump with her in pictures.

Does the future of the Populist movement we've been masterminding lie in becoming more esoteric, and therefore robust and effective, or in becoming more accessible, and therefore popular and widespread?

Is Madison Grant's The Passing of the Great Race credible? I'm surprised that he described the Nordic race as having aquiline noses. I would think most people on Holla Forums would describe pic related as being a Jewish feature.

there's a laser that can do it

I've not read what you're referencing, but take closer inspection of your pic related in relation to the whole face. Notice that while there is a noticeable bump, the bridge is still quite profound and doesn't bury itself between the eye sockets, which thus creates the "boggle eyed jew" look. With Europoid noses, the bridge between brow and nose makes the eyes appear deeply set, which is one of the easiest ways of distinguishing Mediterranean people from Semites, see pic related - a facial reconstruction of an ancient Carthaginian man (the same people that are being claimed as black by the "we wuz" movement). Notice the hooked nose, large eyes, and curly hair, but the lack of inbred kike genetic tells.

What do you guys use for downloading videos and making webms/mp4s? Is it just a firefox extension or what?


I think it may have started with an 'a.'

plz help anons

I'm always distracting by my dick. Once I think about how big it is it gets bigger. My dick turns itself on. Help

Checked and found this


What it speaks of is very much what I am speaking of, but, it was more of a page that I guess you could say is more legitimate? But thank you regardless for taking the time to search.

If you find anything else let me know; I will be posting whatever else I can find as well.

Check out Dave Asprey's research on diet.

Download PDF, ignore product placement, it works


what is an actual reliable, mostly objective news source that isn't propaganda?

A fitting solution: don't stop and it will stop. I had the same issue.

What was the name of the gay/autism sexually transmitted disease that causes mothers to have gay/autistic sons and only sons?

How do prenups work? Can you just write your own prenup that your wife will get nothing if she divorces you? "If you love me, you'll sign it baby" :

Holla Forums.
Yeah, you're fucked.


I wish it were that simple, but courts have thrown out prenups in some cases where the woman wasn't working and had no means to support herself.

Damn. Well the woman doesn't have to know that, if she THINKS that if she divorces then she will have to move back with her parents then she will be less likely to consider it than a woman that knows she will be able to rape her ex-husband financially.

Singapore is worth looking at. Not strictly racial, but very close to natsoc

Does one's IP change on mobile if you take it to different locations? Every time I try posting here at my dentist's office my IP is always banned for pro-Jewish shilling. Is there some kike shilling Holla Forums from my dentist's office?


I have a quick question…
Are there any Holla Forums approved tshirts out there?

I will make some if there aren't…I'm just interested in sporting some good nationalist wear..not like a fucking swastika on my chest or anything.

If anybody wants a shirt to be made, come to me, I can make em.


Get a remove kebab shirt from /k/store

Anyone have the Mega link to the collection of Holla Forums books? Does it have the Gulag Archipelago in it? If not, does anyone have the .pdf?

journals.plos org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0167231

My question is, "Is this topic actually in need of its own thread(s)?" Because here is the breakdown:

The conjecture on the nature of life and consciousness which are presented in the discussion section of the article is itself interesting, especially in light of some of the research data. This reads like one of the foundation pieces for cyberbrain technology. Not strictly politics, but one hell of a happening.

The Daily Stormer is mostly unbiased. It still has a slight Republican leaning, but at least it's not communistic like most Fake News websites now-a-days.

SOPHISTRY PROTIP: if someone plays the fallacy card on you, they are giving you free liscense to insult them without reprocussion.

Comet Pizza is what (((they))) have everyone focused on in order to ignore the massive VIP pedophile rings run by the likes of Epstein, Saville, Neil Bush and Pope Benedict’s brother and the related items such as Congressional Paigeboys, The MacDonald Douglas Case, McMartin Pre-School, Kincora house , Elm Guest House , Dolphin Square , St. Helena, The Lambeth Town Hall basement. et.al.

By constantly autisticly bleating about pizza, (((they))) can pretend its all just "fake news" and keep raping decapitated babies for moloch

I truly hate people who treat logical fallacies as "rules for arguments." They treat arguments like some sore of shitty board game, more content with "winning" than actually learning anything.
Half the time kiddies like that don't know the difference between ad hominem and insult either.

Ketogenic diet. I'm mean the real deal, not the reddit version. 20g carbs per day max. 60g protein to start. The rest of your diet should be fat. Make sure to get plenty of electrolytes while your body adapts. Your inflammatory markers will drop like a rock. Once you get adapted you can try adding in a few extra carbs and some protein. If you eat more protein than your body needs, your liver will process it into glucose, and it can easily knock you out of ketosis.

You can thank me later.


This. Keto changed my life. The amount of energy you have is just incredible. Also not having the ups and downs from changing blood sugar levels improved my quality of life tremendously.

How seriously do people take the "Finns aren't white" meme? They speak a non indo-european language, but most are phenotypically identical to Swedes. They look like a mix between Swedes and Balts. More Russian towards the east. Does this meme also extend to Hungarians ( who look like Austrians or Slavs) and Estonians? They also speak uralic languages.

Addendum: some non-whites speak indo-european languages. I don't get the standards being used.

To more accurately pinpoint the problem, swish hydrogen peroxide but be care not to swallow any. Do not make any sort of routine with this, super important not to do this more than once or twice because it kills all bacteria, not just the bad stuff.

This helps because there will be pain from cavities or gum issues meaning it's easier to figure out what's bothering you. It can also reduce swelling or kill a latent infection. My dentist recommended this to me a while ago in the week before treatment and it helped me find out which area to focus on.

Also search Samuel dickstien. He was a communist Jew congress infiltrator in the 30s who directly worked with the nkvd to pass along classified information to the soviets. His code name was 'crook'.


nobody cares what language they speak
the argument basically goes "Mongols raped the shit out of them so their gene pool is tainted with mixed race babies."
Don't take it too seriously, it's just shitposts.

Someone post the f I archive that showed how the skull claimed by the ussr wasn't actually hitler.

I have a strange question, but I want a pic I can use for a spray in source engine games that is nationalistic but it has to be subtle, it can't be obvious. Anyone have anything?

what do you mean by this?


Shit, I have no clue how I'd prove I'm John Smith because they'll probably ask for ID. But this applies only to fedex packages, stuff I've bought was shipped with USPS or other companies. I'll have to figure this out. Thanks.

Sorry, should have been clear. It's an image you can "spray" on the wall for everyone to see. Won't let me upload pics, but here's a 30 second video.

Here's a better video.

But the mongols never invaded Finland…
I get that it's shitposting, I just thought it was language based. What about "slavs are not white"?

I am looking to leave the US to escape political persecution and it looks like the media and lefties are doubling down on their regressive shit after Trump won. I am not even full far-right, just a small government conservative (libertarian even) who dislikes multiculturalism and Islam. Where should I go? Russia? Languages and differences in economy and culture are a non issue.

same reasoning, same bullshit.

Could it be net beneficial for a person of good moral character to allow themselves to give into temptation in isolated settings? The idea being similar to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, where the sum of a man's goodness and the sum of his evilness are completely separated from each other, but instead of being the result of a drinkable concoction, it is at the result of location. Think Las Vegas and sex tourism. Or would partaking in these actions cause interference in the everyday life of the person doing it?

Stop whining. You sound just like a fag who is afraid lynch mobs are coming after him because Trump won. The only real reason to move is for career opportunities.

As another user stated, the Chinese always cut corners. You should look at Linkedin for more opportunities.

What's the most redpilled christmas movie, and why is it pic related?

Can somebody post a clearer version of this image? I saved it from my phone and it looks like garbage. The first paragraph is:

So you're after a non-religious reason to hate faggots? Sure thing.
If homosexuality is comparable to infertility, then it is a disability.
If homosexuality is comparable to straight people engaging in oral sex, then it is a fetish.
If homosexuality is comparable to friendships with the same gender, then why do they have sex?
If homosexuality is safe, why do homosexuals spread the most STDs and literally tear apart each others' sphincters?
If homosexuality is a valid means of romantic bonding, why does nature disallow them reproduction?
If homosexual "love" is as pure as natural love, why are gays so much more promiscuous?
If there is nothing inherently wrong with being a homosexual, why would an entirely homosexual society cease to exist beyond a single generation?

Degenerates and liberals will take you on a wild chase through fallacious logic and appeals to emotion, but at the end of the day, the truth has always been our very first thought as children when we say gays.


Errors occur in nature all the time, and homosexuality is a perfect example of error. Somewhere in the brain of every homosexual a critical error has occurred. In what other situation is an error encouraged or rewarded as it is in homosexuality in today's media? You may ask yourself how this error affects you. The answer is simple. Homosexuality, despite what you are told to believe, can be indoctrinated. Why do you think the rate of children who "turn out" gay skyrockets in the presence of gay "parents"?

I got this. Only good thing on the (((Australian Broadcast Corporation)))

How is it redpilled? Mr. Potter isn't even a Jew.

bumping this again so I can get this image, it is honestly the best argument against faggotry I have ever seen.


You have my thanks. I appreciate it, I love using this image. I have yet to hear a single coherent refutation of its central points.

Can someone post the link to the book club Mega?

(Where the fuck is my book club thread)

he was jewish in my mind

Wtf does

well it should be pretty clear in context. the "t." goes before [whoever you are attributing your post to]
"man i really love cocks"
-t. some faggot

Divide and Conquer

A commie writing extensive novels about imagining freedom is a contradictory concept. I'd call him a left-libertarian.

JDownloader is a good one. Converts the video to webm or mp4 by itself.

Search the ADL for hate symbols tbh lad, there's tons of material right there. My choice would be black sun or trinacria (the NatSoc one, not the Sicilian one).

Does anyone have a good definition of "tactical nihilism"?


How am I doing?

You're doing ok. I backed you up. Just point out fallacies of leftism, but either be excited or concerned. Holodomor celebration threads etc.


I have now been on a paleo diet since I posted this thread.
My allergies are almost non existent, I've lost 10lbs, and my anxiety is really getting a lot better.
I can now eat most fruits and vegetables without much problem in my throat. Haza!

Yes, how does that have anything to do with it?

People raised in broken homes have shittier immune systems. This shit really matters.

Hey I'm the faggot bitching about reality in that thread. Don't overthink it.

How the fuck am I supposed to respond?

Just let me act dumb. I'm trying to point out that leftism doesn't work, but that leftists need to accept that for stupid moral reasons.

I got a leftypol ban so you won.

Here's my last censored post.

Use the archive.is search function, I'm sure you'll find some of those there.

I'm looking to start producing higher quality OC than just paint memes. Anyone have any links to graphic resources, particularly vectors of swastikas, black sun, etc.?

Addendum: If there is anywhere I can go where people can give requests for OC they want to see, please let me know. I can/want to make just about anything, its the lack of ideas that's holding me back.

How do I let her go?

do whatever is reasonably possible to cut off all contact. don't try to be her friend, disregard any delusions you may have that she might come to love you in the future.

she will NEVER feel the same way about you as you do about her. keep on with your life with optimism that you will find someone better. there's always someone better, someone who will love you back.

and most importantly:
keep your damn feels of the politics board you faggot

She already did. Focus on finding a tradwife to avoid this shit.

This isn't a question, but I don't feel it deserves its own thread so I'm going to post it here.

I had a buddy trying to get me to buy in to Star Citizen and play with him. I just about did it until I looked at the most recent patch videos on youtube.

EVERY SINGLE VIDEO showed a nigger as the only available playable character in Star Marine when previously a white model was the only one available.

I can only assume they caved to SJW demands to make the game more "diverse." And by "diverse" of course I mean "less white."

Thought this shit died with gamergate but apparently not.

Here's a video of some cuck celebrating the replacement because of "much needed diversity in the game."

And yeah I know it's alpha but why REMOVE A WHITE MODEL COMPLETELY and replace it with a nigger one only? Shouldn't they have more important things to do and worry about in a game's ALPHA phase?

According to Battlefield 1, the German army in WW1 was 3/5 black.

Glad I didn't buy that kikeshit either.

test please ignore my faggotry

test faggot strikes again

You know if you are going to test a proxy for shitposting you can make your own board, adjust the settings, and test to your heart's content without losing two proxies in the meantime because someone sees what you are doing and reports them.

DICE being unbearable swedes aside, it's a ton of fun and that's coming from someone who hasn't liked Battlefield after Bad Company 2. (fucking jets) I've put 342 hours into it so far so it absolutely passes the $1/hour test.

