Oy Vey Goyim, Our University Researchers Say "Fake News" Will Make You Cynical About (((Our News)))
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Did a double take there.
Nice to see that SJW bullshit has infested the engineering faculty at UW
Also, checkem
They are fucking scrambling to put the narrative back together.
Hmph. All that pro-global warming bullshit without including any work off the scientists that shit all over it must be fake news.
Thank fuck anons found this. I thought it was gonna get slid into oblivion.
They gotta know that a lot comes from places like Holla Forums and you know for damn sure they're studying us.
We're a dagger in the night
We're under the microscope by intelligence agencies and (((thinktanks))). Normie professors and the like have no fucking clue though.
Too bad they can't decipher anything we say.
this comes across as so forced.
how fucking retarded are these (((people)))? this fake news bullshit might have worked in 2007 but holy fuck talk about underestimating us. i feel insulted.
I'm sure she expands her thinking all the time
Here's the bitch btw
This selfawareness, jesus christ. A lot more of these stupid fuckers should be open minded in a real truth seeking sense instead of a virtue signalling "I'm so open minded, tehe" sense.
We have been divided for a long time and the MSM has been exploiting this for sheckels. All of this shit is fake news, the whole Zimmerman ruse, the wars for Israel, they lied about Trump, fake hate crimes, man made climate change, they even fucking lie about what genders exist. They started it and they dont know how to finish it, its all unraveling faster than they can attempt to sow it back together.
This is a culture war and now you want to cry because you're losing ground. Cry harder cunt, the truth is coming through.
This will blow up in their faces elmer fudd style like everything else lately. Also checked.
I have found no proof that Michael G. Flynn was fired for spreading "fake news". The wikipedia article on him only links to jew York times, ABC and CNN. This is their last ditch and i think they are praying that Trump is not paying attention to pizza gate, which would surprise me.
Does anyone have any proof of disavowing pizza gate from the trump camp?
Oh the irony…
Same shit when people say "Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it" and then they just do exactly what was done in the past and ignore what actually happened in history parroting this stupid shit oblivious to what's actually happening.
I don't like to be misinformed. That's why I get my news straight from reliable primary sources, such as the SPLC.
Sieg what?
Thanks fam
Even in this story they imply that it was as a result of "fake News". I think the media is trying to imply that trump is disavowing the pizzagate stuff when there is only implications, no proof. Fuck they even have the pope talking about fake news. When this story breaks The whole empire will fall and the jews will loose their grasp. I love living in this universe! Its like everyday is better than the last!
How they know that's why Trump let Michael go?
the jews will lose their grasp but we'll be dealing with the samson option (most likely a stock market obliteration). unless these kike fucks just give up, beg for mercy and accept sterilizations and forced relocation to madagascar.
Funny because it's true.
Not sure if Trump even fired him, it's possible he resigned:
Extra funny that none of the extermination camps were found in germany proper. Mostly Poland and a few other Soviet bloc countries.
This was the piece of information that turned me from inquiring into the details of the holohoax but not yet being convinced, to full redpill searching out all of the rest of the lies in the official story. Probably because I had already recently been researching into what total pieces of shit Communists are.
Well parts of Poland used to be "Germany proper". Still, it's kinda suspicious that jews from as far as France would be relocated to Eastern Front camps right on the enemy's doorstep using vital locomotives and fuel just to be gassed on arrival.
That Hitler guy sure was wacky!
Well if the "mainstream narrative" turned out to be so utterly, profoundly WRONG, is it any wonder that people are turning to "alternative narratives"? As the libertarian would say: it's the free market in action, baby!
This is desperation
Everything that goes against the narrative is suddenly fake. There was that thread where black crime stats are now considered by jewgle to be fake news. This is going to backfire spectacularly
I guess all those news stories about Hillary being in the lead and having a sure victory was the (((truth)))
What are the effects of LSD on an unborn child?
Holy shit, just ram stars of david straight up my ass.
Welcome to (((their))) counter offensive for losing media control to social media and independent news. It's a pretty dumb move on their point as if it starts people questioning what really is real and fake, their propaganda has just backfired immeasurably as pretty much any MSM is easily recognised as a propaganda network.
