What are we doing here?
Get sick of pol and the worlds problems
Eh this sort of thread belongs on the other Holla Forums
>>>Holla Forums
>>>Holla Forums
Tfw not larpaganing
You forgot
i like it!
Shes some sort of goddess
Fuck her, then report this thread
This is a motivation thread.
do people still make new boards?
it's a bad one
in a eugenic love of own, sure
but i think what motivates Holla Forums is something else
you have motivated me to report you, there are 2 simultaneous ' motivations threads, and about 5 on women in general.
… Hitlers son?
Going to say, "…hey Nymph, if you say 'Tree Stump' as fast as you can 10 times in a row, you will have learned a new magical spell…".
Youre ruining the thread.
it ruined itself
we anchor now fam ;_;
with that schnozz?
you should have been banned
thanks mods
For what? Tasteful motivation thread? Are you faggots only okay with statue posting or something while repeating "virtue" ovr and over again?
That shit doesn't motivate.
I would support Holla Forums if it were racial nationalist.
what part of multiple threads do you not get?
gas yourself nazbol
motivation thread..? nigger what
Who was the first "slave race" in the Americas?
Probably a Fae. You're in for a magic airplane ride that no amount of degenerate mushrooms could compare too.
Or wiccan shit, which must be countered with the appropriate amount of firm Aryan will.
And dick.
Firey hair, blue/green eyes, pale flesh…your doomed
honest question as a white Ire/Scot (well, "white", no shit, sorry)…Do you "Aryan" consider us "Aryan"?
no. you have hairy buttocks and you wear skirts.
only once, and it was to tag a very German exchange student
You might say blarney a lot, but between the Vikings almost surplanting the scottish genepool and the colonization of Ireland, you're basically Nordic.
better answer
norse make up about 10% of the genetics in the part of scotland where they had the most impact. You can argue about culture, placenames, male lineage, etc. but the genepool isn't really nordic. Ireland I know less about. Let's celebrate diversity (among actual whites).
can do
actually, very beautiful women in my eyes (if they aren't dyed and bleached/powdered to be that way). I married one, so I know (don't let them get fat though).
OP may need to know that some do not consider "us" descendant of Atlantis however…
Sibelius - The Wood-Nymph
Sage and move on, my friend. Sage and move on.