I've had a problem for the last decade where if I eat peanut butter while trying to swallow it, it feels like it pulls down on the top of my mouth and makes bubbles in the flesh that hurt. Like immediately.

I always assumed it had something to do with the texture or whatnot, but due to your post I looked into it some more and apparently I have developed an allergy (most likely).

Very strange. My grandfather developed an allergy to strawberries back in the 90's when they mass-introduced those hybrids that are gigantic and have the white centers. Flavorless shits

There are some other foods that cause the same reaction in my as peanut butter, but I can't remember now, I just remember that it has happened with other foods. Going to pay more attention to how foods affect me

Fun or not you shouldn't support that

So I was in the last thread asking about an actual science for what I suppose is only known as, 'voice-to-skull' or rather a means to make sound from far away reach the ear canal of someone so as to make it seem they are hearing a sound in their ear. There's an actual basis for this an user linked to little while ago. I don't remember the name for it but I was linked to this website 'www(.)thelivingmoon(.com)/45jack_files/03files/Sonic_Projection.html'

Which obviously isn't very good as you can see, and from what I remember. The user who linked it gave an actual source that seemed much more legitimate upon your first viewing of the page, and I believe the name for this starts with an 'a.'

I also have another question! Does any anons here know about the meme march to Syria? I recall someone bringing up that the leader called it off by saying it was merely a 'symbolic' thing and that they weren't actually going. I tried to google for it but even googling for the march isn't working for me. But I may just be retarded and not searching for the correct terms.

1) Does anyone have screenshot/archive of the thread where user postulates on origins and progression of fetishism and transexualism? He made a thread many months ago.

2) Are there any good (by that I mean accurate) movies on Greek myths?

Was Jesus Jewish?

I'm not sure this is what you're looking for but it's a mega of Holla Forums monthly reading compilations mega.nz/#F!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg

I think it is odl though

Is water wet?

I've typed TWO seperate messages for this thread now - the first (a revelation I had as I wrote it) about a mock-musician who is being assulted for his freedom of speech (and his subsequent red-pilling) for which I was told "Body is too long!" as well as my FIRST WebM's being almost 40mb in total and being told "IT MAY HAVE POSTED, LOL!" THANKS 8CH!!!!!

My second post involved belief in God and the Infinite possibility we possess, as the slowly emerging victors of this war of dark versus light!

This "body" was also "too long" and has since become a part of my book (blame 8ch for the extra 10 cents it will cost for the extra page now! lol)

Now I am trying to post a third comment, a simplified version of the first two, yet different. (Which perhaps one may conclude to be Kek or God or evolution, in any form or belief system. As is said in Doctor Strange "Not everything does (make sense). Not everything has to (make sense)."

My question is as such: What if the (((Illuminati))) was necessary? As light can have no meaning without darkness, so too, most of us would remain asleep without their evil.

If God is all knowing and therefore knows not what it is like to NOT KNOW TOMORROW, are we not merely imperfect creations dancing a preconceived drama?

Who are we to (((Gas the Kikes))) (Being used as an ALLUSION to whatever we call the triumph of truth and justice) - when it is all part of The Plan? I think the majority of people here pressure THEMSELVES too hard to come up with a memetic trinity, without considering that their life of work amounted to a shielding plate or a pressure sensor? We (yeah, I said WE) are all a part of something larger and if we simply rode the individual waves of our own lives, we would find ourselves able to contribute more than we could ever imagine, no matter how "small" it seems, let us all face the truth. We are stepping stones for the next generation.

This world will NEVER be "fixed" for "us", we don't get to rewind time and go back to high school and date that cute girl or our parents not being broke with public school system costs. We ONLY get to fix it for those we love who have yet to come.

If you cannot accept this, lurk (THINK, OBSERVE, LEARN) more fam. What if the (((Illuminati))) is as important as we are - we wake them up, they put them to sleep and in the end, the internal conflict awakens their soul? If we destroy the darkness, what is the purpose of light then?

Can we EVEN Destroy darkness? Or just usher in a utopian golden age where government cares about its OWN people and have a police force for those degenerate souls? If we defeat them, what do we do with the powerful truths they DO wield?

As the first civilian group to enter Area 51 after the fall of the US Government will have to question itself as to the fate of the UFO within (whether man or alien made) - we red-pills as a whole will have to ask and decide for everyone, what to do with meme-magic and the occult as a whole.

Are we just them, in the new age, hiding the esoteric - are we knowledge bringers - are we even worthy?

Though we play the long con - we have long been ignoring the game.

Anyone have a list of books to start learning about European Mythology?

Why is everyone always obsessed with their wages going up? Wouldn't it make more sense if they focused more on the cost of living going down instead and having more disposable income?

But user, if your wages go up, you'll have more money.

And if you raise minimum wages then EVERYONE has more money. Crazy! Why haven't we done this yet?!

I don't think I should have to point out this is a sarcastic post, but I do

Where did the thread go? It was here recently, and I don't see it in the catalog. The guy was afraid for his life since he had sent some data to the SEC or something. There was no conclusion, and now I can't find the thread. Is it there and I'm lame or is it gone?

Jew, yes; Pharisee, no. He publicly denounced the Pharisees on multiple occasions, and once beat a couple of them up and kicked them out of a temple. They responded by having Jesus tortured to death.
For the last 19 centuries or so, the only "jews" have been Pharisees/Phoenicians/Canaanites/whatever. They generally refer to themselves as "atheist jews" nowadays, although I suspect some of them drank their own Kool-Aid and really believe they are Jews. Even though that shouldn't be possible without the Temple, which was destroyed in 70 AD and never rebuilt. (They'll build hundreds of temples to Baal in a year, but the "jews" apparently could care less about the actual Jewish Temple. Maximum doublethink.)

This looks like the thread, though its name is different.

And I probably should've explained that I was parroting the response that the knights give to the protagonist of that book when he tries to explain that the people he's paying can buy more food with their wages even though they're paid less money.

Why do you guys hate Jews when most of Trump's cabinet and Putin's advisors are Jewish? Food for thought.

I agree with his policies, it's not like hillary didn't have jewish connections either

Actually i was referring to my own post, yours seemed perfectly fine

Who is the author of these and where can I find more? If he has a patreon, it's probably the first one I'd consider giving money to.

Trump is a stepping stone. He's not the end goal.

You forgot xenestrogens.

If you are attempting to avoid xenoestrogen exposure, here is a list of substances to avoid. I compiled this from many sources and it’s the most complete list on the Internet. Xenoestrogen contributes to “excess estrogen” or “estrogen dominance”.

The short answer is to go as organic and “green” as you can.


* Commercially-raised, non-organic meats such as beef, chicken, and pork

* Commercial dairy products including milk, butter, cheese, and ice cream – Use only organic products that do not contain bovine growth hormone

* Unfiltered water, including water you bathe in – Use reverse-osmosis filtered water such as Dazani or get your own filter

* Laundry detergent – Use white vinegar, baking soda, or tri-sodium phosphate (TSP)… According to some experts, avoid even the Seventh Generation and Eco brands

* Dryer sheets and fabric softeners – Use white vinegar is a marvelous natural fabric softener, no smell after it dries

* Avoid Primpro, DES, Premarin, Cimetidine (Tagamet), Marijuana, and Birth Control Pills (BCPs are often prescribed FOR endo. Talk to your doctor).

* Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)

* Progesterone creams or other lotions made with paraben preservatives

* Soy

* Ground flaxseed – If you’re looking for the Omega-3 effect, use fish oil instead

* No sunflower oil, no safflower oil, no cottonseed oil, no canola oil – Use olive oil or grapeseed oil

* Avoid Tea tree oil (melaleuca) – I know, I love tea tree oil, this one is tough

* No lavendar oil

* Avoid coffee and caffeine

* Sage and rosemary

* Shampoos, lotions, soaps, cosmetics that contain paraben or phenoxyethanol – Almost all contain them, you have to look far and wide. Be diligent, you’re getting hundreds of times more exposure through your skin than through your diet. So far, I’ve found Kiss My Face brands to be okay.

* Shampoos that purposely include estrogen (these are shampoos that cater to the African-American market)

* Avoid reheating foods in plastic or styrofoam containers

* Avoid drinking out of plastic cups and containers

* Air fresheners that contain pthalates

Avoid naturally occurring plant estrogens:

* Coffee

* Clover, red clover tea, alfalfa sprouts

* Sunflower seeds

* Queen Anne’s lace (wild carrot)

* Pomegranate – The Greeks used this plant as a contraceptive!

* Dates

* Fennel

* Licorice, red clover, yucca, hops (beer) and motherwort

* Bloodroot, ocotillo, mandrake, oregano, damiana, pennyroyal, verbena, nutmeg, tumeric, yucca, thyme, calamus rt., red clover, goldenseal, licorice, mistletoe, cumin, fennel, chamomile, cloves


* 4-Methylbenzylidene camphor (4-MBC) (sunscreen lotions)

* butylated hydroxyanisole / BHA (food preservative)

* atrazine (weedkiller)

* bisphenol A (monomer for polycarbonate plastic and epoxy resin; antioxidant in plasticizers) – also known as BPA

* dieldrin (insecticide)

* DDT (insecticide)

* endosulfan (insecticide)

* erythrosine / FD&C Red No. 3

* heptachlor (insecticide)

* lindane / hexachlorocyclohexane (insecticide)

* methoxychlor (insecticide)

* nonylphenol and derivatives (industrial surfactants; emulsifiers for emulsion polymerization; laboratory detergents; pesticides)

* polychlorinated biphenyls / PCBs (in electrical oils, lubricants, adhesives, paints)

* phenosulfothiazine (a red dye)

* phthalates (plasticizers)

* DEHP (plasticizer for PVC)

Here is another list from Dr. Peter Eckhart, MD:

1. Do not heat food or water with plastic in the microwave. Do not drink hot liquids in foam styrofoam cups or receptacles.

2. Change your laundry detergent because it cannot be fully washed from the clothes and can be absorbed through the skin. Do NOT use dryer sheets or fabric softener.

3. Do not use anything on the skin with parabens or phenoxyethanol in them. This includes shampoo, soap, makeup, hand lotion, body lotion, and toothpaste. Oral substances are 90% filtered by the liver. Skin-absorbed substances are 100% absorbed by the body, thus, a skin dose is 10 times an oral dose.

4. Avoid coffee. Avoid decaf coffee. No caffeine. No tea. No colas. Caffeine increases estradiol levels by 70%!

5. No sunflower oil, no safflower oil, no cottonseed oil, no canola oil. (Guess that leaves olive oil).

6. Avoid shampoos that are “rich in hormones” and have estrogen added to them.

7. Avoid estrogenic herbs especially TOPICALLY such as sage and rosemary. (Good to know coming up on Thanksgiving!)

8. Avoid weak estrogens such as soy and ground flax seed.

9. Many sunscreens are estrogenic. Use a hat and long sleeved shirt.

10. Use cosmetics with minerals or grapefruit seed extract as a preservative.


Counter memes on kikebook or something. Leftist fags are trying to co opt it but keep failing tho.

If youre getting 100x more exposure through cosmetics then why worry about the amount of it in your food?

What is a good way to respond to people that say Americans aren't inherently White, and therefore don't have the identitarian movement?

They're called 'Smuggies' and the end half of this album has a few for you

America was invented by white people based on white values and culture. Up until the end of the civil war, citizens of the legal entity called the U.S. were 90-something percent white, which would be an ethnostate by modern standards. We gave the niggers citizenship mainly as compensation for enslaving them, not because we considered them to be "American" and because (((certain people))) didn't want to send them back to Africa. From that point until around the 1980s, America was still around 90% white, so you'd really have to reach to say it wasnt a white country back then. It wasn't until the spics started flooding in in massive numbers that the demographics started collapsing like they are today. If someone says America isnt white and they are obviously too young to remember the 70s, then their opinion is pretty much irrelevant. If they are old enough and they still think that, then they've probably drunk so much kool-aid that nothing you say to them will change their minds anyway.

Forgive my ignorance, but how can I see a record of what mods do on this board?

Is there value in eating Kosher?–from a standard health perspective, but also wanting to avoid preservatives, additives, poor nutrients, xenoestrogens, and other jewish shenanigans with our food.

directed at you too.


Considering that it's pretty much impossible to get around the business world without a phone, is it better to have a landline or a cell phone? I'm not talking about any specific brands; don't just tell me that landlines are better cause Apple is shit.