They can study us all they want. I just hope they realize when SHTF were going to be the first ones to off them.
Dont give them any ideas user
If they did this there would be actual riots (not Soros' bused-in professional protestors).
Their shadows are made real. They are living the nightmare. The hubris of youth has touched their mortal coil.
S-sieg hall?
hitler trips checked
Oh, I'm having a giggle.
You are only allowed to follow our narrative, goy
I only have one question - can we do anything to push forth? The more people become aware of (((their))) narrative manipulation and creation the better. How do we redpill more normies?
The biggest hurdle to overcome would be the Google bubble and getting Normie's to see outside their forced narrative on social media and search engines.
Welcome, Welcome to 2017
I've seen this pop up a lot. Debunked, fake etc.
But it's not, is it. We have the Podesta emails, and tons of circumstantial evidence that warrants further investigation.
None of the media has even bothered to refute anything, they are just memeing it as a "fake".
Fuck these statist bastards.
but… but I thought it was the Russians!
What the fuck? Wouldn't they be fake news?
The correct objective term would be to call it an internet rumor, not a fake story. It's not like the reporters who are calling it fake have invested time to investigate this whole thing to try to separate facts from fiction and concluded it was fake.
The "Fake News" idea has actually been around for a long time. If you read the EU document "Cities Free of Rumours: How to Build an Anti-rumour Strategy in my City" you'll
see how it was first developed in Barcelona
in 2009 to combat hostility to immigrants.
"Diversity is a reality in Europe today. It enriches European societies and economies but can also be a source of tension and confict. How often do we hear that migrants live of social benefts, do not pay taxes, get favourable treatment from ofcial bodies, overcrowd medical services, lower edu-
cational standards or are not willing to integrate? Such ideas are widespread, but they are not supported by facts and data:
they are merely rumours. Rumours depict specifc groups as trouble-makers and fuel mistrust and social confict, including
discrimination, racism and xenophobia."
"It therefore comes as no surprise that a strategy to fght against misconceptions about diversity frst saw the day in Barcelona,
one of Spains largest intercultural melting-pots."
"It was necessary, therefore, to take action to try to dismantle those stereotypes and rumours. This took the form of an anti-rumour
strategy in June 2010."
"Rumours are statements about individuals, groups or events that spread from one person to another without a determination of their veracity. A rumour is considered credible not because there is direct evidence to support it but because many people
believe it."
The "Anti-Rumour Strategy" was deemed sucessful in Barcelona so was rolled out
in other areas of Spain. At this point enter
George Soros and his "Open Society".
"During 2013 the anti-rumour strategy was adapted to and implemented in four Spanish areas (Fuenlabrada, Getxo,
Sabadell and Tenerife Island), while members of the Spanish Intercultural Cities Network (RECI) linked to the Intercultural Cities programme in a project funded by Open Society."
The strategy was then expanded across 10 cities in the EU over 18 months from
"The goal was to explore whether this new, anti-rumour approach could be adapted to diferent cities around Europe and whether it could have a measurable impact on improving perceptions of diversity at least on a mid-term basis. The C4i project, launched in January 2014, lasted 18 months
until June 2015. The results of its implementation were quite outstanding in all 10 of its partner cities."
The shock to them of the unexpected
victory of Donald Trump means that
they rushed to expand the idea of
an "Anti-Rumour Strategy" into "Fake News".
"Cities Free of Rumours" PDF download
from the Council of Europe:
Whoa I had never heard of that before.
study this
hahahah wut? fake news for years? pure lel
to dark.
you have shit taste user
Wait so Trump fired a guy for telling the truth?
This entire "fake news" narrative is nothing more than the mainstream media attempting to hang on to its monopoly on lying to us.
They simply don't like competition.
Reported for bestiality.
So she studied the "topic" for years and has no idea what's going on. Sounds about right.
Flynn blew his load way too soon. I feel like Trump is trying to be careful until he has the office.
I'll just leave this here:
You only have to visit it once. It appears to simply redirect to /roflbot/ but it's actually setting a no watermark cookie.
How can you study a thing for years that has only been a "thing" for weeks?
