
Are you #readyforTrump?

Here's how it works:
1. Find a picture of someone posing or preferably taking a selfie with a gun and meme it up.
2. Get #readyforTrump trending.
3. Wait for idiot felons (mostly spics and nogs) to post evidence of themselves illegaly possessing a firearm.
4. Report this to local, state, and federal law enforcement.
5. Hope that this also wakes a few people up in regards to how violent the left is as useful idiots will unironically say that they're ready for a revolution.
6. Profit.

Kek vult

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but are you #readyforRAHOWA

Not a twitterfag but bump

I like this idea.


This meme won't work as intended.

We got the FBI and Secret Service to investigate people during the primaries.


"When she began crying, a second agent who was dressed in a CrossFit T-shirt, said she 'needed to show more respect.'"

I'll also so add that this would cause a lot of false positives for the SS to spend resources on which could potentially obscure an actual threat. Shit meme OP.

The best part of this meme is the multi-purpose. Baiting them for felony possession whilst simultaniously riling them up for armed civil disobedience, which will surely end up with them shot or inprisoned.

Using their inferior intelligence against them is just such a white devil thing to do. I love it. Great idea OP

party van in 30

The SS can't investigate everybody. They have to divide their resources amongst all of the reports. This has the potential for negative consequences.


This could lead to many false positives, which ties up SS resources that they could be using to catch actual threats. I don't think the OP had malice in mind, but he should meme responsibly.

I wonder if the agents enjoy doing this.

What negative consequences do you think there could be other than SS resources being tied up (which is why I say to contact multiple agencies to spread out the load) or niggers and soros hires chimping out like they would anyway?

Biggest danger IMHO. If I knew for a fact that other LE orgs would pick up the slack, I would be for it. Problem is that the SS might be on their own for the most part, especially in liberal states with hostile local LE. I just don't want any chance of a (((danger))) slipping through the cracks due to our memeing.

Imagine waking up every day knowing that you will make a liberal cry.

Secret service shitposting confirmed.

nope, this wouldn't tie the SS unless a mongroid posts clear intention to act stupidly
this would merely bring some action for local cops on their donnut run when they get info that a local felon posted a selfie with a forbidden illegal dangerous meanie gun

Also, remember the Secret Service aren't pretty cool guys like the Schjtzstaffel SS. Trump would probably be better off trusting first in his own security detail. Not like they are going to over extend themselves anyways.

why is that uzi barrel so long?

does poke his asshole with it?

the barrel has to be 18 inches

But why?

its an SBR otherwise and has to be tax-stamped and registred


private purchases are legal and the firearm doesnät go against federal firearm laws, i doubt that black market niggers wouldn't take a hacksaw to the barrel before selling and charge extra