Thanks user.

Trying to get an answer from a lawfag and you guys are my bros.
I'm seriously considering law school. I have the mentality and background that would succeed. I know I'm smart enough but haven't taken the step after being denied grad admission in a different field out of college.
I've pirated some old tests and books, what resources helped the most? How hard are the Logic Games compared to the analytical stuff? I want to absolutely ace the LSAT, for some fat dollar amounts, so how did LSAT score help or hinder not just admission, but grants/scholarships? Assuming I score 90th percentile or more, would it be worth settling for a shittier school for better grants, or if I can suffer some hardship, will a Jewier school pay off much better when the time comes to get a job?
I'm semi-oldfag with young children, and concerned with how to provide for them while working on the JD since full-time classes restrict employment. How have people gone thorough this without independent wealth?

landline is more secure, but inconvenient as you can't bring it around with you. the time between someone calling you and you receiving the message can be a critical difference.

cell phones are less secure, not private at all, but very convenient. anyone can try to contact you at any time and you'll generally be right there. always assume, however, that the phone is recording your conversations/actions when it's in your presence. if you dont want [place cell company here] selling your private info to advertisers and the NSA, pull the battery out.

Lawfag here.

Just don't go to law school.

Not even because it's overrun with Jews (which it is) but because you're simply too old. No matter how good your grades are no one is going to give you an internship which is necessary to practice. Biglaw firms take people straight out of college and the younger you are, the better, as this means they can mold you better and manipulate you better into becoming an amoral paper pusher.

If you don't want to do biglaw, don't even consider law school, because shitlaw pays, well, like shit.

we've been meme'n that pewdiepie might be on of us. in his recent video at 2m22s he is watching a webm. does anyone know which *chan that was from? i checked 4/gif/ since that is their only board w/ webm sound instead of browing the hundreds of boards on here. found nothing. (posting in this thread to not shit up board)

/ring some info on the trump curse, shit like patton cucky oswald or whatever wife and other shit, pretty sure i had an img saved but cant find it

I am very new here, so I'm sorry if this is a retarded question, im still learning:

I have dark brown hair and hazel eyes (Mostly brown with a little bit of green throughout) and pale white skin.

My father is german/celtic/something else perhaps– he has black hair, and brown eyes

My mother is Russian/Celtic with light brown hair and hazel eyes

As i said, my skin is very pale, and I, along with everyone else in my family bloodline, has the physical characteristics of white european people structurally, but brown eyes/hazel eyes is dominant in my family, as is brown hair, the only exception being my father whose hair was black.

We also all have high IQ's, so

my question is: though I'm an american born euro-mutt, am I still considered good genetically?

If Holla Forums were to have its way in society, would I be encouraged by society to reproduce?

Search for Tino Sanandaji, economist with turk/kurd alibi so semi-allowed to be semi-based. He does good work, he has intellectual integrity.


random quote:

You are great user. Don't worry. You are condemned to be teased by shitposters at most.

He has a production team that may have slipped that in there. Do you honestly think he makes all his videos just sitting around in front of a webcam and edits it all himself?

Besides, he promised he'd delete his account once he hit 50m subscribers. He lied.

I am looking for a certain image or explaination I saw on the business lifecycle of going from national to global and back to national level again. Basically the owner starts off doing all the work, then decides he wants some help so hires workers. Eventually he hires more people and does only paper-work side, then he will hire a manager and basically just rack in the income. Eventually a board is hired to deal with stocks etc until the original owner is kicked out with a nice retirement fee. But I don't remember the rest of the cycle, or more specifically how it gets back to national level again (something like the business is divided up again as it spreads globally) Halp please?

Thanks for the reply. I'm attempting to write a book that started as a general history book of Sweden, but has taken a turn towards being solely about the governmental policies of the last 2-3 decades and the subsequent decay of Sweden. I've watched a podcast containing Nima Sanadaji who is Tino's younger brother and he definitely knows what he's talking about.

What does Holla Forums think of self-driving cars? Aren't they a danger to our liberties because they might create a network of dependence to the company that made the car or to the government that decide where the car can or cannot go?

Does anyone remember the name of a a very redpilled book on homosexuality that was posted here on pol some time in the last few months? I started reading it but lost it and can't remember the name. It started with the history of "gay" rights with the banning of sodomy in Germany around 1870. It talked about how faggots first pretended they were a feminine third gender, "Uranians", which was rejected by a more masculine gay group who had their own opposing pro-gay movement. One of the groups had a gay magazine that included CP or something of that nature. It did an excellent job exposing how gay and pedophile rights used to be synonymous, and of how gays only distanced themselves from pedophilia so they could get gay rights passed first as a stepping stone to ultimately legalize and normalize pedophilia.

I'm ashamed to ask but I cannot remember.

How did I link to one thread in another thread?

Is it >>> or >> followed by thread id?

And how did I link to another borad say /k/


Is peeing while sitting down a "good goy" thing?

In EU all cars by 2020 must have a GPS system from the factory to (((call))) emergency services in case an accident happens.


Yes. Kosher is better.

It's a push to take away one of the last of the manly arts and replace it with faggy "transportation solutions" that you lease from car companies. They've been doing this shit in degrees.

A recent step was normalizing faggy automatic front transaxle cars that make any kind of spirited driving unsafe. This was to get people to forget how to drive. Now apparently they put locks on engine compartments and you can't do your own oil changes. Taking away transportation freedom entirely is the next goal.

It's entirely to take away your pride. Don't give in to that shit.

With Trump we have an unexpected chance to hit back. Must meme it, somehow.

I propose something like with guns in Switzerland, mandating that every man over 16 has to own a car with a carburetor, stick shift, and a longitudinal powertrain. Possibly with subsidies for Ford and Nissan to make it happen.

Does anyone have the webm where Obama's a school teacher punishing all the white kids and then everything falls apart so he starts bitching about his legacy and wants to burn the school down, so he tries to get a match from grounds keeper Putin but he tells obama to fuck off then they fight over putins cigarette until trump walks in and stomps it out?
because that webm seems very fitting for this thread:

Does anyone have evidence that Himmler disagreed with genocide? I remember reading a quote about him where he spoke of improving the slavic people, but also claimed that genocide was unthinkable.

Anyone has that screencap of user deconstructing the format of John Oliver's show and explaining it to a friend? It could come in handy right now.

How would Holla Forums suggest I approach a young German woman with a pozzed attitude toward migrants in general? I don't need advice for how to progress the romance, but she works as a refugee assistant in South Africa or something, and I don't know how to mete the redpills so that she won't choke. She was born and raised in Bayern, and apart from an (((inspired))) desire to help all those in need, she's a great gal. What do you recommend, Holla Forums?

/r/ing the pic of trump karma, where the people who criticize trump and his followers end up with terrible fates.

thanks fampai

any /bmw/bros here?
can anybody tell me about the memex?
apparently it was the precursor to the modern internet and its creator came up with the name "at random"
lain makes a brief reference to it as well

Toppest of keks. This isn't a question, but I figure it's worth a small peep somewhere on the board.
Pic related, leftypol mod is finally starting to figure out why the woman must "post tits or gtfo."


she's infected, don't waste time

Don't try to "win" any argument with her. Don't concede either, though.

What you want to do is talk to her in honesty, without a shred of demagoguery, about why you disagree (or at least the PC versions of why you disagree). When she starts talking about her views, quietly and honestly listen to what she has to say. Respond with a well thought out, easy to understand counter. Let the disagreement be clear but don't let it get in the way of your relationship.

If she starts to get mad, here's a cookie cutter phrase you can basically recite verbatim:

Does anyone have a link to the track of Unchained Melody that's overlayed with quotes from Ann Coulter talking about Trump and immigration? It was somewhere on Soundcloud.

Nevermind, got it:
https:// soundcloud.com/user-388810866-616684856/trump-coulter-2016

Is there an alternative to Holla Forums now? I hate running away to a new chan, but unlike rapefugees, we can't kill our invaders. I had a thread open on my kIkephone for a few days and just looked at it today, the thread has already been deleted, but the majority of posts had
and a complete lack of knowledge of the JQ.
Can we get ride of normalfag redditors or do we wait until it gets so bad that we need a crippled faggot to make us a new place to go to? do we have to increase by x2 or is it +4 every time?)

Reddit spacing isn't a thing.
Spacing like that has been commonplace on halfchan for several years, the "reddit spacing" meme started earlier this year.

Conclusion: people bitching about reddit spacing is D&C shilling combined with outsiders attempting to look like insiders by repeating the things the shills say.

A bunch of altchans have crept out of the woodwork though, the most popular (to the extent of my knowledge) is endchan.xyz.

Does anyone have that image that shows the Wikipedia summaries that says

Evil white supremacy!

Redditspacing was a D&C meme, for the most part.

Like so many other modern technologies (like smartphones that learn your calendar and contacts and home and workplace and suggest very intelligent routes etc) it's a very cool technology that will be used against the users.

What is a program or way to track your calendar and to-do lists?

I want to use something that would allow me to set a routine with a proper timetable and alarms to keep track of college, gym, vidya, sturdies and money making endevours.

gotchu fam

In what way can Kyubey be considered a warning with regards to Jews?

Pic related just happened and his kike partner 1938loren has been suspended from twitter. Did anyone catch the kikes last tweets before suspension? It's been a couple days since I checked his feed but he was being even kikier than usual.

sauce on Loren when he was kiking out


I'm regretting taking a twitter break last week, this drama is fantastic. Thanks to whoever captured these.

Why are people saying TRS instead of JIDF likes its always been. Are the Jews behind this?

Of course. JIDF, alphabets and goons always take over moderation positions and then either censor or start dividing and conquering. The same has happened here. A new Holla Forums has arisen elsewhere. And the cycle shall repeat.


This one might deserve it's own thread, but I'll post it here first:

What exactly is the de facto difference between Jews and Muslims? Seems to me like radical Muslims act pretty much the exact same way as ultra-orthodox Jews, and "moderates" of either religion don't really speak ill of it, and build them up whereever they can. They also seem to have the same doctrine. Pedophilia is fine. Pork is the devil. Etc.

So what is the difference?

I would take a step further

What exactly is the de facto difference between Jews and Muslims and Christians and a dog?

the difference: well you can trust some dogs.

Offer a hint m8?

I love how you accuse moderation of DnC, while spreading the fake tale about how pol need to spred itself even thinner eternally.

I come from volafiles.io rooms and the both biggest, Holla Forumsideo games and /g/ have about 20~40 polocks intere, that is a bunch of polocks and they post mostly there and secondarily here and halfchan, it makes me wonder how much bigger the board would be and how much more OC if we didn't keep special snowflaking away. people on twitter aint afraid of posting their faces on webms for example.

how many other pockets of pol even is out there? twiiter seem to be other place filled with inter/pol/ with no contact to 8 or 4. how big even is pol and how could we ever work together.

From my current knowledge, I would say that muslims in general want an entire world where everyone is muslim (Dar-al Islam = House of Islam, I believe) where supposedly all wars will magically stop and there will be unfettered peace on earth. Considering even muslims can't agree on what 'true' islam is (ie. Sunni, Shia and subsequent offshoots…) chances of this happening are non-existent.
In short, Islam wants world domination where everyone is muslim and aren't generally aren't afraid to let people know it. They can use taqiyya (lying to the infidel) to progress their goals if need be.

Jews, in their own words, are 'god's chosen people'. Their scripture claims goys are cattle and vastly different from what a jew is. You can't properly convert to judaism, as judaism to them is an ethnicity. This is where it can get tricky, as they claim to be white when it suits them, but are semitic when they need minority protection. They sometimes claim judaism is just a religion when it suits, but in jewish circles they all know it's ethnicity based. Their scripture states that each jew will have 1,400 (I think it was 1,400, I know it was in quadruple figures anyway) goyim slaves.
Jews want to dominate the world where they have special status above the goys whom are nothing but slaves/cattle, existing only for the benefit of the jews. Unlike muslims, they're quite subversive about the whole domination issue, probably partly due to the many instances in the talmud where they're not supposed to reveal any such plans to the goy.

Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but that's where I stand on the issue.

That's broad strokes, but it seems like they are just sneaky Muslims.

I'm looking for something a little more concrete. What is the difference between Halal and Kosher? Neither can eat pork. But can Muslims eat shellfish?

I suspect that they are more similar to each other than they are to Christians, especially western Christians.

what in the name of flaming fuck is the TRS, redpill an eurofag

"The Right Stuff"

Some kind of alt-right deal. Never really paid them any mind.