>implying someone like (((Starbird))) would be studying actual lying press issues over "wikileaks is fake because muh russia antihillary leaks"
They were pushing immigration in the EU that hard 7 years ago?
The UN did a multimillion dollar study on us.
Gee, it's like the people are a little pissed about being treated like cattle that can't think for themselves.
It's like a real-life Animal Farm!
That is wrong. The creator himself said the "peace" symbol was supposed to represent a kneeling, defeated man but got reappropriated by hippies.
Dude, user, runes do not work that way. It's a fucking shape, and the orientation of a shape does not change the properties of a fucking shape. These aren't tarot cards, this is like engineering. Here, read this book, one of the only good ones ever printed on runes.
Did anyone actually accuse HRC of "running" it?
There's two Flynns, the father and the son. The father will be working every day with Trump and Bannon, not the son.
maybe some braindead retard posted a YT comment about it, and they ran with it. They may also be incapable of seeing how such a culture of pedophilia could even exist, within their compartmentalized views of political structure
This is absolutely classic Talmudic reasoning.
"Rabbi, is up ever really down?"
"Rabbi, when does the Sun come out at night?"
"Rabbi, is there a blessing for a goy?"
"Rabbi, will the meek inherit the Earth?"
Always trying to turn reality upside-down, the Jews. Good thing that stayed inside the Jewish ghettos and never leaked out into a real-world economic or political theory, amirite comrades?!?!?
It's hilarious to watch the news defend themselves
guess our secret club is still in the shadows, boys and girls
It is true. Fake news like CNN, MSNBC, FOX etc have all made me very cynical
what are they going to do when they find out about meme magick lol
but isn't this exactly what the judenpresse does?
oyy veyy
didn't trump take rides on the lolita express with epstein?
10/10 name would birdpost my daughter's name.
Leftists always project.
Is that a weeby depiction of the Clinton foundation in Haiti?
We have no idea why he fired the guy or even if he fired the guy at all.
Don't listen to fake news, user.
the free market fixed it, so now we must abolish the free market.
- t. the leaders of the free world.
this was a pretty good show actually, no degeneracy that I noticed.
Do it.
It's pretty fucked up but the "fake news" angle will completely bury the pedo ring into the memory hole. Also the result of our investigations into it most definitely has resulted in the Clinton gang exterminating every child slave they had and filling the entire Comet Ping Pong basement and underground tunnels with fresh concrete.
Clinton blasts 'epidemic' of fake news
This text is despicable, I'm fucking speechless. But we can use their tactics against them. Do you have any more?
this fake news meme is only a week old and it's already stale, it feels like they're using 20th century tactics in the 21st century and it's just not sticking anymore
Shit, I never saw that one before. That ep of SVU is such a treasure.
Are they even trying anymore?
Got some pictures from that link. Also we need to find the rest of these books.
Nah, Trump banned Epstein from his Florida resort after finding out he was soliciting minors for sex.
Nice try though :^)
rough translation of teaser:
fake news are a trending topic since the US election. after harsh criticism fagbook patented a tool that claims to recognise such "news". does it work? and yet clarification is urgently needed.
smh tbh fam
for the lazy I
for the lazy II
for the lazy III
for the lazy IV ( last one )
I thought the left like the original cuckservitive
It's more than a week old but it's been stale as soon as it's come out
MSM have been trying to parade themselves as the truth when events keep proving them wrong again and again
If the MSM was smart it would recede a little from politics for the time being, and stop being so blatantly false
here is a really good compilation.
currently watching part 2.
It is, they are completely retarded. Nobody buys this shit, especially the "Russian propaganda!!!1!!" I hope they keep pushing it
They need to present what we think is true as false, so all the cucks that bought the cool aid, will continue to have faith in the multicult.
It's good to see that that they're on the back foot.
They've been given such a shock that they're now blubbering about muh constitution. This means that they won't be attempting to push "hate speech" laws themselves.
It's always hilarious to see these chumps try and feign "American values". They're gonna be hiding behind the flag instead of burning it.
Next step is to bring back HUAC so we can have some solid gold moments like this.
The jew on the stand in the video was at the time the head of the Hollywood division of the Communist Party.
wew lad, the gang's all here.
shit band