You're looking for big differences between muslims and jews when they're quite similar. Both want different forms of world domination, and jews being 'sneaky muslims' isn't such a bad way of describing them.
Halal and kosher are similar - both require the creature to be killed by a cut throat and drained of blood. Halal foods mustn't contain pork products or birds of prey. Kosher has to be from a creature with a cloven hoof which also chews cud (or some bullshit along those lines).

I'm not looking to D&C the board and I hate threads that turn into a religious clusterfuck, but Islam, Christianity and Judaism are all traced back to the semitic region and Judaism predates Christianity and Judaism.

yaas pls
t. occasional posting oldfag not in the loop

halfchan Holla Forums has been shilled to death ever since RWSS. A lot of people are loyal to it for name recognition and nostalgia but everyone seems to realize Hiroshimoot is intent on neutering it. There should be potential to work together if it keeps going this way.

RE D&C that's all fine, but Christians don't slavishly follow their doctrine. They don't kill people when their book demands it, etc. They leave the religious judgement up to God, and thus have a lot more room to tolerate non-Christians, for better or for worse.

If there were REAL fundamentalist Christians in the world, they would look a lot like ISIS/Ultra-orthodox Jews. But there aren't. Even the most extreme Christians are extremely moderate.

I'm looking for that one YouTube debate between Holla Forums and some other based guy who talked about BLM niggers, after which Holla Forums got buttmad as all hell and locked the thread that discussed it.

Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

I though that was some new Correct the record

I need a few acronyms explained

Theres probably more but those are the ones that I dont know their meaning offhand

When put together, those three terms almost sound like they could be coming straight from Billy Cosby. HIP HOP BIPPITY BOP HAWHAWHAW

MGTOW=Men Going Their Own Way.
Some fags that realised how fucked up modern women are, and decided not to engage with them anymore.

Who is a Jew?
Nazi Germany considered until the grandparents.
What degree of jewness does a people must have to be consired a jew for pol?

It's a very late reply. Have you tried a meat only diet for a few days?

We are way past "accuse", lurk the fuck moar. 8/pol/ exists because we ditched co-opted moderation on halfchan. To not have consensus on when to ditch it again (protip: now) just shows how many newfags have drowned out the first exodus. This is the only reply of this nature I will make because this is one of the few good threads and I don't want to shit it up.

Go to the bunker, read the stickies. Any mention of it here gets deleted. Sound familiar?

Is there any way saving a .jpg or .png or whatever could create computer/internet security issues? I don't need any MTDs.

What makes something degenerate? If we lived in anime world, without any threat of poz or unwanted pregnancies, would interracial fucking still be degenerate? If bodies could be swapped between genders at a whim and have it true down to the last chromosome, what about that? Is degeneracy about unwelcome consequences or is there something objectively wrong with these behaviors regardless of outcome?

George Washington was right: Canaanites ("jews" and muslims) should be wiped off the face of the earth for the good of mankind. They're child molesters, and killing child molesters is mercy killing, not murder.

those are some gay questions but I liked your pic

I've been reading the Culture novels by Iain Banks, so the Holla Forums-acceptability of the Culture's, well, culture, has been on my mind lately.

fucking with imagery for lulz, what should put in the bg to give this picture some Holla Forums flavor

Here's a reply from a similar question on a site called "superuser":

However, there are ways to protect against this – for example, such websites as (((Imgur))) automatically process all uploads with pngcrush or similar tools, which drop anything that's not absolutely required.
But in the end, data exchange cannot be prevented. Aside from the aforementioned image steganography, you have Twitter and its clones, dozens of pastebins (in which incomprehensible posts are considered fairly normal), comment forms of old blog posts (I'm still trying to remember the book this was suggested in), … more realistically, most malware will simply contact their "own" servers."

Does anyone know of any good books or anything on Afrikaner nationalism, the Broederbond, or just Afrikaner literature in general? Can't really find anything outside of marxists and such.

shameless seizure bump

thinly veiled TRS slide thread

It's time to stop posting.

I suppose this could be worth a thread too but… why was the "nordic welfare state" tried in the first place? We in Nordic countries didn't have any niggers, no foreigners at all when we implemented it so feeding them is not the quick answer.

Did (((they))) create the welfare system to prepare for the upcoming third world invasion and white genocide?

Are there any decent English books about South America that aren't chock full of lies?

Who or what is TRS?

It was because it was absurd to watch kids go hungry because dad was an alcoholic… and for the first time in history, everyone had more than enough to eat. It was difficult to watch an pregnant woman live on the streets because she was kicked out by her parents … when housing was so easy to make.

Same reason as any welfare state: it worked because when you start, the only people who need it are the ones who really can't sort their shit out, and when you have a big surplus of energy its easy.
Then you get second-handers taking over and making everything about continuing (and expanding) the bureaucracy, you get perverse incentives to encourage people to use the system, like any welfare system.

Sweden's problem is that genetically it's been so isolated that they lost most of your ingroup preferences and clannishness. Add cheap travel and (((guilt-tripping))) and you're ripe for takeover.

Tox is Jewed. You'll get v&

Does anyone have the image that some user posted a while back explaining fascism and its true meaning? Thanks in advance.

Is there any correlation between degeneracy (as defined by leftist/SJW beliefs, sexual immorality, recreational drug use, etc.) and wealth (of course with a few statistical anomalies like the god-emperor)?

I ask because it seems like most big businesses that are colossally successful and many rich/famous people are so quick to espouse whatever bullshit narrative the (((MSM))) and ZOG want them too. But that leads into the question should Holla Forumsacks and whites avoid striving for big wealth- and rather just aim for enough to supply a comftorable standard of living for yourself and you family?

Does anyone have that image with evidence that PJW fucked Blaire White?

when did the jews really begin to infiltrate the us gov't? i'm aware they've been present in britain for a long while(rothschilds). the central bank and banks in general a tool used by jews, and about half a century after jackson got rid of the central bank, woodrow wilson brought in the federal reserve, a federal income tax, and he appointed the first kike to the supreme court. i'm thinking that's when it really started.

spoiler that shit next time, user

I don't know who the fuck either of those people ate.

This came up a lot in the Paulbot days. Real lolbertarians would tell you that Adam Smith and the other important philosophers of the Scottish Enlightenment always believed the Christian ethics system was necessary for free markets to work. Hume was an atheist and even agreed on that.

Basically anyone who amasses that much wealth is an example of failed free markets, these people lack the moral compulsion to invest in their fellow countrymen and don't use their wealth for voluntary charity or societal improvement. For whatever reason this has been forgotten now that natsoc is the predominent ideology, but where I think Ron Paul was wrong is that America lacks the cultural substance for true libertarianism to ever be practical.

more like hidden niggers amirite?

This pic is pretty much cancer incarnate, but who the fuck are these people? Several of them look familiar, but I can't quite put my finger on who they are.

What is TRS?

KEK, does my brother belong on Holla Forums?

Guy below Milo is Martin Shkreli.
Guy next to Harambe is Oswald Mosley.


Is there significance to oak trees in general, or are there just some individual important ones?

Mandeville is interesting because he never got into historical specifics and you can make him fit a lot of ideologies. He's definitely compatible with Smith, but he's also compatible with 1980's Greed Is Good economic thinking. The question is how you spent the wealth if you aren't sitting on it; is Gordan Gecko enough or do you have to invest in community businesses and cultural projects like the Mormons?

Jew loving and Faggot loving controlled opposition

When did they show up?
What exactly have they done?

I've been gone since pizzagate first started.

BC the john Oliver thread was shoah'd, I'll drop the happy merchant memes I was making …..

Not a question but a self reminder.

Pretty soon, unix timestamps are going to reach a special number. This also falls inline with the Chinese Fire Cock year (starts January 28, 2017).

The Fire Rises

ok Holla Forums what would come from auditing the federal reserve, is that a step toward abolishing it?
I guess what would ultimately happen.

You know how critics of the EU are always talking about the European Central Bank? The Fed is our equivalent. It distributes money to banks which is what is meant by controlling liquidity, that allows them to devalue the dollar and artificially control interest rates. The Fed also makes deals with foreign governments for political reasons. Auditing the Fed would let us see what tricks they've been pulling to influence U.S. politics and foreign policy.

Seeing those tricks pulled by the Fed would prove the system is rigged and if enough people realize it that could generate public sentiment to abolish the Fed. It would also let Trump show that Obama was trying to artificially pump up the economy to elect Hillary and would protect him politically from an engineered market crash. The reason Ron Paul wanted to be on the Fed's board of governors was so that he could make sure the audit was on the up and up.

I would love to have Ron Paul in a position like that.

He is the one who woke me up in the first place.

I hope we can End the fed before he is gone.

Thank you kindly sir.

Cybernazi has been blocked in pretty much the entirety of europe.
I fail to find him on soundcloud, but I know he's there.
Does someoe have the link?

Does anyone know where I can find a text-to-speech generator to try my hand at making a new Moonman hit?
The only place I've found is wizzardsoftware. com/text-to-speech-sdk.php
Seems like a giant pain in the ass to save audio from there, also sounds a bit off from what I remember.

Is King Trode from Dragon Quest Pepe?

What does the anchor icon mean on some threads in catalog ? Thanks

I think mods declared the thread is shit and bumping won't raise its place in the catalog. anybody?

Correct. It's a bumplock.

I am going to be starting a t-shirt company reflecting values of white nationalism.

Up to this point I've just put out trendy t-shirts to make profit but I'm tired of that and it is not where my efforts should be.

I want to donate some of the proceeds to a good, reputable, Holla Forums approved charity (United states based)
Is there anyone who knows of a solid charity?

Did anybody watch the TS debate?
Thoughts on it?
I'm pretty much a communist now

Hitler dubs. Noice.

Donate it to in house aid, nothing like "KKK: DEATH TO BLACKS DONATION" as they're mostly CIA/FBI owned. Better to find a local charity within your area that supports people and community

Did anyone archive the Nationalist Synthwave thread? I was interested in some tunes and it 404ed.

Birthday dawns a new era. Prophetic.

I'm approximately 1/4 Scottish, 1/4 English, 1/4 German, 1/4 Austrian-Hungarian. I also apparently have a tiny bit of Native American somewhere in there according to my grandpa. Though not enough that anyone in my family, even as far back as my grandparents, has any features that would indicate it. I'm 6'4", naturally athletic but slim, have brown wavy hair, green/hazel eyes, a very strong jaw, straight teeth, straight English/German looking nose with a bump on the bridge, generally European features, IQ around 120-140 depending on the test. Vision is only about 20/40 though and I get all kinds of skin and digestion problems if I eat any junk, but no actual allergies or diet restrictions like lactose intolerance or that gluten bullshit. So my question is…

On a scale of mongrel to Aryan, how white am I?

I'm only like half shit posting here. I am genuinely curious what the consensus is.

You're white. Race is coherent, you can see it. The rest is ribbing

Has it ever been confirmed if this guy is one of us?

What you are describing does not exist.

He's posted here many time. Lurk moar.

If you're part indian you're not white, but it's been so diluted that it's probably unrecognizable to any serious extent.

I only consider white as someone whose roots come from historic europe only.

Didn't mean to add sage, btw.

Is Merkel a good goy or a scheming hebe?


Can someone post the arguing with jews.jpg? I need to make a TRS edit

By Hitler dubs, it's official. Guess I'll go preheat the oven.

What are some points I could make against the retarded idea that "Russia" "hacked" the election?

I'm a neet that is getting into the second half of my twenties. I've started several study courses (the first one was an arts study course), spent a year being a neet here and there and trying and failing to get even a minimum wage job. Right now, my chance to study right again expired, and my life is in front of nothing. I'm for the most part a newfag and only really had the rough political awakening with goymergay, and fizzled away from it when it was neutered.

I think I have some psychological problem, but I don't know where to go with it. I start studying, but I fail at continuously working and organizing. Any place I live at, be it a flat or at my family's, becomes a mess, every time I try to do sports, I fail at keeping at it continuously. And when during my studies, trouble shows up, I have this problem where I instead of tackling the problem head on, consciously avoid it, making it worse and worse, until I first only leave the house to hang around and distract myself, and eventually barely get out of bed at all, and even then, only to sit on a computer or a laptop.

I really do want to study and earn myself a living, but this happens again and again, and I don't know what to do, or where to go. I'm at a dead end. I don't know what to do.

On top of it comes everything that relates to this place. Even if I work hard and get a degree, who's to say that there will magically be a job waiting at the end of that? I feel like in a mix between the main character of an rpg, but stuck in the character creation screen for eternity. I don't even want a field that I genuinely enjoy, or that interests me, I just want to know where to go, where work is actually rewarded with money. And I want to know how I can be a hard-working, self-improving fellow. I sometimes genuinely think about leaving for some rapefugee center, to give myself a shitskin name and try to sneak myself one of those engineer jobs that the gov officials are desperately trying to talk those savages into taking. I'm desperate. Tell me, Holla Forums, what is wrong with me and how can I change it? I've seen so much shit at this point, I don't trust any professionals enough to ask a psychokike.

The first thing you should default to is that if there was any evidence, it probably would have been made public by now.

Alternatively: even if Russia was responsible, they did a good thing by exposing DNC corruption.

vid tangentially related.

Does anyone know anything about the Center for Syncretic Studies?

I live in Ontario and want to attend Trumps inauguration. Thing is I would go a lone and drive all the way to Washington. I have a head on my shoulder and am not stupid to drive through nigger areas, but would I generally be safe and is it worth it? I really want to attend, It's a long drive both ways and I'll be going alone.

I also need a cover up story, I thought of pitching the idea to my parents that I'm going for a workshop in New york state for carpentry or welding. They'll ask why there and I don't know what to say. I only have a short time to prepare, it's in a few days.

In the context of this board, what does "goon" mean?

Gook unrelated.

Goons are SJW filth from the Something Awful Forums. They have a 17 year history of fucking with people online and feeling morally superior about it.

The old lady behind Moonman is Ursula Haverbeck

Why would a goon have a memesword if they hate anime?

The questions in this thread are entirely uneducated and wholly unworthy.
For those of you lurking, Please visit the MP4 thread And Discussions regarding: NatSoc, Current events, State of the Board ( a good place to practice shill-spotting )
Oh, wait I forgot something,,,


riddle me this.

if you cum inside chad's dickhole, and then he proceeds to fuck your crush and end up impregnating her with YOUR child.

who cucked who?


Also related question. What does the media mean by 'Hack'? Because it's a scare word that isn't really descriptive of what I've seen. Russia leaked info about DNC corruption and possibly spread a disinfo 'fake news' campaign, but neither of those are really 'hacking the election'. Never heard anyone say they fucked with voting machines at all.

Podesta fell for a phishing scam. He got a message that told him to update his email client and to put his login information into a box. Like an idiot, he gave his password out to whoever sent him the message and the person who got the password used it to log in with full access to his emails.

Technically you cucked him. Because part of the origin of cuckoldry originating from the cuckoo bird is that the male replaces the fertilized eggs of its adversary with that of its own. So though chad fucked your crush, its still your children being born despite him assuming he would be the one having children with this women.
TL;DR you cucked chad

my riddle….foiled.

it sure went to that folder, thanks for the free rare pepe, sucker.

back to you hugbox trs

I'm asking one of you who has far more talent than I to make some Moonman covers of John Skelton's medieval rap.

Why do everyone want the Ice Age to come?

how do I deal with being redpilled and living in chicago? I want to find more like minded people but there's so few. and unfortunately I can't pick up and move. are there any organizations I should check out or something?

I think dailystormer has a book club or something in most big cities. If you are a Christian, many Churches will probably have a few like-minded people(don't know how liberal your local Churches will be though).

If you have friends, just casually mention a few of your views to them to see how receptive they are. If they aren't evil commie bastards you should be able to find at least some common ground.

Has anyone heard back from their applications to the Trump transition team?

If I am rich then I would fund the teleportation gadget for you m8.

there's a youtube e-celeb that goes by 'Sargon of Akkad' who is clearly a Holla Forumsack. Anyone know which mongolian throatsinging website he frequents?

Anybody got good resources for learning Ancient Greek? I already got the alphabet down, just need some good vocabulary and grammar ones.

Do we need the militarised apartheid system in Australia?

Apartheid of which group? Sealing the aboriginals in the NT isn't going to help the chink problem in Melbourne

Are there any copies of wartime NatSoc newspapers?

I'm especially interested in how the Germans viewed the Winter War given how they had the non-aggression pact with Soviet Union. Did they still side with us Finns or rather keep low reportage of the whole conflict?


need some stats on kids raised by single mothers like crime rate.

here's an old one
Still searching for more recent ones, but all that I can find are the type that require registration or payment for anything other than the abstract.

Holla Forums has shown me the truth behind jewish and zionist plots, and the truth about hitler and the nazi party..
I recently watched TGSNT as strongly recommended by most here.

There was something in the documentary that stood out to me:

150,000 people with jewish blood fought for the reich, risking their lives for the type of society that we here desire…many were in commanding ranks.

I understand being anti-jew, and anti-zionism, I understand the truth about all this. But it got me thinking, and I'm hoping someone can explain because this is an honest question:
Why is there a "no good jew" mentality on Holla Forums when Hitler himself clearly did not believe this. I see many people who, in my admitted naivety and newness to all this, are doing excellent work and are certainly assisting at advancing us towards our cause, like Molyneux for example, and yet I always see people on here echo his name because his mother is jewish, and thusly proclaim him controlled op, not to be trusted, or irrelevant.

Is pol as a whole just more intense than hitler, for lack of a better word?


Put it simply: Hitler didn't gas the jews. Holla Forums on the other hand says "Holocaust didn't happen but it should have". Hitler was a good guy, we're the maniacs.

I personally want all the jews to go to isreal where they hopefully will be killed by mudslimes in the future. They just don't belong in European countries.

He's an ignorant shitlib. He only gets called right-wing because he hates SJWs. I doubt he reads any version of Holla Forums.

A few years ago, I could Google factual statistics and collect accurate information with ease. Now, I've noticed a change, now when I Google something pertaining to say, gun control, I get three pages of mainstream media and Huffington Postesque bullshit written by some nobody on a blog.

What are some reliable search engines besides Jewgle?

Sargon is a liberal, and is definitely not a Holla Forumsock.
Cocky narcissism and a British accent doesn't make you red pilled. He describes himself as a classical liberal. I subscribed to him a long time ago because on his points on feminism and SJWs in general until I started watching the rest of his videos.

To answer your question, Reddit.


Just started up on a dating app and while I'm weeding out non-whites, how the hell does a autistic guy ever advertise themselves to women online?

What dating apps are you using user?

Also, are you literally autistic? Or just figuratively.

Dating sites are utter bullshit and they don't work. I've never met any married couples ages 20-30 that met on a dating site. It just doesn't happen. Why? Because it doesn't work like that. Go outside, meet some people. Don't look for love, just take your opportunities. Find some meetups. Find groups that share your interests. I've even met literal autists find girlfriends in fucking LARPing groups. The only way you're going to find anyone is if you go outside user, it's seriously the only way.



Can't outside. It's commieformia city.

Then move to Arizona, the other California. It's like California, except with no beaches and more conservatives.

Can't, stuck being the only thing keeping my liberal family above red.

Anyways, having figurative autism since I assume all the other guys' profiles read like the back of a chick flick.

Can anyone download the video here: youtube.com/watch?v=RU0SIZPgA-U
Story related: Story related: web.archive.org/web/*/http://fusion.net/story/380291/police-footage-arrest-lawrence-crosby/
The video was altered and reposted.

This comment keeps getting removed from vid. related. Anyone else getting their comments auto-removed on JewTube?:

"Don't be white, don't be Christian, don't be European, don't be Muslim, don't be black, don't be African, don't be Asian, don't be Buddhist, don't be Jewish, don't be Semitic, don't be Mexican, don't be Hispanic, don't be hateful - be human."

drop the app, talk to real girls. then stop being beta and shape them by leading.


Can someone legitimately tell me why there is such a divide between Holla Forums and TRS? Why they are at each others throats? How did this start and why is it perpetuated?

What ever happened to this guy?

back to "your" 4cuck, fag

He's here.

has /polmeta/ always been full of shills?

Just as a part of Holla Forumss user base are shills, a big chunk of leftypol are some shills, bots, and Holla Forumslacks fucking with them. I wouldn't put it beneth them to use bots to bust their ranking

Besides what other anons said, infringing on liberties and privacy, self driving car have a huge problem, and that is unexpexted situtations, like accidents, you can expect a machine to make a moral choice, and no one will admit that they programmed their car to do an ilegal move, so if you're in a self driving car, you will get fucked, when an accident eventualy happens

Now I have a questions, will anons be willing to participate in an argie/pol/ thread? It can by a case study of what could happen to the US, if it goes down the kikes path, see why it turned to a world player to third world shit hole, from a very white country to one filled with shitskins, and finally what can be done to make it great

I'm already the Übermensch of my work place. All the women there are moms and old moms, that's why I want to give the app a try because I'm trapped and tired of not having my own mate. There's "real girls" in liberal cities of commiefuckingfornia? Oh please stop jesting, omega scum.

I want you to explain to me why it is you believe what you believe, or, more accurately, why you are sure that yours are correct and others are wrong.

I'm a Holla Forumsack, just doing this as an exercise in curiosity

Not shaming you, there's lists of info there.


There's a bit more nuance but that's pretty much what I've understood.

Can you guys give me a good reason why Putin banned Holocaust denial and why he's our ally other than being against globalism?

Nobody ever thought he was anything more, lad.
He's an ally of convenience.

I didn't want to make a thread because I fear it might just lead to D+C and arguments over who is white, but what would happen if tomorrow all nonwhites disappeared? I feel like a lot of great things would obviously happen, but would we go to war with each other over all the new vacant land or would we find a way to divide it up peacefully?

How do you effectively argue/debate against people? Bleeding heart leftypol type people ideally, but general population as well.

So if TRS were to stop shilling on Holla Forums, then it would go back to normal relations?

It's about fighting Jewkraine. Read this: tomatobubble.com/ukraine_nationalists.html

I'm looking to commission some artwork for my beer labels. Can't be natsoc or even political. I'd rather pay a NEET Holla Forumslack than someone else. Can't be anime looking and it involves drawing animals. (Several labels to make, all involve animals.) Any drawfags wanna make some money?

Not going to post it, but there's a pastebin floating around that makes it seem like antifa is false-flagging as us for their latest dox.

Heavily redacted google screenshot

But there raises the question…How do you know it was TRS who was shilling? How do you know it wasn't antifa pretending to be TRS, just to stir some shit up?

So this whole rumor about the Russian blackmail of compromising things on Trump was a rumor started by an user and fed to Rick Wilson, which went all the way up the chain, and the entire government were made fucking absolute fools of.

Where is the thread for this? I scoured the catalog and I can't find it, I know it was there somewhere. It had two images in the OP, the second of which was an infographic explaining what happened. I'm trying to find more details on the subject but there's nothing on Holla Forums about it now, which is strange.

I don't understand the logic behind hating the term "black" but pushing for the term "African-American" instead. Some of these people have been in America going back hundreds of years, but according to these schlomos they're still Africans first. If they really want blacks to coexists with us, why push this divisiveness so hard? Call 'em black, expect them to act like Americans first, and perhaps the rest will follow.

*teach them

I picked up guitar and music from seeing jimmy page with a violin bow on an electric guitar.
Sounded sick.

Pity page is a pedo.

Not if you use it for general use. You need other things for secret use.

Content Creation Thread?
Propaganda is powerful so more of us should know how to produce video, audio, and images to spread a message.
Anybody else think a propaganda creation thread would be a good place to discuss a/v editing softwares and techniques, or is there a better place for something like that?

Just make a thread, I could use some GIMP lessons/tricks from more experienced anons.

I've become more comfortable with GIMP than the other ones tbh.

They don't
They want them to replace you

Where can I stream the young pope for free. Fuck the kikes at hbo

I keep hearing that Trump has decieved his followers by breaking every single promise he made before he even took office.

this can't be true, right?
so far he's fone a good job at triggering evreyone and there are still promises for The Wall

why is the holocaust reprogramming course website broken?

All of the racial groups.

So if you put in the following into google, you find url's with that word in it.
allinurl:[word you're looking for] site:youtube.com/watch

example: allinurl:trump site:youtube.com/watch
gets you video related

My question: Why the FUCK is this garbage the only youtube video with trump in it?

the only other result was this:
youtube.com/watch?list=SR{Ivanka Trump Women's Helice2 Sandal}&v=UcdUlbhxo7c
which isn't a proper url get.

also, yes. Kek has many more appearances in youtube urls


How am I doing?


Fuck, sorry.

What is the Bogdanoff meme being spammed?

Thoughts on the Black Cube (also known as the Time Cube to those on here who know not the origin of the "meme") - the cube of Saturn, Pandora's box, Kaaba, the UN Meditation Room, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Hellraiser, Star Trek's "Borg" - etc, etc etc. Etc etc etc :p

The Saturnian death cults are something that are often warned against investigating, never forget "Memento Mori" - remember death. Time is our enemy, time is THEIR enemy, those who want immortality yet have forgotten how to acquire it. They seek technology to do what God and Good deeds (note that GOOD is as close to GOD as a human being can come, if of course, choice of words truly does: Matter) - (Matter, mater, water, mother… two births, born of mother's water and of matter's fire, for those versed in the occult).

Wiccan's and weekend warrior occultists claim the cube has power, I do not disagree. I placed the cube infront of friends before, told them beforehand, I have an object of power. They stared at it for seconds, minutes… stopping only from outside stimulus.

Does the Dark Cube have something to teach us about memetics?

Forgot to mention: Time is their enemy, WHO or WHAT, represents time? Saturn?

Worship of the cube is the worship of the final box we all end up in. Cold, hard, it doesn't care who or what we are, nor does the time cube.

From "The Spear of Destiny" by Trevor Ravenscroft (Pagan fag name if I ever heard it) "The Veil of the Holy of Holies was rent from top to bottom to expose the Black Cube of the Old Covenant which was now split along its edges to open out into the form of a cross."

What would a Holla Forums definition of masculinity be?

Stoic outside the family, and emotionally open within the family?

Show me a cube that isn't man made.
Hexagonal poles don't count.

Agreed, 100%
The cube is a symbol of the UNNATURAL, the seperation of man and nature. Just as the pentagram is an INVERSION of the nature of man (comparing da Vinci's Virtruvian man to the Pentagram).

EXACTLY Brother! The cube is MAN in a natural universe, it is a symbol of man - of confinement and acceptance. The cube IS time… to the "Illumined Ones"

This is similar to the talmudic or kabbalistic concept (i dont remember which) of separating the divine from the material which seems devilish to me.

Precisely - the Sephiroth is simply a cube with a stem coming from the top and bottom (entrance and exit path?).

The star of David is a hexagram, or two dimensional representation of the cube. Fucking crypto-kikes worship Saturn - time - as their God - as they believe in no REAL God.


The ONLY "Natural" cubes I can find for you are "Pyerite" or "Fool's Gold" - considering the importance of Gold in "Alchemy" "turning lead into gold" (which could NEVERRRRR be about the SOUL and NOT the material realm /s) (which ofcourse, makes me believe that Pyerite is some "illumined" trick. Way to deny my belief only to strengthen it.)


you're great and you should feel great.

take a look at the jewish kabbalah. notice something? when you place da'at at the convergence point below keser such as in this occult "qabalah" also attached, the entire structure becomes two stacked cubes. it seems like crowley's ilk were onto something with that one, but as usual, the truth is split apart and hidden amongst varying "conflicting" groups. familiar practice throughout history, it seems. i posted this discovery in another thread but it was well dead by then. maybe you'll find it more interesting.

I… wow.
I WOULD say you might find the Lo Shu Square interesting but you obviously know far more than I do. Time to continue my learning.

Time above time? As above so below? These fools believe they can defy time, existing in a timeline above this? You blew my fucking mind dude.

lurk moar
>> if post is on the same board, >>> if on another board

If I'm using a public restroom, I generally don't like to use urinals because nowadays you never know if some fag is gonna stare at your dick. If they invented urinals that had the full stall doors that would be great, although that might defeat the purpose of having urinals by taking up so much more space. Anyway, if I go into a stall for privacy, then I have to sit down so that it doesn’t look like I’m just taking up a stall to pee (even though that’s exactly what I’m doing). The only other reason is that peeing while sitting is generally quieter, which makes it much less awkward if the bathroom is within earshot of other people.

tl;dr if you’re alone in your own home there’s no reason to pee sitting down

webm related

see a doctor

ZOG = Zionist Occupied Government
GOP = Grand Old Party aka the Republican Party
MGTOW = Men Going Their Own Way


If there were another Ice Age all the shitskins would die because whites are the only people adapted to live in the cold (except eskimos but they arent really relevant)

expansionism, colonization, land grabbing. Probably be lots of people leaving white countries to start new ones or just live innawoods.

You have to first determine whether someone is actually capable of using logic to arrive at conclusions. Unfortunately, logical reasoning is a learned behavior which most people never actually learn. All the facts and evidence in the world wont do you any good with a SJW who will just refuse to acknowledge it. It is a much more productive effort to teach people to use logic in the first place; they can then arrive at logical conclusions on their own.


what do you think?

pic related

an interesting passage comes to mind from the preface to Dion Fortune's book, Mystical Qabalah. while i don't have a copy here to write it out exactly, she says that through meditation and study anyone can come to the real meaning of a truly magical symbol without any external help. to me, that suggests that the underlying message is rather simple in nature, considering how her wording was EXACT meaning, and everyone knows from talmudists that even closely tied scholars of the same religion will debate the tiniest things.

and really, what's more simple than a cube?

i don't know any more than you do, user. in my youth i was tempted by occultism as many others are and fell into the rabbit hole of the qabalah. little did i know that one day i'd be donning it as a weapon in the eternal struggle against the jews.

Exactly as I have been saying in

These faggots have had SIX THOUSAND PLUS, years to study the universe, God and how man fits into it. You think they are idiots or powerless? That only makes you the fool.

They have power we cannot yet fathom, it is time to turn it around on them. Memetics is just the beginning.

So, I ask again - what does the black cube have to teach us about Illumination?

the black cube seems to me to be a red herring, or at least a sub symbol. the black cube is publicly presented, such as the kaaba which ~2 million people take pilgrimages to visit every year. it's the outward face. and it is decidedly so; the ominous coloring and the sharp defined edges give it a sense of permanency and secrecy of what's within.

now juxtapose that against the crypto-cubes like the star of david or the kabbalah. these are transparent cubes; the kabbalah cannot even be seen as a cube without acknowledging this transparency. this seems to be the "truth" cube, or at least a "more true" cube. those who see only the black cube are doomed to always wonder what's within. those who see the transparent cube can gaze within, but are still on the outside.

the logical third step here would be, to actually enter the cube. but what exactly is it? heaven, paradise, another dimension? something indescribable and unimaginable most likely. there might not be words to explain it even if one understood. but the transparent cubes seem to be the first step in the right direction up the tree, literally and figuratively.

If the cube is defined as "Time" (as its relation to Saturn/Chronos, etc) - as well as it's Greek origins in Pandora's box (which retained Elpis "Hope" - or "Expectation" - then Enter the Cube would be to ride the waves - as hippies might say - may mean more than we think.

Ride the waves God made and maybe you'll end up on an island…? Maybe?

The cube always contains some sort of hidden knowledge. The question is who put that knowledge there and why is it important to the beholder.

crowley thought the same thing, practically.

ultimately, is that aspect really important? if i showed you an excellent oil painting and didn't know who the artist was, would it be any less great of a painting?

knowledge and the truth is always important.

and yes i do notice the contradiction in my two points but i stand by both of them. maybe it wouldve been better to say, "is the creator of the knowledge important right now?"

More importantly: WHY the cube? Why not any of the other shapes? Other anons are quick to discard the meaning of Saturn's hexagonal pole as two dimension representation, but if language means anything - then Saturn and Satan - Good and God being so similar, are unlikely to be a coincidence, especially when considered in light of modern scientific discovery.

So very true, which is what vexes me about /pol - quick to blame the kikes, slow to adopt their super powers.

I honestly don't know nor care if aliens, demons or interdimensional annunaki ruled or created this world, we shall always know nothing until the power structure is unraveled.

The creator of such knowledge WOULD be unimportant - the knowledge itself however, would be "golden" and VERY applicable to our current goals. This is why I advocated stealing Kike martial arts or appropriating the memetic gravity of the black cube.

The Cube is a thing of great evil. Rabbis wear tiny Black Cubes called a "tefillin" in prayer, Muslims go to worship the giant Black Cube "Kaaba", and the Christian Cross is just an unfurled Cube.

It is the prison that Yaldabaoth - God of Abrahamism - the Defiler, the Usurper, uses to imprison the Old Gods. If you are an Abrahamist, your soul will be imprisoned in the Black Cube.

tl;dr: The Black Cube of Tetragrammaton/YHWH/El/El Elyon/El Shaddai/Moloch/Saturn/Yaldabaoth works the same way as the Seal of Solomon, except with Gods and Abrahamist Souls instead of Goetic Demons.

Thanks for more research terms!

Does the Ars Goetia manage to link the Saturnian Cube to Jahbulon of the Freemasons?


know anything about math? does squaring the circle mean anything to you? for thousands of years this stumped mathematicians. it's a deceptively simple problem that was impossible with the tools of the time. maybe on some level the "evil" of the cube can be traced back to this problem, and how the pure and easy to accurately draw circle (with use of a compass) resisted transformation into a square of the same area.

The celtic cross wouldn't make a Cube. I think that's a bit of a stretch.

t. agnostic

A cube is inherently artificial, a construction entirely of man. What is satanism, if not replacing god with man?

Squaring the circle - funny how the exoteric translates so cleanly to the esoteric - especially at younger ages.

Celtic cross is a representation of the 4 seasons, if I remember correctly… - time, time time time. Chronos. Saturn. TIME.

See: attached.
Coincidence can only take logic so far.

Yes it does.

Is the "Republicans didn't protest Obama after his election in 2008 and 2012" meme real? If yes, to what extent? Was there a centrally-planned blockade of rallies combined with media silence, or were the Republicans actually this cucked that none dared to lift a finger?

Meant to say anti-Obama protests.

Any hints for muh crusade fam?

Mainstream republicanism was conciliatory as fug since october of 2008 they'd known they had no chance. The only real backlash of the early obama years was the Tea Party movement and the GOPe fought that like the devil itself. Contrast that with the left, where all the principal figures in the post-hillary world, Cummings, Warren, Booker, are all marching lock-step with the far-left, singing the illegitimate president line.

Please drop some hatefacts into the comments here: user.to/?http://evanstonnow.com/story/public-safety/bill-smith/2017-01-11/76686/police-release-video-of-arrest-that-led-to-suit

Is it possible to get non-jewed carbonated water?

Is it true that Mein Kampf has parts where Hitler literally just talked about what ever was on his mind?
Like I heard that there existed parts of Mein Kampf where Hitler just talked about boxing and pugilism and in no way relates it to the actual book. Is any one this true?

Also what is the best unjewed and linguistically accurate English version of Mein Kampf? I've heard the argument that Mein Kampf can only truly be understood when read in its original German but I know very little German and do not plan to expand my knowledge of the language any time soon.
also are there any modern copys that look bad ass like pic related?

How do I learn to make infographics? I mean clean, professional-looking ones, not just something slapped together in Paint. Is there a particular software Holla Forums recommends? Maybe a step-by-step guide?



Do redpilled dago's have a place in post victory murica

i've gave this a sleep and thought about it, and come to the conclusion that the compass is holy. plato thought so:


remember that the symbol of freemasonry (attached) is the compass on top, and the square on the bottom. the compass is the holy, the square is the unholy. their combination through squaring the circle is the mathematical equivalent of "as above, so below."

some more interesting tidbits from that page (referencing attachments 2 and 3):

in my opinion they are one in the same. that which the commoners are allowed to know is a piece of that which the masters realize is the real truth of the universe.

Isn't he NRx? Those NRx guys were all faggots, trannies, and complete scum. Glad that fad seems to have finally died out.

The Celtic Cross is the symbol of the earth. The number four is the number of the earth.

Have you ever read "Reign of Quantity and the Sign of the Times" by René Guenon? He wrote something exactly like this. The entire thesis of the book is that we are in the end times, the final age. With this is the move from quality to pure quantity. One chapter was on "from sphere to cube" and he wrote how reality had becoming more cubic rather than spherical. He associated the cube with quantity and the sphere with quality (iirc, it has been a while since I read it). This fits with the compass and square idea here.

no i have not user, thank you for the suggestion. happen to have a pdf? if not i'll look for a physical copy.

yfw we could have had an all-white LotR if it weren't for this (((faggot)))

What the fuck happened to the last Federal Reserve protest user? Is he arrest? Is he kill? pls come back ;_;

What happened to Osama bin Laden, actually?

Looking for a video with some guy explaining the NWO and globalism. How we ended up in a stale mate and to fix this the idea was to make the commies more capitalistic and the capitalists more commie.

It is some black and white video from the 50s or 60s idk and the one who was talking about this was on Jonestein not long ago.

Source? He wasn't just a scapegoat good goy the writers/producers made out to be the "hero"?

Might have been one of the Yuri Bezmenov videos. YouTube him and see what you think.

No not yuri.
It was some burger who explained NWO/Globalism shit in the ~60s.
Very well spoken and normalfag friendly.

Sorry, not familiar with that one. Can't even think of who it might have been either I'm afraid.

Both of then would occur. Most people will leave the white countries to create more countries. That will make world even more interesting.

(already embedded)

Found it!
Saw it on Holla Forums and watched like 10 mins of it.

we all know that blue haired blonde eyed masterrace is what Holla Forums likes, but what is your opinion about having gray eyes?

Pic related, somewhat like that but with more green in the center.

Should the slavery be legal? I think so for the permanent punishment.

grey is essentially blue.

going off on a tangent here, my idea for masterrace/purity is:
light coloured eyes > dark coloured eyes
light skin > dark skin
pink nipples > brown nipples

hair colour open to any natural colour. I can't even decide on what I prefer personally and I doubt you can either.

Guys what's the truth about climate change

Is there a more up-to-date 2017 version of this spreadsheet?


I was actually surprised that he was the only kike they squeezed into the main cast

No. slavery creates dependence, both in the slave and in the slaveowner. And enslaving your own people is inherently un-volkish. If someone is deemed to be a liability to society at large, then they should just be executed; that's much more honorable than slavery.

Dick size doesn't matter, if you meet a girl who thinks that, she's a whore, and should be dumped immediately.

There are PLENTY of other items that can be inserted vaginally for pleasure.

No, it's not worth it to potentially fuck up years of work and dedication just so that Sally-Jo will cry a little, go home and smoke a bowl and forget about it. You're already proving how much better than them you are by being successful and having plans and goals and achieving them.

But if he doesn't practice Jewery, why claim he's a Jew? Besides, it's passed on through the mother, not the father, so even in the view of other Jews I doubt they'd consider him an authentic jew.

I've got a question I've been wondering about lately if anyone can direct me toward a source to check for answers.

We all know by now that the bulk of the horror stories blamed on the German Nat Soc Party are nothing more than (((propagandist))) lies and its easy enough to find sources that lay out the true story with a bit of targeted research.

That said one infamous individual I've haven't heard mentioned is Josef Mengele. The stories told about the man and his supposed misdeeds are so overblown and ridiculous that frankly I find it shocking that more normies don't stop to question the validity of the narrative surrounding "der Todesengel."

Unlike many other subjects associated with the time period however I have yet to come across a single reliable source that makes mention of the good doctor as anything more than a hated butcher.

Any suggestions on where I might be able to find out more about who Dr. Mengele really was and the truth of his role in the war effort?

Black hair > blond > red > brown


I saw some diary entry or letter of recommendation or something of one of his contemporaries saying how he was the kindest and sweetest man he had ever met. Other than that I haven't heard him mentioned from either side much so I guess the "Angel of Death" is just a minor character in the greater narrative.

Does anyone have the archive for the Histrical European Martial Arts thread we had a while ago? I would be very grateful and share rare memes.

Does someone have the archive for the Historical European Martial Arts thread we had a while ago? You'd help a redpill-dispensing user.

Any reliable search engines besides Jewgle?


Why did Alt-Right become "every right leaning person I disagree with"? I lean more religious right and I get accused of being a secret alt right shill

do natural wage increases as a result of supply and demand contribute to inflation?

Should we bring back corporal punishment?

Anyone have that speech on the proposed budget freeze given a while ago? The one with the ridiculously over-bloated "studies" and all that. With sources, ideally.

Is she even sapient? Or is she a pack of lemmings in a human-suit?

Can I get some good reads on the Angles, the Franks, and the Saxons?

There's a chance that I have a tiny drop of Native American blood in me, would there be some kind of 1/8th rule for people like me?

why do these "Trump is a kike puppet" shills expect us to believe that they're all just oldfags who were totally here for the whole election but just never spoke out against the "ebil Trump-supporting redditors"? Have they really not learned by now that we're not stupid enough to fall for that?

r/ing traditional Norse symbols for a happy marriage or family, or other things that are good luck for newlyweds.

Any movies that aren't cucked or Holla Forums approved?

Guys, is it normal to re-watch election night coverage and get a raging boner?

What type of h'white is the woman with dark hair in this pic?


Bad wording. Compass is spiritual/intellectual, and the square is physical/terrestrial.
They're both "holy" in a sense, but they refer to different perspectives.

Unsure. I think she looks a little more eastern/northern but not full slav

Anyone else get really bad dreams about Russia?
I wonder because I'm /x/
First I had a nightmare about Russians torturing a man for robbing a bank, refusing to kill him, on live TV. Then the torturer took him to his place where he fed drugs that caused the man's eyes to deform into a square of bug teeth, immense pain… then a drug that caused his face to just melt off. The man rolled into the water and it caused all his skin to melt away… he walked around, pink fleshy head, exposed head muscles and said "please kill me" and the Russian man laughing shot him twice in the back of the head.
That was enough to scare me to never rob a bank.. then the next horror came:
Uppity and troublesome young boys for the Russian political elite who protect their families…. have their hearts ripped out.. and the surgeons, to keep the boys "alive", let a little package/tea bag of flesh, a pouch, heal where the kids heart should have been. So these boys become like zombies, with ribless chests and they cannot do anything that requires a lot of activity, because they literally don't have the heart to be able to pump the blood fast enough.
That was it. My nightmare. I wanted to puke at that point.

How do you get those color IDs that you sometimes see in screen caps?

You need to purchase an Holla Forums+ account

Does anybody have any experience with quitting vidya cold turkey?

I'm looking for a pic of a bunch of wojaks marching with great coats and rifles with a flag that says TFW NO GF. Does anyone have it?

Can you provide me with some handy medical URLs that are anti-whoredom and pro-monogamous marriage (e.g. journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0045592)?

I've already got quite a few, just wondering if I could add some to my list.

DO NOT DO IT user.

Nobody in their right mind would hire a 17 yo (no offense) for that job, especially at that pay.

I use startpage and ixquick.eu. DuckduckGo is shady but usable.

do it, nothing could possibly go wrong

just imagine the pussybilities, you work your ass off for decades and after that he will give you his beautiful young daughter to your lifeless slave hands to populate the earth with retarded half-bred chinks.

Is interest inherently evil, or just how it's applied?

I may be living on it soon, and I have extremely mixed feelings on the matter.

Will the Balkans ever be non-shitholes?
Will Slavs eventually become white?

Hey guys really fucking weird question here.
So I have been dating this one girl for a few months now and I really liked her. We haven`t had sex yet. The other day after a date she really wanted to and well I found out that she was a tranny. So I tried not to appear like a shithead or anything but I left and thought about the last couple of months. So now I am here and I am wondering what the fuck I should do? I know I shouldn't be with the tranny but if I don't it feels like the last couple of months have been a waste. Plus he/she/it whatever wants to be me with me for a long time. I don't know how to feel guys, I feel like if this person was an actual woman I would have found the perfect person for me. Please help me out guys.

Fuck you.

Will you ever stop with the D&C?
Will mods ever do their jobs?

But the Balkans are, objectively, a shithole. Not to mention their only export to Europe are criminals.

I missed the Computer Security thread we had. Could someone share, please?

Don't do something against your better judgement simply because of how much time has been placed behind it. The reason this person comes off as the perfect person is because they are a man; he may be pumping himself full of hormones, he may be mentally ill as hell, but he knows what men want.

And that's the problem. Men know what men want; however that doesn't mean that a romantic relationship is supposed to come of it. The company of men is meant for camaraderie, not romance.

Aside from the thousands of reasons that dating a tranny is bad for your mind and for your people, consider this normie explanation of why this isn't a good thing:

You were dating this person for months, and you only JUST NOW found out that they were not the person they said they were. They were presenting themselves as a woman falsely to you because it knows that it would have been rejected otherwise. Aside from that pointing to their sick fetish of tricking straight guys into fucking them, this also shows a very, very deep rooted psychological insecurity. Why didn't they tell you? Why would they let this go on for not a week, but for MONTHS before telling you? Why would they deliberately keep you in the dark about something that is arguably very very important? If you want kids and this person tricked you into falling for them, you should be angrier than anything. They tricked you. They lied to you. They mislead you.

You may not see it now, but that WILL become a theme. If they are so insecure that they had to trick you into getting your heart attached to them what ELSE could they be hiding from your view? What other problems are they keeping hidden from you that could majorly impact the relationship?

Dump it, user. You deserve way better than that.

Yeah I know but it feels really hard ya know? Like I almost feel a bunch of regrets because this person was great until this. But you're right I will dump the tranny, I am going to try and end things on a non-terrible way because we have a lot of mutual people we know so yeah this will be hard, but thanks user.

Good stuff, user. I understand what you are going through, it's always hard, especially when you get attached to someone; I can promise you that it will be for the better; ending on neutral or amicable terms is the best way for these things. Just remember; if they try to cling be firm; this is for the sake of you and your well being.

Women are shite, but there are some half-way decent ones out there; nab yourself a keeper and guide her to the light. You can do this.

A short while ago there was a thread where some user got a hold of the guy who wrote "shadilay" Guy asked writer "what does shadilay mean?" I never saw the answer. Did anyone see the answer?

Post a pic Hillay's room being reduced with light panels to hide how few people attended the meeting.

russian. look at writing on bench.

Question for anons out there who are financialy wise:

I have around $27k and l want to use it wisely. Preferably to invest it and get a relatively quick and positive return on it. I've thought about investing some in real estate (like flipping houses) but l would need to find other people l trust, with more money than l do. Any suggestions?


You're practically correct, it all started with central banking being introduced.



I rarely find good counter-arguments to my positions from anybody (those positions to which I find a counter-argument, I change them sooner or later). After being BTFO the first couple of times from Holla Forums, years of empirical rhetorical practice and focus on skepticism from my leftist years made me transform my argumentative powers from trying to counter legit right-wing/third-positionist questions (with logically ineffective walls of text) to having to deal with them as they are.

I of course realize this doesn't mean that someone with a certain worldview BTFOing plebs is an achievement or proof of the worldview's truth, though, so I investigated a lot myself until I came to a point where I couldn't debunk 90% of the Holla Forums worldview. There was when I convinced myself Holla Forums was right.

It is true, Hitler once referenced boxing in MK. Stalag is the only translation approved by the NSDAP, however anons argue it doesn't guarantee its identicality with the meaning of the original. Search >>>/pdfs/ , there are a lot of them there.

You'd have to define it first.

Native American is pretty much original Asian DNA that grew in another climate. You're fine with me either way since 1/8 is negligible, but I don't know how the one-drop autists would respond to this.

Search for Futhark, it's the Norse alphabet.

See pic.

searx.me is where it's at, open-source search engine that's also acceptable.


I don't think there ever was an answer. He didn't respond for a whole lot of time after the meaning of shadilay was asked.

How do I know if I really know what I know?

Was there ever a Bible for Thor worship? How about Kek worship from the Egyptians?

What were the religious text of Europe before the Bible?

I know Caesar annihilated the Druid religion and most of what we know about them is from the writings of Caesar.

Did the same thing happen when the Bible rolled into Europe? Destroying the texts of the former European religions?

Oral traditions user. Books are something urban cultures produce. This is why most pre-christian dieties west of italy are second hand accounts, while we know quite a bit about Quetzocoatl.

Books, large collections of text, are not something semi-nomadic people are capable or wanting to produce, let alone preserve.

This is why I and other anons are concerned chan culture might be lost with our generation. Ours is a psuedo-oral tradition, and half our memes find no refuge in encyclopedias like KnowYourMeme. Our screencaps may survive, but not a story to compel our children to read them, no codec to help them understand our mindset.

Imagine how much better Sumerian would be understood if we knew the tone of a sentence, what was considered sarcasm or sincere. That preface of exposition is what we're missing from our vast archives.

But seriously if there was an analog to the bible you'd hear about it. There are modern inventions, but they all reflect the bible in some part, not having enough source material to stand alone, or mistakenly imitating the strengths of the dessert trilogy.

Oh and about the Kek stuff, by their nature we know next to nothing about ancient mystery cults. All books would be closely guarded, their contents only rumours. It's a miracle we have as much biblical apocrypha as we do, because damn do we know little of mythraism and friends.

One city had some much worship of, even in their time, obscure dieties. This city got sandblasted as the Nile delta changed course. If you would like to find some papyrus on them become a billionaire archeologist and pray hourly.


am i b&? (and if not, why not?)

thanks, I guess?

Is there a single comprehensive guide to eating healthy and general healthy living? A lot of info is scattered all over the web. I want my diet to consist of the healthiest. I also want to eat at least 3000 calories a day, but read that it's best to eat small meals all throughout the day instead of for example three 1000 calorie meals a day.
I'd ask /fit/ but they recommend soy and dairy products, but dairy products I'm not sure if are good or bad there's a lot of misinformation out there.

Something to contribute.
Sitting is the new smoking, instead of sitting for hours and hours, I've made a stand up desk for $20, shit's great and my posture has become a lot better. There are a ton of home made desks you can make, just have to put some more money and time into it, this is as simple and cheap as it gets. Although a standing desk floor mat is essential, without it you can't stand for long periods. I usually stand for 20-30 minutes take a 5 minute break and walk around. The most I stand for is an hour and switch to sitting, because standing all day is also not good for you. We need a new self improvement general.

I want my diet to consist of the healthiest, cleanest and best foods.

Go low carb - you can basically eat what you want on it and lose weight/ be healthy.

Why won't jew or not jew do a page on George Carlin?
Also what are your thoughts on george carlin Holla Forums
Seems he was born jew then went the atheist path

I'm working on a project and I'm having a bit of trouble perfecting the tone of one of the characters. He is meant to represent a hyperbolic, twisted version of nihilistic stoicism, someone dismissive of any value in the world or investment in worldly experience due to the inherent impermanence of all things as well as the seemingly infinite malice born in the hearts of men. The problem I've been having is that the farther along my own path I get, the harder it is for me to call up that sort of mindset and write from that character's perspective. So, I was wondering if I might employ the greatest philosophers and charlatans around to stir up my dormant memories with impressions of that childishly exaggerated nihilism with which I think many might be familiar at least in passing. In the form of a question: Would you be so kind as to give me your thoughts on topics such as life, death, immortality, the meaning or meaninglessness of life, society (especially the empty society of modernity), individuality, or whatever else one might rant about with the ideals of hyperbolic nihilism? Over the top, trite, concise or verbose, chuuni as fuck; I'm looking for inspiration on how to deepen the flaws of a character so don't hold back even your most pathetic or idiotic ideas.

I use a mobile shitposting device and I think the way the internet works on a phone is similar to a VPN. My ID changes pretty often and I'm constantly getting banned for posts I didn't make. Is there a way to remedy this? Any one else have this problem?

It's called a dynamic IP.
Every time you connect to the internet via mobile hotspot, you are assigned a new IP from a list.

If you find that you're banned, reset the hotspot (disconnect and reconnect).
If you don't want your IP to change, always have it connected (though this is retarded for obvious reasons).

Where is closest to being what Holla Forums aims to be? I just want to be left with my fellow germanic folk. No betas, no numales, just pure folk to the core. I meet people that have a love for the third reich ideals but turns out they are just race mixing trash 99% of the time.

I want to say Alaska but now my thoughts are veering opposite of what I felt. Is white society truly dead?

you create it

Was Pablo Escobar actually a bad guy or did he want to make Colombia great again?

Bump for this question here.

r/ing suggestions for baby gifts for Holla Forumsacks. So far I'm thinking these teethers are nice.

Just dropping kike pences mason signalling

Saturan have million trapped souls in the top pole. I guess that explain why the sound is so creepy.

Might not be Holla Forums related but there is a pattern i have noticed that worries me. Could not think of a better place where to ask this.
Anyone else has noticed the sudden mumb-jumbo of IP locations? Is it some consipracy? As i have noticed ok /k/, Floida now appears as Canada and Latvia appears as Germany. I get that service providers are trying to get more IPs because they are running out, but come on. I am affected by this too, because i am the Latvian that appears ar Germany now.
2017: the year internet became mixed up?

Where the fuck do I get a reproduction of the 3rd German Reich battle flag? I looked it up and all I can find is originals that cost a fortune. Does nobody make any replicas?

i've submitted it several times

p zg.biz/flags_nazi.htm
has one for 25$ + shipping

Bumping this question

What game you play? There is nothing to play. Videogames are so bad.. last time I played a good one was.. what.. Quake 3 Arena… 20 years ago

Bullshit. You would know from first time you see him he is a tranny. Whatever. If you like him, make him suck your cock like you sex pet and meanwhile search for a real woman.


Triple Nine

There is no natural wage increase.

Hillary + Marxist institutions.

Bing. Yandex.

shieeet, that's fairly cheap, cheers user

Stop doing that. Your habits are the predecessor of your thoughts which are the predecessor of your actions.

Every thought of porn you make is further cementing the habit of thinking about porn. If you want to stop thinking about porn, just do aphorisms by saying, "I reject that thought" or "I banish that thought". Say it with genuine emotion (best if out-loud) and turn your attention to your immediate surroundings, sensations or whatever you were focusing on before.

It's hard at first and the same thought will come back a dozen times the first few days, but after a few days the bad thoughts will vanish on the first command. It was shocking when it happened to me.

TL;DR when any thought pops into your head, ask yourself if you accept or reject it. Your thoughts control your habits and vice verca. Control your thoughts to control your habits to control yourself.

Through discipline comes freedom.

Have anyone meet Natt Danelaw in the real life?

The what isn't what I play that's important, it's why. I play with friends and it's pretty much the only socialization I do outside of shitposting. But I spend hundreds of dollars a year so we all have something to do and I'm to a point where I don't play alone. If I try to play by myself I just sit there with a controller in my hand for a few minutes and then just get on Holla Forums while I wait for my friends to show up. They're all bluepilled so it's hard to connect on anything other than a superficial level. I don't know. I enjoy the company of my friends but lately I've been thinking about if I could just sell all my gaming shit and buy something that matters like a gun or a gym membership. I'm not really out of shape but I guess working out beats sitting at home all day.

I dunno. Just venting I guess. It does seem like it'd be really hard to do because it's my daily routine and old habits die hard. If anybody has ever dropped gaming I'd appreciate the advice is all

It's clearly evident you don't even like gaming, it's only used for socializing. So find other places to socialize. Be chatty in the gym, people get real friendly with the oxytocin high from working out. Go to where you would find people with similar hobbies or views like the gun range. Even going to board game nights and chatting people up, I made my best friend there and we haven't touched board games since then, it was just to meet people.

Go to places you want to go to, or your IDEAL you go goes to and say hi to 5 random people every time you go. Don't be a faggot, do it. Talk about the intimidate environment, what their plans are for the weekend or compliment something they have. If they say something tangible, relate it back to something in your life. You can also continue conversation by asking a quesiton and then "grounding" it by explaining why you're asking or why it's kinda important to you.

Even if you spaghetti, remember you get better each time you remember what went wrong and vow to not repeat it. Raise that charisma stat, hombre.

t. someone who paid for PUA socializing shit

*Ask the question, ground it, then ask it again slightly different.

Where can I find Holla Forumsack musicians?

What is the most redpilled military force?

A helicopter.

lel, I was banned for 4 weeks for pointing this out. Based Heil unbanned me though

bismuth crystals have spiral-cubes

/r/ing that cap of a post concisely explaining the bundy standoff

That's cool cube.

Is there any way (is it worth it) to debate someone who is cynical? I tried today, for example, I said total legalization of drugs degrades societies, one example is that kids who grow up with parents who are drug addicts will have a worse off childhood. he just responded that he doesn't care about the kids at all.(he also doesn't believe that there should be any laws, no culture, just do what you want as long as it doesn't kill someone else) so is there any way to win a debate with these people?

That's a hard pill to neutralize.
Start with pushing him on where his limit for aggression is. Ie: he clearly seems to hold human life as valuable or else he wouldn't have that "as long as" statement, get him to find quality of life to be valuable as well. That shouldn't be too difficult (he might agree right off the bat), but it probably will require a debate all on it's own if he's not immediately on board.
From there, it becomes a debate about what system ensures the greatest quality of life for its people.

Probably not. Some people are much easier to sway than others so it's worth trying.

What was the original Current Year?

I don't really think it's worth trying to debate them. They're that apathetic that they'll just take the easy answer every time -

It's similar to arguing with AnCaps who can't see that a society based around the NAP won't fly when said society is multiethnic.

An ex-army faggot that I know got some selfies from a friend overseas in Switzerland of a bunch of shit getting loaded onto an Iranian airlplane and claims he saw Hillary Clinton getting on board. His friend that sent the pictures said the local rumor was that Hillary was fleeing…to Iran of all places.

This story sounds like autistic boomer fantasy but has anyone heard about her leaving the U.S.?

Check out the 4 hour body by Tim Ferriss.

That book is basically the reason I put on muscle.

How many businessmen are on the Holla Forums?

its called bismuth check it out

Does anybody have the pic of the guy that posted here a while back in full nazi garb?

It was in a Holla Forumsfa thread, he had a noose on the wall too.

pic unrelated


Why did Germany decide invade Poland?

There's a poem, I believe by Kipling, that has a verse similar to "be kind to the anglo's my son" then talks about the anglos characteristics. does anyone know which poem it is?

Whats the meaning of TRS, please?

The Right Stuff.
It's a website that hosts a bunch of alt-kike podcasts.

I saw some user in another thread talking about how Germany made a retarded decision by following Japan into a war with the US even when they were not technically obligated to.
How true is this?


Yup, its good stuff

AFAIK, it was because some ethnically-German communities that lived in polish territory (alongside the border, in territories that were previously German) were being massacred/mistreated, and when the Germans contact the Red Cross (or some other organization) about it, they did nothing.
I've seen some reports about it posted on Holla Forums but, unfortunately, I don't seem to have any at hand, maybe you can search for them yourself or some other user will provide.

how do i get a gf

After WWI at Versaille, the German city of Danzig was cut off by the territory that was given to Poland so that Poland could have a passage to the Baltic sea. The population of Danzig was 95% ethnically German, and Hitler wanted it back.
Poland refused to come to terms with Hitler (his terms were quite generous) - if Warsaw would permit the reunion of Danzig with the Reich and consent to Germany's building of an extra-territorial motor road and railway line across the corridor, Berlin would leave Warsaw in control of the economic and railway facilities in Danzig and guarantee Poland's frontiers. Hitler wanted an alliance with the Poles to take on the Russians.
Stupidly, the British had given the Poles a war guarantee with promise to come to Poland's aid should Germany invade. Poland, feeling overconfident with the war guarantee, refused to deal with Hitler whatsoever despite the British urging Poland to come to terms with Hitler's generous offer. Hitler delivered an ultimatum that if Poland wouldn't come to terms, he would invade to take back Danzig. So began WWII.

My source is 'Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War', which doesn't describe the treatment of the Danzigians at the hand of the Polish which from what I've read on here wasn't very pleasant. Anyone with other book recommendations on this subject, let me know


Alright, so here's a question:
Has Trump announced a trip to Israel? When's he supposed to go to the wall?
That event will be ripe for screencaps/oc

HEY Holla Forums
does the heptagram have anything to do with the thule society, or nat soc?

I came across a post and it mentioned how jews have hanging earlobes and bat like ears and I noticed that Hitler has similar ears. I'm wondering, is he part jew? Also his eyes are the slightest, slightest bit similar to some jews I've seen. Are those features a distinct jewish trait?

if i wear this milsurp coat to college will it make me look like an autist

Depends what you wear it with and what the weather is. Also if you look/sound/act like an autist already then it won't help your case.

Yes. What the fuck?

If we all come from "Afrika" how do evolutionary scientists explain "native" americans, aboriginals etc?

Keep in mind that he was reading VENONA reports bit couldn't mention them. He was right on the money and was a damn hero.

Once the VENONA documentation was released this was obvious to anyone with their eyes open, but it was highly covered up.

Ann Coulter's Treason which has a solid discussion, or Venona: What my father didn't know. Are both good. The Venona papers themselves are also good.

Relatively native, user. Aboriginals are just niggers who went through Asia into Oceania, you can see some facial similarities with some Filipinos, and the "native" Americans are the same, niggers who went through Alaska into the Americas. That's how (((their))) theory is, anyway.